Public Bing Ads Connector API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be called directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. The internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_
prefix in their names. The public API procedures do not contain this prefix in their names.
Gets auction insight data for an account, campaigns, ad groups, or keywords
<EntityIds> (optional): The Microsoft Advertising identifiers for up to 200 campaigns, ad groups, or keywords.This element is required for the campaign, ad group, and keyword entity types. If the EntityType is Account, this element is optional and will override the value set in the CustomerAccountId header. Regardless of the entity type, you must set the CustomerId and CustomerAccountId header elements.
<EntityType> (required): (Account, AdGroup, Campaign, Keyword) - The entity level that you want to request auction insight data.The supported values are Account, Campaign, AdGroup, and Keyword.This element is required.
<StartDate> (optional): Start Date
<EndDate> (optional): End Date
<AuctionSegmentSearchParameter1> (optional): Defines an auction segment search parameter (Day, Week, Month, Quarter, DayOfWeek, and then Device)
<AuctionSegmentSearchParameter2> (optional): Defines an auction segment search parameter (Day, Week, Month, Quarter, DayOfWeek, and then Device)
<AuctionSegmentSearchParameter3> (optional): Defines an auction segment search parameter (Day, Week, Month, Quarter, DayOfWeek, and then Device)
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AuctionSegment | string | The segments if any were specified via one or more AuctionSegmentSearchParameter in the GetAuctionInsightData request. The list of auction segments is in the same order as the AuctionSegment value set i.e., Day, Week, Month, Quarter, DayOfWeek, and then Device. For example if you requested the Day, Device, and Quarter segments for May 1, 2018, this element will contain a list of three auction segments in the following order: Day, Quarter, and Device |
UsedKeywords | bigdecimal | The number of keywords that were used to generate the auction insight entries |
UsedImpressions | bigdecimal | The percent of impressions that were used to generate the auction insight entries. The value can range from 0 to 1.0, for example 0.8 indicates that 80 percent of impressions were used |
DisplayDomain | string | The display URL of another advertiser who participates in the same auctions as you. The competing websites listed in your auction insights data are those who enter the same auctions as you, and are eligible for the same impressions that you are. Competitors aren't necessarily determined on how similar their keywords, match types, or other targeting settings are to your own, and auction insights doesn't provide a full report on these metrics for other advertisers |
KpiType | string | |
AboveRate | bigdecimal | The percentage of time competitors' ads showed up higher than your ads on the search results page. If the rate is high then the other advertiser is getting more desirable ad positions than you. A high rate is likely due to a poor quality score or a low bid |
AveragePosition | bigdecimal | The average position on the web page for ads that were delivered. Although it varies, positions 1-4 appear at the top of the search results page and positions 5-10 appear in other locations (for example, the bottom or the sidebar). Use this to compare your ad position with the average rank of all ads in the auction |
ImpressionShare | bigdecimal | The number of times an ad is shown on the Microsoft Advertising Network divided by the total available impressions. Use this to compare your share of impressions to the impression share of advertisers competing against you |
OutrankingShare | bigdecimal | The percentage of time your ad showed up higher on the search results pages than your competitors or your ad showed when theirs did not. If the rate is high, you are getting a more desirable ad position than other advertisers |
OverlapRate | bigdecimal | The percentage of time competitors' ads showed up on the search results page when your ad was shown. If the rate is high then this advertiser is a competitor since their ads shows up on the same search results page as yours |
Segments | string | The list of strings identifies a distinct combination of requested segments. The list of segment values is in the same order as the AuctionSegment value set i.e., Day, Week, Month, Quarter, DayOfWeek, and then Device. For example if you requested the Day, Device, and Quarter segments for May 1, 2018, this element will contain a list of three strings in the following order: 5/1/2018 (Day), 4/1/2018 (Quarter), and PC (Device). This element is only applicable for the SegmentedKpis of an AuctionInsightEntry. This element is nil and not applicable for the AggregatedKpi of an AuctionInsightEntry |
TopOfPageRate | bigdecimal | The percentage of time your ad showed up in the mainline, the premium ad position above the organic search results. Ads at the top of the page tend to receive more clicks |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_AuctionInsightData AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_AuctionInsightData (
EntityIds => NULL,
EntityType => 'Account',
StartDate => '2019-04-15',
EndDate => '2019-05-30',
AuctionSegmentSearchParameter1 => 'Day',
AuctionSegmentSearchParameter2 => 'Device',
AuctionSegmentSearchParameter3 => NULL
) AS x
Given a list of existing ad groups, this operation returns for each a list of suggested bids and estimated performance statistics
<DefaultBidOnly_AdGroupId> (optional): The ad group identifiers, which only existing keywords that use the ad group's default bid are used to determine the bid landscape.
<Uniform_AdGroupId> (optional): The ad group identifiers, which all of an ad group's existing keywords are used to determine the bid landscape
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdGroupId | long | The ad group identifier |
AdGroupBidLandscapeType | string | Indicates whether all or a subset of an ad group's existing keywords were used to determine the bid landscape |
StartDate | date | The first date used to calculate the bid landscape. The start date is usually seven days prior to the end date. The difference between the start and end dates could be less than seven if performance data is not available, for example with a new ad group |
EndDate | date | The most recent date used to calculate the bid landscape. The end date should be approximately 2 days prior to today's date when the service is called |
Bid | bigdecimal | The suggested bid value |
Clicks | bigdecimal | The estimated number of clicks. This element will be nil if there is no estimate available |
Cost | bigdecimal | The estimated cost. This element will be nil if there is no estimate available |
CurrencyCode | string | The ISO code for the monetary unit of the suggested bid value and estimated performance statistics |
Impressions | long | The estimated number of impressions |
MarginalCPC | bigdecimal | Reserved for future use |
TopImpressions | long | The estimated number of impressions in the top or mainline ad results. This element will be nil if there is no estimate available |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_BidLandscapeByAdGroupIds AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_BidLandscapeByAdGroupIds (
DefaultBidOnly_AdGroupId => '1207263946401680,1208363457871057,1209462969336754',
Uniform_AdGroupId => '1211661992886084,1212761504201797'
) AS x
Given a list of existing keywords, this operation returns for each a list of suggested bids and estimated performance statistics from 1 to 7 days
<IncludeCurrentBid> (optional): When set to false, the suggested bid values might not include the keyword's current bid. The default value is false.When set to true, one of the suggested bid values will be equal to the keyword's current bid.
<KeywordIds> (optional): An array of identifiers of the keywords for which you want to get the list of suggested bid values with estimated performance statistics.You may specify a maximum of 1,000 keywords.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
KeywordId | long | The keyword identifier |
StartDate | date | The first date used to calculate the bid landscape. The start date is usually seven days prior to the end date. The difference between the start and end dates could be less than seven if performance data is not available, for example with a new ad group |
EndDate | date | The most recent date used to calculate the bid landscape. The end date should be approximately 2 days prior to today's date when the service is called |
Bid | bigdecimal | The suggested bid value |
Clicks | bigdecimal | The estimated number of clicks. This element will be nil if there is no estimate available |
Cost | bigdecimal | The estimated cost. This element will be nil if there is no estimate available |
CurrencyCode | string | The ISO code for the monetary unit of the suggested bid value and estimated performance statistics |
Impressions | long | The estimated number of impressions |
MarginalCPC | bigdecimal | Reserved for future use |
TopImpressions | long | The estimated number of impressions in the top or mainline ad results. This element will be nil if there is no estimate available |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_BidLandscapeByKeywordIds AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_BidLandscapeByKeywordIds (
IncludeCurrentBid => true,
KeywordIds => '75797725799114,75797725799134'
) AS x
Gets the keyword bid opportunities of the specified ad group
<AdGroupId> (optional): The identifier of the ad group for which you want to determine keyword bid opportunities.If this element is nil or empty, the operation will return all bid opportunities for the specified campaign.
<CampaignId> (optional): The identifier of the campaign that owns the ad group specified in the element.If this element is nil or empty, then the must also be nil or empty, and the operation will return all bid opportunities for the account.
<OpportunityType> (optional): (FirstPage, MainLine, MainLine1) - Determines the type or types of bid opportunities corresponding to your ad position goals.The operation will only return opportunities if there's a suggested increase within 100% of your current bid that will help you achieve the specified goal.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdGroupId | long | The identifier of the ad group that owns the keyword |
CampaignId | long | The identifier of the campaign for the ad group that owns the keyword |
CurrentBid | bigdecimal | The current keyword bid amount specified for the match type in the MatchType element |
EstimatedIncreaseInClicks | bigdecimal | The estimated clicks opportunities corresponding to the suggested bid |
EstimatedIncreaseInCost | bigdecimal | The estimated increase in spend corresponding to the suggested bid |
EstimatedIncreaseInImpressions | long | The estimated impressions opportunities corresponding to the suggested bid |
KeywordId | long | The identifier of the keyword to which the bid opportunity applies |
MatchType | string | The match type to which the suggested bid value applies. The possible values are BroadMatch, ExactMatch, and PhraseMatch |
SuggestedBid | bigdecimal | The suggested bid based on the last 7 days of performance history for the corresponding ad group |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_BidOpportunities AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_BidOpportunities (
AdGroupId => 1221557597550093,
CampaignId => 276117595,
OpportunityType => 'MainLine'
) AS x
Gets the campaign budget opportunities of the specified campaign
<CampaignId> (optional): The identifier of the campaign for which you want to discover possible campaign budget opportunities.If this element is nil or empty, then the operation will return all budget opportunities for the account.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
BudgetType | string | The type of budget that the campaign uses |
CampaignId | long | The identifier of the campaign to which the suggested budget applies |
CurrentBudget | bigdecimal | The campaign's current budget |
IncreaseInClicks | bigdecimal | The estimated clicks opportunities corresponding to the suggested budget |
IncreaseInImpressions | long | The estimated impressions opportunities corresponding to the suggested budget |
PercentageIncreaseInClicks | integer | The estimated percentage increase in clicks corresponding to the suggested budget |
PercentageIncreaseInImpressions | integer | The estimated percentage increase in impressions corresponding to the suggested budget |
RecommendedBudget | bigdecimal | The suggested budget based on the last 15 days of performance history for the corresponding campaign |
BudgetAmount | bigdecimal | A potential new budget. This budget amount is your current campaign budget if the BudgetPointType value is Current |
BudgetPointType | string | The type of budget relative to a list of budget points. For example, if the budget point type is Current then this object's BudgetAmount element would be equal to the corresponding campaign's daily budget |
EstimatedWeeklyClicks | bigdecimal | The estimated weekly clicks for the given budget amount |
EstimatedWeeklyCost | bigdecimal | The estimated weekly cost for the given budget amount |
EstimatedWeeklyImpressions | bigdecimal | The estimated weekly impressions for the given budget amount |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_BudgetOpportunities AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_BudgetOpportunities (
CampaignId => 276117595
) AS x
Gets the list of categories available for the website domain and language
<CategoryName> (optional): The category name filter. If you already know one or more of the categories, then you can optionally filter the list of results by sub-category. Up to three category levels can be specified, and must be separated by a forward slash . For example you can format the filter as CategoryL1 / CategoryL2 / CategoryL3. If you do not include any category name, then all categories for the domain and language will be returned.
<DomainName> (optional): The website name corresponding to the pages you want your ads to target.The maximum length of the domain is 2,048 characters. You do not need to include the http, https, or www prefix.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Bid | bigdecimal | Reserved for future use |
CategoryName | string | The category name. Up to three category levels can be returned, and will be separated by a forward slash ("/"). For example the returned category might be US/CA/SFO |
Coverage | bigdecimal | A score from 0.0 to 1.0 that indicates the percentage of pages in the requested language that belong to a particular domain out of all the pages that Bing has indexed for the same language your website's domain. In other words coverage is the percentage of webpages that match a category and language divided by the total number of webpages using the same language in the domain. For example, if the category US/CA/SFO matches 500 english webpages and US/CA matches 1,000 english webpages, then the coverage will be 0.50 (50 percent) |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_DomainCategories AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_DomainCategories (
CategoryName => 'CategoryL1',
DomainName => ''
) AS x
Gets the estimated bid value of one or more keywords - specified by keyword identifier - that could have resulted in an ad appearing in the targeted position in the search results in the last 7 days
<KeywordIds> (optional): An array of identifiers of the keywords for which you want to get the suggested bid values that could have resulted in your ad appearing in the targeted position in the search results. You may specify a maximum of 1,000 keywords
<TargetPositionForAds> (optional): (FirstPage, MainLine, MainLine1) - The position in which you want your ads to appear in the search results. The default value is MainLine1
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
KeywordId | long | The identifier of the keyword to which the suggested bid applies |
Keyword | string | The keyword to which the estimates apply |
AverageCPC | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (maximum total cost / maximum number of clicks) |
CTR | bigdecimal | The estimated CTR. The formula used to calculate the CTR is (maximum number of clicks / maximum number of impressions) * 100 |
CurrencyCode | string | The ISO code for the monetary unit of the cost estimates and suggested bid value |
EstimatedMinBid | bigdecimal | The suggested bid value |
MatchType | string | The match type used to determine the estimates |
MaxClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum number of clicks per week |
MaxImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated maximum number of impressions per week |
MaxTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum cost per week |
MinClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum number of clicks per week |
MinImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated minimum number of impressions per week |
MinTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum cost per week |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_EstimatedBidByKeywordIds AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_EstimatedBidByKeywordIds (
KeywordIds => '75797725799114,75797725799134',
TargetPositionForAds => 'MainLine'
) AS x
Gets the estimated bid value of one or more keywords that could result in an ad appearing in the targeted position in the search results
<AdGroupId> (optional): The identifier of the ad group whose performance data is used to help determine how well the keyword might perform in the context of the ad group. Specifying an ad group helps improve the accuracy of the suggested bid.If you specify an ad group, you must specify the campaign that it belongs to.
<CampaignId> (optional): The identifier of the campaign that owns the ad group specified in . If you do not specify an ad group, the campaign's performance data is used to help determine how well the keyword might perform in the context of the campaign.Specifying a campaign and ad group helps improve the accuracy of the suggested bid. If neither or are specified, the operation uses the specified header element to help determine how well the keyword might perform in the context of the account.
<CurrencyCode> (optional): (AED, ALL, AMD, ARS, AUD, AZM, BGL, BHD, BND, BOB, BRL, BYB, BZD, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, COP, CRC, CZK, DKK, DOP, DZD, EEK, EGP, EUR, GBP, GEL, GTQ, HKD, HNL, HRK, HUF, IDR, ILS, INR, IQD, IRR, ISK, JMD, JOD, JPY, KES, KGS, KRW, KWD, KZT, LBP, LTL, LVL, LYD, MAD, MKD, MNT, MOP, MVR, MXN, MYR, NIO, NOK, NZD, OMR, PAB, PEN, PHP, PKR, PLN, PYG, QAR, ROL, RUR, SAR, SEK, SGD, SIT, SKK, SYP, THB, TND, TRY, TTD, TWD, UAH, USD, UYU, UZS, VEF, VND, YER, YUN, ZAR, ZWD) - The ISO code for the monetary unit to use to calculate the cost estimates and suggested bid value.If not set, the service determines the currency from the account specified in the header element. If neither or is set, the service uses USD.
<EntityLevelBid> (optional): Determines whether to return estimates for keyword level bids, ad group level bids, or both.- Set to Keyword to get an array of KeywordEstimatedBid corresponding to the specified keywords.- Set to AdGroup to get one EstimatedBidAndTraffic for the specified ad group.- Set to AllEntities to get an array of KeywordEstimatedBid for keywords and one EstimatedBidAndTraffic for an ad group.If you do not set , the default is to return only an array of KeywordEstimatedBid, or the equivalent of setting to Keyword.If you set to any value other thanKeyword, AdGroup, or AllEntities, the service will return with .
<Keywords_Aggregate> (optional): A list of Keywords with match type - Agregate (aggregates the data across all match types) for which you want to get suggested bid values. You may specify a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
<Keywords_Broad> (optional): A list of Keywords with match type - Broad (A broad match results when words in the keyword are present in the user's search query; however, the word order can vary) for which you want to get suggested bid values. You may specify a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
<Keywords_Exact> (optional): A list of Keywords with match type - Exact (an exact match results when all of the words in the keyword exactly match the user's search query) for which you want to get suggested bid values. You may specify a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
<Keywords_Phrase> (optional): A list of Keywords with match type - Phrase (a phrase match results when all of the words in the keyword are present in the user's search query and are in the same order) for which you want to get suggested bid values. You may specify a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
<Language> (optional): The language used in parallel with location identifiers for estimating the bids. The language must be supported in each of the locations that you specify in LocationIds. For possible language values, see Ad Languages. If you do not specify the language, the service operation uses the language of the specified AdGroupId or CampaignId. If none of these properties are set, then (English) is used by default.
<LocationIds> (optional): The identifier or identifiers of the geographical locations to use for estimating the bids.All of the locations must support the language specified in the Language element. Although you can specify multiple location identifiers, as a best practice for the most accurate bid estimates per location, you should specify only one location per service call.For possible location identifiers, see Geographical Location Codes.If you do not specify any locations, the service operation uses the location criterions of the specified AdGroupId or CampaignId. If none of these properties are set, then (United States) is used by default.
<TargetPositionForAds> (optional): (FirstPage, MainLine, MainLine1) - The position where you want your ads to appear in the search results.The default value is .
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_AverageCPC | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (maximum total cost / maximum number of clicks) |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_CTR | bigdecimal | The estimated CTR. The formula used to calculate the CTR is (maximum number of clicks / maximum number of impressions) * 100 |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_CurrencyCode | string | The ISO code for the monetary unit of the cost estimates and suggested bid value |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_EstimatedMinBid | bigdecimal | The suggested bid value |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_MatchType | string | The match type used to determine the estimates |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_MaxClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum number of clicks per week |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_MaxImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated maximum number of impressions per week |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_MaxTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum cost per week |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_MinClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum number of clicks per week |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_MinImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated minimum number of impressions per week |
AdGroupEstimatedBid_MinTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum cost per week |
Keyword | string | The keyword to which the estimates apply |
AverageCPC | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (maximum total cost / maximum number of clicks) |
CTR | bigdecimal | The estimated CTR. The formula used to calculate the CTR is (maximum number of clicks / maximum number of impressions) * 100 |
CurrencyCode | string | The ISO code for the monetary unit of the cost estimates and suggested bid value |
EstimatedMinBid | bigdecimal | The suggested bid value |
MatchType | string | The match type used to determine the estimates |
MaxClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum number of clicks per week |
MaxImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated maximum number of impressions per week |
MaxTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum cost per week |
MinClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum number of clicks per week |
MinImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated minimum number of impressions per week |
MinTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum cost per week |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_EstimatedBidByKeywords AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_EstimatedBidByKeywords (
AdGroupId => 1221557597550093,
CampaignId => 276117595,
CurrencyCode => 'EUR',
EntityLevelBid => 'Keyword',
Keywords_Aggregate => 'longitude,latitude',
Keywords_Broad => 'broadway',
Keywords_Exact => 'exclusion',
Keywords_Phrase => 'text selfy',
"Language" => 'English',
LocationIds => 100,
TargetPositionForAds => 'MainLine'
) AS x
Gets the estimated position in the search results if the specified bid value had been used for the keywords in the last 7 days
<KeywordIds> (optional): An array of identifiers of the keywords for which you want to get the estimated position in the search results, based on the specified bid value. You may specify a maximum of 1,000 keyword identifiers.
<MaxBid> (optional): The maximum bid value to use to determine the estimated position in the search results.You must specify the bid value in the currency of the account.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
KeywordId | long | The identifier of the keyword to which the estimated position applies |
Keyword | string | |
AverageCPC | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (maximum total cost / maximum number of clicks) |
CTR | bigdecimal | The estimated CTR. The formula used to calculate the CTR is (maximum number of clicks / maximum number of impressions) * 100 |
CurrencyCode | string | The ISO code for the monetary unit of the cost values such as AverageCPC |
EstimatedAdPosition | bigdecimal | The position in the search results given the specified bid |
MatchType | string | The keyword match type used to determine the estimates |
MaxClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum number of clicks per week |
MaxImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated maximum number of impressions per week |
MaxTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum cost per week |
MinClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum number of clicks per week |
MinImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated minimum number of impressions per week |
MinTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum cost per week |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_EstimatedPositionByKeywordIds AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_EstimatedPositionByKeywordIds (
KeywordIds => '75797725799114,75797725799134',
MaxBid => 99.99
) AS x
Gets the estimated position in the search results if the specified bid value would be used for the specified keywords
<AdGroupId> (optional): The identifier of the ad group whose performance data is used to help determine how well the keyword might perform in the context of the ad group. Specifying an ad group helps improve the accuracy of the suggested position.If you specify an ad group, you must specify the campaign that it belongs to.
<CampaignId> (optional): The identifier of the campaign that owns the ad group specified in . If you do not specify an ad group, the campaign's performance data is used to help determine how well the keyword might perform in the context of the campaign.Specifying a campaign and ad group helps improve the accuracy of the suggested position. If neither or are specified, the operation uses the specified header element to help determine how well the keyword might perform in the context of the account.
<CurrencyCode> (optional): (AED, ALL, AMD, ARS, AUD, AZM, BGL, BHD, BND, BOB, BRL, BYB, BZD, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, COP, CRC, CZK, DKK, DOP, DZD, EEK, EGP, EUR, GBP, GEL, GTQ, HKD, HNL, HRK, HUF, IDR, ILS, INR, IQD, IRR, ISK, JMD, JOD, JPY, KES, KGS, KRW, KWD, KZT, LBP, LTL, LVL, LYD, MAD, MKD, MNT, MOP, MVR, MXN, MYR, NIO, NOK, NZD, OMR, PAB, PEN, PHP, PKR, PLN, PYG, QAR, ROL, RUR, SAR, SEK, SGD, SIT, SKK, SYP, THB, TND, TRY, TTD, TWD, UAH, USD, UYU, UZS, VEF, VND, YER, YUN, ZAR, ZWD) - The ISO code for the monetary unit to use to calculate the cost estimates and suggested bid value.If not set, the service determines the currency from the account specified in the header element. If neither or is set, the service uses USD.
<Keywords> (optional): An array of keywords for which you want to get the estimated position in the search results, based on the specified bid value. You may specify a maximum of 1,000 keywords and each keyword can contains a maximum of 100 characters.
<Language> (optional): The language used in parallel with location identifiers for estimating the position.The language must be supported in each of the locations that you specify in LocationIds.For possible language values, see Ad Languages.If you do not specify the language, the service operation uses the language of the specified AdGroupId or CampaignId. If none of these properties are set, then (English) is used by default.
<LocationIds> (optional): The identifier or identifiers of the geographical locations to use for estimating the position.All of the locations must support the language specified in the Language element. Although you can specify multiple location identifiers, as a best practice for the most accurate position estimates per location, you should specify only one location per service call.For possible location identifiers, see Geographical Location Codes.If you do not specify any locations, the service operation uses the location criterions of the specified AdGroupId or CampaignId. If none of these properties are set, then (United States) is used by default.
<MatchTypes> (optional): (Aggregate, Broad, Exact, Phrase) - An array of unique match types for which you want to get estimates.You may not specify the Content match type.
<MaxBid> (optional): The maximum bid value to use to determine the estimated position in the search results.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Keyword | string | The keyword to which the estimates apply |
AverageCPC | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (maximum total cost / maximum number of clicks) |
CTR | bigdecimal | The estimated CTR. The formula used to calculate the CTR is (maximum number of clicks / maximum number of impressions) * 100 |
CurrencyCode | string | The ISO code for the monetary unit of the cost values such as AverageCPC |
EstimatedAdPosition | bigdecimal | The position in the search results given the specified bid |
MatchType | string | The keyword match type used to determine the estimates |
MaxClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum number of clicks per week |
MaxImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated maximum number of impressions per week |
MaxTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated maximum cost per week |
MinClicksPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum number of clicks per week |
MinImpressionsPerWeek | long | The estimated minimum number of impressions per week |
MinTotalCostPerWeek | bigdecimal | The estimated minimum cost per week |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_EstimatedPositionByKeywords AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_EstimatedPositionByKeywords (
AdGroupId => 1221557597550093,
CampaignId => 276117595,
CurrencyCode => 'EUR',
Keywords => 'visual,estimation',
"Language" => 'English',
LocationIds => '1,2',
MatchTypes => 'Aggregate,Broad,Exact',
MaxBid => 99.99
) AS x
Gets the historical performance of the normalized search term
<Devices> (optional): A list of one or more of the following device types: Computers, NonSmartphones, Smartphones, Tablets. The default is Computers.The response includes keyword performance data for the device types that you specify only, if available.Used to determine a keyword's performance on the specified device types.
<Keywords> (optional): An array of keywords for which you want to get historical performance statistics. The array can contain a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
<Language> (optional): The language in which the keywords are written.The countries/regions that you specify in the PublisherCountries element must support the specified language.Possible values include Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and TraditionalChinese.
<MatchTypes> (optional): (Aggregate, Broad, Exact, Phrase) - The match types for which you want to get historical data.You may not specify the Content match type.
<PublisherCountries> (optional): The country codes of the countries/regions to use as the source of the historical data.You can specify one or more country codes. Each country/region that you specify must support the language specified in the Language element.The following language and country/region combinations are supported:Danish: DKDutch: NLEnglish: AU, CA, GB, ID, IN, MY, PH, SG, TH, US, VNFinnish: FIFrench: CA, FRGerman: AT, CH, DEItalian: ITNorwegian: NOPortuguese: BRSpanish: AR, CL, CO, ES, MX, PE, VESwedish: SETraditionalChinese: HK, TWIf this element is null, then by default the service includes all countries/regions that support the specified language.
<TargetAdPosition> (optional): (Aggregate, All, FirstPage1, FirstPage10, FirstPage2, FirstPage3, FirstPage4, FirstPage5, FirstPage6, FirstPage7, FirstPage8, FirstPage9, MainLine1, MainLine2, MainLine3, MainLine4) - The position of the search results for which you want to get performance data.For example, to get performance data when ads appeared in the first position of the mainline by using the keyword and match type, set this element to MainLine1. To get performance data when ads appeared in any position of the search results by using the keyword and match type, set this element to All.The default value is All. If you specify for this element, the service will return multiple results per keyword for each supported ad position. If you specify Aggregate, the service will return one aggregated result.Sidebar ads no longer serve on Bing owned and operated sites in the United States. If you only request first page data e.g., FirstPage1 for the United States (US), then the KeywordKPIs element in the result will be nil/empty. If you include additional countries/regions e.g., US and CA in the same request, then any first page results are only attributed to countries/regions outside the United States.
<TimeInterval> (optional): (LastDay, LastMonth, LastWeek) - The time period that identifies the data to use to determine the key performance index of the specified keywords. For example, use data from the previous seven days or previous 30 days to determine the keyword performance.The default value is LastDay
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Keyword | string | The keyword to which the keyword performance data applies |
AdPosition | string | The position in the search results in which the ad appeared |
AverageBid | bigdecimal | The average bid of the keyword |
AverageCPC | bigdecimal | The average cost per click (CPC). The average CPC is calculated by dividing the cost of all clicks by the number of clicks |
CTR | bigdecimal | The click-through rate (CTR) as a percentage. The CTR is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions and multiplying the result by 100 |
Clicks | integer | The number of clicks that the keyword and match type generated during the specified time interval |
Device | string | The device where the ad appeared |
Impressions | long | The number of impressions that the keyword and match type generated during the specified time interval |
MatchType | string | The match type that you specified in the request |
TotalCost | bigdecimal | The cost of using the specified keyword and match type during the specified time interval. The service determines the currency from the account specified in the CustomerAccountId header element. If CustomerAccountId is not set, the service uses USDollar |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_HistoricalKeywordPerformance AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_HistoricalKeywordPerformance (
Devices => 'Computers,Smartphones',
Keywords => 'polaroid',
"Language" => 'Norwegian',
MatchTypes => 'Broad,Exact',
PublisherCountries => 'NO',
TargetAdPosition => 'All',
TimeInterval => 'LastMonth'
) AS x
Gets the number of times the normalized term was used in a search during the specified time period
<Devices> (optional): A list of one or more of the following device types: Computers, NonSmartphones, Smartphones, Tablets. The default is Computers.The response includes search counts for the device types that you specify only, if available.
<EndDate> (optional): The end date of the date range that identifies the data that you want to use to determine the historical search count.The date cannot be later than today's date, and must be later than or the same as the specified start date.The effective end date may be adjusted if the specified TimePeriodRollup is Weekly or Monthly.
<Keywords> (optional): An array of keywords for which you want to determine the number of times that the keyword was used in a search query. The array can contain a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
<Language> (optional): The language in which the keywords are written.The countries/regions that you specify in the element must support the specified language.For possible values, see Ad Languages.
<PublisherCountries> (optional): The country codes of the countries/regions to use as the source of the historical data.You can specify one or more country codes. Each country/region that you specify must support the language specified in the element.For possible values, see Geographical Location Codes.If Null, the default is all countries/regions that support the specified language.
<StartDate> (optional): The start date of the date range that identifies the data that you want to use to determine the historical search count.This date must be earlier than or the same as the specified end date. The date should be later than the maximum available historical data range corresponding to the specified TimePeriodRollup element.The effective start date may be adjusted if the specified TimePeriodRollup is Weekly or Monthly
<TimePeriodRollup> (optional): You may specify whether to return data aggregated daily, weekly, or monthly
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Keyword | string | The keyword to which the search count data applies |
Device | string | The device of the user who entered the search query |
DayMonthAndYear | date | The time period in which the count was captured. The type of aggregation (daily, weekly, or monthly) that you specify in the request determines the length of the time period. For example, if you specified weekly aggregation, the time period is a week and the date is the Sunday of the week when the count was captured |
SearchCount | long | The number of times that the keyword was used in a search query on the specified device type during the time period. The count aggregates data from all specified countries |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_HistoricalSearchCount AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_HistoricalSearchCount (
Devices => 'Computers,Smartphones',
EndDate => '2019-05-30',
Keywords => 'polaroid',
"Language" => 'Norwegian',
PublisherCountries => 'NO',
StartDate => '2019-04-15',
TimePeriodRollup => 'Weekly'
) AS x
Gets the keyword categories to which the specified keywords belong
<Keywords> (optional): An array of keywords for which you want to determine the possible keyword categories that each keyword belongs to. The array can contain a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters
<Language> (optional): The language in which the keywords are written. You must set this element to English
<MaxCategories> (optional): The number of categories to include in the results. The maximum number of categories that you can request is 5.The default is 5.
<PublisherCountry> (optional): The country code of the country/region to use as the source of the category data.You must set this element to US.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Keyword | string | The keyword being categorized |
Category | string | The keyword category that the keyword might belong to. If the category is undetermined, this element is set to Unknown Category and the ConfidenceScore element is set to 0.0 |
ConfidenceScore | bigdecimal | A score from 0.0 to 1.0 that indicates the likelihood that the keyword belongs to the category |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_KeywordCategories AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_KeywordCategories (
Keywords => 'polaroid',
"Language" => 'English',
MaxCategories => 5,
PublisherCountry => 'US'
) AS x
Gets the age and gender of users who have searched for the specified keywords
<Device> (optional): A list of one or more of the following device types: Computers, NonSmartphones, Smartphones, Tablets. The default is Computers. The response includes keyword demographics data for the device types that you specify only, if available.
<Keywords> (optional): An array of keywords for which you want to get demographics data. The data is broken out by device type. The array can contain a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
<Language> (optional): The language in which the keywords are written.For possible values, see Ad Languages.
<PublisherCountry> (optional): The country code of the country/region to use as the source of the demographics data.The country/region that you specify must support the language specified in the element.For possible values, see Geographical Location Codes.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Keyword | string | The keyword |
AgeUnknown | bigdecimal | Not used |
Device | string | The device of the user who entered the search query |
EighteenToTwentyFour | bigdecimal | The percentage of time that users 18 through 24 years of age searched for the keyword. The value is specified in the range 0.0 through 1.0 |
Female | string | Female |
FiftyToSixtyFour | bigdecimal | The percentage of time that users 50 through 64 years of age searched for the keyword. The value is specified in the range 0.0 through 1.0 |
GenderUnknown | bigdecimal | Not Used |
Male | bigdecimal | The percentage of time that male users searched for the keyword. The value is specified in the range 0.0 through 1.0 |
SixtyFiveAndAbove | bigdecimal | The percentage of time that users 65 years of age or older searched for the keyword. The value is specified in the range 0.0 through 1.0 |
ThirtyFiveToFourtyNine | bigdecimal | The percentage of time that users 35 through 49 years of age searched for the keyword. The value is specified in the range 0.0 through 1.0 |
TwentyFiveToThirtyFour | bigdecimal | The percentage of time that users 25 through 34 years of age searched for the keyword. The value is specified in the range 0.0 through 1.0 |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_KeywordDemographics AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_KeywordDemographics (
Device => 'Computers,Smartphones',
Keywords => 'polaroid',
"Language" => 'English',
PublisherCountry => 'US'
) AS x
Gets the list of keyword idea categories
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CategoryId | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the keyword idea category |
CategoryName | string | The name of the keyword idea category |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_KeywordIdeaCategories AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_KeywordIdeaCategories ()
) AS x
Gets the list of keyword ideas
<ExpandIdeas> (optional): Determines whether you want new keyword ideas, or if you only want keyword attributes for the set of keywords that you specified in the list. If you set this element false, the QuerySearchParameter object must be included in the list
<IdeaAttributes> (required): (AdGroupId, AdGroupName, AdImpressionShare, Competition, Keyword, MonthlySearchCounts, Relevance, Source, SuggestedBid) - The keyword idea attributes that you want included in the response e.g. Keyword, Competition, MonthlySearchCounts, and SuggestedBid. The Competition attribute is required. The attribute will always be returned for each returned KeywordIdea whether or not you include the value in the requested list of idea attributes
<SearchParameters> (required): The search parameters define your criteria and filters for the requested keyword ideas
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdGroupId | long | The negative ad group identifier that groups keyword ideas into suggested new ad groups. Keyword ideas for existing ad group identifiers is not supported. If the ad group ID is null then the keyword idea Source element is set to Seed, and there is not any specific recommended ad group |
AdGroupName | string | The suggested name of the ad group for the keyword idea. If the ad group name is null then the keyword idea Source element is set to Seed, and there is not any specific recommended ad group |
AdImpressionShare | bigdecimal | Ad impression share is the number of impressions you've received divided by the total number of searches for the location and network you're targeting that matched the keyword exactly in the last calendar month |
Competition | string | Determined by the number of advertisers bidding on this keyword, relative to all other keywords across Microsoft Advertising |
Keyword | string | The suggested keyword |
MonthlySearchCounts | long | The number of times this keyword was used as a search term for each month within the date range and targeting settings you've selected. By default the size of the list is 12 and the last 12 months of available data are returned. The search counts are sorted in order starting with the most recent month's data at . It can take up to 72 hours for the previous calendar month's data to be available. For example, if you request keyword ideas on August 1st, 2nd or 3rd, and July's data is not ready, the response will be based on June's data. If you do not include the DateRangeSearchParameter in the GetKeywordIdeas request, then you will not be able to confirm whether the first list item is data for the previous month, or the month prior. If the date range is specified and the most recent month's data is not yet available, then GetKeywordIdeas will return an error |
Relevance | bigdecimal | The keyword relevance score |
Source | string | The source or seed for the keyword |
SuggestedBid | bigdecimal | The suggested minimum bid for this keyword. We create this suggestion using the location and network criterion you included, along with the average cost-per-click (CPC) advertisers are paying for this keyword. This amount is only an estimate and your actual CPC may vary |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_KeywordIdeas AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_KeywordIdeas (
ExpandIdeas => true,
IdeaAttributes => 'AdGroupId,AdGroupName,AdImpressionShare,Competition,Keyword,MonthlySearchCounts,Relevance,Source,SuggestedBid',
SearchParameters => XmlElement (
XmlNamespaces (
'' as i,
'' as a1
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('CategorySearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (CategoryId, 1)
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('CompetitionSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement (CompetitionLevel, 'High'),
XmlElement (CompetitionLevel, 'Low')
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('DateRangeSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement ("Day", 1),
XmlElement ("Month", 6),
XmlElement ("Year", 2019)
XmlElement (
XmlElement ("Day", 21),
XmlElement ("Month", 4),
XmlElement ("Year", 2019)
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('DeviceSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement (DeviceName, 'Computers')
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('DeviceSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement (DeviceName, 'Smartphones')
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('DeviceSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement (DeviceName, 'Tablets')
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('ExcludeAccountKeywordsSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (ExcludeAccountKeywords, false)
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('ImpressionShareSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (Maximum, 99.95),
XmlElement (Minimum, 0.05)
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('SearchVolumeSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (Maximum, 50),
XmlElement (Minimum, 5)
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('SuggestedBidSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (Maximum, 20.95),
XmlElement (Minimum, 5.05)
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('LanguageSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement (
XmlElement ("Language", 'English')
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('LocationSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement (
XmlElement (LocationId, 1000)
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('NetworkSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement (Network, 'OwnedAndOperatedAndSyndicatedSearch')
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('QuerySearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (
XmlElement ("a1:string", 'polaroid and films'),
XmlElement ("a1:string", 'foto')
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('UrlSearchParameter' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (Url, 'Computers')
) AS x
Gets the geographical locations of users who have searched for the specified keywords
<Device> (optional): A list of one or more of the following device types: Computers, NonSmartphones, Smartphones, Tablets. The default is Computers.The response includes keyword locations data for only the device types that you specify, if available.
<Keywords> (optional): An array of keywords for which you want to get geographical location information. The data is broken out by device type. The array can contain a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
<Language> (optional): The language in which the keywords are written.For possible values, see Ad Languages.
<Level> (optional): The level at which to aggregate the geographical location data. The following are the possible values: 0 - Country, 1 - State/Province, 2 - Metropolitan area, 3 - City. The default value is 1 (State/Province)
<MaxLocations> (optional): The maximum number of locations to return. You can request a maximum of 10 locations.The default value is 10
<ParentCountry> (optional): The country from which the search originated.For possible values, see Geographical Location Codes. The default is US
<PublisherCountry> (optional): The country code of the country/region to use as the source of the location data.The country/region that you specify must support the language specified in the element.For possible values, see Geographical Location Codes
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Keyword | string | The keyword |
Device | string | The device of the user who entered the search query |
Location | string | The country, state, metropolitan area, or city where users entered the search query |
Percentage | bigdecimal | The percentage of time that users searched for the keyword from the location. The value is specified in the range 0.0 through 100.0 |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_KeywordLocations AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_KeywordLocations (
Device => 'Computers,Smartphones',
Keywords => 'polaroid',
"Language" => 'English',
Level => 1,
MaxLocations => 10,
ParentCountry => 'US',
PublisherCountry => 'NO'
) AS x
Gets a list of keyword suggestions that are relevant to the specified ad group
<AdGroupId> (optional): The identifier of the ad group to get keyword suggestions for.The following restrictions apply to the specified ad group: - Its language must be set to English. - Its distribution medium must include Search. - It should contain keywords and ads. The operation will suggest keywords only if the ad group contains one or more ads and keywords; the more keywords and ads that the ad group contains, the richer the set of suggested keywords will be.If is nil or empty, the operation will return all keyword opportunities for the specified campaign.
<CampaignId> (optional): The identifier of the campaign that owns the specified ad group.If the element is nil or empty, then the must also be nil or empty, and the operation will return all keyword opportunities for the account.
<OpportunityType> (optional): (BroadMatch, CampaignContext) - Determines the type or types of keyword opportunities that you want.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdGroupId | long | The identifier of the ad group to apply the suggested keyword to |
AdGroupName | string | The name of the ad group to apply the suggested keyword to |
CampaignId | long | The identifier of the campaign that owns the ad group |
CampaignName | string | The name of the campaign that owns the ad group |
Competition | bigdecimal | An indicator of competitive bids for this keyword relative to all search keywords. The competition score ranges from 0 to 1.00, where 0 indicates low competition and 1.00 indicates that there is a high number of advertisers competing for this keyword |
EstimatedIncreaseInClicks | bigdecimal | Estimated increase in clicks if the opportunity is applied |
EstimatedIncreaseInCost | bigdecimal | Estimated increase in cost if the opportunity is applied |
EstimatedIncreaseInImpressions | long | Estimated increase in impressions if the opportunity is applied |
MatchType | integer | The match type that the suggested bid applies to. The following are the possible match-type values: 1 - Exact match 2 - Phrase match 3 - Broad match |
MonthlySearches | long | The estimated monthly volume of user search queries that may match the suggested keyword for the corresponding MatchType element |
SuggestedBid | bigdecimal | The suggested bid that may result in your ads serving on the first page of the search query results |
SuggestedKeyword | string | The suggested keyword |
AverageCPC | bigdecimal | Broad match average CPC in the marketplace |
AverageCTR | bigdecimal | Broad match average CTR in the marketplace |
ClickShare | bigdecimal | Broad match click share in the marketplace |
ImpressionShare | bigdecimal | Broad match impression share in the marketplace |
ReferenceKeywordBid | bigdecimal | The bid of an existing reference keyword used by the service to offer the keyword opportunity |
ReferenceKeywordId | long | The identifier of an existing reference keyword used by the service to offer the keyword opportunity |
ReferenceKeywordMatchType | integer | The match type of an existing reference keyword used by the service to offer the keyword opportunity. The following are the possible match-type values: 1 - Exact match, 2 - Phrase match |
BroadMatchSearchQueryKPI_Clicks | string | The clicks for the search query |
BroadMatchSearchQueryKPI_Impressions | string | The impressions for the search query |
BroadMatchSearchQueryKPI_SRPV | string | The SRPV for the search query |
BroadMatchSearchQueryKPI_SearchQuery | string | The search query corresponding to the keyword |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_KeywordOpportunities AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_KeywordOpportunities (
AdGroupId => 1,
CampaignId => 1,
OpportunityType => 'BroadMatch'
) AS x
Provides traffic estimates for keywords e.g., average CPC, average position, clicks, CTR, impressions, and total cost
<CampaignEstimators> (required): Defines your campaign, ad group, and keyword level criteria and filters for the requested keyword traffic estimates.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CampaignId | long | The ad group identifier |
AdGroupId | long | The ad group identifier |
Keyword_Id | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the keyword |
Keyword_MatchType | string | The match type of the keyword |
Keyword_Text | string | The keyword text |
Maximum_AverageCpc | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (total cost / clicks) |
Maximum_AveragePosition | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (total cost / clicks) |
Maximum_Clicks | bigdecimal | The estimated number of clicks per week |
Maximum_Ctr | bigdecimal | The estimated CTR. The formula used to calculate the CTR is (clicks / impressions) * 100 |
Maximum_Impressions | bigdecimal | The estimated number of impressions per week |
Maximum_TotalCost | bigdecimal | The estimated total cost per week |
Minimum_AverageCpc | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (total cost / clicks) |
Minimum_AveragePosition | bigdecimal | The estimated average CPC. The formula used to calculate the average CPC is (total cost / clicks) |
Minimum_Clicks | bigdecimal | The estimated number of clicks per week |
Minimum_Ctr | bigdecimal | The estimated CTR. The formula used to calculate the CTR is (clicks / impressions) * 100 |
Minimum_Impressions | bigdecimal | The estimated number of impressions per week |
Minimum_TotalCost | bigdecimal | The estimated total cost per week |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_KeywordTrafficEstimates AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_KeywordTrafficEstimates (
CampaignEstimators => XmlElement (
XmlElement (
XmlNamespaces ('' as i),
XmlElement (CampaignId, 276117595),
XmlElement (
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('LocationCriterion' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (LocationId, 21167)
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('LanguageCriterion' as "i:type"),
XmlElement ("Language", 'English')
XmlElement (
XmlAttributes ('LocationCriterion' as "i:type"),
XmlElement (Network, 'OwnedAndOperatedAndSyndicatedSearch')
XmlElement (DailyBudget, '5.0')
) AS x
Suggests the possible keywords for the content located at the specified URL
<ExcludeBrand> (optional): A value that determines whether the results exclude brand keywords. To exclude brand keywords in the result, set to true. The default is false.
<Language> (optional): The language used by the website.For possible values, see Ad Languages.The default is English.
<MaxKeywords> (optional): A positive integer value that specifies the maximum number of keywords to return. The maximum value that you can specify is 800.The default is 10.
<MinConfidenceScore> (optional): A filter value that limits the keywords that the service returns to those that have a confidence score that is greater than or equal to the specified score. For example, you can specify that you want the operation to return only keywords that have a confidence score of at least 80 percent (0.8).If null, the confidence score is not used to limit the results.
<Url> (optional): The URL of the webpage to scan for possible keywords. The URL can contain a maximum of 2,000 characters.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ConfidenceScore | bigdecimal | A score from 0.0 to 1.0 that indicates the probability that the keyword would match a user's search query |
SuggestedKeyword | string | The suggested keyword |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_SuggestKeywordsForUrl AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_SuggestKeywordsForUrl (
ExcludeBrand => false,
"Language" => 'English',
MaxKeywords => 20,
MinConfidenceScore => 0.9,
Url => ''
) AS x
Suggests keywords that could perform better than the specified keywords
<ExcludeBrand> (optional): A value that determines whether the results exclude brand keywords. To exclude brand keywords in the result, set to true. The default is false.
<Keywords> (optional): An array of keywords for which you want to get suggested keywords that could perform better. The array can contain a maximum of 1,000 keywords, and each keyword can contain a maximum of 100 characters
<Language> (optional): The language in which the keyword is written.For possible values, see Ad Languages. The default is English
<MaxSuggestionsPerKeyword> (optional): The maximum number of keyword suggestions to return per specified keyword. If is set to 4, you can request a maximum of 200 suggestions per keyword; otherwise the maximum suggestions that you can request is 100. The default is 50
<PublisherCountries> (optional): The country codes of the countries/regions to use as the source of data for determining the suggested keywords.You can specify one or more country codes. Each country that you specify must support the language that you specified in the element. The default is all countries/regions that support the specified language
<RemoveDuplicates> (optional): A Boolean value that determines whether to remove duplicate keywords from the list of suggested keywords. To remove duplicates, set to true. The default is false
<SuggestionType> (optional): The provider to use to generate the keyword suggestions. For a list of possible providers, the language and country restrictions of each provider, and the default provider by country, see the Remarks section below
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Keyword | string | The keyword to which the suggested keywords apply |
ConfidenceScore | bigdecimal | A score from 0.0 to 1.0 that indicates the probability that the keyword would match a user's search query |
SuggestedKeyword | string | The suggested keyword |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_AdInsight_SuggestKeywordsFromExistingKeywords AS
CALL bingads.AdInsight_SuggestKeywordsFromExistingKeywords (
ExcludeBrand => false,
Keywords => 'polaroid,hdtv',
"Language" => 'English',
MaxSuggestionsPerKeyword => 15,
PublisherCountries => 'US',
RemoveDuplicates => false,
SuggestionType => 1
) AS x
<AccountId> (required): Identifier of the account that contains the campaign data to download
<Campaigns> (optional): Campaigns to download. Must belong to the same account
<DataScope> (optional): You may include quality score data such as ad relevance, in addition to entity data such as campaign settings. The default value is EntityData
<DownloadEntities> (optional): Entities to include in the download
<LastSyncTimeInUTC> (optional): Last time that you requested a download
Attribute | Type |
Type | string |
Status | string |
Id | long |
Parent_Id | long |
Sub_Type | string |
Campaign | string |
Ad_Group | string |
Website | string |
Sync_Time | timestamp |
Client_Id | string |
Modified_Time | timestamp |
MSCLKID_Auto_Tagging_Enabled | string |
Tracking_Template | string |
Custom_Parameter | string |
Final_Url | string |
Mobile_Final_Url | string |
Time_Zone | string |
Budget_Id | string |
Budget_Name | string |
Budget | bigdecimal |
Budget_Type | string |
Bid_Strategy_Type | string |
Bid_Strategy_MaxCpc | string |
Bid_Strategy_TargetCpa | string |
Inherited_Bid_Strategy_Type | string |
KeywordVariantMatchEnabled | string |
Campaign_Type | string |
Priority | string |
LocalInventoryAdsEnabled | string |
Start_Date | string |
End_Date | string |
Network_Distribution | string |
Ad_Rotation | string |
Cpc_Bid | string |
Language | string |
Target_Setting | string |
Privacy_Status | string |
Bid_Option | string |
Bid_Boost_Value | string |
Title | string |
Text | string |
Display_Url | string |
Domain | string |
Destination_Url | string |
Business_Name | string |
Phone_Number | string |
Promotion | string |
Editorial_Status | string |
Editorial_Location | string |
Editorial_Term | string |
Editorial_Reason_Code | string |
Editorial_Appeal_Status | string |
Editorial_Entity_Id | string |
Device_Preference | string |
Ad_Format_Preference | string |
Title_Part_1 | string |
Title_Part_2 | string |
Title_Part_3 | string |
Text_Part_2 | string |
Path_1 | string |
Path_2 | string |
Keyword | string |
Match_Type | string |
Bid | string |
Param1 | string |
Param2 | string |
Param3 | string |
Target | string |
Physical_Intent | string |
Bid_Adjustment | string |
Radius_Target_Id | string |
Name | string |
OS_Names | string |
Radius | integer |
Unit | string |
Business_Id | string |
From_Hour | string |
From_Minute | string |
To_Hour | string |
To_Minute | string |
Version | string |
Ad_Schedule | string |
Use_Searcher_Time_Zone | string |
Sitelink_Extension_Order | string |
Sitelink_Extension_Link_Text | string |
Sitelink_Extension_Destination_Url | string |
Sitelink_Extension_Description1 | string |
Sitelink_Extension_Description2 | string |
Geo_Code_Status | string |
Map_Icon | string |
Business_Icon | string |
Address_Line_1 | string |
Address_Line_2 | string |
Postal_Code | string |
City | string |
State_Or_Province_Code | string |
Province_Name | string |
Latitude | string |
Longitude | string |
StoreCode | string |
SundayHours | string |
MondayHours | string |
TuesdayHours | string |
WednesdayHours | string |
ThursdayHours | string |
FridayHours | string |
SaturdayHours | string |
SpecialHours | string |
LogoPhotoURL | string |
GoogleIdentifier | string |
Country_Code | string |
Call_Only | string |
Call_Tracking_Enabled | string |
Toll_Free | string |
Alternative_Text | string |
Media_Ids | string |
Publisher_Countries | string |
Store_Id | string |
Product_Condition_1 | string |
Product_Value_1 | string |
Product_Condition_2 | string |
Product_Value_2 | string |
Product_Condition_3 | string |
Product_Value_3 | string |
Product_Condition_4 | string |
Product_Value_4 | string |
Product_Condition_5 | string |
Product_Value_5 | string |
Product_Condition_6 | string |
Product_Value_6 | string |
Product_Condition_7 | string |
Product_Value_7 | string |
Callout_Text | string |
Action_Type | string |
Action_Text | string |
Price_Extension_Type | string |
Header_1 | string |
Header_2 | string |
Header_3 | string |
Header_4 | string |
Header_5 | string |
Header_6 | string |
Header_7 | string |
Header_8 | string |
Price_Description_1 | string |
Price_Description_2 | string |
Price_Description_3 | string |
Price_Description_4 | string |
Price_Description_5 | string |
Price_Description_6 | string |
Price_Description_7 | string |
Price_Description_8 | string |
Final_Url_1 | string |
Final_Url_2 | string |
Final_Url_3 | string |
Final_Url_4 | string |
Final_Url_5 | string |
Final_Url_6 | string |
Final_Url_7 | string |
Final_Url_8 | string |
Final_Mobile_Url_1 | string |
Final_Mobile_Url_2 | string |
Final_Mobile_Url_3 | string |
Final_Mobile_Url_4 | string |
Final_Mobile_Url_5 | string |
Final_Mobile_Url_6 | string |
Final_Mobile_Url_7 | string |
Final_Mobile_Url_8 | string |
Price_1 | string |
Price_2 | string |
Price_3 | string |
Price_4 | string |
Price_5 | string |
Price_6 | string |
Price_7 | string |
Price_8 | string |
Currency_Code_1 | string |
Currency_Code_2 | string |
Currency_Code_3 | string |
Currency_Code_4 | string |
Currency_Code_5 | string |
Currency_Code_6 | string |
Currency_Code_7 | string |
Currency_Code_8 | string |
Price_Unit_1 | string |
Price_Unit_2 | string |
Price_Unit_3 | string |
Price_Unit_4 | string |
Price_Unit_5 | string |
Price_Unit_6 | string |
Price_Unit_7 | string |
Price_Unit_8 | string |
Price_Qualifier_1 | string |
Price_Qualifier_2 | string |
Price_Qualifier_3 | string |
Price_Qualifier_4 | string |
Price_Qualifier_5 | string |
Price_Qualifier_6 | string |
Price_Qualifier_7 | string |
Price_Qualifier_8 | string |
Is_Exact | string |
Url | string |
Structured_Snippet_Header | string |
Structured_Snippet_Values | string |
Spend | string |
Impressions | integer |
Clicks | integer |
CTR | string |
Avg_CPC | string |
Avg_CPM | string |
Avg_position | string |
Conversions | integer |
CPA | string |
Quality_Score | string |
Keyword_Relevance | string |
Landing_Page_Relevance | string |
Landing_Page_User_Experience | string |
App_Platform | string |
App_Id | string |
Tracking_Enabled | string |
App_Status | string |
Error | string |
Error_Number | string |
Field_Path | string |
Is_Excluded | string |
Parent_Criterion_Id | string |
Audience | string |
Audience_Id | string |
Scope | string |
Membership_Duration | string |
UET_Tag_Id | string |
Description | string |
Remarketing_Rule | string |
Audience_Search_Size | string |
Audience_Network_Size | string |
Product_Audience_Type | string |
Supported_Campaign_Types | string |
Source_Id | string |
Domain_Language | string |
Source | string |
Dynamic_Ad_Target_Condition_1 | string |
Dynamic_Ad_Target_Condition_2 | string |
Dynamic_Ad_Target_Condition_3 | string |
Dynamic_Ad_Target_Value_1 | string |
Dynamic_Ad_Target_Value_2 | string |
Dynamic_Ad_Target_Value_3 | string |
Label | string |
Color | string |
Microsoft_Click_Id | string |
Conversion_Name | string |
Conversion_Value | string |
Conversion_Time | string |
Conversion_Currency_Code | string |
Maximum_Bid | string |
Call_To_Action | string |
Headline | string |
Long_Headline | string |
Landscape_Image_Media_Id | string |
Square_Image_Media_Id | string |
Landscape_Logo_Media_Id | string |
Square_Logo_Media_Id | string |
Images | string |
Profile | string |
Profile_Id | string |
Traffic_Split_Percent | string |
Base_Campaign_Id | string |
Experiment_Campaign_Id | string |
Experiment_Id | string |
Feed_Name | string |
Custom_Attributes | string |
Custom_Id | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Bulk_DownloadCampaigns AS
CALL bingads.Bulk_DownloadCampaigns (
AccountId => 140074466,
Campaigns => '270270586,270270587,270270588',
DataScope => 'EntityData,EntityPerformanceData,QualityScoreData,BidSuggestionsData',
DownloadEntities => 'Campaigns,Keywords',
LastSyncTimeInUTC => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -60, Now())
Gets the migration status info for the specified accounts
<AccountIds> (required): The identifiers of each account to request migration status
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AccountId | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the account |
MigrationType | string | The migration type |
StartTimeInUtc | timestamp | The date and time when the migration began. The value is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The date and time value reflects the date and time at the server, not the client. For information about the format of the date and time, see the dateTime entry in Primitive XML Data Types |
Status | string | The migration status |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_AccountMigrationStatuses AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_AccountMigrationStatuses (
AccountIds => '140074466'
) AS x
Gets account level properties by name
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
TrackingUrlTemplate | string |
FinalUrlSuffix | string |
MSCLKIDAutoTaggingEnabled | boolean |
AdClickParallelTracking | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_AccountProperties AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_AccountProperties ()
) AS x
Gets the ad extensions from the account's ad extension library
<AdExtensionType> (required): (ActionAdExtension, AppAdExtension, CallAdExtension, CalloutAdExtension, ImageAdExtension, LocationAdExtension, PriceAdExtension, ReviewAdExtension, SitelinkAdExtension, StructuredSnippetAdExtension) - The types of ad extensions to get from the account. You can specify one or more types. For possible values, see AdExtensionsTypeFilter
<AccountId> (required): The identifier of the account that contains the ad extensions to get
<AssociationType> (optional): (Account, AdGroup, Campaign) - A value that filters the extensions based on whether they're associated with a specific entity type. For possible values, see AssociationType.To get all extensions including those not associated with any entity, set this element to NULL
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdExtensionIds | long | A list of ad extension IDs. To get the extension, call the GetAdExtensionsByIds operation. |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_AdExtensionIdsByAccountId AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_AdExtensionIdsByAccountId (
AccountId => 40072901,
AdExtensionType => 'LocationAdExtension,CallAdExtension,ImageAdExtension,AppAdExtension,ReviewAdExtension,CalloutAdExtension,SitelinkAdExtension,StructuredSnippetAdExtension,PriceAdExtension,ActionAdExtension',
AssociationType => 'Account,AdGroup,Campaign'
) AS x
Gets reasons for ad extension editorial issues
<AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociations> (required): The list of ad extensions and corresponding entity associations to get. Format: AdExtensionId,EntityId|AdExtensionId1,EntityId1|AdExtensionId2,EntityId2
<AccountId> (required): The identifier of the account that owns the extensions.
<AssociationType> (optional): (Account, AdGroup, Campaign) - Filters the returned associations by entity type
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AccountId | string | |
Location | string | The component of the ad extension that failed editorial review |
PublisherCountries | string | The list of publisher countries whose editorial guidelines do not allow the specified term |
ReasonCode | integer | A code that identifies the reason for the failure. For a list of possible reason codes, see Editorial Reason Codes |
Term | string | The term that failed editorial review. This element will not be set if a combination of terms caused the failure or if the failure was based on a policy violation |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_AdExtensionsEditorialReasons AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_AdExtensionsEditorialReasons (
AccountId => 40072901,
AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociations => '1,2|4,5|6,7|8,9',
AssociationType => 'Account,AdGroup,Campaign'
) AS x
Gets ad group criterions by identifiers and types
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<CriterionType> (required): (Age, Audience, CompanyName, CustomAudience, DayTime, Device, Gender, Industry, InMarketAudience, JobFunction, Location, LocationIntent, ProductAudience, ProductPartition, Radius, RemarketingList, SimilarRemarketingList, Targets, Webpage) - The type of criterion to get, for example . You can specify only one type. The and values are not allowed for this operation
<AdGroupId> (required): The identifier of the ad group that owns the criterions to get
<AdGroupCriterionIds> (optional): A list of unique identifiers that identify the criterions to get.You can include up to 1,000 ad group criterion identifiers per request. If this element is null, all criterions for the specified will be retrieved
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the ad group criterion |
Status | string | A status value that determines whether the criterion applies for the ad group. Currently the only supported status for negative ad group criterions is Active |
TrackingUrlTemplate | string | Tracking templates are where you can specify URL tracking parameters that are used in tandem with your final URL or landing page. We recommend that you add the tracking template at the account level and then it will be applied to all URLs for lower level entities such as campaigns, ad groups, and ads. To learn more, see the Microsoft Advertising help articles URL Tracking with Upgraded URLs. This element is only used if the inherited Criterion is either a ProductPartition or Webpage criterion. For details see ProductPartition Usage and Webpage Usage below |
Type | string | The type of the ad group criterion. This value is NegativeAdGroupCriterion when you retrieve a negative ad group criterion. For more information about ad group criterion types, see the AdGroupCriterion Data Object Remarks |
AdGroupId | long | The identifier of the ad group to apply the criterion to |
CriterionBid_Amount | bigdecimal | The bid value. For details about the valid bid range for your market, see Currencies |
CriterionBid_Multiplier | bigdecimal | The percentage amount that you want to adjust the bid for the corresponding criterion. If the campaign uses MaxClicks, MaxConversions, or TargetCpa bid strategy types, then the multiplier will inform rather than directly modify or override the automated bid. For auto bidding the multiplier is used as a weighted percentage to inform Microsoft Advertising about how much you value the criterion relative to other criteria. For example, a -50 percent bid multiplier for a mobile device criterion with the Max Conversions bid strategy to indicate that you value conversions from mobile traffic half as much as other device types. The same bid multiplier with the Max Clicks bid strategy would indicate that you value clicks on mobile half as much as other device types. For most criterion types the valid bid multiplier range is -90 through 900. For exceptions, see DeviceCriterion Usage and LocationIntentCriterion Usage below. Regardless of the criterion type, if the campaign uses MaxClicks, MaxConversions, or TargetCpa bid strategy types, the valid range of values that you can use to inform auto bidding is -100 through 30. Although this element supports a double data type, you should use whole integer values i.e., -90 through 900, for parity with the web application |
CriterionBid_Type | string | The type of criterion bid. For more information, see Remarks |
Criterion_AgeRange | string | The age range of the people you want to see your ads |
Criterion_AudienceId | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the Audience |
Criterion_AudienceType | string | The audience type |
Criterion_Condition_Attribute | string | The condition's attribute value. An attribute's value must exactly match the value specified in the customer's Microsoft Merchant Center catalog file. The available Attribute and Operand values vary depending on the campaign type. For supported attribute and operand values, see Remarks below. Add or Apply: Required Update: Optional |
Criterion_Condition_Operand | string | The condition's operand. The operands implicitly include the equal operator. For example, read Brand as Brand=. Add or Apply: Required Update: Optional |
Criterion_Conditions | string | A list of up to 7 product conditions that helps determine whether a product from the Microsoft Merchant Center store gets served as an ad. The available Attribute and Operand values vary depending on the campaign type. For supported attribute and operand values, see ProductCondition Remarks. Conditions might not be returned in the order that you submitted them |
Criterion_Day | string | The day of the week to target. For example, you can target the ads to run only on Friday or Saturday |
Criterion_DeviceName | string | The name of the device to target. The following are the possible device names that you can specify. - Computers - Smartphones - Tablets Three separate bids for Computers, Tablets, and Smartphones should always be specified together. If you do not add individual device criterions representing each of the three device types, the missing device criterions will be added with the default bid adjustment of zero |
Criterion_DisplayName | string | The location display name |
Criterion_FromHour | integer | The starting hour range to target. The possible values range from 0 to 23 |
Criterion_FromMinute | string | The starting minute of the hour to target |
Criterion_GenderType | string | The gender of the people you want to see your ads |
Criterion_IntentOption | string | Determines whether a person must be physically located in the targeted location in order for the ad to display. The following values are supported. The default value is PeopleInOrSearchingForOrViewingPages. - Use PeopleInOrSearchingForOrViewingPages if you want to show ads to people in, searching for, or viewing pages about your targeted location. - Use PeopleSearchingForOrViewingPages if you want to show ads to people searching for or viewing pages about your targeted location. - Use PeopleIn if you want to show ads to people in your targeted location |
Criterion_LatitudeDegrees | bigdecimal | The latitude, in degrees, of the target location. The latitude must be greater than or equal to -85.0 and less than or equal to +85.0 |
Criterion_LocationId | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the location where you want to show your ads. For geographical location codes, see GetGeoLocationsFileUrl and Geographical Location Codes |
Criterion_LocationType | string | The location type. Possible values include, but are not limited to City, Country, MetroArea, PostalCode, and State. Although rare it is possible the location type will change for a given location ID |
Criterion_LongitudeDegrees | bigdecimal | The longitude, in degrees, of the target location. The longitude must be greater than or equal to -180.0 and less than or equal to +180.0 |
Criterion_Name | string | The name of the geographical location being targeted. The name can contain a maximum of 50 characters |
Criterion_Parameter_Conditions | string | The webpage conditions or criteria. You may include up to 3 individual WebpageCondition objects in the list. Each WebpageCondition contains an Argument and Operand element |
Criterion_Parameter_CriterionName | string | The criterion name that you can use to identify the criteria, for example you can filter or sort alphabetically. The criterion name length must be between 1 to 2048, inclusive |
Criterion_ParentCriterionId | long | The identifier of the parent BiddableAdGroupCriterion or NegativeAdGroupCriterion. This element must be set to null if the product partition represents the root node of a product partition tree |
Criterion_PartitionType | string | The type of product partition, for example Subdivision or Unit |
Criterion_ProfileId | long | The identifier of the company name, industry, or job function profile that you want to target. For details about how to get profile identifiers, see Profile Data |
Criterion_ProfileType | string | Determines whether the profile criterion corresponds to a company name, industry, or job function |
Criterion_Radius | long | The radius that specifies the area surrounding the geographical location to target. If the RadiusUnit is set to Miles, then positive integer values from 1 to 500 are accepted. If the RadiusUnit is set to Kilometers, then positive integer values from 1 to 800 are accepted. The data type is double and may be supported in a future release. Currently the service only accepts and returns integer values |
Criterion_RadiusUnit | string | The unit of measurement for the specified radius, for example kilometers or miles |
Criterion_ToHour | integer | The ending hour range to target. Supported values range from 0 to 24. If the ToHour is set to 24, the ToMinute must be Zero |
Criterion_ToMinute | string | The ending minute of the hour to target |
Criterion_Type | string | The type of criterion. For more information, see Remarks |
DestinationUrl | string | The URL of the webpage that the user is taken to when they click the ad. This element is only used if the inherited Criterion is a ProductPartition criterion. For details see ProductPartition Usage below |
FinalUrlSuffix | string | The final URL suffix can include tracking parameters that will be appended to the end of your landing page URL. We recommend placing tracking parameters that your landing page requires in a final URL suffix so that your customers are always sent to your landing page. For more details and validation rules see Final URL Suffix in the technical guides. This feature is only available for customers in the Final URL Suffix Phase 2 pilot (GetCustomerPilotFeatures returns 566). If you are not in the pilot this property will be ignored and no error will be returned. During calendar year 2019 this feature will be enabled for all customers. This element is only used if the inherited Criterion is either a ProductPartition or Webpage criterion. For details see ProductPartition Usage and Webpage Usage below |
UrlCustomParameters | string | Your custom collection of key and value parameters for URL tracking. This element is only used if the inherited Criterion is either a ProductPartition or Webpage criterion. For details see ProductPartition Usage and Webpage Usage below |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_AdGroupCriterionsByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_AdGroupCriterionsByIds (
AdGroupCriterionIds => NULL,
AdGroupId => 1221557597550093,
CriterionType => 'Webpage'
) AS x
Retrieves the specified audiences from the specified account
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<Type> (required): (Custom, InMarket, Product, RemarketingList, SimilarRemarketingList) - One or more types of audiences to return
<AudienceIds> (optional): A maximum of 100 identifiers of the requested audiences.This request element is optional. If this element is null or empty, then you are effectively requesting all customer and account scoped audiences for the specified account.If the audience identifiers do not match the requested audience types, then the operation will return a batch error for each requested audience ID.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the audience |
AudienceNetworkSize | long | The total number of people who are active members of this audience in the Audience network. This gives you an idea of how many Audience network users you can target. The audience needs to have at least 300 people before Microsoft Advertising will use it for optimizations |
Description | string | The description of the audience. Use a description to help you remember what audience you are targeting. The description can contain a maximum of 1,024 characters |
ForwardCompatibilityMap | string | The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in the current API version. Forward compatibility changes will be noted here in future releases. There are currently no forward compatibility changes for the Audience object |
MembershipDuration | integer | When you create an audience, you can specify how far back in time Microsoft Advertising should look for actions that match your audience definition. The mimimum duration is 1 day and the maximum duration allowed is 180 days |
Name | string | The name of the audience. The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters |
ParentId | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the customer that contains the in-market audience |
ProductAudienceType | string | Determines whether to remarket your products to general visitors, product searchers, product viewers, shopping cart abandoners, or past buyers |
Rule_Action | string | The type of user interaction you want to track. For example 'play' or 'pause'. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the ActionOperator element is also required |
Rule_ActionOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the Action element. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the Action element is also required |
Rule_AnotherRuleItemGroups | string | The list of rule item groups related to other pages the audience visited. The maximum number of rule item groups in this element is 100. The maximum number of rule items per rule item group is 100 |
Rule_Category | string | The category of event you want to track. For example, 'video'. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the CategoryOperator element is also required |
Rule_CategoryOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the Category element |
Rule_ExcludeRuleItemGroups | string | The list of rule item groups that you want applied as exclusions to the remarketing list. The maximum number of rule item groups in this element is 100. The maximum number of rule items per rule item group is 100. Exclusions take precedence over inclusions. In other words if the user visited any excluded page within the RemarketingList membership duration e.g. previous 30 days, then they cannot be added to the list even if other page views satisfy conditions in the included rule item groups. If the excluded page views occurred prior to the membership duration lookback, and if the user's page views satisfy conditions in the included rule item groups within the membership duration, then they can be added to the remarketing list |
Rule_IncludeRuleItemGroups | string | The list of rule item groups that you want applied to the remarketing list. The maximum number of rule item groups in this element is 100. The maximum number of rule items per rule item group is 100 |
Rule_Label | string | The name of the element that caused the action. For example 'trailer' or 'behindthescenes'. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the LabelOperator element is also required |
Rule_LabelOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the Label element |
Rule_RuleItemGroups | string | The list of rule item groups related to pages the audience visited. The maximum number of rule item groups in this element is 100. The maximum number of rule items per rule item group is 100 |
Rule_Type | string | The type of the remarketing rule. For more information about remarketing rule types, see the Remarks |
Rule_Value | bigdecimal | A positive integer value associated with that event. For example the value could be the duration of time that the video played. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the ValueOperator element is also required |
Rule_ValueOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the Value element |
Scope | string | Scope defines what accounts can use this audience. For an in-market audience the only supported scope is Customer, and the in-market audience can be associated with any ad groups across all of the customer's accounts |
SearchSize | long | The total number of people who are active members of this audience in the Search network. This gives you an idea of how many search users you can target. The audience needs to have at least 1,000 people before Microsoft Advertising will use it for optimizations |
SourceId | string | |
SupportedCampaignTypes | string | The list of campaign types that support this audience. Supported values are Audience, DynamicSearchAds, Search, and Shopping. New campaign types might be added in the future, so you should not take any dependency on a fixed set of values |
TagId | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the Universal Event Tracking (UET) tag that is used with the remarketing list |
Type | string | The type of the audience. This value is InMarket when you retrieve an in-market audience. For more information about audience types, see the Audience Data Object Remarks |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_AudiencesByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_AudiencesByIds (
AudienceIds => NULL,
Type => 'Custom,InMarket,Product,RemarketingList,SimilarRemarketingList'
) AS x
Gets the Microsoft Merchant Center stores for the specified customer
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique identifier for the Microsoft Merchant Center store |
HasCatalog | boolean | Value will be true if the store has a catalog of items, and otherwise the value is false |
IsActive | boolean | Value will be true if the store is active, and otherwise the value is false |
IsProductAdsEnabled | boolean | Reserved for internal use |
Name | string | Defines the name of the store as defined in the Microsoft Merchant Center |
SubType | string | The Microsoft Merchant Center store sub type. This element is only applicable for Microsoft Merchant Center stores of subtype CoOp, and will be nil for all other stores. If the subtype is set to CoOp then you have linked from a partner's store. When your partner retrieves the same store via GetBMCStoresByCustomerId the subtype would be nil, since from their perspective the store is not restricted to cooperative bidding |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_BMCStoresByCustomerId AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_BMCStoresByCustomerId ()
) AS x
Gets the list of supported sales country codes for Microsoft Shopping Campaigns
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CountryCodes | string | The list of supported sales country codes for Microsoft Shopping Campaigns. You can pass any one of the returned values in the element of a ShoppingSetting object. |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_BSCCountries AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_BSCCountries ()
) AS x
Gets the specified budgets from the account's shared budget library
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<BudgetIds> (optional): A list of unique budget identifiers that identify the budgets to get. You can specify a maximum of 100 IDs. The budget IDs must be in the same account that you specified in the required header element.If you leave this element nil or empty, then the operation will return all budgets that are available to be shared with campaigns in the account.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier of the budget |
Amount | bigdecimal | The amount to spend daily across all campaigns that share the budget |
AssociationCount | integer | The number of Campaign objects that currently share this budget |
BudgetType | string | The budget type determines the pace at which the budget is spent throughout the day. Possible values are DailyBudgetAccelerated and DailyBudgetStandard |
Name | string | The name of the budget. The name must be unique among all budgets within the account. The name can contain a maximum of 255 characters. The service performs a case-insensitive comparison when it compares the name to existing budget names |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_BudgetsByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_BudgetsByIds (
BudgetIds => NULL
) AS x
Gets the specified conversion goals
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<TagIds> (optional): A maximum of 100 tag identifiers that are used by the returned conversion goals
<ConversionGoalIds> (optional): A maximum of 100 identifiers of the conversion goals that you want to get. If is null or empty, then you are effectively requesting all conversion goals of the specified types for the account
<ConversionGoalTypes> (required): (AppInstall, Duration, Event, InStoreTransaction, OfflineConversion, PagesViewedPerVisit, Url) - One or more types of conversion goals to return
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the conversion goal |
ActionExpression | string | The type of user interaction you want to track. For example 'play' or 'pause'. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the ActionOperator element is also required. The string cannot exceed the maximum length of 100 |
ActionOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the ActionExpression element. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the ActionExpression element is also required |
AppPlatform | string | The application platform. Possible values include Android, iOS, Windows and WindowsPhone |
AppStoreId | string | The application identifier provided by the app store |
CategoryExpression | string | The category of event you want to track. For example, 'video'. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the CategoryOperator element is also required. The string cannot exceed the maximum length of 100 |
CategoryOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the CategoryExpression element |
ConversionWindowInMinutes | integer | The conversion window is the length of time in minutes after a click that you want to track conversions. If you set this value to 43200 minutes (30 days), then conversions that happen within 30 days after a click are tracked. Past conversions aren't affected. The default value is 43200. The minimum value supported is 1 minute, although keep in mind that a shorter conversion window will reduce the number of conversions your account records. The maximum value supported is 129600 minutes (90 days) |
CountType | string | This determines how your conversions are recorded within your chosen conversion window. There are two choices, and if you do not set a value the default is All: - All: All conversions with different offline conversion times that happen after an ad click will be counted. This is a common choice for sales. - Unique: Only the first conversion that happens after an ad click will be counted. This is a common choice for leads. For example: You track two conversions: leads and sales. You pick Unique for leads and All for sales. When one ad click turns into two leads and two sales, it's counted as three conversions: one for the unique lead, and two for all the sales. Duplicate offline conversions with the same MicrosoftClickId and ConversionTime will be ignored. In other words only the first offline conversion for a given MicrosoftClickId and ConversionTime will be counted |
LabelExpression | string | The name of the element that caused the action. For example 'trailer' or 'behindthescenes'. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the LabelOperator element is also required. The string cannot exceed the maximum length of 100 |
LabelOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the LabelExpression element |
MinimumDurationInSeconds | integer | The minimum amount of time in seconds that the user must spend on your website to track as a conversion. If you don't specify a value, the default value is 0, and the possible range is 0 through 86,399 (1 second less than a full 24 hour day) |
MinimumPagesViewed | integer | The minimum number of pages the user must visit, in order to count as a conversion |
Name | string | The conversion goal name. The maximum length of the name is 100, and the name must be unique among all conversion goals belonging to the same customer |
Revenue_CurrencyCode | string | The currency type that you want the conversion goal revenue to be reported. For a list of possible string values see Microsoft Advertising Currencies. For the EventGoal, InStoreTransactionGoal, OfflineConversionGoal, and UrlGoal objects, if their Scope element is set to Customer and if the Type is FixedValue or VariableValue, this property is required. For the OfflineConversionGoal, the ConversionCurrencyCode element of the applied OfflineConversion data takes precedence over this currency code. For the other supported conversion goals if you modify your UET tag tracking code to pass back both a revenue value and a currency, then the UET tag currency value takes precedence over this currency code. For more information on modifying your UET tag tracking code for variable revenue reporting, see How to report variable revenue with UET. If the Scope element of any ConversionGoal is set to Account and you do not specify the CurrencyCode, then by default the account level billing currency will be used to report conversion goal revenue. This element is not available for the AppInstallGoal, DurationGoal, or PagesViewedPerVisitGoal. You cannot set this property for those goal types |
Revenue_Type | string | Determines how revenue is tracked. The possible types are FixedValue, NoValue (the default type), and VariableValue. If the type is FixedValue then you must specify the Value element. If the type is NoValue then you must not specify the Value element. If the type is VariableValue then you can optionally specify a default value with the Value element |
Revenue_Value | bigdecimal | The revenue value or amount. If you assign values to your conversions, you'll be able to see the total value driven by your advertising across different conversions, rather than simply the number of conversions that have happened. The default value is effectively 0, and possible values range from 0 to 999,9999. Accepted values depend on the revenue type, so please see the Type element for details. For the OfflineConversionGoal, the ConversionValue element of the applied OfflineConversion data takes precedence over this currency value |
Scope | string | Determines if the goal applies to all accounts or only the account specified in the required CustomerAccountId header element. If you have multiple Microsoft Advertising accounts, you can track conversions across all of those accounts. If you associate a goal with one account, conversions will be tracked for that account only. Possible values are Account and Customer. Once you set scope, you can't change it. If you want to change the scope, you need to create a new conversion goal and pause the old one |
Status | string | Defines the possible user-determined status values of a conversion goal. These are the status values that a user can decide to set, for example a goal can be set to Paused if you no longer wish to track conversions for that goal. For status values that can be set by the system, see the TrackingStatus element |
TagId | long | Not applicable for offline conversion goals |
TrackingStatus | string | Not applicable for offline conversion goals |
Type | string | The type of the conversion goal. This value is OfflineConversion when you retrieve an offline conversion goal. For more information about conversion goal types, see the ConversionGoal Data Object Remarks |
UrlExpression | string | The expression used to determine the page or pages the user has to visit in order to count as a conversion |
UrlOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the Url element |
Value | bigdecimal | A numerical value associated with that event. For example the value could be the duration of time that the video played. If this element is specified during an add or update operation, then the ValueOperator element is also required |
ValueOperator | string | The operator that can be applied to the value of the Value element |
Gets the specified campaign criterions
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<CriterionType> (required): (Age, Audience, CompanyName, CustomAudience, DayTime, Device, Gender, Industry, InMarketAudience, JobFunction, Location, LocationIntent, ProductAudience, ProductScope, Radius, RemarketingList, SimilarRemarketingList, Targets, Webpage) - The type of criterion to get, for example . You can specify only one type. The value is not allowed for this operation
<CampaignId> (required): The unique identifier of the campaign whose criterions you want to get
<CampaignCriterionIds> (optional): A list of unique identifiers that identify the campaign criterions to get.You can include up to 100 campaign criterion identifiers per request. If this element is null, all criterions for the specified will be retrieved
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the ad group criterion |
Status | string | A status value that determines whether the criterion applies for the ad group. Currently the only supported status for negative ad group criterions is Active |
Type | string | The type of the ad group criterion. This value is NegativeAdGroupCriterion when you retrieve a negative ad group criterion. For more information about ad group criterion types, see the AdGroupCriterion Data Object Remarks |
CampaignId | long | The identifier of the campaign to apply the criterion to |
CriterionBid_Amount | bigdecimal | The bid value. For details about the valid bid range for your market, see Currencies |
CriterionBid_Multiplier | bigdecimal | The percentage amount that you want to adjust the bid for the corresponding criterion. If the campaign uses MaxClicks, MaxConversions, or TargetCpa bid strategy types, then the multiplier will inform rather than directly modify or override the automated bid. For auto bidding the multiplier is used as a weighted percentage to inform Microsoft Advertising about how much you value the criterion relative to other criteria. For example, a -50 percent bid multiplier for a mobile device criterion with the Max Conversions bid strategy to indicate that you value conversions from mobile traffic half as much as other device types. The same bid multiplier with the Max Clicks bid strategy would indicate that you value clicks on mobile half as much as other device types. For most criterion types the valid bid multiplier range is -90 through 900. For exceptions, see DeviceCriterion Usage and LocationIntentCriterion Usage below. Regardless of the criterion type, if the campaign uses MaxClicks, MaxConversions, or TargetCpa bid strategy types, the valid range of values that you can use to inform auto bidding is -100 through 30. Although this element supports a double data type, you should use whole integer values i.e., -90 through 900, for parity with the web application |
CriterionBid_Type | string | The type of criterion bid. For more information, see Remarks |
Criterion_AgeRange | string | The age range of the people you want to see your ads |
Criterion_AudienceId | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the Audience |
Criterion_AudienceType | string | The audience type |
Criterion_Condition_Attribute | string | The condition's attribute value. An attribute's value must exactly match the value specified in the customer's Microsoft Merchant Center catalog file. The available Attribute and Operand values vary depending on the campaign type. For supported attribute and operand values, see Remarks below. Add or Apply: Required Update: Optional |
Criterion_Condition_Operand | string | The condition's operand. The operands implicitly include the equal operator. For example, read Brand as Brand=. Add or Apply: Required Update: Optional |
Criterion_Conditions | string | A list of up to 7 product conditions that helps determine whether a product from the Microsoft Merchant Center store gets served as an ad. The available Attribute and Operand values vary depending on the campaign type. For supported attribute and operand values, see ProductCondition Remarks. Conditions might not be returned in the order that you submitted them |
Criterion_Day | string | The day of the week to target. For example, you can target the ads to run only on Friday or Saturday |
Criterion_DeviceName | string | The name of the device to target. The following are the possible device names that you can specify. - Computers - Smartphones - Tablets Three separate bids for Computers, Tablets, and Smartphones should always be specified together. If you do not add individual device criterions representing each of the three device types, the missing device criterions will be added with the default bid adjustment of zero |
Criterion_DisplayName | string | The location display name |
Criterion_FromHour | integer | The starting hour range to target. The possible values range from 0 to 23 |
Criterion_FromMinute | string | The starting minute of the hour to target |
Criterion_GenderType | string | The gender of the people you want to see your ads |
Criterion_IntentOption | string | Determines whether a person must be physically located in the targeted location in order for the ad to display. The following values are supported. The default value is PeopleInOrSearchingForOrViewingPages. - Use PeopleInOrSearchingForOrViewingPages if you want to show ads to people in, searching for, or viewing pages about your targeted location. - Use PeopleSearchingForOrViewingPages if you want to show ads to people searching for or viewing pages about your targeted location. - Use PeopleIn if you want to show ads to people in your targeted location |
Criterion_LatitudeDegrees | bigdecimal | The latitude, in degrees, of the target location. The latitude must be greater than or equal to -85.0 and less than or equal to +85.0 |
Criterion_LocationId | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the location where you want to show your ads. For geographical location codes, see GetGeoLocationsFileUrl and Geographical Location Codes |
Criterion_LocationType | string | The location type. Possible values include, but are not limited to City, Country, MetroArea, PostalCode, and State. Although rare it is possible the location type will change for a given location ID |
Criterion_LongitudeDegrees | bigdecimal | The longitude, in degrees, of the target location. The longitude must be greater than or equal to -180.0 and less than or equal to +180.0 |
Criterion_Name | string | The name of the geographical location being targeted. The name can contain a maximum of 50 characters |
Criterion_Parameter_Conditions | string | The webpage conditions or criteria. You may include up to 3 individual WebpageCondition objects in the list. Each WebpageCondition contains an Argument and Operand element |
Criterion_Parameter_CriterionName | string | The criterion name that you can use to identify the criteria, for example you can filter or sort alphabetically. The criterion name length must be between 1 to 2048, inclusive |
Criterion_ParentCriterionId | long | The identifier of the parent BiddableAdGroupCriterion or NegativeAdGroupCriterion. This element must be set to null if the product partition represents the root node of a product partition tree |
Criterion_PartitionType | string | The type of product partition, for example Subdivision or Unit |
Criterion_ProfileId | long | The identifier of the company name, industry, or job function profile that you want to target. For details about how to get profile identifiers, see Profile Data |
Criterion_ProfileType | string | Determines whether the profile criterion corresponds to a company name, industry, or job function |
Criterion_Radius | long | The radius that specifies the area surrounding the geographical location to target. If the RadiusUnit is set to Miles, then positive integer values from 1 to 500 are accepted. If the RadiusUnit is set to Kilometers, then positive integer values from 1 to 800 are accepted. The data type is double and may be supported in a future release. Currently the service only accepts and returns integer values |
Criterion_RadiusUnit | string | The unit of measurement for the specified radius, for example kilometers or miles |
Criterion_ToHour | integer | The ending hour range to target. Supported values range from 0 to 24. If the ToHour is set to 24, the ToMinute must be Zero |
Criterion_ToMinute | string | The ending minute of the hour to target |
Criterion_Type | string | The type of criterion. For more information, see Remarks |
ForwardCompatibilityMap | string | The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in the current API version. Forward compatibility changes will be noted here in future releases. There are currently no forward compatibility changes for this object |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_CriterionsByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_CriterionsByIds (
CampaignCriterionIds => NULL,
CampaignId => 276117595,
CriterionType => 'Age,Audience,CompanyName,CustomAudience,DayTime,Device,Gender,Industry,InMarketAudience,JobFunction,Location,LocationIntent,ProductAudience,ProductScope,Radius,RemarketingList,SimilarRemarketingList,Targets,Webpage'
) AS x
Gets the reasons why the specified entities failed editorial review and whether the issue is appealable
<EntityIdToParentIdAssociations> (required): A list of EntityIdToParentIdAssociation objects that each contain the unique system identifier of an entity such as ad or keyword, and the identifier of its parent. An ad group is the parent of an ad or keyword.The list must include all ads or all keywords which failed editorial review. The list cannot include a mix ads and keywords. The list can contain a maximum of 1,000 identifiers. Format: EntityId,ParentId|EntityId1,ParentId1|EntityId2,ParentId2
<AccountId> (required): The identifier of the account that contains the specified entities.
<EntityType> (optional): (Ad, AdGroup, Campaign, Keyword) - The type of entities that the entity list contains
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdGroupId | long | Identifies the ad group which is the parent of the ad or keyword that failed editorial review |
AdOrKeywordId | long | Identifies the ad or keyword that failed editorial review |
AppealStatus | string | A value that determines whether you can appeal the issues found by the editorial review |
Location | string | The component of the ad or keyword that failed editorial review |
PublisherCountries | string | A list of countries where the ad or keyword failed editorial review. Each string in the list contains a two character country code |
ReasonCode | integer | A code that identifies the reason for the failure. For a list of possible reason codes, see Editorial Reason Codes |
Term | string | The term that failed editorial review. This element cannot be set if a combination of terms caused the failure or if the failure was based on a policy violation |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_EditorialReasonsByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_EditorialReasonsByIds (
AccountId => 40072901,
EntityIdToParentIdAssociations => '1,2|2,4|5,6',
EntityType => 'Ad,AdGroup,Campaign,Keyword'
) AS x
Gets experiments by experiment identifiers
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<ExperimentIds> (required): The identifiers of the experiments to get.The maximum size of the list is 1,000 items per service request. If this element is not specified, the operation will return all active experiments in the account
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier of the experiment |
BaseCampaignId | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the campaign used as the base for the experiment campaign. You can create up to 10 nonconcurrent experiments per base campaign. In other words multiple experiments for the same base campaign cannot have overlapping time intervals. Experiments are only available for Search campaigns. If the campaign uses a shared budget, then you cannot use it as the base campaign for an experiment |
EndDate | date | The date that the experiment will expire. If you do not specify an end date, the ads will not expire. Once the end date has passed, the end date cannot be extended. The end date is inclusive. For example, if you set the end date to 12/31/2020, the experiment will end at 11:59 PM on 12/31/2020. The time is relative to the base campaign time zone |
ExperimentCampaignId | long | The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the campaign that is created as a copy of the base campaign. All base campaign settings, including ad groups, ads, ad extension associations, and target settings are copied to the new experiment campaign. After the experiment campaign is created you can update all of its settings except for the campaign Budget, BudgetType, and TimeZone. The budget and time zone of an experiment campaign are always inherited from the base campaign settings |
ExperimentStatus | string | The status of the experiment. Possible status values are described in the remarks below |
Name | string | The name of the experiment. The name of the experiment campaign that is created from the base campaign will match the experiment name, and vice versa. If the experiment name is updated, the experiment campaign's name will automatically be updated to match, and vice versa. The name must be unique (case-insensitive) among all campaigns and experiments within the account. The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters |
StartDate | date | The date that the experiment campaign can begin serving ads. The start date cannot be updated after the experiment has begun i.e., once the start date has arrived. The start date is inclusive. For example, if you set start date to 5/5/2020, the experiment will start at 12:00 AM on 5/5/2020. The time is relative to the base campaign time zone |
TrafficSplitPercent | integer | The percentage of the base campaign's budget and ad traffic that you want to allocate for this experiment. Ad traffic is split between the experiment and the base campaign based on individual searches. Relevant searches will randomly bring up either ads from your experiment or ads from your base campaign. This means that individual customers could see ads from both sources if they search multiple times. Possible values range from 1 to 99 |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_ExperimentsByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_ExperimentsByIds (
ExperimentIds => '1,2'
) AS x
Identifiers for the geographical locations that you can target or exclude
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<LanguageLocale> (required): The language and locale of the geographical location display names. The supported language locale values are zh-Hant (Traditional Chinese), en (English), fr (French), de (German), it (Italian), pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese), and es (Spanish)
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description | ||
LocationId | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising system identifier for the location. You must use this value to set the location criterion | ||
BingDisplayName | string | The optional name that you can use to display the locations data, for example to users of your application. Vertical bars are used to separate the location components from most to least specific. For example given Seattle | Washington | United States the most specific component is the city of Seattle within the state of Washington of the United States. Multiple location IDs can have the same display name. You must not use the display name for anything other than presentation, for example do not assume any hierarchy or take any dependencies on the display name |
LocationType | string | Determines the location sub type (e.g., City, County, Country, MetroArea, PostalCode, or State) that corresponds to the Location Id column. Although rare it is possible the location type will change for a given location ID | ||
Replaces | string | Reserved for future use to indicate which location or locations are replaced by the location in this row | ||
Status | string | Reserved for future use to indicate whether the location in this row is active or deprecated. Currently there are no deprecated locations provided in the CSV file | ||
AdWordsLocationId | long | The Google Ads location ID that matches closest to the Microsoft Advertising geographical location ID. You can use this for mapping Microsoft Advertising locations to the estimated Google Ads locations. This value is a heuristic estimate that can be used for mapping Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising geographical locations |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_GeoLocations AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_GeoLocations (
LanguageLocale => 'de'
) AS x
Gets the campaign identifiers that share each specified budget
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<BudgetIds> (required): A list of unique budget identifiers that identify the campaign identifiers to get. You can specify a maximum of 1,000 IDs budget IDs, and each budget could be shared by up to 10,000 campaign identifiers. For each budget ID that you specify in the request, an IdCollection that contains between 1 and 10,000 campaign identifers will be returned. The budget IDs must be in the same account that you specified in the required header element
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Ids | long | A list of entity identifiers |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_IdsByBudgetIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_IdsByBudgetIds (
BudgetIds => '7834020374512'
) AS x
Gets label associations by entity identifiers
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<EntityType> (required): (Ad, AdGroup, Campaign, Keyword) - Filters the returned associations by entity type
<EntityIds> (required): The list of entity identifiers used to request label associations.The maximum size of the list is 100 items per service request
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
EntityId | long | The identifier of an entity associated with the label. Supported entity types for labels are campaign, ad group, ad, and keyword. The entity type is specified in the request message of each DeleteLabelAssociations, GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIds, GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIds, and SetLabelAssociations operation. Each entity can be associated with a maximum of 50 labels. For example Campaign A can be associated with up to 50 labels. Set: Required Delete: Required |
LabelId | long | The identifier of the label. Set: Required Delete: Required |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_LabelAssociationsByEntityIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_LabelAssociationsByEntityIds (
EntityIds => '1,2',
EntityType => 'Ad,AdGroup,Campaign,Keyword'
) AS x
Gets label associations by label identifiers
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<LabelIds> (required): The list of label identifiers used to request label associations. You must include exactly one label identifier in the list
<EntityType> (required): (Ad, AdGroup, Campaign, Keyword) - Filters the returned associations by entity type
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
EntityId | long | The identifier of an entity associated with the label. Supported entity types for labels are campaign, ad group, ad, and keyword. The entity type is specified in the request message of each DeleteLabelAssociations, GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIds, GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIds, and SetLabelAssociations operation. Each entity can be associated with a maximum of 50 labels. For example Campaign A can be associated with up to 50 labels. Set: Required Delete: Required |
LabelId | long | The identifier of the label. Set: Required Delete: Required |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_LabelAssociationsByLabelIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_LabelAssociationsByLabelIds (
EntityType => 'Ad,AdGroup,Campaign,Keyword',
LabelIds => '1'
) AS x
Gets labels by label identifiers
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<LabelIds> (optional): The identifiers of the labels to get.The maximum size of the list is 1,000 items per service request. If this element is not specified, the operation will return all active labels in the account (1,000 results per page).
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The system-generated identifier of the label |
ColorCode | string | The label color as a hexadecimal code. The hexadecimal value must have the '#' prefix. For example you can use the value of #FFFFFF for a white label. The color can be viewed in the Microsoft Advertising web application. Your application can display the color or utilize the hexadecimal value to categorize a set of labels |
Description | string | The label description. The label description can be between 1 to 200 characters in length |
Name | string | The label name. The case-sensitive label name can be between 1 to 80 characters in length, and must be unique across all labels in the account |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_LabelsByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_LabelsByIds (
LabelIds => NULL
) AS x
Gets the negative keywords of a negative keyword list
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<SharedList> (optional): The negative keyword list within the account's shared library, from which to get the negative keywords
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier of the negative keyword |
ForwardCompatibilityMap | string | The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in the current API version. Forward compatibility changes will be noted here in future releases. There are currently no forward compatibility changes for this object |
MatchType | string | The type of match to compare the negative keyword and the user's search term. The supported values for a negative keyword are Exact and Phrase |
Text | string | The negative keyword text. The text can contain a maximum of 100 characters |
Type | string | The type of the shared list item. For more information about shared list item types, see Remarks |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_ListItemsBySharedList AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_ListItemsBySharedList (
SharedList => XMLELEMENT (SharedList, XMLATTRIBUTES ('NegativeKeywordList' AS "i:type"), XMLELEMENT (Id, 1))
) AS x
Gets the media associations of the specified entity type from an account's media library
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<MediaIds> (required): The identifiers of the media to get corresponding entity associations.You can specify a maximum of 100 media identifiers in a single call
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
EntityId | long | The system identifier of the media enabled entity, for example the identifier of an ImageAdExtension |
MediaEnabledEntity | string | Determines the type of media to get. Currently only ImageAdExtension is supported |
MediaId | long | The system identifier of the media |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_MediaAssociations AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_MediaAssociations (
MediaIds => '1,2'
) AS x
Gets the media meta data of the specified entity type from an account's media library
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<MediaEnabledEntities> (required): (ImageAdExtension, ResponsiveAd) - Determines the type of media enabled entity to get meta data.Supported values are ImageAdExtension and ResponsiveAd
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The system identifier of the media meta data |
MediaType | string | The name of the media subclass. For an ImageMediaRepresentation, the MediaType is Image |
MediaRepresentation_Name | string | The name of the media representation |
MediaRepresentation_Type | string | The type of the media representation |
MediaRepresentation_Url | string | The media download URL |
MediaRepresentation_Height | string | The height of the image in pixels |
MediaRepresentation_Width | string | The width of the image in pixels |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_MediaMetaDataByAccountId AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_MediaMetaDataByAccountId (
MediaEnabledEntities => 'ImageAdExtension,ResponsiveAd'
) AS x
Gets the specified media meta data from an account's media library
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<MediaIds> (required): The identifiers of the media to get. You can specify a maximum of 100 media identifiers in a single call
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The system identifier of the media meta data |
MediaType | string | The name of the media subclass. For an ImageMediaRepresentation, the MediaType is Image |
MediaRepresentation_Name | string | The name of the media representation |
MediaRepresentation_Type | string | The type of the media representation |
MediaRepresentation_Url | string | The media download URL |
MediaRepresentation_Height | string | The height of the image in pixels |
MediaRepresentation_Width | string | The width of the image in pixels |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_MediaMetaDataByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_MediaMetaDataByIds (
MediaIds => '1,2'
) AS x
Gets the negative keywords that are only associated with the specified campaigns or ad groups
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<ParentEntityId> (required): The identifier of the parent entity corresponding to the specified element. If the entity type is AdGroup, this element should be set to the campaign identifier that contains all of the specified ad groups.If the entity type is Campaign, the service uses the header element and this element is ignored
<EntityType> (required): The type of entity corresponding to the specified element.Possible values include AdGroup and Campaign
<EntityIds> (required): An array of entity identifiers to return the associated negative keywords.The specified entities must all exist within the same parent entity, for example the ad group identifiers must all exist within the same campaign.This array can contain a maximum of 1 element
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier of the negative keyword |
EntityId | long | The system-generated identifier of a campaign or ad group that is associated with the negative keywords |
EntityType | string | The type of entity such as a campaign that is associated with the negative keywords. The possible values are AdGroup and Campaign |
MatchType | string | The type of match to compare the negative keyword and the user's search term. The supported values for a negative keyword are Exact and Phrase |
Text | string | The negative keyword text. The text can contain a maximum of 100 characters |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_NegativeKeywordsByEntityIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_NegativeKeywordsByEntityIds (
EntityIds => '1',
EntityType => 'AdGroup,Campaign',
ParentEntityId => 1
) AS x
Gets the negative site URLs of the specified ad groups
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<CampaignId> (required): The identifier of the campaign that contains the ad groups
<AdGroupIds> (required): An array of identifiers of the ad groups that contain the negative site URLs that you want to get.The call fails if the sum of all negative site URLs defined in the specified list of ad groups exceeds 30,000 URLs. To ensure that the call succeeds, consider limiting the number of ad groups to 15
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdGroupId | long | The identifier of the ad group to which the negative site URLs belong |
NegativeSites | string | A list of URLs of the websites on which you do not want your ads displayed. You can specify a maximum of 2,500 URLs. Each URL must specify the domain name e.g., which can include up to three subdomains and two subdirectories. The subdomain count includes the www prefix. For example,, and are valid URLs, whereas (too many subdomains) and (too many subdirectories) are not. Duplicate URLs in the list are not added. You can only exclude websites for syndicated search websites. The ad group's network must be set to either OwnedAndOperatedAndSyndicatedSearch or SyndicatedSearchOnly. For more information about network distribution, see Network. Negative site URLs specified at the ad group level are used instead of any negative site URLs specified at the campaign level. To remove all negative site URLs of the ad group, set this element to null |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_NegativeSitesByAdGroupIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_NegativeSitesByAdGroupIds (
AdGroupIds => '1207263946401680,1208363457871057,1209462969336754,1210562481130467,1211661992886084,1212761504201797,1213861015963574,1214960527435015,1216060039092728,1217159550875161,1218259062845594,1219358574304843,1220458085604844,1221557597550093,1222657109330078,1223756620648063',
CampaignId => 276117595
) AS x
Gets the negative site URLs of the specified campaigns
<CampaignIds> (required): An array of identifiers of the campaigns that contain the negative site URLs that you want to get.The call fails if the sum of all negative site URLs defined in the specified list of campaigns exceeds 30,000 URLs. To ensure that the call succeeds, consider limiting the number of campaigns to 15
<AccountId> (required): The identifier of the account that contains the campaigns
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CampaignId | long | The identifier of the campaign to which the negative site URLs belong |
NegativeSites | string | A list of URLs of the websites on which you do not want your ads displayed. You can specify a maximum of 2,500 URLs. Each URL must specify the domain name e.g., which can include up to three subdomains and two subdirectories. The subdomain count includes the www prefix. For example,, and are valid URLs, whereas (too many subdomains) and (too many subdirectories) are not. Duplicate URLs in the list are not added. You can only exclude websites for syndicated search websites. The ad group's network must be set to either OwnedAndOperatedAndSyndicatedSearch or SyndicatedSearchOnly. For more information about network distribution, see Network. Negative site URLs specified at the ad group level are used instead of any negative site URLs specified at the campaign level. To remove all negative site URLs of the campaign, set this element to null |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_NegativeSitesByCampaignIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_NegativeSitesByCampaignIds (
AccountId => 40072901,
CampaignIds => '276117595'
) AS x
Downloads and shows industry profile data
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<LanguageLocale> (required): The language and locale of the profile display names. The supported language locale values are zh-Hant (Traditional Chinese), en (English), fr (French), de (German), it (Italian), pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese), and es (Spanish). Please note if LinkedIn does not provide the localized profile name, then it will default to the universal name (usually defined in English)
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ProfileId | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the profile |
IndustryDisplayName | string | The display name for the industry for example, "Food Production" |
IndustryGroupDisplayName | string | The display name of the group that this industry belongs to for example, "Manufacturing" |
Replaces | string | Reserved for future use to indicate which profile or profiles are replaced by the profile in this row |
Status | string | Reserved for future use to indicate whether the profile in this row is active or deprecated. Currently there are no deprecated profiles provided in the CSV file |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_ProfileDataIndustry AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_ProfileDataIndustry (
LanguageLocale => 'de'
) AS x
Downloads and shows job function profile data
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<LanguageLocale> (required): The language and locale of the profile display names. The supported language locale values are zh-Hant (Traditional Chinese), en (English), fr (French), de (German), it (Italian), pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese), and es (Spanish). Please note if LinkedIn does not provide the localized profile name, then it will default to the universal name (usually defined in English)
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ProfileId | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier for the profile. This is the unique identifier of the job function |
JobFunctionDisplayName | string | The display name of this job function for example, "Accounting" |
Replaces | string | Reserved for future use to indicate which profile or profiles are replaced by the profile in this row |
Status | string | Reserved for future use to indicate whether the profile in this row is active or deprecated. Currently there are no deprecated profiles provided in the CSV file |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_ProfileDataJobFunction AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_ProfileDataJobFunction (
LanguageLocale => 'de'
) AS x
Search for profile data by company name
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<LanguageLocale> (required): The language and locale of the profile display names.The supported language locale values are zh-Hant (Traditional Chinese), en (English), fr (French), de (German), it (Italian), pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese), and es (Spanish). Please note if LinkedIn does not provide the localized profile name, then it will default to the universal name (usually defined in English)
<CompanyNameFilter> (required): The company name filter string. You can search using partial or full company name. The minimum length of the string is 3.The service searches across all language-locales for the string. The company name will be returned in the requested LanguageLocale if available
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
LogoUrl | string | The full https path for the company's logo image |
Name | string | The company name |
ProfileId | long | The company name profile identifier that you can use with ProfileCriterion |
Status | string | The company name profile status. Possible status values include Active and Inactive |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_SearchCompanies AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_SearchCompanies (
CompanyNameFilter => 'Data',
LanguageLocale => 'en'
) AS x
Gets the negative keyword lists from the account's library
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier of the shared entity |
AssociationCount | integer | The number of active associations between this object and an entity such as a campaign |
ForwardCompatibilityMap | string | The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in the current API version. Forward compatibility changes will be noted here in future releases. There are currently no forward compatibility changes for this object |
ItemCount | integer | The number of SharedListItem objects that are added to this shared list |
Name | string | The name of the shared entity |
Type | string | The type of the shared entity. For more information about shared entity types, see SharedEntity Data Object Remarks |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_SharedEntitiesByAccountId AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_SharedEntitiesByAccountId ()
) AS x
Gets negative keyword list associations for the specified campaigns
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<SharedEntityType> (required): The type of shared entity to get associations from the account's library. Currently the only supported value is NegativeKeywordList
<EntityType> (required): The type of entity corresponding to the specified element.Currently the only supported value is Campaign
<EntityIds> (required): The list of campaign identifiers to return shared negative keyword list associations.This array can contain a maximum of 100 elements.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
EntityId | long | The system-generated identifier of the campaign that is associated with the shared entity |
EntityType | string | The type of entity. Currently the only supported value is Campaign |
SharedEntityId | long | The system-generated identifier of the shared entity |
SharedEntityType | string | The type of the shared entity. Currently the only supported value is NegativeKeywordList |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_SharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_SharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIds (
EntityIds => '1',
EntityType => 'Campaign',
SharedEntityType => 'NegativeKeywordList'
) AS x
Gets shared entity associations for the specified negative keyword lists
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<SharedEntityType> (required): The type of shared entity to get associations from the account's library.Currently the only supported value is NegativeKeywordList
<SharedEntityIds> (required): The list of negative keyword list identifiers to return associations with campaigns.This array can contain a maximum of one element
<EntityType> (required): The type of entity corresponding to the specified element.Currently the only supported value is Campaign
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
EntityId | long | The system-generated identifier of the campaign that is associated with the shared entity |
EntityType | string | The type of entity. Currently the only supported value is Campaign |
SharedEntityId | long | The system-generated identifier of the shared entity |
SharedEntityType | string | The type of the shared entity. Currently the only supported value is NegativeKeywordList |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_SharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_SharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIds (
EntityType => 'Campaign',
SharedEntityIds => '1',
SharedEntityType => 'NegativeKeywordList'
) AS x
Gets the specified Universal Event Tracking (UET) tags
<AccountId> (optional): Account ID
<TagIds> (optional): A maximum of 100 identifiers of the UET tags that you want to get. If is null or empty, then you are effectively requesting all UET tags that are available for the customer
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The unique Microsoft Advertising identifier of the UET tag |
CustomerShare | string | |
Description | string | Text to help you identify the UET tag. We recommend that you set this to the related website page name or URL |
Name | string | The UET tag name. The maximum length of the name is 100, and the name must be unique among all UET tags belonging to the same customer |
TrackingNoScript | string | If your website doesn't support JavaScript, you can use this Non-JavaScript representation of the UET tag. If you use Non-JavaScript, you can't track custom events or variable revenue |
TrackingScript | string | The tracking script that you can add to your website to allow Microsoft Advertising to collect actions people take on your website |
TrackingStatus | string | The system-determined status values of a UET tag, for example the system sets the status to Unverified if the UET tag has not yet been verified |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Campaign_UetTagsByIds AS
CALL bingads.Campaign_UetTagsByIds (
TagIds => NULL
) AS x
List of objects that contains account identification information, for example the name and identifier of the account, for the specified customer
<CustomerId> (optional): The identifier of the customer who owns the accounts to get. If not set, the user's credentials are used to determine the customer
<OnlyParentAccounts> (optional): Determines whether to return only the accounts that belong to the customer or to also return the accounts that the customer manages for other customers. To return all accounts (those that belong to the customer and those that the customer manages), set this element to false; otherwise, set to true to return account information for only the specified customer. The default is false
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Id | long | The system generated identifier of the account |
Name | string | The name of the account |
Number | string | The account number |
AccountLifeCycleStatus | string | The status of the account |
PauseReason | short | A flag value that indicates who paused the account. The following are the possible values: 1 - The user paused the account. 2 - The billing service paused the account. 4 - The user and billing service paused the account |
CREATE View bingads_examples.example_Customer_AccountsInfo AS
Select * From (
call bingads.Customer_AccountsInfo ()
Account Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<deviceOSFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceType | string |
ImpressionLostToRankAggPercent | string |
ImpressionSharePercent | string |
Impressions | integer |
LowQualityClicks | integer |
LowQualityClicksPercent | string |
LowQualityConversionRate | string |
LowQualityConversions | integer |
LowQualityGeneralClicks | string |
LowQualityImpressions | integer |
LowQualityImpressionsPercent | string |
LowQualitySophisticatedClicks | string |
Network | string |
PhoneCalls | integer |
PhoneImpressions | integer |
Ptr | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AccountPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_AccountPerformance (
aggregation => 'Weekly'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Ad Dynamic Text Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<adTypeFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<keywordStatusFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDescription | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
AdTitle | string |
AdType | string |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceType | string |
FinalAppUrl | string |
FinalMobileUrl | string |
FinalUrl | string |
Impressions | integer |
Keyword | string |
KeywordStatus | string |
Language | string |
Param1 | string |
Param2 | string |
Param3 | string |
Path1 | string |
Path2 | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TitlePart1 | string |
TitlePart2 | string |
AdLabels | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AdDynamicTextPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_AdDynamicTextPerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Ad Extension by Ad
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceOSFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdExtensionId | long |
AdExtensionType | string |
AdExtensionVersion | integer |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
AdTitle | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
ClickType | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Network | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TitlePart1 | string |
TitlePart2 | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TotalClicks | integer |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AdExtensionByAd AS
CALL bingads.Report_AdExtensionByAd(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,predefinedTime => 'Today'
Ad Extension by Keyword
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceOSFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<keywordStatusFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdExtensionId | long |
AdExtensionType | string |
AdExtensionVersion | integer |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
ClickType | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Keyword | string |
KeywordId | long |
KeywordStatus | string |
Network | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TotalClicks | integer |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AdExtensionByKeyword AS
CALL bingads.Report_AdExtensionByKeyword(
aggregation => 'Weekly'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Ad Extension Detail
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceOSFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdExtensionId | long |
AdExtensionPropertyValue | string |
AdExtensionType | string |
AdExtensionTypeId | string |
AdExtensionVersion | integer |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
AdTitle | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Network | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AdExtensionDetail AS
CALL bingads.Report_AdExtensionDetail(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Ad Group Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceOSFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<statusFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdRelevance | integer |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceType | string |
ExpectedCtr | integer |
HistoricalAdRelevance | integer |
HistoricalExpectedCtr | integer |
HistoricalLandingPageExperience | integer |
HistoricalQualityScore | integer |
ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent | string |
ImpressionLostToRankAggPercent | string |
ImpressionSharePercent | string |
Impressions | integer |
LandingPageExperience | integer |
Language | string |
Network | string |
PhoneCalls | integer |
PhoneImpressions | integer |
Ptr | string |
QualityScore | integer |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
Status | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
AdGroupLabels | string |
AbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercent | string |
AbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercent | string |
AbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToRankPercent | string |
AbsoluteTopImpressionSharePercent | string |
AllConversionRate | string |
AllConversions | integer |
AllCostPerConversion | string |
AllReturnOnAdSpend | string |
AllRevenue | string |
AllRevenuePerConversion | string |
BaseCampaignId | long |
CampaignType | string |
ClickSharePercent | string |
CustomerId | long |
CustomerName | string |
ExactMatchImpressionSharePercent | string |
FinalUrlSuffix | string |
TopImpressionRatePercent | string |
TopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercent | string |
TopImpressionShareLostToRankPercent | string |
TopImpressionSharePercent | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AdGroupPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_AdGroupPerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Ad Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<adTypeFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDescription | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
AdTitle | string |
AdType | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
DisplayUrl | string |
FinalAppUrl | string |
FinalMobileUrl | string |
FinalUrl | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
Network | string |
Path1 | string |
Path2 | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TitlePart1 | string |
TitlePart2 | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
AdLabels | string |
AdDescription2 | string |
AllConversionRate | string |
AllConversions | integer |
AllCostPerConversion | string |
AllReturnOnAdSpend | string |
AllRevenue | string |
AllRevenuePerConversion | string |
BaseCampaignId | long |
BusinessName | string |
CampaignType | string |
CustomerId | long |
CustomerName | string |
FinalUrlSuffix | string |
Headline | string |
LongHeadline | string |
TitlePart3 | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AdPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_AdPerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Age and Gender audience report| Use this report to discover how your campaigns and ad groups are resonating with different age groups and genders
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AgeGroup | string |
AllConversions | integer |
AllRevenue | bigdecimal |
Assists | long |
BaseCampaignId | long |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
Conversions | integer |
ExtendedCost | bigdecimal |
Gender | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
Revenue | bigdecimal |
Spend | bigdecimal |
TimePeriod | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AgeGenderAudience AS
CALL bingads.Report_AgeGenderAudience(
aggregation => 'Yearly'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Audience Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AssociationStatus | string |
AudienceId | string |
AudienceName | string |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidAdjustment | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
Impressions | integer |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TargetingSetting | string |
TimePeriod | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_AudiencePerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_AudiencePerformance(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Budget Summary
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (required):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
DailySpend | string |
Date | string |
MonthToDateSpend | string |
MonthlyBudget | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_BudgetSummary AS
CALL bingads.Report_BudgetSummary(
startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
,CustomerAccountIds = 40072901
Call Detail
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AreaCode | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
City | string |
Duration | string |
EndTime | string |
StartTime | string |
State | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_CallDetail AS
CALL bingads.Report_CallDetail(
startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
,CustomerAccountIds = 173062480
Campaign Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<deviceOSFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<statusFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdRelevance | integer |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceType | string |
ExpectedCtr | integer |
HistoricalAdRelevance | integer |
HistoricalExpectedCtr | integer |
HistoricalLandingPageExperience | integer |
HistoricalQualityScore | integer |
ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent | string |
ImpressionLostToRankAggPercent | string |
ImpressionSharePercent | string |
Impressions | integer |
LandingPageExperience | integer |
LowQualityClicks | integer |
LowQualityClicksPercent | string |
LowQualityConversionRate | string |
LowQualityConversions | integer |
LowQualityGeneralClicks | string |
LowQualityImpressions | integer |
LowQualityImpressionsPercent | string |
LowQualitySophisticatedClicks | string |
Network | string |
PhoneCalls | integer |
PhoneImpressions | integer |
Ptr | string |
QualityScore | integer |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
CampaignLabels | string |
AllConversionRate | string |
AllConversions | integer |
AllCostPerConversion | string |
AllReturnOnAdSpend | string |
AllRevenue | string |
AllRevenuePerConversion | string |
BaseCampaignId | string |
CustomerId | long |
CustomerName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
CampaignType | string |
ClickSharePercent | string |
FinalUrlSuffix | string |
ExactMatchImpressionSharePercent | string |
TopImpressionRatePercent | string |
TopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercent | string |
TopImpressionShareLostToRankPercent | string |
TopImpressionSharePercent | string |
AbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercent | string |
AbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercent | string |
AbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToRankPercent | string |
AbsoluteTopImpressionSharePercent | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_CampaignPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_CampaignPerformance(
aggregation => 'Weekly'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Conversion Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<keywordStatusFilter> (optional):
<keywordsFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Keyword | string |
KeywordId | long |
KeywordStatus | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_ConversionPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_ConversionPerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
DSA Auto Target Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<dynamicAdTargetStatusFilter> (optional):
<bidStrategyTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidStrategyType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
DynamicAdTarget | string |
DynamicAdTargetId | long |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
Network | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
WebsiteCoverage | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_DSAAutoTargetPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_DSAAutoTargetPerformance(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
DSA Category Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Category0 | string |
Category1 | string |
Category2 | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
Network | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_DSACategoryPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_DSACategoryPerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
DSA Search Query Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<excludeZeroClicksFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<searchQueriesFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
CategoryList | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
DynamicAdTarget | string |
DynamicAdTargetId | long |
FinalUrl | string |
Headline | string |
Impressions | integer |
LandingPageTitle | string |
Language | string |
Network | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
SearchQuery | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_DSASearchQueryPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_DSASearchQueryPerformance(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Destination URL Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
FinalAppUrl | string |
FinalMobileUrl | string |
FinalUrl | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
Network | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_DestinationUrlPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_DestinationUrlPerformance(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Geographic Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<countryCodeFilters> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
City | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Country | string |
County | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
LocationId | long |
LocationType | string |
MetroArea | string |
MostSpecificLocation | string |
Network | string |
PostalCode | string |
ProximityTargetLocation | string |
Radius | integer |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
State | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_GeographicPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_GeographicPerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Goals and Funnels
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceOSFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<goalIdsFilters> (optional):
<keywordStatusFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
AllConversions | integer |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Goal | string |
GoalId | long |
GoalType | string |
Keyword | string |
KeywordId | long |
KeywordStatus | string |
AllRevenue | string |
TimePeriod | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_GoalsAndFunnels AS
CALL bingads.Report_GoalsAndFunnels(
aggregation => 'Weekly'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Keyword Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adRelevanceFilters> (optional):
<adTypeFilter> (optional):
<bidMatchTypeFilter> (optional):
<bidStrategyTypeFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deliveredMatchTypeFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<expectedCtrFilters> (optional):
<keywordStatusFilter> (optional):
<keywordsFilters> (optional):
<landingPageExperienceFilters> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<qualityScoreFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdRelevance | integer |
AdType | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidMatchType | string |
BidStrategyType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CurrentMaxCpc | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
ExpectedCtr | integer |
FinalAppUrl | string |
FinalMobileUrl | string |
FinalUrl | string |
HistoricalAdRelevance | integer |
HistoricalExpectedCtr | integer |
HistoricalLandingPageExperience | integer |
HistoricalQualityScore | integer |
Impressions | integer |
Keyword | string |
KeywordId | long |
KeywordStatus | string |
LandingPageExperience | integer |
Language | string |
Network | string |
QualityImpact | integer |
QualityScore | integer |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
KeywordLabels | string |
AllConversionRate | string |
AllConversions | integer |
AllCostPerConversion | string |
AllReturnOnAdSpend | string |
AllRevenue | string |
AllRevenuePerConversion | string |
BaseCampaignId | long |
FinalUrlSuffix | string |
FirstPageBid | string |
Mainline1Bid | string |
MainlineBid | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_KeywordPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_KeywordPerformance(
aggregation => 'DayOfWeek'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Negative Keyword Conflict
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<keywordStatusFilter> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
ConflictLevel | string |
Keyword | string |
KeywordId | long |
NegativeKeyword | string |
NegativeKeywordId | long |
NegativeKeywordList | string |
NegativeKeywordListId | long |
NegativeKeywordMatchType | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_NegativeKeywordConflict AS
CALL bingads.Report_NegativeKeywordConflict (
predefinedTime = 'Today'
Product Dimension Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
AverageCpc | string |
BidStrategyType | string |
Brand | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
ClickType | string |
ClickTypeId | long |
Clicks | integer |
Condition | string |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CountryOfSale | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CustomLabel0 | string |
CustomLabel1 | string |
CustomLabel2 | string |
CustomLabel3 | string |
CustomLabel4 | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
LocalStoreCode | string |
MerchantProductId | string |
Network | string |
OfferLanguage | string |
Price | string |
ProductCategory1 | string |
ProductCategory2 | string |
ProductCategory3 | string |
ProductCategory4 | string |
ProductCategory5 | string |
ProductType1 | string |
ProductType2 | string |
ProductType3 | string |
ProductType4 | string |
ProductType5 | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
SellerName | string |
Spend | string |
StoreId | long |
TimePeriod | string |
Title | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TotalClicksOnAdElements | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_ProductDimensionPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_ProductDimensionPerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Product Dimension Performance Impression
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AverageCpc | string |
BenchmarkBid | string |
BenchmarkCtr | string |
BidStrategyType | string |
Brand | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
Condition | string |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CountryOfSale | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CustomLabel0 | string |
CustomLabel1 | string |
CustomLabel2 | string |
CustomLabel3 | string |
CustomLabel4 | string |
DeviceType | string |
ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent | string |
ImpressionLostToRankPercent | string |
ImpressionSharePercent | string |
Impressions | integer |
MerchantProductId | string |
OfferLanguage | string |
Price | string |
ProductCategory1 | string |
ProductCategory2 | string |
ProductCategory3 | string |
ProductCategory4 | string |
ProductCategory5 | string |
ProductType1 | string |
ProductType2 | string |
ProductType3 | string |
ProductType4 | string |
ProductType5 | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
SellerName | string |
Spend | string |
StoreId | long |
TimePeriod | string |
Title | string |
TotalClicksOnAdElements | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_ProductDimensionPerformanceImpression AS
CALL bingads.Report_ProductDimensionPerformanceImpression(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Product Partition Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupCriterionId | long |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
BidMatchType | string |
BidStrategyType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
ClickType | string |
ClickTypeId | long |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
CountryOfSale | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CurrentMaxCpc | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
LocalStoreCode | string |
Network | string |
OfferLanguage | string |
PartitionType | string |
ProductGroup | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TotalClicksOnAdElements | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_ProductPartitionPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_ProductPartitionPerformance(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Product Partition Performance Impression
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupCriterionId | long |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
BenchmarkBid | string |
BenchmarkCtr | string |
BidStrategyType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
CountryOfSale | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CurrentMaxCpc | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceType | string |
ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent | string |
ImpressionLostToRankPercent | string |
ImpressionSharePercent | string |
Impressions | integer |
OfferLanguage | string |
PartitionType | string |
ProductGroup | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TotalClicksOnAdElements | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_ProductPartitionPerformanceImpression AS
CALL bingads.Report_ProductPartitionPerformanceImpression(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Product Partition Unit Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupCriterionId | long |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
BidMatchType | string |
BidStrategyType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
CurrentMaxCpc | string |
CustomParameters | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
LocalStoreCode | string |
Network | string |
ProductGroup | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
TrackingTemplate | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_ProductPartitionUnitPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_ProductPartitionUnitPerformance(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Product Search Query Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<adTypeFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<excludeZeroClicksFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<searchQueriesFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupCriterionId | long |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
ClickType | string |
ClickTypeId | long |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
MerchantProductId | string |
Network | string |
PartitionType | string |
ProductGroup | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
SearchQuery | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
Title | string |
TotalClicksOnAdElements | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_ProductSearchQueryPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_ProductSearchQueryPerformance(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Publisher Usage Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
Network | string |
PublisherUrl | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_PublisherUsagePerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_PublisherUsagePerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Search Campaign Change History
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (required):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<howChangedFilter> (optional):
<itemChangedFilter> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AdDescription | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdTitle | string |
AttributeChanged | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
ChangedBy | string |
DateTime | string |
DisplayUrl | string |
EntityId | long |
EntityName | string |
HowChanged | string |
ItemChanged | string |
Keyword | string |
NewValue | string |
OldValue | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_SearchCampaignChangeHistory AS
CALL bingads.Report_SearchCampaignChangeHistory(
startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
,customerAccountIds => 40072901
Search Query Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<adStatusFilter> (optional):
<adTypeFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deliveredMatchTypeFilter> (optional):
<excludeZeroClicksFilter> (optional):
<keywordStatusFilter> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<searchQueriesFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdGroupCriterionId | long |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdId | long |
AdStatus | string |
AdType | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
CampaignType | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DestinationUrl | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Keyword | string |
KeywordId | long |
KeywordStatus | string |
Language | string |
Network | string |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
SearchQuery | string |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_SearchQueryPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_SearchQueryPerformance(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
Share of Voice
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<accountStatusFilter> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<adGroupStatusFilter> (optional):
<bidMatchTypeFilter> (optional):
<bidStrategyTypeFilter> (optional):
<campaignStatusFilter> (optional):
<deliveredMatchTypeFilter> (optional):
<deviceTypeFilter> (optional):
<keywordStatusFilter> (optional):
<keywordsFilters> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AccountStatus | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
AdGroupStatus | string |
AdRelevance | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidMatchType | string |
BidStrategyType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
CampaignStatus | string |
ClickSharePercent | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerConversion | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrentMaxCpc | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceType | string |
ExpectedCtr | integer |
ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent | string |
ImpressionLostToRankAggPercent | string |
ImpressionSharePercent | string |
Impressions | integer |
Keyword | string |
KeywordId | long |
KeywordStatus | string |
LandingPageExperience | integer |
Language | string |
Network | string |
QualityScore | integer |
Spend | string |
TimePeriod | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_ShareOfVoice AS
CALL bingads.Report_ShareOfVoice(
aggregation => 'Daily'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()
User Location Performance
<aggregation> (optional):
<startDate> (optional):
<endDate> (optional):
<predefinedTime> (optional):
<customerAccountIds> (optional):
<adDistributionFilter> (optional):
<countryCodeFilters> (optional):
<languageCodeFilters> (optional):
<customColumns> (optional):
<label> (optional):
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | long |
AccountName | string |
AccountNumber | string |
AdDistribution | string |
AdGroupId | long |
AdGroupName | string |
Assists | integer |
AverageCpc | string |
AveragePosition | string |
BidMatchType | string |
CampaignId | long |
CampaignName | string |
City | string |
Clicks | integer |
ConversionRate | string |
Conversions | integer |
CostPerAssist | string |
CostPerConversion | string |
Country | string |
County | string |
Ctr | string |
CurrencyCode | string |
DeliveredMatchType | string |
DeviceOS | string |
DeviceType | string |
Impressions | integer |
Language | string |
LocationId | long |
MetroArea | string |
Network | string |
PostalCode | string |
ProximityTargetLocation | string |
QueryIntentCity | string |
QueryIntentCountry | string |
QueryIntentCounty | string |
QueryIntentDMA | string |
QueryIntentLocationId | long |
QueryIntentPostalCode | string |
QueryIntentState | string |
Radius | integer |
ReturnOnAdSpend | string |
Revenue | string |
RevenuePerAssist | string |
RevenuePerConversion | string |
Spend | string |
State | string |
TimePeriod | string |
TopVsOther | string |
CREATE VIEW bingads_examples.example_Report_UserLocationPerformance AS
CALL bingads.Report_UserLocationPerformance(
aggregation => 'Summary'
,startDate => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate())
,endDate => CurDate ()