Public Google Search Console API
View the indexed or indexable status of the provided URL
<inspectionUrl> (required): Inspection Url
<siteUrl> (required): Site Url
<languageCode> (optional): Language Code
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
inspectionDate | timestamp | Inspection date |
inspectionUrl | string | Inspection Url |
inspectionResultLink | string | Link to Search Console URL inspection |
indexStatusResult_sitemap | string | Any sitemaps that this URL was listed in, as known by Google |
indexStatusResult_referringUrls | string | URLs that link to the inspected URL, directly and indirectly |
indexStatusResult_verdict | string | High-level verdict about whether the URL is indexed |
indexStatusResult_coverageState | string | Could Google find and index the page |
indexStatusResult_robotsTxtState | string | Whether or not the page is blocked to Google by a robots.txt rule |
indexStatusResult_indexingState | string | Whether or not the page blocks indexing through a noindex rule |
indexStatusResult_lastCrawlTime | string | Last time this URL was crawled by Google using the primary crawler |
indexStatusResult_pageFetchState | string | Whether or not Google could retrieve the page from your server |
indexStatusResult_googleCanonical | string | The URL of the page that Google selected as canonical |
indexStatusResult_userCanonical | string | The URL that your page or site declares as canonical |
indexStatusResult_crawledAs | string | Primary crawler that was used by Google to crawl your site |
ampInspectionResult_verdict | string | The status of the most severe error on the page |
ampInspectionResult_ampUrl | string | URL of the AMP that was inspected |
ampInspectionResult_robotsTxtState | string | Whether or not the page is blocked to Google by a robots.txt rule |
ampInspectionResult_indexingState | string | Whether or not the page blocks indexing through a noindex rule |
ampInspectionResult_ampIndexStatusVerdict | string | Index status of the AMP URL |
ampInspectionResult_lastCrawlTime | string | Last time this AMP version was crawled by Google |
ampInspectionResult_pageFetchState | string | Whether or not Google could fetch the AMP |
mobileUsabilityResult_verdict | string | High-level mobile-usability inspection result for this URL |
richResultsResult_verdict | string | High-level rich results inspection result for this URL |
Search Analytics
Query your data with filters and parameters that you define. Returns zero or more rows grouped by the row keys that you define. You must define a date range of one or more days. When the date is one of the group by values, any days without data are omitted from the result list. If you need to know which days have data, issue a broad date range query grouped by date for any metric, and see which day rows are returned.
Searches traffic data by date range and defined keys.
<startDate> (required): start date of the requested date range, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Must be less than or equal to the end date. This value is included in the range..
<endDate> (required): end date of the requested date range, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Must be greater than or equal to the start date. This value is included in the range.
<site> (optional): the required site.
<json_request_string> (optional): request in JSON.
Attribute | Type | Description |
country | string | Filter against the specified country, as specified by 3-letter country code. |
device | string | Filter results against the specified device type. Supported values:
page | string | Filter against the specified URI string. |
query | string | Filter against the specified query string. |
clicks | float | Click count for the row. |
impressions | float | Impression count for the row. |
ctr | float | Click Through Rate (CTR) for the row. Values range from 0 to 1.0, inclusive. |
position | float | Average position in search results. |
CREATE VIEW Google_SearchConsole_examples.example_searchAnalyticsQuery_last_2_weeks AS
CALL google_searchconsole_src.searchAnalyticsQuery (
startDate => cast (timestampadd (sql_tsi_day,- 14,now ()) AS date)
,endDate => CurDate()
,site => ''
) a
The searchAnalyticsQuery
procedure has a maximum number of rows to return of 5000. The original API does not support paged results.
Contains detailed information about a specific URL submitted as a sitemap.
Deletes a sitemap from this site.
<siteUrl> (required): the site's URL, including protocol.
<feedpath> (required): the URL of the actual sitemap.
Retrieves information about a specific sitemap.
<siteUrl> (required): the site's URL, including protocol.
<feedpath> (required): the URL of the actual sitemap.
Attribute | Type | Description |
path | string | The url of the sitemap. |
lastSubmitted | timestamp | Date & time in which this sitemap was submitted. |
isPending | boolean | If true, the sitemap has not been processed. |
isSitemapsIndex | boolean | If true, the sitemap is a collection of sitemaps. |
type | string | The type of the sitemap. For example: rssFeed . Acceptable values are:
lastDownloaded | timestamp | Date & time in which this sitemap was last downloaded. |
warnings | integer | Number of warnings for the sitemap. These are generally non-critical issues with URLs in the sitemaps. |
contentsType | string | The specific type of content in this sitemap. For example: web . Acceptable values are:
contentsSubmitted | integer | The number of URLs in the sitemap (of the content type). |
contentsIndexed | integer | The number of URLs from the sitemap that were indexed (of the content type). |
CREATE VIEW Google_SearchConsole_examples.example_sitemapsGet As
CALL google_searchconsole_src.sitemapsGet(
siteUrl => '',
feedpath => ''
Lists the sitemaps-entries submitted for this site, or included in the sitemap index file.
<siteUrl> (required): the site's URL, including protocol.
CREATE VIEW Google_SearchConsole_examples.example_sitemapsList AS
CALL google_searchconsole_src.sitemapsList(
siteUrl => ''
Submits a sitemap.
<siteUrl> (required): the site's URL, including protocol.
<feedpath> (required): the URL of the actual sitemap.
Adds a site to the set of the user's sites in the Search Console.
<siteUrl> (required): The URL of the site to add.
Removes a site from the set of the user's Search Console sites.
<siteUrl> (required): The URL of the property as defined in the Search Console.
Retrieves information about a specific site.
<siteUrl> (required): The URI of the property as defined in the Search Console.
Attribute | Type | Description |
siteUrl | string | The URL of the site. |
permissionLevel | string | The user's permission level for the site. Acceptable values are:
CREATE VIEW Google_SearchConsole_examples.example_sitesGet AS
CALL google_searchconsole_src.sitesGet(
siteUrl => ''
Lists the user's Search Console sites.
<siteUrl> (required): The URI of the property as defined in Search Console.
CREATE VIEW Google_SearchConsole_examples.example_sitesList AS
CALL google_searchconsole_src.sitesList()
) t
Retrieves a time series of the number of URL crawl errors per error category and platform.
<siteUrl> (required): the site's URL, including protocol.
<category> (optional): the crawl error category. If not specified, returns results for all categories. Acceptable values: "authPermissions
", "manyToOneRedirect
", "notFollowed
", "notFound
", "other
", "roboted
", "serverError
", "soft404
<platform> (optional): the user agent type (platform) that made the request. For example: web
. If not specified, returns results for all platforms. Acceptable values: "mobile
", "smartphoneOnly
", "web
Attribute | Type | Description |
count | long | The error count at the given timestamp. |
category | string | The crawl error type. Acceptable values are:
platform | string | The user agent type (platform) that made the request. For example: web . If not specified, returns results for all platforms. Acceptable values are:
timestamp | timestamp | The date and time when the crawl attempt took place. |
CREATE VIEW Google_SearchConsole_examples.example_urlCrawlErrorsCountsQuery AS
CALL google_searchconsole_src.urlCrawlErrorsCountsQuery(
siteUrl => '',
platform => 'mobile'
) t
URL Crawl Errors Samples
Retrieves details about crawl errors for a site's sample URL.
<siteUrl> (required): the site's URL, including protocol.
<url> (required): the relative path (without the site) of the sample URL. It must be one of the URLs returned by list().
<category> (required): the crawl error category. Example: authPermissions
. Acceptable values: "authPermissions
", "manyToOneRedirect
", "notFollowed
", "notFound
", "other
", "roboted
", "serverError
", "soft404
<platform> (required): the user agent type (platform) that made the request. Example: web. Acceptable values: "mobile
", "smartphoneOnly
", "web
Attribute | Type | Description |
pageUrl | string | The URL of an error, relative to the site. |
last_crawled | timestamp | The time when the URL was last crawled. |
first_detected | timestamp | The time the error was first detected. |
responseCode | integer | The HTTP response code, if any. |
CREATE VIEW Google_SearchConsole_examples.example_urlCrawlErrorsSamplesGet AS
CALL google_searchconsole_src.urlCrawlErrorsSamplesGet(
siteUrl => '',
url => 'undefined',
category => 'notFound',
platform => 'web'
) t
Lists a site's sample URLs for the specified crawl error category and platform.
<siteUrl> (required): the site's URL, including protocol.
<category> (required): the crawl error category. Example: authPermissions. Acceptable values are: "authPermissions
", "manyToOneRedirect
", "notFollowed
", "notFound
", "other
", "roboted
", "serverError
", "soft404
<platform> (required): the user agent type (platform) that made the request. Example: web
. Acceptable values: "mobile
", "smartphoneOnly
", "web
Attribute | Type | Description |
pageUrl | string | The URL of an error, relative to the site. |
last_crawled | timestamp | The time when the URL was last crawled. |
first_detected | timestamp | The time the error was first detected. |
responseCode | integer | The HTTP response code, if any. |
CREATE VIEW Google_SearchConsole_examples.example_urlCrawlErrorsSamplesList AS
CALL google_searchconsole_src.urlCrawlErrorsSamplesList(
siteUrl => '',
category => 'notFound',
platform => 'web'
) t
Marks the provided site's sample URL as fixed, and removes it from the samples list.
<siteUrl> (required): the site's URL, including protocol.
<url> (required): The relative path (without the site) of the sample URL. It must be one of the URLs returned by list().
<category> (required): the crawl error category. Example: authPermissions. Acceptable values: "authPermissions
", "manyToOneRedirect
", "notFollowed
", "notFound
", "other
", "roboted
", "serverError
", "soft404
<platform> (required): the user agent type (platform) that made the request. Example: web
. Acceptable values: "mobile
", "smartphoneOnly
", "web
Standard Error Messages
Please see the official documentation.