Connecting to Google Search Console via SQL
You can use SQL to connect to Google Search Console in the Data Virtuality Studio or the Code Editor in the Web UI.
How to Connect
Before you start retrieving data, you need to run the connector script for Google Search Console in the Data Virtuality Studio or the Web UI and input your credentials in the following line:
CALL SYSADMIN.createConnection (
name => 'google_searchconsole_src'
,jbossCLITemplateName => 'ws'
,connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties => 'EndPoint=,SecurityType=OAuth2,ClientId=<ClientId>,ClientSecret=<ClientSecret>,RefreshToken=<RefreshToken>,AccessTokenEndpoint=<AccessTokenEndpoint>,ConnectTimeout=60000,RequestTimeout=60000'
,encryptedProperties => 'ClientSecret=<ClientSecret>,RefreshToken=<RefreshToken>'
CALL SYSADMIN.createDataSource (
name => 'google_searchconsole_src'
,translator => 'google_searchconsole'
,modelProperties => ''
,encryptedModelProperties => ''
,translatorProperties => ''
,encryptedTranslatorProperties => ''