Oktopost API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_
in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
Oktopost campaigns
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | string | Campaign Id |
Name | string | Name of campaign |
TotalPosts | integer | Total Posts |
TotalPendingPosts | integer | Total Pending Posts |
TotalDraftPosts | integer | Total Draft Posts |
Click | integer | Click |
Converts | integer | Converts |
Created | timestamp | Timestamp indicating when this campaign is created |
Status | string | Status of campaign |
Comments | integer | Comments |
PostsSent | integer | Posts Sent |
CREATE VIEW oktopost_examples.example_Campaigns
SELECT * FROM oktopost.Campaigns (
preview => TRUE
Post Analytics
<postAge> (required): Count of days from which we select posts analytics
<post_table> (optional): Table name with post data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type | Description |
reportDate | date | Report date |
postId | string | Post id |
LinkClicks | integer | Count of link click |
Conversions | integer | Quantity of conversions |
Comments | integer | Count of comments |
Likes | integer | Count of likes |
Shares | integer | Count of shares |
ImpressionsAdded | integer | Quantity of added impressions |
CREATE VIEW oktopost_examples.example_PostAnalytics
SELECT * FROM oktopost.PostAnalytics (
postAge => 1,
preview => TRUE
Posts from the account
<messageId> (optional): Return single item, rather than list
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | string | Post Id |
Created | timestamp | A timestamp indicating when this post is created |
Modified | timestamp | A timestamp indicating when this post is modified |
Status | string | Status |
AccountId | string | Account Id |
CreatedBy | string | Created By |
ModifiedBy | string | Modified By |
Source | string | Source |
ContentSource | string | Content Source |
Queued | string | Queued |
CampaignId | string | Campaign Id |
BoardId | string | Board Id |
MessageId | string | Message Id |
MessageChildId | string | Message ChildId |
MessageStatus | string | Message Status |
Network | string | Network |
StartDateTime | timestamp | Start DateTime |
Groups | string | Groups |
GroupsCount | integer | Groups Count |
TotalCount | integer | Total Count |
TargetGeo | string | Target Geo |
UpdateStatus | string | Update Status |
Flag | string | Flag |
Clicks | integer | Clicks |
Converts | integer | Converts |
Comments | integer | Comments |
NewComments | integer | New Comments |
Likes | integer | Likes |
Utm | string | Utm |
ApproveStatus | string | Approve Status |
Credentials | string | Credentials |
CREATE VIEW oktopost_examples.example_Posts
SELECT * FROM oktopost.Posts (
preview => TRUE