Easy Marketing API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_
prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
Order and transaction data
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaigns> (optional): Transactions with the corresponding campaign
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<transaction_status> (optional): Transaction status: open, confirmed, paid, canceled
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique transaction ID |
status | integer | Status of the transaction |
timestamp | timestamp | Time of transaction |
action_id | string | Action ID, which was transmitted during the transaction |
action_timestamp | timestamp | Timestamp of the action that led to the order |
action_type | string | Action type |
admedia_id | long | Advertising medium ID via which the transaction was generated |
advertiser_id | long | The ID of the advertiser to whom the transaction is assigned |
attributed_turnover | bigdecimal | |
attribution | integer | Amount of attribution paid |
basket_items | integer | Number of items in the shopping cart |
bonus_id | string | The ID of a bonus run |
campaign_group_title | string | Commission group title |
campaign_id | long | Campaign assigned to the transaction |
campaign_title | string | Campaign name associated with the transaction |
cancel_reason | string | If the transaction was canceled, the reason for cancellation is stored here |
commission | bigdecimal | Commission assigned to the publisher |
commission_group_id | integer | Commission group in which the publisher was located was created as a transaction |
country | string | Country in which the transaction was created |
customer_journey_status | integer | Internal code |
delivered_tagcode_count | integer | Number of tags executed |
delivered_tagcode_serversided_url | string | Submitted server-sided tracking call |
description | string | Description that was submitted during the transaction |
ebestid | string | Hashed order number for display to the publisher |
external_sources_currency_code | string | Currency code |
external_sources_currency_rate | bigdecimal | Currency rate |
external_sources_turnover | bigdecimal | |
last_change | timestamp | Timestamp of the last transaction change |
network_commission | bigdecimal | Network commission |
network_fee | bigdecimal | Network fee |
network_fee_mode | string | |
order_actions_id | long | Internal reference to the commission-relevant click / post-view |
order_currency | string | Order currency |
order_request_id | string | Order request Id |
order_timestamp | timestamp | Order timestamp |
ordertoken | string | Order number transmitted by the advertiser |
original_turnover | bigdecimal | Order value in the advertiser's currency |
payoutdate | timestamp | Payment date |
project_id | long | Project ID that the transaction was assigned to |
project_title | string | Name of the project to which the transaction was attributed |
publisher_dialog_email | string | Publisher dialog email |
publisher_id | long | The ID of the publisher to whom the transaction is to be made |
publisher_prename | string | First name of the publisher. Is pulled from the system based on the publisher ID |
publisher_searchtitle | string | Search title of the publisher. Is pulled from the system based on the publisher ID |
publisher_surname | string | Last name of the publisher. Is pulled from the system based on the publisher ID |
publisher_telefone | string | Publisher telephone |
referrer | string | The page from which the click was generated that later led to the transaction |
salary_id | integer | ID of the payment transaction in which the transaction was settled |
session_id | string | Session ID that was transmitted during the transaction |
source | string | Transaction source |
source_turnover | bigdecimal | Order value transmitted by the advertiser |
status_change_date | timestamp | If the transaction is changed later, this value is adjusted to the corresponding date |
subid | string | Subid, which was transmitted during the transaction |
trigger_id | integer | Trigger ID which is assigned to the transaction |
trigger_title | string | Name of the carrier |
trigger_type | string | Type of trigger (fixed compensation, percentage compensation) |
trigger_value | bigdecimal | The remuneration that was stored in the corresponding trigger ID at the time of the transaction |
turnover | bigdecimal | Order value relevant to commission |
type | string | The type of transaction such as sale or view |
user_agent | string | Client information of the user who created the transaction |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_Orders AS
CALL easy_m.Orders (
transaction_status => NULL,
campaigns => NULL,
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL
) AS x
Orders baskets
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique transaction ID |
status | integer | Status of the transaction |
timestamp | timestamp | Time of transaction |
amount | integer | Amount of the products |
attributed_price | bigdecimal | Price |
attributed_total | bigdecimal | Total |
attribution | integer | Amount of attribution paid |
basket_item_id | string | |
category | string | Category of the product |
commission | bigdecimal | Commission assigned to the publisher |
currency | string | Currency |
currency_rate | bigdecimal | Currency rate |
is_attributed | boolean | Is attributed |
is_basket | boolean | Is basket |
orderid | long | Order Id |
ordertoken | string | Order number transmitted by the advertiser |
original_price | bigdecimal | Original price |
original_turnover | bigdecimal | Order value in the advertiser's currency |
price | bigdecimal | NETTO price of the product |
productid | string | Product Id |
productname | boolean | Product name |
total | bigdecimal | Total |
trigger_id | integer | Trigger ID which is assigned to the transaction |
trigger_value | bigdecimal | The remuneration that was stored in the corresponding trigger ID at the time of the transaction |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_OrdersBaskets AS
CALL easy_m.OrdersBaskets (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Browser statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | string | Criterion: browser |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticBrowser AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticBrowser (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Campaign statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | long | Criterion: campaign |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticCampaign AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticCampaign (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Channel statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | long | Criterion: channel |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticChannel AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticChannel (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Daily statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | date | Criterion: date |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticDaily AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticDaily (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Device statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | string | Criterion: device |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticDevice AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticDevice (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Device type statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | string | Criterion: device type |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticDeviceType AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticDeviceType (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Geo country statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | string | Criterion: geo country |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticGeocountry AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticGeocountry (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Media statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | long | Criterion: media |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticMedia AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticMedia (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Operation Ssystem statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | string | Criterion: operation system |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticOs AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticOs (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Project statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | long | Criterion: project |
title | string | Title |
channel | string | Channel |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticProject AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticProject (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Provision group statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | long | Criterion: provision group |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticProvisionGroup AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticProvisionGroup (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Publisher statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | long | Criterion: publisher |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticPublisher AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticPublisher (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Referrer statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | long | Criterion: referrer |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticReferrer AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticReferrer (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x
Trigger statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date
<end_date> (optional): End date
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertisers to filter by
<bruttodata> (optional): Whether the numbers should be taken as gross numbers. This mainly concerns the clicks and views of the advertising material
<campaign_id> (optional): Campaigns to filter by
<payment_status> (optional): Status of the payout
<publisher_id> (optional): Publishers to filter by
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
criterion | string | Criterion: trigger |
title | string | Title |
all_canceled_count | integer | All canceled count |
all_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | All canceled provision |
all_confirmed_count | integer | All confirmed count |
all_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | All confirmed provision |
all_open_count | integer | All open count |
all_open_provision | bigdecimal | All open provision |
brutto_epc | bigdecimal | Brutto EPC (earnings per click) |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR |
ctr_brutto | bigdecimal | CTR brutto |
epc | bigdecimal | EPC (earnings per click) |
leads_canceled_count | integer | Leads canceled count |
leads_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Leads canceled provision |
leads_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads canceled turnover |
leads_confirmed_count | integer | Leads confirmed count |
leads_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed provision |
leads_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads confirmed turnover |
leads_open_count | integer | Leads open count |
leads_open_provision | bigdecimal | Leads open provision |
leads_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Leads open turnover |
raw_clicks | integer | Raw clicks |
raw_views | integer | Raw views |
sales_canceled_count | integer | Sales canceled count |
sales_canceled_provision | bigdecimal | Sales canceled provision |
sales_canceled_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales canceled turnover |
sales_confirmed_count | integer | Sales confirmed count |
sales_confirmed_provision | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed provision |
sales_confirmed_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales confirmed turnover |
sales_open_count | integer | Sales open count |
sales_open_provision | bigdecimal | Sales open provision |
sales_open_turnover | bigdecimal | Sales open turnover |
views | integer | Views |
CREATE VIEW easy_m_examples.example_StatisticTrigger AS
CALL easy_m.StatisticTrigger (
payment_status => 'all',
publisher_id => NULL,
bruttodata => NULL,
advertiser_id => NULL,
campaign_id => NULL
) AS x