Public Criteo REST API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_
in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
Ad Sets in your portfolio
<adSetIds> (optional): List of ad set Ids
<advertiserIds> (optional): List of advertiser Ids
<campaignIds> (optional): List of campaign Ids
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the advertiser |
type | string | Canonical type name of the entity |
attributes_advertiserId | long | ID of the advertiser |
attributes_bidding_bidAmount | bigdecimal | Decimal value target relating to the bidStrategy specified. May be null for strategies that do not require a target value |
attributes_bidding_bidStrategy | string | The intended optimization for the Ad Set. Can be actions, clicks, conversions, displays, installs, revenue, storeConversions, value, viewedImpressions or visits |
attributes_bidding_costController | string | How spend is controlled and optimized. Can be COS (Cost of Sale), CPC (Cost per Click), CPI (Cost per Install), CPM (Cost per Mille), CPO (Cost per Order), CPSV (Cost per Site Visit), CPV (Cost per View), or dailyBudget |
attributes_budget_budgetAmount | bigdecimal | A decimal value showing the remaining budget value for Ad Sets with Capped budget strategies. For uncapped budgets, the value will be null |
attributes_budget_budgetDeliverySmoothing | string | The pace at which budget can be spent. Can be accelerated or standard. Currently read-only |
attributes_budget_budgetDeliveryWeek | string | The seven day period for budget delivery. Can be mondayToSunday, tuesdayToMonday, wednesdayToTuesday, thursdayToWednesday, fridayToThursday, saturdayToFriday, or sundayToSaturday |
attributes_budget_budgetRenewal | string | The cadence of budget reneweal. Can be daily, monthly, lifetime, or undefined. Currently read-only |
attributes_budget_budgetStrategy | string | Whether budget is capped or not. Can be capped or uncapped. Currently read-only |
attributes_campaignId | long | ID of the campaign |
attributes_datasetId | long | ID of the dataset |
attributes_destinationEnvironment | string | Read-only. The environment that an ad click will lead a user to |
attributes_mediaType | string | Media type |
attributes_name | string | The Ad Set name, set by the advertiser |
attributes_schedule_activationStatus | string | Can be on or off. off by default. Set by the advertiser, this represents the intent to deliver ads. See Start and Stop Ad Sets for how to change this value |
attributes_schedule_deliveryStatus | string | Can be draft, inactive, live, notLive, pausing, paused, scheduled, ended, notDelivering, or archived. The initial value for a newly created Ad Set is draft. This is a computed value and is read-only |
attributes_schedule_endDate | timestamp | ISO 8601 format. null by default. (null is a valid value.) |
attributes_schedule_startDate | timestamp | ISO 8601 format. If defined, it must always be later than the schedule_endDate. Once set, it is not possible to set the value back to null |
attributes_targeting_deliveryLimitations_devices | string | List of device types that the Ad Set should target. Can contain desktop, tablet, mobile and other |
attributes_targeting_deliveryLimitations_environments | string | List of display environments that the Ad Set should target. Can contain inApp and web |
attributes_targeting_deliveryLimitations_operatingSystems | string | List of operating systems that the Ad Set should target. Can contain android, ios, and other |
attributes_targeting_frequencyCapping_frequency | string | The period by which the maximum impression limit is calculated. Can be hourly, daily, lifetime, or advanced (for custom set-ups configured by Criteo). It is not possible to set the value to advanced |
attributes_targeting_frequencyCapping_maximumImpressions | integer | Integer value. The maximum impressions allowed for the specified frequencyCapping_frequency |
attributes_targeting_geoLocation_countries_operand | string | Contains an array of values, two letter country codes, ISO-3166 format. Also specifies an operand which can be in or notIn depending on the desired behavior for the values |
attributes_targeting_geoLocation_countries | string | Contains an array of values, two letter country codes, ISO-3166 format. Also specifies an operand which can be in or notIn depending on the desired behavior for the values |
attributes_targeting_geoLocation_subdivisions | string | Contains an array of values, geographical subdivisions following ISO-3166 format. Also specifies an operand which can be in or notIn depending on the desired behavior for the values |
attributes_targeting_geoLocation_zipCodes | string | Contains an array of values, zip codes. Also specifies an operand which can be in or notIn depending on the desired behavior for the values |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_AdSets AS
CALL criteo.AdSets (
adSetIds => NULL,
advertiserIds => '23682',
campaignIds => NULL
) AS x;;
Statistics report
<startDate> (required): Start date of the report
<metrics> (required): The list of metrics to report
<dimensions> (required): The dimensions for the report
<currency> (required): The currency used for the report. ISO 4217 code (three-letter capitals)
<adSetIds> (optional): Comma-separated list of adSets ids. If empty, all the adSets will be fetched
<adSetNames> (optional): Comma-separated list of adSets names. If empty, all the adSets will be fetched
<adSetStatus> (optional): Comma-separated list of adSets status. If empty, all the adSets will be fetched
<advertiserIds> (optional): The comma-separated list of advertiser ids. If empty, all the advertisers in the portfolio will be used
<endDate> (optional): End date of the report
<days_step> (optional): Number of days to query in a single batch
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days backward from the last date saved in target_table to redownload
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Year | integer | Year |
Month | date | Month |
Week | date | Week |
Day | date | Day |
Hour | timestamp | Hour |
AdvertiserId | long | ID of the advertiser |
Advertiser | string | Name of the advertiser |
AdsetId | long | ID of the Adset |
Adset | string | Name of the advertiser |
CategoryId | long | ID of the Category |
Category | string | Name of the advertiser |
Device | string | Device |
Os | string | OS |
Currency | string | The currency to be used in the report, ISO format |
AdvertiserAllValue | bigdecimal | The revenue generated by each product, considering margin (if provided in your product catalog) |
AdvertiserCost | bigdecimal | Total money spent on Criteo advertising |
AdvertiserValue | bigdecimal | The revenue generated by each product, considering margin (if provided in your product catalog) |
AppInstalls | integer | The number of installations of your app |
Audience | bigdecimal | Potential users who could be served an ad |
AverageCartAllClientAttribution | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartAllPc1d | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartAllPc30d | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartAllPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartAllPc7d | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartAllPv24h | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartClientAttribution | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartPc1d | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartPc30d | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartPc7d | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
AverageCartPv24h | bigdecimal | Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale |
BounceRate | bigdecimal | The proportion of website visitors leaving after only viewing one page |
Clicks | integer | The number of clicks driven by your ads |
ClickThroughRate | bigdecimal | Percentage of users served an ad who clicked |
ConversionRateAllClientAttribution | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRateAllPc1d | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRateAllPc30d | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRateAllPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRateAllPc7d | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRateAllPv24h | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRateClientAttribution | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRatePc1d | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRatePc30d | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRatePc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRatePc7d | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
ConversionRatePv24h | bigdecimal | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
CostOfAdvertiserValue | bigdecimal | The ratio between the advertiser value generated by sales and the cost of the campaign(s), given as a percentage |
CostOfAdvertiserValueAll | bigdecimal | The ratio between the advertiser value generated by sales and the cost of the campaign(s), given as a percentage |
CostPerInstall | bigdecimal | The ad cost per app install |
CostPerOrderAllClientAttribution | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderAllPc1d | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderAllPc30d | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderAllPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderAllPc7d | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderAllPv24h | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderClientAttribution | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderPc1d | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderPc30d | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderPc7d | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerOrderPv24h | bigdecimal | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders |
CostPerVisit | bigdecimal | The amount of money spent per visit to your website or app |
Cpc | bigdecimal | Cost per click |
Displays | integer | The number of ad impressions served on publishers via Criteo |
ECosAllClientAttribution | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosAllPc1d | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosAllPc30d | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosAllPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosAllPc7d | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosAllPv24h | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosClientAttribution | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosPc1d | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosPc30d | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosPc7d | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECosPv24h | bigdecimal | Advertising cost per conversion or sale |
ECpm | bigdecimal | Cost per 1000 Impressions |
ExposedUsers | integer | The number of users who have been served an ad |
InstallRate | bigdecimal | The percentage of completed app installs compared to the number of clicks |
NonViewableDisplays | integer | The number of ads that have not been viewed. A display that doesn't meet the viewed displays' criteria is considered unviewed |
OmnichannelRevenueAllPc30d | bigdecimal | The revenue generated by online and offline sales |
OmnichannelRevenueAllPv24h | bigdecimal | The revenue generated by online and offline sales |
OmnichannelRevenueClientAttribution | bigdecimal | The revenue generated by online and offline sales |
OmniChannelRevenuePc30d | bigdecimal | The revenue generated by online and offline sales |
OmnichannelRevenuePv24h | bigdecimal | The revenue generated by online and offline sales |
OmnichannelRoasAllPc30d | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated online and offline, and the cost |
OmnichannelRoasAllPv24h | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated online and offline, and the cost |
OmnichannelRoasClientAttribution | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated online and offline, and the cost |
OmniChannelRoasPc30d | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated online and offline, and the cost |
OmnichannelRoasPv24h | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated online and offline, and the cost |
OmnichannelSalesAllPc30d | integer | The number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
OmnichannelSalesAllPv24h | integer | The number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
OmnichannelSalesClientAttribution | integer | The number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
OmniChannelSalesPc30d | integer | The number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
OmnichannelSalesPv24h | integer | The number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
OverallCompetitionWin | bigdecimal | The number of displays divided by the total number of display opportunities |
PostInstallConversionRate | bigdecimal | Percentage of post-install sales compared to the clicks that occurred |
PostInstallCostOfSale | bigdecimal | The cost of sale for app install campaigns |
PostInstallCostPerOrder | bigdecimal | The cost per order for sales after an app install |
PostInstallOrderValue | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by sales after an app install |
PostInstallRoas | bigdecimal | The return on ad spend for sales after an app install |
PostInstallSales | integer | The number of your completed events after an app install |
PotentialDisplays | integer | The number of display opportunities, or the number of bid requests received |
QualifiedVisits | integer | The number of users on the target website or app for which at least two events or one sale event occurred within the hour following a click |
Reach | bigdecimal | Share of potential users who have been served an ad |
RevenueGeneratedAllClientAttribution | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedAllPc1d | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedAllPc30d | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedAllPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedAllPc7d | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedAllPv24h | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedClientAttribution | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedOfflinePc30d | bigdecimal | The amount of revenue generated by in-store sales |
RevenueGeneratedOfflinePv24h | bigdecimal | The amount of revenue generated by in-store sales |
RevenueGeneratedPc1d | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedPc30d | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedPc7d | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RevenueGeneratedPv24h | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by online sales |
RoasAllClientAttribution | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasAllPc1d | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasAllPc30d | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasAllPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasAllPc7d | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasAllPv24h | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasClientAttribution | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasOfflinePc30d | bigdecimal | The ratio between the revenue generated offline and the cost |
RoasOfflinePv24h | bigdecimal | The ratio between the revenue generated offline and the cost |
RoasPc1d | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasPc30d | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasPc30dPv24h | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasPc7d | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
RoasPv24h | bigdecimal | The ratio between revenue generated and the cost |
SalesAllClientAttribution | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesAllPc1d | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesAllPc30d | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesAllPc30dPv24h | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesAllPc7d | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesAllPv24h | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesClientAttribution | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesOfflinePc30d | integer | The number of completed in-store transactions or purchases |
SalesOfflinePv24h | integer | The number of completed in-store transactions or purchases |
SalesPc1d | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesPc30d | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesPc30dPv24h | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesPc7d | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
SalesPv24h | integer | The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads |
UntrackableDisplays | integer | This is the number of untracked displays. Some displays cannot be tracked because of the display environment (for instance, native banner) |
ViewableDisplays | integer | The number of ads that have been viewed. A display is considered viewed if at least 50% of the ad appears on the screen for at least one second |
Visits | integer | The number of users on the target website or app for which at least one event occurred within the hour following a click |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_AdsetReport AS
CALL criteo.AdsetReport (
advertiserIds => NULL,
adSetIds => NULL,
adSetNames => NULL,
adSetStatus => NULL,
endDate => CURDATE (),
dimensions => 'AdvertiserId,AdsetId,CategoryId,Advertiser,Adset,Category,Device,OS,Hour,Day,Week,Month,Year',
metrics => 'Clicks,Displays,ViewableDisplays,NonViewableDisplays,UntrackableDisplays,AdvertiserCost,QualifiedVisits,Visits,CostPerVisit,BounceRate,PotentialDisplays,OverallCompetitionWin,SalesClientAttribution,SalesAllClientAttribution,SalesPc30d,SalesAllPc30d,SalesPv24h,SalesAllPv24h,SalesPc30dPv24h,SalesAllPc30dPv24h,SalesPc1d,SalesAllPc1d,SalesPc7d,SalesAllPc7d,RevenueGeneratedClientAttribution,RevenueGeneratedAllClientAttribution,RevenueGeneratedPc30d,RevenueGeneratedAllPc30d,RevenueGeneratedPv24h,RevenueGeneratedAllPv24h,RevenueGeneratedPc30dPv24h,RevenueGeneratedAllPc30dPv24h,RevenueGeneratedPc1d,RevenueGeneratedAllPc1d,RevenueGeneratedPc7d,RevenueGeneratedAllPc7d,ExposedUsers,Audience,Reach,AverageCartClientAttribution,AverageCartAllClientAttribution,AverageCartPc30d,AverageCartAllPc30d,AverageCartPv24h,AverageCartAllPv24h,AverageCartPc30dPv24h,AverageCartAllPc30dPv24h,AverageCartPc1d,AverageCartAllPc1d,AverageCartPc7d,AverageCartAllPc7d,ClickThroughRate,ConversionRateClientAttribution,ConversionRateAllClientAttribution,ConversionRatePc30d,ConversionRateAllPc30d,ConversionRatePv24h,ConversionRateAllPv24h,ConversionRatePc30dPv24h,ConversionRateAllPc30dPv24h,ConversionRatePc1d,ConversionRateAllPc1d,ConversionRatePc7d,ConversionRateAllPc7d,ECosClientAttribution,ECosAllClientAttribution,ECosPc30d,ECosAllPc30d,ECosPv24h,ECosAllPv24h,ECosPc30dPv24h,ECosAllPc30dPv24h,ECosPc1d,ECosAllPc1d,ECosPc7d,ECosAllPc7d,CostPerOrderClientAttribution,CostPerOrderAllClientAttribution,CostPerOrderPc30d,CostPerOrderAllPc30d,CostPerOrderPv24h,CostPerOrderAllPv24h,CostPerOrderPc30dPv24h,CostPerOrderAllPc30dPv24h,CostPerOrderPc1d,CostPerOrderAllPc1d,CostPerOrderPc7d,CostPerOrderAllPc7d,Cpc,ECpm,RoasClientAttribution,RoasAllClientAttribution,RoasPc30d,RoasAllPc30d,RoasPv24h,RoasAllPv24h,RoasPc30dPv24h,RoasAllPc30dPv24h,RoasPc1d,RoasAllPc1d,RoasPc7d,RoasAllPc7d,AdvertiserValue,AdvertiserAllValue,CostOfAdvertiserValue,CostOfAdvertiserValueAll,PostInstallSales,AppInstalls,PostInstallConversionRate,PostInstallCostOfSale,PostInstallOrderValue,CostPerInstall,InstallRate,PostInstallCostPerOrder,PostInstallRoas,OmnichannelRoasClientAttribution,OmnichannelRoasPc30d,OmnichannelRoasAllPc30d,OmnichannelRoasPv24h,OmnichannelRoasAllPv24h,OmnichannelRevenueClientAttribution,OmnichannelRevenuePc30d,OmnichannelRevenueAllPc30d,OmnichannelRevenuePv24h,OmnichannelRevenueAllPv24h,OmnichannelsalesClientAttribution,OmnichannelSalesPc30d,OmnichannelSalesAllPc30d,OmnichannelSalesPv24h,OmnichannelSalesAllPv24h,RoasOfflinePc30d,RoasOfflinePv24h,SalesOfflinePc30d,SalesOfflinePv24h,RevenueGeneratedOfflinePc30d,RevenueGeneratedOfflinePv24h',
currency => 'EUR'
) AS x;;
Advertisers data
<startDate> (required): Start date of the report
<endDate> (optional): End date of the report
<advertiser-id> (optional): The advertiser id to fetch the transparency data
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
AdvertiserId | long | The advertiser id to fetch the transparency data |
Day | date | Day of impression or click event |
Hour | integer | Hour of impression or click event |
Timestamp | timestamp | Timestamp of impression or click event |
Event_type | string | Impression or click event specification |
AdSet_ID | long | Criteo-assigned numerical AdSet identifier |
AdSet_name | string | Name of AdSet as seen in Commerce Growth |
Ad_format | string | Format of display (i.e. 'mozaic' is a dynamic banner) |
Banner_ID | long | Criteo-assigned numerical banner identifier |
Category_ID | long | Identifier of product category in the catalog |
Category_name | string | Name of product category in the catalog |
Referrer | string | Publisher domain on which ad was served |
Environment | string | Browsing medium (web or app) |
Device_family | string | Device specification of user agent |
OS_family | string | Operating system specification of user agent |
App_ID | string | Identifier of app |
App_name | string | Specification of app |
Viewability | integer | Indicates if display was viewable for at least 50% of a continuous second: -1 = impression was untracked; no insight into if it was viewed; 0 = impression was tracked, but not viewable; 1 = impression was tracked, and was viewable |
Display_cost_currency | string | Currency of the impression display cost |
Display_cost | bigdecimal | Impression display cost in local currency |
Display_cost_USD | bigdecimal | Impression display cost in USD currency |
Click_cost_currency | string | Currency of the click cost |
Click_cost | bigdecimal | Cost per click in local currency |
Click_cost_USD | bigdecimal | Cost per click in USD currency |
List | string | List |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_AdvertisersReport AS
CALL criteo.AdvertisersReport (
"advertiser-id" => '23682',
endDate => CURDATE ()
) AS x;;
Audiences for Advertisers
<advertiser-id> (optional): The advertiser id to get all the audiences for. Mandatory for internal users. For external users, if you don't provide it, we will take into account the advertisers from your portfolio
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Id of the Audience |
type | string | The name of the entity type |
attributes_advertiserId | long | ID of the advertiser |
attributes_created | timestamp | Date of creation |
attributes_description | string | The Audience description |
attributes_name | string | Name of the audience |
attributes_nbLines | integer | Number of lines |
attributes_nbLinesEmail | integer | Number of lines |
attributes_nbMatchesEmail | integer | Number of matched emails in the contact list associated with the specified advertiser ID |
attributes_updated | timestamp | Date of last update |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_Audiences AS
CALL criteo.Audiences (
"advertiser-id" => 23682
) AS x;;
<advertiserIds> (optional): List of advertiser Ids
<campaignIds> (optional): List of campaign Ids
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Id of the entity |
attributes_advertiserId | long | Advertiser id of the campaign |
attributes_goal | string | Goal |
attributes_name | string | Name of the campaign |
attributes_objective | string | Campaign's marketing objective |
attributes_spendLimit_spendLimitAmount_value | bigdecimal | Spend limit amount |
attributes_spendLimit_spendLimitRenewal | string | The pace of the spend limit renewal |
attributes_spendLimit_spendLimitType | string | Whether your spend limit is capped or not |
type | string | The name of the entity type |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_Campaigns AS
CALL criteo.Campaigns (
advertiserIds => NULL,
campaignIds => NULL
) AS x;;
Category bids
<ad-set-id> (optional): Id of the ad set
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ad_set_id | long | Id of the ad set |
id | string | Id of the entity |
attributes_bidAmount | bigdecimal | Bid amount |
attributes_categoryName | string | The name of the Category to which the given for which the Display Multiplier has been applied |
type | string | Canonical type name of the entity |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_CategoryBids AS
CALL criteo.CategoryBids ()
) AS x;;
Display multipliers
<ad-set-id> (optional): Id of the ad set
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ad_set_id | long | Id of the ad set |
id | string | Id of the entity |
attributes_categoryName | string | The name of the Category to which the Category Bid has been applied |
attributes_displayMultiplier | bigdecimal | - |
attributes_id | string | - |
type | string | Canonical type name of the entity |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_DisplayMultipliers AS
CALL criteo.DisplayMultipliers (
"ad-set-id" => 92718
) AS x;;
Placement report
<startDate> (required): Start date of the report
<metrics> (required): The list of metrics to report
<dimensions> (required): The dimensions for the report
<currency> (required): The currency used for the report. ISO 4217 code (three-letter capitals)
<adSetIds> (optional): The comma-separated list of ad set Ids
<advertiserIds> (optional): The comma-separated list of advertiser ids. If empty, all the advertisers in the portfolio will be used
<campaignIds> (optional): The comma-separated list of campaign Ids
<disclosed> (optional): Returns disclosed or undisclosed placements
<endDate> (optional): End date of the report
<environment> (optional): Type of environment: Web, Android or iOS
<placement> (optional): Filter the value of the placement
<days_step> (optional): Number of days to query in a single batch
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
startDate | timestamp | Start date of the report |
endDate | timestamp | End date of the report |
adsetId | long | ID of the Adset |
advertiserId | long | ID of the advertiser |
adsetName | string | Name of the adset |
advertiserName | string | Name of the advertiser |
campaignId | long | ID of the campaign |
campaignName | string | Name of the campaign |
currency | string | The currency to be used in the report, ISO format |
environment | string | Web/Android/iOS |
placement | string | The name of the ad placement |
clicks | integer | The number of clicks driven by the add. |
cosPc30d | bigdecimal | Cost Of Sales - the ratio between the cost generated by the campaign(s) vs. the revenue generated by the sales, figured as a percentage. Attribution model pc30d |
cosPv1d | bigdecimal | Cost Of Sales - the ratio between the cost generated by the campaign(s) vs. the revenue generated by the sales, figured as a percentage. Attribution model pv1d |
cost | bigdecimal | The amount of money spent on Criteo advertising. |
cpoPc30d | bigdecimal | Cost Per Order - the amount of money that needs to be spent to get one order or transaction. Attribution model pc30d |
cpoPv1d | bigdecimal | Cost Per Order - the amount of money that needs to be spent to get one order or transaction. Attribution model pv1d |
cvrPc30d | bigdecimal | ConVersion Rate - the percentage of completed purchases compared to the clicks that occurred. Attribution model pc30d |
cvrPv1d | bigdecimal | ConVersion Rate - the percentage of completed purchases compared to the clicks that occurred. Attribution model pv1d |
displays | integer | The number of displays/impressions of ads served on sites through the Criteo Publisher Network. |
revenuePc30d | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by the online sales. Attribution model pc30d |
revenuePv1d | bigdecimal | The amount of money generated by the online sales. Attribution model pv1d |
roasPc30d | bigdecimal | Return On Ad Spend - the ratio between the revenue generated and the cost. Attribution model pc30d |
roasPv1d | bigdecimal | Return On Ad Spend - the ratio between the revenue generated and the cost. Attribution model pv1d |
salesPc30d | integer | The number of completed e-commerce transactions or purchases. Attribution model pc30d |
salesPv1d | integer | The number of completed e-commerce transactions or purchases. Attribution model pv1d |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_PlacementReport AS
CALL criteo.PlacementReport (
currency => 'EUR',
advertiserIds => NULL,
campaignIds => NULL,
adSetIds => NULL,
environment => NULL,
placement => NULL,
disclosed => true,
endDate => CURDATE (),
dimensions => 'AdsetId,AdvertiserId,Placement,Environment,AdsetName,AdvertiserName,CampaignId,CampaignName',
metrics => 'clicks,displays,cost,salesPc30d,salesPv1d,revenuePc30d,revenuePv1d,cosPc30d,cosPv1d,roasPc30d,roasPv1d,cpoPc30d,cpoPv1d,cvrPc30d,cvrPv1d'
) AS x;;
Advertiser Portfolio
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | A opaque string containing the unique Id of the entity |
attributes_advertiserName | string | Name of the advertiser |
type | string | A string containing the entity type: campaign, adset, ad, advertiser, agency, publisher, address, client, contact, industry |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_Portfolio AS
CALL criteo.Portfolio ()
) AS x;;
Transactions report
<startDate> (required): Start date of the report
<currency> (required): The currency used for the report. ISO 4217 code (three-letter capitals)
<advertiserIds> (optional): The comma-separated list of advertiser ids. If empty, all the advertisers in the portfolio will be used
<endDate> (optional): End date of the report
<eventType> (optional): Apply a filter on Event type
<days_step> (optional): Number of days to query in a single batch
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
TransactionId | string | ID of the transaction |
TransactionDate | timestamp | Date of the transaction |
AdvertiserId | long | ID of the advertiser |
AdvertiserName | string | Name of the advertiser |
AdsetName | string | Name of the adset |
Amount | bigdecimal | Transaction amount |
AttributedTransaction | boolean | Transaction attributed to the click or display or not |
CrossDeviceTransaction | boolean | X-device or same device transaction |
Currency | string | Transaction currency |
EventDate | timestamp | Date of the event |
EventType | string | Type of event associated to the transactions (click or display) |
CREATE VIEW criteo_examples.example_TransactionsReport AS
CALL criteo.TransactionsReport (
advertiserIds => NULL,
eventType => NULL,
currency => 'EUR',
endDate => CURDATE ()
) AS x;;