Public Brandwatch Connector API
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_ in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
Author Lists in the Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
authors | string |
id | long |
name | string |
shared | string |
sharedProjectIds | string |
userId | long |
userName | string |
Basic charts
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (required): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<aggregate> (required): The aggregate is. Some example aggregates are: volume - The number of Mentions found, sentiment - The sentiment of the Mentions, pageType - The page type of the Mentions, authors - The distinct authors who posted
<dimension1> (required): Dimension are your x and y axes on the chart. Some example dimensions are: days - The days over which the Mentions were found, queries - The Queries that the Mentions are located in, gender - The gender of the authors, location - The locations the Mentions were posted from
<dimension2> (required): Dimension are your x and y axes on the chart. Some example dimensions are: days - The days over which the Mentions were found, queries - The Queries that the Mentions are located in, gender - The gender of the authors, location - The locations the Mentions were posted from
<filter> (optional): Filters
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
dim1_id | string |
dim1_name | string |
dim2_id | string |
dim2_name | string |
value | bigdecimal |
Categories in the Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
children_ids | string |
children_names | string |
id | long |
multiple | boolean |
name | string |
Current Client
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
address1 | string |
address2 | string |
address3 | string |
allowedUIRoles | string |
contactEmail | string |
contactMobile | string |
contactName | string |
contactTelephone | string |
contactTitle | string |
country | string |
expiryDate | timestamp |
id | long |
isLegacy | boolean |
maxUsers | long |
maximumSubscribedBrands | long |
mentionArchiveSize | long |
mentionBasedPricingMatrixLevel | long |
name | string |
owner | string |
parentId | long |
pitchClient | boolean |
postcode | string |
priceStructureId | long |
priceStructureLineId | long |
pricingModel | string |
shardName | string |
startDate | timestamp |
tags_ratelimit_limit | string |
tags_ratelimit_period | string |
tags_rules_only | boolean |
tags_shardName | string |
theme | string |
themeUrl | string |
userInactivityTimeoutMinutes | long |
website | string |
Current User
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
address | string |
apiRole | string |
blocked | boolean |
ccAccess | string |
clientId | long |
creationDate | timestamp |
department | string |
enabled | boolean |
externalId | string |
firstName | string |
id | long |
job | string |
lastName | string |
messenger | string |
mobile | string |
oldPassword | string |
password | string |
passwordConfirmation | string |
passwordExpiryDate | timestamp |
phone | string |
tags_disabledTours | boolean |
tags_image_insights_promo__instagram | string |
tags_notify | boolean |
twoFactorAuthConfigured | boolean |
uiRole | string |
username | string |
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
Location Lists in the Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
id | long |
name | string |
shared | string |
sharedProjectIds | string |
userId | long |
userName | string |
The me call
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
client_id | long |
client_mentionLimit | long |
client_modules | string |
client_name | string |
client_parentId | long |
client_priceStructureLineCost | string |
client_priceStructureName | string |
client_queryLimit | long |
client_railsEnabled | boolean |
client_salesForceId | string |
client_startDate | timestamp |
client_theme | string |
client_userInactivityTimeoutMinutes | long |
creationDate | timestamp |
crmAccount | string |
firstName | string |
id | long |
lastName | string |
passwordExpiryDate | string |
tags_disabledTours | boolean |
tags_image_insights_promo__instagram | string |
tags_notify | boolean |
token_authorities | string |
uiRole | string |
username | string |
Mentions in the Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (optional): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<filter> (optional): Filters
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
id | long |
added | timestamp |
date | timestamp |
updated | timestamp |
accountType | string |
assignment | string |
author | string |
authorCity | string |
authorCityCode | string |
authorContinent | string |
authorContinentCode | string |
authorCountry | string |
authorCountryCode | string |
authorCounty | string |
authorCountyCode | string |
authorLocation | string |
authorState | string |
authorStateCode | string |
avatarUrl | string |
averageDurationOfVisit | long |
averageVisits | long |
backlinks | long |
blogComments | long |
categories | string |
checked | boolean |
children_ids | string |
children_names | string |
city | string |
cityCode | string |
continent | string |
continentCode | string |
country | string |
countryCode | string |
county | string |
countyCode | string |
displayUrls | string |
domain | string |
engagement | bigdecimal |
expandedUrls | string |
facebookAuthorId | string |
facebookComments | long |
facebookLikes | long |
facebookRole | string |
facebookShares | long |
facebookSubtype | string |
forumPosts | long |
forumViews | long |
fullname | string |
gender | string |
impact | long |
importanceAmplification | long |
importanceReach | long |
impressions | long |
influence | long |
insightsHashtag | string |
insightsMentioned | string |
instagramCommentCount | long |
instagramFollowerCount | long |
instagramFollowingCount | long |
instagramInteractionsCount | string |
instagramLikeCount | long |
instagramPostCount | long |
interest | string |
language | string |
lastAssignmentDate | string |
latitude | bigdecimal |
locationName | string |
longitude | bigdecimal |
mediaFilter | string |
mediaUrls | string |
monthlyVisitors | long |
mozRank | bigdecimal |
noteIds | string |
originalUrl | string |
outreach | long |
pageType | string |
pagesPerVisit | long |
percentFemaleVisitors | long |
percentMaleVisitors | long |
priority | string |
queryId | string |
queryName | string |
reach | long |
reachEstimate | long |
replyTo | string |
resourceId | long |
resourceType | string |
retweetOf | string |
sentiment | string |
shortUrls | string |
snippet | string |
starred | boolean |
state | string |
stateCode | string |
status | string |
subtype | string |
tags | string |
threadAuthor | string |
threadCreated | string |
threadEntryType | string |
threadId | long |
threadURL | string |
title | string |
trackedLinkClicks | long |
trackedLinks | long |
twitterAuthorId | string |
twitterFollowers | long |
twitterFollowing | long |
twitterPostCount | long |
twitterReplyCount | long |
twitterRetweets | long |
twitterRole | string |
twitterVerified | boolean |
url | string |
wordCount | long |
Total number of Mentions in your dataset in a given time period
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (required): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<filter> (optional): Filters
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
mentionsCount | long |
Projects that contain your work
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
billableClientId | long |
billableClientIsPitch | boolean |
billableClientName | string |
description | string |
id | long |
name | string |
timezone | string |
Queries in a given Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<type> (optional): search string - a Brandwatch query created by the Query Wizard, or by Boolean search string; twitter - A Twitter Channel; facebook - A Facebook Channel; instagram - An Instagram Channel
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
createdByWizard | boolean |
creationDate | timestamp |
id | long |
languageAgnostic | boolean |
languages | string |
lastModificationDate | timestamp |
lastModifiedUsername | string |
lockedByUsername | boolean |
lockedQuery | boolean |
name | string |
type | string |
Query Groups to represent a relationship between related Queries
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
id | long |
name | string |
queries_ids | string |
queries_names | string |
shared | string |
sharedProjectIds | string |
users | string |
users_firstName | string |
users_id | string |
users_lastName | string |
users_uiRole | string |
users_username | string |
Query Types
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
Rules in the Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
enabled | boolean |
id | long |
name | string |
projectId | long |
projectName | string |
queryName | string |
filter_accountType | string |
filter_assigned | string |
filter_author | string |
filter_authorGroup | string |
filter_authorLocation | string |
filter_authorLocationGroup | string |
filter_averageDurationOfVisitMax | string |
filter_averageDurationOfVisitMin | string |
filter_averageVisitsMax | string |
filter_averageVisitsMin | string |
filter_backlinksMax | string |
filter_backlinksMin | string |
filter_blogCommentsMax | string |
filter_blogCommentsMin | string |
filter_category | string |
filter_checked | string |
filter_classifications | string |
filter_dayOfWeek | string |
filter_domain | string |
filter_endDate | string |
filter_exactAuthor | string |
filter_exclusiveLocation | string |
filter_facebookAuthorId | string |
filter_facebookCommentsMax | string |
filter_facebookCommentsMin | string |
filter_facebookLikesMax | string |
filter_facebookLikesMin | string |
filter_facebookRole | string |
filter_facebookSharesMax | string |
filter_facebookSharesMin | string |
filter_facebookSubtype | string |
filter_forumPostsMax | string |
filter_forumPostsMin | string |
filter_forumViewsMax | string |
filter_forumViewsMin | string |
filter_gender | string |
filter_geolocated | string |
filter_hourOfDay | string |
filter_impactMax | string |
filter_impactMin | string |
filter_impressionsMax | string |
filter_impressionsMin | string |
filter_influenceMax | string |
filter_influenceMin | string |
filter_insightsEmoticon | string |
filter_insightsHashtag | string |
filter_insightsMentioned | string |
filter_insightsUrl | string |
filter_instagramCommentsMax | string |
filter_instagramCommentsMin | string |
filter_instagramFollowersMax | string |
filter_instagramFollowersMin | string |
filter_instagramFollowingMax | string |
filter_instagramFollowingMin | string |
filter_instagramInteractionsMax | string |
filter_instagramInteractionsMin | string |
filter_instagramLikesMax | string |
filter_instagramLikesMin | string |
filter_instagramPostsMax | string |
filter_instagramPostsMin | string |
filter_interest | string |
filter_language | string |
filter_latitudeMax | string |
filter_latitudeMin | string |
filter_location | string |
filter_locationGroup | string |
filter_logoImagesGroupId | string |
filter_logoVersions | string |
filter_longitudeMax | string |
filter_longitudeMin | string |
filter_mentionId | string |
filter_monthlyVisitorsMax | string |
filter_monthlyVisitorsMin | string |
filter_mozRankMax | string |
filter_mozRankMin | string |
filter_outreachMax | string |
filter_outreachMin | string |
filter_pageType | string |
filter_pagesPerVisitMax | string |
filter_pagesPerVisitMin | string |
filter_parentCategory | string |
filter_percentFemaleVisitorsMin | string |
filter_percentMaleVisitorsMin | string |
filter_postByAuthor | string |
filter_priority | string |
filter_profession | string |
filter_projectId | string |
filter_queryGroupId | string |
filter_queryId | string |
filter_reachEstimateMax | string |
filter_reachEstimateMin | string |
filter_reachMax | string |
filter_reachMin | string |
filter_replyToAuthor | string |
filter_resourceType | string |
filter_search | string |
filter_sentiment | string |
filter_shareOfAuthor | string |
filter_sinceAssignmentUpdated | string |
filter_sinceId | string |
filter_siteGroup | string |
filter_starred | string |
filter_startDate | string |
filter_status | string |
filter_subtype | string |
filter_tag | string |
filter_threadAuthor | string |
filter_threadEntryType | string |
filter_threadId | string |
filter_timezone | string |
filter_twitterAuthorId | string |
filter_twitterFollowersMax | string |
filter_twitterFollowersMin | string |
filter_twitterFollowingMax | string |
filter_twitterFollowingMin | string |
filter_twitterPostCountMax | string |
filter_twitterPostCountMin | string |
filter_twitterReplyTo | string |
filter_twitterRetweetOf | string |
filter_twitterRetweetsMax | string |
filter_twitterRetweetsMin | string |
filter_twitterRole | string |
filter_twitterVerified | string |
filter_untilAssignmentUpdated | string |
filter_untilId | string |
filter_xassigned | string |
filter_xauthor | string |
filter_xauthorGroup | string |
filter_xauthorLocation | string |
filter_xauthorLocationGroup | string |
filter_xcategory | string |
filter_xclassifications | string |
filter_xdomain | string |
filter_xexactAuthor | string |
filter_xfacebookAuthorId | string |
filter_xfacebookRole | string |
filter_xfacebookSubtype | string |
filter_xinsightsEmoticon | string |
filter_xinsightsHashtag | string |
filter_xinsightsMentioned | string |
filter_xinsightsUrl | string |
filter_xinterest | string |
filter_xlanguage | string |
filter_xlocation | string |
filter_xlocationGroup | string |
filter_xlogoVersions | string |
filter_xpageType | string |
filter_xparentCategory | string |
filter_xpostByAuthor | string |
filter_xpriority | string |
filter_xprofession | string |
filter_xreplyToAuthor | string |
filter_xresourceType | string |
filter_xshareOfAuthor | string |
filter_xsiteGroup | string |
filter_xstatus | string |
filter_xsubtype | string |
filter_xtag | string |
filter_xthreadAuthor | string |
filter_xthreadEntryType | string |
filter_xthreadId | string |
filter_xtwitterAuthorId | string |
filter_xtwitterReplyTo | string |
filter_xtwitterRetweetOf | string |
filter_youtubeOnly | string |
ruleAction_addCategories | string |
ruleAction_addClassifications | string |
ruleAction_addSalesforceCaseTag | string |
ruleAction_addTag | string |
ruleAction_assignment | string |
ruleAction_categories | string |
ruleAction_checked | string |
ruleAction_classifications | string |
ruleAction_date | string |
ruleAction_id | string |
ruleAction_location | string |
ruleAction_locationName | string |
ruleAction_pageType | string |
ruleAction_priority | string |
ruleAction_queryId | string |
ruleAction_removeAssignment | string |
ruleAction_removeCategories | string |
ruleAction_removeClassifications | string |
ruleAction_removePriority | string |
ruleAction_removeStatus | string |
ruleAction_removeTag | string |
ruleAction_requiresDelete | string |
ruleAction_resourceId | string |
ruleAction_sentiment | string |
ruleAction_starred | string |
ruleAction_status | string |
ruleAction_tag | string |
scope | string |
Site Lists in the Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
domains | string |
id | long |
name | string |
shared | string |
sharedProjectIds | string |
userId | long |
userName | string |
Tags in the Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
id | long |
name | string |
Top Authors
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (required): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<filter> (optional): Filters
<limit> (optional): The maximum number of top authors to be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
data_authorAccountType | string |
data_authorCityCode | string |
data_authorCityName | string |
data_authorContinentCode | string |
data_authorContinentName | string |
data_authorCountryCode | string |
data_authorCountryName | string |
data_authorCountyCode | string |
data_authorCountyName | string |
data_authorGender | string |
data_authorInterest | string |
data_authorName | string |
data_authorProfessions | string |
data_authorReach | long |
data_authorStateCode | string |
data_authorStateName | string |
data_authorVolume | long |
data_averageDurationOfVisit | long |
data_averageVisits | long |
data_backlinks | long |
data_countryCode | string |
data_countryName | string |
data_domain | string |
data_facebookAuthorId | string |
data_facebookComments | long |
data_facebookLikes | long |
data_facebookPosts | long |
data_impact | bigdecimal |
data_impactAmplification | long |
data_impactReach | long |
data_impactRelevancy | long |
data_monthlyVisitors | long |
data_mozRank | bigdecimal |
data_pagesPerVisit | long |
data_percentFemaleVisitors | long |
data_percentMaleVisitors | long |
data_reachEstimate | long |
data_sentiment_negative | long |
data_sentiment_neutral | long |
data_sentiment_positive | long |
data_twitterAtMentions | long |
data_twitterAvatar | string |
data_twitterFollowers | long |
data_twitterFollowing | long |
data_twitterInfluence | long |
data_twitterOutreach | long |
data_twitterPageTitle | string |
data_twitterReplyCount | long |
data_twitterRetweets | long |
data_twitterTweets | long |
data_twitterVerified | boolean |
data_volume | long |
id | string |
name | string |
Top Sites
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (required): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<filter> (optional): Filters
<limit> (optional): The maximum number of top sites to be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
data_authorAccountType | string |
data_authorGender | string |
data_authorInterest | string |
data_authorName | string |
data_authorProfessions | string |
data_authorReach | long |
data_authorVolume | long |
data_averageDurationOfVisit | long |
data_averageVisits | long |
data_backlinks | long |
data_countryCode | string |
data_countryName | string |
data_domain | string |
data_impact | bigdecimal |
data_impactAmplification | long |
data_impactReach | long |
data_impactRelevancy | long |
data_monthlyVisitors | long |
data_mozRank | bigdecimal |
data_pagesPerVisit | long |
data_percentFemaleVisitors | long |
data_percentMaleVisitors | long |
data_reachEstimate | string |
data_sentiment_negative | long |
data_sentiment_neutral | long |
data_sentiment_positive | long |
data_volume | long |
id | string |
name | string |
Top Tweeters
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (required): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<filter> (optional): Filters
<limit> (optional): The maximum number of top tweeters to be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
data_authorAccountType | string |
data_authorCityCode | string |
data_authorCityName | string |
data_authorContinentCode | string |
data_authorContinentName | string |
data_authorCountryCode | string |
data_authorCountryName | string |
data_authorCountyCode | string |
data_authorCountyName | string |
data_authorGender | string |
data_authorInterest | string |
data_authorName | string |
data_authorProfessions | string |
data_authorReach | long |
data_authorStateCode | string |
data_authorStateName | string |
data_authorVolume | long |
data_averageDurationOfVisit | long |
data_averageVisits | long |
data_backlinks | long |
data_countryCode | string |
data_countryName | string |
data_domain | string |
data_facebookAuthorId | string |
data_facebookComments | long |
data_facebookLikes | long |
data_facebookPosts | long |
data_impact | bigdecimal |
data_impactAmplification | long |
data_impactReach | long |
data_impactRelevancy | long |
data_monthlyVisitors | long |
data_mozRank | bigdecimal |
data_pagesPerVisit | long |
data_percentFemaleVisitors | long |
data_percentMaleVisitors | long |
data_reachEstimate | long |
data_sentiment_negative | long |
data_sentiment_neutral | long |
data_sentiment_positive | long |
data_twitterAtMentions | long |
data_twitterAvatar | string |
data_twitterFollowers | long |
data_twitterFollowing | long |
data_twitterInfluence | long |
data_twitterOutreach | long |
data_twitterPageTitle | string |
data_twitterReplyCount | long |
data_twitterRetweets | long |
data_twitterTweets | long |
data_twitterVerified | boolean |
data_volume | long |
id | string |
name | string |
Topics of conversation in your Mentions
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (required): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<excludeCategories> (optional): You have the option to exclude Categories from the topics returned (this is often done in the Brandwatch Analytics UI
<excludeTags> (optional): You have the option to exclude Tags from the topics returned (this is often done in the Brandwatch Analytics UI
<filter> (optional): Filters
<limit> (optional): The maximum number of topics to be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
burst | long |
id | string |
label | string |
pageType_blog | long |
pageType_facebook | long |
pageType_forum | long |
pageType_general | long |
pageType_image | long |
pageType_instagram | long |
pageType_licensed | string |
pageType_microblog | string |
pageType_news | long |
pageType_print | string |
pageType_review | long |
pageType_twitter | long |
pageType_video | long |
sentimentScore | long |
sentiment_negative | string |
sentiment_neutral | long |
sentiment_positive | long |
type | string |
volume | long |
Topics of conversation in your Mentions
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (optional): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<excludeCategories> (optional): You have the option to exclude Categories from the topics returned (this is often done in the Brandwatch Analytics UI
<excludeTags> (optional): You have the option to exclude Tags from the topics returned (this is often done in the Brandwatch Analytics UI
<filter> (optional): Filters
<limit> (optional): The maximum number of topics to be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
label | string |
type | string |
date | timestamp |
volume | long |
Twitter Insights
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<queryId> (optional): The ID of the Query that contains the Mentions
<queryGroupId> (optional): The ID of the Query Group that contains the Mentions
<startDate> (required): The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions
<endDate> (optional): The end of the date range that contains the Mentions
<filter> (optional): Filters
<limit> (optional): The maximum number of twitter insight records to be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
impressions | long |
label | string |
name | string |
retweets | long |
tweets | long |
volume | long |
Workflows in the Project
<project_id> (required): Project with ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
children_ids | string |
children_names | string |
id | long |
name | string |