Public Jira API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures that should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_ in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Get all dashboards
<filter> (optional): An optional filter that is applied to the list of dashboards
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
view | string |
Get fields - list of all fields, both System and Custom
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
custom | string |
name | string |
navigable | string |
orderable | string |
schema_custom | string |
schema_customId | string |
schema_items | string |
schema_system | string |
schema_type | string |
searchable | string |
Find groups - groups with substrings matching a given query. This is mainly for use with the group picker, so the returned groups contain html to be used as picker suggestions. The groups are also wrapped in a single response object that also contains a header for use in the picker, specifically Showing X of Y matching groups.nThe number of groups returned is limited by the system property "jira.ajax.autocomplete.limit"nThe groups will be unique and sorted
<accountId> (optional): The accountId of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 384093:32b4d9w0-f6a5-3535-11a3-9c8c88d10192. Required, unless userName is specified
<query> (optional): The string to find in group names
<exclude> (optional): A comma-separated list of groups to exclude from the result
Attribute | Type |
name | string |
Get issue - full representation of the issue for the given issue key
<issueIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the issue, for example: JRACLOUD-1549. If exact match is not found then Jira will perform a case-insensitive search, and check for moved issues. In both scenarios the request will be processed as usual (a 302 or other redirect status will not be returned). The issue key returned in the response will indicate the current value of issue's key
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
key | string |
assignee_displayName | string |
assignee_emailAddress | string |
comment_total | string |
components | string |
components_id | string |
components_name | string |
components_self | string |
created | timestamp |
creator_displayName | string |
creator_emailAddress | string |
description | string |
duedate | string |
environment | string |
epic_link | string |
issuetype_id | string |
issuetype_name | string |
labels | string |
lastViewed | timestamp |
priority_id | string |
priority_name | string |
progress_percent | string |
progress_progress | string |
progress_total | string |
project_id | string |
project_key | string |
project_name | string |
reporter_displayName | string |
reporter_emailAddress | string |
resolution | string |
resolutiondate | timestamp |
sprint | string |
status_description | string |
status_id | string |
status_name | string |
summary | string |
timeestimate | string |
timespent | string |
timetracking_originalEstimate | string |
timetracking_originalEstimateSeconds | string |
timetracking_remainingEstimate | string |
timetracking_remainingEstimateSeconds | string |
timetracking_timeSpent | string |
timetracking_timeSpentSeconds | string |
updated | timestamp |
watches_isWatching | string |
watches_watchCount | string |
worklog_total | string |
Get issue - full representation of the issue for the given issue key expand=changelog
<issueIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the issue, for example: JRACLOUD-1549. If exact match is not found then Jira will perform a case-insensitive search, and check for moved issues. In both scenarios the request will be processed as usual (a 302 or other redirect status will not be returned). The issue key returned in the response will indicate the current value of issue's key
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
key | string |
author_active | boolean |
author_displayName | string |
author_emailAddress | string |
created | timestamp |
field | string |
fieldtype | string |
from | string |
fromString | string |
history_id | string |
to | string |
toString | string |
Get transitions from issue change logs
<issueIdOrKey> (required): The ID or key of the issue
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
created | timestamp |
author_displayName | string |
author_emailAddress | string |
from_id | string |
from | string |
to_id | string |
to | string |
Get comments - all comments for an issue. Results can be ordered by the "created" field which means the date a comment was added
<issueIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the issue, for example: JRACLOUD-1549
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
author_active | boolean |
author_displayName | string |
author_emailAddress | string |
body | string |
created | timestamp |
updateAuthor_active | boolean |
updateAuthor_displayName | string |
updateAuthor_emailAddress | string |
updated | timestamp |
Get remote issue links - the remote issue links for the issue. This may be links to other Jira instances, web applications or web pages
<issueIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the issue, for example: JRACLOUD-1549
<globalId> (optional): ID of the remote issue link to be returned. If null (not provided) all remote links for the issue are returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
application_name | string |
application_type | string |
globalId | string |
object_title | string |
object_url | string |
relationship | string |
Get votes - details about the votes on an issue
<issueIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the issue, for example: JRACLOUD-1549
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
key | string |
active | boolean |
displayName | string |
hasVoted | boolean |
Get issue watchers - the list of watchers for the issue with the given key
<issueIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the issue, for example: JRACLOUD-1549
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
key | string |
active | string |
displayName | string |
emailAddress | string |
timeZone | string |
Get issue worklog - all work logs for an issue.nNote: Work logs won''t be returned if the Log work field is hidden for the project
<issueIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the issue, for example: JRACLOUD-1549
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
author_active | boolean |
author_displayName | string |
author_emailAddress | string |
comment | string |
created | timestamp |
started | timestamp |
timeSpent | string |
timeSpentSeconds | string |
updateAuthor_active | boolean |
updateAuthor_displayName | string |
updateAuthor_emailAddress | string |
updated | timestamp |
Get issue link types - a list of available issue link types, if issue linking is enabled. Each issue link type has an id, a name and a label for the outward and inward link relationship
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
inward | string |
name | string |
outward | string |
Priorities - Returns a list of all issue priorities
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
description | string |
iconUrl | string |
name | string |
statusColor | string |
Projects - Returns all projects visible for the currently logged in user, ie. all the projects the user has either Browse projects or Administer projects permission
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
key | string |
name | string |
Project components - Full representation of all components existing in a single project
<projectIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the project
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
assigneeType | string |
assignee_active | boolean |
assignee_displayName | string |
assignee_name | string |
description | string |
isAssigneeTypeValid | boolean |
lead_active | boolean |
lead_displayName | string |
lead_name | string |
name | string |
project | string |
projectId | string |
realAssigneeType | string |
realAssignee_active | boolean |
realAssignee_displayName | string |
realAssignee_name | string |
Get all statuses - returns a full representation of all issue types associated with a specified project, together with valid statuses for each issue type
<projectIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the project
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
subtask | boolean |
Get all versions - returns full representation of all versions existing in a single project
<projectIdOrKey> (required): ID or key of the project
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
archived | boolean |
description | string |
name | string |
overdue | string |
projectId | string |
releaseDate | date |
released | boolean |
startDate | date |
Get resolutions - returns a list of all resolutions
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
description | string |
name | string |
Search for issues using JQL
<jql> (optional): The JQL that defines the search. If no JQL expression is provided, all issues are returned
<properties> (optional): A comma-separated list of up to 5 issue properties to include in the results
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
key | string |
assignee_displayName | string |
assignee_emailAddress | string |
components | string |
created | timestamp |
creator_displayName | string |
creator_emailAddress | string |
description | string |
duedate | string |
environment | string |
epic_link | string |
issuetype_id | string |
issuetype_name | string |
labels | string |
lastViewed | timestamp |
parent_id | string |
parent_key | string |
priority_id | string |
priority_name | string |
progress_percent | string |
progress_progress | string |
progress_total | string |
project_id | string |
project_key | string |
project_name | string |
reporter_displayName | string |
reporter_emailAddress | string |
resolution_description | string |
resolution_name | string |
resolutiondate | timestamp |
sprint | string |
status_description | string |
status_id | string |
status_name | string |
summary | string |
timeestimate | string |
timespent | string |
updated | timestamp |
watches_isWatching | string |
watches_watchCount | string |
Get statuses - returns a list of all statuses
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
description | string |
iconUrl | string |
name | string |
statusCategory_colorName | string |
statusCategory_id | string |
statusCategory_key | string |
statusCategory_name | string |
Get status categories - returns a list of all status categories
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | |
key | string | |
colorName | string | |
name | string |
Find users
<includeActive> (optional): If true, then active users are included in the results (default true)
<includeInactive> (optional): If true, then inactive users are included in the results (default false)
<username> (optional): user name
<query> (optional): A query string that is matched against user attributes (key, name, displayName, and emailAddress) to find relevant users. Required, unless username is specified
Attribute | Type |
key | string |
active | boolean |
displayName | string |
emailAddress | string |
locale | string |
name | string |
timeZone | string |