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Connecting to Oktopost via SQL

You can use SQL to connect to Oktopost in the Data Virtuality Studio or the Code Editor in the Web UI.


  • You need the endpoint and the client pair for gaining access to the API. The API's base URL depends on the data center your account is hosted on:

    • If your account is hosted on the US data center, your base URL should be;

    • If your account is hosted on the EU data center, your base URL should be

How to Connect

Before you start retrieving data, you need to run the connector script for Oktopost in the Data Virtuality Studio or the Web UI and input your credentials in the following line: 

CALL SYSADMIN.createConnection(
    name => 'oktopost_src',
    jbossCliTemplateName => 'ws',
    connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties => 'EndPoint=https://<base URL>/v2,AuthUsername=<AuthUsername>,AuthPassword=<AuthPassword>'
CALL SYSADMIN.createDatasource(
    name => 'oktopost_src',
    translator => 'oktopost'

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