Public Freshdesk Connector API
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_ prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
<email> (optional): Agents by email
<mobile> (optional): Agents by mobile
<phone> (optional): Agents by phone
<state> (optional): One of: fulltime/occasional
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | User ID of the agent |
available | boolean | If the agent is in a group that has enabled "Automatic Ticket Assignment", this attribute will be set to true if the agent is accepting new tickets |
available_since | timestamp | Timestamp that denotes when the agent became available/unavailable (depending on the value of the 'available' attribute) |
contact_active | boolean | Set to true if the agent is verified |
contact_created_at | timestamp | Creation timestamp |
contact_email | string | Email address of the agent |
contact_job_title | string | Job title of the agent |
contact_language | string | Language of the agent. Default language is "en" |
contact_last_login_at | timestamp | Timestamp of the agent's last successful login |
contact_mobile | string | Mobile number of the agent |
contact_name | string | Name of the agent |
contact_phone | string | Telephone number of the agent |
contact_time_zone | string | Time zone of the agent |
contact_updated_at | timestamp | Timestamp of the last update |
occasional | boolean | Set to true if this is an occasional agent (true => occasional, false => full-time) |
signature | string | Signature of the agent in HTML format |
ticket_scope | long | Ticket permission of the agent (1 -> Global Access, 2 -> Group Access, 3 -> Restricted Access) |
created_at | timestamp | Agent creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Agent updated timestamp |
Business Hours
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the business hour |
name | string | Name of the business hour |
bh_monday_start_time | time | Business hours 'start_time' for monday |
bh_monday_end_time | time | Business hours 'end_time' for monday |
bh_tuesday_start_time | time | Business hours 'start_time' for tuesday |
bh_tuesday_end_time | time | Business hours 'end_time' for tuesday |
bh_wednesday_start_time | time | Business hours 'start_time' for wednesday |
bh_wednesday_end_time | time | Business hours 'end_time' for wednesday |
bh_thursday_start_time | time | Business hours 'start_time' for thursday |
bh_thursday_end_time | time | Business hours 'end_time' for thursday |
bh_friday_start_time | time | Business hours 'start_time' for friday |
bh_friday_end_time | time | Business hours 'end_time' for friday |
bh_saturday_start_time | time | Business hours 'start_time' for saturday |
bh_saturday_end_time | time | Business hours 'end_time' for saturday |
bh_sunday_start_time | time | Business hours 'start_time' for sunday |
bh_sunday_end_time | string | Business hours 'end_time' for sunday |
description | string | Description of the business hour |
is_default | boolean | Set to true if this is the default business hour |
time_zone | string | Denotes the time zone of the business hour |
created_at | timestamp | Business Hour creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Business Hour updated timestamp |
Canned Response Folders
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the canned response folder |
name | string | Name of the canned response folder |
personal | boolean | Set true if the folder can be accessed only by you |
responses_count | integer | Number of canned responses in the folder |
created_at | timestamp | Canned Response Folders creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Canned Response Folders updated timestamp |
<name> (optional): Search for a company using its name
<query> (optional): Use custom company fields that you have created in your account to filter through the companies and get a list of companies matching the specified company fields
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the company |
name | string | Name of the company |
account_tier | string | Classification based on how much value the company brings to your business |
description | string | Description of the company |
domains | string | Domains of the company. Email addresses of contacts that contain this domain will be associated with that company automatically |
health_score | string | The strength of your relationship with the company |
industry | string | The industry the company serves in |
note | string | Any specific note about the company |
renewal_date | date | Date when your contract or relationship with the company is due for renewal |
created_at | timestamp | Company creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Company updated timestamp |
Company Fields
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the field |
name | string | Name of the field |
choices | string | List of values supported by the field |
default | boolean | Set to true if the field is not a custom field |
field_type | string | Filed's type |
label | string | Display name for the field |
position | integer | Position of the contact field |
required_for_agent | boolean | Set to true if the field is mandatory for agent |
required_for_agents | boolean | Set to true if the field is mandatory for agents |
type | string | Type of the field |
created_at | timestamp | Company Field creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Company Field updated timestamp |
Company Imports
<status> (optional): One of: in_progress/completed/cancelled/failed
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
id | long |
completed_records | integer |
failures_count | integer |
failures_report | string |
status | string |
total_records | integer |
created_at | timestamp |
Contact Fields
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the contact field |
name | string | Name of the contact field |
choices | string | List of values supported by the field |
customers_can_edit | boolean | Customers can edit the field in the customer portal |
default | boolean | Set to true if the field is not a custom field |
displayed_for_customers | boolean | Customers can see the field in the customer portal |
editable_in_signup | boolean | Set to true if the field can be updated by customers during signup |
label | string | Display name for the field (as seen by agents) |
label_for_customers | string | Display name for the field (as seen in the customer portal) |
position | integer | Position of the contact field |
required_for_agents | boolean | Set to true if the field is mandatory for agents |
required_for_customers | boolean | Set to true if the field is mandatory in the customer portal |
created_at | timestamp | Contact Field creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Contact Field updated timestamp |
Contact Imports
<status> (optional): One of: in_progress/completed/cancelled/failed
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
id | long |
completed_records | integer |
failures_count | integer |
failures_report | string |
status | string |
total_records | integer |
created_at | timestamp |
<company_id> (optional): Company Id
<email> (optional): Contacts by email
<mobile> (optional): Contacts by mobile
<phone> (optional): Contacts by phone
<state> (optional): One of: blocked/deleted/unverified/verified
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the contact |
name | string | Name of the contact |
active | boolean | Set to true if the contact has been verified |
address | string | Address of the contact |
attachment_urls | string | Attachment urls |
avatar_avatar_url | string | Avatar URL |
avatar_content_type | string | Content type of the avatar |
avatar_created_at | timestamp | Avatar creation timestamp |
avatar_id | long | ID of the avatar |
avatar_name | string | Name of the avatar |
avatar_size | string | Size of the avatar |
avatar_updated_at | timestamp | Avatar updated timestamp |
company_id | long | ID of the primary company to which this contact belongs |
deleted | boolean | Set to true if the contact has been deleted. Note that this attribute will only be present for deleted contacts |
description | string | A short description of the contact |
string | Primary email address of the contact. If you want to associate additional email(s) with this contact, use the other_emails attribute | |
facebook_id | string | Facebook id |
job_title | string | Job title of the contact |
language | string | Language of the contact |
mobile | string | Mobile number of the contact |
other_companies_view_all_tickets | string | Set to true if the contact can see all the tickets that are associated with the company to which it belongs |
other_emails | string | Additional emails associated with the contact |
phone | string | Telephone number of the contact |
tags | string | Tags associated with this contact |
time_zone | string | Time zone in which the contact resides |
twitter_id | string | Twitter handle of the contact |
unique_external_id | string | External ID of the contact |
view_all_tickets | boolean | Set to true if the contact can see all tickets that are associated with the company to which he belong |
created_at | timestamp | Contact creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Contact updated timestamp |
<ticket_id> (optional): Ticket id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the conversation |
bcc_emails | string | BCC emails |
body | string | Content of the conversation in HTML |
body_text | string | Content of the conversation in plain text |
cc_emails | string | CC emails |
from_email | string | From email |
incoming | boolean | Set to true if a particular conversation should appear as being created from outside (i.e., not through web portal) |
is_private | boolean | Set to true if the note is private |
source | long | Denotes the type of the conversation |
support_email | string | Email address from which the reply is sent. For notes, this value will be null |
ticket_id | long | ID of the ticket to which this conversation is being added |
to_emails | string | Email addresses of agents/users who need to be notified about this conversation |
user_id | long | ID of the agent/user who is adding the conversation |
created_at | timestamp | Conversation creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Conversation updated timestamp |
Discussions Categories
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the forum category |
name | string | Name of the forum category |
description | string | Description of the forum category |
created_at | timestamp | Forum Category creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Forum Category updated timestamp |
Discussions Comments
<topic_id> (required): Topic Id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the comment or comment |
answer | boolean | Indicates if the comment is marked as the answer (for forum topics of type "Question") |
body | string | Content of the comment in HTML |
body_text | string | Content of the comment in plain text |
forum_id | long | ID of the forum in which the comment was posted |
published | boolean | Indicates if the comment is being published (allowed by moderators) |
spam | boolean | Indicates if the comment is marked as spam |
topic_id | long | ID of the topic in which the comment was posted |
trash | boolean | Indicates if the Comment is marked as deleted |
user_id | long | ID of the user who posted the comment |
created_at | timestamp | Comment creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Comment updated timestamp |
Discussions Forums
<category_id> (required): Category Id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the forum |
name | string | Name of the forum |
comments_count | integer | The total number of comments in the forum |
description | string | Description of the forum |
forum_category_id | long | ID of the category to which this forum belongs |
forum_type | long | Denotes the type of forum (Supported types can be seen in the Forum properties table below) |
forum_visibility | long | Denotes the visibility level of the forum (See the Forum Visibility table below for supported levels) |
position | long | Controls the order in which the forums are displayed in the web page |
posts_count | integer | The total number of posts in the forum |
topics_count | integer | The total number of topics in the forum |
Discussions Topics
<forum_id> (required): Forum Id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the topic |
comments_count | integer | The total number of comments in the forum |
forum_id | long | ID of the Forum in which this topic is present |
hits | long | Number of views of that topic |
locked | boolean | Set to true if the topic is locked which means that no more posts can be added to the topic |
merged_topic_id | long | ID of the topic to which it is merged into |
posts_count | integer | Number of posts in that topic |
published | boolean | Published |
replied_at | timestamp | Timestamp of the latest comment made in the topic |
replied_by | timestamp | ID of the user who made the latest comment in that topic |
stamp_type | long | Stamp type given to the topic |
sticky | boolean | Set to true if the topic should stay on top of the forum for additional visibility |
title | string | Title of the topic |
user_id | long | ID of the user who created the topic |
user_votes | long | Number of votes in the topic |
created_at | timestamp | Forum Topic creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Forum Topic updated timestamp |
All Participated Topics
<user_id> (optional): Id of the user. If the user_id is not mentioned, assumed the user is the one whose credentials were used to make the API call
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the topic |
comments_count | integer | The total number of comments in the forum |
forum_id | long | ID of the Forum in which this topic is present |
hits | long | Number of views of that topic |
locked | boolean | Set to true if the topic is locked which means that no more posts can be added to the topic |
merged_topic_id | long | ID of the topic to which it is merged into |
posts_count | integer | Number of posts in that topic |
published | boolean | Published |
replied_at | timestamp | Timestamp of the latest comment made in the topic |
replied_by | timestamp | ID of the user who made the latest comment in that topic |
stamp_type | long | Stamp type given to the topic |
sticky | boolean | Set to true if the topic should stay on top of the forum for additional visibility |
title | string | Title of the topic |
user_id | long | ID of the user who created the topic |
user_votes | long | Number of votes in the topic |
created_at | timestamp | Forum Topic creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Forum Topic updated timestamp |
Email configs
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the email config |
name | string | Name of the email config |
active | boolean | Set to true if the email config is verified and activated |
group_id | long | Denotes the group ID to which the email is associated |
primary_role | boolean | Set to true if the email associated to a product, is the primary email |
product_id | long | Denotes the product ID to which the email is associated |
reply_email | string | Denotes your support email address |
to_email | string | Denotes the email address to which your support emails gets forwarded |
created_at | timestamp | Email Config creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Email Config updated timestamp |
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the group |
name | string | Name of the group |
agent_ids | string | Array of agent user IDs separated by commas. Instructions on finding an agent's user ID can be found here |
auto_ticket_assign | boolean | Set to true if automatic ticket assignment has been enabled. Automatic ticket assignment is only available on certain plans |
business_hour_id | long | Unique ID of the business hour associated with the group |
description | string | Description of the group |
escalate_to | long | The ID of the user to whom an escalation email is sent if a ticket is unassigned. To create/update a group with an escalate_to value of 'none', please set the value of this parameter to 'null' |
unassigned_for | string | The time after which an escalation email is sent if a ticket remains unassigned. The accepted values are "30m" for 30 minutes, "1h" for 1 hour, "2h" for 2 hours, "4h" for 4 hours, "8h" for 8 hours, "12h" for 12 hours, "1d" for 1 day, "2d" for 2 days, and "3d" for 3 days |
created_at | timestamp | Group creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Group updated timestamp |
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the product |
name | string | Name of the product |
description | string | Description of the product |
created_at | timestamp | Product creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Product updated timestamp |
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the Role |
name | string | Name of the Role |
default | boolean | Set to true if this is the default role |
description | string | Description of the Role |
created_at | timestamp | Role creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Role updated timestamp |
SLA Policies
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the SLA policy |
name | string | Name of the SLA policy |
active | boolean | Set to true if the SLA policy is active |
applicable_to_company_ids | string | List of company ids |
applicable_to_group_ids | string | List of group ids |
applicable_to_product_ids | string | List of products |
applicable_to_sources | string | List of sources |
applicable_to_ticket_types | string | List of ticket types |
description | string | Description of the SLA policy |
escalation_resolution_level_1_agent_ids | string | Level 1 escalation list of agent ids |
escalation_resolution_level_1_escalation_time | long | Level 1 escalation response due time (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
escalation_resolution_level_2_agent_ids | string | Level 2 escalation list of agent ids |
escalation_resolution_level_2_escalation_time | long | Level 2 escalation response due time (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
escalation_resolution_level_3_agent_ids | string | Level 3 escalation list of agent ids |
escalation_resolution_level_3_escalation_time | long | Level 3 escalation response due time (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
escalation_resolution_level_4_agent_ids | string | Level 4 escalation list of agent ids |
escalation_resolution_level_4_escalation_time | long | Level 4 escalation response due time (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
escalation_response_agent_ids | string | Escalation agent ids |
escalation_response_escalation_time | long | Escalation response due time |
is_default | boolean | Set to true if it is the default SLA policy |
position | long | Denotes the order of the SLA policy. If you have configured multiple SLA policies, the first one with matching conditions will be applied to a ticket |
sla_target_priority_1_business_hours | boolean | Priority 1: Set to true if business hours needs to be used |
sla_target_priority_1_escalation_enabled | boolean | Priority 1: Set to true if escalation is required |
sla_target_priority_1_resolve_within | long | Priority 1: Resolve within (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
sla_target_priority_1_respond_within | long | Priority 1: Respond within (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
sla_target_priority_2_business_hours | boolean | Priority 2: Set to true if business hours needs to be used |
sla_target_priority_2_escalation_enabled | boolean | Priority 2: Set to true if escalation is required |
sla_target_priority_2_resolve_within | long | Priority 2: Resolve within (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
sla_target_priority_2_respond_within | long | Priority 2: Respond within (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
sla_target_priority_3_business_hours | boolean | Priority 3: Set to true if business hours needs to be used |
sla_target_priority_3_escalation_enabled | boolean | Priority 3: Set to true if escalation is required |
sla_target_priority_3_resolve_within | long | Priority 3: Resolve within (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
sla_target_priority_3_respond_within | long | Priority 3: Respond within (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
sla_target_priority_4_business_hours | boolean | Priority 4: Set to true if business hours needs to be used |
sla_target_priority_4_escalation_enabled | boolean | Priority 4: Set to true if escalation is required |
sla_target_priority_4_resolve_within | long | Priority 4: Resolve within (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
sla_target_priority_4_respond_within | long | Priority 4: Respond within (mutliples of sixty and must be greater 900) |
created_at | timestamp | SLA creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | SLA updated timestamp |
Satisfaction Ratings
<created_since> (optional): Created since
<ticket_id> (optional): Ticket id
<user_id> (optional): User id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the Satisfaction Rating |
agent_id | long | Responder ID of the ticket for which the satisfaction rating has been created |
feedback | string | Feedback given while creating the satisfaction rating |
group_id | long | Group ID associated with the ticket for which the satisfaction rating has been created |
questions | string | Survey Questions associated with the Survey |
ratings | string | Key/Value pair of the question ID and the rating for that question. "default_question" will contain the default rating for the survey for both custom and classic surveys. Additional question_id and ratings for the questions will be present only for the new surveys |
survey_id | long | Survey ID of the satisfaction rating |
ticket_id | long | ID of the ticket for which the satisfaction rating has been created |
user_id | long | Requester ID of the ticket for which the satisfaction rating has been created or the ID of the user who has created the satisfaction rating |
created_at | timestamp | Satisfaction Rating creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Satisfaction Rating updated timestamp |
Scenario Automations
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the Scenario |
name | string | Name of the Scenario |
actions | string | Actions to be performed by the Scenario |
description | string | A short description about the Scenario |
is_private | boolean | Boolean value stating whether the Scenario is accessible to self or all |
created_at | timestamp | Scenario Automations creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Scenario Automations updated timestamp |
Settings Helpdesk
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
portal_languages | string |
primary_language | string |
supported_languages | string |
Solutions Articles
<folder_id> (required): Folder Id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the solution article |
agent_id | long | ID of the agent who created the solution article |
category_id | long | ID of the category to which the solution article belongs |
description | string | Description of the solution article |
description_text | string | Description of the solution article in plain text |
feedback_count | integer | Feedbacks count |
folder_id | long | ID of the folder to which the solution article belongs |
hits | long | Number of views for the solution article |
seo_data_meta_description | string | Meta data for search engine optimization: meta_description |
seo_data_meta_keywords | string | Meta data for search engine optimization: meta_keywords |
seo_data_meta_title | string | Meta data for search engine optimization: meta_title |
status | long | Status of the solution article |
thumbs_down | long | Number of down votes for the solution article |
thumbs_up | long | Number of upvotes for the solution article |
title | string | Title of the solution article |
type | long | The type of the solution article |
created_at | timestamp | Solution Article creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Solution Article updated timestamp |
Solutions Categories
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the solution category |
name | string | Name of the solution category |
description | string | Description of the solution category |
visible_in_portals | string | List of portal IDs where this category is visible |
created_at | timestamp | Solution Category creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Solution Category updated timestamp |
Solutions Folders
<category_id> (required): Category Id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the solution folder |
name | string | Name of the solution folder |
company_ids | string | IDs of the companies to whom this solution folder is visible |
description | string | Description of the solution folder |
visibility | long | Accessibility of this folder. Please refer to Folder Properties table |
created_at | timestamp | Solution Folder creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Solution Folder updated timestamp |
<state> (optional): One of: active
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
id | long |
active | string |
questions | string |
questions_accepted_ratings | string |
questions_default | string |
questions_id | string |
questions_label | string |
title | string |
created_at | timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp |
Ticket Fields
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | ID of the ticket field |
name | string | Name of the ticket field |
choices | string | List of values supported by the field |
customers_can_edit | boolean | Set to true if the field can be updated by customers |
default | boolean | Set to true if the field is not a custom field |
description | string | For custom ticket fields, type of value associated with the field will be given (Examples custom_date, custom_text...) |
displayed_to_customers | boolean | Set to true if the field is displayed in the customer portal |
label | string | Display name for the field (as seen by agents) |
label_for_customers | string | Display name for the field (as seen in the customer portal) |
nested_ticket_fields | string | Applicable only for dependent fields, this contain details of nested fields (see the sample response given below) |
portal_cc | boolean | Applicable only for the requester field. Set to true if customer can add additional requesters to a ticket |
portal_cc_to | string | Applicable only if portal_cc is set to true. Value will be all when a customer can add any requester to the CC list and company when a customer can add only company contacts to the CC list |
position | integer | Position in which the ticket field is displayed in the form |
required_for_agents | boolean | Set to true if the field is mandatory for Agents |
required_for_closure | boolean | Set to true if the field is mandatory for closing the ticket |
required_for_customers | boolean | Set to true if the field is mandatory in the customer portal |
type | string | Type |
created_at | timestamp | Ticket Field creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Ticket Field updated timestamp |
<filter> (optional): Predefined filters. The various filters available are: new_and_my_open, watching, spam, deleted
<company_id> (optional): Company Id
<email> (optional): Requester email
<include> (optional): Embed filters, can be: stats, requester, or description
<requester_id> (optional): Requester Id
<updated_since> (optional): Updated since
<pageLimit> (optional): Limits the number of requested pages
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the ticket |
associated_tickets_count | integer | Count of associated tickets |
associated_tickets_list | string | Array of associated ticket IDs based on the association type value |
association_type | string | Association type |
attachment_urls | string | Ticket attachments |
cc_emails | string | Email address added in the 'cc' field of the incoming ticket email |
company_id | long | ID of the company to which this ticket belongs |
custom_fields | string | Key value pairs containing the names and values of custom fields. Read more here |
deleted | boolean | Set to true if the ticket has been deleted/trashed. Deleted tickets will not be displayed in any views except the "deleted" filter |
description | string | HTML content of the ticket |
description_text | string | Content of the ticket in plain text |
due_by | timestamp | Timestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved |
string | Email address of the requester. If no contact exists with this email address in Freshdesk, it will be added as a new contact | |
email_config_id | long | ID of email config which is used for this ticket. (i.e., |
facebook_id | string | Facebook ID of the requester. A contact should exist with this facebook_id in Freshdesk |
fr_due_by | timestamp | Timestamp that denotes when the first response is due |
fr_escalated | boolean | Set to true if the ticket has been escalated as the result of first response time being breached |
fwd_emails | string | Email address(e)s added while forwarding a ticket |
group_id | long | ID of the group to which the ticket has been assigned |
is_escalated | boolean | Set to true if the ticket has been escalated for any reason |
nr_due_by | timestamp | Timestamp that denotes when the next response is due |
nr_escalated | boolean | Set to true if the ticket has been escalated as the result of next response time being breached |
priority | long | Priority of the ticket |
product_id | long | ID of the product to which the ticket is associated |
reply_cc_emails | string | Email address added while replying to a ticket |
requester_email | string | Requester email |
requester_id | long | User ID of the requester. For existing contacts, the requester_id can be passed instead of the requester's email |
requester_mobile | string | Requester mobile phone |
requester_name | string | Requester name |
requester_phone | string | Requester phone |
responder_id | long | ID of the agent to whom the ticket has been assigned |
source | long | The channel through which the ticket was created |
spam | boolean | Set to true if the ticket has been marked as spam |
stats_agent_responded_at | timestamp | Agent response time |
stats_closed_at | timestamp | Closing time |
stats_first_responded_at | timestamp | First response time |
stats_pending_since | timestamp | Pending since |
stats_reopened_at | timestamp | Time of reopening |
stats_requester_responded_at | timestamp | Requester resposne time |
stats_resolved_at | timestamp | Time of resolution |
stats_status_updated_at | timestamp | Status update time |
status | long | Status of the ticket |
subject | string | Subject of the ticket |
tags | string | Tags that have been associated with the ticket |
ticket_cc_emails | string | CC emails |
to_emails | string | Email addresses to which the ticket was originally sent |
twitter_id | string | Twitter handle of the requester. If no contact exists with this handle in Freshdesk, it will be added as a new contact |
type | string | Helps categorize the ticket according to the different kinds of issues your support team deals with |
urgent | boolean | Urgent |
created_at | timestamp | Ticket creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Ticket updated timestamp |
Time Entries
<agent_id> (optional): Agent Id
<billable> (optional): Billable
<company_id> (optional): Company Id
<executed_after> (optional): Executed After
<executed_before> (optional): Executed Before
<ticket_id> (optional): Ticket id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID of the time entry |
agent_id | long | The ID of the agent to whom this time-entry is associated |
billable | boolean | Set to true if the time entry is billable |
executed_at | timestamp | Time at which this time-entry was added/created |
note | string | Description of the time entry |
start_time | timestamp | The time at which the time-entry is added or the time of the last invoked "start-timer" action using a toggle |
ticket_id | long | The ID of the ticket to which this time entry is associated |
time_spent | string | The duration in hh:mm format |
timer_running | boolean | Set to 'true' if the timer is currently running |
created_at | timestamp | Time Entry creation timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp | Time Entry updated timestamp |