Public Microsoft Excel Online Connector API
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be called directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. The internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_ prefix in their names. The public API procedures do not contain this prefix in their names.
All Excel files on the drive
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<only_folders> (optional): Show files from the list of the folders separated by | (example: Docs|Docs/Folder) only (When it is NULL all files from root folder will be shown)
<exclude_folders> (optional): Exclude list of folders separated by | (example: Exclude|Docs/Exclude)
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
drive | string |
formal_path | string |
id | string |
cTag | string |
createdBy_application_displayName | string |
createdBy_application_id | string |
createdBy_device_displayName | string |
createdBy_device_id | string |
createdBy_user_displayName | string |
createdBy_user_id | string |
createdDateTime | timestamp |
deleted_state | string |
description | string |
eTag | string |
fileSystemInfo_createdDateTime | timestamp |
fileSystemInfo_lastAccessedDateTime | timestamp |
fileSystemInfo_lastModifiedDateTime | timestamp |
file_hashes_crc32Hash | string |
file_hashes_quickXorHash | string |
file_hashes_sha1Hash | string |
file_mimeType | string |
file_processingMetadata | boolean |
folder_childCount | integer |
folder_view_sortBy | string |
folder_view_sortOrder | string |
folder_view_viewType | string |
lastModifiedBy_application_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_application_id | string |
lastModifiedBy_device_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_device_id | string |
lastModifiedBy_user_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_user_id | string |
lastModifiedDateTime | timestamp |
name | string |
parentReference_driveId | string |
parentReference_driveType | string |
parentReference_id | string |
parentReference_name | string |
parentReference_path | string |
size | long |
specialFolder_name | string |
webDavUrl | string |
webUrl | string |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_AllExcelFiles AS
CALL excel_online.AllExcelFiles ()
) AS x
All tables from all excel files on the drive
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
excel_file_drive | string |
excel_file_path | string |
excel_file_id | string |
excel_file_name | string |
id | string |
highlightFirstColumn | boolean |
highlightLastColumn | boolean |
legacyId | string |
name | string |
showBandedColumns | boolean |
showBandedRows | boolean |
showFilterButton | boolean |
showHeaders | boolean |
showTotals | boolean |
style | string |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_AllExcelTables AS
CALL excel_online.AllExcelTables ()
) AS x
All worksheets of all Excel files on the drive
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
excel_file_drive | string |
excel_file_path | string |
excel_file_id | string |
excel_file_name | string |
id | string |
name | string |
position | integer |
visibility | string |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_AllExcelWorksheets AS
CALL excel_online.AllExcelWorksheets ()
) AS x
Single cell based on row and column numbers
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<row> (required): Row number of the cell to be retrieved (zero-indexed)
<column> (required): Column number of the cell to be retrieved (zero-indexed)
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type |
address | string |
addressLocal | string |
cellCount | integer |
columnCount | integer |
columnHidden | boolean |
columnIndex | integer |
formulas | xml |
formulasLocal | xml |
formulasR1C1 | xml |
hidden | boolean |
numberFormat | xml |
rowCount | integer |
rowHidden | boolean |
rowIndex | integer |
text | xml |
valueTypes | xml |
values | xml |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_Cell AS
CALL excel_online.Cell (drive_url => (CALL excel_online.HelperUrlDrive ()), item_id => 'B5C4279BC2029D1C!110', worksheet_id_or_name => 'Sheet1', "row" => 1, "column" => 2)
) AS x
Clear cell
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<row> (required): Row number of the cell to be retrieved (zero-indexed)
<column> (required): Column number of the cell to be retrieved (zero-indexed)
<applyTo> (required): Determines the type of clear action. Possible values are: All, Formats, Contents
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Deletes the cell
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<row> (required): Row number of the cell to be retrieved (zero-indexed)
<column> (required): Column number of the cell to be retrieved (zero-indexed)
<shift> (required): Specifies which way to shift the cells. The possible values are: Up, Left
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Inserts a cell
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<row> (required): Row number of the cell to be retrieved (zero-indexed)
<column> (required): Column number of the cell to be retrieved (zero-indexed)
<shift> (required): Specifies which way to shift the cells. The possible values are: Down, Right
Attribute | Type |
address | string |
addressLocal | string |
cellCount | integer |
columnCount | integer |
columnHidden | boolean |
columnIndex | integer |
hidden | boolean |
rowCount | integer |
rowHidden | boolean |
rowIndex | integer |
Resets the source data for the chart
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<chart_name> (optional): Chart name
<seriesBy> (required): Specifies the way columns or rows are used as data series on the chart. Can be one of the following: Auto (default), Rows, Columns. The possible values are: Auto, Columns, Rows
<sourceData> (optional): The Range object corresponding to the source data
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_Chart_setData AS
CALL excel_online.Chart_setData (
drive_url => (CALL excel_online.HelperUrlDrive ()),
file_id => 'B5C4279BC2029D1C!110',
worksheet_id_or_name => '{00000000-0001-0000-0000-000000000000}',
chart_name => '{69A5599A-E185-45E3-B878-8CEA29EA6A13}',
seriesBy => 'Auto',
sourceData => 'A1:B14'
) AS x
Positions the chart relative to cells on the worksheet
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<chart_name> (optional): Chart name
<startCell> (required): The start cell. This is where the chart will be moved to. The start cell is the top-left or top-right cell, depending on the user's right-to-left display settings
<endCell> (required): The end cell. If specified, the chart's width and height will be set to fully cover up this cell/range
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_Chart_setPosition AS
CALL excel_online.Chart_setPosition (
drive_url => (CALL excel_online.HelperUrlDrive ()),
file_id => 'B5C4279BC2029D1C!110',
worksheet_id_or_name => '{00000000-0001-0000-0000-000000000000}',
chart_name => '{69A5599A-E185-45E3-B878-8CEA29EA6A13}',
startCell => 'C1',
endCell => 'G10'
) AS x
List of chart objects
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<chart_name> (optional): Chart name
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
height | bigdecimal |
left | bigdecimal |
name | string |
top | bigdecimal |
width | bigdecimal |
Creates a new chart
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<chart_name> (optional): Chart name
<seriesBy> (optional): Specifies the way columns or rows are used as data series on the chart. The possible values are: Auto, Columns, Rows
<sourceData> (optional): The Range object corresponding to the source data
<type> (required): Represents the type of a chart. The possible values are: ColumnClustered, ColumnStacked, ColumnStacked100, BarClustered, BarStacked, BarStacked100, LineStacked, LineStacked100, LineMarkers, LineMarkersStacked, LineMarkersStacked100, PieOfPie, etc..
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
height | bigdecimal |
left | bigdecimal |
name | string |
top | bigdecimal |
width | bigdecimal |
Drive resources available for a target User, Group, or Site
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
createdBy_application_displayName | string |
createdBy_application_id | string |
createdBy_device_displayName | string |
createdBy_device_id | string |
createdBy_user_displayName | string |
createdBy_user_id | string |
createdDateTime | timestamp |
description | string |
driveType | string |
eTag | string |
lastModifiedBy_application_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_application_id | string |
lastModifiedBy_device_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_device_id | string |
lastModifiedBy_user_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_user_id | string |
lastModifiedDateTime | timestamp |
name | string |
owner_application_displayName | string |
owner_application_id | string |
owner_device_displayName | string |
owner_device_id | string |
owner_user_displayName | string |
owner_user_id | string |
parentReference_driveId | string |
parentReference_driveType | string |
parentReference_id | string |
parentReference_name | string |
parentReference_path | string |
parentReference_shareId | string |
parentReference_sharepointIds_listId | string |
parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemId | string |
parentReference_sharepointIds_listItemUniqueId | string |
parentReference_sharepointIds_siteId | string |
parentReference_sharepointIds_siteUrl | string |
parentReference_sharepointIds_webId | string |
parentReference_siteId | string |
quota_deleted | long |
quota_remaining | long |
quota_state | string |
quota_total | long |
quota_used | long |
sharePointIds_listId | string |
sharePointIds_listItemId | string |
sharePointIds_listItemUniqueId | string |
sharePointIds_siteId | string |
sharePointIds_siteUrl | string |
sharePointIds_webId | string |
webUrl | string |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_Drives AS
CALL excel_online.Drives ()
) AS x
Copy file"
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (required): File id"
<parentReference_driveId> (optional): Reference to the parent item the copy will be created in. Unique identifier of the drive instance that contains the item
<parentReference_id> (optional): Reference to the parent item the copy will be created in. Unique identifier of the item in the drive
<name> (optional): The new name for the copy. If this isn't provided, the same name will be used as the original
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
The driveItem resources represents a file, folder, or other item stored in a drive
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<files_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlFiles"
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
cTag | string |
createdBy_application_displayName | string |
createdBy_application_id | string |
createdBy_device_displayName | string |
createdBy_device_id | string |
createdBy_user_displayName | string |
createdBy_user_id | string |
createdDateTime | timestamp |
deleted_state | string |
description | string |
eTag | string |
fileSystemInfo_createdDateTime | timestamp |
fileSystemInfo_lastAccessedDateTime | timestamp |
fileSystemInfo_lastModifiedDateTime | timestamp |
file_hashes_crc32Hash | string |
file_hashes_quickXorHash | string |
file_hashes_sha1Hash | string |
file_mimeType | string |
file_processingMetadata | boolean |
folder_childCount | integer |
folder_view_sortBy | string |
folder_view_sortOrder | string |
folder_view_viewType | string |
lastModifiedBy_application_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_application_id | string |
lastModifiedBy_device_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_device_id | string |
lastModifiedBy_user_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_user_id | string |
lastModifiedDateTime | timestamp |
name | string |
parentReference_driveId | string |
parentReference_driveType | string |
parentReference_id | string |
parentReference_name | string |
parentReference_path | string |
size | long |
specialFolder_name | string |
webDavUrl | string |
webUrl | string |
Create a new sharing link if the specified link type doesn't already exist for the calling application. If a sharing link of the specified type already exists for the app, the existing sharing link will be returned
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<files_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlFiles"
<scope> (optional): The scope of link to create. Either anonymous or organization
<type> (required): The type of sharing link to create. Either view, edit, or embed
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
grantedTo_application_displayName | string |
grantedTo_application_id | string |
grantedTo_device_displayName | string |
grantedTo_device_id | string |
grantedTo_user_displayName | string |
grantedTo_user_id | string |
inheritedFrom_driveId | string |
inheritedFrom_driveType | string |
inheritedFrom_id | string |
inheritedFrom_name | string |
inheritedFrom_path | string |
inheritedFrom_shareId | string |
inheritedFrom_sharepointIds_listId | string |
inheritedFrom_sharepointIds_listItemId | string |
inheritedFrom_sharepointIds_listItemUniqueId | string |
inheritedFrom_sharepointIds_siteId | string |
inheritedFrom_sharepointIds_siteUrl | string |
inheritedFrom_sharepointIds_webId | string |
inheritedFrom_siteId | string |
invitation_email | string |
invitation_invitedBy_application_displayName | string |
invitation_invitedBy_application_id | string |
invitation_invitedBy_device_displayName | string |
invitation_invitedBy_device_id | string |
invitation_invitedBy_user_displayName | string |
invitation_invitedBy_user_id | string |
invitation_redeemedBy | string |
invitation_signInRequired | boolean |
link_application_displayName | string |
link_application_id | string |
link_scope | string |
link_type | string |
link_webUrl | string |
shareId | string |
Create new folder
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<files_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlFiles"
<folder_name> (required): New folder name
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
cTag | string |
createdBy_application_displayName | string |
createdBy_application_id | string |
createdBy_device_displayName | string |
createdBy_device_id | string |
createdBy_user_displayName | string |
createdBy_user_id | string |
createdDateTime | timestamp |
deleted_state | string |
description | string |
eTag | string |
fileSystemInfo_createdDateTime | timestamp |
fileSystemInfo_lastAccessedDateTime | timestamp |
fileSystemInfo_lastModifiedDateTime | timestamp |
file_hashes_crc32Hash | string |
file_hashes_quickXorHash | string |
file_hashes_sha1Hash | string |
file_mimeType | string |
file_processingMetadata | string |
folder_childCount | integer |
folder_view_sortBy | string |
folder_view_sortOrder | string |
folder_view_viewType | string |
lastModifiedBy_application_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_application_id | string |
lastModifiedBy_device_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_device_id | string |
lastModifiedBy_user_displayName | string |
lastModifiedBy_user_id | string |
lastModifiedDateTime | timestamp |
name | string |
package_type | string |
parentReference_driveId | string |
parentReference_driveType | string |
parentReference_id | string |
parentReference_name | string |
parentReference_path | string |
size | long |
specialFolder_name | string |
webDavUrl | string |
webUrl | string |
Part of URL defining drive assembled from parameters
<drive_id> (optional): Get OneDrive by Id
<id_or_user_principal_name> (optional): The identifier for the user object who owns the OneDrive
<group_id> (optional): The identifier for the group which owns the document library
<site_id> (optional): The identifier for the site that contains the document library
<many_drives> (optional): Return the part of URL with "drive" or "drives"
Attribute | Type | Description |
url | string |
Part of URL defining files assembled from parameters
<directory_item_id> (optional): Directory Id
<directory_path> (optional): Directory full path relative to root
<file_item_id> (optional): File Id
<file_path_and_name> (optional): Full name of the file with path relative to root
<show_shared_files> (optional): Show shared files
Attribute | Type |
url | string |
List of nameditem objects
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<name> (optional): Name of namrd item
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
comment | string |
name | string |
scope | string |
type | string |
value | xml |
visible | boolean |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_NamedItems AS
CALL excel_online.NamedItems (drive_url => (CALL excel_online.HelperUrlDrive ()), item_id => 'B5C4279BC2029D1C!110')
) AS x
Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope using the user's locale for the formula
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<comment> (optional): The comment associated with the named item
<reference> (optional): The formula or the range that the name will refer to
<name> (optional): The name of the named item
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope using the user's locale for the formula
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<comment> (optional): The comment associated with the named item
<formula> (optional): The formula or the range that the name will refer to
<name> (optional): The name of the named item
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
List of tablecolumn objects
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<table_id_or_name> (required): Table id or name
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
index | integer |
name | string |
values | xml |
Create new column
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<table_id_or_name> (required): Table id or name
<name> (optional): Name of the new column
<values> (optional): Array of unformatted values
<index> (optional): Index of the new column
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
index | integer |
name | string |
Show XML data as table
<data> (required): Data to show
Attribute | Type |
col1 | string |
col2 | string |
col3 | string |
col4 | string |
col5 | string |
col6 | string |
col7 | string |
col8 | string |
col9 | string |
col10 | string |
col11 | string |
col12 | string |
col13 | string |
col14 | string |
col15 | string |
col16 | string |
col17 | string |
col18 | string |
col19 | string |
col20 | string |
col21 | string |
col22 | string |
col23 | string |
col24 | string |
col25 | string |
col26 | string |
col27 | string |
col28 | string |
col29 | string |
col30 | string |
col31 | string |
col32 | string |
col33 | string |
col34 | string |
col35 | string |
col36 | string |
col37 | string |
col38 | string |
col39 | string |
col40 | string |
col41 | string |
col42 | string |
col43 | string |
col44 | string |
col45 | string |
col46 | string |
col47 | string |
col48 | string |
col49 | string |
col50 | string |
col51 | string |
col52 | string |
col53 | string |
col54 | string |
col55 | string |
col56 | string |
col57 | string |
col58 | string |
col59 | string |
col60 | string |
col61 | string |
col62 | string |
col63 | string |
col64 | string |
col65 | string |
col66 | string |
col67 | string |
col68 | string |
col69 | string |
col70 | string |
col71 | string |
col72 | string |
col73 | string |
col74 | string |
col75 | string |
col76 | string |
col77 | string |
col78 | string |
col79 | string |
col80 | string |
col81 | string |
col82 | string |
col83 | string |
col84 | string |
col85 | string |
col86 | string |
col87 | string |
col88 | string |
col89 | string |
col90 | string |
col91 | string |
col92 | string |
col93 | string |
col94 | string |
col95 | string |
col96 | string |
col97 | string |
col98 | string |
col99 | string |
col100 | string |
List of tablerow objects
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<table_id_or_name> (required): Table id or name
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
index | integer |
values | xml |
Adds rows to the end of the table
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<table_id_or_name> (required): Table id or name
<values> (optional): A 2-dimensional array of unformatted values of the table rows (boolean or string or number)
<index> (optional): Specifies the relative position of the new row. If null, the addition happens at the end. Any rows below the inserted row are shifted downwards. Zero-indexed
Attribute | Type |
index | integer |
Clears all the filters currently applied on the table
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<table_id_or_name> (optional): Table id or name
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Converts the table into a normal range of cells. All data is preserved
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<table_id_or_name> (optional): Table id or name
Attribute | Type |
address | string |
addressLocal | string |
cellCount | integer |
columnCount | integer |
columnHidden | boolean |
columnIndex | integer |
hidden | boolean |
rowCount | integer |
rowHidden | boolean |
rowIndex | integer |
Reapplies all the filters currently on the table
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<table_id_or_name> (optional): Table id or name
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
List of table objects
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<table_id_or_name> (optional): Table id or name
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
highlightFirstColumn | boolean |
highlightLastColumn | boolean |
legacyId | string |
name | string |
showBandedColumns | boolean |
showBandedRows | boolean |
showFilterButton | boolean |
showHeaders | boolean |
showTotals | boolean |
style | string |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_Tables AS
CALL excel_online.Tables (drive_url => (CALL excel_online.HelperUrlDrive ()), path_relative_to_root => 'Docs/Book1.xlsx')
) AS x
Create a new table
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<hasHeaders> (required): Boolean value that indicates whether the data being imported has column labels. If the source does not contain headers (i.e,. when this property set to false), Excel will automatically generate header shifting the data down by one row
<address> (optional): Address or name of the range object representing the data source. If the address does not contain a sheet name, the currently-active sheet is used
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
highlightFirstColumn | boolean |
highlightLastColumn | boolean |
legacyId | string |
name | string |
showBandedColumns | boolean |
showBandedRows | boolean |
showFilterButton | boolean |
showHeaders | boolean |
showTotals | boolean |
style | string |
Append data to worksheet
<source_object> (required): Name of the procedure or table
<exclude_columns> (optional): CSV list of columns to exclude
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<file_path> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id> (optional): Id of the existing worksheet
<worksheet_name> (optional): Name of the new or existing Worksheet name
<clean_worksheet> (optional): Clean old data before writing new data, otherwise append at the bottom of existing data
Used range is the smallest range that encompasses any cells that have a value or formatting assigned to them. If the worksheet is blank, this function will return the top left cell
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<max_lines> (optional): How many lines to read (when NULL - all lines)
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type |
address | string |
addressLocal | string |
cellCount | integer |
columnCount | integer |
columnHidden | boolean |
columnIndex | integer |
formulas | xml |
formulasLocal | xml |
formulasR1C1 | xml |
hidden | boolean |
numberFormat | xml |
rowCount | integer |
rowHidden | boolean |
rowIndex | integer |
text | xml |
valueTypes | xml |
values | xml |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_UsedRange AS
CALL excel_online.UsedRange (drive_url => (CALL excel_online.HelperUrlDrive ()), path_relative_to_root => 'Docs/Book1.xlsx', worksheet_id_or_name => 'Sheet1')
) AS x
Clear the range
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<applyTo> (required): Determines the type of clear action. Possible values are: All, Formats, Contents
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Deletes the cells associated with the range
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<shift> (required): Specifies which way to shift the cells. The possible values are: Up, Left
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Inserts a range of cells into the worksheet in place of this range, and shifts the other cells to make space
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (required): Worksheet id or name
<shift> (required): Specifies which way to shift the cells. The possible values are: Down, Right
Attribute | Type |
address | string |
addressLocal | string |
cellCount | integer |
columnCount | integer |
columnHidden | boolean |
columnIndex | integer |
hidden | boolean |
rowCount | integer |
rowHidden | boolean |
rowIndex | integer |
Range of the entire table
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<address> (optional): The address or the name of the range. If not specified, the entire worksheet range is returned
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type |
address | string |
addressLocal | string |
cellCount | integer |
columnCount | integer |
columnHidden | boolean |
columnIndex | integer |
formulas | xml |
formulasLocal | xml |
formulasR1C1 | xml |
hidden | boolean |
numberFormat | xml |
rowCount | integer |
rowHidden | boolean |
rowIndex | integer |
text | xml |
valueTypes | xml |
values | xml |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_WorksheetRange AS
CALL excel_online.WorksheetRange (drive_url => (CALL excel_online.HelperUrlDrive ()), path_relative_to_root => 'Docs/Book1.xlsx', worksheet_id_or_name => 'Sheet1')
) AS x
Clear table range
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<address> (optional): The address or the name of the range. If not specified, the entire worksheet range is returned
<applyTo> (required): Determines the type of clear action. Possible values are: All, Formats, Contents
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Deletes the cells associated with the table range
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<address> (optional): The address or the name of the range. If not specified, the entire worksheet range is returned
<shift> (required): Specifies which way to shift the cells. The possible values are: Up, Left
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Inserts a range of cells into the worksheet in place of this range, and shifts the other cells to make space
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<address> (optional): The address or the name of the range. If not specified, the entire worksheet range is returned
<shift> (required): Specifies which way to shift the cells. The possible values are: Down, Right
Attribute | Type |
address | string |
addressLocal | string |
cellCount | integer |
columnCount | integer |
columnHidden | boolean |
columnIndex | integer |
hidden | boolean |
rowCount | integer |
rowHidden | boolean |
rowIndex | integer |
Merge the range cells into one region in the worksheet
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<address> (optional): The address or the name of the range. If not specified, the entire worksheet range is returned
<across> (required): Set true to merge cells in each row of the specified range as separate merged cells. The default value is false
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Unmerge the range cells into separate cells
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<address> (optional): The address or the name of the range. If not specified, the entire worksheet range is returned
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
Update a range of cells on the worksheet
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<address> (optional): The address or the name of the range. If not specified, the entire worksheet range is returned
<values> (required): A 2-dimensional array of unformatted values of the table rows (boolean or string or number), example: ["Hello", "100","1/1/2016", null]
<formulas> (optional): A 2-dimensional array of formulas in A1-style notation, example: [null, null, null, "=B1*2"]
<formulasLocal> (optional): A 2-dimensional array of formulas in A1-style notation, in the user's language and number-formatting locale
<formulasR1C1> (optional): A 2-dimensional array of formulas in R1C1-style notation
<numberFormat> (optional): A 2-dimensional array of number format codes, example: [null,null, "m-ddd", null]
<columnHidden> (optional): Represents if all columns of the current range are hidden
<rowHidden> (optional): Represents if all rows of the current range are hidden
Attribute | Type |
success | boolean |
List of worksheet objects
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<item_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<worksheet_id_or_name> (optional): Worksheet id or name
<filter> (optional): Filter criteria for which entities will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
position | integer |
visibility | string |
CREATE VIEW excel_online_examples.example_Worksheets AS
CALL excel_online.Worksheets (drive_url => (CALL excel_online.HelperUrlDrive ()), path_relative_to_root => 'Docs/Book1.xlsx')
) AS x
Adds a new worksheet to the workbook. The worksheet will be added at the end of existing worksheets
<drive_url> (required): Url of the endpoint assembled by "excel_online.HelperUrlDrive"
<file_id> (optional): File Id of a workbook
<path_relative_to_root> (optional): Workbook file name with path relative from root
<name> (required): The name of the worksheet to be added. If specified, name should be unqiue. If not specified, Excel determines the name of the new worksheet
Attribute | Type |
id | string |
name | string |
position | integer |
visibility | string |