lead alliance Usage Scenarios
StatisticsByDay - daily statistics
Using this procedure, you can get statistics by day between the dates defined in the date_start and date_end parameters. If the date range exceeds 1 year, the procedure breaks the large range into sub-ranges of 1 year each and sends requests to the API for the sub-ranges.
The target_table parameter creates a new table with the same data structure as the procedure in the analytical storage during the first call and incrementally adds data to the table for subsequent calls.
StatisticsByAdSpace - statistics data by an ad space for a specified interval
Using this procedure, you can download statistics by ad space for the data between the dates defined in the date_start and date_end parameters. The target_table parameter creates a new table in the analytical storage during the first call and adds new records to the table for subsequent calls. The created table has the same data structure as the procedure, and 2 additional columns date_start and date_end with the values specified in the corresponding parameters during the procedure call.
LeadSalesStatistics - all transactions for a specified interval
Using this procedure, you can get all transactions that occurred between the dates defined in the date_start and date_end parameters. If the date range exceeds 3 months, the procedure breaks the large range into sub-ranges of 3 months each and sends requests to the API for the sub-ranges. The target_table parameter creates a new table with the same data structure as the procedure in the analytical storage during the first call and replaces the data in the table for subsequent calls.
Partnership - list of partners
Using this procedure, you can get a list of partners. The target_table parameter creates a new table with the same data structure as the procedure in the analytical storage during the first call and replaces the data in the table for subsequent calls.
AdMedia - list of advertising media of the program
Using this procedure, you can get a list of advertising media of the program. The target_table parameter creates a new table with the same data structure as the procedure in the analytical storage during the first call and replaces the data in the table for subsequent calls.