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Amazon Ads

With CData Virtuality, you can work with the Amazon Advertising API which provides a powerful way to automate, scale, and optimize advertising. It gives access to campaign and performance data for Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, enabling programmatic access to campaign management and reporting.

For more detailed technical information, please refer to the Amazon Ads documentation.

How to Connect

There are two ways to connect to Amazon Ads: via the Sources connection wizard in the Web UI (recommended), or using SQL statements in the CData Virtuality Studio or the Code Editor in the Web UI. Here, we describe the first way; for the second way, see the subpage.

1. Go to the Sources tab and click + New Source:

New Source.png

2. Find the Amazon Advertising button in the list of connectors or type ‘amazon’ in the search field and select it:

Screenshot from 2024-05-11 23-37-13.png

3. Enter the data source name, select your region from the drop-down list, click Login with Amazon, and follow the instructions:

Screenshot from 2024-05-11 23-37-57.png


The Amazon Ads API connector introduces a new virtual schema amazon_ads that contains the stored procedures listed below. Please refer to the subpages for more information.

In addition to these public API procedures, there is the amazon_ads_examples virtual schema that shows an exemplary usage of the public API: 

If not needed, you can delete all the example views directly by dropping amazon_ads_examples.

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