Public Semrush Connector API
The public API procedures use the internal procedures, that should not be used directly as they can be changed without an explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_
in their name. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Check API units balance
Attribute | Type | Description |
current_balance | string | balance |
Last User API Queries
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
report_time | timestamp |
db | string |
historical | string |
report_type | string |
query | string |
ip | string |
offset | integer |
limit | integer |
api_line_cost | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Accounts_LastUserAPIQueries
CALL "semrush.Accounts_LastUserAPIQueries"(
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Accounts_LastUserAPIQueries'
Last User Export Queries
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
report_time | timestamp |
db | string |
historical | string |
report_type | string |
query | string |
ip | string |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Accounts_LastUserExportQueries
CALL "semrush.Accounts_LastUserExportQueries"(
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Accounts_LastUserExportQueries'
Advertiser Display Ads| Lists display ads of a queried advertiser's website
<domain> (required): Domain|A unique name of a website to
<device_type> (required): The type of device by which statistics have been collected
<display_limit> (optional): Display limit|The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|Allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_device_type | string | The type of device by which statistics have been collected |
p_domain | string | The name of a website to investigate |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink. |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
text | string | The text of a display ad. |
times_seen | long | The number of times SEMrush saw a display ad. |
title | string | The title of a display ad. |
visible_url | string | A visible URL of a display ad. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Advertising_AdvertiserDisplayAds
CALL "semrush.Advertising_AdvertiserDisplayAds"(
"domain" => '',
"device_type" => 'desktop',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_AdOnPublisherWebsite'
Advertiser Display Ads on a Publisher's Website|Lists the display ads of a given advertiser that have appeared on a particular publisher's website
<advertiser_domain> (required): Advertiser domain|A unique name of a website to
<publisher_domain> (required): Publisher domain|A unique name of a website to
<device_type> (required): The type of device by which statistics have been collected
<display_limit> (optional): Display limit|The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|Allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_device_type | string | The type of device by which statistics have been collected |
p_domain | string | The name of a website to investigate |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink. |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
text | string | The text of a display ad. |
times_seen | long | The number of times SEMrush saw a display ad. |
title | string | The title of a display ad. |
visible_url | string | A visible URL of a display ad. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Advertising_AdvertiserDisplayAdsOnPublisherWebsite
CALL "semrush.Advertising_AdvertiserDisplayAdsOnPublisherWebsite"(
"advertiser_domain" => '',
"publisher_domain" => '',
"device_type" => 'desktop',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_AdOnPublisherWebsite'
Advertisers|Lists advertisers whose display ads have appeared on a queried publisher's website
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to
<device_type> (required): The type of device by which statistics have been collected
<display_limit> (optional): Display limit|The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|Allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_device_type | string | The type of device by which statistics have been collected |
p_domain | string | The name of a website to investigate |
ads_count | long | The total number of all types of display ads (media and text) during a specified period. |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink. |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
times_seen | long | The number of times SEMrush saw a display ad. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Advertising_Advertisers
CALL "semrush.Advertising_Advertisers"(
"domain" => '',
"device_type" => 'smartphone_apple',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Advertisers'
Advertisers Rank|Lists advertisers ranked by the total number of display ads noticed by SEMrush
<domain> (required): Domain|A unique name of a website to
<device_type> (required): The type of device by which statistics have been collected
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_device_type | string | The type of device by which statistics have been collected |
p_domain | string | The name of a website to investigate |
ads_overall | long | The total number of all types of display ads (media and text) for all time. |
domain_overall | long | The total number of advertisers on Google's Display Network where a publisher promoted a website, or the total number of publishers' websites where the display ads of an advertiser's website appeared during a whole period. |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink. |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
media_ads_overall | long | The total number of an advertiser's media display ads SEMrush has noticed for a whole period. |
text_ads_overall | long | The total number of display ads SEMrush noticed for a whole period. |
times_seen | long | The number of times SEMrush saw a display ad. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Advertising_AdvertisersRank
CALL "semrush.Advertising_AdvertisersRank"(
"domain" => '',
"device_type" => 'smartphone_apple',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_AdvertisersRank'
Landing Pages|Lists URLs of a domain's landing pages promoted via display ads
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to
<device_type> (required): The type of device by which statistics have been collected
<display_limit> (optional): Display limit|The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|Allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_device_type | string | The type of device by which statistics have been collected |
p_domain | string | The name of a website to investigate |
ads_count | long | The total number of all types of display ads (media and text) during a specified period. |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink. |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
times_seen | long | The number of times SEMrush saw a display ad. |
target_url | string | The landing page of a display ad (Display Advertising). |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Advertising_LandingPages
CALL "semrush.Advertising_LandingPages"(
"domain" => '',
"device_type" => 'smartphone_apple',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Advertising_LandingPages'
Publisher Display Ads|Lists display ads that have appeared on a publisher's website
<domain> (required): Domain|A unique name of a website to
<device_type> (required): The type of device by which statistics have been collected
<display_limit> (optional): Display limit|The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|Allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_device_type | string | The type of device by which statistics have been collected |
p_domain | string | The name of a website to investigate |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink. |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
text | string | The text of a display ad. |
times_seen | long | The number of times SEMrush saw a display ad. |
title | string | The title of a display ad. |
visible_url | string | A visible URL of a display ad. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Advertising_PublisherAds
CALL "semrush.Advertising_PublisherAds"(
"domain" => '',
"device_type" => 'smartphone_apple',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Advertising_PublisherAds'
Publishers|Lists publisher's websites where an advertiser''s display ads have appeared
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to
<device_type> (required): The type of device by which statistics have been collected
<display_limit> (optional): Display limit|The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|Allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_device_type | string | The type of device by which statistics have been collected |
p_domain | string | The name of a website to investigate |
ads_count | long | The total number of all types of display ads (media and text) during a specified period. |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink. |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
times_seen | long | The number of times SEMrush saw a display ad. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Advertising_Publishers
CALL "semrush.Advertising_Publishers"(
"domain" => '',
"device_type" => 'smartphone_apple',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_AdPublishers'
Publishers Rank|Lists publishers ranked by the total number of display ads noticed by SEMrush
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to
<device_type> (required): The type of device by which statistics have been collected
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_device_type | string | The type of device by which statistics have been collected |
p_domain | string | The name of a website to investigate |
ads_overall | long | The total number of all types of display ads (media and text) for all time. |
domain_overall | long | The total number of advertisers on Google's Display Network where a publisher promoted a website, or the total number of publishers' websites where the display ads of an advertiser's website appeared during a whole period. |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink. |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
media_ads_overall | long | The total number of an advertiser's media display ads SEMrush has noticed for a whole period. |
text_ads_overall | long | The total number of display ads SEMrush noticed for a whole period. |
times_seen | long | The number of times SEMrush saw a display ad. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Advertising_PublishersRank
CALL "semrush.Advertising_PublishersRank"(
"domain" => '',
"device_type" => 'smartphone_apple',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_AdPublishersRank'
Backlinks|This report lists backlinks for a domain, root domain, or URL
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target|E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_target | string | Requested root domain, domain or URL address |
p_target_type | string | Type of requested target |
page_score | long | This metric measures the importance of a domain using a 100-point scale (from 0 to 100) and is based on the quality and volume of links pointing to this domain. The higher the score, the higher the quality of the domain. Domain Score is calculated in the same way as Google's PageRank |
page_trust_score | long | This metric measures the trustworthiness of a particular domain using a 100-point scale and is based on the number of backlinks from trusted sites pointing to the domain. If a site''s Trust Score is significantly lower than its Domain Score, this may be a sign that the latter was artificially inflated. Backlinks from such sites may trigger Google penalties |
source_size | long | The source page's size in bytes |
external_num | long | The number of the source page's links that point to other websites'' pages |
internal_num | long | The number of the source page's links that point to webpages of the same website |
redirect_url | string | The last URL in a redirect chain |
source_url | string | The URL of the source page |
source_title | string | The title of the source page |
image_url | string | Image URL |
target_url | string | The URL of the target page |
target_title | string | The title of the target page |
anchor | string | A clickable text of a backlink |
image_alt | string | A URL of an image backlink's location |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks
CALL "semrush.Backlinks"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Backlinks'
Anchors|Lists anchor texts used in backlinks leading to the queried domain, root domain, or URL. It also includes the number of backlinks and referring domains per anchor
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target| E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_target | string | Requested root domain, domain or URL address |
p_target_type | string | Type of requested target |
anchor | string | A clickable text of a backlink |
backlinks_num | long | The number of backlinks to a given domain |
domains_num | long | he total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_Anchors
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_Anchors"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksAnchors'
Batch comparison|Compare your and your competitors' backlink profiles and link-building progress
<targets> (required): A string of items separated by comma, where an item is a root domain, domain or URL|E.g.:",,"
<target_types> (required): A string of items separated by comma, where an item is a type of requested target|E.g.:"root_domain,domain"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
target | string | Requested root domain, domain or URL |
target_type | string | Requested target |
domain_score | long | This metric measures the importance of a domain using a 100-point scale (from 0 to 100) and is based on the quality and volume of links pointing to this domain. The higher the score, the higher the quality of the domain. Domain Score is calculated in the same way as Google's PageRank |
domain_trust_score | long | This metric measures the trustworthiness of a particular domain using a 100-point scale and is based on the number of backlinks from trusted sites pointing to the domain. If a site''s Trust Score is significantly lower than its Domain Score, this may be a sign that the latter was artificially inflated. Backlinks from such sites may trigger Google penalties. |
backlinks_num | long | The number of backlinks to a given domain |
domains_num | long | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain |
ips_num | long | The number of ips |
follows_num | long | The number of follows |
nofollows_num | long | The number of non-follows |
texts_num | long | The number of texts |
images_num | long | The number of images |
forms_num | long | The number of forms |
frames_num | long | The number of frames |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_BatchComparison
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_BatchComparison"(
"targets" => ',example',
"target_types" => 'root_domain',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksBatchComparison'
Comparison by referring domains|Shows how many backlinks are sent to you and your competitors from the same referring domains
<targets> (required): A string of items separated by comma, where an item is a root domain, domain or URL|E.g.:",,"
<target_types> (required): A string of items separated by comma, where an item is a type of requested target|E.g.:"root_domain,domain"
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
domain | string |
domain_score | integer |
domain_trust_score | integer |
matches_num | integer |
target | string |
backlinks_num | integer |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_ComparisonByReferringDomains
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_ComparisonByReferringDomains"(
"targets" => ',',
"target_types" => 'root_domain,domain',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksComparisonByRefDomains'
Indexed pages|A list of domains with a similar backlink profile to the analyzed domain
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target| E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_target | string | Requested root domain, domain or URL address |
p_target_type | string | Type of requested target |
backlinks_num | long | The number of backlinks to a given domain |
domains_num | long | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain |
neighbour | string | A domain with a similar backlink profile to the analyzed domain |
score | long | This metric measures the importance of a domain using a 100-point scale (from 0 to 100) and is based on the quality and volume of links pointing to this domain. The higher the score, the higher the quality of the domain. Domain Score is calculated in the same way as Google's PageRank |
similarity | long | This metric is calculated based on the number of referring domains to each competitor and the total number of common referring domains to all competitors. If websites have a large number of common referring domains, they can be considered competitors |
trust_score | long | This metric measures the trustworthiness of a particular domain using a 100-point scale (with "0" indicating a low-trust site and "100" indicating a highly trusted site) and is based on the number of backlinks from trusted sites pointing to the domain. If a site's Trust Score is significantly lower than its Domain Score, this may be a sign that the latter was artificially inflated. Backlinks from such sites may trigger Google penalties |
common_refdomains | long | The number of referring domains that link back to both the analyzed and competing domains |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_Competitors
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_Competitors"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksCompetitors'
Indexed pages|Shows indexed pages of the queried domain
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target| E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_target | string | Requested root domain, domain or URL address |
p_target_type | string | Type of requested target |
backlinks_num | long | The number of backlinks to a given domain |
domains_num | long | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink |
external_num | long | The number of the source page's links that point to other websites'' pages |
internal_num | long | The number of the source page's links that point to webpages of the same website |
source_url | string | The URL of the source page |
source_title | string | The title of the source page |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_IndexedPages
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_IndexedPages"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksIndexedPages'
Backlinks Overview|Provides a summary of backlinks, including their type, referring domains and IP addresses for a domain, root domain, or URL
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target| E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
p_target | string |
p_target_type | string |
domains_num | long |
follows_num | long |
forms_num | long |
frames_num | long |
images_num | long |
ips_num | long |
nofollows_num | long |
score | long |
texts_num | long |
total | long |
trust_score | long |
urls_num | long |
ipclassc_num | long |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_Overview
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_Overview"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksOverview'
Referring Domains|Lists domains pointing to the queried domain, root domain, or URL
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target| E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
p_target | string |
p_target_type | string |
backlinks_num | long |
country | string |
domain | string |
domain_score | long |
domain_trust_score | long |
first_seen | timestamp |
ip | string |
last_seen | timestamp |
domain_ascore | string |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_ReferringDomains
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_ReferringDomains"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksReferringDomains'
Referring Domains by Country|Shows referring domain distributions by country (an IP address defines a country)
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target| E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_target | string | Requested root domain, domain or URL address |
p_target_type | string | Type of requested target |
country | string | Country |
domains_num | long | e total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain |
backlinks_num | long | The number of backlinks to a given domain |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_ReferringDomainsByCountry
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_ReferringDomainsByCountry"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksRefDomainsByCountry'
Referring IPs|Lists IP addresses where backlinks to a domain, root domain, or URL are coming from
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target| E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): Display offset|This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_target | string | Requested root domain, domain or URL address |
p_target_type | string | Type of requested target |
ip | string | IP |
country | string | Country |
domains_num | long | e total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain |
backlinks_num | long | The number of backlinks to a given domain |
first_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush first noticed a backlink |
last_seen | timestamp | The timestamp on which SEMrush last noticed a backlink. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_ReferringIPs
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_ReferringIPs"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Backlinks_ReferringIPs'
TLD Distribution|This report shows referring domain distributions depending on their top-level domain type
<target> (required): Root domain, domain or URL address|, or
<target_type> (required): Type of requested target| E.g.:root_domain, domain or url
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_target | string | Requested root domain, domain or URL address |
p_target_type | string | Type of requested target |
zone | string | Zone |
domains_num | long | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain |
backlinks_num | long | The number of backlinks to a given domain |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Backlinks_TLDDistribution
CALL "semrush.Backlinks_TLDDistribution"(
"target" => '',
"target_type" => 'root_domain',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_BacklinksTLDDistr'
Domain Paid Search Keywords| Lists keywords that bring users to a domain via Google''s paid search results
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website you'd like to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Keyword | string | Keyword |
Position | integer | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results. |
Previous_Position | integer | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results. |
Position_Difference | integer | The difference between the previous position a domain was earning with a particular keyword and its current position. |
Search_Volume | long | Number of unique product listing ads (PLA Copies) |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Visible_Url | string | Visible Url |
Traffic | bigdecimal | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period. |
Traffic_Cost | bigdecimal | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results. |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
Number_of_Results | long | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection |
Trends | string | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_Adwords
CALL "semrush.Domain_Adwords"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_Adwords'
Competitors in Paid Search| Lists a domain''s competitors in paid search results
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website you'd like to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competitor_Relevance | bigdecimal | Competition level based on the total number of keywords of each domain and the number of keywords the domains have in common |
Common_Keywords | long | Common keywords that domains are ranking for in Google's top 20 organic search results |
Adwords_Keywords | long | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results |
Adwords_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results |
Adwords_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) |
Organic_Keywords | long | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_AdwordsCompetitors
CALL "semrush.Domain_AdwordsCompetitors"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_AdwordsCompetitors'
Domain Ad History| Shows keywords a domain has bid on in the last 12 months and its positions in paid search results
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website you'd like to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Date_ | date | Actual date |
Position | integer | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Search_Volume | long | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Traffic | bigdecimal | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period |
Url | string | The URL of the target page |
Title | string | Ad title |
Description | string | Ad description |
Visible_Url | string | Visible URL |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_AdwordsHistorical
CALL "semrush.Domain_AdwordsHistorical"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_AdwordsHistorical'
Ads Copies| Shows unique ad copies SEMrush noticed when the domain ranked in Google''s paid search results for keywords from our databases
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website you'd like to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Description | string | Ad text |
Number_of_Keywords | long | Number of keywords |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results. |
Position | integer | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Previous_Position | integer | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Trends | string | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month |
Traffic | bigdecimal | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period |
Title | string | Ad title |
Url | string | The URL of the target page |
Visible_Url | string | Visible URL |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_AdwordsUnique
CALL "semrush.Domain_AdwordsUnique"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_AdwordsUnique'
Domain vs. Domain| Allows users to compare up to five domains by common keywords, unique keywords, all keywords, or search terms that are unique to the first domain
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website you'd like to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results. |
Domain1_Pos | integer | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Domain2_Pos | integer | A position of the second queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Domain3_Pos | integer | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Domain4_Pos | integer | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Domain5_Pos | integer | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Number_of_Results | long | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Average_vol | long | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_Domains
CALL "semrush.Domain_Domains"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_Domains'
Domain Organic Search Keywords| Lists keywords that bring users to a domain via Google''s top 20 organic search results
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
Keyword | string | Keyword |
Number_of_Results | long | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection |
Position | integer | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results. |
Position_Difference | integer | The difference between the previous position a domain was earning with a particular keyword and its current position. |
Previous_Position | integer | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results. |
Search_Volume | long | Number of unique product listing ads (PLA Copies) |
Traffic | bigdecimal | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period. |
Traffic_Cost | bigdecimal | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results. |
Trends | string | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month. |
Url | string | The URL of the target page (Backlinks). |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_Organic
CALL "semrush.Domain_Organic"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_Organic'
Domain competitors in organic search results| Lists a domain''s competitors in organic search results
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you’d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Adwords_Keywords | long | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results |
Common_Keywords | long | Common keywords that domains are ranking for in Google's top 20 organic search results. |
Competitor_Relevance | bigdecimal | Competition level based on the total number of keywords of each domain and the number of keywords the domains have in common |
Domain | string | A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example: |
Organic_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords |
Organic_Keywords | long | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results. |
Organic_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_OrganicCompetitors
CALL "semrush.Domain_OrganicCompetitors"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_OrganicCompetitors'
Domain PLA Search Keywords| Lists keywords that trigger a domain''s product listing ads to appear in Google''s paid search results
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Position | integer | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results. |
Previous_Position | integer | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results. |
Position_Difference | integer | The difference between the previous position a domain was earning with a particular keyword and its current position |
Search_Volume | long | Number of unique product listing ads |
Shop_Name | string | Shop name |
Url | string | The URL of the target page |
Title | string | Ads title |
Product_Price | bigdecimal | Price of promoted product |
Timestamp_ | timestamp | UNIX Timestamp |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_Shopping
CALL "semrush.Domain_Shopping"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_Shopping'
PLA Competitors| Lists domains a queried domain is competing against in Google''s paid search results with product listing ads
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competitor_Relevance | bigdecimal | Competition level based on the total number of keywords of each domain and the number of keywords the domains have in common |
Common_Keywords | long | Common keywords that domains are ranking for in Google's top 20 organic search results |
Adwords_Keywords | long | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results |
Adwords_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results |
Adwords_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) |
Organic_Keywords | long | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_ShoppingCompetitors
CALL "semrush.Domain_ShoppingCompetitors"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_ShoppingCompetitors'
PLA Copies| Shows product listing ad copies SEMrush noticed when the domain ranked in Google''s paid search results for keywords from our databases
<domain> (required): A unique name of a website you''d like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Position | integer | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results. |
Previous_Position | integer | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results. |
Search_Volume | long | Number of unique product listing ads |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Traffic | bigdecimal | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period. |
Traffic_Cost | bigdecimal | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results. |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
Number_of_Results | long | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection |
Trends | string | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month |
Title | string | Ad title |
Description | string | Ad description |
Visible_Url | string | Visible URL |
Url | string | The URL of the target page |
Number_of_Keywords | long | Number of keywords |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Domain_ShoppingUnique
CALL "semrush.Domain_ShoppingUnique"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_offset" => 0,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Domain_ShoppingUnique'
Paid Results|Lists domains that are ranking in Google''s paid search results with a requested keyword
<phrase> (required): A keyword or keyword expression to investigate.
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Phrase | string | A keyword or keyword expression to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Domain | string | Domain name |
Url | string | The URL of the target page |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Keyword_Adwords
CALL "semrush.Keyword_Adwords"(
"phrase" => 'seo',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Keyword_Adwords'
Keyword Ads History|Shows domains that have bid on a requested keyword in the last 12 months and their positions in paid search results
<phrase> (required): Phrase|A keyword or keyword expression to investigate
<database> (required): Database name|A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): Display limit|The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): Display date|A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Phrase | string | A keyword or keyword expression to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Adwords_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) |
Adwords_Keywords | long | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results |
Adwords_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results. |
Domain | string | Domain name |
Description | string | Ad text |
Date_ | date | Actual date |
Position | integer | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Title | string | Ad title |
Url | string | The URL of the target page |
Visible_Url | string | Visible URL |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Keyword_AdwordsHistorical
CALL "semrush.Keyword_AdwordsHistorical"(
"phrase" => 'seo',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Keyword_AdwordsHistorical'
Keyword Overview (All Databases)| Provides a summary of a keyword, including its volume, CPC, competition, and the number of results in all regional databases
<phrase> (required): A keyword or keyword expression to investigate.
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Phrase | string | A keyword or keyword expression to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Database | string | A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" ( |
Search_Volume | long | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Keyword_All
CALL "semrush.Keyword_All"(
"phrase" => 'seo',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Keyword_All'
Keyword Difficulty|This report provides keyword difficulty, an index that helps to estimate how difficult it would be to seize competitors' positions in organic search within the Google's top 20 with an indicated search term.
<phrase> (required): A keyword or keyword expression to investigate.
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Phrase | string | A keyword or keyword expression to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Keyword_Difficulty_Index | bigdecimal | |
Keyword | string |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Keyword_Difficulty
CALL "semrush.Keyword_Difficulty"(
"phrase" => 'seo',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Keyword_Difficulty'
Phrase Match Keywords| Offers a list of phrase matches and alternate search queries, including particular keywords or keyword expressions
<phrase> (required): A keyword or keyword expression to investigate.
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Phrase | string | A keyword or keyword expression to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Search_Volume | long | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Number_of_Results | long | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Trends | string | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Keyword_FullSearch
CALL "semrush.Keyword_FullSearch"(
"phrase" => 'seo',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Keyword_FullSearch'
Organic Results| Lists domains that are ranking in Google''s top 20 organic search results with a requested keyword
<phrase> (required): A keyword or keyword expression to investigate.
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Phrase | string | A keyword or keyword expression to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate |
Url | string | The URL of the target page. |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Keyword_OrganicResults
CALL "semrush.Keyword_OrganicResults"(
"phrase" => 'seo',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Keyword_OrganicResults'
Related Keywords| Provides an extended list of related keywords, synonyms, and variations relevant to a queried term in a chosen database
<phrase> (required): A keyword or keyword expression to investigate.
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Phrase | string | A keyword or keyword expression to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Search_Volume | long | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Number_of_Results | long | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Trends | string | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Keyword_Related
CALL "semrush.Keyword_Related"(
"phrase" => 'seo',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Keyword_Related'
Keyword Overview (One Database)| Provides a summary of a keyword, including its volume, CPC, competition, and the number of results in a chosen regional database
<phrase> (required): A keyword or keyword expression to investigate.
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Phrase | string | A keyword or keyword expression to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Search_Volume | long | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Number_of_Results | long | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Keyword_This
CALL "semrush.Keyword_This"(
"phrase" => 'seo',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Keyword_This'
Overview Domain Rank|This report provides live or historical data on a domain''s keyword rankings in both organic and paid search in a chosen regional database.
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Adwords_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) |
Adwords_Keywords | long | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results |
Adwords_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results |
Domain | string | Domain name.A unique name of a website to investigate. Example: |
Organic_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords |
Organic_Keywords | long | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Organic_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Rank | integer | The SEMrush rating of the website's popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google's top 20 organic search results |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Overview_DomainRank
CALL "semrush.Overview_DomainRank"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801', 'yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Overview_DomainRank'
Overview Domain Rank History|This report provides live and historical data on a domain''s keyword rankings in both organic and paid search in a chosen database.
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Adwords_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) |
Adwords_Keywords | long | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results |
Adwords_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results |
Date_ | date | Actual date |
Organic_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords |
Organic_Keywords | long | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Organic_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Rank | integer | The SEMrush rating of the website's popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google's top 20 organic search results |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Overview_DomainRankHistory
CALL "semrush.Overview_DomainRankHistory"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801', 'yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Overview_DomainRankHistory'
Overview Domain Ranks|This report provides live or historical data on a domain''s keyword rankings in both organic and paid search in all regional databases.
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Adwords_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) |
Adwords_Keywords | long | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results |
Adwords_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results |
Database | string | A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" ( |
Domain | string | Domain name.A unique name of a website to investigate. Example: |
Organic_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords |
Organic_Keywords | long | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Organic_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Rank | integer | The SEMrush rating of the website's popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google's top 20 organic search results |
PLA_keywords | long | Number of keywords the website is using for product listing ads |
PLA_uniques | long | Number of unique product listing ads |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Overview_DomainRanks
CALL "semrush.Overview_DomainRanks"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801', 'yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrushOverview_DomainRanks'
Overview Rank|This report lists the most popular domains ranked by traffic originating from Google's top 20 organic search results.
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_Domain | string | A unique name of a website to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Adwords_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) |
Adwords_Keywords | long | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results |
Adwords_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results |
Domain | string | Domain name.A unique name of a website to investigate. Example: |
Organic_Cost | bigdecimal | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords |
Organic_Keywords | long | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Organic_Traffic | long | Traffic brought to a website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Rank | integer | The SEMrush rating of the website's popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google's top 20 organic search results |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Overview_Rank
CALL "semrush.Overview_Rank"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801', 'yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Overview_Rank'
Overview Rank Difference|This report shows changes in the number of keywords, traffic, and budget estimates of the most popular websites in Google's top 20 and paid search results.
<domain> (required): Domain name|A unique name of a website to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
p_Domain | string |
p_Database | string |
p_Report_Date | date |
Adwords_Cost | bigdecimal |
Adwords_Keywords | long |
Adwords_Keywords_Difference | long |
Adwords_Traffic | long |
Adwords_Traffic_Difference | long |
Adwords_Cost_Difference | bigdecimal |
Domain | string |
Organic_Cost | bigdecimal |
Organic_Keywords_Difference | long |
Organic_Keywords | long |
Organic_Traffic | long |
Rank | integer |
Organic_Traffic_Difference | long |
Organic_Cost_Difference | bigdecimal |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Overview_RankDifference
CALL "semrush.Overview_RankDifference"(
"domain" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801', 'yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Overview_RankDifference'
Lists all existing projects or returns information about an existing project by id
<project_id> (optional): Project id|Id of the project
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
url | string | The domain of a project |
project_id | string | Project id.Id of the project |
project_name | string | Project name |
tools | clob | Tools activated by a user |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects
CALL "semrush.Projects"(
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects'
AdWords Competitors Discovery report|Returns domains that appear in Google's paid search results for the keywords from a tracking campaign within a chosen location
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url_type> (required): URL type|Type of a competitor URL. One of: rootdomain,subdomain,subfolder,url
<url> (optional): URL|Tracked URL
<black_list> (optional): exclude domains from results (separated by the '|' symbol)
<top_start> (optional): Start depth range
<top_end> (optional): End depth range
<display_tags> (optional): Display tags|Tags separated by the '|' symbol
<date_begin> (optional): Begin date|Starting date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<display_limit> (optional): Number of returned results
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of lines before sending results
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
Md_Cd | bigdecimal |
Md_Dt_Av | integer |
Md_Dt_Cl | bigdecimal |
Md_Dt_Mc | integer |
Md_Dt_Sq | integer |
Md_date | date |
Md_Ur | string |
data_Cd | bigdecimal |
data_Dt_Av | integer |
data_Dt_Cl | bigdecimal |
data_Dt_Mc | integer |
data_Dt_Sq | integer |
data_Dt_date | date |
data_Ur | string |
AdWords Positions report|Lists all keywords from a tracking campaign, the positions of up to 6 domains for these keywords in Google's paid search results, and position changes over a selected time period
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url> (required): URL|Tracked URL or competitor URL (with mask)
<display_tags> (optional): Display tags|Tags separated by the '|' symbol
<date_begin> (optional): Starting date of a selected period
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<linktype_filter> (optional): Linktype filter|Local pack filter0 - Include local pack rankings in all reports. This is the default value; 1 - Show only local pack rankings in all reports; 2 - Exclude local pack rankings from all reports
<serp_feature_filter> (optional): Serp feature filter|Use this filter to see keywords that have certain SERP features on a SERP: fsn: Featured snippet;geo: Local pack;rev: Reviews;stl: Site links;vid: Video;vib: Featured video;new: Top stories;rel: People also ask;img: Images;twt: Twitter;knw: Instant answer;kng: Knowledge panel;shp: Shopping ads;adt: AdWords top;adb: AdWords bottom
<display_limit> (optional): Number of returned results
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of lines before sending results
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
url | string | URL.Tracked URL or competitor URL (with mask) |
date_begin | date | Starting date of a selected period |
date_end | date | End date.End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format |
Cp | bigdecimal | Average price in U.S. dollars advertisers pay for a user''s click on an ad containing the given keyword |
Nq | integer | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Ph | string | Keyword |
Pi | long | Keyword ID |
Sf | clob | Serp features on a SERP in the specified date |
Tg | clob | Tags for a keyword |
Tr | clob | Estimated traffic in the specified date |
Vi | clob | Visibility of domain on a SERP in the specified date |
AdWords Visibility Index report|Provides a domain's visibility that shows a website's progress in Google's paid search results for keywords from a tracking campaign, as well as visibility changes over a selected period
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url> (optional): URL|Tracked URL
<display_tags> (optional): Display tags|Tags separated by the '|' symbol
<date_begin> (optional): Begin date|Starting date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
Dt | date |
Vi | long |
Vr | long |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_AdWordsVisibility
CALL "semrush.Projects_AdWordsVisibility"(
"project_id" => '1',
"url" => '',
"date_begin" => ParseDate('20140405','yyyyMMdd'),
"date_end" => ParseDate('20140410','yyyyMMdd'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_AdWordsVisibility'
Adwords Landing Pages report|Lists all landing pages of selected domain for current tracking campaign. For each landing page all the keywords that this landing page ranks for are reported
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url> (required): URL|Tracked URL or competitor URL (with mask)
<display_tags> (optional): Display tags|Tags separated by the '|' symbol
<date_begin> (optional): Begin date|Starting date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<linktype_filter> (optional): Linktype filter|Local pack filter0 - Include local pack rankings in all reports. This is the default value; 1 - Show only local pack rankings in all reports; 2 - Exclude local pack rankings from all reports
<newlost_filter> (optional): Returns only new or lost urls
<display_limit> (optional): Number of returned results
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of lines before sending results
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
Amp | long |
Pc_http | long |
Pc_https | long |
Tp | string |
Ur | string |
keywords | long |
lost | long |
new | long |
state | long |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_AdwordsLandingPages
CALL "semrush.Projects_AdwordsLandingPages"(
"project_id" => '1',
"url" => '',
"date_begin" => ParseDate('20140405','yyyyMMdd'),
"date_end" => ParseDate('20140410','yyyyMMdd'),
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_AdwordsLandingPages'
Campaign Dates|This request returns a list of dates for which a campaign was collected
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
total | integer | Number of results |
last_crawl | integer | Time since the last crawl |
campaign_index | integer | Index of result |
campaign_date | date | Date for which a campaign was collected |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_CampaignDates
CALL "semrush.Projects_CampaignDates"(
"project_id" => '1',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_CampaignDates'
Get a list of regions|Gets a list of regions for which geolocation for a project can be chosen
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<country_id> (required): Country id
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | Country id |
name | string | Country name |
Get information about a campaign|Returns an overview of the last audit, including the number of found issues errors, warnings, and notices, the number of passed and failed checks, the number of crawled pages and the rest of pages to crawl, and the date of the last audit
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
blocked | integer | Number of pages blocked from crawling |
broken | integer | Number of broken pages |
canonical | integer | Indicates whether an analyzed page is marked with the rel="canonical" link element |
crawlSubdomains | boolean | Indicates whether SEMrushBot crawled subdomains of the selected of the analyzed domain |
depths_clicks_number | integer | Number of clicks required for SEMrushBot to reach an analyzed page from the homepage |
errors | integer | Number of errors found during the last audit |
errors_delta | integer | Difference in the number of errors found during the previous and last audits |
haveIssues | integer | Number of pages with issues |
haveIssuesDelta | integer | Difference in the number of issues found during the previous and last audits |
healthy | integer | Number of healthy pages |
id | long | Project ID |
last_audit | timestamp | Date of the last audit |
last_failed_audit | timestamp | Date of the last site audit failure |
markups_microfomats | integer | Number of markups detected on crawled pages |
markups_openGraph | integer | Number of markups detected on crawled pages |
markups_schemaOrg | integer | Number of markups detected on crawled pages |
markups_twitterCard | integer | Number of markups detected on crawled pages |
name | string | Project name |
next_audit | timestamp | Date of next scheduled audit |
notices | integer | Number of notices found during the last audit |
notices_delta | integer | Difference in the number of notices found during the previous and last audits |
pages_crawled | integer | Number of crawled pages |
pages_limit | integer | Crawled pages limit |
redirected | integer | Number of redirecting pages |
removedParameters | string | URL parameters excluded from the audit scope |
respectCrawlDelay | boolean | Indicates whether SEMrushBot followed the "crawl-delay" directive in robots.txt |
running_pages_crawled | integer | Number of pages crawled during the running audit |
running_pages_limit | integer | Crawled pages' limit for the running audit |
status | string | Audit's status: Running, Finished, Checking, or Saving |
total_checks | integer | Total checks made during the last audit |
url | string | Project URL |
user_agent_type | string | Type of user agent:0 - SEMRushBot Desktop;1 - SEMRushBot Mobile; 2 - GoogleBot Desktop;3 - GoogleBot Mobile |
warnings | integer | Number of warnings found during the last audit |
warnings_delta | integer | Difference in the number of warnings found during the previous and last audits |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_GetCampaignInformation
CALL "semrush.Projects_GetCampaignInformation"(
"project_id" => '1',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_GetCampaignInfo'
Get a list of a campaign's snapshots|Returns a list of past audits' IDs, including the dates on which they were completed
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
snapshot_id | string | Snapshot id |
finish_date | timestamp | Date when the last audit finished |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_GetCampaignSnapshots
CALL "semrush.Projects_GetCampaignSnapshots"(
"project_id" => '1',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_ProjectsCampaignSnapshots'
Get a list of cities
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<country_id> (required): Country id
<region_id> (required): Region id
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | Country id |
name | string | Country name |
Get a list of countries|Gets a list of countries for which geolocation for a project can be chosen
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | Country id |
name | string | Country name |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_GetCountries
CALL "semrush.Projects_GetCountries"(
"project_id" => '1',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_ProjectsCountries'
Detailed report for an issue|Provides a description of an issue, the date when this issue was detected, and lists of affected webpages' URLS
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<snapshotId> (required): Snapshot Id
<issueId> (required): Issue Id
<limit> (optional): Limit data line
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
first_seen | timestamp | First seen |
info | integer | Issue's description |
issue_id | integer | Issue ID |
last_seen | timestamp | Date when an issue was last noticed |
source_url | string | The URL of a webpage on which an error has been detected |
target_url | string | Target URL (for example, for a broken link issue, a URL of a webpage returning an error status will be shown) |
title | string | The title of a page on which an error has been detected |
page_id | string | Page id |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_GetIssueDetailed
CALL "semrush.Projects_GetIssueDetailed"(
"project_id" => '1',
"snapshotId" => '54102d9e0cf2e0c100696c88',
"issueId" => 8,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_GetIssueDetailed'
Gets text descriptions about issues
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
count_description | string |
desc | string |
desc_with_link | string |
id | integer |
info_column | string |
multidata | boolean |
other_problem_link | string |
title | string |
title_detailed | string |
title_page | string |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_GetIssuesDescriptions
CALL "semrush.Projects_GetIssuesDescriptions"(
"project_id" => '1',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_ProjectsIssuesDescs'
Get page ID by an URL|Returns an ID of a crawled page
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url> (required): url
<limit> (optional): Limit data line
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
url | string | url |
page_id | string | Page id |
total | integer | Total number of results per request |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_GetPageIdByURL
CALL "semrush.Projects_GetPageIdByURL"(
"project_id" => '1',
"url" => '',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_GetPageIdByURL'
Get information about a page|Returns information about a page, and to get a list of its issues
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<pageId> (required): Page id
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
page_id | string | Page id |
title | string | This page's title |
url | string | URL |
weight | integer | This page's weight |
Get a list of regions
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<country_id> (required): Country id
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | Country id |
name | string | Country name |
Gets snaphots history
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<limit> (optional): Display limit|The number of results returned to a request
<offset> (optional): Display offset|This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of results before sending a report
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
finish_date | timestamp | Date when the last audit finished |
pages_crawled | integer | Crawled pages |
quality_delta | integer | Difference in scores a website received during the previous and last audits |
quality_value | integer | Website's score |
snapshot_id | string | Snapshot ID |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_GetSnaphotsHistory
CALL "semrush.Projects_GetSnaphotsHistory"(
"project_id" => '1',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_ProjectsSnaphotsHistory'
Get information about a snapshot|Returns an overview of an audit, including the website''s score, issues, its number of performed checks, etc
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<snapshot_id> (required): Snapshot ID
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
finish_date | timestamp | Date when the last audit finished |
pages_crawled | integer | Crawled pages |
quality_delta | integer | Difference in scores a website received during the previous and last audits |
quality_value | integer | Website's score |
snapshot_id | string | Snapshot ID |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_GetSnapshotInformation
CALL "semrush.Projects_GetSnapshotInformation"(
"project_id" => '1',
"snapshot_id" => '54102d92e4b0f889a040c9c8',
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_GetSnapshotInfo'
Organic Competitors Discovery report|Returns list of domains that appear in Google's top 100 organic search results for the keywords from a tracking campaign within a chosen location; competitors' average position in search results, their visibility, as well as these results over a selected period, are taken into account to build this list
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url_type> (required): URL type|Type of a competitor URL. One of: rootdomain,subdomain,subfolder,url
<url> (optional): URL|Tracked URL
<black_list> (optional): exclude domains from results (separated by the '|' symbol)
<top_start> (optional): Start depth range
<top_end> (optional): End depth range
<display_tags> (optional): Display tags|Tags separated by the '|' symbol
<date_begin> (optional): Begin date|Starting date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<linktype_filter> (optional): Linktype filter|Local pack filter0 - Include local pack rankings in all reports. This is the default value; 1 - Show only local pack rankings in all reports; 2 - Exclude local pack rankings from all reports
<serp_feature_filter> (optional): Serp feature filter|Use this filter to see keywords that have certain SERP features on a SERP: fsn: Featured snippet;geo: Local pack;rev: Reviews;stl: Site links;vid: Video;vib: Featured video;new: Top stories;rel: People also ask;img: Images;twt: Twitter;knw: Instant answer;kng: Knowledge panel;shp: Shopping ads;adt: AdWords top;adb: AdWords bottom
<display_limit> (optional): Number of returned results
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of lines before sending results
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
Md_Cd | bigdecimal |
Md_Dt_Av | integer |
Md_Dt_Cl | bigdecimal |
Md_Dt_Mc | integer |
Md_Dt_Sq | integer |
Md_date | date |
Md_Ur | string |
data_Cd | bigdecimal |
data_Dt_Av | integer |
data_Dt_Cl | bigdecimal |
data_Dt_Mc | integer |
data_Dt_Sq | integer |
data_Dt_date | date |
data_Ur | string |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_OrganicCompetitors
CALL "semrush.Projects_OrganicCompetitors"(
"project_id" => '1',
"url_type" => 'rootdomain',
"url" => '',
"date_begin" => ParseDate('20140405','yyyyMMdd'),
"date_end" => ParseDate('20140405','yyyyMMdd'),
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_OrganicCompetitors'
Organic Landing Pages report|Lists all landing pages of selected domain for current tracking campaign. For each landing page all the keywords that this landing page ranks for are reported
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url> (required): URL|Tracked URL or competitor URL (with mask)
<display_tags> (optional): Display tags|Tags separated by the '|' symbol
<date_begin> (optional): Begin date|Starting date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<linktype_filter> (optional): Linktype filter|Local pack filter0 - Include local pack rankings in all reports. This is the default value; 1 - Show only local pack rankings in all reports; 2 - Exclude local pack rankings from all reports
<newlost_filter> (optional): Returns only new or lost urls
<display_limit> (optional): Number of returned results
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of lines before sending results
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type |
Amp | long |
Pc_http | long |
Pc_https | long |
Tp | string |
Ur | string |
keywords | long |
lost | long |
new | long |
state | long |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_OrganicLandingPages
CALL "semrush.Projects_OrganicLandingPages"(
"project_id" => '1',
"url" => '',
"date_begin" => ParseDate('20140405','yyyyMMdd'),
"date_end" => ParseDate('20140410','yyyyMMdd'),
"display_limit" => 10,
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_OrganicLandingPages'
Organic Overview|Gets an overview of a domain's rankings in the Google top 100
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url> (required): URL|Tracked URL or competitor URL (with mask)
<display_tags> (optional): Tags
<date_begin> (optional): Starting date of a selected period
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<linktype_filter> (optional): Linktype filter|Local pack filter0 - Include local pack rankings in all reports. This is the default value; 1 - Show only local pack rankings in all reports; 2 - Exclude local pack rankings from all reports
<serp_feature_filter> (optional): Serp feature filter|Use this filter to see keywords that have certain SERP features on a SERP: fsn: Featured snippet;geo: Local pack;rev: Reviews;stl: Site links;vid: Video;vib: Featured video;new: Top stories;rel: People also ask;img: Images;twt: Twitter;knw: Instant answer;kng: Knowledge panel;shp: Shopping ads;adt: AdWords top;adb: AdWords bottom
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
url | string | URL.Tracked URL or competitor URL (with mask) |
display_tags | string | Tags |
date_begin | date | Starting date of a selected period |
date_end | date | End date.End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format |
all | integer | The number of keywords that bring a domain to the top 100 search results |
all_declined | integer | The number of declined keywords that bring a domain to the top 100 search results |
all_difference | integer | Changes in keywords that bring a domain to the top 100 search results |
all_entered | integer | The number of new keywords bringing a domain to the top 100 search results |
all_improved | integer | The number of improved keywords that bring a domain to the top 100 search results |
all_left | integer | The number of keywords that no longer bring a domain to the top 100 search results |
data | clob | Positions and numbers of keywords on this position (from 0 to 99) |
differenceVisibility | bigdecimal | Visibility index |
top10 | integer | Number of keywords that bring a domain to the first page of search results |
top10_declined | integer | The number of declined keywords that bring a domain to the first page of search results |
top10_difference | integer | Changes in keywords that bring a domain to the first page of search results |
top10_entered | integer | The number of new keywords bringing a domain to the first page of search results |
top10_improved | integer | The number of improved keywords that bring a domain to the first page of search results |
top10_left | integer | The number of keywords that no longer bring a domain to the first page of search results |
top20 | integer | |
top20_declined | integer | The number of declined keywords that bring a domain to the first two pages of search results |
top20_difference | integer | Changes in keywords that bring a domain to the first two pages of search results |
top20_entered | integer | The number of new keywords bringing a domain to the first page of search results |
top20_improved | integer | The number of improved keywords that bring a domain to the first two pages of search results |
top20_left | integer | The number of keywords that no longer bring a domain to the first two pages of search results |
top3 | integer | Number of keywords that bring a domain to the top 3 search results |
top3_declined | integer | The number of declined keywords that bring a domain to the top 3 search results |
top3_difference | integer | changes in keywords that bring a domain to the top 3 search results |
top3_entered | integer | The number of new keywords bringing a domain to the top 3 search results |
top3_improved | integer | The number of improved keywords that bring a domain to the top 3 search results |
top3_left | integer | The number of keywords that no longer bring a domain to the top 3 search results |
visibility | bigdecimal | visibility index |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_OrganicOverview
CALL "semrush.Projects_OrganicOverview"(
"project_id" => '1',
"url" => '**',
"date_begin" => ParseDate('20140405', 'yyyyMMdd'),
"date_end" => ParseDate('20140411', 'yyyyMMdd')
Organic positions Report|Lists all keywords from a tracking campaign, the positions of up to 6 domains for these keywords in Google's top 100 organic search results for these keywords, and position changes over a selected time period
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url> (required): URL|Tracked URL or competitor URL (with mask)
<display_tags> (optional): Display tags|Tags separated by the '|' symbol
<date_begin> (optional): Starting date of a selected period
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<linktype_filter> (optional): Linktype filter|Local pack filter0 - Include local pack rankings in all reports. This is the default value; 1 - Show only local pack rankings in all reports; 2 - Exclude local pack rankings from all reports
<serp_feature_filter> (optional): Serp feature filter|Use this filter to see keywords that have certain SERP features on a SERP: fsn: Featured snippet;geo: Local pack;rev: Reviews;stl: Site links;vid: Video;vib: Featured video;new: Top stories;rel: People also ask;img: Images;twt: Twitter;knw: Instant answer;kng: Knowledge panel;shp: Shopping ads;adt: AdWords top;adb: AdWords bottom
<display_limit> (optional): Number of returned results
<display_offset> (optional): This parameter allows you to skip a specified number of lines before sending results
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
url | string | URL.Tracked URL or competitor URL (with mask) |
date_begin | date | Starting date of a selected period |
date_end | date | End date.End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format |
Cp | bigdecimal | Average price in U.S. dollars advertisers pay for a user''s click on an ad containing the given keyword |
Nq | integer | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Ph | string | Keyword |
Pi | long | Keyword ID |
Sf | clob | Serp features on a SERP in the specified date |
Tg | clob | Tags for a keyword |
Tr | clob | Estimated traffic in the specified date |
Vi | clob | Visibility of domain on a SERP in the specified date |
Organic Visibility Index report|Provides a domain's visibility that shows a website's progress in Google's top 100 organic search results for keywords from a tracking campaign, as well as visibility changes over a selected period
<project_id> (required): Project id|Id of the project
<url> (optional): URL|Tracked URL
<display_tags> (optional): Display tags|Tags separated by the '|' symbol
<date_begin> (optional): Begin date|Starting date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<date_end> (optional): End date|End date of a selected period, in YYYYMMDD format
<linktype_filter> (optional): Linktype filter|Local pack filter0 - Include local pack rankings in all reports. This is the default value; 1 - Show only local pack rankings in all reports; 2 - Exclude local pack rankings from all reports
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
Dt | date | |
Vi | long | absolute visibility value |
Vr | long | relative visibility value |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_Projects_OrganicVisibility
CALL "semrush.Projects_OrganicVisibility"(
"project_id" => '1',
"url" => '',
"date_begin" => ParseDate('20140405','yyyyMMdd'),
"date_end" => ParseDate('20140410','yyyyMMdd'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_Projects_OrganicVisibility'
URL Adwords|This report lists keywords that bring users to a URL via Google's paid search results.
<url> (required): URL of a website you'd like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_URL | string | URL to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Description | string | Description |
Search_Volume | long | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Number_of_Results | long | Number of results |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Position | integer | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Traffic_Cost | bigdecimal | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results |
Trends | string | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month |
Traffic | bigdecimal | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period |
Title | string | Ad title |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_URL_Adwords
CALL "semrush.URL_Adwords"(
"url" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_URL_Adwords'
URL Organic|This report lists keywords that bring users to a URL via Google's top 20 organic search results.
<url> (required): URL of a website you'd like to investigate. Example:
<database> (required): A regional database (one value from the list). Example: "us" (, "uk" (, "ca" (
<display_limit> (optional): The number of results returned to a request; if this parameter is not specified or equal to 0, the default value will be 10,000 lines.
<display_date> (optional): A date on which a report will be shown. You can roll back to the past or choose an actual date. By indicating a date in the past, you can build reports by using historical data that are available for 11 databases dating back to January 2012 and for 15 new regional databases containing data gathered after December 2013. Example: date in format "yyyyMM"
<target_table> (optional): Target table|Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<preview> (optional): Preview|Preview only
Attribute | Type | Description |
p_URL | string | URL to investigate. |
p_Database | string | A regional database |
p_Report_Date | date | A date on which a report will be shown |
Competition | bigdecimal | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition |
CPC | bigdecimal | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user's click on an ad containing a particular keyword |
Search_Volume | long | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months |
Number_of_Results | long | Number of results |
Keyword | string | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google's top 20 organic search results |
Position | integer | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google's top 20 organic or paid search results |
Traffic_Cost | bigdecimal | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results |
Trends | string | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month |
Traffic | bigdecimal | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period |
CREATE VIEW semrush_examples.example_URL_Organic
CALL "semrush.URL_Organic"(
"url" => '',
"database" => 'us',
"display_limit" => 10,
"display_date" => ParseDate('201801','yyyyMM'),
"target_table" => 'dwh.semrush_URL_Organic'