Awin Advertiser API
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_
in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
List of accounts you have access to
<target_table> (optional): The table to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multitenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
userId | string | User ID |
accountId | integer | ID of the account, as known from the frontend URLs |
accountName | string | Programme name for an advertiser and company name for a publisher |
accountType | string | Can be either publisher or advertiser |
userRole | string | The role your user account has for the account |
CREATE VIEW awin_examples.example_Accounts AS
CALL awin.Accounts ()
) x;;
List of your individual transactions (for advertisers)
<accountId> (optional): Account ID
<accountId_table> (optional): Table name with account id data
<initial_date> (required): Earliest datetime to retrieve data
<end_date> (optional): Latest datetime to retrieve data
<ids> (optional): List of transaction Ids
<daysToRedownload> (optional): Number of days for redownload
<dateType> (optional): Default: transaction
<timezone> (optional): Europe/Paris, Europe/London, Europe/Dublin, Canada/Central, Canada/Eastern, Canada/Mountain, Canada/Pacific, US/Central, US/Eastern, US/Mountain, US/Pacific, UTC
<publisherId> (optional): Optional, available for advertisers
<advertiserId> (optional): Optional, available for publishers
<status> (optional): approved, declined, deleted
<target_table> (optional): The table to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Transaction Id |
url | string | URL |
advertiserId | long | Advertiser Id |
publisherId | long | Publisher Id |
siteName | string | Site Name |
commissionStatus | string | Commission Status |
commissionAmount | bigdecimal | Commission Amount |
commissionAmountCurrency | string | Commission Amount Currency |
saleAmount | bigdecimal | Sale Amount |
saleAmountCurrency | string | Sale Amount Currency |
clickDate | string | Click Date |
transactionDate | timestamp | Transaction Date |
validationDate | string | Validation Date |
type | string | Type |
declineReason | string | Decline Reason |
voucherCodeUsed | boolean | Voucher Code Used |
voucherCode | string | Voucher Code |
lapseTime | bigdecimal | Lapse Time |
amendReason | string | Reason To Amend |
oldSaleAmount | string | Old Sale Amount |
oldCommissionAmount | string | Old Commission Amount |
clickDevice | string | Click Device |
transactionDevice | string | Transaction Device |
publisherUrl | string | Publisher Url |
advertiserCountry | string | Advertiser Country |
orderRef | string | Order Ref |
customParameters | clob | Custom Parameters |
paidToPublisher | boolean | Paid To Publisher |
paymentId | long | Payment Id |
transactionQueryId | long | Transaction Query Id |
originalSaleAmount | string | Original Sale Amount |
Create View awin_examples.example_AdvertiserTransactionsList
Select * From awin.AdvertiserTransactionsList (
initial_date => CurDate(),
preview => true
List of your individual transactions, specified by id (for advertisers)
<accountId> (required): ID of the account, as known from the frontend URLs
<ids> (required): Comma-separated list of transaction IDs to return
<timezone> (optional): Europe/Paris, Europe/London, Europe/Dublin, Canada/Central, Canada/Eastern, Canada/Mountain, Canada/Pacific, US/Central, US/Eastern, US/Mountain, US/Pacific, UTC
<target_table> (optional): The table to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multitenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Id |
url | string | url |
advertiserId | integer | advertiser Id |
publisherId | integer | publisher Id |
siteName | string | site name |
commissionStatus | string | commission status |
commissionAmount | bigdecimal | commission amount |
commissionAmountCurrency | string | commission amount currency |
saleAmount | bigdecimal | sale amount |
saleAmountCurrency | string | sale amount currency |
clickRef | string | click ref |
clickDate | string | click date |
transactionDate | timestamp | transaction date |
validationDate | string | validation date |
type | string | type |
declineReason | string | decline reason |
voucherCodeUsed | boolean | voucher code used |
voucherCode | string | voucher code |
lapseTime | bigdecimal | lapse time |
amendReason | string | amend reason |
oldSaleAmount | string | old sale amount |
oldCommissionAmount | string | old commission amount |
clickDevice | string | click device |
transactionDevice | string | transaction device |
publisherUrl | string | publisher Url |
advertiserCountry | string | advertiser country |
orderRef | string | order ref |
customParameters | clob | custom parameters |
transactionPartsCommissionGroupId | integer | transaction parts commission group Id |
transactionPartsAmount | bigdecimal | transaction parts amount |
paidToPublisher | boolean | paid to publisher |
paymentId | integer | payment Id |
transactionQueryId | integer | transaction query Id |
originalSaleAmount | string | original sale amount |
CREATE VIEW awin_examples.example_AdvertiserTransactionsById AS
CALL awin.AdvertiserTransactionsById(
accountId => 7506,
ids => '305103025,304562092,305256886'
) x
The publisher performance report aggregates transactions, clicks and impressions for all publishers an advertiser works with
<accountId> (required): ID of the account, as known from the frontend URLs
<startDate> (required): Start date
<endDate> (required): End date
<timezone> (required): America/Sao_Paulo, Australia/Sydney, Europe/Berlin, Europe/Dublin, Europe/Helsinki, Europe/London, Europe/Paris, Canada/Central, Canada/Eastern, Canada/Mountain, Canada/Pacific, US/Central, US/Eastern, US/Mountain, US/Pacific, UTC
<target_table> (optional): The table to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multitenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiserId | bigdecimal | advertiser Id |
advertiserName | string | advertiser name |
publisherId | bigdecimal | publisher Id |
publisherName | string | publisher name |
region | string | ISO2 code |
currency | string | ISO code |
impressions | bigdecimal | Number of impressions |
clicks | bigdecimal | Number of clicks |
pendingNo | bigdecimal | Number of pending transactions |
pendingValue | bigdecimal | Value of the pending transactions |
pendingComm | bigdecimal | Commissions of the pending transactions |
confirmedNo | bigdecimal | Number of confirmed transactions |
confirmedValue | bigdecimal | Value of confirmed transactions |
confirmedComm | bigdecimal | Commission of the confirmed transactions |
bonusNo | bigdecimal | Number of bonus transactions |
bonusValue | bigdecimal | Value of the bonus transactions |
bonusComm | bigdecimal | Commission of the bonus transactions |
totalNo | bigdecimal | Total number of transactions |
totalValue | bigdecimal | Value of all transactions |
totalComm | bigdecimal | Commission of all transactions |
declinedNo | bigdecimal | Number of declined transactions |
declinedValue | bigdecimal | Value of declined transactions |
declinedComm | bigdecimal | Commission of declined transactions |
CREATE VIEW awin_examples.example_AdvertiserReportsAggregatedByPublisher AS
CALL awin.AdvertiserReportsAggregatedByPublisher(
accountId => 7506,
startDate => '2017-08-10',
endDate => '2017-08-20',
timezone => 'US/Central'
) x
The creative performance report aggregates transactions, clicks and impressions for the creatives an advertiser uses
<accountId> (required): ID of the account
<startDate> (required): Start date
<endDate> (required): End date
<dateType> (optional): transaction, validation
<region> (required): AT, AU, BE, BR, CA, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, IE, IT, NL, NO, PL, SE, US
<timezone> (required): America/Sao_Paulo, Australia/Sydney, Europe/Berlin, Europe/Dublin, Europe/Helsinki, Europe/London, Europe/Paris, Canada/Central, Canada/Eastern, Canada/Mountain, Canada/Pacific, US/Central, US/Eastern, US/Mountain, US/Pacific, UTC
<target_table> (optional): The table to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multitenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiserId | bigdecimal | advertiser Id |
advertiserName | string | advertiser name |
publisherId | bigdecimal | publisher Id |
publisherName | string | publisher name |
region | string | ISO2 code |
currency | string | ISO code |
impressions | bigdecimal | Number of impressions |
clicks | bigdecimal | Number of clicks |
creativeId | bigdecimal | Id of the creative |
creativeName | string | Name of the creative |
tagName | string | Tag name of the creative, used by the advertiser to group creatives |
pendingNo | bigdecimal | Number of pending transactions |
pendingValue | bigdecimal | Value of the pending transactions |
pendingComm | bigdecimal | Commissions of the pending transactions |
confirmedNo | bigdecimal | Number of confirmed transactions |
confirmedValue | bigdecimal | Value of confirmed transactions |
confirmedComm | bigdecimal | Commission of the confirmed transactions |
bonusNo | bigdecimal | Number of bonus transactions |
bonusValue | bigdecimal | Value of the bonus transactions |
bonusComm | bigdecimal | Commission of the bonus transactions |
totalNo | bigdecimal | Total number of transactions |
totalValue | bigdecimal | Value of all transactions |
totalComm | bigdecimal | Commission of all transactions |
declinedNo | bigdecimal | Number of declined transactions |
declinedValue | bigdecimal | Value of declined transactions |
declinedComm | bigdecimal | Commission of declined transactions |
CREATE VIEW awin_examples.example_AdvertiserReportsAggregatedByCreative AS
CALL awin.AdvertiserReportsAggregatedByCreative(
accountId => 7506,
startDate => '2017-08-01',
endDate => '2017-08-20',
dateType => 'validation',
region => 'GB',
timezone => 'US/Central'
) x