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Oracle NetSuite - CData Driver

NetSuite supports two connection methods: SuiteQL and SuiteTalk. Each method has benefits and drawbacks, as outlined below. For most users, CData recommends using SuiteQL.


SuiteQL is the newer of the two connection methods. This method offers much better performance, especially when you issue large queries. It also supports rich join support, grouping, aggregation, custom list tables, and retrieval of specific columns in your data.

However, SuiteQL only supports SELECT queries. As a result, you cannot issue INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries to NetSuite when you are connected via SuiteQL.


SuiteTalk is the older of the two connection methods. This method provides broad entity support and full support for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries. However, it often performs poorly during large SELECT queries and lacks reliable table joining capabilities. You also cannot group or aggregate data using SuiteTalk.

For performance and reliability reasons, CData recommends using SuiteTalk only if you require access to INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries for your connection to NetSuite.

Setup Guide

To configure your NetSuite connection, follow these steps:

  1. Configure user roles using the instruction below (Step 1: Configure Roles).

  2. Choose a connection method (SuiteQL/OAuth or SuiteTalk/Token). Note that NetSuite does not support basic authentication through username and password credentials in recent versions. CData Connect recommends using OAuth or Token authorization.

  3. Establish the connection using the instruction below (Step 2: Connect to NetSuite).

Step 1: Configure Roles

CData Virtuality communicates with NetSuite through NetSuite Web services. If the user account that you will use for establishing the connection does not have NetSuite Web services permissions, follow these steps to create them:

  1. Log into NetSuite as an administrator. From the navigation bar, select Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Choose an existing role or create a new one, depending on your needs.

  3. On the Edit Role page, navigate to the Permissions section.

  4. Expand the Setup () field.

  5. In a blank slot, select SOAP Web Services and click Add to add the permission.

  6. In another blank slot, select REST Web Services and click Add to add the permission.

  7. Add additional permissions.

    • If you plan to connect to NetSuite via SuiteQL/OAuth, add the OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications Management permission.

    • If you plan to connect to NetSuite via SuiteTalk/Token add the User Access Token and Access Token Management permissions.

  8. When you finish, return to the top of the page and click Save to save the role.

Next, add this role to an employee:

  1. From the navigation bar, select Lists > Employees > Employees. Select an employee or add a new one.

  2. Scroll to the Access section. In the Roles subsection, add the role that you created.

  3. Scroll to the top and click Save.

Continue to Connecting to NetSuite below.

Step 2: Connect to NetSuite

Follow these steps to connect NetSuite to your CData Virtuality account:

  1. In the Web UI, open the Sources page:

  2. Type NetSuite into the search field, then click the second data source button (the one on the right):

    Screenshot from 2024-09-06 18-13-11.png

  3. On a separate browser tab, log in to your NetSuite account as an administrator role.

  4. From the top navigation bar, select Setup > Company > Company Information.

  5. Copy the value for Account Id to your clipboard.

  6. Return to CData Virtuality Web UI and enter the copied value into the Account Id field .

  7. For the Schema field, select either SuiteQL or SuiteTalk.

  8. Select the Authentication method, then proceed to the relevant section and follow those instructions. Note that OAuth is only available if SuiteQL is selected, and Basic is only available when Suitetalk is selected.

Authentication Methods


  1. Click Sign in to connect securely through OAuth. This action opens the NetSuite sign-in page in a new tab.

  2. Log into your NetSuite account and provide the requested permissions (if applicable).

  3. At the top of the CData Connect Add NetSuite Connection page, click Save & Test.

    • If the connection test succeeds, a message indicates that your connection has been created.

    • If the connection test fails, ensure that you entered your login information correctly with no stray spaces or other characters. Then, try again.


  1. In NetSuite, navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. Open the SuiteCloud tab and scroll to Manage Authentication. Make sure the checkbox Token-Based Authentication is selected, then scroll to the top and click Save.

  3. Navigate to Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations.

  4. Create a new integration. Under Token-based Authentication, select the Token-Based Authentication and TBA: Authorization Flow checkboxes.

  5. In the Callback URL field, enter

  6. In the OAuth 2.0 section, if you do not plan to use OAuth elsewhere with this integration, clear the Authorization Code Grant checkbox.

  7. Copy the values for Consumer Key / Client ID and Consumer Secret / Client Secret from the Client Credentials section. You need these values later. (Note: If you click Save before you copy the consumer key and secret, click Edit then Reset Credentials.)

  8. Click Save to save the integration.

Next, create an access token by following these steps:

  1. From the navigation bar, select Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens.

  2. Create a new access token. For the application name, select the integration you created.

  3. In the User and Role fields, use the same user and role from the Configure Roles section.

  4. Click Save. Copy the credentials for Token ID and Token Secret.

  5. Return to CData Connect and enter your OAuth Client Id.

  6. Enter your Client or Consumer secret into OAuth Client Secret.

  7. Enter your OAuth Access Token Id.

  8. Enter your OAuth Access Token Secret.

  9. At the top of the CData Connect Add NetSuite Connection page, click Save & Test.

    • If the connection test succeeds, a message indicates that your connection has been created.

    • If the connection test fails, ensure that you entered your login information correctly with no stray spaces or other characters. Then, try again.


Note: This version is only supported on older versions of NetSuite and is not recommended.

  1. In the User field, enter the NetSuite username for authentication.

  2. Enter the user password.

  3. At the top of the CData Connect Add NetSuite Connection page, click Save & Test.

    • If the connection test succeeds, a message indicates that your connection has been created.

    • If the connection test fails, ensure that you entered your login information correctly with no stray spaces or other characters. Then, try again.


When logging in through OAuth, I receive the error “Your role does not support OAuth2 login, please select a different one.”

This error appears when the role that you select during OAuth login is not configured for OAuth. If you have an OAuth-configured role, click Choose another role on the NetSuite authorization page and select that role. If you do not have an OAuth-configured role, follow the steps in the Configure Roles section.

More Information

For more details on the NetSuite driver, see this information page.

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