lead alliance API Reference
The public API procedures use the internal procedures, that should not be used directly as they can be changed without an explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_
prefix in their name. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
Advertising media
<program_id> (optional): Progam ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
program_id | integer | Four-digit program ID |
id | string | Unique ID for the later identification of an order or a customer (e.g. order number) |
admedia_alt | string | Description for banner (html: alt) |
admedia_description | string | Description for banner (as information for affiliates) |
admedia_height | integer | Height of banner in pixel |
admedia_htlp | string | Optional target URL for the PostView landing page (high traffic landing page) |
admedia_html5_fallback | string | Optional image URL, delivered as fallback for Javascript advertisements (no-script part) |
admedia_id | integer | Ad media ID (automatically generated by the system) |
admedia_private | integer | Is private: 0 - public ad medium, visible to all affiliates, 1 - private ad medium (visible to selected affiliates only) |
admedia_status | string | Admedia status: 1 - indicates active, 0 - indicates inactive (tracking is still working, however ad media is not shown in ad media list), 2 - indicates deleted (tracking is not working anymore) |
admedia_target | string | Redirecting link to landing page |
admedia_text | string | Description of ad medium |
admedia_type | integer | Type of ad media: 1 - indicates a banner, 2 - indicates a text link, 3 - indicated a microsite, 4 - indicates a HTML5 banner, 5 - indicated an email template |
admedia_url | string | Indicated the URL where the ad medium location is (e.g. banner storage) |
admedia_width | integer | Width of banner in pixel |
adspace_id | integer | Id of affiliate's ad space, who is allowed to see/use the ad medium (if an ad medium is marked as "private") |
category_hierarchy | string | Hierarchy of categories |
category_id | integer | ID for category (it is possible to structure ad media in several categories, e.g. category "logo", category "standard ad media", category "spring campaign", category "mobile", category "tv") |
category_name | string | Name of category |
CREATE VIEW leadalliance_examples.example_AdMedia AS
CALL leadalliance.AdMedia (
program_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Lead/Sales Statistics
<date_start> (required): Start date
<date_end> (optional): End date
<admedia_id> (optional): Admedia ID
<adspace_id> (optional): Affiliate's 6 digit ad space ID
<adspace_sub_id> (optional): Publisher Sub-ID
<data_structure> (optional): Grouping per program: grouped_by_program (default) or ungrouped (no program_id as key)
<orderid> (optional): CSV list of order ids
<program_id> (optional): Progam ID
<segment_id> (optional): Description: Group of commission category (Commission Group ID)
<status> (optional): Status indicates whether an order is cancelled (0), pending (1) or confirmed (2)
<turnover> (optional): Type of turnover: all or bonus or default
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
program_id | integer | Four-digit program ID |
date_of_editing | date | Date of editing |
transaction_id | string | Transaction id |
additional_information | string | |
admedia_id | integer | Ad media ID (automatically generated by the system) |
adspace | string | Ad space |
adspace_id | integer | Id of affiliate's ad space, who is allowed to see/use the ad medium (if an ad medium is marked as "private") |
adspace_sub_id | string | Publisher Sub-ID |
affiliate | string | Affiliate |
affiliate_group | string | Affiliate group |
affiliate_id | integer | Affiliate id |
category_identifier | string | Commission category: (e.g. sale or registration or sim_card or dsl_50) |
category_name | string | Name of category |
channel | string | Information for differentiation of any channel, up to any 100 characters |
commission | bigdecimal | Commission |
commission_model | string | Commission model describes the type of a certain commission (e.g. standard CPO model, premium CPO model, CPC model, etc.) |
commission_type | string | Commission type |
currency | string | Currency of the original value of goods; if it is not used, EUR is set by default |
currency_conversion | string | Currency conversion |
date_of_admedia_contact | timestamp | Date of admedia contact |
date_of_auto_confirmation | date | Date of auto confirmation |
date_of_origin | timestamp | Date of origin |
network_commission | bigdecimal | Network commission can only be set or changed by the network admin |
network_percent | bigdecimal | Network percent |
order_id | string | Unique ID for the later identification of an order or a customer (e.g. order number) |
payed_out | bigdecimal | Payed out |
postview | integer | If PostView-Tracking is used |
program | string | Program name |
status | integer | Status: 0 or 1 or 2 (default: 1) |
status_comment | string | Status comment |
status_name | string | Status name |
sub_order_id | integer | Sub-Order ID / basket item ID (mandatory for basket tracking) |
value | bigdecimal | Turnover / e.g. shopping card value |
value_original | bigdecimal | Value original |
voucher_code | string | voucher code if voucher tracking is active |
CREATE VIEW leadalliance_examples.example_LeadSalesStatistics AS
CALL leadalliance.LeadSalesStatistics (
date_start => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_MONTH , -3, CURDATE ()),
date_end => CURDATE (),
program_id => NULL,
orderid => NULL,
show_by => NULL,
segment_id => NULL,
admedia_id => NULL,
adspace_id => NULL,
adspace_sub_id => NULL,
status => NULL,
turnover => NULL,
data_structure => NULL
) AS x;;
Accepted program partnerships
<program_id> (optional): Progam ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
program_id | integer | Four-digit program ID |
id | integer | Id |
adspace_id | integer | Id of affiliate's ad space, who is allowed to see/use the ad medium (if an ad medium is marked as "private") |
adspace_url | string | Ad space url |
partner_id | integer | Id of partner |
partner_name | string | Name of partner |
status | string | Status |
CREATE VIEW leadalliance_examples.example_Partnership AS
CALL leadalliance.Partnership (
program_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Statistics by ad space
<date_start> (required): Start date
<date_end> (optional): End date
<program_id> (optional): Progam ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
program_id | integer | Four-digit program ID |
adspace_id | integer | Id of affiliate's ad space, who is allowed to see/use the ad medium (if an ad medium is marked as "private") |
adspace_name | string | |
partner_id | integer | Id of partner |
partner_name | string | Name of partner |
partner_company | string | |
click_commission | bigdecimal | Click commission |
click_quantity | integer | Click quantity |
click_quantity_gross | integer | Click quantity gross |
id | string | Unique ID for the later identification of an order or a customer (e.g. order number) |
lead_commission_canceled | bigdecimal | Lead commission canceled |
lead_commission_confirmed | bigdecimal | Lead commission confirmed |
lead_commission_open | bigdecimal | Lead commission open |
lead_quantity_canceled | integer | Lead quantity canceled |
lead_quantity_confirmed | integer | Lead quantity confirmed |
lead_quantity_open | integer | Lead quantity open |
lead_value_canceled | bigdecimal | Lead value canceled |
lead_value_confirmed | bigdecimal | Lead value confirmed |
lead_value_open | bigdecimal | Lead value open |
lead_value_total | bigdecimal | PLead value total |
view_commission | bigdecimal | View commission |
view_quantity | integer | View quantity |
CREATE VIEW leadalliance_examples.example_StatisticsByAdSpace AS
CALL leadalliance.StatisticsByAdSpace (
date_start => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_MONTH , -3, CURDATE ()),
date_end => CURDATE (),
program_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Statistics by day
<date_start> (required): Start date
<date_end> (optional): End date
<admedia> (optional): Ad media ID
<adspace> (optional): Ad space ID
<period> (optional): Period: day/week/month
<program_id> (optional): Progam ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
program_id | integer | Four-digit program ID |
date | string | Date label |
click_commission | bigdecimal | Click commission |
click_quantity | integer | Click quantity |
click_quantity_gross | integer | Click quantity gross |
lead_commission_canceled | bigdecimal | Lead commission canceled |
lead_commission_confirmed | bigdecimal | Lead commission confirmed |
lead_commission_open | bigdecimal | Lead commission open |
lead_quantity_canceled | integer | Lead quantity canceled |
lead_quantity_confirmed | integer | Lead quantity confirmed |
lead_quantity_open | integer | Lead quantity open |
lead_value_canceled | bigdecimal | Lead value canceled |
lead_value_confirmed | bigdecimal | Lead value confirmed |
lead_value_open | bigdecimal | Lead value open |
lead_value_total | bigdecimal | PLead value total |
view_commission | bigdecimal | View commission |
view_quantity | integer | View quantity |
CREATE VIEW leadalliance_examples.example_StatisticsByDay AS
CALL leadalliance.StatisticsByDay (
date_start => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_MONTH , -3, CURDATE ()),
date_end => CURDATE (),
period => NULL,
adspace => NULL,
admedia => NULL,
program_id => NULL
) AS x;;