Matomo API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_
prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
API Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | The integer id of your website |
Referrers_distinctCampaigns | integer | |
Referrers_distinctKeywords | integer | |
Referrers_distinctSearchEngines | integer | |
Referrers_distinctSocialNetworks | integer | |
Referrers_distinctWebsites | integer | |
Referrers_distinctWebsitesUrls | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromCampaigns | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromCampaigns_percent | bigdecimal | |
Referrers_visitorsFromDirectEntry | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromDirectEntry_percent | bigdecimal | |
Referrers_visitorsFromSearchEngines | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromSearchEngines_percent | bigdecimal | |
Referrers_visitorsFromSocialNetworks | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromSocialNetworks_percent | bigdecimal | |
Referrers_visitorsFromWebsites | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromWebsites_percent | bigdecimal | |
advertising_costs | bigdecimal | Total costs for your ads |
avg_form_time_hesitation | bigdecimal | Form avg. hesitation time. The average time a visitor hesitated to start interacting with a form. The time is calculated as the difference between the time of the page load and the time of the first interaction with a form (for example focusing a form field, typing a letter in a form or selecting a value in the form). The time is counted only while the browser window is active |
avg_form_time_spent | bigdecimal | Form avg. time spent. The average time a visitor spent on a form. The time is calculated as the difference between the first interaction with a form field (For example, a field focus) and the last interaction with a form |
avg_form_time_to_conversion | bigdecimal | Form avg. time to conversion. The average time it took a visitor to convert a form. If the visitor completes the form on the first submit, it is equal to the "time to first submission". If a visitor submits a form several times, it equals to the time spent on the form in total |
avg_form_time_to_first_submission | bigdecimal | Form avg. time to first submit. The average time it took a visitor to submit this form for the first time. It is the difference between the first interaction with the form (For example, a field focus) and the time the visitor submits the form |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_site | bigdecimal | Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds). The average duration of a visit |
avg_time_on_site_new | bigdecimal | New visitors: The average number of time spent per visit in seconds |
avg_time_on_site_returning | bigdecimal | Returning visitors: The average number of time spent per visit in seconds |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
bounce_rate_new | bigdecimal | New visitors: The percent of visits that resulted in a bounce |
bounce_rate_returning | bigdecimal | Returning visitors: The percent of visits that resulted in a bounce |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Conversion Rate. The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion |
conversion_rate_new_visit | bigdecimal | The percentage of new visits that triggered a goal conversion |
conversion_rate_returning_visit | bigdecimal | The percentage of returning visits that triggered a goal conversion |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
form_conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Form conversion rate. The number of times a form starter has converted the form |
form_resubmitters_rate | bigdecimal | Form re-submitter rate. The percentage of submitters that have submitted this form at least a second time. This means a visitor first submitted a form, and then submitted it again. For example, a re-submit might happen when there were form validation errors. When this number is high, something might not be clear about your forms |
form_starters_rate | bigdecimal | Form starters rate. The percentage of times a visitor has viewed a page where this form was included and then started interacting with it. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
form_submitter_rate | bigdecimal | Form submitter rate. The number of times a form starter has submitted the form |
impression_rate | bigdecimal | impression_rate. The percentage of visitors that have visited a page where this media was included out of all of your unique visitors |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
max_actions_new | integer | New visitors: Maximum number of actions in a visit |
max_actions_returning | integer | Returning visitors: Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_actions_new | integer | New visitors: Number of actions (page views, outlinks and downloads) |
nb_actions_per_visit | bigdecimal | Actions per Visit. The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits |
nb_actions_per_visit_new | bigdecimal | New visitors: The average number of actions for a single visit |
nb_actions_per_visit_returning | bigdecimal | Returning visitors: The average number of actions for a single visit |
nb_actions_returning | integer | Returning visitors: Number of actions (page views, outlinks and downloads) |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_conversions_new_visit | integer | Number of goal conversions for new visits |
nb_conversions_returning_visit | integer | Number of goal conversions for returning visits |
nb_downloads | integer | Downloads. The number of times this link was clicked |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_form_conversions | integer | Form conversions. The number of times this form was completed successfully |
nb_form_resubmitters | integer | Form re-submitters. The number of form viewers that have re-submitted a form at least once. This means a visitor first submitted a form, and then submitted it again. For example, a re-submit might happen when there were form validation errors. When this number is high, something might not be clear about your forms |
nb_form_starters | integer | Form starters. The number of form viewers that have started interacting with a form at least once. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
nb_form_starts | integer | Form starts. The number of times a visitor has started interacting with a form after viewing it. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
nb_form_submissions | integer | Form submissions. The number of times a form was submitted in total. If a visitor submitted a form 10 times, and another visitor 3 times, it will show 13 total form submissions |
nb_form_submitters | integer | Form submitters. The number of form viewers that have submitted a form at least once |
nb_form_viewers | integer | Form viewers. The number of visitors that have viewed a page where this form was included at least once. When a visitor converts a form, and views the same form afterwards again, it counts a new viewer |
nb_form_views | integer | Form views. The number of times your visitors have viewed a page where this form was included |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_keywords | integer | Number of keywords |
nb_outlinks | integer | Outlinks. The number of times this link was clicked |
nb_pageviews | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_searches | integer | Searches. The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website's search engine |
nb_uniq_downloads | integer | Unique Downloads. The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once |
nb_uniq_outlinks | integer | Unique Outlinks. The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once |
nb_uniq_pageviews | integer | Unique Pageviews. The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once |
nb_uniq_visitors | integer | Unique visitors. The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day |
nb_uniq_visitors_new | integer | The number of new unique sources of visits |
nb_uniq_visitors_returning | integer | The number of returning unique sources of visits |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID). If you are not using User ID then this metric will be set to zero |
nb_users_new | integer | Number of new unique users |
nb_users_returning | integer | Number of returning unique users |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
nb_visits_converted_new_visit | integer | New visitors: Number of visits that converted a goal |
nb_visits_converted_returning_visit | integer | Returning visitors: Number of visits that converted a goal |
nb_visits_new | integer | New visitors: Number of Visits (30 min of inactivity considered a new visit) |
nb_visits_returning | integer | Returning visitors: Number of Visits (30 min of inactivity considered a new visit) |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
revenue_new_visit | bigdecimal | Total revenue of goal conversions for new visits |
revenue_returning_visit | bigdecimal | Total revenue of goal conversions for returning visits |
sum_total_audio_impressions | bigdecimal | Number of audio impressions. The number of times a visitor has viewed a page where this audio was included |
sum_total_audio_plays | bigdecimal | Number of audio plays. The number of times a visitor has listened to an audio |
sum_total_time_watched | bigdecimal | Time spent on media. The total time that was spent watching or listening to the media |
sum_total_video_impressions | bigdecimal | Number of video impressions. The number of times a visitor has viewed a page where this video was included |
sum_total_video_plays | bigdecimal | Number of video plays. The number of times a visitor has watched a video |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_API_get AS
CALL matomo.API_get (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Experiments Active
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idexperiment | long | |
confidence_threshold | bigdecimal | |
date_range_string | string | |
description | string | |
duration | string | |
excluded_targets | string | |
hypothesis | string | |
mde_relative | bigdecimal | |
name | string | |
original_redirect_url | string | |
percentage_participants | bigdecimal | |
status | string | |
start_date | timestamp | Started |
end_date | timestamp | Finished |
modified_date | timestamp | Modified |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_AbTesting_ActiveExperiments AS
CALL matomo.AbTesting_ActiveExperiments (
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Experiments All
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idexperiment | long | |
confidence_threshold | bigdecimal | |
date_range_string | string | |
description | string | |
duration | string | |
excluded_targets | string | |
hypothesis | string | |
mde_relative | bigdecimal | |
name | string | |
original_redirect_url | string | |
percentage_participants | bigdecimal | |
status | string | |
start_date | timestamp | Started |
end_date | timestamp | Finished |
modified_date | timestamp | Modified |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_AbTesting_AllExperiments AS
CALL matomo.AbTesting_AllExperiments (
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Experiments By Statuses
<statuses> (required):
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Site id |
idexperiment | long | |
confidence_threshold | bigdecimal | |
date_range_string | string | |
description | string | |
duration | string | |
excluded_targets | string | |
hypothesis | string | |
mde_relative | bigdecimal | |
name | string | |
original_redirect_url | string | |
percentage_participants | bigdecimal | |
status | string | |
start_date | timestamp | Started |
end_date | timestamp | Finished |
modified_date | timestamp | Modified |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_AbTesting_ExperimentsByStatuses AS
CALL matomo.AbTesting_ExperimentsByStatuses (
statuses => 'running',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Experiments With Reports
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idexperiment | long | |
idsite | long | Site id |
confidence_threshold | bigdecimal | |
date_range_string | string | |
description | string | |
duration | string | |
excluded_targets | string | |
hypothesis | string | |
mde_relative | bigdecimal | |
name | string | |
original_redirect_url | string | |
percentage_participants | bigdecimal | |
status | string | |
start_date | timestamp | Started |
end_date | timestamp | Finished |
modified_date | timestamp | Modified |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_AbTesting_ExperimentsWithReports AS
CALL matomo.AbTesting_ExperimentsWithReports (
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Downloads Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_Downloads AS
CALL matomo.Actions_Downloads (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Entry Page Titles Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
entry_bounce_count | integer | Bounces. Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page |
entry_nb_actions | integer | Number of page views for visits that started on this page |
entry_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Entrances. Number of visits that started on this page |
entry_sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
max_time_generation | bigdecimal | The maximum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
min_time_generation | bigdecimal | The minimum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page |
sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_EntryPageTitles AS
CALL matomo.Actions_EntryPageTitles (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Entry Page Urls Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response have an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
entry_bounce_count | integer | Bounces. Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page |
entry_nb_actions | integer | Number of page views for visits that started on this page |
entry_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Entrances. Number of visits that started on this page |
entry_sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
max_time_generation | bigdecimal | The maximum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
min_time_generation | bigdecimal | The minimum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page |
sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_EntryPageUrls AS
CALL matomo.Actions_EntryPageUrls (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Exit Page Titles Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response have an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
entry_bounce_count | integer | Bounces. Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page |
entry_nb_actions | integer | Number of page views for visits that started on this page |
entry_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Entrances. Number of visits that started on this page |
entry_sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
max_time_generation | bigdecimal | The maximum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
min_time_generation | bigdecimal | The minimum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page |
sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_ExitPageTitles AS
CALL matomo.Actions_ExitPageTitles (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Exit Page Urls Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
entry_bounce_count | integer | Bounces. Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page |
entry_nb_actions | integer | Number of page views for visits that started on this page |
entry_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Entrances. Number of visits that started on this page |
entry_sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
max_time_generation | bigdecimal | The maximum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
min_time_generation | bigdecimal | The minimum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page |
sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_ExitPageUrls AS
CALL matomo.Actions_ExitPageUrls (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Outlinks Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_Outlinks AS
CALL matomo.Actions_Outlinks (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Page Titles Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
entry_bounce_count | integer | Bounces. Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page |
entry_nb_actions | integer | Number of page views for visits that started on this page |
entry_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Entrances. Number of visits that started on this page |
entry_sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
max_time_generation | bigdecimal | The maximum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
min_time_generation | bigdecimal | The minimum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page |
sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_PageTitles AS
CALL matomo.Actions_PageTitles (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Page Titles Following Site Search Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response have an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
entry_bounce_count | integer | Bounces. Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page |
entry_nb_actions | integer | Number of page views for visits that started on this page |
entry_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Entrances. Number of visits that started on this page |
entry_sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
max_time_generation | bigdecimal | The maximum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
min_time_generation | bigdecimal | The minimum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page |
sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_PageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch AS
CALL matomo.Actions_PageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Page Urls Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
entry_bounce_count | integer | Bounces. Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page |
entry_nb_actions | integer | Number of page views for visits that started on this page |
entry_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Entrances. Number of visits that started on this page |
entry_sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
max_time_generation | bigdecimal | The maximum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
min_time_generation | bigdecimal | The minimum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page |
sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_PageUrls AS
CALL matomo.Actions_PageUrls (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Page Urls Following Site Search Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
entry_bounce_count | integer | Bounces. Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page |
entry_nb_actions | integer | Number of page views for visits that started on this page |
entry_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Entrances. Number of visits that started on this page |
entry_sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Time spent, in seconds, by visits that started on this page |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
max_time_generation | bigdecimal | The maximum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
min_time_generation | bigdecimal | The minimum amount of time a server spent serving this action |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_hits_following_search | integer | Clicked in search results. The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results |
nb_hits_with_time_generation | bigdecimal | The number of hits that included generation time information |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors that started their visit on this page |
sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | (deprecated) Same as sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_PageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch AS
CALL matomo.Actions_PageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Site Search Keywords Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_pages_per_search | bigdecimal | Search Results pages. Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_SiteSearchKeywords AS
CALL matomo.Actions_SiteSearchKeywords (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Site Search No Result Keywords Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_time_on_page | bigdecimal | Avg. time on page. The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
exit_nb_visits | bigdecimal | Exits. Number of visits that ended on this page |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
nb_hits | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_pages_per_search | bigdecimal | Search Results pages. Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_time_spent | bigdecimal | Total time spent on this page, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_SiteSearchNoResultKeywords AS
CALL matomo.Actions_SiteSearchNoResultKeywords (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Actions Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
avg_time_generation | bigdecimal | Avg. generation time. The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower 'Avg. generation time' means a faster website for your visitors! |
nb_downloads | integer | Downloads. The number of times this link was clicked |
nb_keywords | integer | Number of keywords |
nb_outlinks | integer | Outlinks. The number of times this link was clicked |
nb_pageviews | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_searches | integer | Searches. The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website's search engine |
nb_uniq_downloads | integer | Unique Downloads. The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once |
nb_uniq_outlinks | integer | Unique Outlinks. The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once |
nb_uniq_pageviews | integer | Unique Pageviews. The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Actions_get AS
CALL matomo.Actions_get (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
contentTarget | string | |
interaction_rate | bigdecimal | Interaction Rate. The ratio of content impressions to interactions |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_interactions | integer | Content Interactions. The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a 'click' on a banner or ad) |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Contents_ContentNames AS
CALL matomo.Contents_ContentNames (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Content Pieces Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
contentTarget | string | |
interaction_rate | bigdecimal | Interaction Rate. The ratio of content impressions to interactions |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_interactions | integer | Content Interactions. The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a 'click' on a banner or ad) |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Contents_ContentPieces AS
CALL matomo.Contents_ContentPieces (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Device Plugins Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
logo | string | |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_percentage | bigdecimal | Percentage of tracked visits. A visit is series of events each of which happened no more than 30 minutes apart |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicePlugins_Plugin AS
CALL matomo.DevicePlugins_Plugin (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Device Brands Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicesDetection_Brand AS
CALL matomo.DevicesDetection_Brand (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Browser Engines Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicesDetection_BrowserEngines AS
CALL matomo.DevicesDetection_BrowserEngines (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Browser Versions Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicesDetection_BrowserVersions AS
CALL matomo.DevicesDetection_BrowserVersions (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Browsers Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicesDetection_Browsers AS
CALL matomo.DevicesDetection_Browsers (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Device Models Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicesDetection_Model AS
CALL matomo.DevicesDetection_Model (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Os Families Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicesDetection_OsFamilies AS
CALL matomo.DevicesDetection_OsFamilies (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Os Versions Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicesDetection_OsVersions AS
CALL matomo.DevicesDetection_OsVersions (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Device Types Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_DevicesDetection_Type AS
CALL matomo.DevicesDetection_Type (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Events Actions Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_event_value | bigdecimal | The average of all values for this event. The average of all values for this event |
max_event_value | bigdecimal | Maximum Event value. The maximum value for this event |
min_event_value | bigdecimal | Minimum Event value. The minimum value for this event |
nb_events | integer | Events. Total number of events |
nb_events_with_value | integer | Events with a value. Number of events where an Event value was set |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_event_value | bigdecimal | Event value. The sum of event values |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Events_Action AS
CALL matomo.Events_Action (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Events Categories Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_event_value | bigdecimal | The average of all values for this event. The average of all values for this event |
max_event_value | bigdecimal | Maximum Event value. The maximum value for this event |
min_event_value | bigdecimal | Minimum Event value. The minimum value for this event |
nb_events | integer | Events. Total number of events |
nb_events_with_value | integer | Events with a value. Number of events where an Event value was set |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_event_value | bigdecimal | Event value. The sum of event values |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Events_Category AS
CALL matomo.Events_Category (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_event_value | bigdecimal | The average of all values for this event. The average of all values for this event |
max_event_value | bigdecimal | Maximum Event value. The maximum value for this event |
min_event_value | bigdecimal | Minimum Event value. The minimum value for this event |
nb_events | integer | Events. Total number of events |
nb_events_with_value | integer | Events with a value. Number of events where an Event value was set |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_event_value | bigdecimal | Event value. The sum of event values |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Events_Name AS
CALL matomo.Events_Name (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Forms Statistics Counters
<lastMinutes> (required): Getting live data for the last minutes
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
avg_form_time_spent | bigdecimal | Form avg. time spent. The average time a visitor spent on a form. The time is calculated as the difference between the first interaction with a form field (For example, a field focus) and the last interaction with a form |
form_conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Form conversion rate. The number of times a form starter has converted the form |
form_resubmitters_rate | bigdecimal | Form re-submitter rate. The percentage of submitters that have submitted this form at least a second time. This means a visitor first submitted a form, and then submitted it again. For example, a re-submit might happen when there were form validation errors. When this number is high, something might not be clear about your forms |
form_starters_rate | bigdecimal | Form starters rate. The percentage of times a visitor has viewed a page where this form was included and then started interacting with it. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
form_submitter_rate | bigdecimal | Form submitter rate. The number of times a form starter has submitted the form |
nb_form_conversions | integer | Form conversions. The number of times this form was completed successfully |
nb_form_resubmitters | integer | Form re-submitters. The number of form viewers that have re-submitted a form at least once. This means a visitor first submitted a form, and then submitted it again. For example, a re-submit might happen when there were form validation errors. When this number is high, something might not be clear about your forms |
nb_form_starters | integer | Form starters. The number of form viewers that have started interacting with a form at least once. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
nb_form_submitters | integer | Form submitters. The number of form viewers that have submitted a form at least once |
nb_form_viewers | integer | Form viewers. The number of visitors that have viewed a page where this form was included at least once. When a visitor converts a form, and views the same form afterwards again, it counts a new viewer |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_FormAnalytics_Counters AS
CALL matomo.FormAnalytics_Counters (
lastMinutes => 120,
segment => NULL,
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Most Popular Forms
<lastMinutes> (required): Getting live data for the last minutes
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
form_conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Form conversion rate. The number of times a form starter has converted the form |
form_resubmitters_rate | bigdecimal | Form re-submitter rate. The percentage of submitters that have submitted this form at least a second time. This means a visitor first submitted a form, and then submitted it again. For example, a re-submit might happen when there were form validation errors. When this number is high, something might not be clear about your forms |
form_starters_rate | bigdecimal | Form starters rate. The percentage of times a visitor has viewed a page where this form was included and then started interacting with it. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
form_submitter_rate | bigdecimal | Form submitter rate. The number of times a form starter has submitted the form |
idsiteform | string | |
nb_form_conversions | integer | Form conversions. The number of times this form was completed successfully |
nb_form_resubmitters | integer | Form re-submitters. The number of form viewers that have re-submitted a form at least once. This means a visitor first submitted a form, and then submitted it again. For example, a re-submit might happen when there were form validation errors. When this number is high, something might not be clear about your forms |
nb_form_starters | integer | Form starters. The number of form viewers that have started interacting with a form at least once. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
nb_form_submitters | integer | Form submitters. The number of form viewers that have submitted a form at least once |
nb_form_viewers | integer | Form viewers. The number of visitors that have viewed a page where this form was included at least once. When a visitor converts a form, and views the same form afterwards again, it counts a new viewer |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_FormAnalytics_CurrentMostPopularForms AS
CALL matomo.FormAnalytics_CurrentMostPopularForms (
segment => NULL,
lastMinutes => 120,
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Forms Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
avg_form_time_hesitation | bigdecimal | Form avg. hesitation time. The average time a visitor hesitated to start interacting with a form. The time is calculated as the difference between the time of the page load and the time of the first interaction with a form (for example focusing a form field, typing a letter in a form or selecting a value in the form). The time is counted only while the browser window is active |
avg_form_time_spent | bigdecimal | Form avg. time spent. The average time a visitor spent on a form. The time is calculated as the difference between the first interaction with a form field (For example, a field focus) and the last interaction with a form |
avg_form_time_to_conversion | bigdecimal | Form avg. time to conversion. The average time it took a visitor to convert a form. If the visitor completes the form on the first submit, it is equal to the "time to first submission". If a visitor submits a form several times, it equals to the time spent on the form in total |
avg_form_time_to_first_submission | bigdecimal | Form avg. time to first submit. The average time it took a visitor to submit this form for the first time. It is the difference between the first interaction with the form (For example, a field focus) and the time the visitor submits the form |
form_conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Form conversion rate. The number of times a form starter has converted the form |
form_resubmitters_rate | bigdecimal | Form re-submitter rate. The percentage of submitters that have submitted this form at least a second time. This means a visitor first submitted a form, and then submitted it again. For example, a re-submit might happen when there were form validation errors. When this number is high, something might not be clear about your forms |
form_starters_rate | bigdecimal | Form starters rate. The percentage of times a visitor has viewed a page where this form was included and then started interacting with it. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
form_submitter_rate | bigdecimal | Form submitter rate. The number of times a form starter has submitted the form |
nb_form_conversions | integer | Form conversions. The number of times this form was completed successfully |
nb_form_resubmitters | integer | Form re-submitters. The number of form viewers that have re-submitted a form at least once. This means a visitor first submitted a form, and then submitted it again. For example, a re-submit might happen when there were form validation errors. When this number is high, something might not be clear about your forms |
nb_form_starters | integer | Form starters. The number of form viewers that have started interacting with a form at least once. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofocus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
nb_form_starts | integer | Form starts. The number of times a visitor has started interacting with a form after viewing it. This means a visitor has for example focused or changed a form field. If autofo33cus for a form field is enabled, a visitor first needs to focus another field or needs to actually start changing a field before it counts as a start |
nb_form_submissions | integer | Form submissions. The number of times a form was submitted in total. If a visitor submitted a form 10 tim333es, and another visitor 3 time3s, it will show 13 total form submissions |
nb_form_submitters | integer | Form submitters. The number of form viewers that have submitted a form at least once |
nb_form_viewers | integer | Form viewers. The number of visitors that have viewed a page where this form was included at least once. When a visitor converts a form, and views the same form afterwards again, it counts a new viewer |
nb_form_views | integer | Form views. The number of times your visitors have viewed a page where this form was included |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_FormAnalytics_get AS
CALL matomo.FormAnalytics_get (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
idfunnel | long | Funnel id |
idsite | long | Site id |
idgoal | string | Goal id |
activated | boolean | |
final_step_position | string | |
name | string | |
created_date | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Funnels_AllActivatedFunnelsForSite AS
CALL matomo.Funnels_AllActivatedFunnelsForSite (
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Days To Conversion Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Goals_DaysToConversion AS
CALL matomo.Goals_DaysToConversion (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to33333
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Site id |
idgoal | string | Goal id |
allow_multiple | boolean | |
case_sensitive | boolean | |
deleted | boolean | Deleted |
description | string | |
event_value_as_revenue | boolean | |
match_attribute | string | |
name | string | |
pattern | string | |
pattern_type | string | |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Goals_Goals AS
CALL matomo.Goals_Goals (
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Goals Items Categories Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
avg_price | bigdecimal | The average revenue for this Product/Category |
avg_quantity | bigdecimal | The average quantity for this Product/Category |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Conversion Rate. The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion |
orders | bigdecimal | It is the total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this Product SKU/Name/Category at least once |
quantity | bigdecimal | Quantity is the total number of products sold for each Product SKU/Name/Category |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Goals_ItemsCategory AS
CALL matomo.Goals_ItemsCategory (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Goals Items Names Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
avg_price | bigdecimal | The average revenue for this Product/Category |
avg_quantity | bigdecimal | The average quantity for this Product/Category |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Conversion Rate. The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion |
orders | bigdecimal | It is the total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this Product SKU/Name/Category at least once |
quantity | bigdecimal | Quantity is the total number of products sold for each Product SKU/Name/Category |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Goals_ItemsName AS
CALL matomo.Goals_ItemsName (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Goals Items Sku Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
avg_price | bigdecimal | The average revenue for this Product/Category |
avg_quantity | bigdecimal | The average quantity for this Product/Category |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Conversion Rate. The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion |
orders | bigdecimal | It is the total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this Product SKU/Name/Category at least once |
quantity | bigdecimal | Quantity is the total number of products sold for each Product SKU/Name/Category |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Goals_ItemsSku AS
CALL matomo.Goals_ItemsSku (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Until Conversion Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Goals_VisitsUntilConversion AS
CALL matomo.Goals_VisitsUntilConversion (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Goals Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
advertising_costs | bigdecimal | Total costs for your ads |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Conversion Rate. The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion |
conversion_rate_new_visit | bigdecimal | The percentage of new visits that triggered a goal conversion |
conversion_rate_returning_visit | bigdecimal | The percentage of returning visits that triggered a goal conversion |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_conversions_new_visit | integer | Number of goal conversions for new visits |
nb_conversions_returning_visit | integer | Number of goal conversions for returning visits |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
nb_visits_converted_new_visit | integer | New visitors: Number of visits that converted a goal |
nb_visits_converted_returning_visit | integer | Returning visitors: Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
revenue_new_visit | bigdecimal | Total revenue of goal conversions for new visits |
revenue_returning_visit | bigdecimal | Total revenue of goal conversions for returning visits |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Goals_get AS
CALL matomo.Goals_get (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Insights Overview
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date_start> (optional): Start date
<date_end> (optional): End date
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date | date | Results for the date |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
defaultKeyName | string | |
difference | bigdecimal | Difference |
grown | bigdecimal | |
growth_percent | bigdecimal | Growth percent |
growth_percent_numeric | string | |
importance | bigdecimal | Importance |
isDisappeared | boolean | |
isMover | boolean | |
isMoverAndShaker | boolean | |
isNew | boolean | |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
value_new | bigdecimal | Value new |
value_old | bigdecimal | Value old |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Insights_InsightsOverview AS
CALL matomo.Insights_InsightsOverview (
segment => NULL,
date_start => CAST (TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -7, CURDATE ()) AS date),
idSite => 'all'
) AS x
Live Counters
<lastMinutes> (required): Getting live data for the last minutes
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
actions | integer | Number of tracked actions |
visitors | integer | Number of visitors |
visits | integer | Number of visits |
visitsConverted | integer | Number of visits converted |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Live_Counters AS
CALL matomo.Live_Counters (
lastMinutes => 120,
segment => NULL,
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Details
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (optional): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<period> (optional): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
fingerprint | string | |
id_site | string | Integer id of your website |
idVisit | long | Visit id |
visitorId | string | Visitor id |
visitIp | string | |
lastActionDateTime | timestamp | Date and time of last action |
actions | integer | Number of tracked actions |
browser | string | |
browserCode | string | |
browserFamily | string | |
browserFamilyDescription | string | |
browserIcon | string | |
browserName | string | |
browserVersion | string | |
campaignContent | string | |
campaignId | string | |
campaignKeyword | string | |
campaignMedium | string | |
campaignName | string | |
campaignSource | string | |
city | string | |
continent | string | |
continentCode | string | |
country | string | |
countryCode | string | |
countryFlag | string | |
daysSinceFirstVisit | integer | |
daysSinceLastEcommerceOrder | integer | |
daysSinceLastVisit | integer | |
deviceBrand | string | |
deviceModel | string | |
deviceType | string | |
deviceTypeIcon | string | |
dimension1 | string | |
events | integer | Number of events |
firstActionTimestamp | timestamp | Time of the first action |
formConversions | integer | Number of form conversions |
goalConversions | integer | Number of goal conversions |
interactions | integer | The number of interactions |
language | string | |
languageCode | string | |
lastActionTimestamp | timestamp | Time of the last action |
latitude | bigdecimal | Latitude |
location | string | |
longitude | bigdecimal | Longitude |
operatingSystem | string | |
operatingSystemCode | string | |
operatingSystemIcon | string | |
operatingSystemName | string | |
operatingSystemVersion | string | |
plugins | string | |
referrerKeyword | string | |
referrerKeywordPosition | bigdecimal | |
referrerName | string | |
referrerSearchEngineIcon | string | |
referrerSearchEngineUrl | string | |
referrerSocialNetworkIcon | string | |
referrerSocialNetworkUrl | string | |
referrerType | string | |
referrerTypeName | string | |
referrerUrl | string | |
region | string | |
regionCode | string | |
resolution | string | |
searches | integer | The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website's search engine |
serverTimestamp | timestamp | Time of the last action |
sessionReplayUrl | string | |
siteCurrency | string | |
siteCurrencySymbol | string | |
siteName | string | |
totalAbandonedCarts | integer | Total number of abandoned carts which contained this Product SKU/Name/Category at least once |
totalAbandonedCartsItems | integer | Total number of items in abandoned carts which contained this Product SKU/Name/Category at least once |
totalAbandonedCartsRevenue | bigdecimal | Total amount of abandoned carts which contained this Product SKU/Name/Category at least once |
totalEcommerceConversions | integer | |
totalEcommerceItems | integer | |
totalEcommerceRevenue | bigdecimal | |
userId | string | User id |
visitConverted | integer | The number of visits that caused at least one conversion. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
visitConvertedIcon | string | |
visitCount | integer | Number of tracked visits |
visitDuration | integer | |
visitDurationPretty | string | |
visitEcommerceStatus | string | |
visitEcommerceStatusIcon | string | |
visitLocalHour | integer | |
visitLocalTime | time | Visit local time |
visitServerHour | integer | |
visitorType | string | |
visitorTypeIcon | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Live_LastVisitsDetails AS
CALL matomo.Live_LastVisitsDetails (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'day',
idSite => '44'
) AS x
Marketing Campaigns Content Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MarketingCampaignsReporting_Content AS
CALL matomo.MarketingCampaignsReporting_Content (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Marketing Campaigns Keywords Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MarketingCampaignsReporting_Keyword AS
CALL matomo.MarketingCampaignsReporting_Keyword (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Marketing Campaigns Mediums Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MarketingCampaignsReporting_Medium AS
CALL matomo.MarketingCampaignsReporting_Medium (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Marketing Campaign Names Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MarketingCampaignsReporting_Name AS
CALL matomo.MarketingCampaignsReporting_Name (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Marketing Campaigns Source Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MarketingCampaignsReporting_Source AS
CALL matomo.MarketingCampaignsReporting_Source (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Marketing Campaigns Source Mediums Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MarketingCampaignsReporting_SourceMedium AS
CALL matomo.MarketingCampaignsReporting_SourceMedium (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Audio Hours Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_AudioHours AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_AudioHours (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Audio Resources Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
openable | boolean | |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_AudioResources AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_AudioResources (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Audio Titles Statisitcs
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_AudioTitles AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_AudioTitles (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Current Most Played Audio or Video
<lastMinutes> (required): Getting live data for the last minutes
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
value | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_CurrentMostPlays AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_CurrentMostPlays (
segment => NULL,
lastMinutes => 120,
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Current Number of Plays of Audio or Video
<lastMinutes> (required): Getting live data for the last minutes
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
result | integer |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_CurrentNumPlays AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_CurrentNumPlays (
lastMinutes => 120,
segment => NULL,
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Current Summary Time Spent for playing Audio or Video
<lastMinutes> (required): Getting live data for the last minutes
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
result | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_CurrentSumTimeSpent AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_CurrentSumTimeSpent (
lastMinutes => 120,
segment => NULL,
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Audio Grouped Resources Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_GroupedAudioResources AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_GroupedAudioResources (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Video Grouped Resources Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response have an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
fullscreen_rate | bigdecimal | Fullscreen rate. The percentage of visitors that opened a video in fullscreen |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_GroupedVideoResources AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_GroupedVideoResources (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Video and Audio Players Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_Players AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_Players (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Video Hours Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
fullscreen_rate | bigdecimal | Fullscreen rate. The percentage of visitors that opened a video in fullscreen |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_VideoHours AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_VideoHours (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Video Resolutions Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
fullscreen_rate | bigdecimal | Fullscreen rate. The percentage of visitors that opened a video in fullscreen |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_VideoResolutions AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_VideoResolutions (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Video Resources Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
fullscreen_rate | bigdecimal | Fullscreen rate. The percentage of visitors that opened a video in fullscreen |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
openable | boolean | |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_VideoResources AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_VideoResources (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Video Titles Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
avg_completion_rate | bigdecimal | Avg. Completion. The percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video. This metric may show more than 100% if many visitors spent more time on the video than the media length. This can be especially the case when the media is played in a loop |
avg_media_length | bigdecimal | Avg. Media Length. The average length of a video or audio media file. This number may vary for example if the media is a stream or if the media resource changes over time |
avg_time_to_play | bigdecimal | Avg. Time To Play. The average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded |
avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Avg. time spent. The average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to a media |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
fullscreen_rate | bigdecimal | Fullscreen rate. The percentage of visitors that opened a video in fullscreen |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_plays_with_ml | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when media length > 0 |
nb_plays_with_tip | integer | The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media when time to initial play not null |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_fullscreen_plays | bigdecimal | |
sum_time_progress | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_VideoTitles AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_VideoTitles (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Video and Audio Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
finish_rate | bigdecimal | Finish rate. The percentage of visitors who played a media and finished it (finish means a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media) |
nb_finishes | integer | Finishes. The number of times a video was finished (a visitor has watched or listened to the end of the media). It does not necessarily mean a visitor has watched or listened to all of the media |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
nb_plays | integer | Plays. The number of times a visitor watched or listened to a media |
nb_unique_visitors_impressions | integer | Impressions by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have viewed a page where this media was included. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor has viewed the page multiple times a day |
nb_unique_visitors_plays | integer | Plays by unique visitors. The number of unique visitors that have watched or listened to a media. Every visitor is only counted once, even if the visitor watches or listens to the media resource multiple times a day |
play_rate | bigdecimal | Play rate. The percentage of visitors that watched or listened to a media after they have visited a page where this media was included |
sum_total_audio_impressions | bigdecimal | Number of audio impressions. The number of times a visitor has viewed a page where this audio was included |
sum_total_audio_plays | bigdecimal | Number of audio plays. The number of times a visitor has listened to an audio |
sum_total_time_watched | bigdecimal | Time spent on media. The total time that was spent watching or listening to the media |
sum_total_video_impressions | bigdecimal | Number of video impressions. The number of times a visitor has viewed a page where this video was included |
sum_total_video_plays | bigdecimal | Number of video plays. The number of times a visitor has watched a video |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MediaAnalytics_get AS
CALL matomo.MediaAnalytics_get (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
MultiSites Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<showColumns> (optional): comma-separated list of columns. If set, removes all columns in the result that are not found in this list. This can be used to reduce the amount of data transferred
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Site id |
label | string | Row label |
actions_evolution | bigdecimal | Change in percent of the number of tracked actions |
group | string | |
main_url | string | |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_pageviews | integer | Pageviews. The number of times this page was visited |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
pageviews_evolution | bigdecimal | Change in percent of the number of times this page was visited |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
revenue_evolution | bigdecimal | Change in percent of the revenue generated by Product sales |
visits_evolution | bigdecimal | Change in percent of the number of visits |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_MultiSites_All AS
CALL matomo.MultiSites_All (
showColumns => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year'
) AS x
Referrers Statistics
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date_start> (optional): Start date
<date_end> (optional): End date
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date | date | Results for the date |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
imported | boolean | |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
referer_type | string | |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_All AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_All (
segment => NULL,
date_start => CAST (TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -7, CURDATE ()) AS date),
idSite => 'all'
) AS x
Referrering Campaigns Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_Campaigns AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_Campaigns (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'month',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Referrering Keywords Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_Keywords AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_Keywords (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Number of Referrering Campaigns
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_campaigns | integer | Number of referring campaigns |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_NumberOfDistinctCampaigns AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_NumberOfDistinctCampaigns (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Number of Referrering Keywords
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_keywords | integer | Number of referring keywords |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_NumberOfDistinctKeywords AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_NumberOfDistinctKeywords (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Number of Referrering Search Engines
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_search_engines | integer | Number of referring search engines |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_NumberOfDistinctSearchEngines AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_NumberOfDistinctSearchEngines (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Number of Referrering Social Networks
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_social_networks | integer | Number of referring social networks |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_NumberOfDistinctSocialNetworks AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_NumberOfDistinctSocialNetworks (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Number of Referrering Websites
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_websites | integer | Number of websites |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_NumberOfDistinctWebsites AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_NumberOfDistinctWebsites (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Number of Referrering Website URLs
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_website_urls | integer | Number of website URLs |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_NumberOfDistinctWebsitesUrls AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_NumberOfDistinctWebsitesUrls (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Referrers Type Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
referrer_type | string | |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_ReferrerType AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_ReferrerType (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Referrers SearchEngines Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_SearchEngines AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_SearchEngines (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Referrers Social Networks Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_Socials AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_Socials (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Referrers URLs from Social Networks Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response has an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_UrlsForSocial AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_UrlsForSocial (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Referrers Websites Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_Websites AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_Websites (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Referrers Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
Referrers_distinctCampaigns | integer | |
Referrers_distinctKeywords | integer | |
Referrers_distinctSearchEngines | integer | |
Referrers_distinctSocialNetworks | integer | |
Referrers_distinctWebsites | integer | |
Referrers_distinctWebsitesUrls | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromCampaigns | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromCampaigns_percent | bigdecimal | |
Referrers_visitorsFromDirectEntry | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromDirectEntry_percent | bigdecimal | |
Referrers_visitorsFromSearchEngines | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromSearchEngines_percent | bigdecimal | |
Referrers_visitorsFromSocialNetworks | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromSocialNetworks_percent | bigdecimal | |
Referrers_visitorsFromWebsites | integer | |
Referrers_visitorsFromWebsites_percent | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Referrers_get AS
CALL matomo.Referrers_get (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Screen Resolution Configurations Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Resolution_Configuration AS
CALL matomo.Resolution_Configuration (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Screen Resolutions Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_Resolution_Resolution AS
CALL matomo.Resolution_Resolution (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Crawling Errors Bing
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
category | string | |
inLinks | integer | |
responseCode | integer | |
url | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_CrawlingErrorExamplesBing AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_CrawlingErrorExamplesBing (
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Crawling Overview Bing
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
blocked_robots | integer | |
code_2xx | integer | |
code_301 | integer | |
code_303 | integer | |
code_4xx | integer | |
code_5xx | integer | |
crawledpages | integer | |
dnsfail | integer | |
errors | integer | |
inindex | integer | |
inlinks | integer | |
malware | integer | |
other_codes | integer | |
timeout | integer |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_CrawlingOverviewBing AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_CrawlingOverviewBing (
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_Keywords AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_Keywords (
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Keywords Bing Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR. Clickthrough rate: A ratio showing how often people who see a search engine results page with a link to your website, end up clicking it |
nb_clicks | integer | Clicks. A click is counted each time someone clicks on a link pointing to your website on a search engine results page |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
position | bigdecimal | Avg. position. Average position of your website in the search engine results list (for this keyword) |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsBing AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsBing (
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Keywords Google Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR. Clickthrough rate: A ratio showing how often people who see a search engine results page with a link to your website, end up clicking it |
nb_clicks | integer | Clicks. A click is counted each time someone clicks on a link pointing to your website on a search engine results page |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
position | bigdecimal | Avg. position. Average position of your website in the search engine results list (for this keyword) |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsGoogle AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsGoogle (
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Keywords Google Image Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR. Clickthrough rate: A ratio showing how often people who see a search engine results page with a link to your website, end up clicking it |
nb_clicks | integer | Clicks. A click is counted each time someone clicks on a link pointing to your website on a search engine results page |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
position | bigdecimal | Avg. position. Average position of your website in the search engine results list (for this keyword) |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsGoogleImage AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsGoogleImage (
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Keywords Google Video Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR. Clickthrough rate: A ratio showing how often people who see a search engine results page with a link to your website, end up clicking it |
nb_clicks | integer | Clicks. A click is counted each time someone clicks on a link pointing to your website on a search engine results page |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
position | bigdecimal | Avg. position. Average position of your website in the search engine results list (for this keyword) |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsGoogleVideo AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsGoogleVideo (
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Keywords Google Web Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR. Clickthrough rate: A ratio showing how often people who see a search engine results page with a link to your website, end up clicking it |
nb_clicks | integer | Clicks. A click is counted each time someone clicks on a link pointing to your website on a search engine results page |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
position | bigdecimal | Avg. position. Average position of your website in the search engine results list (for this keyword) |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsGoogleWeb AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsGoogleWeb (
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Imported Keywords Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR. Clickthrough rate: A ratio showing how often people who see a search engine results page with a link to your website, end up clicking it |
nb_clicks | integer | Clicks. A click is counted each time someone clicks on a link pointing to your website on a search engine results page |
nb_impressions | integer | Impressions. An impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page |
position | bigdecimal | Avg. position. Average position of your website in the search engine results list (for this keyword) |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsImported AS
CALL matomo.SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance_KeywordsImported (
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Custom Segments
<idSite> (optional): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
auto_archive | boolean | Auto-archiving |
definition | string | |
deleted | boolean | Deleted |
enable_all_users | boolean | |
enable_only_idsite | boolean | |
idsegment | string | |
login | string | |
name | string | |
ts_created | timestamp | Created |
ts_last_edit | timestamp | Last edit |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SegmentEditor_All AS
CALL matomo.SegmentEditor_All (
idSite => '62'
) AS x
<api_method> (optional): One of the following: All, WithAdminAccess, WithViewAccess, WithAtLeastViewAccess
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Site id |
creator_login | string | |
currency | string | |
currency_name | string | |
ecommerce | boolean | |
exclude_unknown_urls | boolean | |
excluded_ips | string | |
excluded_parameters | string | |
excluded_user_agents | string | |
group | string | |
keep_url_fragment | boolean | |
main_url | string | |
name | string | |
sitesearch | boolean | |
sitesearch_category_parameters | string | |
sitesearch_keyword_parameters | string | |
timezone | string | |
timezone_name | string | |
type | string | |
ts_created | timestamp | Created |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SitesManager_AllSites AS
CALL matomo.SitesManager_AllSites ()
) AS x
Currency List
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
code | string | |
name | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SitesManager_CurrencyList AS
CALL matomo.SitesManager_CurrencyList ()
) AS x
Site from Id
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Site id |
currency | string | |
currency_name | string | |
ecommerce | boolean | |
exclude_unknown_urls | boolean | |
excluded_ips | string | |
excluded_parameters | string | |
excluded_user_agents | string | |
group | string | |
keep_url_fragment | boolean | |
main_url | string | |
name | string | |
sitesearch | boolean | |
sitesearch_category_parameters | string | |
sitesearch_keyword_parameters | string | |
timezone | string | |
timezone_name | string | |
type | string | |
ts_created | timestamp | Created |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_SitesManager_SiteFromId AS
CALL matomo.SitesManager_SiteFromId (
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visitors City Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
country | string | |
country_name | string | |
region | string | |
region_name | string | |
city | string | |
city_name | string | |
lat | bigdecimal | Latitude |
long | bigdecimal | Longitude |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserCountry_City AS
CALL matomo.UserCountry_City (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visitors Continent Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
code | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserCountry_Continent AS
CALL matomo.UserCountry_Continent (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visitors Country Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
code | string | |
logo | string | |
logoHeight | bigdecimal | Logo height |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserCountry_Country AS
CALL matomo.UserCountry_Country (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Country Code Mapping
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
code | string | |
name | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserCountry_CountryCodeMapping AS
CALL matomo.UserCountry_CountryCodeMapping ()
) AS x
Location from IP
<ip> (optional): IP address
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
city_name | string | |
continent_code | string | |
continent_name | string | |
country_code | string | |
country_name | string | |
ip | string | |
lat | bigdecimal | Latitude |
long | bigdecimal | Longitude |
postal_code | string | |
region_code | string | |
region_name | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserCountry_LocationFromIP AS
CALL matomo.UserCountry_LocationFromIP ()
) AS x
Visitors Countries Number
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_countries | integer | Number of distinct countries |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserCountry_NumberOfDistinctCountries AS
CALL matomo.UserCountry_NumberOfDistinctCountries (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visitors Region Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
country | string | |
country_name | string | |
region | string | |
region_name | string | |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
logo | string | |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserCountry_Region AS
CALL matomo.UserCountry_Region (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Users Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idvisitor | string | |
label | string | Row label |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserId_Users AS
CALL matomo.UserId_Users (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visitors Languages Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UserLanguage_Language AS
CALL matomo.UserLanguage_Language (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visitors Flow Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<idSubtable> (optional): Used to request a subtable of a given row. In Matomo, some rows are linked to a sub-table. For example, each row in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response have an "idsubdatatable" field. This integer idsubdatatable is the idSubtable of the table that contains all keywords for this search engine. You can then request the keywords for this search engine by calling Referrers.getKeywordsFromSearchEngineId with the parameter idSubtable=X (replace X with the idsubdatatable value found in the Referrers.getSearchEngines response, for the search engine you are interested in)
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
idsubdatatable | long | IdSubtable |
label | string | Row label |
exit_rate | bigdecimal | Exit rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page |
nb_exits | integer | Exits. The number of visits that did not leave after this interaction |
nb_proceeded | integer | Proceeded. The number of visits that proceeded to the next interaction and did not exit your website or app |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
proceeded_rate | bigdecimal | Proceeded Rate. The percentage of visits that performed another interaction after performing an interaction |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UsersFlow_UsersFlowPretty AS
CALL matomo.UsersFlow_UsersFlowPretty (
idSubtable => NULL,
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Users and Roles
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
alias | string | |
capabilities | string | |
string | ||
login | string | |
role | string | |
superuser_access | boolean | Superuser access |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_UsersManager_UsersPlusRole AS
CALL matomo.UsersManager_UsersPlusRole (
idSite => 'all'
) AS x
Returning Visitors Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
avg_time_on_site_new | bigdecimal | New visitors: The average number of time spent per visit in seconds |
avg_time_on_site_returning | bigdecimal | Returning visitors: The average number of time spent per visit in seconds |
bounce_count_new | integer | New visitors: Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
bounce_count_returning | integer | Returning visitors: Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
bounce_rate_new | bigdecimal | New visitors: The percent of visits that resulted in a bounce |
bounce_rate_returning | bigdecimal | Returning visitors: The percent of visits that resulted in a bounce |
max_actions_new | integer | New visitors: Maximum number of actions in a visit |
max_actions_returning | integer | Returning visitors: Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions_new | integer | New visitors: Number of actions (page views, outlinks and downloads) |
nb_actions_per_visit_new | bigdecimal | New visitors: The average number of actions for a single visit |
nb_actions_per_visit_returning | bigdecimal | Returning visitors: The average number of actions for a single visit |
nb_actions_returning | integer | Returning visitors: Number of actions (page views, outlinks and downloads) |
nb_visits_converted_new | integer | New visitors: Number of visits that converted a goal |
nb_visits_converted_returning | integer | Returning visitors: Number of visits that converted a goal |
nb_visits_new | integer | New visitors: Number of Visits (30 min of inactivity considered a new visit) |
nb_visits_returning | integer | Returning visitors: Number of Visits (30 min of inactivity considered a new visit) |
sum_visit_length_new | bigdecimal | New visitors: Total time spent, in seconds |
sum_visit_length_returning | bigdecimal | Returning visitors: Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitFrequency_get AS
CALL matomo.VisitFrequency_get (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Days Of Week Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
day_of_week | integer | Day of week: 1 to 7 |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_uniq_visitors | integer | Unique visitors. The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day |
nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID). If you are not using User ID then this metric will be set to zero |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitTime_ByDayOfWeek AS
CALL matomo.VisitTime_ByDayOfWeek (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Hours Statistics by Local Time
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitTime_VisitInformationPerLocalTime AS
CALL matomo.VisitTime_VisitInformationPerLocalTime (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Hours Statistics by Server Time
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_conversions | integer | The number of conversions tracked for this set of visits. Includes conversions for every goal of a site |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
revenue | bigdecimal | The total revenue generated by Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount |
sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors | bigdecimal | Sum of daily unique visitors over days in the period. Matomo doesn't process unique visitors across the full period |
sum_daily_nb_users | integer | Number of unique active users (visitors with a known User ID) over days in the period |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitTime_VisitInformationPerServerTime AS
CALL matomo.VisitTime_VisitInformationPerServerTime (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Number of Visits by Days Since Last
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitorInterest_NumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast AS
CALL matomo.VisitorInterest_NumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visitors Visits Number Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_percentage | bigdecimal | Percentage of tracked visits. A visit is series of events each of which happened no more than 30 minutes apart |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitorInterest_NumberOfVisitsByVisitCount AS
CALL matomo.VisitorInterest_NumberOfVisitsByVisitCount (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visited Pages Number Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitorInterest_NumberOfVisitsPerPage AS
CALL matomo.VisitorInterest_NumberOfVisitsPerPage (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Duration Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): defines the Custom Segment you wish to filter your reports to, for example, '' will return the requested API report, processed for the subset of users coming from
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
label | string | Row label |
segment | string | Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, '' |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitorInterest_NumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration AS
CALL matomo.VisitorInterest_NumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Actions Summary Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitsSummary_Actions AS
CALL matomo.VisitsSummary_Actions (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Bounce Summary Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitsSummary_BounceCount AS
CALL matomo.VisitsSummary_BounceCount (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Maximum Number of Actions Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitsSummary_MaxActions AS
CALL matomo.VisitsSummary_MaxActions (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Durations Summary Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | The sum of each visit's elapsed time |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitsSummary_SumVisitsLength AS
CALL matomo.VisitsSummary_SumVisitsLength (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
result | string |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitsSummary_SumVisitsLengthPretty AS
CALL matomo.VisitsSummary_SumVisitsLengthPretty (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Unique Visitors Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_uniq_visitors | integer | Number of Unique Visitors |
Visits Number Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitsSummary_Visits AS
CALL matomo.VisitsSummary_Visits (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Converted Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitsSummary_VisitsConverted AS
CALL matomo.VisitsSummary_VisitsConverted (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x
Visits Summary Statistics
<period> (required): The period you request the statistics for. Can be any of: day, week, month, year or range. All reports are returned for the dates based on the website's time zone; - day returns data for a given day; - week returns data for the week that contains the specified 'date'; - month returns data for the month that contains the specified 'date'; - year returns data for the year that contains the specified 'date'; - range returns data for the specified 'date' range
<idSite> (required): One of the following: - the integer id of your website, eg. idSite=1; - a list of idSites comma-separated, eg. idSite=1,4,5,6; - if you want to get data for all websites, set idSite=all
<date> (required): One date - YYYY-MM-DD; today; yesterday or ranges: YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD; lastX; previousX
<segment> (optional): Custom Segment to filter your reports to, for example, ''
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into the table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
date_range_start | date | Start date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
date_range_finish | date | End date of the range for results broken down by date ranges |
id_site | long | Integer id of your website |
avg_time_on_site | bigdecimal | Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds). The average duration of a visit |
bounce_count | integer | Number of visits that bounced (viewed only one page) |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce Rate (Actions). The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away |
max_actions | integer | Maximum number of actions in a visit |
nb_actions | integer | Actions. The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks |
nb_actions_per_visit | bigdecimal | Actions per Visit. The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits |
nb_visits | integer | Visits. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit |
nb_visits_converted | integer | Number of visits that converted a goal |
sum_visit_length | bigdecimal | Total time spent, in seconds |
CREATE VIEW matomo_examples.example_VisitsSummary_get AS
CALL matomo.VisitsSummary_get (
segment => NULL,
"date" => 'yesterday',
period => 'year',
idSite => '62'
) AS x