Public pixi API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_ prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
<CalculationEnd> (optional): CalculationEnd
<CalculationStart> (optional): CalculationStart
<CustRef> (optional): CustRef
<CustomerOf> (optional): CustomerOf
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CustKey | integer | Cust Key |
BaseCurrency | string | Base Currency |
DaysBetweenFirstAndLastOrder | integer | Days Between First And Last Order |
DaysBetweenFirstAndSecondOrder | integer | Days Between First And Second Order |
DaysSinceFirstOrder | integer | Days Since First Order |
DaysSinceLastOrder | integer | Days Since Last Order |
FirstOrderReturnTotal | bigdecimal | First Order Return Total |
FirstOrderReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | First Order Return Total Without Shipcosts |
FirstOrderTotal | bigdecimal | First Order Total |
FirstOrderTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | First Order Total Without Shipcosts |
FirstYearReturnTotal | bigdecimal | First Year Return Total |
FirstYearReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | First Year Return Total Without Shipcosts |
FirstYearTotal | bigdecimal | First Year Total |
FirstYearTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | First Year Total Without Shipcosts |
LastOrderReturnTotal | bigdecimal | Last Order Return Total |
LastOrderReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Last Order Return Total Without Shipcosts |
LastOrderTotal | bigdecimal | Last Order Total |
LastOrderTotalWithoutShipcosts | string | Last Order Total Without Shipcosts |
LastYearFromNowReturnTotal | bigdecimal | Last Year From Now Return Total |
LastYearFromNowReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Last Year From Now Return Total Without Shipcosts |
LastYearFromNowTotal | bigdecimal | Last Year From Now Total |
LastYearFromNowTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Last Year From Now Total Without Shipcosts |
LastYearReturnTotal | bigdecimal | Last Year Return Total |
LastYearReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Last Year Return Total Without Shipcosts |
LastYearTotal | bigdecimal | Last Year Total |
LastYearTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Last Year Total Without Shipcosts |
NextToLastYearFromNowReturnTotal | bigdecimal | Next To Last Year From Now Return Total |
NextToLastYearFromNowReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Next To Last Year From Now Return Total Without Shipcosts |
NextToLastYearFromNowTotal | bigdecimal | Next To Last Year From Now Total |
NextToLastYearFromNowTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Next To Last Year From Now Total Without Shipcosts |
Orders365days | integer | Orders 365 days |
Orders730days | integer | Orders 730 days |
Orders90days | integer | Orders 90 days |
OrdersTotal | integer | Orders Total |
OverallReturnTotal | bigdecimal | Overall Return Total |
OverallReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Overall Return Total Without Shipcosts |
OverallTotal | bigdecimal | Overall Total |
OverallTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Overall Total Without Shipcosts |
SecondOrderReturnTotal | bigdecimal | Second Order Return Total |
SecondOrderReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Second Order Return Total Without Shipcosts |
SecondOrderTotal | bigdecimal | Second Order Total |
SecondOrderTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Second Order Total Without Shipcosts |
SecondYearReturnTotal | bigdecimal | Second Year Return Total |
SecondYearReturnTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Second Year Return Total Without Shipcosts |
SecondYearTotal | bigdecimal | Second Year Total |
SecondYearTotalWithoutShipcosts | bigdecimal | Second Year Total Without Shipcosts |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_CRMCustomers AS
CALL pixi.CRMCustomers (
CustomerOf => NULL,
CalculationStart => NULL,
CalculationEnd => NULL,
CustRef => NULL
) AS x;;
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CustKey | integer | Cust Key |
Name | string | Name |
Address | string | Address |
BaseCurrency | string | Base Currency |
CareOf | string | Care Of |
Country | string | Country |
CustomerNrExternal | string | Customer Nr External |
DaysSinceFirstOrder | integer | Days Since First Order |
DaysSinceLastOrder | integer | Days Since Last Order |
string | E-mail address | |
FirstName | string | First Name |
ItemCount_all | integer | Item Count all |
LastName | string | Last Name |
OrderCount | integer | Order Count |
ReturnCount | integer | Return Count |
ReturnValue | bigdecimal | Return Value |
Salutation | string | Salutation |
ShipLock | boolean | Ship Lock |
ShopID | string | Shop ID |
Turnover_all | bigdecimal | Turnover all |
Turnover_avgPerOrder | bigdecimal | Turnover avg Per Order |
ZIP | string | ZIP code |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_Customers AS
CALL pixi.Customers ()
) AS x;;
Invoice Lines
<IncludeSpecialInvLines> (optional): Include special invoice lines
<InvoiceNr> (optional): Invoice number
<invoices_table> (optional): Table with column InvoiceNr containing numbers of Invoices
<InvDateFrom> (optional): Invoice date from
<InvDateTo> (optional): Invoice date to
<OnlyUnpaidInvoices> (optional): Show only unpaid invoices
<OrderNR> (optional): Order number
<OrderNRExternal> (optional): External order number
<PaymentType> (optional): Payment type
<ShipDateFrom> (optional): Ship date from
<ShipDateTo> (optional): Ship date to
<ShopID> (optional): Shop Id
<UpdateDateFrom> (optional): Update date from
<UpdateDateTo> (optional): Update date to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ArtName | string | Art Name |
ArtNr | string | Art Nr |
BestBeforeDate | timestamp | Best Before Date |
BoxNr | integer | Box Nr |
DF_Type | integer | DF Type |
DiscountPerc | bigdecimal | Discount Perc |
DiscountValue | bigdecimal | Discount Value |
EanUpc | string | Ean Upc |
FullPrice | bigdecimal | Full Price |
InvoiceLineKey | string | Invoice Line Key |
InvoiceNr | string | Invoice Nr |
ItemNr | string | Item Nr |
ItemNrExternal | string | Item Nr External |
ItemNrInt | string | Item Nr Int |
ItemNrSuppl | string | Item Nr Suppl |
ItemPrice | bigdecimal | Item Price |
ItemPriceNoVAT | bigdecimal | Item Price No VAT |
ItemQty | integer | Item Qty |
ItemText | string | Item Text |
ItemVAT | string | Item VAT |
OrderDate | timestamp | Order Date |
OrderLineKey | string | Order Line Key |
OrderNr | integer | Order Nr |
OrderNrExternal | string | Order Nr External |
OrderQty | integer | Order Qty |
PicLinkLarge | string | Pic Link Large |
ShipCost | bigdecimal | Ship Cost |
SpecialNote | string | Special Note |
Status | string | Status |
VATAmount | bigdecimal | VAT Amount |
VATPercent | bigdecimal | VAT Percent |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_InvoiceLines AS
CALL pixi.InvoiceLines (
IncludeSpecialInvLines => true,
InvoiceNr => 'KOR100041'
) AS x;;
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_InvoiceLines_All AS
CALL pixi.InvoiceLines (
IncludeSpecialInvLines => true,
preview => true
) AS x;;
<AddCCPPayID> (optional): AddCCPPayID
<CustomerNrExternal> (optional): CustomerNrExternal
<IncludeSpecialInvLines> (optional): IncludeSpecialInvLines
<InvDateFrom> (optional): InvDateFrom
<InvDateTo> (optional): InvDateTo
<InvoiceNr> (optional): InvoiceNr
<OnlyUnpaidInvoices> (optional): OnlyUnpaidInvoices
<OrderNR> (optional): OrderNR
<OrderNRExternal> (optional): OrderNRExternal
<PaymentType> (optional): PaymentType
<ShopId> (optional): ShopId
<Status> (optional): Status
<UpdateDateFrom> (optional): Update Date From
<UpdateDateTo> (optional): Update Date To
<days_step> (optional): Number of days to query in a single batch
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CustKey | integer | Cust Key |
Name | string | Name |
Address | string | Address |
BestBeforeDate | timestamp | Best Before Date |
CareOf | string | Care Of |
CcpPayID | string | Ccp Pay ID |
City | string | City |
Country | string | Country |
Currency | string | Currency |
CustomerNrExternal | string | Customer Nr External |
DF_Type | integer | DF Type |
Discount_InvLines | bigdecimal | Discount Inv Lines |
Discount_Invoice | bigdecimal | Discount Invoice |
DiscountPerc | bigdecimal | Discount Perc |
DiscountValue | bigdecimal | Discount Value |
EANUPC | string | EAN or UPC code |
FirstName | string | First Name |
FullPrice | bigdecimal | Full Price |
HouseNr | string | House Nr |
InvLineKey | integer | Inv Line Key |
InvoiceDate | timestamp | Invoice Date |
InvoiceKey | integer | Invoice Key |
InvoiceNr | string | Invoice Nr |
ItemName | string | Item Name |
ItemNrInt | string | Item Nr Int |
ItemNrSuppl | string | Item Nr Suppl |
ItemPrice_Brutto | bigdecimal | Item Price Brutto |
ItemPrice_Netto | bigdecimal | Item Price Netto |
ItemPrice_VAT | bigdecimal | Item Price VAT |
ItemQty | integer | Item Qty |
LastName | string | Last Name |
OrderCurrency | string | Order Currency |
OrderDate | timestamp | Order Date |
Orderlinekey | string | Orderlinekey |
OrderNr | integer | Order Nr |
OrderNr1 | string | Order Nr 1 |
OrderNrExternal | string | Order Nr External |
OrderQty | integer | Order Qty |
Paid | boolean | Paid |
PaidSum | bigdecimal | Paid Sum |
PaymentAddressId | long | Payment Address Id |
PaymentCode | string | Payment Code |
PaymentText | string | Payment Text |
Referrer | string | Referrer |
ReturnCostsAmount | bigdecimal | Return Costs Amount |
ShipCost | bigdecimal | Ship Cost |
ShipCostNoVAT | bigdecimal | Ship Cost No VAT |
ShipDate | timestamp | Ship Date |
ShipmentAddressId | long | Shipment Address Id |
ShipVendor | string | Ship Vendor |
ShopID | string | Shop ID |
SpecialNote | string | Special Note |
State | string | State |
STATUS | string | STATUS |
Street | string | Street |
SubShopLogo | string | Sub Shop Logo |
SubShopNAme | string | Sub Shop N Ame |
SupplNr | string | Suppl Nr |
SupplPrice | bigdecimal | Suppl Price |
Total | bigdecimal | Total |
TotalNoVAT | bigdecimal | Total No VAT |
TotalToPay | bigdecimal | Total To Pay |
TotalToPay_OrderCurr | bigdecimal | Total To Pay Order Curr |
TrackingID | string | Tracking ID |
Type | string | Type |
VATHigh | bigdecimal | VAT High |
VATLow | bigdecimal | VAT Low |
VATSum | bigdecimal | VAT Sum |
ZIP | string | ZIP code |
UpdateDate | timestamp | Update Date |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_InvoiceLinesExtended AS
CALL pixi.InvoiceLinesExtended (
OrderNRExternal => NULL,
InvDateFrom => NULL,
InvDateTo => NULL,
UpdateDateFrom => NULL,
UpdateDateTo => NULL,
OnlyUnpaidInvoices => NULL,
IncludeSpecialInvLines => NULL,
Status => NULL,
CustomerNrExternal => NULL,
InvoiceNr => NULL,
ShopId => 'KOR',
PaymentType => NULL,
OrderNR => NULL
) AS x;;
<DateFrom> (optional): DateFrom
<DateTo> (optional): DateTo
<ShopID> (optional): ShopID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Datevnummer | string | Datevnummer |
string | E-mail address | |
Firma | string | Firma |
Land | string | Land |
Nachname | string | Nachname |
PLZ | string | PLZ |
Rechnungsnummer | string | Rechnungsnummer |
Stadt | string | Stadt |
Strasse | string | Strasse |
Vorname | string | Vorname |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_InvoiceShippingReport AS
CALL pixi.InvoiceShippingReport (
ShopID => NULL,
DateTo => CURDATE ()
) AS x;;
<AddCCPPayID> (optional): Additional Pay Id
<InvDateFrom> (optional): Invoice date from
<InvDateTo> (optional): Invoice date to
<InvoiceNr> (optional): Invoice number
<OnlyUnpaidInvoices> (optional): Show only unpaid invoices
<OrderNR> (optional): Order number
<OrderNRExternal> (optional): External order number
<PaymentType> (optional): Payment type
<ShipDateFrom> (optional): Ship date from
<ShipDateTo> (optional): Ship date to
<ShopID> (optional): Shop Id
<UpdateDateFrom> (optional): Update date from
<UpdateDateTo> (optional): Update date to
<days_step> (optional): Number of days to query in a single batch
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CustKey | integer | Cust Key |
CreateEmp | string | Create Emp |
Currency | string | Currency |
Discount_InvLines | bigdecimal | Discount Inv Lines |
Discount_Invoice | bigdecimal | Discount Invoice |
ExchangeRate | bigdecimal | Exchange Rate |
InvoiceDate | timestamp | Invoice Date |
InvoiceKey | integer | Invoice Key |
InvoiceNr | string | Invoice Nr |
OrderCurrency | string | Order Currency |
OrderNr | integer | Order Nr |
OrderNrExternal | string | Order Nr External |
Paid | boolean | Paid |
PaidSum | bigdecimal | Paid Sum |
PaymentAddressId | long | Payment Address Id |
PaymentCode | string | Payment Code |
PaymentDate | timestamp | Payment Date |
PaymentText | string | Payment Text |
ReturnCostsAmount | bigdecimal | Return Costs Amount |
ReturnTrackingId | string | Return Tracking Id |
ReturnTrackingIdHistory | string | Return Tracking Id History |
ShipCost | bigdecimal | Ship Cost |
ShipCostNoVAT | bigdecimal | Ship Cost No VAT |
ShipDate | timestamp | Ship Date |
ShipmentAddressId | long | Shipment Address Id |
ShipVendor | string | Ship Vendor |
ShopID | string | Shop ID |
Total | bigdecimal | Total |
TotalNoVAT | bigdecimal | Total No VAT |
TotalRows | integer | Total Rows |
TotalToPay | bigdecimal | Total To Pay |
TotalToPay_OrderCurr | bigdecimal | Total To Pay Order Curr |
TrackingID | string | Tracking ID |
VATHigh | bigdecimal | VAT High |
VATLow | bigdecimal | VAT Low |
VATSum | bigdecimal | VAT Sum |
UpdateDate | timestamp | Update Date |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_Invoices AS
CALL pixi.Invoices (
OnlyUnpaidInvoices => NULL,
UpdateDateTo => NULL,
UpdateDateFrom => NULL,
InvDateTo => NULL,
InvDateFrom => NULL,
OrderNRExternal => NULL,
OrderNR => NULL,
PaymentType => NULL,
ShopID => NULL,
InvoiceNr => NULL,
ShipDateTo => NULL,
ShipDateFrom => NULL
) AS x;;
<PaidInvoices> (optional): PaidInvoices
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CustKey | integer | Cust Key |
AccountName | string | Account Name |
Currency | string | Currency |
CustomerNrExternal | string | Customer Nr External |
DatevUserAccount | string | Datev User Account |
DueDate | timestamp | Due Date |
InvCity | string | Inv City |
InvCompany | string | Inv Company |
InvCountryCodeISO3 | integer | Inv Country Code ISO 3 |
InvFirstName | string | Inv First Name |
InvHouseNr | string | Inv House Nr |
InvLastName | string | Inv Last Name |
InvName | string | Inv Name |
InvoiceDate | timestamp | Invoice Date |
InvoiceKey | integer | Invoice Key |
InvoiceNr | string | Invoice Nr |
InvStreet | string | Inv Street |
InvZIP | string | Inv ZIP |
Note | string | Note |
OrderCurrency | string | Order Currency |
Paid | boolean | Paid |
PaidSum | bigdecimal | Paid Sum |
PaymentAddressId | long | Payment Address Id |
PaymentCode | string | Payment Code |
PaymentText | string | Payment Text |
RefToInvoiceKey | string | Ref To Invoice Key |
RefToInvoiceNr | string | Ref To Invoice Nr |
ReturnReason | string | Return Reason |
ShipDate | timestamp | Ship Date |
ShipmentAddressId | long | Shipment Address Id |
ShipVendor | string | Ship Vendor |
ShopID | string | Shop ID |
Total | bigdecimal | Total |
TotalToPay | bigdecimal | Total To Pay |
TotalToPay_OrderCurr | bigdecimal | Total To Pay Order Curr |
TrackingID | string | Tracking ID |
UpdateDate | timestamp | Update Date |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_InvoicesUnpaid AS
CALL pixi.InvoicesUnpaid (
PaidInvoices => NULL
) AS x;;
Item Tags
<SystemTags> (optional): SystemTags
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
TagKey | string | Tag Key |
TagName | string | Tag Name |
TagDescription | string | Tag Description |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_ItemTags AS
CALL pixi.ItemTags (
SystemTags => NULL
) AS x;;
<CustKey> (optional): CustKey
<FromTime> (optional): FromTime
<FromUpdateTime> (optional): FromUpdateTime
<OrderNr> (optional): OrderNr
<OrderNrExternal> (optional): OrderNrExternal
<PaymentType> (optional): Payment Type
<ShippingCountry> (optional): Shipping Country
<ShopID> (optional): Shop ID
<UntilTime> (optional): Until Time
<days_step> (optional): Number of days to query in a single batch
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CustKey | integer | Cust Key |
Account | string | Account |
AddressRemarks | string | Address Remarks |
Blz | string | Blz |
City | string | City |
CreateDate | timestamp | Create Date |
CustomerEmail | string | Customer Email |
CustomerNr | string | Customer Nr |
CustomerNrExternal | string | Customer Nr External |
FirstName | string | First Name |
Gender | string | Gender |
HouseNr | string | House Nr |
LastInvoiceNr | string | Last Invoice Nr |
LastName | string | Last Name |
LastShipdate | string | Last Shipdate |
OrderCurrency | string | Order Currency |
OrderDate | timestamp | Order Date |
OrderHeaderKey | integer | Order Header Key |
OrderlinesTotal | string | Orderlines Total |
OrderLocked | string | Order Locked |
OrderNr | integer | Order Nr |
OrderNrExternal | string | Order Nr External |
OrderShipVendor | string | Order Ship Vendor |
OrderTotal | string | Order Total |
OrderTotal_OrderCurr | string | Order Total Order Curr |
OrderType | string | Order Type |
PaymentAddressId | long | Payment Address Id |
PaymentType | string | Payment Type |
SalutationText | string | Salutation Text |
ShipCost | bigdecimal | Ship Cost |
Shipdate | string | Shipdate |
ShipmentAddressId | long | Shipment Address Id |
ShippingCountry | string | Shipping Country |
ShipVendor | string | Ship Vendor |
ShopID | string | Shop ID |
ShopNote | string | Shop Note |
Street | string | Street |
SubShopLogo | string | Sub Shop Logo |
SubShopName | string | Sub Shop Name |
TotalDiscount | string | Total Discount |
TrackingID | string | Tracking ID |
WholeOrderState | string | Whole Order State |
ZIP | string | ZIP code |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_OrderHeader AS
CALL pixi.OrderHeader (
OrderNr => NULL,
OrderNrExternal => NULL,
CustKey => NULL,
FromTime => NULL,
UntilTime => NULL,
ShopID => NULL,
PaymentType => NULL,
ShippingCountry => NULL,
FromUpdateTime => NULL
) AS x;;
<InvoiceNr> (optional): Invoice Number
<OrderDateFrom> (optional): Order Date From
<OrderDateTo> (optional): Order Date To
<OrderNR> (optional): Order Number
<OrderNRExternal> (optional): Order Number External
<OrderlineKey> (optional): Order Line Key
<PaymentType> (optional): Payment Type
<ShopId> (optional): Shop Id
<ShowOrderlines> (optional): Show Order Lines
<Status> (optional): Status
<UpdateDateFrom> (optional): Update Date From
<UpdateDateTo> (optional): Update Date To
<days_step> (optional): Number of days to query in a single batch
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
ArtName | string | Art Name |
AvailStockOrderLine | integer | Avail Stock Order Line |
DiscountPerc | bigdecimal | Discount Perc |
DiscountValue | bigdecimal | Discount Value |
EANUPC | string | EAN or UPC code |
EstimatedDelivery | timestamp | Estimated Delivery |
FullPrice | bigdecimal | Full Price |
FullPriceForItem | bigdecimal | Full Price For Item |
ItemNrExternal | string | Item Nr External |
ItemNrInt | string | Item Nr Int |
ItemRef | integer | Item Ref |
oItemSpecialNote | string | o Item Special Note |
OrderCurrency | string | Order Currency |
OrderDate | timestamp | Order Date |
OrderlineKey | integer | Orderline Key |
OrderNR | integer | Order NR |
OrderNrExternal | string | Order Nr External |
Price | bigdecimal | Price |
PriceNoVAT | bigdecimal | Price No VAT |
Qty | integer | Qty |
ReservedCount | bigdecimal | Reserved Count |
ShipDate | timestamp | Ship Date |
Status | string | Status |
StatusText | string | Status Text |
VATRate | string | VAT Rate |
UpdateDate | timestamp | Update Date |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_Orderline AS
CALL pixi.Orderline (
OrderNRExternal => NULL,
Status => NULL,
ShopId => 'KOR',
PaymentType => NULL,
OrderDateFrom => NULL,
OrderDateTo => NULL,
UpdateDateFrom => NULL,
UpdateDateTo => NULL,
InvoiceNr => NULL,
ShowOrderlines => NULL,
OrderlineKey => NULL,
OrderNR => NULL
) AS x;;
<ShopID> (optional): Shop ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
Address | string | Address |
BankName | string | Bank Name |
BIC | string | BIC |
City | string | City |
Contact | string | Contact |
Country | string | Country |
string | E-mail address | |
Fax | string | Fax |
IBAN | string | IBAN |
KontoBLZ | string | Konto BLZ |
Phone | string | Phone |
ShopCompany | string | Shop Company |
ShopID | string | Shop ID |
ShopName | string | Shop Name |
ShopURL | string | Shop URL |
SI_fon | string | SI fon |
State | string | State |
ZIP | string | ZIP code |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_Shops AS
CALL pixi.Shops (
ShopID => NULL
) AS x;;
<DateFrom> (optional): Date From
<DateTo> (optional): Date To
<Status> (optional): Status
<SupplNr> (optional): Supplier Number
<SupplOrderNr> (optional): Supplier Order Number
<days_step> (optional): Number of days to query in a single batch
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
DeliveredQty | integer | Delivered Qty |
EANUPC | string | EAN or UPC code |
EstimatedDelivery | timestamp | Estimated Delivery |
ItemCodeInternal | string | Item Code Internal |
ItemKey | integer | Item Key |
ItemName | string | Item Name |
ItemNrInt | string | Item Nr Int |
ItemNrSuppl | string | Item Nr Suppl |
OrderDate | timestamp | Order Date |
OrderedQty | integer | Ordered Qty |
OrderQty | integer | Order Qty |
Status | string | Status |
SupplierOrderlineKey | string | Supplier Orderline Key |
SupplierOrderLineUpateUser | string | Supplier Order Line Upate User |
SupplierOrderlineUpdateDate | timestamp | Supplier Orderline Update Date |
SupplierOrderNR | integer | Supplier Order NR |
SupplierOrderNRExternal | string | Supplier Order NR External |
SupplierOrderType | string | Supplier Order Type |
SupplierOrderUpdateDate | timestamp | Supplier Order Update Date |
SupplierOrderUpdateUser | string | Supplier Order Update User |
SupplNr | string | Suppl Nr |
SupplPrice | bigdecimal | Suppl Price |
UndeliveredQty | integer | Undelivered Qty |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_SupplierOrder AS
CALL pixi.SupplierOrder (
SupplNr => NULL,
SupplOrderNr => NULL,
DateTo => CURDATE (),
Status => NULL
) AS x;;
<OnlyActive> (optional): Only Active
<SupplNr> (optional): Supplier Number
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
CanDoDirectFulfillment | string | Can Do Direct Fulfillment |
CurrencyId | integer | Currency Id |
CustNR | string | Cust NR |
DefaultDeliveryDays | integer | Default Delivery Days |
string | E-mail address | |
eMailSupplOrder | string | e Mail Suppl Order |
HomePageUrl | string | Home Page Url |
MainContact_Email | string | Main Contact Email |
MainContact_Fax | string | Main Contact Fax |
MainContact_FirstName | string | Main Contact First Name |
MainContact_JobFunction | string | Main Contact Job Function |
MainContact_JobTitle | string | Main Contact Job Title |
MainContact_LastName | string | Main Contact Last Name |
MainContact_MobilePhone | string | Main Contact Mobile Phone |
MainContact_Phone | string | Main Contact Phone |
MainContact_Title | string | Main Contact Title |
SupAddress | string | Sup Address |
SupCity | string | Sup City |
SupPhone1 | string | Sup Phone 1 |
SupPhone2 | string | Sup Phone 2 |
SupplCtry | string | Suppl Ctry |
SupplFaxNR | string | Suppl Fax NR |
SupplGroup | string | Suppl Group |
SupplierComment | string | Supplier Comment |
SupplierIsInactive | string | Supplier Is Inactive |
SupplName | string | Suppl Name |
SupplNr | string | Suppl Nr |
SupZip | string | Sup Zip |
CREATE VIEW pixi_examples.example_Suppliers AS
CALL pixi.Suppliers (
OnlyActive => NULL,
SupplNr => NULL
) AS x;;