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Public eBay Connector API

The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_ prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.


Ads associated with a campaign ID, or the running ads by listing ID values
<campaign_id> (optional): A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign that's generated when a campaign is created. Get a seller's campaign IDs by calling
<listing_ids> (optional): A comma separated list of listing IDs. The response includes only active ads (ads associated with a RUNNING campaign). The results do not include listing IDs that are excluded by other conditions
<ad_id> (optional): Identifier of an ad. This ID was generated when the ad was created
<inventory_reference_type> (optional): The type of the inventory reference ID. Set this value to either INVENTORY_ITEM (a single listing) or INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP (a multi-variation listing). You must always pass in both an inventory_reference_id and an inventory_reference_type
<inventory_reference_id> (optional): The inventory reference ID associated with the ad you want returned. A seller's inventory reference ID is the ID of either a listing or the ID of an inventory item group (the parent of a multi-variation listing, such as a shirt that is available in multiple sizes and colors). You must always supply in both an inventory_reference_id and an inventory_reference_type
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique eBay-assigned ID for the ad that is generated when the ad is created



The user-defined bid percentage (also known as the ad rate) sets level to which eBay should raise the visibility of the associated listing across the eBay buyer flows. The value is also used to calculate the Promoted Listings fee. Minimum value: 1.0 Maximum value: 100.0



A unique eBay-assigned ID that is generated when a listing is created via the


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Ads AS 
		CALL ebay.Ads (
			listing_ids => NULL
	) AS x


EBay policies that define how to list automotive-parts-compatibility items in the categories of a specific marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): This path parameter specifies the eBay marketplace for which policy information is retrieved. Note: Only the following eBay marketplaces support automotive parts compatibility: EBAY_US EBAY_AU EBAY_CA EBAY_DE EBAY_ES EBAY_FR EBAY_GB EBAY_IT
<filter> (optional): This query parameter limits the response by returning policy information for only the selected sections of the category tree.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The category ID to which the automotive-parts-compatibility policies apply



A value that indicates the root node of the category tree used for the response set.



Indicates whether the category supports parts compatibility by either ASSEMBLY or by SPECIFICATION



Indicates the compatibility classification of the part based on high-level vehicle types



Specifies the maximum number of compatible vehicle-applications allowed per item


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_AutomotivePartsCompatibilityPolicies AS 
		CALL ebay.AutomotivePartsCompatibilityPolicies (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US',
			"filter" => NULL
	) AS x


Details of all of a seller's campaigns.You can filter and paginate the result set
<campaign_name> (optional): Specifies the campaign name. The results are filtered to include only the campaign by the specified name.Note: The results might be null if other filters exclude the campaign with this name. Maximum: 1 campaign name
<campaign_status> (optional): Specifies the campaign status. The results are filtered to include only campaigns that are in the specified states. Note: The results might not include all the campaigns with this status if other filters exclude them. Valid values: See Maximum: 1 status
<end_date_range> (optional): Specifies the range of a campaign's end date. The results are filtered to include only campaigns with an end date that is within specified range. Valid format (UTC): yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ..yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ (campaign ends within this range) yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ..(campaign ends on or after this date)..yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ (campaign ends on or before this date)2016-09-08T00:00:00Z..2016-09-09T00:00:00Z (campaign ends on September 8, 2016) Note: The results might not include all the campaigns ending on this date if other filters exclude them
<start_date_range> (optional): Specifies the range of a campaign's start date in which to filter the results. The results are filtered to include only campaigns with a start date that is equal to this date or is within specified range.Valid format (UTC): yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ..yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ (starts within this range)yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ..(campaign starts on or after this date)..yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ (campaign starts on or before this date)2016-09-08T00:00.00.000Z..2016-09-09T00:00:00Z (campaign starts on September 8, 2016) Note: The results might not include all the campaigns with this start date if other filters exclude them
<campaign_id> (optional): A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign that's generated when a campaign is created. Get a seller's campaign IDs by calling
<inventory_reference_id> (optional): The seller's inventory reference ID of the listing to be used to find the campaign in which it is associated. You must always pass in both inventory_reference_id and inventory_reference_type
<inventory_reference_type> (optional): The type of the seller's inventory reference ID, which is a listing or group of items. You must always pass in both inventory_reference_id and inventory_reference_type
<listing_id> (optional): Identifier of the eBay listing associated with the ad
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique eBay-assigned ID for a campaign. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller. You can use any alphanumeric characters in the name, except the less than (<) or greater than (>) characters



Indicates the status of the campaign, such as RUNNING, PAUSED, and ENDED



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



The ID of the eBay marketplace where the campaign is hosted



Reserved for future use



This enum defines the criterion (selection rule) types. Currently, the only criterion type supported is INVENTORY_PARTITION, and you must specify this value if you manage your items with the Inventory API and you want to include items based on their inventory reference IDs. Leave this field blank if you want to create campaign ads based on listing IDs



The user-defined bid percentage (also known as the ad rate) sets the level that eBay increases the visibility in search results for the associated listing. The higher the bidPercentage value, the more eBay promotes the listing. The value specified here is also used to calculate the Promoted Listings fee. This percentage value is multiplied by the final sales price to determine the fee. The Promoted Listings fee is determined at the time the transaction completes and the seller is assessed the fee only when an item sells through a Promoted Listings ad campaign. bidPercentage is a single precision value that is guided by the following rules: If a bid percentage is not provided for an ad, eBay uses the default bid percentage of the associated campaign.Minimum value: 1.0 Maximum value: 100.0



Indicates the model that eBay uses to calculate the Promoted Listings fee. Currently, only COST_PER_SALE is supported


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Campaigns AS 
		CALL ebay.Campaigns (
			campaign_name => NULL,
			campaign_status => NULL,
			start_date_range => NULL,
			end_date_range => NULL
	) AS x


Suggested categories that eBay has determined correspond to keywords that describe an item
<q> (required): A quoted string that describes or characterizes the item being offered for sale. The string format is free form, and can contain any combination of phrases or keywords. eBay will parse the string and return suggested categories for the item
<category_tree_id> (required): The unique identifier of the eBay category tree for which suggested nodes are being requested
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique identifier of the eBay category within its category tree



The name of the category identified by categoryId







The absolute level of the category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_CategorySuggestions AS 
		CALL ebay.CategorySuggestions (
			category_tree_id => '0',
			q => 'Some value'
	) AS x


Complete category tree corresponding to a specified category tree ID
<category_tree_id> (required): The unique identifier of the eBay category tree from which a category subtree is being requested
<category_id> (optional): The unique identifier of the category at the top of the subtree being requested
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label










The unique identifier of this eBay category tree



The absolute level of the current category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree



The version of this category tree. It's a good idea to cache this value for comparison so you can determine if this category tree has been modified in subsequent calls



A value of true indicates that the current category tree node is a leaf node (it has no child nodes). A value of false indicates that the current node has one or more child nodes, which are identified by the childCategoryTreeNodes array. Returned only if the value of this field is true




CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_CategoryTree AS 
		CALL ebay.CategoryTree (
			category_tree_id => '0'
	) AS x


Parts compatibility aspects that are used to describe compatible vehicles
<category_tree_id> (required): This is the unique identifier of category tree. The following is the list of category_tree_id values and the eBay marketplaces that they represent. One of these ID values must be passed in as a path parameter, and the category_id value, that is passed in as query parameter, must be a valid eBay category on that eBay marketplace that supports parts compatibility for cars, trucks, or motorcyles.eBay US: 0eBay Motors US: 100eBay Canada: 2eBay UK: 3eBay Germany: 77eBay Australia: 15eBay France: 71eBay Italy: 101eBay Spain: 186
<category_id> (required): The unique identifier of an eBay category. This eBay category must be a valid eBay category on the specified eBay marketplace, and the category must support parts compatibility for cars, trucks, or motorcyles. The getAutomotivePartsCompatibilityPolicies method of the Selling Metadata API can be used to retrieve all eBay categories for an eBay marketplace that supports parts compatibility cars, trucks, or motorcyles. The getAutomotivePartsCompatibilityPolicies method can also be used to see if one or more specific eBay categories support parts compatibility
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






This is the localized name of the compatible vehicle property. The language that is used will depend on the user making the call, or based on the language specified if the HTTP header is used.In some instances, the string value in this field may be the same as the string in the corresponding field



This is the actual name of the compatible vehicle property as it is known on the specified eBay marketplace and in the eBay category. This is the string value that should be used in the and query parameters of a request URI. Typical vehicle properties are 'Make', 'Model', 'Year', 'Engine', and 'Trim', but will vary based on the eBay marketplace and the eBay category


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_CompatibilityProperties AS 
		CALL ebay.CompatibilityProperties (
			category_tree_id => '0',
			category_id => '183529'
	) AS x


Parts compatibility aspect values that are used to describe compatible vehicles
<compatibility_property> (required): One compatible vehicle property applicable to the specified eBay marketplace and eBay category is specified in this required filter. Compatible vehicle properties are returned in the field of a getCompatibilityProperties response. For example, if you wanted to retrieve all vehicle trims for a 2018 Toyota Camry, you would set this filter as follows: compatibility_property=Trim; and then include the following three name/value filters through one filter parameter: filter=Year:2018,Make:Toyota,Model:Camry. So, putting this all together, your URI would look something like this:GET,Make:Toyota,Model:Camry
<category_tree_id> (required): This is the unique identifier of the category tree. The following is the list of category_tree_id values and the eBay marketplaces that they represent. One of these ID values must be passed in as a path parameter, and the category_id value, that is passed in as query parameter, must be a valid eBay category on that eBay marketplace that supports parts compatibility for cars, trucks, or motorcyles.eBay US: 0eBay Motors US: 100eBay Canada: 2eBay UK: 3eBay Germany: 77eBay Australia: 15eBay France: 71eBay Italy: 101eBay Spain: 186
<category_id> (required): The unique identifier of an eBay category. This eBay category must be a valid eBay category on the specified eBay marketplace, and the category must support parts compatibility for cars, trucks, or motorcyles. The getAutomotivePartsCompatibilityPolicies method of the Selling Metadata API can be used to retrieve all eBay categories for an eBay marketplace that supports parts compatibility cars, trucks, or motorcyles. The getAutomotivePartsCompatibilityPolicies method can also be used to see if one or more specific eBay categories support parts compatibility
<filter> (optional): One or more compatible vehicle property name/value pairs are passed in through this query parameter. The compatible vehicle property name and corresponding value are delimited with a colon (such as filter=Year:2018, and multiple compatible vehicle property name/value pairs are delimited with a comma (,). For example, if you wanted to retrieve all vehicle trims for a 2018 Toyota Camry, you would set the compatibility_property filter as follows: compatibility_property=Trim; and then include the following three name/value filters through one filter parameter: filter=Year:2018,Make:Toyota,Model:Camry. So, putting this all together, your URI would look something like this:GET,Make:Toyota,Model:Camry
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






Each field shows one applicable compatible vehicle property value. The values that are returned will depend on the specified eBay marketplace, specified eBay category, and filters in the request


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_CompatibilityPropertyValues AS 
		CALL ebay.CompatibilityPropertyValues (
			category_tree_id => '0',
			compatibility_property => 'Year',
			category_id => '183529',
			"filter" => NULL
	) AS x


Seller's customer service performance for the specified metric type
<evaluation_type> (required): Use this path parameter to specify the type of the seller evaluation you want returned, either: CURRENT – A monthly evaluation that occurs on the 20th of every month. PROJECTED – A daily evaluation that provides a projection of how the seller is currently performing with regards to the upcoming evaluation period
<evaluation_marketplace_id> (required): Use this query parameter to specify the Marketplace ID to evaluate for the customer service metrics and benchmark data. For the list of supported marketplaces, see
<customer_service_metric_type> (required): Use this path parameter to specify the type of customer service metrics and benchmark data you want returned for the seller. Supported types are: ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBEDITEM_NOT_RECEIVED
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The start date and time of the transaction lookback range. All timestamps are based on Mountain Standard Time (MST). The timestamp is formatted as an string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock



End date and time of the transaction lookback range. All timestamps are based on Mountain Standard Time (MST). The timestamp is formatted as an string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock



The ISO-8601 date and time at which the seller was evaluated for this customer service metric rating



This field specifies the transaction lookback period used for the evaluation. The evaluation_type value specified in the request is returned in this field. There are two possible values:



The eBay marketplace ID of the marketplace upon which the customer service metric evaluation is based. The customer_service_metric resource supports a limited set of marketplaces. For a complete list of the supported marketplaces, please see the page



This field returns the "basis" by which the benchmark is calculated for the customer service metric type. Currently, the only supported basis is PEER_BENCHMARK



This field returns the average value for the group, as defined by the specified basis. When the benchmark basis is set to PEER_BENCHMARK, the value returned in this field is the benchmark value to which the seller's metric value is compared to determine the seller's rating for the customer service metric



This field returns seller's rating for the customer service metric. The rating is set to a value that equals the relative deviation between the seller's metric value and the benchmark value for the customer service metric. Deviation values range from LOW to VERY HIGH, and the lower the deviation, the better the seller rating



This field returns the basis, or the method, by which the metric rating is calculated



This field returns a list of name/value pairs, where the name indicates the distribution being rated and the value indicates the count of seller transactions that meet the distribution criteria



This field indicates the customer service metric being returned in the associated metrics container. The field is set as follows:



This field is set to the seller's numeric rating for the associated metricKey for the given dimension during the evaluationCycle. To determine the seller's rating for this metric, the value of this field is compared to the average metric value of the group


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_CustomerServiceMetric AS 
		CALL ebay.CustomerServiceMetric (
			customer_service_metric_type => 'ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED',
			evaluation_type => 'CURRENT',
			evaluation_marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US'
	) AS x


Default category tree reference for a specific eBay marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): The ID of the eBay marketplace for which the category tree ID is being requested. For a list of supported marketplace IDs, see procedure ebay.internal_MarketplaceId ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique identifier of the eBay category tree for the specified marketplace



The version of the category tree identified by categoryTreeId. It's a good idea to cache this value for comparison so you can determine if this category tree has been modified in subsequent calls


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_DefaultCategoryTreeId AS 
		CALL ebay.DefaultCategoryTreeId (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY_US'
	) AS x


Fulfillment policies associated with the specified marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): This query parameter specifies the eBay marketplace of the policy you want to retrieve
<fulfillmentPolicyId> (optional): This path parameter specifies the ID of the fulfillment policy you want to retrieve
<name> (optional): This query parameter specifies the user-defined name of the fulfillment policy you want to retrieve
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A user-defined name for this fulfillment policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace



An optional seller-defined description of the fulfillment policy for internal use (this value is not displayed to end users)



The CategoryTypeEnum value to which this policy applies. Used to discern accounts that sell motor vehicles from those that don't.



The ID of the eBay marketplace to which this fulfillment policy applies. If this value is not specified, value defaults to the seller's eBay registration site



If set to true, the seller offers freight shipping. Freight shipping can be used for large items over 150 lbs



A unique eBay-assigned ID for the fulfillment policy. This ID is generated when the policy is created



If set to true, the seller has opted-in to the eBay and that they use that service for their international shipments. Setting this value automatically sets the international shipping service for the policy to International Priority Shipping and the buyer does not need to set any other shipping services for their INTERNATIONAL shipping options (unless they sell items not covered by the Global Shipping Program). If this value is set to false, the seller is responsible for manually specifying the international shipping services, as described.



A time-measurement unit that specifies a singular period of time. A span of time is defined when you apply the value specified in the value field to the value specified for unit. Time-measurement units can be YEAR, MONTH, DAY, and so on. See TimeDurationUnitEnum for a complete list of possible time-measurement units



An integer that represents an amount of time, as measured by the time-measurement unit specified in the unit field



If set to true, the seller offers the "Click and Collect" feature. Currently, Click and Collect is available to only large retail merchants selling in the eBay AU and UK marketplaces. In addition to setting this field, the merchant must also do the following to enable the "Click and Collect" option on a listing: When a UK merchant successfully lists an item with Click and Collect, prospective buyers within a reasonable distance from one of the merchant's stores (that has stock available) will see the "Available for Click and Collect" option on the listing, along with information on the closest store that has the item



A list of one or more regionsName fields that specify the areas to where a seller does not ship



A list of one or more regionsName fields that specify the areas to where a seller ships



Defines whether the shipping cost is FLAT_RATE (the same rate for all buyers), CALCULATED (the shipping rate varies by the ship-to location and size and weight of the package, as defined by the item), or NOT_SPECIFIED (for use with local pickup)



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



This field has been deprecated. Shipping insurance is offered only via a shipping carrier's shipping services and is no longer available via eBay shipping policies



Use this field to set the ShippingOption element to either DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



This field is only applicable to vehicle categories on eBay Motors (US and Canada). If set to true, the buyer is responsible for picking up the vehicle. Otherwise, the seller should specify the vehicle pickup arrangements in the item description. The seller cannot modify this flag if the vehicle has bids or if the listing ends within 12 hours



This field is applicable for only items listed in vehicle categories on eBay Motors (US and Canada). If set to true, the buyer is responsible for the shipment of the vehicle. Otherwise, the seller should specify the vehicle shipping arrangements in the item description. The seller cannot modify this flag if the vehicle has bids or if the listing ends within 12 hours



If set to true, the seller offers free shipping to the buyer. This field can only be included and set to 'true' for the first domestic shipping service option specified in the shippingServices container (it is ignored if set for subsequent shipping services). The first specified shipping service option has a sortOrder value of 1 or (if the sortOrderId field is not used) it is the shipping service option that's specified first in the shippingServices container



The shipping carrier, such as 'USPS', 'FedEx', 'UPS', and so on



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



The shipping service that the shipping carrier uses to ship an item. For example, an overnight, two-day delivery, or other type of service. For details on configuring shipping services, see



This integer value controls the order that this shipping service option appears in the View Item and Checkout pages, as related to the other specified shipping service options. Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (in four separate shippingService containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service option with a sortOrder value of '1' appears at the top of View Item and Checkout pages. Conversely, a shipping service option with a sortOrder value of '4' appears at the bottom of the list. Sellers can specify up to five international shipping services (in five separate shippingService containers, so valid values for international shipping services are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Similarly to domestic shipping service options, the sortOrder value of a international shipping service option controls the placement of that shipping service option in the View Item and Checkout pages. Set up different domestic and international services by configuring two shippingOptions containers, where you set shippingOptions.optionType to either DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL to indicate the area supported by the listed shipping services. If the sortOrder field is not supplied, the order of domestic and international shipping service options is determined by the order in which they are listed in the API call. Min: 1. Max: 4 (for domestic shipping service) or 5 (for international shipping service)


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_FulfillmentPolicies AS 
		CALL ebay.FulfillmentPolicies (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US'
	) AS x


Inventory item group for a given value
<inventoryItemGroupKey> (required): The unique identifier of an inventory item group. This value is assigned by the seller when an inventory item group is created. The inventoryItemGroupKey value for the inventory item group to retrieve is passed in at the end of the call URI
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






This container consists of an array of aspects that are shared by all product variations within the inventory item group. Common aspects for the inventory item group are not immediately required upon creating an inventory item group, but these aspects will be required before the first offer of the group is published. Common aspects for a men's t-shirt might be pattern and sleeve length.



The description of the inventory item group. This description should fully describe the product and the variations of the product that are available in the inventory item group, since this description will ultimately become the listing description once the first offer of the group is published.



An array of one or more links to images for the inventory item group. URLs must use the "HTTPS" protocol. Images can be self-hosted by the seller, or sellers can use the call of the Trading API to upload images to an eBay Picture Server. If successful, the response of the call will contain a full URL to the image on an eBay Picture Server. This is the URL that will be passed in through the array. Before any offer can be published, at least one image must exist for the offer. Links to images can either be passed in through this container, or they can be passed in through the container when creating each inventory item in the group. If the field is used to specify the main product aspect where the variations vary, the links to the images must be passed in through this container, and there should be a picture for each variation. So, if the field is set to Color, a link should be included to an image demonstrating each available color in the group. Most eBay sites support up to 12 pictures free of charge, and eBay Motors listings can have up to 24 pictures. This container will always be returned for an inventory item group that has at least one published offer since a published offer will always have at least one picture, but this container will only be returned if defined for inventory item groups that have yet to have any published offers



This is the unique identifier of the inventory item group. This identifier is created by the seller when an inventory item group is created. This field is only applicable to the call and not to the call. In the call, the value is passed into the end of the call URI instead



The title of the inventory item group. This title will ultimately become the listing title once the first offer of the group is published. This field is not initially required when first creating an inventory item group, but will be required before the first offer of the group is published. This field is always returned if one or more offers associated with the inventory item group have been published, and is only returned if set for an inventory item group if that group has yet to have any offers published.: 80



This required container is used to assign individual inventory items to the inventory item group. Multiple SKU values are passed in to this container. If updating an existing inventory item group, the seller should make sure that all member SKU values are passed in, as long as the seller wants that SKU to remain in the group. It is also possible to add or remove SKUs with a call. If the seller wants to remove a SKU from the group, that seller will just omit that SKU value from this container to remove that inventory item/SKU from the inventory item group and any published, multiple-variation listing. However, a variation cannot be removed from the group if that variation has one or more sales for that listing. A workaround for this is to set that variation's quantity to 0 and it will be 'grayed out' in the View Item page.This container is always returned



This container is used if the seller wants to include multiple images to demonstrate how variations within a multiple-variation listing differ. In this string field, the seller will specify the product aspect where the variations of the inventory item group vary, such as color. If Color is specified in this field, Color must also be one of the values, and all available colors must appear in the corresponding array.If the container is used, links to images of each variation should be specified through the container of the inventory item group, or the seller can choose to include those links to images in each inventory item record for the inventory items in the group


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_InventoryItemGroup AS 
		CALL ebay.InventoryItemGroup (
			inventoryItemGroupKey => 1
	) AS x


Inventory item records defined for the seller's account
<sku> (optional): This is the seller-defined SKU value of the product whose inventory item record you wish to retrieve.Max length: 50
<inventory_reference_type> (optional): The type of the inventory reference ID. Set this value to either INVENTORY_ITEM (a single listing) or INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP (a multi-variation listing). You must always pass in both an inventory_reference_id and an inventory_reference_type
<inventory_reference_id> (optional): The inventory reference ID associated with the ad you want returned. A seller's inventory reference ID is the ID of either a listing or the ID of an inventory item group (the parent of a multi-variation listing, such as a shirt that is available in multiple sizes and colors). You must always supply in both an inventory_reference_id and an inventory_reference_type
<campaign_id> (optional): A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign that's generated when a campaign is created. Get a seller's campaign IDs by calling
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The seller-defined Stock-Keeping Unit (SKU) of the inventory item. The seller should have a unique SKU value for every product that they sell



The Universal Product Code (UPC) value for the product. Although an ePID value is preferred when trying to find a product match in the eBay Catalog, this field can also be used in an attempt to find a product match in the eBay Catalog. If a product match is found in the eBay Catalog, the inventory item is automatically populated with available product details such as a title, a product description, product aspects (including the specified UPC value), and a link to any stock image that exists for the catalog product.This field is returned if defined for an inventory item. If a UPC was passed in as an item specific name-value pair through the array in a call, this value is also picked up by the field



The title of an inventory item can be added or modified with a call. Although not immediately required, a title will be needed before an offer with the inventory item is published. The title of an inventory item is automatically populated if the seller specifies an eBay Product ID (ePID) or a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) and eBay is able to find a matching product in the eBay Catalog.



A subtitle is an optional listing feature that allows the seller to provide more information about the product, possibly including keywords that may assist with search results. An additional listing fee will be charged to the seller if a subtitle is used. For more information on using listing subtitles on the US site, see the help page. The subtitle of an existing inventory item can added, modified, or removed with a call.Note that the same text should be used for each inventory item that will be part of an inventory item group, and ultimately become one product variation within a multiple-variation listing.This field will only be returned if set for an inventory item



This container is used to set the total ship-to-home quantity of the inventory item that will be available for purchase through one or more published offers.



This enumeration value indicates the condition of the item. Supported item condition values will vary by eBay site and category. To see which item condition values that a particular eBay category supports, use the method of the . This method returns condition ID values that map to the enumeration values defined in the type. The topic in the has a table that maps condition ID values to values.



The actual height (in the measurement unit specified in the field) of the shipping package. All fields of the container are required if package dimensions are specified.



The actual length (in the measurement unit specified in the field) of the shipping package.



The unit of measurement used to specify the dimensions of a shipping package. All fields of the container are required if package dimensions are specified. If the English system of measurement is being used, the applicable values for dimension units are FEET and INCH. If the metric system of measurement is being used, the applicable values for weight units are METER and CENTIMETER. The metric system is used by most countries outside of the US



The actual width (in the measurement unit specified in the field) of the shipping package. All fields of the container are required if package dimensions are specified.



The unit of measurement used to specify the weight of a shipping package. Both the and fields are required if the container is used.



The actual weight (in the measurement unit specified in the field) of the shipping package. Both the and fields are required if the container is used.



This is an array of item specific pairs that provide more information about the product and might make it easier for buyers to find.



The brand of the product. This field is often paired with the field to identify a specific product by Manufacture Part Number.



The description of the product.



An array of one or more links to images for the product. URLs must use the "HTTPS" protocol. Images can be self-hosted by the seller, or sellers can use the call of the Trading API to upload images to an eBay Picture Server. If successful, the response of the call will contain a full URL to the image on an eBay Picture Server. This is the URL that will be passed in through the array. Before an offer can be published, at least one image must exist for the inventory item. Most eBay sites support up to 12 pictures free of charge, and eBay Motors listings can have up to 24 pictures.


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_InventoryItems AS 
		CALL ebay.InventoryItems ()
	) AS x


List of inventory locations as defined by the seller
<merchantLocationKey> (optional): A unique merchant-defined key (ID) for an inventory location. This value is passed in at the end of the call URI to specify the inventory location to retrieve. Max length: 36
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






This container defines the function of the inventory location. Typically, an inventory location will serve as a store or a warehouse, but in some cases, an inventory location may be both. The location type of an inventory location defaults to WAREHOUSE if a location type is not specified when a merchant creates an inventory location



The city in which the inventory location resides. This field is required for store inventory locations that will be holding In-Store Pickup inventory. For warehouse locations, this field is technically optional, as a can be used instead of / pair, and then the city is just derived from this postal/zip code. This field is returned if defined for an inventory location



The country in which the address resides, represented as two-letter country code. For example, US represents the United States, and DE represents Germany



The postal/zip code of the address. eBay uses postal codes to surface In-Store Pickup items within the vicinity of a buyer's location, and it also user postal codes (origin and destination) to estimate shipping costs when the seller uses calculated shipping. A / pair can be used instead of a value, and then the postal code is just derived from the city and state/province. This field is returned if defined for an inventory location



The state/province in which the inventory location resides. This field is required for store inventory locations that will be holding In-Store Pickup inventory. For warehouse locations, this field is technically optional, as a can be used instead of / pair, and then the state or province is just derived from this postal/zip code



A unique eBay-assigned ID for the location



The unique identifier of the inventory location. This identifier is set up by the merchant when the inventory location is first created with the call. Once this value is set for an inventory location, it cannot be modified



This field indicates whether the inventory location is enabled (inventory can be loaded to location) or disabled (inventory can not be loaded to location). The merchant can use the call to enable an inventory location in disabled status, or the call to disable an inventory location in enabled status



The name of the inventory location. This name should be a human-friendly name as it will be displayed in In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect listings. For store inventory locations, this field is not required for the call, but a store inventory location must have a defined value before an In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect enabled offer is published. So, if the seller omits this field in the call, it will have to be added later through a call


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_InventoryLocations AS 
		CALL ebay.InventoryLocations ()
	) AS x


Aspects that are appropriate for describing items in a specified category
<category_tree_id> (required): The unique identifier of the eBay category tree from which the specified category's aspects are being requested
<category_id> (required): The unique identifier of the leaf category for which aspects are being requested
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The data type of this aspect



A value of true indicates that this aspect can be used to help identify item variations



The manner in which values of this aspect must be specified by the seller (as free text or by selecting from available options)



A value of true indicates that this aspect is required when offering items in the specified category



The enumeration value returned in this field will indicate if the corresponding aspect is recommended or optional



Indicates whether this aspect can accept single or multiple values for items in the specified category



The localized name of this aspect (for example: Colour on the eBay UK site)


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ItemAspectsForCategory AS 
		CALL ebay.ItemAspectsForCategory (
			category_tree_id => '0',
			category_id => '13601'
	) AS x


EBay policies that define how to specify item conditions in the categories of a specific marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): This path parameter specifies the eBay marketplace for which policy information is retrieved. See the following page for a list of valid eBay marketplace IDs:
<filter> (optional): This query parameter limits the response by returning policy information for only the selected sections of the category tree. Supply categoryId values for the sections of the tree you want returned.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The category ID to which the item-condition policy applies



A value that indicates the root node of the category tree used for the response set. Each marketplace is based on a category tree whose root node is indicated by this unique category ID value. All category policy information returned by this call pertains to the categories included below this root node of the tree. A category tree is a hierarchical framework of eBay categories that begins at the root node of the tree and extends to include all the child nodes in the tree. Each child node in the tree is an eBay category that is represented by a unique categoryId value. Within a category tree, the root node has no parent node and leaf nodes are nodes that have no child nodes



This flag denotes whether or not you must list the item condition in a listing for the specified category. If set to true, you must specify an item condition for the associated category


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ItemConditionPolicies AS 
		CALL ebay.ItemConditionPolicies (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY_US',
			"filter" => NULL
	) AS x


Markdown promotion by ID
<promotion_id> (required): This path parameter takes a concatenation of the ID of the promotion you want to get plus the marketplace ID on which the promotion is hosted. Concatenate the two values by separating them with an "at sign" (@). The ID of the promotion (promotionId) is a unique eBay-assigned value that's generated when the promotion is created. The Marketplace ID is the ENUM value of eBay marketplace where the promotion is hosted. Example: 115001954505@EBAY_US
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






If set to true, free shipping is applied to the first shipping service specified for the item. The first domestic shipping option is set to "free shipping," regardless if the shipping optionType for that service is set to FLAT_RATE, CALCULATED, or NOT_SPECIFIED (freight). This flag essentially adds free shipping as a promotional bonus



If set to true, eBay will automatically add inventory items to the markdown promotion if they meet the selectedInventoryDiscounts criteria specified for the markdown promotion



If set to true, price increases (including removing the free shipping flag) are blocked and an error message is returned if a seller attempts to adjust the price of an item that's partaking in this markdown promotion. If set to false, an item is dropped from the markdown promotion if the seller adjusts the price



This field is required if you are configuring an MARKDOWN_SALE promotion. This is the seller-defined "tag line" for the offer, such as "Save on designer shoes." A tag line appears under the "offer-type text" that is generated for the promotion. The text is displayed on the offer tile that is shown on the seller's All Offers page and on the event page for the promotion. Note: Offer-type text is a teaser that's presented throughout the buyer's journey through the sales flow and is generated by eBay. This text is not editable by the seller—it's derived from the settings in the discountRules and discountSpecification fields—and can be, for example, "20% off". Maximum length: 50



The date and time the promotion ends



The eBay marketplace ID of the site where the markdown promotion is hosted. Markdown promotions are supported on all eBay marketplaces



The seller-defined name or 'title' of the promotion that the seller can use to identify a promotion. This label is not displayed in end-user flows. Maximum length: 90



A unique eBay-assigned ID for the promotion that's generated when the promotion is created





The current status of the promotion. When creating a new promotion, you must set this value to either DRAFT or SCHEDULED. Note that you must set this value to SCHEDULED when you update a RUNNING promotion



For markdown promotions, this field is reserved for future use



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



Indicates how the items to include in the promotion are selected. You can include inventory by ID, using rules, or globally include all your inventory. Valid values:



The date and time the promotion starts


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ItemPriceMarkdownPromotion AS 
		CALL ebay.ItemPriceMarkdownPromotion (
			promotion_id => '166264450508@EBAY_US'
	) AS x


Details of a threshold promotion by promotion ID
<promotion_id> (required): This path parameter takes a concatenation of the ID of the promotion you want to retrieve plus the marketplace ID on which the promotion is hosted. Concatenate the two values by separating them with an "at sign" (@). The ID of the promotion (promotionId) is a unique eBay-assigned value that's generated when the promotion is created. The Marketplace ID is the ENUM value of eBay marketplace where the promotion is hosted. Example: 115001954505@EBAY_US
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






If set to true, the discount is applied only when the buyer purchases multiple quantities of a single item in the promotion. Otherwise, the promotional discount applies to multiple quantities of any items in the promotion. Different variations of a multi-variation item are considered to be the same item. Note that this flag is not relevant if the inventoryCriterion container identifies a single listing ID for the promotion



This is the seller-defined "tag line" for the offer, such as "Save on designer shoes." The tag line appears under the "offer-type text" that is generated for the promotion and is displayed under the offer tile that is shown on the seller's All Offers page and on the event page for the promotion. This tag line is not used with volume pricing promotions. Note: Offer-type text is a teaser that's presented throughout the buyer's journey through the sales flow and is generated by eBay. This text is not editable by the seller—it's derived from the settings in the discountRules and discountSpecification fields—and can be, for example, "Extra 20% off when you buy 3+". Maximum length: 50



The date and time the promotion ends. If this field is blank (null), it indicates the promotion has no end date. For display purposes, convert this time into the local time of the seller



Indicates how the items to include in the promotion are selected. You can include inventory by ID, using rules, or globally include all your inventory. Valid values:



An array of containers for the seller's inventory reference IDs (also known as an "SKU" or "custom label") to be added to the promotion. Note: The request can have either inventoryItems or listingIds, but not both



An array of eBay listing IDs to be added to the promotion. Note: The request can have either inventoryItems or listingIds, but not both



A list of seller inventory reference IDs to exclude from the promotion. Note: The request can have either excludeInventoryItems or excludeListingIds but not both. Maximum: 100 parent items Maximum SKU or custom label length: 50 characters



A list of eBay listing IDs to exclude from the promotion. Note: The request can have either excludeInventoryItems or excludeListingIds but not both. Maximum: 100 parent items Maximum SKU or custom label length: 50 characters



A list of SKUs to remove from a markdown promotion. The listed SKUs are 'marked up' to their standard price after being part of the markdown promotion



A list of listing IDs to remove from a markdown promotion. The listed items are 'marked up' to their standard price after being part of the markdown promotion



The container for the rules that select the items to include in a promotion



The eBay marketplace ID of the site where the threshold promotion is hosted. Threshold promotions are currently supported on a limited number of eBay marketplaces. Valid values:



The seller-defined name or "title" of the promotion that the seller can use to identify a promotion. This label is not displayed in end-user flows. Maximum length: 90



Applicable for only ORDER_DISCOUNT promotions, this field indicates the precedence of the promotion, which eBay uses to determine the position of a promotion on the seller's All Offers page. If an item is associated with multiple promotions, the promotion with the higher priority takes precedence



A unique eBay-assigned ID for the promotion that's generated when the promotion is created



Not applicable for VOLUME_DISCOUNT promotions, this field is a URL that points to an image for the promotion. This image is displayed on the seller's All Offers page. The URL must point to either JPEG or PNG image and it must be a minimum of 500x500 pixels in dimension and cannot exceed 12Mb in size



The current status of the promotion. When creating a new promotion, this value must be set to either DRAFT or SCHEDULED



Indicates the type of the promotion, either MARKDOWN_SALE, ORDER_DISCOUNT, or VOLUME_DISCOUNT



The date and time the promotion starts


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ItemPromotion AS 
		CALL ebay.ItemPromotion (
			promotion_id => '166264450508@EBAY_US'
	) AS x


Set of listings linked to a promotion ID
<promotion_id> (required): This path parameter takes a concatenation of the ID of the promotion you want to get plus the marketplace ID on which the promotion is hosted. Concatenate the two values by separating them with an "at sign" (@). The ID of the promotion (promotionId) is a unique eBay-assigned value that's generated when the promotion is created. The Marketplace ID is the ENUM value of eBay marketplace where the promotion is hosted. Example: 115001954505@EBAY_US
<q> (optional): Reserved for future use
<status> (optional): This query parameter applies only to markdown promotions. It filters the response based on the indicated status of the promotion. Currently, the only supported value for this parameter is MARKED_DOWN, which indicates active markdown promotions
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



If set to true, the seller pays for the shipping (or that the item is marked for local pickup only) In this case, the listing does not have an associated shipping cost for the first listed domestic-shipping option (even if the first domestic-shipping option specifies a flat-rate or calculated shipping option). If false, the buyer is required to pay for a flat-rate or calculated cost shipping service



The seller's inventory reference ID for a listing. Also known as the "SKU" or "custom label," an inventory reference ID is either the ID of the listing or, if the listing has variations (such as a shirt that's available in multiple sizes and colors), the ID of the parent listing



Indicates the type of the inventoryReferenceId, which can be either an individual item or a multi-SKU item (INVENTORY_ITEM and INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP, respectively). Note: This value is not currently returned in the response



The ID of the category that listing belongs to. The ID is a numeric and unique identifier for the category that is assigned by eBay



A eBay-assigned value that indicates condition of the associated item. For more information, see



The ID of the condition associated with the item. Valid values: Note: This value is not currently returned in the response



A unique eBay-assigned ID that is generated when the item is listed



The number of items being sold in the listing



Store CategoryId (if any) that to which the listing belongs. This field is blank if there is no seller Store category ID



The seller-defined title of the listing that a seller can use to identify the item. This label is not displayed in end-user flows


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ListingSet AS 
		CALL ebay.ListingSet (
			promotion_id => '166264450508@EBAY_US',
			q => NULL,
			status => NULL
	) AS x


EBay policies that define the allowed listing structures (i.e. whether item variations are supported) for the categories of a specific marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): This path parameter specifies the eBay marketplace for which policy information is retrieved. See the following page for a list of valid eBay marketplace IDs:
<filter> (optional): This query parameter limits the response by returning policy information for only the selected sections of the category tree. Supply categoryId values for the sections of the tree you want returned. When you specify a categoryId value, the returned category tree includes the policies for that parent node, plus the policies for any leaf nodes below that parent node. The parameter takes a list of categoryId values and you can specify up to 50 separate category IDs.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The category ID to which the listing-structure policy applies



A value that indicates the root node of the category tree used for the response set. Each marketplace is based on a category tree whose root node is indicated by this unique category ID value. All category policy information returned by this call pertains to the categories included below this root node of the tree. A category tree is a hierarchical framework of eBay categories that begins at the root node of the tree and extends to include all the child nodes in the tree. Each child node in the tree is an eBay category that is represented by a unique categoryId value. Within a category tree, the root node has no parent node and leaf nodes are nodes that have no child nodes



This flag denotes whether or not the associated category supports listings with item variations. If set to true, the category does support item variations


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ListingStructurePolicies AS 
		CALL ebay.ListingStructurePolicies (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US',
			"filter" => NULL
	) AS x


Specific listing violations for a compliance type and/or for a specific listing
<marketplace_id> (optional): Specifies the eBay marketplace for which policy information is retrieved.
<filter> (optional): This filter allows a user to retrieve only listings that are currently out of compliance, or only listings that are at risk of becoming out of compliance.
<compliance_type> (optional): A seller uses this query parameter to retrieve listing violations of a specific compliance type.
<listing_id> (optional): This query parameter is used if the user wants to view all listing violations for one or more eBay listings. The string value passed into this field is the unique identifier of the listing, sometimes referred to as the Item ID.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






This enumeration value indicates the compliance type of listing violation. See for more information on each compliance type.



The unique identifier of the eBay listing that currently has the corresponding listing violation.



This field provides a textual summary of the listing violation. A field is returned for each listing violation.



This value states the nature of the listing violation. A value is returned for each listing violation, and each compliance type can have several reason codes and related messages. The values vary by compliance type.


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ListingViolations AS 
		CALL ebay.ListingViolations (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY_DE',
			compliance_type => 'RETURNS_POLICY',
			listing_id => NULL,
			"filter" => NULL
	) AS x


Listing violation counts
<compliance_type> (optional): A user passes in one or more compliance type values through this query parameter. See for more information on the supported compliance types that can be passed in here. If more than one compliance type value is used, delimit these values with a comma. If no compliance type values are passed in, the listing count for all compliance types will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






This enumeration value indicates the type of compliance. See for more information on each compliance type



This integer value indicates the number of eBay listings that are currently violating the compliance type indicated in the field, for the eBay marketplace indicated in the field



This enumeration value indicates the eBay marketplace where the listing violations exist


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ListingViolationsSummary AS 
		CALL ebay.ListingViolationsSummary (
			compliance_type => NULL
	) AS x


Active List Selling section of My eBay account
<ActiveList_ListingType> (optional): Specifies the listing type of items in the returned list
<maintain_history> (optional): Do not delete data that were downloaded and saved earlier
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified. Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits



The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed



This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing. You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours



The number of Best Offers made for this item, if any. In other words, if there are no Best Offers made, this field will not appear in the response. This field is not applicable to the Add / Revise / Relist calls



This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



Currency Id



The email and phone lead fee for a pay-per-lead item



Currency Id



Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account



This boolean field is returned as true if the listing has been hidden from all searches occurring on eBay. If a listing is hidden from eBay searches, the reason can be found in the ReasonHideFromSearch field



The total number of leads from the seller's classified ad listings. Number indicates the total number of emails received for the listings



Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates



Currency Id



Converted value of the ReservePrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. Only returned for listings with a reserve price when the requesting user is the listing's seller. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Not applicable to Fixed Price listings



Currency Id



Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The URL of the Web page where a user can view the listing. On the US site, this is called the View Item page. If you enabled affiliate tracking in a search-related call (for example, if you used the AffiliateTrackingDetails container in an applicable call), ViewItemURL contains a string that includes affiliate tracking information (see the eBay Partner Network )



This URL takes you to the same View Item page as ViewItemURL, but this URL is optimized to support natural search. That is, this URL is designed to make items on eBay easier to find via popular Internet search engines. The URL includes the item title along with other optimizations. To note, "?" (question mark) optimizes to "_W0QQ", "&" (ampersand) optimizes to "QQ", and "=" (equals sign) optimizes to "Z". If you are an eBay affiliate, use this URL to promote your affiliate information. Note: This URL may include additional query parameters that don't appear in ViewItemURL and vice versa. You should not modify the query syntax. For example, eBay won't recognize the URL if you change QQ to ?



Describes the number of days the seller wants the listing to be active (available for bidding/buying). The duration specifies the seller's initial intent at listing time. The end time for a listing is calculated by adding the duration to the item's start time. If the listing ends early, the value of the listing duration does not change. When a listing's duration is changed, any related fees (e.g., 10-day fee) may be debited or credited (as applicable). The valid choice of values depends on the listing format (see Item.ListingType ). For a list of valid values, call GetCategoryFeatures with DetailLevel set to ReturnAll and look for ListingDurations information. When you revise a listing, the duration cannot be reduced if it will result in ending the listing within 24 hours of the current date-time. You are only allowed to increase the duration of the listing if fewer than 2 hours have passed since you initially listed the item and the listing has no bids. You can decrease the value of this field only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold) and the listing does not end within 12 hours. Note: As of April 1, 2019, 'GTC' is the only supported listing duration for all eBay marketplaces with the following exceptions: The following eBay Motors US categories are exempt from this change: Cars & Trucks (6001), Motorcycles (6024), Other Vehicles & Trailers (6038), Boats (26429), Powersports (66466). All child categories under Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (9800) categories on the eBay UK and eBay Italy sites are also exempt from this change. If any other listing duration value besides GTC is specified in this field, it will be ignored, and GTC will be used instead



The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value). If this field is not included in an AddItem , AddItems , or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction For AddFixedPriceItem , RelistFixedPriceItem , or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem , since these calls only work with fixed-price listings. This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed



Specifies the number of new leads (unanswered emails) buyers have posted about the item



This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors ). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol. It is required that all listings have at least one picture



A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true . This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note. Not supported as input in ReviseItem . Use SetUserNotes instead. For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site). In WonList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site)



For AddItem family of calls: The Quantity value for auction listings must always be 1 . For a fixed-price listing, the Quantity value indicates the number of identical items the seller has available for sale in the listing. If this field is not included when creating a new fixed-price listing, quantity defaults to '1'. If variations are specified in AddFixedPriceItem or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem , the Item.Quantity is not required since the quantity of variations is specified in Variation.Quantity instead. See the Creating a listing with variations eBay Help page for more information on variations. For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem: This value can only be changed for a fixed-price listing with no variations. The quantity of variations is controlled in the Variation.Quantity field and the Item.Quantity value for an auction listing should always be 1 . For RelistItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Like most fields, when you use RelistItem or RelistFixedPriceItem , Quantity retains its original value unless you specifically change it. This means that the item is relisted with the value that was already in Quantity , not with the remaining quantity available. For example, if the original Quantity value was 10 , and three items have been sold, eBay sets the relisted item's Quantity to 10 by default, and not 7 . So, we strongly recommend that you always set Quantity to the correct value (your actual quantity available) in your relist requests. When eBay auto-renews a GTC listing ( ListingDuration = GTC ) on your behalf, eBay relists with correct quantity available. For GetSellerEvents: Quantity is only returned for listings where item quantity is greater than 1. For GetItem and related calls: This is the total of the number of items available for sale plus the quantity already sold. To determine the number of items available, subtract SellingStatus.QuantitySold from this value. For order line item calls with variations: In GetItemTransactions , Item.Quantity is the same as GetItem (the total quantity across all variations). In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.Quantity is the total quantity of the applicable variation (quantity available plus quantity sold). Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



This integer value indicates the quantity of an item that is still available for purchase in a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. This field is not applicable to auction listings



Specifies the number of questions buyers have posted about the item. Returned only if greater than 0



This field is returned only when the listing is currently being hidden from any searches occurring on eBay. Listings may be hidden from search if an active listing is currently out of stock or if the listing has been determined by eBay to be a duplicate listing



This field is used to set the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an auction item. The StartPrice value must be lower than the ReservePrice value. Note that setting a reserve price will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the reserve price, whichever is greater, and this fee is charged regardless of whether or not the auction item has a qualifying, winning bidder. As long as no bidder has matched your reserve price, and the scheduled end time of the auction is 12 or more hours away, you can lower or remove the reserve price. However, even if you remove the reserve price from an active listing, you will still be charged the fee and not eligible for a credit. In 'get' calls that retrieve item data, the ReservePrice field will only be returned to the seller of that particular auction item, and only if a reserve price has been set up. The reserve price is never exposed to anyone other than the seller of the item



Currency Id



The unique identifier of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. Return policy profile IDs can be retrieved with the getReturnPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The name of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The unique identifier of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShipppingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shippping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShipppingProfileID takes precedence. Shipping profile IDs can be retrieved with the getFulfillmentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ShipppingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShipppingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



The name of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShippingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shipping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShippingProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ShippingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShippingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



Number of bids placed so far against the auction item



Number of bidders for an item. Only applicable to auction listings. Only returned for the seller of the item



Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites). In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The current price of the item in the original listing currency. For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price. For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price. In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



Visual indicator of user's feedback score. See FeedbackRatingStarCodeType for specific values. For GetOrders, GetOrderTransactions, and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Rating Star value for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of None will be returned to all third parties



The aggregate feedback score for a user. A user's feedback score is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. Feedback scores are a quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a user as a buyer or a seller in either side of an order. Each order line item can result in one feedback entry for a given user (the buyer can leave feedback for the seller, and the seller can leave feedback for the buyer.). That one feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. The aggregated feedback counts for a particular user represent that user's overall feedback score (referred to as a "feedback rating" on the eBay site). If the user has chosen to make their feedback private and that user is not the user identified in the request's authentication token, FeedbackScore is not returned and FeedbackPrivate is returned with a value of true . In GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling , feedback information ( FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar ) is returned in BidList.ItemArray.Item.Seller . For GetMyeBayBuying , the feedback score of each seller with an item having received a bid from the buyer is returned. For GetMyeBaySelling , the feedback score of the seller is returned. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling also return feedback information ( FeedbackScore and FeedbackRatingStar ) in BidList.ItemArray.Item.SellingStatus.HighBidder . GetMyeBayBuying returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the buyer is bidding on. GetMyeBaySelling returns feedback information on the high bidder of each item the seller is selling. Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, the real feedback score will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the value -99 is returned. For GetOrders, GetOrderTransactions, and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the accurate Feedback Score for the user is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy value of 0 will be returned to all third parties



Unique eBay user ID for the user. Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules: When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a***b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID . For example, if the UserID = IBidALot , it might be displayed as, "I**A". Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a***b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID . When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3 . Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3". For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder". For PlaceOffer , see also SellingStatus.HighBidder



End time of a discount for an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature



Original price of an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature



Currency Id



Start time of a discount for an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature



The total number of items purchased so far (in the listing's lifetime). Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available. If the listing has Item Variations, then in GetItem (and related calls) and GetItemTransactions , Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the sum of all quantities sold across all variations in the listing, and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold for that variation. In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold in that order line item. For order line item calls, also see Transaction.QuantityPurchased for the number of items purchased in the order line item. In multi-variation listings, this value matches total quantity sold across all variations



Indicates whether the reserve price has been met for the listing. Returns true if the reserve price was met or no reserve price was specified



Note: On the US marketplace, the Global Shipping Program is scheduled to be replaced by a new intermediated international shipping program called eBay International Shipping . US Sellers opted in to the Global Shipping Program will automatically get opted into eBay International Shipping once it becomes available to them. All US sellers will be migrated by March 31, 2023. eBay International Shipping is an account level setting, and no field will need to be set in a add/revise call to enable this setting. As long as the US seller's account is opted in to eBay International Shipping , this shipping option will be automatically enabled for all listings where international shipping is available. Even if the US seller is opted into eBay International Shipping , that same seller can still also specify individual international shipping service options through the ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption container. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this boolean field can be included and set to True if the seller would like to use eBay's Global Shipping Program for orders that are shipped internationally. In 'Get' calls, if this field is returned as True , it indicates that international shipping through the Global Shipping Program is available for the listing. If this field is returned as Falsee , the seller is responsible for shipping the item internationally using one of the specified international shipping service options set for the listing. When calling RelistFixedPriceItem , RelistItem , ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseItem , you can omit this field if its value doesn't need to change



The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types. GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions : If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these. GetMyeBayBuying : If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value



A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) value is a seller-defined identifier for a product. Each product within a seller's inventory should be unique. Most large-volume sellers use SKUs, but eBay only requires a SKU value if the InventoryTrackingMethod field is included in an AddFixedPriceItem call and its value is set to SKU . Setting the InventoryTrackingMethod field to SKU allows the seller to use a SKU value instead of an ItemID value as a unique identifier in calls such as GetItem and ReviseInventoryStatus A seller can specify a SKU when listing an item with AddItem and related calls. eBay preserves the SKU on the item, enabling you to obtain it before and after an order line item is created. ( SKU is recommended as an alternative to ApplicationData .) If both ItemID and SKU are specified in calls that support the use of SKU as a unique identifier, the ItemID value takes precedence. If a seller wants to use SKUs for multiple-variation listings, the SKU value for each product variation is actually specified at the variation level (Item.Variations.Variation. SKU ) field, and the Item. SKU ) field should not be included in the call request. Note: The eBay site cannot identify listings by SKU. For example, My eBay pages and Search pages all identify listings by item ID. When a buyer contacts you via eBay's messaging functionality, eBay uses the item ID as the identifier. Buyer-focused APIs (like the Shopping API) also do not support SKU as an identifier. For revising and relisting only: To remove a SKU when you revise or relist an item, use DeletedField . (You cannot remove a SKU when Item.InventoryTrackingMethod is set to SKU.) For GetItem , GetMyeBaySelling , and other 'Get' call, the SKU value will only be returned if defined for the listing



The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price. For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice . For input on fixed-price listings ( FixedPriceItem ): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item. GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice . For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead. For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in ...

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_MyeBaySelling_ActiveList AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.MyeBaySelling_ActiveList (
            ActiveList_ListingType => NULL
    ) AS x;;


Deleted From Sold List Selling section of My eBay account
<DeletedFromSoldList_DurationInDays> (optional): Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7
<maintain_history> (optional): Do not delete data that were downloaded and saved earlier
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique identifier for a single or multiple line item eBay order. In the ContainingOrder container of a GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions response, this identifier identifies the parent order of the order line item. A single buyer payment is made for each order. For order management calls only: This field is returned with the correct order ID only to the buyer and the seller. For third parties: If using Trading WSDL version 1019 or newer (or Compatibility Level is set to '1019' or newer), the Order ID will be returned to third parties as an empty field ( <OrderID/> ). If using a Trading WSDL older than version 1019, the Order ID will be returned to third parties as dummy data in the form of 1000000000000 or 1000000000000-1000000000000 . Note: The unique identifier of a 'non-immediate payment' order will change as it goes from an unpaid order to a paid order. Due to this scenario, all calls that accept Order ID values as filters in the request payload, including the GetOrders and GetOrderTransactions calls, will support the identifiers for both unpaid and paid orders. The revised order ID format (introduced in June 2019) is a non-parsable string, globally unique across all eBay marketplaces, and consistent for both single line item and multiple line item orders. Unlike in the past, instead of just being known and exposed to the seller, these unique order identifiers will also be known and used/referenced by the buyer and eBay customer support. Sellers can check to see if an order has been paid by looking for a value of 'Complete' in the CheckoutStatus.Status field in the response of GetOrders or GetOrderTransactions call, or in the Status.CompleteStatus field in the response of GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions call. Sellers should not fulfill orders until buyer has made payment



The cumulative item cost for all line items in the order. This value does not take into account any shipping/handling costs, sales tax costs, or any discounts. For a single line item order, the amount in this field should be the same as the amount in the Transaction.TransactionPrice field. For a multiple line item order, the amount in this field should equal the cumulative amount of each Transaction.TransactionPrice fields for each order line item



Currency Id



User's postal code



Email address for the user. Please see the links below to the topics related to anonymous user information and static email addresses. You cannot retrieve an email address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site. An email address of another user is only returned if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation (although this limitation isn't applicable to the GetAllBidders call in the case of motor vehicles categories.) Based on Trust and Safety policies, the time is unspecified and can vary by site. Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For the GetOrders call, the buyer's email address will be returned (to the seller only) for orders less than two weeks old, but for orders that occurred more than two weeks in the past, the buyer's email address will no longer be returned. This Email field will still be returned, but 'dummy data', such as Invalid Request will replace the actual email address. Note: For the GetItemTransactions call, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party



Contains the static email address of an eBay member, used within the "reply to" email address when the eBay member sends a message. (Each eBay member is assigned a static alias. The alias is used within a static email address.)



Unique eBay user ID for the user. Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules: When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a***b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID . For example, if the UserID = IBidALot , it might be displayed as, "I**A". Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a***b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID . When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3 . Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3". For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder". For PlaceOffer , see also SellingStatus.HighBidder



This field shows the converted value of TransactionPrice in the currency of the site that returned the response. Refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. This field is always returned for sales transactions. This value should be the same as the value in TransactionPrice if the eBay listing site and the site that returned the response are the same, or use the same currency



Currency Id



This timestamp indicates date/time when the sales transaction occurred. A sales transaction is created when there is a commitment to buy, or when the buyer purchases the item through a 'Buy it Now' option. For auction listings, a sales transaction is created when that listing ends with a high bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the Reserve Price (if set). For a fixed-price listing or a 'Buy It Now' auction listing, a sales transaction is created once the buyer clicks the Buy button



This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used. A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason. Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers



This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used. A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason. Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers



Order line items requiring multiple shipping legs include items being shipped through the Global Shipping Program or through eBay International Shipping, as well as order line items subject to/eligible for the Authenticity Guarantee program. For both international shipping options, the address of the shipping logistics provider is shown in the MultiLegShippingDetails.SellerShipmentToLogisticsProvider.ShipToAddress container. Similarly, for Authenticity Guarantee orders, the authentication partner's shipping address is shown in the same container. If an order line item is subject to the Authenticity Guarantee service, the Transaction.Program container will be returned



This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



Currency Id



The email and phone lead fee for a pay-per-lead item



Currency Id



This boolean field is returned as true if the listing has been hidden from all searches occurring on eBay. If a listing is hidden from eBay searches, the reason can be found in the ReasonHideFromSearch field



The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified. Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits



Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates



Currency Id



Converted value of the ReservePrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. Only returned for listings with a reserve price when the requesting user is the listing's seller. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Not applicable to Fixed Price listings



Currency Id



Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended



The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed



The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value). If this field is not included in an AddItem , AddItems , or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction For AddFixedPriceItem , RelistFixedPriceItem , or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem , since these calls only work with fixed-price listings. This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed



This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors ). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol. It is required that all listings have at least one picture



A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true . This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note. Not supported as input in ReviseItem . Use SetUserNotes instead. For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site). In WonList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site)



For AddItem family of calls: The Quantity value for auction listings must always be 1 . For a fixed-price listing, the Quantity value indicates the number of identical items the seller has available for sale in the listing. If this field is not included when creating a new fixed-price listing, quantity defaults to '1'. If variations are specified in AddFixedPriceItem or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem , the Item.Quantity is not required since the quantity of variations is specified in Variation.Quantity instead. See the Creating a listing with variations eBay Help page for more information on variations. For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem: This value can only be changed for a fixed-price listing with no variations. The quantity of variations is controlled in the Variation.Quantity field and the Item.Quantity value for an auction listing should always be 1 . For RelistItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Like most fields, when you use RelistItem or RelistFixedPriceItem , Quantity retains its original value unless you specifically change it. This means that the item is relisted with the value that was already in Quantity , not with the remaining quantity available. For example, if the original Quantity value was 10 , and three items have been sold, eBay sets the relisted item's Quantity to 10 by default, and not 7 . So, we strongly recommend that you always set Quantity to the correct value (your actual quantity available) in your relist requests. When eBay auto-renews a GTC listing ( ListingDuration = GTC ) on your behalf, eBay relists with correct quantity available. For GetSellerEvents: Quantity is only returned for listings where item quantity is greater than 1. For GetItem and related calls: This is the total of the number of items available for sale plus the quantity already sold. To determine the number of items available, subtract SellingStatus.QuantitySold from this value. For order line item calls with variations: In GetItemTransactions , Item.Quantity is the same as GetItem (the total quantity across all variations). In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.Quantity is the total quantity of the applicable variation (quantity available plus quantity sold). Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



This integer value indicates the quantity of an item that is still available for purchase in a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. This field is not applicable to auction listings



Specifies the number of questions buyers have posted about the item. Returned only if greater than 0



This field is returned only when the listing is currently being hidden from any searches occurring on eBay. Listings may be hidden from search if an active listing is currently out of stock or if the listing has been determined by eBay to be a duplicate listing



This field is used to set the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an auction item. The StartPrice value must be lower than the ReservePrice value. Note that setting a reserve price will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the reserve price, whichever is greater, and this fee is charged regardless of whether or not the auction item has a qualifying, winning bidder. As long as no bidder has matched your reserve price, and the scheduled end time of the auction is 12 or more hours away, you can lower or remove the reserve price. However, even if you remove the reserve price from an active listing, you will still be charged the fee and not eligible for a credit. In 'get' calls that retrieve item data, the ReservePrice field will only be returned to the seller of that particular auction item, and only if a reserve price has been set up. The reserve price is never exposed to anyone other than the seller of the item



Currency Id



The unique identifier of a payment business policy. A PaymentProfileID and/or a PaymentProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the payment settings/values of a payment business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the PaymentProfileID takes precedence. Payment profile IDs can be retrieved with the getPaymentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the PaymentProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The PaymentProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the payment business policy



The name of a payment business policy. A PaymentProfileID and/or a PaymentProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the payment settings/values of a payment business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the PaymentProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the PaymentProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The PaymentProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the payment business policy



The unique identifier of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. Return policy profile IDs can be retrieved with the getReturnPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The name of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The unique identifier of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShipppingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shippping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShipppingProfileID takes precedence. Shipping profile IDs can be retrieved with the getFulfillmentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ShipppingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShipppingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



The name of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShippingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shipping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShippingProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ShippingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShippingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites). In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The current price of the item in the original listing currency. For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price. For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price. In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The total number of items purchased so far (in the listing's lifetime). Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available. If the listing has Item Variations, then in GetItem (and related calls) and GetItemTransactions , Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the sum of all quantities sold across all variations in the listing, and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold for that variation. In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold in that order line item. For order line item calls, also see Transaction.QuantityPurchased for the number of items purchased in the order line item. In multi-variation listings, this value matches total quantity sold across all variations



Note: On the US marketplace, the Global Shipping Program is scheduled to be replaced by a new intermediated international shipping program called eBay International Shipping . US Sellers opted in to the Global Shipping Program will automatically get opted into eBay International Shipping once it becomes available to them. All US sellers will be migrated by March 31, 2023. eBay International Shipping is an account level setting, and no field will need to be set in a add/revise call to enable this setting. As long as the US seller's account is opted in to eBay International Shipping , this shipping option will be automatically enabled for all listings where international shipping is available. Even if the US seller is opted into eBay International Shipping , that same seller can still also specify individual international shipping service options through the ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption container. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this boolean field can be included and set to True if the seller would like to use eBay's Global Shipping Program for orders that are shipped internationally. In 'Get' calls, if this field is returned as True , it indicates that international shipping through the Global Shipping Program is available for the listing. If this field is returned as Falsee , the seller is responsible for shipping the item internationally using one of the specified international shipping service options set for the listing. When calling RelistFixedPriceItem , RelistItem , ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseItem , you can omit this field if its value doesn't need to change



The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types. GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions : If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these. GetMyeBayBuying : If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value



A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) value is a seller-defined identifier for a product. Each product within a seller's inventory should be unique. Most large-volume sellers use SKUs, but eBay only requires a SKU value if the InventoryTrackingMethod field is included in an AddFixedPriceItem call and its value is set to SKU . Setting the InventoryTrackingMethod field to SKU allows the seller to use a SKU value instead of an ItemID value as a unique identifier in calls such as GetItem and ReviseInventoryStatus A seller can specify a SKU when listing an item with AddItem and related calls. eBay preserves the SKU on the item, enabling you to obtain it before and after an order line item is created. ( SKU is recommended as an alternative to ApplicationData .) If both ItemID and SKU are specified in calls that support the use of SKU as a unique identifier, the ItemID value takes precedence. If a seller wants to use SKUs for multiple-variation listings, the SKU value for each product variation is actually specified at the variation level (Item.Variations.Variation. SKU ) field, and the Item. SKU ) field should not be included in the call request. Note: The eBay site cannot identify listings by SKU. For example, My eBay pages and Search pages all identify listings by item ID. When a buyer contacts you via eBay's messaging functionality, eBay uses the item ID as the identifier. Buyer-focused APIs (like the Shopping API) also do not support SKU as an identifier. For revising and relisting only: To remove a SKU when you revise or relist an item, use DeletedField . (You cannot remove a SKU when Item.InventoryTrackingMethod is set to SKU.) For GetItem , GetMyeBaySelling , and other 'Get' call, the SKU value will only be returned if defined for the listing



The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price. For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also sp...

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_MyeBaySelling_DeletedFromSoldList AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.MyeBaySelling_DeletedFromSoldList (
            DeletedFromSoldList_DurationInDays => 60
    ) AS x;;


Deleted From Unsold List Selling section of My eBay account
<DeletedFromUnsoldList_DurationInDays> (optional): Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7
<maintain_history> (optional): Do not delete data that were downloaded and saved earlier
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified. Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits



The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed



Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended



This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing. You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours



This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



Currency Id



The email and phone lead fee for a pay-per-lead item



Currency Id



This boolean field is returned as true if the listing has been hidden from all searches occurring on eBay. If a listing is hidden from eBay searches, the reason can be found in the ReasonHideFromSearch field



Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates



Currency Id



Converted value of the ReservePrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. Only returned for listings with a reserve price when the requesting user is the listing's seller. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Not applicable to Fixed Price listings



Currency Id



Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value). If this field is not included in an AddItem , AddItems , or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction For AddFixedPriceItem , RelistFixedPriceItem , or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem , since these calls only work with fixed-price listings. This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed



This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors ). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol. It is required that all listings have at least one picture



A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true . This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note. Not supported as input in ReviseItem . Use SetUserNotes instead. For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site). In WonList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site)



For AddItem family of calls: The Quantity value for auction listings must always be 1 . For a fixed-price listing, the Quantity value indicates the number of identical items the seller has available for sale in the listing. If this field is not included when creating a new fixed-price listing, quantity defaults to '1'. If variations are specified in AddFixedPriceItem or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem , the Item.Quantity is not required since the quantity of variations is specified in Variation.Quantity instead. See the Creating a listing with variations eBay Help page for more information on variations. For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem: This value can only be changed for a fixed-price listing with no variations. The quantity of variations is controlled in the Variation.Quantity field and the Item.Quantity value for an auction listing should always be 1 . For RelistItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Like most fields, when you use RelistItem or RelistFixedPriceItem , Quantity retains its original value unless you specifically change it. This means that the item is relisted with the value that was already in Quantity , not with the remaining quantity available. For example, if the original Quantity value was 10 , and three items have been sold, eBay sets the relisted item's Quantity to 10 by default, and not 7 . So, we strongly recommend that you always set Quantity to the correct value (your actual quantity available) in your relist requests. When eBay auto-renews a GTC listing ( ListingDuration = GTC ) on your behalf, eBay relists with correct quantity available. For GetSellerEvents: Quantity is only returned for listings where item quantity is greater than 1. For GetItem and related calls: This is the total of the number of items available for sale plus the quantity already sold. To determine the number of items available, subtract SellingStatus.QuantitySold from this value. For order line item calls with variations: In GetItemTransactions , Item.Quantity is the same as GetItem (the total quantity across all variations). In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.Quantity is the total quantity of the applicable variation (quantity available plus quantity sold). Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



This integer value indicates the quantity of an item that is still available for purchase in a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. This field is not applicable to auction listings



Specifies the number of questions buyers have posted about the item. Returned only if greater than 0



This field is returned only when the listing is currently being hidden from any searches occurring on eBay. Listings may be hidden from search if an active listing is currently out of stock or if the listing has been determined by eBay to be a duplicate listing



This field is used to set the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an auction item. The StartPrice value must be lower than the ReservePrice value. Note that setting a reserve price will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the reserve price, whichever is greater, and this fee is charged regardless of whether or not the auction item has a qualifying, winning bidder. As long as no bidder has matched your reserve price, and the scheduled end time of the auction is 12 or more hours away, you can lower or remove the reserve price. However, even if you remove the reserve price from an active listing, you will still be charged the fee and not eligible for a credit. In 'get' calls that retrieve item data, the ReservePrice field will only be returned to the seller of that particular auction item, and only if a reserve price has been set up. The reserve price is never exposed to anyone other than the seller of the item



Currency Id



The unique identifier of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. Return policy profile IDs can be retrieved with the getReturnPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The name of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The unique identifier of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShipppingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shippping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShipppingProfileID takes precedence. Shipping profile IDs can be retrieved with the getFulfillmentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ShipppingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShipppingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



The name of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShippingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shipping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShippingProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ShippingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShippingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites). In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The current price of the item in the original listing currency. For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price. For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price. In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



Currency Id



The total number of items purchased so far (in the listing's lifetime). Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available. If the listing has Item Variations, then in GetItem (and related calls) and GetItemTransactions , Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the sum of all quantities sold across all variations in the listing, and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold for that variation. In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold in that order line item. For order line item calls, also see Transaction.QuantityPurchased for the number of items purchased in the order line item. In multi-variation listings, this value matches total quantity sold across all variations



Note: On the US marketplace, the Global Shipping Program is scheduled to be replaced by a new intermediated international shipping program called eBay International Shipping . US Sellers opted in to the Global Shipping Program will automatically get opted into eBay International Shipping once it becomes available to them. All US sellers will be migrated by March 31, 2023. eBay International Shipping is an account level setting, and no field will need to be set in a add/revise call to enable this setting. As long as the US seller's account is opted in to eBay International Shipping , this shipping option will be automatically enabled for all listings where international shipping is available. Even if the US seller is opted into eBay International Shipping , that same seller can still also specify individual international shipping service options through the ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption container. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this boolean field can be included and set to True if the seller would like to use eBay's Global Shipping Program for orders that are shipped internationally. In 'Get' calls, if this field is returned as True , it indicates that international shipping through the Global Shipping Program is available for the listing. If this field is returned as Falsee , the seller is responsible for shipping the item internationally using one of the specified international shipping service options set for the listing. When calling RelistFixedPriceItem , RelistItem , ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseItem , you can omit this field if its value doesn't need to change



The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types. GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions : If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these. GetMyeBayBuying : If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value



A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) value is a seller-defined identifier for a product. Each product within a seller's inventory should be unique. Most large-volume sellers use SKUs, but eBay only requires a SKU value if the InventoryTrackingMethod field is included in an AddFixedPriceItem call and its value is set to SKU . Setting the InventoryTrackingMethod field to SKU allows the seller to use a SKU value instead of an ItemID value as a unique identifier in calls such as GetItem and ReviseInventoryStatus A seller can specify a SKU when listing an item with AddItem and related calls. eBay preserves the SKU on the item, enabling you to obtain it before and after an order line item is created. ( SKU is recommended as an alternative to ApplicationData .) If both ItemID and SKU are specified in calls that support the use of SKU as a unique identifier, the ItemID value takes precedence. If a seller wants to use SKUs for multiple-variation listings, the SKU value for each product variation is actually specified at the variation level (Item.Variations.Variation. SKU ) field, and the Item. SKU ) field should not be included in the call request. Note: The eBay site cannot identify listings by SKU. For example, My eBay pages and Search pages all identify listings by item ID. When a buyer contacts you via eBay's messaging functionality, eBay uses the item ID as the identifier. Buyer-focused APIs (like the Shopping API) also do not support SKU as an identifier. For revising and relisting only: To remove a SKU when you revise or relist an item, use DeletedField . (You cannot remove a SKU when Item.InventoryTrackingMethod is set to SKU.) For GetItem , GetMyeBaySelling , and other 'Get' call, the SKU value will only be returned if defined for the listing



The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price. For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice . For input on fixed-price listings ( FixedPriceItem ): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item. GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice . For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead. For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



Currency Id



Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). See Data Types in the Trading API Guide for information about this format. For ended listings, the time left is PT0S (zero seconds)



The number of watches placed on this item from buyers' My eBay accounts. Specify IncludeWatchCount as true in the request. Returned by GetMyeBaySelling only if greater than 0

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_MyeBaySelling_DeletedFromUnsoldList AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.MyeBaySelling_DeletedFromUnsoldList (
            DeletedFromUnsoldList_DurationInDays => 60
    ) AS x;;


Scheduled List Selling section of My eBay account
<maintain_history> (optional): Do not delete data that were downloaded and saved earlier
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified. Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits



The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed



This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing. You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours



This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



Currency Id



The email and phone lead fee for a pay-per-lead item



Currency Id



Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account



This boolean field is returned as true if the listing has been hidden from all searches occurring on eBay. If a listing is hidden from eBay searches, the reason can be found in the ReasonHideFromSearch field



Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates



Currency Id



Converted value of the ReservePrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. Only returned for listings with a reserve price when the requesting user is the listing's seller. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Not applicable to Fixed Price listings



Currency Id



Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



Describes the number of days the seller wants the listing to be active (available for bidding/buying). The duration specifies the seller's initial intent at listing time. The end time for a listing is calculated by adding the duration to the item's start time. If the listing ends early, the value of the listing duration does not change. When a listing's duration is changed, any related fees (e.g., 10-day fee) may be debited or credited (as applicable). The valid choice of values depends on the listing format (see Item.ListingType ). For a list of valid values, call GetCategoryFeatures with DetailLevel set to ReturnAll and look for ListingDurations information. When you revise a listing, the duration cannot be reduced if it will result in ending the listing within 24 hours of the current date-time. You are only allowed to increase the duration of the listing if fewer than 2 hours have passed since you initially listed the item and the listing has no bids. You can decrease the value of this field only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold) and the listing does not end within 12 hours. Note: As of April 1, 2019, 'GTC' is the only supported listing duration for all eBay marketplaces with the following exceptions: The following eBay Motors US categories are exempt from this change: Cars & Trucks (6001), Motorcycles (6024), Other Vehicles & Trailers (6038), Boats (26429), Powersports (66466). All child categories under Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (9800) categories on the eBay UK and eBay Italy sites are also exempt from this change. If any other listing duration value besides GTC is specified in this field, it will be ignored, and GTC will be used instead



The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value). If this field is not included in an AddItem , AddItems , or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction For AddFixedPriceItem , RelistFixedPriceItem , or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem , since these calls only work with fixed-price listings. This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed



This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors ). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol. It is required that all listings have at least one picture



A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true . This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note. Not supported as input in ReviseItem . Use SetUserNotes instead. For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site). In WonList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site)



For AddItem family of calls: The Quantity value for auction listings must always be 1 . For a fixed-price listing, the Quantity value indicates the number of identical items the seller has available for sale in the listing. If this field is not included when creating a new fixed-price listing, quantity defaults to '1'. If variations are specified in AddFixedPriceItem or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem , the Item.Quantity is not required since the quantity of variations is specified in Variation.Quantity instead. See the Creating a listing with variations eBay Help page for more information on variations. For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem: This value can only be changed for a fixed-price listing with no variations. The quantity of variations is controlled in the Variation.Quantity field and the Item.Quantity value for an auction listing should always be 1 . For RelistItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Like most fields, when you use RelistItem or RelistFixedPriceItem , Quantity retains its original value unless you specifically change it. This means that the item is relisted with the value that was already in Quantity , not with the remaining quantity available. For example, if the original Quantity value was 10 , and three items have been sold, eBay sets the relisted item's Quantity to 10 by default, and not 7 . So, we strongly recommend that you always set Quantity to the correct value (your actual quantity available) in your relist requests. When eBay auto-renews a GTC listing ( ListingDuration = GTC ) on your behalf, eBay relists with correct quantity available. For GetSellerEvents: Quantity is only returned for listings where item quantity is greater than 1. For GetItem and related calls: This is the total of the number of items available for sale plus the quantity already sold. To determine the number of items available, subtract SellingStatus.QuantitySold from this value. For order line item calls with variations: In GetItemTransactions , Item.Quantity is the same as GetItem (the total quantity across all variations). In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.Quantity is the total quantity of the applicable variation (quantity available plus quantity sold). Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



This integer value indicates the quantity of an item that is still available for purchase in a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. This field is not applicable to auction listings



Specifies the number of questions buyers have posted about the item. Returned only if greater than 0



This field is returned only when the listing is currently being hidden from any searches occurring on eBay. Listings may be hidden from search if an active listing is currently out of stock or if the listing has been determined by eBay to be a duplicate listing



This field is used to set the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an auction item. The StartPrice value must be lower than the ReservePrice value. Note that setting a reserve price will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the reserve price, whichever is greater, and this fee is charged regardless of whether or not the auction item has a qualifying, winning bidder. As long as no bidder has matched your reserve price, and the scheduled end time of the auction is 12 or more hours away, you can lower or remove the reserve price. However, even if you remove the reserve price from an active listing, you will still be charged the fee and not eligible for a credit. In 'get' calls that retrieve item data, the ReservePrice field will only be returned to the seller of that particular auction item, and only if a reserve price has been set up. The reserve price is never exposed to anyone other than the seller of the item



Currency Id



The unique identifier of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. Return policy profile IDs can be retrieved with the getReturnPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The name of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The unique identifier of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShipppingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shippping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShipppingProfileID takes precedence. Shipping profile IDs can be retrieved with the getFulfillmentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ShipppingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShipppingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



The name of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShippingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shipping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShippingProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ShippingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShippingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites). In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The current price of the item in the original listing currency. For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price. For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price. In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The total number of items purchased so far (in the listing's lifetime). Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available. If the listing has Item Variations, then in GetItem (and related calls) and GetItemTransactions , Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the sum of all quantities sold across all variations in the listing, and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold for that variation. In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold in that order line item. For order line item calls, also see Transaction.QuantityPurchased for the number of items purchased in the order line item. In multi-variation listings, this value matches total quantity sold across all variations



Indicates whether the reserve price has been met for the listing. Returns true if the reserve price was met or no reserve price was specified



Note: On the US marketplace, the Global Shipping Program is scheduled to be replaced by a new intermediated international shipping program called eBay International Shipping . US Sellers opted in to the Global Shipping Program will automatically get opted into eBay International Shipping once it becomes available to them. All US sellers will be migrated by March 31, 2023. eBay International Shipping is an account level setting, and no field will need to be set in a add/revise call to enable this setting. As long as the US seller's account is opted in to eBay International Shipping , this shipping option will be automatically enabled for all listings where international shipping is available. Even if the US seller is opted into eBay International Shipping , that same seller can still also specify individual international shipping service options through the ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption container. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this boolean field can be included and set to True if the seller would like to use eBay's Global Shipping Program for orders that are shipped internationally. In 'Get' calls, if this field is returned as True , it indicates that international shipping through the Global Shipping Program is available for the listing. If this field is returned as Falsee , the seller is responsible for shipping the item internationally using one of the specified international shipping service options set for the listing. When calling RelistFixedPriceItem , RelistItem , ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseItem , you can omit this field if its value doesn't need to change



The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types. GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions : If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these. GetMyeBayBuying : If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value



A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) value is a seller-defined identifier for a product. Each product within a seller's inventory should be unique. Most large-volume sellers use SKUs, but eBay only requires a SKU value if the InventoryTrackingMethod field is included in an AddFixedPriceItem call and its value is set to SKU . Setting the InventoryTrackingMethod field to SKU allows the seller to use a SKU value instead of an ItemID value as a unique identifier in calls such as GetItem and ReviseInventoryStatus A seller can specify a SKU when listing an item with AddItem and related calls. eBay preserves the SKU on the item, enabling you to obtain it before and after an order line item is created. ( SKU is recommended as an alternative to ApplicationData .) If both ItemID and SKU are specified in calls that support the use of SKU as a unique identifier, the ItemID value takes precedence. If a seller wants to use SKUs for multiple-variation listings, the SKU value for each product variation is actually specified at the variation level (Item.Variations.Variation. SKU ) field, and the Item. SKU ) field should not be included in the call request. Note: The eBay site cannot identify listings by SKU. For example, My eBay pages and Search pages all identify listings by item ID. When a buyer contacts you via eBay's messaging functionality, eBay uses the item ID as the identifier. Buyer-focused APIs (like the Shopping API) also do not support SKU as an identifier. For revising and relisting only: To remove a SKU when you revise or relist an item, use DeletedField . (You cannot remove a SKU when Item.InventoryTrackingMethod is set to SKU.) For GetItem , GetMyeBaySelling , and other 'Get' call, the SKU value will only be returned if defined for the listing



The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price. For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice . For input on fixed-price listings ( FixedPriceItem ): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item. GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice . For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead. For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



Currency Id



Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). See Data Types in the Trading API Guide for information about this format. For ended listings, the time left is PT0S (zero seconds)



The number of watches placed on this item from buyers' My eBay accounts. Specify IncludeWatchCount as true in the request. Returned by GetMyeBaySelling only if greater than 0

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_MyeBaySelling_ScheduledList AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.MyeBaySelling_ScheduledList ()
    ) AS x;;


Sold List Selling section of My eBay account
<SoldList_DurationInDays> (optional): Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7
<SoldList_OrderStatusFilter> (optional): Filter to reduce the SoldList response based on whether the seller (or eBay) marked the applicable order as Paid and/or Shipped in My eBay. Sellers can use CompleteSale or My eBay to mark an order as Paid or Shipped
<maintain_history> (optional): Do not delete data that were downloaded and saved earlier
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique identifier for a single or multiple line item eBay order. In the ContainingOrder container of a GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions response, this identifier identifies the parent order of the order line item. A single buyer payment is made for each order. For order management calls only: This field is returned with the correct order ID only to the buyer and the seller. For third parties: If using Trading WSDL version 1019 or newer (or Compatibility Level is set to '1019' or newer), the Order ID will be returned to third parties as an empty field ( <OrderID/> ). If using a Trading WSDL older than version 1019, the Order ID will be returned to third parties as dummy data in the form of 1000000000000 or 1000000000000-1000000000000 . Note: The unique identifier of a 'non-immediate payment' order will change as it goes from an unpaid order to a paid order. Due to this scenario, all calls that accept Order ID values as filters in the request payload, including the GetOrders and GetOrderTransactions calls, will support the identifiers for both unpaid and paid orders. The revised order ID format (introduced in June 2019) is a non-parsable string, globally unique across all eBay marketplaces, and consistent for both single line item and multiple line item orders. Unlike in the past, instead of just being known and exposed to the seller, these unique order identifiers will also be known and used/referenced by the buyer and eBay customer support. Sellers can check to see if an order has been paid by looking for a value of 'Complete' in the CheckoutStatus.Status field in the response of GetOrders or GetOrderTransactions call, or in the Status.CompleteStatus field in the response of GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions call. Sellers should not fulfill orders until buyer has made payment



The amount of the refund due to, or already issued to the buyer for the order. This field is only returned in GetMyeBaySelling if a buyer refund is due, or was issued for the order





This string value indicates the result of a seller's refund to the buyer. Its value are 'Success', 'Failure' or 'Pending'. This field is only returned in GetMyeBaySelling if the buyer has received a refund from the seller, or is due to receive a refund



The cumulative item cost for all line items in the order. This value does not take into account any shipping/handling costs, sales tax costs, or any discounts. For a single line item order, the amount in this field should be the same as the amount in the Transaction.TransactionPrice field. For a multiple line item order, the amount in this field should equal the cumulative amount of each Transaction.TransactionPrice fields for each order line item





The Total amount shows the total cost for the order, including total item cost (shown in Subtotal field), shipping charges (shown in ShippingServiceSelected.ShippingServiceCost field), and seller-applied sales tax (shown in SalesTax.SalesTaxAmount field). In an AddOrder call, the seller can pass in the Total amount for the 'Combined Invoice' order, and this is what the buyer will be expected to pay for the order





The two-digit code representing the country of the user. If not provided as input, eBay uses the country associated with the eBay Site ID when the call is made



User's postal code



Email address for the user. Please see the links below to the topics related to anonymous user information and static email addresses. You cannot retrieve an email address for any user with whom you do not have an order relationship, regardless of site. An email address of another user is only returned if you and the other user are in an order relationship, within a certain time of order line item creation (although this limitation isn't applicable to the GetAllBidders call in the case of motor vehicles categories.) Based on Trust and Safety policies, the time is unspecified and can vary by site. Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag will be returned only to that bidder, and to the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For the GetOrders call, the buyer's email address will be returned (to the seller only) for orders less than two weeks old, but for orders that occurred more than two weeks in the past, the buyer's email address will no longer be returned. This Email field will still be returned, but 'dummy data', such as Invalid Request will replace the actual email address. Note: For the GetItemTransactions call, this field is only returned to the seller of the order; this field is not returned for the buyer or third party



Contains the static email address of an eBay member, used within the "reply to" email address when the eBay member sends a message. (Each eBay member is assigned a static alias. The alias is used within a static email address.)



Unique eBay user ID for the user. Since a bidder's user info is anonymous, this tag contains the actual value of an ID only for that bidder, and for the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For other users, the actual value is replaced by an anonymous value, according to these rules: When bidding on items, UserID is replaced with the value "a***b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID . For example, if the UserID = IBidALot , it might be displayed as, "I**A". Important: In this format, the anonymous bidder ID can change for each auction. For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items: UserID is replaced with the value "a***b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID . When bidding on items listed on the Philippines site: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3 . Note that in this Philippines site format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3". For GetMyeBayBuying only, when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder". For PlaceOffer , see also SellingStatus.HighBidder



This field shows the converted value of TransactionPrice in the currency of the site that returned the response. Refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. This field is always returned for sales transactions. This value should be the same as the value in TransactionPrice if the eBay listing site and the site that returned the response are the same, or use the same currency





This timestamp indicates date/time when the sales transaction occurred. A sales transaction is created when there is a commitment to buy, or when the buyer purchases the item through a 'Buy it Now' option. For auction listings, a sales transaction is created when that listing ends with a high bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the Reserve Price (if set). For a fixed-price listing or a 'Buy It Now' auction listing, a sales transaction is created once the buyer clicks the Buy button



This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used. A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason. Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers



This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required in CompleteSale if the FeedbackInfo container is used. A Positive rating increases the user's Feedback score, a Negative rating decreases the user's Feedback score, and a Neutral rating does not affect the user's Feedback score. eBay users also have the right to withdraw feedback for whatever reason. Sellers cannot leave Neutral or Negative ratings for buyers



Order line items requiring multiple shipping legs include items being shipped through the Global Shipping Program or through eBay International Shipping, as well as order line items subject to/eligible for the Authenticity Guarantee program. For both international shipping options, the address of the shipping logistics provider is shown in the MultiLegShippingDetails.SellerShipmentToLogisticsProvider.ShipToAddress container. Similarly, for Authenticity Guarantee orders, the authentication partner's shipping address is shown in the same container. If an order line item is subject to the Authenticity Guarantee service, the Transaction.Program container will be returned



This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits





The email and phone lead fee for a pay-per-lead item





This boolean field is returned as true if the listing has been hidden from all searches occurring on eBay. If a listing is hidden from eBay searches, the reason can be found in the ReasonHideFromSearch field



The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified. Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits



Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates





Converted value of the ReservePrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. Only returned for listings with a reserve price when the requesting user is the listing's seller. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Not applicable to Fixed Price listings





Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale





Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended



The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed



The URL of the Web page where a user can view the listing. On the US site, this is called the View Item page. If you enabled affiliate tracking in a search-related call (for example, if you used the AffiliateTrackingDetails container in an applicable call), ViewItemURL contains a string that includes affiliate tracking information (see the eBay Partner Network )



This URL takes you to the same View Item page as ViewItemURL, but this URL is optimized to support natural search. That is, this URL is designed to make items on eBay easier to find via popular Internet search engines. The URL includes the item title along with other optimizations. To note, "?" (question mark) optimizes to "_W0QQ", "&" (ampersand) optimizes to "QQ", and "=" (equals sign) optimizes to "Z". If you are an eBay affiliate, use this URL to promote your affiliate information. Note: This URL may include additional query parameters that don't appear in ViewItemURL and vice versa. You should not modify the query syntax. For example, eBay won't recognize the URL if you change QQ to ?



The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value). If this field is not included in an AddItem , AddItems , or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction For AddFixedPriceItem , RelistFixedPriceItem , or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem , since these calls only work with fixed-price listings. This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed





A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true . This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note. Not supported as input in ReviseItem . Use SetUserNotes instead. For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site). In WonList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site)



For AddItem family of calls: The Quantity value for auction listings must always be 1 . For a fixed-price listing, the Quantity value indicates the number of identical items the seller has available for sale in the listing. If this field is not included when creating a new fixed-price listing, quantity defaults to '1'. If variations are specified in AddFixedPriceItem or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem , the Item.Quantity is not required since the quantity of variations is specified in Variation.Quantity instead. See the Creating a listing with variations eBay Help page for more information on variations. For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem: This value can only be changed for a fixed-price listing with no variations. The quantity of variations is controlled in the Variation.Quantity field and the Item.Quantity value for an auction listing should always be 1 . For RelistItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Like most fields, when you use RelistItem or RelistFixedPriceItem , Quantity retains its original value unless you specifically change it. This means that the item is relisted with the value that was already in Quantity , not with the remaining quantity available. For example, if the original Quantity value was 10 , and three items have been sold, eBay sets the relisted item's Quantity to 10 by default, and not 7 . So, we strongly recommend that you always set Quantity to the correct value (your actual quantity available) in your relist requests. When eBay auto-renews a GTC listing ( ListingDuration = GTC ) on your behalf, eBay relists with correct quantity available. For GetSellerEvents: Quantity is only returned for listings where item quantity is greater than 1. For GetItem and related calls: This is the total of the number of items available for sale plus the quantity already sold. To determine the number of items available, subtract SellingStatus.QuantitySold from this value. For order line item calls with variations: In GetItemTransactions , Item.Quantity is the same as GetItem (the total quantity across all variations). In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.Quantity is the total quantity of the applicable variation (quantity available plus quantity sold). Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



This integer value indicates the quantity of an item that is still available for purchase in a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. This field is not applicable to auction listings



Specifies the number of questions buyers have posted about the item. Returned only if greater than 0



This field is returned only when the listing is currently being hidden from any searches occurring on eBay. Listings may be hidden from search if an active listing is currently out of stock or if the listing has been determined by eBay to be a duplicate listing



This field is used to set the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an auction item. The StartPrice value must be lower than the ReservePrice value. Note that setting a reserve price will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the reserve price, whichever is greater, and this fee is charged regardless of whether or not the auction item has a qualifying, winning bidder. As long as no bidder has matched your reserve price, and the scheduled end time of the auction is 12 or more hours away, you can lower or remove the reserve price. However, even if you remove the reserve price from an active listing, you will still be charged the fee and not eligible for a credit. In 'get' calls that retrieve item data, the ReservePrice field will only be returned to the seller of that particular auction item, and only if a reserve price has been set up. The reserve price is never exposed to anyone other than the seller of the item





The unique identifier of a payment business policy. A PaymentProfileID and/or a PaymentProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the payment settings/values of a payment business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the PaymentProfileID takes precedence. Payment profile IDs can be retrieved with the getPaymentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the PaymentProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The PaymentProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the payment business policy



The name of a payment business policy. A PaymentProfileID and/or a PaymentProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the payment settings/values of a payment business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the PaymentProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the PaymentProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The PaymentProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the payment business policy



The unique identifier of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. Return policy profile IDs can be retrieved with the getReturnPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The name of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The unique identifier of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShipppingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shippping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShipppingProfileID takes precedence. Shipping profile IDs can be retrieved with the getFulfillmentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ShipppingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShipppingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



The name of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShippingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shipping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShippingProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ShippingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShippingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites). In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale





The current price of the item in the original listing currency. For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price. For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price. In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale





The total number of items purchased so far (in the listing's lifetime). Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available. If the listing has Item Variations, then in GetItem (and related calls) and GetItemTransactions , Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the sum of all quantities sold across all variations in the listing, and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold for that variation. In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold in that order line item. For order line item calls, also see Transaction.QuantityPurchased for the number of items purchased in the order line item. In multi-variation listings, this value matches total quantity sold across all variations



Indicates whether the reserve price has been met for the listing. Returns true if the reserve price was met or no reserve price was specified



Note: On the US marketplace, the Global Shipping Program is scheduled to be replaced by a new intermediated international shipping program called eBay International Shipping . US Sellers opted in to the Global Shipping Program will automatically get opted into eBay International Shipping once it becomes available to them. All US sellers will be migrated by March 31, 2023. eBay International Shipping is an account level setting, and no field will need to be set in a add/revise call to enable this setting. As long as the US seller's account is opted in to eBay International Shipping , this shipping option will be automatically enabled for all listings where international shipping is available. Even if the US seller is opted into eBay International Shipping , that same seller can still also specify individual international shipping service options through the ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption container. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this boolean field can be included and set to True if the seller would like to use eBay's Global Shipping Program for orders that are shipped internationally. In 'Get' calls, if this field is returned as True , it indicates that international shipping through the Global Shipping Program is available for the listing. If this field is returned as Falsee , the seller is responsible for shipping the item internationally using one of the specified international shipping service options set for the listing. When calling RelistFixedPriceItem , RelistItem , ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseItem , you can omit this field if its value doesn't need to change



The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types. GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions : If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these. GetMyeBayBuying : If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value



A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) value is a s...

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_MyeBaySelling_SoldList AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.MyeBaySelling_SoldList (
            SoldList_OrderStatusFilter => 'All',
            SoldList_DurationInDays => 60
    ) AS x;;


Unsold List Selling section of My eBay account
<UnsoldList_DurationInDays> (optional): Specifies the time period during which an item was won or lost. Similar to the period drop-down menu in the My eBay user interface. For example, to return the items won or lost in the last week, specify a DurationInDays of 7
<UnsoldList_OrderStatusFilter> (optional): Filter to reduce the SoldList response based on whether the seller (or eBay) marked the applicable order as Paid and/or Shipped in My eBay. Sellers can use CompleteSale or My eBay to mark an order as Paid or Shipped
<maintain_history> (optional): Do not delete data that were downloaded and saved earlier
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified. Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits



The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed



Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended



This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing. You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours



This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



Currency Id



The email and phone lead fee for a pay-per-lead item



Currency Id



Returns a note from eBay displayed below items in the user's My eBay account



This boolean field is returned as true if the listing has been hidden from all searches occurring on eBay. If a listing is hidden from eBay searches, the reason can be found in the ReasonHideFromSearch field



The total number of leads from the seller's classified ad listings. Number indicates the total number of emails received for the listings



Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates



Currency Id



Converted value of the ReservePrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. Only returned for listings with a reserve price when the requesting user is the listing's seller. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Not applicable to Fixed Price listings



Currency Id



Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



Describes the number of days the seller wants the listing to be active (available for bidding/buying). The duration specifies the seller's initial intent at listing time. The end time for a listing is calculated by adding the duration to the item's start time. If the listing ends early, the value of the listing duration does not change. When a listing's duration is changed, any related fees (e.g., 10-day fee) may be debited or credited (as applicable). The valid choice of values depends on the listing format (see Item.ListingType ). For a list of valid values, call GetCategoryFeatures with DetailLevel set to ReturnAll and look for ListingDurations information. When you revise a listing, the duration cannot be reduced if it will result in ending the listing within 24 hours of the current date-time. You are only allowed to increase the duration of the listing if fewer than 2 hours have passed since you initially listed the item and the listing has no bids. You can decrease the value of this field only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold) and the listing does not end within 12 hours. Note: As of April 1, 2019, 'GTC' is the only supported listing duration for all eBay marketplaces with the following exceptions: The following eBay Motors US categories are exempt from this change: Cars & Trucks (6001), Motorcycles (6024), Other Vehicles & Trailers (6038), Boats (26429), Powersports (66466). All child categories under Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (9800) categories on the eBay UK and eBay Italy sites are also exempt from this change. If any other listing duration value besides GTC is specified in this field, it will be ignored, and GTC will be used instead



The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value). If this field is not included in an AddItem , AddItems , or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction For AddFixedPriceItem , RelistFixedPriceItem , or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem , since these calls only work with fixed-price listings. This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed



This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors ). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol. It is required that all listings have at least one picture



A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true . This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note. Not supported as input in ReviseItem . Use SetUserNotes instead. For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site). In WonList , notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site)



For AddItem family of calls: The Quantity value for auction listings must always be 1 . For a fixed-price listing, the Quantity value indicates the number of identical items the seller has available for sale in the listing. If this field is not included when creating a new fixed-price listing, quantity defaults to '1'. If variations are specified in AddFixedPriceItem or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem , the Item.Quantity is not required since the quantity of variations is specified in Variation.Quantity instead. See the Creating a listing with variations eBay Help page for more information on variations. For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem: This value can only be changed for a fixed-price listing with no variations. The quantity of variations is controlled in the Variation.Quantity field and the Item.Quantity value for an auction listing should always be 1 . For RelistItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Like most fields, when you use RelistItem or RelistFixedPriceItem , Quantity retains its original value unless you specifically change it. This means that the item is relisted with the value that was already in Quantity , not with the remaining quantity available. For example, if the original Quantity value was 10 , and three items have been sold, eBay sets the relisted item's Quantity to 10 by default, and not 7 . So, we strongly recommend that you always set Quantity to the correct value (your actual quantity available) in your relist requests. When eBay auto-renews a GTC listing ( ListingDuration = GTC ) on your behalf, eBay relists with correct quantity available. For GetSellerEvents: Quantity is only returned for listings where item quantity is greater than 1. For GetItem and related calls: This is the total of the number of items available for sale plus the quantity already sold. To determine the number of items available, subtract SellingStatus.QuantitySold from this value. For order line item calls with variations: In GetItemTransactions , Item.Quantity is the same as GetItem (the total quantity across all variations). In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.Quantity is the total quantity of the applicable variation (quantity available plus quantity sold). Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



This integer value indicates the quantity of an item that is still available for purchase in a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. This field is not applicable to auction listings



Specifies the number of questions buyers have posted about the item. Returned only if greater than 0



This field is returned only when the listing is currently being hidden from any searches occurring on eBay. Listings may be hidden from search if an active listing is currently out of stock or if the listing has been determined by eBay to be a duplicate listing



This boolean field is returned as true if the item in this listing was relisted. When an item is relisted, a brand new Item ID value is automatically created by eBay. This field is only returned for an original listing whose item has been relisted, so a false value should never get returned. Note: A new listing will not return this field



This field is used to set the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an auction item. The StartPrice value must be lower than the ReservePrice value. Note that setting a reserve price will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the reserve price, whichever is greater, and this fee is charged regardless of whether or not the auction item has a qualifying, winning bidder. As long as no bidder has matched your reserve price, and the scheduled end time of the auction is 12 or more hours away, you can lower or remove the reserve price. However, even if you remove the reserve price from an active listing, you will still be charged the fee and not eligible for a credit. In 'get' calls that retrieve item data, the ReservePrice field will only be returned to the seller of that particular auction item, and only if a reserve price has been set up. The reserve price is never exposed to anyone other than the seller of the item



Currency Id



The unique identifier of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. Return policy profile IDs can be retrieved with the getReturnPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The name of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy



The unique identifier of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShipppingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shippping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShipppingProfileID takes precedence. Shipping profile IDs can be retrieved with the getFulfillmentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API . Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ShipppingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShipppingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



The name of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShippingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shipping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShippingProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ShippingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShippingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy



Number of bids placed so far against the auction item



Number of bidders for an item. Only applicable to auction listings. Only returned for the seller of the item



Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites). In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



The current price of the item in the original listing currency. For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price. For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price. In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



Currency Id



Currency Id



The total number of items purchased so far (in the listing's lifetime). Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available. If the listing has Item Variations, then in GetItem (and related calls) and GetItemTransactions , Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the sum of all quantities sold across all variations in the listing, and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold for that variation. In GetSellerTransactions , Transaction.Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold in that order line item. For order line item calls, also see Transaction.QuantityPurchased for the number of items purchased in the order line item. In multi-variation listings, this value matches total quantity sold across all variations



Indicates whether the reserve price has been met for the listing. Returns true if the reserve price was met or no reserve price was specified



Note: On the US marketplace, the Global Shipping Program is scheduled to be replaced by a new intermediated international shipping program called eBay International Shipping . US Sellers opted in to the Global Shipping Program will automatically get opted into eBay International Shipping once it becomes available to them. All US sellers will be migrated by March 31, 2023. eBay International Shipping is an account level setting, and no field will need to be set in a add/revise call to enable this setting. As long as the US seller's account is opted in to eBay International Shipping , this shipping option will be automatically enabled for all listings where international shipping is available. Even if the US seller is opted into eBay International Shipping , that same seller can still also specify individual international shipping service options through the ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption container. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this boolean field can be included and set to True if the seller would like to use eBay's Global Shipping Program for orders that are shipped internationally. In 'Get' calls, if this field is returned as True , it indicates that international shipping through the Global Shipping Program is available for the listing. If this field is returned as Falsee , the seller is responsible for shipping the item internationally using one of the specified international shipping service options set for the listing. When calling RelistFixedPriceItem , RelistItem , ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseItem , you can omit this field if its value doesn't need to change



The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types. GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions : If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these. GetMyeBayBuying : If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value



A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) value is a seller-defined identifier for a product. Each product within a seller's inventory should be unique. Most large-volume sellers use SKUs, but eBay only requires a SKU value if the InventoryTrackingMethod field is included in an AddFixedPriceItem call and its value is set to SKU . Setting the InventoryTrackingMethod field to SKU allows the seller to use a SKU value instead of an ItemID value as a unique identifier in calls such as GetItem and ReviseInventoryStatus A seller can specify a SKU when listing an item with AddItem and related calls. eBay preserves the SKU on the item, enabling you to obtain it before and after an order line item is created. ( SKU is recommended as an alternative to ApplicationData .) If both ItemID and SKU are specified in calls that support the use of SKU as a unique identifier, the ItemID value takes precedence. If a seller wants to use SKUs for multiple-variation listings, the SKU value for each product variation is actually specified at the variation level (Item.Variations.Variation. SKU ) field, and the Item. SKU ) field should not be included in the call request. Note: The eBay site cannot identify listings by SKU. For example, My eBay pages and Search pages all identify listings by item ID. When a buyer contacts you via eBay's messaging functionality, eBay uses the item ID as the identifier. Buyer-focused APIs (like the Shopping API) also do not support SKU as an identifier. For revising and relisting only: To remove a SKU when you revise or relist an item, use DeletedField . (You cannot remove a SKU when Item.InventoryTrackingMethod is set to SKU.) For GetItem , GetMyeBaySelling , and other 'Get' call, the SKU value will only be returned if defined for the listing



The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price. For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice . For input on fixed-price listings ( FixedPriceItem ): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item. GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice . For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead. For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



Currency Id



Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). See Data Types in the Trading API Guide for information about this format. For ended listings, the time left is PT0S (zero seconds)



The number of watches placed on this item from buyers' My eBay accounts. Specify IncludeWatchCount as true in the request. Returned by GetMyeBaySelling only if greater than 0

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_MyeBaySelling_UnsoldList AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.MyeBaySelling_UnsoldList (
            UnsoldList_OrderStatusFilter => 'All',
            UnsoldList_DurationInDays => 60
    ) AS x;;


EBay policies that define the supported negotiated price features (like "best offer") for the categories of a specific marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): This path parameter specifies the eBay marketplace for which policy information is retrieved. See the following page for a list of valid eBay marketplace IDs:
<filter> (optional): This query parameter limits the response by returning policy information for only the selected sections of the category tree. Supply categoryId values for the sections of the tree you want returned. When you specify a categoryId value, the returned category tree includes the policies for that parent node, plus the policies for any leaf nodes below that parent node. The parameter takes a list of categoryId values and you can specify up to 50 separate category IDs.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






This flag denotes whether or not the category supports the setting of a price at which best offers are automatically accepted. If set to true, the category does support the setting of an automatic price for best-offers



This flag denotes whether or not the category supports the setting of an auto-decline price for best offers. If set to true, the category does support the setting of an automatic-decline price for best-offers



This flag denotes whether or not the category supports the setting for an automatic counter-offer on best offers. If set to true, the category does support the setting of an automatic counter-offer price for best-offers



The category ID to which the negotiated-price policies apply



A value that indicates the root node of the category tree used for the response set. Each marketplace is based on a category tree whose root node is indicated by this unique category ID value. All category policy information returned by this call pertains to the categories included below this root node of the tree. A category tree is a hierarchical framework of eBay categories that begins at the root node of the tree and extends to include all the child nodes in the tree. Each child node in the tree is an eBay category that is represented by a unique categoryId value. Within a category tree, the root node has no parent node and leaf nodes are nodes that have no child nodes


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_NegotiatedPricePolicies AS 
		CALL ebay.NegotiatedPricePolicies (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US',
			"filter" => NULL
	) AS x


Existing offers for the specified SKU value
<sku> (required): The seller-defined SKU value is passed in as a query parameter. All offers associated with this product are returned in the response. Max length: 50
<format> (optional): This enumeration value sets the listing format for the offer. This query parameter will be passed in if the seller only wants to see offers in this specified listing format
<marketplace_id> (optional): The unique identifier of the eBay marketplace. This query parameter will be passed in if the seller only wants to see the product's offers on a specific eBay marketplace
<offerId> (optional): The unique identifier of the offer that is to be retrieved
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






This integer value indicates the quantity of the inventory item (specified by the value) that will be available for purchase by buyers shopping on the eBay site specified in the field. For unpublished offers where the available quantity has yet to be set, the value is set to 0



The unique identifier of the primary eBay category that the inventory item is listed under. This field is always returned for published offers, but is only returned if set for unpublished offers



This enumerated value indicates the listing format of the offer. Currently, the only supported value for this field is FIXED_PRICE





The description of the eBay listing that is part of the unpublished or published offer. This field is always returned for published offers, but is only returned if set for unpublished offers.: 500000 (which includes HTML markup/tags)



This field indicates the number of days that the listing will be active. 'GTC' (Good 'til Cancelled) listings are automatically renewed each calendar month until the seller decides to end the listing



This field indicates whether or not the Best Offer feature is enabled for the listing. A seller can enable the Best Offer feature for a listing as long as the category supports the Best Offer feature.The seller includes this field and sets its value to true to enable Best Offer feature



This field is included in an offer and set to true if a Top-Rated seller is opted in to the eBay Plus program. With the eBay Plus program, qualified sellers must commit to next-day delivery of the item, and the buyers must have an eBay Plus subscription to be eligible to receive the benefits of this program, which are free, next-day delivery, as well as free returns.Currently, this program is only available on the Germany and Australian sites.This field will be returned in the and calls if set for the offer



This unique identifier indicates the fulfillment listing policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing. This fulfillment listing policy will set all fulfillment-related settings for the eBay listing.Listing policies are not immediately required for offers, but are required before an offer can be published. The seller should review the fulfillment listing policy before assigning it to the offer to make sure it is compatible with the inventory item and the offer settings. The seller may also want to review the shipping service costs in the fulfillment policy, and that seller might decide to override the shipping costs for one or more shipping service options by using the container.Listing policies can be created and managed in My eBay or with the . To get a list of all return policies associated with a seller's account on a specific eBay Marketplace, use the Account API's call. There are also calls in the to retrieve a fulfillment policy by policy ID or policy name.This field will be returned in the and calls if set for the offer



This unique identifier indicates the payment listing policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing. This payment listing policy will set all payment-related settings for the eBay listing.Listing policies are not immediately required for offers, but are required before an offer can be published. The seller should review the payment listing policy before assigning it to the offer, as the following must be true for the payment listing policy to be compatible with the offer:Listing policies can be created and managed in My eBay or with the . To get a list of all payment policies associated with a seller's account on a specific eBay Marketplace, use the Account API's call. There are also calls in the to retrieve a payment policy by policy ID or policy name.This field will be returned in the and calls if set for the offer



This unique identifier indicates the return listing policy that will be used once an offer is published and converted to an eBay listing. This return listing policy will set all return policy settings for the eBay listing.Listing policies are not immediately required for offers, but are required before an offer can be published. The seller should review the return listing policy before assigning it to the offer to make sure it is compatible with the inventory item and the offer settings.Listing policies can be created and managed in My eBay or with the . To get a list of all return policies associated with a seller's account on a specific eBay Marketplace, use the Account API's call. There are also calls in the to retrieve a return policy by policy ID or policy name.This field will be returned in the and calls if set for the offer





The unique identifier of the eBay listing that is associated with the published offer



The enumeration value returned in this field indicates the status of the listing that is associated with the published offer



This integer value indicates the quantity of the product that has been sold for the published offer



This enumeration value is the unique identifier of the eBay site on which the offer is available, or will be made available



The unique identifier of the offer. This identifier is used in many offer-related calls, and it is also used in the call



A three-digit string value respresenting the type of currency being used. Both the and fields are required/always returned when expressing prices. See the type for the full list of currencies and their corresponding three-digit string values



A string representation of a dollar value expressed in the currency specified in the field. Both the and fields are required/always returned when expressing prices



This field is only applicable and set if the seller wishes to set a restriction on the purchase quantity of an inventory item per seller. If this field is set by the seller for the offer, then each distinct buyer may purchase up to, but not exceed the quantity in this field. So, if this field's value is 5, each buyer may purchase a quantity of the inventory item between one and five, and the purchases can occur in one multiple-quantity purchase, or over multiple transactions. If a buyer attempts to purchase one or more of these products, and the cumulative quantity will take the buyer beyond the quantity limit, that buyer will be blocked from that purchase



This is the seller-defined SKU value of the product in the offer.: 50



The enumeration value in this field specifies the status of the offer - either PUBLISHED or UNPUBLISHED



This container is returned if the seller chose to place the inventory item into one or two eBay store categories that the seller has set up for their eBay store. The string value(s) in this container will be the full path(s) to the eBay store categories, as shown below: "storeCategoryNames": [ "/Fashion/Men/Shirts", "/Fashion/Men/Accessories" ],



This field will be included and set to true if the seller would like to reference their account-level Sales Tax Table to calculate sales tax for an order. A seller's Sales Tax Table can be created and managed manually in My eBay's Payment Preferences. This Sales Tax Table contains all tax jurisdictions for the seller's country (individual states and territories in US), and the seller can set the sales tax rate for these individual tax jurisdictions. The Trading API has a call to add/modify sales tax rates for one or more tax jurisdictions, and a call that will retrieve all tax jurisdictions and related data, such as the sales tax rate (if defined) and a boolean field to indicate if sales tax is applied to shipping and handling costs. The Account API has a call to retrieve all tax jurisdictions that have a defined sales tax rate, a call to retrieve a sales tax rate for a specific tax jurisdiction, a call to set/modify a sales tax rate for a specific tax jurisdiction, and a call to remove a sales tax rate from a specific tax jurisdiction. Note that a seller can enable the use of a sales tax table, but if a sales tax rate is not specified for the buyer's state/tax jurisdiction, sales tax will not be applied to the order. If a value is used, the field must also be used and set to trueThis field will be returned if set for the offer.See the help page for more information on setting up and using a sales tax table


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Offers AS 
		CALL ebay.Offers (
			sku => 'MUS',
			marketplace_id => NULL,
			format => NULL
	) AS x


EBay seller programs for which the seller has "opted-in."
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A seller program in to which a seller can opt-in


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_OptedInPrograms AS 
		CALL ebay.OptedInPrograms ()
	) AS x


Search for and retrieve the details of multiple orders
<orderId> (optional): The unique identifier of the order. Order ID values are shown in My eBay/Seller Hub, and are also returned by the getOrders method in the orders.orderId field
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique identifier of the order. Both the legacyOrderId field (traditionally used by Trading and other legacy APIS) and this field are always returned



The unique identifier of the order in legacy format, as traditionally used by the Trading API (and other legacy APIs). Both the orderId field and this field are always returned



The degree to which fulfillment of the order is complete. See the type definition for more information about each possible fulfillment state



The enumeration value returned in this field indicates the current payment status of an order, or in case of a refund request, the current status of the refund. See the type definition for more information about each possible payment/refund state



The date and time that the order was created. This timestamp is in ISO 8601 format, which uses the 24-hour Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) clock



The date and time that the order was last modified. This timestamp is in ISO 8601 format, which uses the 24-hour Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) clock



This field contains any comments that the buyer left for the seller about the order during checkout process. This field is only returned if a buyer left comments at checkout time



The buyer's eBay user ID



The state of the order with regard to cancellation. This field is always returned, and if there are no cancellation requests, a value of NONE_REQUESTED is returned



This field is only returned if true, and indicates that eBay will collect tax (US state-mandates sales tax or 'goods and services' tax in Australia or New Zealand) for at least one line item in the order, and remit the tax to the taxing authority of the buyer's residence. If this field is returned, the seller should search for one or more containers at the line item level to get more information about the type of tax and the amount



This array contains a list of one or more call URIs that can be used to retrieve shipping fulfillments that have been set up for the order



A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency



A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency







A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency



A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency



A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency



An eBay-generated identifier that is used to identify and manage orders through the Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro tools. This order identifier can also be found on the Orders grid page and in the Sales Record pages in Seller Hub. A number is only generated and returned at the order level, and not at the order line item level. In cases where the seller does not have a Selling Manager or Selling Manager Pro subscription nor access to Seller Hub, this field may not be returned



The unique eBay user ID of the seller who sold the order






CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Orders AS 
		CALL ebay.Orders ()
	) AS x


Full details on a specific payment dispute
<payment_dispute_id> (required): This is the unique identifier of the payment dispute. This path parameter must be passed in at the end of the call URI to identify the payment dispute to retrieve. This identifier is automatically created by eBay once the payment dispute comes into the eBay managed payments system. The unique identifier for payment disputes is returned in the paymentDisputeId field in the getPaymentDisputeSummaries response
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A three-letter ISO 4217 code (such as USD for US site) that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. Both the value and currency fields are required when expressing the amount of the refund or the amount involved in a payment dispute



The monetary amount of the refund. Only use a maximum of two digits to the right of the decimal point. Both the value and currency fields are required when expressing the amount of the refund or the amount involved in a payment dispute



This field shows any note that was left by the buyer for in regards to the dispute



This is the eBay user ID of the buyer that initiated the payment dispute



Unique identifier of the evidential file set. Potentially, each evidential file set can have more than one file, that is why there is this file set identifier, and then an identifier for each file within this file set



The enumeration value returned in this field indicates the type of evidence provided. Two examples include an image file if the dispute reason is SIGNIFICANTLY_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED, or shipment tracking information if the dispute reason is ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED



The unique identifier of the eBay listing associated with the order



The unique identifier of the line item within the order. The value is created once the buyer actually buys the item, or if there is a commitment to buy (either an auction that is won by the buyer or other listing that does not require immediate payment)



This array shows the shipping carrier and shipment tracking number associated with each shipment package of the order. This array is returned if the seller has provided shipment tracking information as evidence to support PROOF_OF_DELIVERY



The unique identifier of the eBay listing associated with the order



The unique identifier of the line item within the order. The value is created once the buyer actually buys the item, or if there is a commitment to buy (either an auction that is won by the buyer or other listing that does not require immediate payment)



The timestamp in this field shows the date/time when the payment dispute was opened. This field is returned for payment disputes in all states.The timestamps returned here use the ISO-8601 24-hour date and time format, and the time zone used is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or Zulu



This is the unique identifier of the order involved in the payment dispute



This is the unique identifier of the payment dispute. This is the same identifier that is pass in to the call URI. This identifier is automatically created by eBay once the payment dispute comes into the eBay managed payments system



The enumeration value in this field gives the current status of the payment dispute. The status of a payment dispute partially determines other fields that are returned in the response



The enumeration value in this field gives the reason why the buyer initiated the payment dispute. See type for a description of the supported reasons that buyers can give for initiating a payment dispute



The timestamp in this field shows the date/time when the seller is expected to provide a requested evidential document to eBay. The timestamps returned here use the ISO-8601 24-hour date and time format, and the time zone used is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or Zulu



This integer value indicates the revision number of the payment dispute. Each time an action is taken against a payment dispute, this integer value increases by 1



The enumeration value returned in this field indicates how the seller has responded to the payment dispute. The seller has the option of accepting the payment dispute and agreeing to issue a refund, accepting the payment dispute, agreeing to issue a refund, and requesting that the buyer return the item, or contesting the payment dispute. If the seller has yet to make a decision on the payment dispute, the enumeration value returned in this field will be SELLER_RESPONSE_OVERDUE


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_PaymentDispute AS 
		CALL ebay.PaymentDispute (
			payment_dispute_id => 'payment_dispute_id'
	) AS x


Log of activity for a payment dispute
<payment_dispute_id> (required): This is the unique identifier of the payment dispute. This path parameter must be passed in at the end of the call URI to identify the payment dispute for which the user wishes to see all activity. This identifier is automatically created by eBay once the payment dispute comes into the eBay managed payments system. The unique identifier for payment disputes is returned in the paymentDisputeId field in the getPaymentDisputeSummaries response.This path parameter is required, and the actual identifier value is passed in right after the payment_dispute resource. See the Resource URI above
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The timestamp in this field shows the date/time of the payment dispute activity.The timestamps returned here use the ISO-8601 24-hour date and time format, and the time zone used is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or Zulu



This enumeration value indicates the type of activity that occured on the payment dispute. For example, a value of DISPUTE_OPENED is returned when a payment disute is first created, a value indicating the seller's decision on the dispute, such as SELLER_CONTEST, is returned when seller makes a decision to accept or contest dispute, and a value of DISPUTE_CLOSED is returned when a payment disute is resolved. See for an explanation of each of the values that may be returned here



This enumeration value indicates the actor that performed the action. Possible values include the BUYER, SELLER, CS_AGENT (eBay customer service), or SYSTEM


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_PaymentDisputeActivities AS 
		CALL ebay.PaymentDisputeActivities (
			payment_dispute_id => 'payment_dispute_id'
	) AS x


One or more payment disputes. Several filters are available
<buyer_username> (optional): This filter is used if the seller wishes to retrieve one or more payment disputes opened by a specific seller. The string that is passed in to this query parameter is the eBay user ID of the buyer
<open_date_from> (optional): The open_date_from and/or open_date_to date filters are used if the seller wishes to retrieve payment disputes opened within a specific date range. A maximum date range that may be set with the open_date_from and/or open_date_to filters is three months. These date filters use the ISO-8601 24-hour date and time format, and time zone used is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or Zulu.The open_date_from field sets the beginning date of the date range, and can be set as far back as 18 months from the present time. If a open_date_from field is used, but a open_date_to field is not used, the open_date_to value will default to three months after the date specified in the open_date_from field, or to the present time if less than three months in the past.The ISO-8601 format looks like this: . An example would be 2019-08-04T19:09:02.768Z
<open_date_to> (optional): The open_date_from and/or open_date_to date filters are used if the seller wishes to retrieve payment disputes opened within a specific date range. A maximum date range that may be set with the open_date_from and/or open_date_to filters is three months. These date filters use the ISO-8601 24-hour date and time format, and the time zone used is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or Zulu.The open_date_to field sets the ending date of the date range, and can be set up to three months from the date set in the open_date_from field
<order_id> (optional): This filter is used if the seller wishes to retrieve one or more payment disputes filed against a specific order. It is possible that there can be more than one dispute filed against an order if the order has multiple line items. If this filter is used, any other filters are ignored
<payment_dispute_status> (optional): This filter is used if the seller wishes to only retrieve payment disputes in a specific state. More than one value can be specified. If no payment_dispute_status filter is used, payment disputes in all states are returned in the response. See DisputeStateEnum type for supported values
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A three-letter ISO 4217 code (such as USD for US site) that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. Both the value and currency fields are required when expressing the amount of the refund or the amount involved in a payment dispute



The monetary amount of the refund. Only use a maximum of two digits to the right of the decimal point. Both the value and currency fields are required when expressing the amount of the refund or the amount involved in a payment dispute



This is the buyer's eBay user ID. This field is returned for all payment disputes returned in the response



The timestamp in this field shows the date/time when the payment dispute was opened. This field is returned for payment disputes in all states.The timestamps returned here use the ISO-8601 24-hour date and time format, and the time zone used is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or Zulu



This is the unique identifier of the order involved in the payment dispute



This is the unique identifier of the payment dispute. This identifier is automatically created by eBay once the payment dispute comes into the eBay managed payments system. This identifier is passed in at the end of the call URI to retrieve a specific payment dispute. The method returns more details about a payment dispute than the method



The enumeration value in this field gives the current status of the payment dispute



The enumeration value in this field gives the reason why the buyer initiated the payment dispute. See type for a description of the supported reasons that buyers can give for initiating a payment dispute



The timestamp in this field shows the date/time when the seller must response to a payment dispute, so this field is only returned for payment disputes in the ACTION_NEEDED state. For payment disputes that require action by the seller, that same seller must call to see the next action(s) that they can take against the payment dispute.The timestamps returned here use the ISO-8601 24-hour date and time format, and the time zone used is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or Zulu


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_PaymentDisputeSummaries AS 
		CALL ebay.PaymentDisputeSummaries (
			order_id => NULL,
			buyer_username => NULL,
			open_date_from => NULL,
			open_date_to => NULL,
			payment_dispute_status => NULL
	) AS x


Payment policies associated with the specified marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): This query parameter specifies the eBay marketplace of the policy you want to retrieve
<payment_policy_id> (optional): This path parameter specifies the ID of the payment policy you want to retrieve
<name> (optional): This query parameter specifies the user-defined name of the payment policy you want to retrieve
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique eBay-assigned ID for a payment policy. This ID is generated when the policy is created



A user-defined name for this payment policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace



An optional seller-defined description of the payment policy for internal use (this value is not displayed to end users)



The CategoryTypeEnum value to which this policy applies. Used to discern accounts that sell motor vehicles from those that don't.



The ID of the eBay marketplace to which the payment policy applies. If this value is not specified, value defaults to the seller's eBay registration site



If set to true, payment is due upon receipt (eBay generates a receipt when the buyer agrees to purchase an item). This boolean must be set in the payment policy if the seller wants to create a listing that has an "immediate payment" requirement. The seller can change the immediate payment requirement at any time during the life cycle of a listing. The following must be true before a seller can apply an immediate payment requirement to an item:To enable the immediate payment requirement, the seller must also perform the following actions via API calls:For more information, see the Help page



It's important to note that the credit card brands Visa and MasterCard must both be listed if either one is listed. Note: Different eBay marketplaces may or may not support this field. Use the Trading API GetCategoryFeatures call with FeatureID set to PaymentMethods and DetailLevel set to ReturnAll to see what credit card brands different marketplaces support. If the GetCategoryFeatures call returns details on credit card brands for the categories in which you sell, then you can use this field to list the credit card brands the seller accepts. If, on the other hand, GetCategoryFeatures does not enumerate credit card brands for your target site (for example, if it returns PaymentMethod set to CCAccepted), then you cannot enumerate specific credit card brands with this field for that marketplace



The payment method, selected from the supported payment method types. Use GetCategoryFeatures in the Trading API to retrieve the payment methods allowed for a category on a specific marketplace, as well as the default payment method for that marketplace





A reference a recipient's account.


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_PaymentPolicies AS 
		CALL ebay.PaymentPolicies (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US'
	) AS x


Seller's status (opted-in or out) relating to the specified payments program
<payments_program_type> (required): This path parameter specifies the payments program whose status is returned by the call. Currently the only supported payments program is EBAY_PAYMENTS
<marketplace_id> (required): This path parameter specifies the eBay marketplace of the payments program for which you want to retrieve the seller's status
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The ID of the eBay marketplace to which the payment policy applies. If this value is not specified in the request, the value defaults to the seller's eBay registration site



This path parameter specifies the payment program whose status is returned by the call. Currently the only supported payments program is EBAY_PAYMENTS





If set to true, the seller was at one point opted-in to the associated payment program, but they later opted out of the program. A value of false indicates the seller never opted-in to the program or if they did opt-in to the program, they never opted-out of it. It's important to note that the setting of this field does not indicate the seller's current status regarding the payment program. It is possible for this field to return true while the status field returns OPTED_IN


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_PaymentsProgram AS 
		CALL ebay.PaymentsProgram (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY_US',
			payments_program_type => 'EBAY_PAYMENTS'
	) AS x


Search for and retrieve the details of multiple payouts
<filter> (optional): The two filter types that can be used here are discussed below. One or both of these filter types can be used. If none of these filters are used, the data returned in the response will reflect payouts, in all states, processed within the last 90 days. payoutDate: consider payouts processed within a specific range of dates. The date format to use is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ. Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a date range: Alternatively, the user could omit the ending date, and the date range would include the starting date and up to 90 days past that date, or the current date if the starting date is less than 90 days in the past. payoutStatus: consider only the payouts in a particular state. Only one payout state can be specified with this filter. The supported payoutStatus values are as follows:SUCCEEDED: consider only successful payouts.RETRYABLE_FAILED: consider only payouts that failed, but ones which will be tried again.TERMINAL_FAILED: consider only payouts that failed, and ones that will not be tried again.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container



This integer value indicates the total count of payouts to the seller that match the input criteria. This field is always returned, even if there are no payouts that match the input criteria (its value will show 0)



This integer value indicates the total count of monetary transactions (order payments, buyer refunds, and seller credits) associated with the payouts that match the input criteria. This field is always returned, even if there are no payouts that match the input criteria (its value will show 0). If there is at least one payout that matches the input criteria, the value in this field will be at least 1


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_PayoutSummary AS 
		CALL ebay.PayoutSummary (
			"filter" => NULL
	) AS x


Search for and retrieve the details of multiple payouts
<payout_Id> (optional): The unique identfier of the payout is passed in as a path parameter at the end of the call URI. The getPayouts method can be used to retrieve the unique identifier of a payout, or the user can check Seller Hub to get the payout ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container



This timestamp indicates when the seller payout began processing. The following format is used: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ. For example, 2015-08-04T19:09:02.768Z. This field is still returned even if the payout was pending but failed ( value shows RETRYABLE_FAILED or TERMINAL_FAILED)



The unique identifier of the seller payout. This identifier is generated once eBay begins processing the payout to the seller's bank account



This string value is the last four digits of the seller's account number



This string value indicates the type of account that received the payout. At this time, seller payouts can only be distributed to bank acounts, so the string value returned in this field will always be BankAccount



This string value is a seller-provided nickname that the seller uses to represent the bank account



This enumeration value indicates the current status of the seller payout. For a successful payout, the value returned will be SUCCEEDED. See the type for more details on each payout status value



This field provides more details about the current status of payout. The description returned here will correspond with enumeration value returned in the field. The following shows what description text might appear based on the different values:



This integer value indicates the number of monetary transactions (all orders, refunds, and credits, etc.) that have occurred with the corresponding payout. Its value should always be at least 1, since there is at least one order per seller payout


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Payouts AS 
		CALL ebay.Payouts ()
	) AS x


Seller's account privileges (e.g., selling limits and registration status)
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






If set to true, the seller's registration is completed



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



The maximum quantity of items that can be listed by the seller per calendar month. Note that for a listing with variations, all of the items listed in the variation count as individual items


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Privileges AS 
		CALL ebay.Privileges ()
	) AS x


EBay policies that define whether or not you must include an ePID value for the items you list in the categories of a specific marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): This path parameter specifies the eBay marketplace for which policy information is retrieved. See the following page for a list of valid eBay marketplace IDs:
<filter> (optional): This query parameter limits the response by returning policy information for only the selected sections of the category tree. Supply categoryId values for the sections of the tree you want returned. When you specify a categoryId value, the returned category tree includes the policies for that parent node, plus the policies for any leaf nodes below that parent node.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The category ID to which the listing policies apply



A value that indicates the root node of the category tree used for the response set. Each marketplace is based on a category tree whose root node is indicated by this unique category ID value. All category policy information returned by this call pertains to the categories included below this root node of the tree. A category tree is a hierarchical framework of eBay categories that begins at the root node of the tree and extends to include all the child nodes in the tree. Each child node in the tree is an eBay category that is represented by a unique categoryId value. Within a category tree, the root node has no parent node and leaf nodes are nodes that have no child nodes



A list of brands that are excluded from requiring a link to the eBay Catalog for the associated categoryId.



If set to true, items must include an ePID value in their item description before they can be listed in the category identified by the associated categoryId. In contrast, a value of false indicates that items listed in the associated category do not require ePID values


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ProductAdoptionPolicies AS 
		CALL ebay.ProductAdoptionPolicies (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US',
			"filter" => NULL
	) AS x


List of products that are compatible with the inventory item
<sku> (required): A SKU (stock keeping unit) is an unique identifier defined by a seller for a product
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






This field is optionally used by the seller to input any notes pertaining to the compatible vehicle list being defined. The seller might use this field to specify the placement of the part on a vehicle or other applicable information. This field will only be returned if specified by the seller.: 500



This field indicates the specifications of the engine, including its size, block type, and fuel type. An example is 2.7L V6 gas DOHC naturally aspirated. This field is conditionally required, but should be supplied if known/applicable



This field indicates the make of the vehicle (e.g. Toyota). This field is always required to identify a motor vehicle



This field indicates the model of the vehicle (e.g. Camry). This field is always required to identify a motor vehicle



This field indicates the trim of the vehicle (e.g. 2-door Coupe). This field is conditionally required, but should be supplied if known/applicable



This field indicates the year of the vehicle (e.g. 2016). This field is always required to identify a motor vehicle



This is the seller-defined SKU value of the inventory item that will be associated with the compatible vehicles. This field is not applicable to the call, but it is always returned with the call. For the call, the SKU value for the inventory item is actually passed in as part of the call URI, and not in the request payload

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ProductCompatibility AS 
		CALL ebay.ProductCompatibility (
			sku => 'MUS'
	) AS x


Promotions Manager Report by marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): The eBay marketplace ID of the site for which you want the promotions report. Valid values: EBAY_AU = Australia EBAY_DE = Germany EBAY_ES = Spain EBAY_FR = France EBAY_GB = Great Britain EBAY_IT = Italy EBAY_US = United States
<promotion_status> (optional): Limits the results to the promotions that are in the state specified by this query parameter. Valid values: DRAFT SCHEDULED RUNNING PAUSED ENDEDMaximum number of values supported: 1
<promotion_type> (optional): Filters the returned promotions in the report based on their campaign promotion type. Specify one of the following values to indicate the promotion type you want returned in the report: MARKDOWN_SALE – A markdown promotion set with createItemPriceMarkdownPromotion. ORDER_DISCOUNT – A threshold promotion set with createItemPromotion. VOLUME_DISCOUNT – A volume pricing promotion set with createItemPromotion
<q> (optional): A string consisting of one or more . eBay filters the response by returning only the promotions that contain the supplied keywords in the promotion title. Example: "iPhone" or "Harry Potter." Commas that separate keywords are ignored. For example, a keyword string of "iPhone, iPad" equals "iPhone iPad", and each results in a response that contains promotions with both "iPhone" and "iPad" in the title
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



The average order size is the average number of items that each order contained in a promotion. This value is calculated as follows: itemsSoldQuantity / numberOfOrdersSold = averageOrderSize



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



This is the quantity of items purchased in a threshold promotion where the threshold has been met and the discount was applied. For example, suppose you're running a "Buy 1, get 1 at 50%" promotion on $5 socks. One buyer purchases two pairs of socks, so they pay $7.50 for both pairs (rather than the full price of $10). Your number of items sold (itemsSoldQuantity) would be 2 and you number of orders sold (numberOfOrdersSold) would be 1



This is the number of orders sold in a threshold promotion where the threshold has been met and the discount was applied. For example, suppose you're running a "Buy 1, get 1 at 50%" promotion on $5 socks. One buyer purchases two pairs of socks, so they pay $7.50 for both pairs (rather than the full price of $10). Your numberOfOrdersSold would be 1 and your itemsSoldQuantity would be 2



The percentage sales lift is the total dollar amount gained due to promotions. This value is calculated as follows: promotionSale / totalSale = percentageSalesLift



The URI of the promotion report



A unique eBay-assigned ID for the promotion that's generated when the promotion is created



The unique eBay-assigned ID of the promotion report that is generated when the report is created



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



Indicates the type of the promotion, either MARKDOWN_SALE, ORDER_DISCOUNT, or VOLUME_DISCOUNT



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_PromotionReports AS 
		CALL ebay.PromotionReports (
			q => NULL,
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US',
			promotion_status => NULL,
			promotion_type => NULL
	) AS x


Promotions Manager Summary Report by marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): The eBay marketplace ID of the site you for which you want a promotion summary report. Valid values: EBAY_AU = Australia EBAY_DE = Germany EBAY_ES = Spain EBAY_FR = France EBAY_GB = Great Britain EBAY_IT = Italy EBAY_US = United States
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency





The date the report was generated



The percentage of the total dollar amount gained due to promotions. This value is calculated as follows: precentageSalesLift = promotionSale / (baseSale + promotionSale)



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency







The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_PromotionSummaryReport AS 
		CALL ebay.PromotionSummaryReport (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US'
	) AS x


Seller's promotions by marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): The eBay marketplace ID of the site where the promotion is hosted. Valid values: EBAY_AU = Australia EBAY_DE = Germany EBAY_ES = Spain EBAY_FR = France EBAY_GB = Great Britain EBAY_IT = Italy EBAY_US = United States
<promotion_status> (optional): Specifies the promotion state by which you want to filter the results. The response contains only those promotions that match the state you specify. Valid values: DRAFT SCHEDULED RUNNING PAUSED ENDEDMaximum number of input values: 1
<promotion_type> (optional): Filters the returned promotions based on their campaign promotion type. Specify one of the following values to indicate the promotion type you want returned: MARKDOWN_SALE – A markdown promotion set with createItemPriceMarkdownPromotion. ORDER_DISCOUNT – A threshold promotion set with createItemPromotion. VOLUME_DISCOUNT – A volume pricing promotion set with createItemPromotion
<q> (optional): A string consisting of one or more . eBay filters the response by returning only the promotions that contain the supplied keywords in the promotion title. Example: "iPhone" or "Harry Potter." Commas that separate keywords are ignored. For example, a keyword string of "iPhone, iPad" equals "iPhone iPad", and each results in a response that contains promotions with both "iPhone" and "iPad" in the title
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The date and time the promotion starts. For display purposes, convert this time into the local time of the seller



The date and time the promotion ends. If this field is blank (null), it indicates the promotion has no end date. For display purposes, convert this time into the local time of the seller



The eBay marketplace ID of the site where the promotion is hosted. Threshold promotions are supported on a select set of marketplaces while markdown promotions are supported on all eBay marketplaces. Valid values for threshold promotions are as follows:



The seller-defined name or "title" of the promotion, such as "Buy 1 Get 1", that the seller can use to identify a promotion. This label is not displayed in end-user flows. Maximum length: 90



Applicable for only ORDER_DISCOUNT promotions, this field indicates the precedence of the promotion, which is used to determine the position of a promotion on the seller's All Offers page. If an item is associated with multiple promotions, the promotion with the higher priority takes precedence



The URI of the promotion details



A unique eBay-assigned ID for the promotion that's generated when the promotion is created



The current status of the promotion. When creating a new promotion, you must set this value to either DRAFT or SCHEDULED



Indicates type of the promotion, either MARKDOWN_SALE, ORDER_DISCOUNT, or VOLUME_DISCOUNT


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Promotions AS 
		CALL ebay.Promotions (
			q => NULL,
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US',
			promotion_status => NULL,
			promotion_type => NULL
	) AS x


Details about the shipping rate tables defined by the seller for the country specified
<country_code> (optional): This query parameter specifies the two-letter code of country for which you want shipping-rate table information. If you do not specify a county code, the request returns all the seller-defined rate tables
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A two-letter country code representing the eBay marketplace where an item is listed



The region covered by the shipping rate table, either DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL. DOMESTIC indicates that the shipping rate table applies to regions within the country where an item is listed (the source country) while INTERNATIONAL indicates that the shipping rate table applies to regions outside of the country where an item is listed



The user-defined name for the shipping rate table. Sellers can access Seller Hub (or My eBay > Account > Site Preferences > Shipping preferences) to create and assign names to their shipping rate tables



A unique eBay-assigned ID for a seller's shipping rate table. Call getRateTables to retrieve the seller's current rate table IDs


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_RateTables AS 
		CALL ebay.RateTables (
			country_code => 'US'
	) AS x


Cost per Click All Campaign Performance Summary report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<marketplaceId> (optional): Marketplace Id
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



The cost-per-click for CPC Promoted Listings, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency



The currency of the cost-per-click for CPC Promoted Listings, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency



The seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The currency of the seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The currency of the seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The number of attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad



The average cost per CPC Promoted Listing sale, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency (cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_attributed_sales)



The currency of the average cost per CPC Promoted Listing sale, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency (cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_attributed_sales)



The number of times a buyer clicked through to the listing page



The conversion rate for the ad (cpc_attributed_sales divided by cpc_clicks)



The click-through-rate for CPC Promoted Listings (cpc_clicks divided by cpc_impressions)



The number of times a Cost Per Click (CPC) Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



The return on ad spending (cpc_sale_amount_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency)



The total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The currency of the total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The currency of the total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ReportCPC_AllCampaignPerformanceSummary AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.ReportCPC_AllCampaignPerformanceSummary (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -51, NOW ()),
            dateTo => NOW (),
            marketplaceId => 'EBAY_DE'
    ) AS x;;


Cost per Click Campaign Performance Summary report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<campaignIds> (optional): CSV list of campaign IDs
<marketplaceId> (optional): Marketplace Id
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label









A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad group. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



The cost-per-click for CPC Promoted Listings, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency



The currency of the cost-per-click for CPC Promoted Listings, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency



The seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The currency of the seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The currency of the seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The number of attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad



The average cost per CPC Promoted Listing sale, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency (cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_attributed_sales)



The currency of the average cost per CPC Promoted Listing sale, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency (cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_attributed_sales)



The number of times a buyer clicked through to the listing page



The conversion rate for the ad (cpc_attributed_sales divided by cpc_clicks)



The click-through-rate for CPC Promoted Listings (cpc_clicks divided by cpc_impressions)



The number of times a Cost Per Click (CPC) Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



The return on ad spending (cpc_sale_amount_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency)



The total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The currency of the total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The currency of the total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ReportCPC_CampaignPerformanceSummary AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.ReportCPC_CampaignPerformanceSummary (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -351, NOW ()),
            dateTo => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -301, NOW ()),
            marketplaceId => 'EBAY_DE'
    ) AS x;;


Cost per Click Keyword Performance report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<campaignIds> (optional): CSV list of campaign IDs
<marketplaceId> (optional): Marketplace Id
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad group. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad group. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad group. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



The cost-per-click for CPC Promoted Listings, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency



The currency of the cost-per-click for CPC Promoted Listings, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency



The seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The currency of the seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The currency of the seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The number of attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad



The average cost per CPC Promoted Listing sale, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency (cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_attributed_sales)



The currency of the average cost per CPC Promoted Listing sale, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency (cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_attributed_sales)



The number of times a buyer clicked through to the listing page



The conversion rate for the ad (cpc_attributed_sales divided by cpc_clicks)



The click-through-rate for CPC Promoted Listings (cpc_clicks divided by cpc_impressions)



The number of times a Cost Per Click (CPC) Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



The return on ad spending (cpc_sale_amount_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency)



The total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The currency of the total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The currency of the total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ReportCPC_KeywordPerformance AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.ReportCPC_KeywordPerformance (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -51, NOW ()),
            dateTo => NOW (),
            marketplaceId => 'EBAY_DE'
    ) AS x;;


Cost per Click Search Query Performance report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<campaignIds> (optional): CSV list of campaign IDs
<marketplaceId> (optional): Marketplace Id
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label









A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad group. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad group. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad group. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



The cost-per-click for CPC Promoted Listings, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency



The currency of the cost-per-click for CPC Promoted Listings, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency



The seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The currency of the seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The currency of the seller fees incurred from the clicks on a CPC Promoted Listing impression, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The number of attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad



The average cost per CPC Promoted Listing sale, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency (cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_attributed_sales)



The currency of the average cost per CPC Promoted Listing sale, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency (cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_attributed_sales)



The number of times a buyer clicked through to the listing page



The conversion rate for the ad (cpc_attributed_sales divided by cpc_clicks)



The click-through-rate for CPC Promoted Listings (cpc_clicks divided by cpc_impressions)



The number of times a Cost Per Click (CPC) Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



The return on ad spending (cpc_sale_amount_listingsite_currency divided by cpc_ad_fees_listingsite_currency)



The total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The currency of the total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the listing site currency



The total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency



The currency of the total sale amount (including item price, shipping, taxes, and any other applicable fees) for the attributed CPC Promoted Listing sales that occurred within 30 days of a click on an ad, expressed as a monetary value defined by the billing currency or payout currency

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ReportCPC_SearchQueryPerformance AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.ReportCPC_SearchQueryPerformance (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -51, NOW ()),
            dateTo => NOW (),
            marketplaceId => 'EBAY_DE'
    ) AS x;;


Account Performance report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<marketplaceId> (optional): Marketplace Id
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label









The number of times a buyer saw a Promoted Listing and then clicked through to the listing page



The number of times a Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



Click-through-rate: clicks divided by impressions



The seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



Currency of the seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



The number of sales



Total amount of sales



Currency of the total amount of sales



The average fee per sale. ad_fees divided by sales



Currency of the average fee per sale

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Report_AccountPerformance AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.Report_AccountPerformance (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -51, NOW ()),
            dateTo => NOW (),
            marketplaceId => 'EBAY_DE'
    ) AS x;;


Campaign Performance report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<campaignIds> (optional): CSV list of campaign IDs
<campaign_table> (optional): Table containing campaign ids in the column campaignId
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



The inventory reference ID associated with the ad you want returned. A seller's inventory reference ID is the ID of either a listing or the ID of an inventory item group (the parent of a multi-variation listing, such as a shirt that is available in multiple sizes and colors)



The type of the inventory reference ID. Set this value to either INVENTORY_ITEM (a single listing) or INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP (a multi-variation listing)



A unique eBay-assigned ID that is generated when a listing is created via the Trading API



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



The price of the item in the listing currency



Currency of the price of the item in the listing currency



Quantity available for the listing



Quantity of items sold for the listing



The title of the listing



The number of times a buyer saw a Promoted Listing and then clicked through to the listing page



The number of times a Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



Click-through-rate: clicks divided by impressions



The seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



Currency of the seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



The number of sales



Total amount of sales



Currency of the total amount of sales



The average fee per sale. ad_fees divided by sales



Currency of the average fee per sale

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Report_CampaignPerformance AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.Report_CampaignPerformance (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -51, NOW ()),
            dateTo => NOW (),
            campaignIds => '12337530016'
    ) AS x;;


Campaign Performance Summary report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<campaignIds> (optional): CSV list of campaign IDs
<campaign_table> (optional): Table containing campaign ids in the column campaignId
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label









A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



The number of times a buyer saw a Promoted Listing and then clicked through to the listing page



The number of times a Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



Click-through-rate: clicks divided by impressions



The seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



Currency of the seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



The number of sales



Total amount of sales



Currency of the total amount of sales



The average fee per sale. ad_fees divided by sales



Currency of the average fee per sale

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Report_CampaignPerformanceSummary AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.Report_CampaignPerformanceSummary (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -51, NOW ()),
            dateTo => NOW (),
            campaignIds => '12337530016'
    ) AS x;;


Listing Performance report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<listingIds> (optional): CSV list of listing IDs
<listing_table> (optional): Table containing listing ids in the column listingId
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A unique eBay-assigned ID for an ad campaign. This ID is generated when a campaign is created



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



A seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller



The inventory reference ID associated with the ad you want returned. A seller's inventory reference ID is the ID of either a listing or the ID of an inventory item group (the parent of a multi-variation listing, such as a shirt that is available in multiple sizes and colors)



The type of the inventory reference ID. Set this value to either INVENTORY_ITEM (a single listing) or INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP (a multi-variation listing)



A unique eBay-assigned ID that is generated when a listing is created via the Trading API



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



The price of the item in the listing currency



Currency of the price of the item in the listing currency



Quantity available for the listing



Quantity of items sold for the listing



The title of the listing



The number of times a buyer saw a Promoted Listing and then clicked through to the listing page



The number of times a Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



Click-through-rate: clicks divided by impressions



The seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



Currency of the seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



The number of sales



Total amount of sales



Currency of the total amount of sales



The average fee per sale. ad_fees divided by sales



Currency of the average fee per sale

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Report_ListingPerformance AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.Report_ListingPerformance (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -51, NOW ()),
            dateTo => NOW (),
            listingIds => '392942313862,393629386799,393195906736,393626911083,393357640330,393513818529,393630450302,393357640178,392942318511,393573948354,392942312493,393630450146,393586652267,393630449949,393635750629,393566713467,393629378016,393545317264,392942308943,393101616675,392942307851,393043140738,393630450250,393638681182,393357640184,393572714366,393357640187,393627708411,393363085889,392942318589,393357640227,393629386967,393195906501,393349423430,393523207967,393545317557,393578479221,393625367552,393534591554,393585092821,393625367270,393101615470,393629378072,393625371275,392942316556,393629498840,393195906431,393585092292,393630450322,393527322180,393588212464,393585091409,393545317368,393504163684,393588211812,393585092335,393630449965,393003846467,393598926353,393507177096,393357640282,393623444501,393357640200,393586652060,393357640206,393101619492,393545317410,393604571308,393629378126,392942311539,393575110819,393628617916,393101616661,393628408505,393575110815,393629386874,393630450064,393195906536,393598926386,393604571374,393357640370,393631351517,393101618768,393630450225,393626910907,393616796234,393629378052,393545317500,393625370767,393566714356,393578846934,392942306047,392942311406,393588212326,393585092114,393505445665,393101618495,393363092881,393630450294,393629386766,393593541585,393195906705,392942311513,393625371042,393630450050,393629386926,393629378102,393573948600,393504163671,392942318820,393349422302,393195906389,393623444441,392942311472,393629435748,393101611592,393578847055,392942308054,393632982210,392942313883,393101611710,393629377980,393555028241,392942316751,393603651974,393479268944,393625368504,392942409589,393150287766,393569588503,393629435713,393568545526,393540008102,393545317287,393629378037,393625984304,393624291664,393533692784,393566712716,393575110604,393630449888,393101613184,393588212146,393630450196,393477369900,392972767646,392942311574,392942316589,393585092000,393633859226,392942312022,393619699862,393638681802,392942306319,393101623421,393625984491,393545317453,393588212393,393629377996,393504163376,393585091675,393566713938,393604571344,393630449899,393628408549'
    ) AS x;;


Keyword Performance report
<dateFrom> (optional): Start date and time
<dateTo> (optional): End date and time
<days_redownload> (optional): Number of days to redownload
<reportId> (optional): Id of the report to parse
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label









A unique eBay-assigned ID that is generated when a listing is created via the Trading API



The date and time the campaign starts



The date and time the campaign ends



The price of the item in the listing currency



Quantity available for the listing



Quantity of items sold for the listing



The title of the listing







The number of times a buyer saw a Promoted Listing and then clicked through to the listing page



The number of times a Promoted Listing was rendered on a page



Click-through-rate: clicks divided by impressions



The seller fees incurred from the sale of their Promoted Listings



The number of sales



Total amount of sales



The average fee per sale. ad_fees divided by sales

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Report_Transaction AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.Report_Transaction (
            dateFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -10, NOW ()),
            dateTo => NOW ()
    ) AS x;;


Metadata that details the fields returned in all Promoted Listings reports
<report_type> (optional): The name of the report type whose metadata you want to get. For details about each report type, see . Valid values: ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_SUMMARY_REPORT LISTING_PERFORMANCE_REPORT INVENTORY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label













CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ReportMetadata AS 
		CALL ebay.ReportMetadata ()
	) AS x


Detailed list of the seller's report tasks.You can filter and paginate the result set
<report_task_statuses> (optional): This parameter filters the returned report tasks by their status. Supply a comma-separated list of the report statuses you want returned. The results are filtered to include only the report statuses you specify. Note: The results might not include some report tasks if other search conditions exclude them. Valid values: PENDING SUCCESS FAILED
<report_task_id> (optional): A unique eBay-assigned ID for the report task that's generated when the report task is created by a call to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A list of campaign IDs to be included in the report. A campaign ID is a unique eBay-assigned identifier of the campaign that's generated when the campaign is created. Call getCampaigns to return the current campaign IDs for a seller. Note: Currently, you can specify only one campaign ID



The date defining the start of the timespan covered by the report, in ISO 8601 UTC format. Promoted Listings reports are aggregated on a daily basis where each day begins and ends at midnight, Mountain Standard Time (MST). This time is calculated by subtracting seven hours from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)



The date defining the end of the timespan covered by the report, in ISO 8601 UTC format. Promoted Listings reports are aggregated on a daily basis where each day begins and ends at midnight, Mountain Standard Time (MST)



The name of the dimension on which the report is based. A dimension is an attribute to which the report data applies



The seller's inventory reference ID for an item that is managed with the Inventory API. An inventory reference is either the ID of a single listing or the ID of the parent of an item group listing (a multi-variation listing, such as a shirt that is available in multiple sizes and colors)



Indicates the type of item indicated by the inventoryReferenceId. This value can be set to either INVENTORY_ITEM or INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP (if the ID points to a multi-variation listing)



If supplied in the request, this field returns a list of the listing IDs included in the report. A listing ID is an eBay-assigned ID that's generated when a listing is created



The ID of the eBay marketplace used by the report task



A list of metrics for the report task



Indicates the format of the report. Currently, only TSV_GZIP is supported



The URL of the generated report, which can be used to download the report once it has been generated



A unique eBay-assigned ID for the report



An eBay-assigned name for the report that's created by the createReportTask call. This name is unique for the seller



The date the report task completed the report generation



The date the report task was created



The date the report task is expected to complete the report generation



The unique eBay-assigned ID of the report task. This value is generated when the report task is created with a call to createReportTask



Indicates the current state of the report task



Indicates type of report associated with the report task


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ReportTasks AS 
		CALL ebay.ReportTasks (
			report_task_statuses => NULL
	) AS x


Return policies associated with the specified marketplace
<marketplace_id> (required): This path parameter specifies the eBay marketplace for which policy information is retrieved. See the following page for a list of valid eBay marketplace IDs:
<return_policy_id> (optional): This path parameter specifies the of the return policy you want to retrieve
<name> (optional): This query parameter specifies the user-defined name of the return policy you want to retrieve
<filter> (optional): This query parameter limits the response by returning policy information for only the selected sections of the category tree. Supply categoryId values for the sections of the tree you want returned. When you specify a categoryId value, the returned category tree includes the policies for that parent node, plus the policies for any leaf nodes below that parent node. The parameter takes a list of categoryId values and you can specify up to 50 separate category IDs. Separate multiple values with a pipe character ('|'). If you specify more than 50 categoryId values, eBay returns the policies for the first 50 IDs and a warning that not all categories were returned.
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






For return policies, this field can be set to only ALL_EXCLUDING_MOTORS_VEHICLES (returns on motor vehicles are not processed through eBay flows)



An optional seller-defined description of the return policy for internal use (this value is not displayed to end users)



A time-measurement unit that specifies a singular period of time. A span of time is defined when you apply the value specified in the value field to the value specified for unit. Time-measurement units can be YEAR, MONTH, DAY, and so on. See TimeDurationUnitEnum for a complete list of possible time-measurement units



An integer that represents an amount of time, as measured by the time-measurement unit specified in the unit field



This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items. The field can be set to either BUYER or SELLER. Depending on the return policy and specifics of the return, either the buyer or the seller can be responsible for the return shipping costs. Note that the seller is always responsible for return shipping costs for SNAD-related issues



If set to true, the seller allows international returns. If set to false, the seller does not accept international returns



The ID of the eBay marketplace to which this return policy applies. If this value is not specified, value defaults to the seller's eBay registration site



A user-defined name for this return policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace



this field has been deprecated as of version 1.2.0, released on May 31, 2018. Any value other than MONEY_BACK will be treated as MONEY_BACK (although for a period of time, eBay will store and return the legacy values to preserve backwards compatibility). Indicates the method the seller uses to compensate the buyer for returned items. The return method specified applies only to . Each eBay marketplace may support different sets of refund methods and marketplaces can also have differing default values for this field. Sellers are obligated to honor the refund method displayed in their listings. Call GeteBayDetails in the Trading API to see the refund methods supported by the marketplaces you sell into. We recommend you set this field to the value of your preferred refund method and that you use the description field to detail the seller's return policy (such as indicating how quickly the seller will process a refund, whether the seller must receive the item before processing a refund, and other similar useful details).



Valid in the US marketplace only, this optional field indicates additional services (other than money-back) that sellers can offer buyers for.



A time-measurement unit that specifies a singular period of time. A span of time is defined when you apply the value specified in the value field to the value specified for unit. Time-measurement units can be YEAR, MONTH, DAY, and so on. See TimeDurationUnitEnum for a complete list of possible time-measurement units



An integer that represents an amount of time, as measured by the time-measurement unit specified in the unit field



A unique eBay-assigned ID for this policy. This ID value is appended to the end of the Location URI that is returned as a response header when you call createReturnPolicy)



This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items. The field can be set to either BUYER or SELLER. Depending on the return policy and specifics of the return, either the buyer or the seller can be responsible for the return shipping costs. Note that the seller is always responsible for return shipping costs for SNAD-related issues



If set to true, the seller accepts returns. Call the getReturnPolicies in the Metadata API to see what categories require returns to be offered for listings in each category. Also, note that some European marketplaces (for example, UK, IE, and DE) require sellers to accept returns for fixed-price items and auctions listed with Buy It Now.


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ReturnPolicies AS 
		CALL ebay.ReturnPolicies (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY-US'
	) AS x


Sales tax jurisdictions for the countries with tax jurisdictions; CA, IN, and US
<countryCode> (required): This path parameter specifies the two-letter country code for the country whose jurisdictions you want to retrieve. eBay provides sales tax jurisdiction information for Canada, India, and the United States.Valid values for this path parameter are CA, IN, and US
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique ID for a sales tax jurisdiction


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_SalesTaxJurisdictions AS 
		CALL ebay.SalesTaxJurisdictions (
			countryCode => 'US'
	) AS x


Sales tax table for the specified country. The table is comprised of entries for the different jurisdictions in the country
<country_code> (required): This path parameter specifies the two-letter code for the country whose tax table you want to retrieve
<jurisdiction_id> (optional): This path parameter specifies the ID of the sales tax jurisdiction for the tax table entry you want to retrieve
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The country code identifying the country to which this tax rate applies



A unique ID that identifies the sales tax jurisdiction to which the tax rate applies (for example a state within the United States)



The sales tax rate (as a percentage of the sale) applied to sales transactions made in this country and sales tax jurisdiction



If set to true, shipping and handling charges are taxed


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_SalesTaxes AS 
		CALL ebay.SalesTaxes (
			country_code => 'US'
	) AS x


Pending funds that have not yet been distibuted through a seller payout
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container



A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container



A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container



A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_SellerFundsSummary AS 
		CALL ebay.SellerFundsSummary ()
	) AS x


<StartTimeFrom> (optional): Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item start time. Each of the time ranges must be a value less than 120 days. In all calls, at least one date-range filter must be specified (i.e., you must specify either the end time range or start time range in every request)
<StartTimeTo> (optional): Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item start time. Must be specified if StartTimeFrom is specified
<EndTimeFrom> (optional): Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time. Specify either an end-time range or a start-time range filter in every call request. Each of the time ranges must be a value less than 120 days
<EndTimeTo> (optional): Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time. Must be specified if EndTimeFrom is specified
<AdminEndedItemsOnly> (optional): This boolean field can be included and set to true if the seller would like to retrieve any listings that were administratively ended by eBay due to a listing policy violation
<CategoryID> (optional): If you specify a CategoryID value, the response will only contain listings in the category you specify
<GranularityLevel> (optional): This field allows the user to control the amount of data that is returned in the response. See the Granularity Level table on this page for a list of the fields that are returned for each granularity level. Either GranularityLevel or DetailLevel can be used in a GetSellerList call, but not both. If both are specified, DetailLevel is ignored. If neither are used, the response fields will be the ones shown for 'Coarse' granularity
<IncludeVariations> (optional): If this field is included and set to true , the Variations node is returned for all multi-variation listings in the response. Note: If the seller has many multiple-variation listings, that seller may not want to include variations in the GetSellerList response. Or, a seller can include variations data, but possibly limit the response by specifying shorter date ranges with the date range filters, or by reducing the number of listings returned per results (decreasing the Pagination.EntriesPerPage value)
<IncludeWatchCount> (optional): This field may be included and set to true if the seller wishes to see the number of eBay users that are watching each listing
<MotorsDealerUsers> (optional): Specifies the CSV list of Motors Dealer sellers for which a special set of metrics can be requested. Applies to eBay Motors Pro applications only. Unique eBay user ID for the user. Applies to eBay Motors Pro applications only
<SKUs> (optional): One or multiple SKUs as CSV, and only listings associated with these SKUs are retrieved. Note that all other request criteria are also considered when one or more SKU values are specified. Note: Listings with matching SKUs are returned regardless of their Item.InventoryTrackingMethod setting
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The StartTime value returned by non-search calls such as GetItem is the time stamp (in GMT) for when the item was listed



Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration ) or the actual end time if the item has ended



Use an UUID value to ensure that you only list (or relist) a particular item once. This field can be particularly useful if you are listing many items on a daily basis and/or many items at once with an AddItems call. If your call request does not generate a response, or if you get one or more (blocking) errors, be sure to use the same UUID value when you attempt to list or relist the same item with another call request. If you pass in a UUID value that has already been used to successfully create or relist an item, you will receive an error message that includes the Item ID for that listing and a boolean value indicating whether the duplicate UUID was sent by the same application. We recommend that you use the Item.UUID field for add and relist calls (for example, AddItem and RelistItem ), but use the Item.InvocationID field instead when using a revise call. The UUID can only contain digits from 0-9 and letters from A-F and must be 32 characters long. The UUID value must be unique across all of the seller's eBay across all eBay marketplaces



This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing. You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours



Return custom, application-specific data associated with the item. The data you specify is stored by eBay with the item for your own reference, but it is not used by eBay in any way. Use ApplicationData to store special information for yourself, such as a part number. For a SKU in an listing, use the SKU element instead. To remove this value when revising or relisting an item, use DeletedField



This field is included and set to if true in an Add/Revise/Relist call if the seller wants to require immediate payment from the buyer. If this field is set to false or not included, the seller is not requestinng immediate payment. Note that this field may be set to true , but that does not necessarily mean that the buyer will be required to pay right away. For example, immediate payment is not currently applicable to auctions items won in a competitive bidding process or to items where the buyer and seller negotiated the price through the Best Offer feature. Immediate payment is also not applicable to listings where the payment happens offline between the buyer and seller



The eBay Best Price Guarantee price. The Best Price Guarantee program is only available on the eBay Australia marketplace



The enumeration value returned in this field indicates whether an item is eligible for the buyer protection



This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits , which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits



The human-readable label for the item condition. Display names are localized for the site on which they're listed (not necessarily the site on which they're viewed). Most categories use the same display name for the same condition ID. Some categories may override the display name based on buyer expectations for items in the category. For example, condition ID 1000 could be called "New" in one category and "New with tags" in another. Behind the scenes, eBay's search engine uses the ID (not the display name) to determine whether items are new, used, or refurbished. Only returned when the seller specified ConditionID in their listing



This is a numeric identifier for an item's condition. All numeric Condition ID values map to an item condition string value. For example, numeric identifer 1000 maps to New condition. Most eBay listing categories require an item condition, but a few eBay categories do not (such as Digital Gift Cards or Antiques categories). To verify if the listing category requires an item condition, and if so, what are the supported item condition and ConditionID values, you can call GetCategoryFeatures . In this GetCategoryFeatures call, you'd pass in the listing CategoryID value and two FeatureID fields - one of these fields set to ConditionEnabled , and the other field set to ConditionValues . In the GetCategoryFeatures response, look at the Category. ConditionEnabled to see if item condition is required for the category. Then look at the Category. ConditionValues container in the response for the full list of Condition IDs that you can pass in through the ConditionID field of an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call. Note that the Condition. DisplayName value in the response is the actual condition value that will appear in the actual eBay listing. If you pass in a ConditionID value that is not valid for the category, or if you don't pass in a ConditionID value at all for a category that requires it, the listing request fails. If you are listing in two categories (using a secondary category), it is the primary listing category that determines which ConditionID values are supported. For Revise/Relist calls: In most cases, you can change the ConditionID value (if applicable/warranted), with the exception being an auction listing that has one or more bids, or any listing that is scheduled to end in 12 hours or less. For GetItem: The ConditionID value is always returned if set for the listing. GetItem also returns the item condition string value in the ConditionDisplayName field. Note: As of February 2022, in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Australia marketplaces, condition ID 2500 ('Seller Refurbished') can no longer be used In the following categories: Cell Phones & Smartphones (category ID 9355); Smart Watches (category ID 178893); and Tablets & eBook Readers (category ID 171485). In these three categories, the 'Seller Refurbished' item condition has been replaced by one of three new refurbished values, which include condition ID 2010 ('Excellent - Refurbished'), condition ID 2020 ('Very Good - Refurbished'), and condition ID 2030 ('Good - Refurbished'). To use any of these new refurbished item conditions in category 9355, in category 178893, or in category 171485, sellers must go through an application and qualification process. Any seller who is not eligible to use these new refurbished item conditions in these three categories will be blocked if they try to create a new listing or revise an existing listing with any of these three new item conditions. Any active listings in these three categories that had condition ID 2500 ('Seller Refurbished') as the item condition should have been administratively ended by eBay. Sellers will have to relist these items, and until they are eligible to list with the new refurbished item conditions, they will need to use another item condition supported in these categories, such as condition ID 3000 ('Used'). Any seller that is interested in eligibility requirements to list with any refurbished item condition, including condition ID 2000 ('Certified - Refurbished'), should see the eBay Refurbished Program page in Seller Center



This two-digit enumeration value indicates the country of the seller's registration address. CountryCodeType defines the supported values. The GeteBayDetails call can also be used (include the DetailName field and set its value to CountryDetails ) to see the full list of supported country codes. In an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call, this field is required



In an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call, this required three-digit enumeration value defines the currency associated with the listing site. The item price and all costs passed in the call request will be using this currency. Similarly, the listing fees and other cost-related data will be using this currency. Since the Trading API can only be used for a select number of eBay sites, only a subset of values are supporting when adding/revising/relisting an item. These supported values are discussed in the top section of CurrencyCodeType . In 'Get' calls, it is possible that any of the values in CurrencyCodeType may appear, as some cost-related fields will show the buyer's currency type



For MinimumAdvertisedPrice (MAP) listings only. A seller cannot show the actual discounted price on eBay's View Item page. Instead, the buyer can either click on a pop-up on eBay's View Item page, or the discount price will be shown during checkout



The actual retail price set by the manufacturer (OEM). eBay does not maintain or validate the OriginalRetailPrice supplied by the seller. OriginalRetailPrice should always be more than StartPrice . Compare the StartPrice / BuyItNowPrice to OriginalRetailPrice to determine the amount of savings to the buyer



Based on OriginalRetailPrice , MinimumAdvertisedPrice , and StartPrice values, eBay identifies whether the listing falls under MAP or STP (aka OriginalRetailPrice ). GetItem returns this for items listed with one of these discount pricing treatments. GetSellerList returns the DiscountPriceInfo container. This field is not applicable for Add/Revise/Relist calls



Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this flag indicates that the discount price (specified as StartPrice) is the price for which the seller offered the same (or similar) item for sale on a Web site or offline store other than eBay in the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the seller's own price for the item. If this field is set to true , eBay displays 'Was*' in the UK and 'Ursprunglich*' in Germany, next to the discounted price of the item. In the event both SoldOffeBay and SoldOneBay fields are set to true , SoldOneBay takes precedence



Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this flag indicates that the discount price (specified as StartPrice ) is the price for which the seller offered the same (or similar) item for sale on eBay within the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the seller's own price for the item. If this field is set to true , eBay displays 'Was' in the UK and 'Ursprunglich' in Germany, next to the discounted price of the item. In the event both SoldOffeBay and SoldOneBay fields are set to true , SoldOneBay takes precedence



Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. This time does not include the shipping time (the carrier's transit time). Note: If the seller opts into the eBay Guaranteed Delivery feature and wants to make a listing eligible for eBay Guaranteed Delivery, the DispatchTimeMax value must be set to 0 or 1 (days) and the cumulative value of DispatchTimeMax plus the transit time of the shipping service (returned in ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingTimeMax field of GeteBayDetails ) must be 4 business days or less to be eligible for this feature. See the eBay Guaranteed Delivery page in Seller Center for more information on this program. The eBay Guaranteed Delivery feature is only available on the US and Australia marketplaces. For Add/Revise/Relist calls: Required for listings in certain categories when certain shipping services (with delivery) are offered. See HandlingTimeEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures . The seller sets this to a positive integer value corresponding to the number of 'handling' days. For a list of allowed values on each eBay site, use DispatchTimeMaxDetails in GeteBayDetails . Supported handling times for most sites in most categories range from 0 (same-day handling) to 3 business days, but this can vary by site. Some categories on some sites support longer handling times, and this generally comes into play with extremely large items where freight shipping may be required. This field is required whenever flat-rate or calculated shipping is used, but does not apply when there is no shipping involved, which is the case for digital gift card listings, or any orders where local pickup is available and this option is selected by the buyer. For ReviseItem only: If the listing has bids or sales and it ends within 12 hours, you can't change this value. If the listing is a GTC listing that has sales or ends within 12 hours (one or the other, but not both), you can add or change this value. If the listing has no bids or sales and more than 12 hours remain before the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. For GetItem: GetItem returns DispatchTimeMax only when shipping service options are specified for the item and the seller specified a dispatch time



eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers, which provides benefits such as fast and free domestic shipping, and free returns on selected items. To offer this feature to buyers, sellers must opt in to eBay Plus, and their selling status must be 'Above Standard' or above. Note: Currently, eBay Plus is only available to buyers on the Germany and Australia marketplaces, and this field should only be used by sellers selling eligible items in Germany. In Australia, the seller has no control/responsibility over setting the eBay Plus feature for a listing. Instead, eBay will evaluate/determine whether a listing is eligible for eBay Plus. Due to this fact, an Australian seller will also get the 21919431: This listing isn't eligible for eBay Plus. warning message in an add/revise/relist call, even though eBay may ultimately set the eBay Plus feature on the listing if the item is eligible. In an add/revise/relist call, a seller on the Germany site must include this field and set its value to true . If the seller is not eligible for/opted in to eBay Plus and/or the listing category or item does not qualify for eBay Plus, a warning message will be returned to the seller in the response indicating this. In addition to the seller, listing category, and item being eligible for eBay Plus, the seller must also set/commit to the following for the listing: Listing format must be fixed-price. Same-day or one-day handling ( DispatchTimeMax set to 0 or 1 ). A free, next-day shipping option offered. A return policy that offers a 30-day (or longer) return period. If this field is returned as true in a 'Get' call, it indicates that the item is eligible for eBay Plus treatment, but eBay Plus will only come into play if the buyer is subscribed to eBay Plus



If this field is returned as true , this item is eligible to be listed under the eBay Plus program. eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers, which provides benefits such as fast and free domestic shipping and free returns on selected items. eBay sellers must opt in to eBay Plus to be able offer the program on qualifying listings. Among other requirements, sellers must commit to next-day delivery of those items. Note: Currently, eBay Plus is available only to buyers in Germany and Australia marketplaces



This field is deprecated



This boolean field is returned as true if the listing has been hidden from all searches occurring on eBay. If a listing is hidden from eBay searches, the reason can be found in the ReasonHideFromSearch field



This boolean field indicates whether or not the listing description is HTTPS secure/compliant. To be HTTPS secure/compliant, the Item.Description field may not contain any links to site pages that use the HTTP (and not HTTPS) protocol. This field will be returned with each listing that is found unless one or more OutputSelector fields are used and Item.IsSecureDescription is not one of the values passed in to one of these fields. If this field is returned as true , the listing is HTTPs secure/compliant, and the whole listing description will appear on the View Item page for the listing. If this field is returned as false , the listing is not HTTPs secure/compliant, and only a partial/brief listing description will appear on the View Item page for the listing, with a link to the full listing description that will load in another tab. If the listing description is not HTTPS compliant, the fix is to call ReviseItem or ReviseFixedPriceItem and update the Item.Description field, removing all links to HTTP pages. For more information about why eBay made this change, please see the Policy Updates page of the Fall 2017 Seller Updates page



The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified. Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits



If true , the item is listed in a Mature category. Users must accept the Mature Category agreement on the eBay site to retrieve items listed in Mature categories. (Users do not need to sign this agreement to be able to list items in Mature Categories.)



Applicable for Real Estate auctions only. If true , buyers and sellers are expected to follow through on the sale. If false, bids for the Real Estate auction are only expressions of interest



Indicates whether or not the seller's Checkout Enabled preference is turned on. Note: A 'Checkout Enabled' setting is no longer available to sellers, and this field is always returned as true



Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates



Converted value of the ReservePrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. Only returned for listings with a reserve price when the requesting user is the listing's seller. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Not applicable to Fixed Price listings



Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale



This field is only returned if the item was ended early (before listing duration expired) by the seller (through an API call or on the Web site) or ended administratively by eBay. The value in this field indicates the seller's reason for ending the listing early



Indicates whether the item has any publicly displayed messages. Use GetMemberMessages to retrieve public messages for the item if this flag indicates that there are any



If true , the seller specified a value in ReservePrice



Indicates whether the item has any unanswered questions. Use GetMemberMessages to retrieve unanswered questions for the item if this flag indicates that there are any



The URL of the Web page where a user can view the listing. On the US site, this is called the View Item page. If you enabled affiliate tracking in a search-related call (for example, if you used the AffiliateTrackingDetails container in an applicable call), ViewItemURL contains a string that includes affiliate tracking information (see the eBay Partner Network )



This URL takes you to the same View Item page as ViewItemURL, but this URL is optimized to support natural search. That is, this URL is designed to make items on eBay easier to find via popular Internet search engines. The URL includes the item title along with other optimizations. To note, "?" (question mark) optimizes to "_W0QQ", "&" (ampersand) optimizes to "QQ", and "=" (equals sign) optimizes to "Z". If you are an eBay affiliate, use this URL to promote your affiliate information. Note: This URL may include additional query parameters that don't appear in ViewItemURL and vice versa. You should not modify the query syntax. For example, eBay won't recognize the URL if you change QQ to ?



Describes the number of days the seller wants the listing to be active (available for bidding/buying). The duration specifies the seller's initial intent at listing time. The end time for a listing is calculated by adding the duration to the item's start time. If the listing ends early, the value of the listing duration does not change. When a listing's duration is changed, any related fees (e.g., 10-day fee) may be debited or credited (as applicable). The valid choice of values depends on the listing format (see Item.ListingType ). For a list of valid values, call GetCategoryFeatures with DetailLevel set to ReturnAll and look for ListingDurations information. When you revise a listing, the duration cannot be reduced if it will result in ending the listing within 24 hours of the current date-time. You are only allowed to increase the duration of the listing if fewer than 2 hours have passed since you initially listed the item and the listing has no bids. You can decrease the value of this field only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold) and the listing does not end within 12 hours. Note: As of April 1, 2019, 'GTC' is the only supported listing duration for all eBay marketplaces with the following exceptions: The following eBay Motors US categories are exempt from this change: Cars & Trucks (6001), Motorcycles (6024), Other Vehicles & Trailers (6038), Boats (26429), Powersports (66466). All child categories under Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (9800) categories on the eBay UK and eBay Italy sites are also exempt from this change. If any other listing duration value besides GTC is specified in this field, it will be ignored, and GTC will be used instead



The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value). If this field is not included in an AddItem , AddItems , or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction For AddFixedPriceItem , RelistFixedPriceItem , or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem , since these calls only work with fixed-price listings. This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed



Indicates the geographical location of the item (along with the value in the Country field). When you revise a listing, you can add or change this value only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold) and it does not end within 12 hours. If you do not specify Location , you must specify Item.PostalCode . If you specify a postal code, but do not specify a location, then the location is given a default value derived from the postal code. For the Classified Ad format for motors vehicle listings, the value provided in the Location field is used as item location only if the SellerContactDetails.Street and the SellerContactDetails.Street2 are empty. Else, the SellerContactDetails.Street and the SellerContactDetails.Street2 will be used for item location



A lot is a set of two or more similar items included in a single listing that must be purchased together in a single order line item. The Item.LotSize value is the number of items in the lot. This field is required if two or more items are including in one listing. Lots can be used for auction and fixed-price listings. Lot items can be listed only in lot-enabled categories. Call GetCategories to determine if a category supports lots. If the returned CategoryArray.Category.LSD ( LotSize Disabled) value is true , the category does not support lots



This field is used to specify the type of picture gallery to use for the listing. If this field is omitted, a standard picture gallery is used for the listing. There is no listing fee for a standard picture gallery. To use the Gallery Plus feature, you must include this field and set its value to Plus . The Gallery image will be the first URL passed into the first PictureURL field, so if you want a specific picture to be the Gallery image, you should make sure you pass the URL for this picture in the first PictureURL field. When revising a listing, if you disable the Gallery Plus or Featured Gallery feature by including the GalleryType and setting its value to Gallery , the original feature fee for either of these features will not be credited to the seller



Specifies the type of image display used in a listing. Some options are only available if images are hosted through eBay Picture Services (EPS). eBay determines this by parsing the associated PictureURL . Some PhotoDisplay options can result in listing fees, even when the item is relisted. If you are relisting an item that was originally listed with a PhotoDisplay option, and you do not want that PhotoDisplay enhancement in your relisted item, you need to specifically remove PhotoDisplay in your RelistItem call (or RelistFixedPriceItem , as applicable) by setting PhotoDisplay to None . Use VerifyRelistItem to review your listing fees before you relist an item



Contains the URL for a picture of the item. The URL can be from the eBay Picture Services (images previously uploaded) or from a server outside of eBay (self-hosted). You can pass in up to 12 picture URLs (for most categories and marketplaces) for each listing, but you cannot mix self-hosted and EPS-hosted URLs in the same listing. The UploadSiteHostedPictures call can be used to upload pictures to EPS....

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_SellerList AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.SellerList (
            StartTimeFrom => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -20, CURDATE ())
    ) AS x;;


Standards profiles associated with a seller
<program> (optional): This input value specifies the region used to determine the seller's standards profile. Supply one of the four following values, PROGRAM_DE, PROGRAM_UK, PROGRAM_US, or PROGRAM_GLOBAL
<cycle> (optional): The period covered by the returned standards profile evaluation. Supply one of two values, CURRENT means the response reflects eBay's most recent monthly standards evaluation and PROJECTED means the response reflect the seller's projected monthly evaluation, as calculated at the time of the request
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The overall standards level of the seller, one of TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, or BELOW_STANDARD



Indicates the program used to generate the profile data. Values can be PROGRAM_DE, PROGRAM_UK, PROGRAM_US, or PROGRAM_GLOBAL



The cycle type, either CURRENT or PROJECTED. CURRENT means the profile's metrics values are from the most recent official eBay monthly standards evaluation. PROJECTED means the profile values were determined when the profile was requested



The date and time at which the standard compliance values were determined for the profile. The time stamp is formatted as an string, which is based on the 24-hour Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) clock



The month in which the currently effective seller level was computed. The value is always formatted as YYYY-MM. If the cycle is CURRENT, this value is the month and year the of the last eBay compliance evaluation. If this is for a PROJECTED cycle, the value is the month and year of the next scheduled evaluation. Because eBay does official evaluations around the 20th of each month, a PROJECTED value may indicate either the current or the next month



Specifies how the overall seller level was calculated. In the event of special circumstances (as determined by eBay), eBay may override the calculated seller level. In general, such overrides protect a seller's level. The usual value for both cycle types is "Seller level generated by standards monthly evaluation cycle."



The start date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the seller was evaluated for this metric



The seller level for this metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD



The end date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the seller was evaluated for this metric



An internal key string specifying a metric. These are short, abbreviated, strings such as MIN_TXN_COUNT



A descriptive name for the metric. For example, "Transaction defect rate." This value is localized according to the value of the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header



Specifies the lowest number value can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. For example, if a seller is assigned the level ABOVE_STANDARD for the ROCKS_INVENTORY metric, and thresholdLowerBound is set to 10, having fewer than 10 rocks in inventory would result in the seller dropping a level to BELOW_STANDARD. See thresholdMetaData to determine if the lower bound value is inclusive or exclusive. The lower bound value is optional. For example, if the seller is below standard for this metric, there is no value they can go below for it to further lower their compliance level. Note that each program can have different metric-threshold levels



An expression that indicates the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the upper and lower threshold boundaries. A metric's thresholdLowerBound and thresholdUpperBound values specify the boundary values that define the current standard compliance level (TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, or BELOW_STANDARD). The thresholdMetaData value consists of two values separated by a comma, which are bounded by either a parenthesis or a square bracket. A parenthesis indicates the adjacent value is exclusive while a square bracket indicates the adjacent value is inclusive (exclusive values are not included in the range while inclusive values are included). The metadata values are either UPPER or LOWER and these values can be in any order to indicate the characteristics of the metric. For example, suppose a seller's level is ABOVE_STANDARD, the lower boundary is 200, the upper boundary is 300, and the value for this field is (LOWER, UPPER]. This indicates that as long as the value for this metric is an integer from 201 (excluding 200) to 300 (including 300), the metric level is above standard. With this, if the seller wants to get a TOP_RATED rating for this metric, they'll have to increase their value to at least 301



Specifies the highest number value can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. For example, if a seller is assigned the level ABOVE_STANDARD for the ROCKS_INVENTORY metric, and the thresholdUpperBound is set to 20, having more than 20 rocks in inventory would result in the seller rising a lever, to TOP_RATED. See thresholdMetaData to determine if the upper bound value is inclusive or exclusive. The upper bound value is optional. For example, if the seller is top rated for this metric, there is no value they can go above for it to further raise their compliance level. Note that each program can have different metric-threshold levels



Indicates the data type of the returned metric. Possible values are: AMOUNT, BOOLEAN, DATE, FRACTION, NUMBER, and STRING



The seller's calculated value, or score, for the metric








CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_SellerStandardsProfiles AS 
		CALL ebay.SellerStandardsProfiles ()
	) AS x


Details of a shipment by ID
<shipmentId> (required): This path parameter specifies the unique eBay-assigned ID of the shipment you want to retrieve. The shipmentId value is generated and returned by a call to createFromShippingQuote
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The date and time the shipment was created, formatted as an string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock



The direct URL the seller can use to download an image of the shipping label. By default, the file format is PDF. See for requesting different response file formats



The seller's desired label size. The support for multi-sized labels is shipping-carrier specific and if the size requested in the creaateFromShippingQuote call matches a size the carrier supports, the value will be represented here in the shipment. Currently, the only valid value is: 4"x6"



The numeric value of the height of the package



The numeric value of the length of the package



The unit of measure used to express the height, length, and width of the package



The numeric value of the width of the package



The unit of measurement used to specify the weight of a shipping package. Both the and fields are required if the container is used. If the English system of measurement is being used, the applicable values for weight units are POUND and OUNCE. If the metric system of measurement is being used, the applicable values for weight units are KILOGRAM and GRAM. The metric system is used by most countries outside of the US



The numeric value of the weight of the package, as measured by the value of unit



The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD



The monetary amount in the specified currency



The time zone of the destination according to . For example, "America/Los_Angeles"



A string value representing maximum (latest) estimated delivery time, formatted as an string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock



A string value representing minimum (earliest) estimated delivery time, formatted as an UTC string



The type of pickup or drop off configured for the shipment



The eBay-generated ID of the shipping rate that the seller has chosen to purchase for the shipment



The ID code for the carrier that was selected for the package shipment



The name of the shipping carrier



String ID code for the shipping service selected for the package shipment. This is a service that the shipping carrier supplies



The name of the shipping service



The company name with which the contact is associated



The first line of the street address



The second line of the street address. Use this field for additional address information, such as a suite or apartment number



The city in which the address is located



The country of the address, represented as two-letter country code. For example, US represents the United States and DE represents Germany



The county (not country) in which the address is located. Counties typically contain multiple cities or towns



The postal code of the address



The state or province in which the address is located. States and provinces often contain multiple counties



The contact's full name



A telephone number



The company name with which the contact is associated



The first line of the street address



The second line of the street address. Use this field for additional address information, such as a suite or apartment number



The city in which the address is located



The country of the address, represented as two-letter country code. For example, US represents the United States and DE represents Germany



The county (not country) in which the address is located. Counties typically contain multiple cities or towns



The postal code of the address



The state or province in which the address is located. States and provinces often contain multiple counties



The contact's full name



A telephone number



The company name with which the contact is associated



The first line of the street address



The second line of the street address. Use this field for additional address information, such as a suite or apartment number



The city in which the address is located



The country of the address, represented as two-letter country code. For example, US represents the United States and DE represents Germany



The county (not country) in which the address is located. Counties typically contain multiple cities or towns



The postal code of the address



The state or province in which the address is located. States and provinces often contain multiple counties



The contact's full name



A telephone number



The unique eBay-assigned ID for the shipment. The ID is generated when the shipment is created by a call to createFromShippingQuote



A unique carrier-assigned ID string that can be used to track the shipment


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Shipment AS 
		CALL ebay.Shipment (
			shipmentId => 0
	) AS x


Details of all shipping fulfillments defined for an order
<orderId> (required): The unique identifier of the order. Order ID values are shown in My eBay/Seller Hub, and are also returned by the getOrders method in the orders.orderId field
<fulfillmentId> (optional): The unique identifier of the fulfillment. This eBay-generated value was created by the Create Shipping Fulfillment call, and returned by the getShippingFulfillments call in the fulfillments.fulfillmentId field; for example, 9405509699937003457459
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique identifier of the fulfillment; for example, 9405509699937003457459. This eBay-generated value is created with a successful createShippingFulfillment call



This is the unique identifier of the eBay order line item that is part of the shipping fulfillment. The line item ID is created as soon as there is a commitment to buy from the seller



The tracking number provided by the shipping carrier for the package shipped in this fulfillment. This field is returned if available



The date and time that the fulfillment package was shipped. This timestamp is in ISO 8601 format, which uses the 24-hour Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) clock. This field should only be returned if the package has been shipped



The eBay code identifying the shipping carrier for this fulfillment. This field is returned if available




CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ShippingFulfillments AS 
		CALL ebay.ShippingFulfillments (
			orderId => '17-05562-52408'
	) AS x


Details of a previously created shipping quote by ID
<shippingQuoteId> (required): This path parameter specifies the unique eBay-assigned ID of the shipping quote you want to retrieve. The shippingQuoteId value is generated and returned by a call to createShippingQuote
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The date and time this quote was created, expressed as an ISO 8601 UTC string



The last date and time that this quote will be honored, expressed as an ISO 8601 UTC string. After this time the quote expires and the expressed rates can no longer be purchased



The numeric value of the height of the package



The numeric value of the length of the package



The unit of measure used to express the height, length, and width of the package



The numeric value of the width of the package



The unit of measurement used to specify the weight of a shipping package. Both the and fields are required if the container is used. If the English system of measurement is being used, the applicable values for weight units are POUND and OUNCE. If the metric system of measurement is being used, the applicable values for weight units are KILOGRAM and GRAM. The metric system is used by most countries outside of the US



The numeric value of the weight of the package, as measured by the value of unit



The company name with which the contact is associated



The first line of the street address



The second line of the street address. Use this field for additional address information, such as a suite or apartment number



The city in which the address is located



The country of the address, represented as two-letter country code. For example, US represents the United States and DE represents Germany



The county (not country) in which the address is located. Counties typically contain multiple cities or towns



The postal code of the address



The state or province in which the address is located. States and provinces often contain multiple counties



The contact's full name



A telephone number



The company name with which the contact is associated



The first line of the street address



The second line of the street address. Use this field for additional address information, such as a suite or apartment number



The city in which the address is located



The country of the address, represented as two-letter country code. For example, US represents the United States and DE represents Germany



The county (not country) in which the address is located. Counties typically contain multiple cities or towns



The postal code of the address



The state or province in which the address is located. States and provinces often contain multiple counties



The contact's full name



A telephone number



The unique eBay-assigned ID for this shipping quote. The value of this field is associated with a specific package, based on its origin, destination, and size


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_ShippingQuote AS 
		CALL ebay.ShippingQuote (
			shippingQuoteId => ''
	) AS x


Seller's traffic report based on specified days or listing IDs
<marketplace_id> (optional): This query parameter specifies the eBay marketplace of the policy you want to retrieve
<date_range_start> (optional): Start date of the report
<date_range_end> (optional): End date of the report
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






Date dimension



The number of times an item displays on the search results page divided by the number of times buyers clicked through to its View Item page



The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the seller's store. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The total number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page OR in the seller's store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The number of times a View Item page was directly accessed, such as when a buyer navigates to the page using a bookmark



The number of times a View Item page was accessed via a site other than eBay, such as when a buyer clicks on a link to the listing from a search engine page



The number of times a View Item page was accessed from an eBay page that is not either the search results page or the seller's store



The number of times the item displayed on the search results page



The number of times a View Item page was accessed via the seller's store



Total number of listings viewed



The number of completed transactions divided by the number of View Item page views



The total number of completed transactions


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_TrafficReportByDay AS 
		CALL ebay.TrafficReportByDay (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY_US'
	) AS x


Seller's traffic report by days and listing IDs
<marketplace_id> (optional): This query parameter specifies the eBay marketplace of the policy you want to retrieve
<date_range_start> (optional): Start date of the report
<date_range_end> (optional): End date of the report
<listing_ids> (optional): CSV list of listing ids
<listing_table> (optional): Table containing listing ids in the column listingId
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






Date dimension



Listing id



The number of times an item displays on the search results page divided by the number of times buyers clicked through to its View Item page



The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the seller's store. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The total number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page OR in the seller's store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The number of times a View Item page was directly accessed, such as when a buyer navigates to the page using a bookmark



The number of times a View Item page was accessed via a site other than eBay, such as when a buyer clicks on a link to the listing from a search engine page



The number of times a View Item page was accessed from an eBay page that is not either the search results page or the seller's store



The number of times the item displayed on the search results page



The number of times a View Item page was accessed via the seller's store



Total number of listings viewed



The number of completed transactions divided by the number of View Item page views



The total number of completed transactions

CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_TrafficReportByDayListing AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.TrafficReportByDayListing (
            marketplace_id => 'EBAY_US',
            date_range_start => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -3,CURDATE ()),
            date_range_end => CURDATE ()
    ) AS x;;


Seller's traffic report based on specified days or listing IDs
<marketplace_id> (optional): This query parameter specifies the eBay marketplace of the policy you want to retrieve
<date_range_start> (required): Start date of the report
<date_range_end> (optional): End date of the report
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






Listing id



The number of times an item displays on the search results page divided by the number of times buyers clicked through to its View Item page



The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the seller's store. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The total number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page OR in the seller's store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page



The number of times a View Item page was directly accessed, such as when a buyer navigates to the page using a bookmark



The number of times a View Item page was accessed via a site other than eBay, such as when a buyer clicks on a link to the listing from a search engine page



The number of times a View Item page was accessed from an eBay page that is not either the search results page or the seller's store



The number of times the item displayed on the search results page



The number of times a View Item page was accessed via the seller's store



Total number of listings viewed



The number of completed transactions divided by the number of View Item page views



The total number of completed transactions


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_TrafficReportListing AS 
		CALL ebay.TrafficReportListing (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY_US',
			date_range_start => TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY, -20, CURDATE ()),
			date_range_end => CURDATE ()
	) AS x


Total counts and values of the seller's order sales, seller credits, buyer refunds, and payment holds
<filter> (required): Numerous filters are available for the getTransactionSummary method, and these filters are discussed below. One or more of these filter types can be used. The transactionStatus filter must be used. All other filters are optional
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container





This integer value indicates the total number of the seller's sales and/or credits that match the input criteria





This integer value indicates the total number of order sales where the associated funds are on hold. Only the orders that match the input criteria are considered



A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container



This integer value indicates the total number of buyer refunds that match the input criteria






CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_TransactionSummary AS 
		CALL ebay.TransactionSummary (
			"filter" => 'transactionStatus:{PAYOUT}'
	) AS x


Details of one or more monetary transactions
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with the amount container



The eBay user ID of the order's buyer



The unique identifier of the order associated with the monetary transaction



The unique identifier of the seller payout associated with the monetary transaction. This identifier is generated once eBay begins processing the payout for the corresponding order. This field will not be returned if eBay has not yet begun processing the payout for an order



The Sales Record Number associated with a sales order. Sales Record Numbers are Selling Manager/Selling Manager Pro identifiers that are created at order checkout



This timestamp indicates when the monetary transaction (order purchase, buyer refund, seller credit) occurred



The unique identifier of the monetary transaction. A monetary transaction can be a sales order, an order refund to the buyer, a credit to the seller's account, a debit to the seller for the purchase of a shipping label, or a transaction where eBay recouped money from the seller if the seller lost a buyer-initiated payment dispute



This enumeration value indicates the current status of the seller payout associated with the monetary transaction. See the TransactionStatusEnum type for more information on the different states



This enumeration value indicates whether the monetary transaction is a buyer's payment for an order, a refund to the buyer for a returned item or cancelled order, a credit issued by eBay to the seller's account, a payment dispute between the buyer and seller, or where eBay is billing the seller for an eBay shipping label. Note that the shipping label functionality will initially only be available to a select number of sellers


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_Transactions AS 
		CALL ebay.Transactions ()
	) AS x


Authenticated user's account profile information
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






Indicates the user account type. This is determined when the user registers with eBay. If they register for a business account, this value will be BUSINESS. If they register for a private account, this value will be INDIVIDUAL. This designation is required by the tax laws in the following countries: EBAY_AT, EBAY_BE, EBAY_CH, EBAY_DE, EBAY_ES, EBAY_FR, EBAY_GB, EBAY_IE, EBAY_IT, EBAY_PL Valid Values: BUSINESS or INDIVIDUAL Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list



The first line of the street address



The second line of the street address. This field is not always used, but can be used for 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'



The city of the address



The two-letter standard of the country of the address



The postal code of the address



The state or province of the address



An additional name that is used for their business on eBay. The business name is returned in the name field



The email address of the business account



The business name associated with the user's eBay account



The two-letter standard of the country to which the phone number belongs



The numeric string representing the phone number



The type of phone service. Valid Values: MOBILE or LAND_LINE Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list



The first name of the contact person



The last name of the contact person



The eBay site on which the account is registered



The eBay immutable user ID of the user's account and can always be used to identify the user



The user name, which was specific by the user when they created the account


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_User AS 
		CALL ebay.User ()
	) AS x


Find listings that are eligible for a seller-initiated offer to a buyer
<marketplace_id> (required): This query parameter specifies the eBay marketplace of the policy you want to retrieve
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label






The unique eBay-assigned ID for an eBay listing. A listingId is assigned by eBay when a seller creates a listing with the Trading API


CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_findEligibleItems AS 
		CALL ebay.findEligibleItems (
			marketplace_id => 'EBAY_US'
	) AS x


<filter> (optional)
<maintain_history> (optional)
<preview> (optional)
<target_table> (optional)
<label> (optional)
















CREATE VIEW ebay_examples.example_findListingRecommendations AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        CALL ebay.findListingRecommendations (
            "filter" => 'recommendationTypes:{AD}'
    ) AS x;;
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