Public Similarweb Connector API
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_
in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Total Traffic
Returns the average visit duration on the given domain
> (optional): True/False: True returns total data, False returns data for either desktop or mobile engagement. Default True.
> (optional): IGNORED if is_total=True. True/False: True returns desktop engagement only, False returns mobile engagement only.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well.
> (optional): Country to filter the results. Default: world
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
visit_date | date | Date of the visits |
average_visit_duration | bigdecimal | Average visit duration |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_engagement_averageVisitDuration AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_engagement_averageVisitDuration"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"granularity" => 'Monthly',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE,
"country" => 'DE'
Returns the bounce rate on the given domain
> (optional): True/False: True returns total data, False returns data for either desktop or mobile engagement. Default True.
> (optional): IGNORED if is_total=True. True/False: True returns desktop engagement only, False returns mobile engagement only.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well.
> (optional): Country to filter the results. Default: world
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
visit_date | date | Date of the visits |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce rate for the specified date |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_engagement_bounceRate AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_engagement_bounceRate"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"granularity" => 'Monthly',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE,
"country" => 'DE'
Returns the average number of pages per visit on the given domain
> (optional): True/False: True returns total data, False returns data for either desktop or mobile engagement. Default True.
> (optional): IGNORED if is_total=True. True/False: True returns desktop engagement only, False returns mobile engagement only.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well.
> (optional): Country to filter the results. Default: world
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
visit_date | date | Date of the visits |
pages_per_visit | bigdecimal | Number of pages per visit |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_engagement_pagesPerVisit AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_engagement_pagesPerVisit"(
"is_total" => FALSE,
"is_desktopmobile" => TRUE,
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-04',
"granularity" => 'Monthly',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE,
"country" => 'US'
Returns the Estimated Number of Visits for the domain on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for desktop and mobile users. Visits are the basic unit behind SimilarWeb’s web insights and the basis for most of SimilarWeb’s measurements. A visit is defined as an entry to a web domain from a different web domain or from the beginning of an empty browsing session, and expires after 30 minutes of inactivity. During the duration of the visit, activity occurring within the domain, for example, clicking on articles and pictures, is measured as page-views. SimilarWeb’s definition of a visit is identical to Google Analytics’ definition, which means SimilarWeb can be used to make direct comparisons with the most popular analytics suite on the market.
> (optional): True/False: True returns total data, False returns data for either desktop or mobile traffic. Default True.
> (optional): IGNORED if is_total=True. True/False: True returns desktop traffic only, False returns mobile traffic only.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): Daily/Weekly/Monthly: Returns data in requested format
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well.
> (optional): Country to filter the results. Default: world
Attribute | Type | Description |
visit_date | date | The effective date |
visits | bigdecimal | The Estimated number of visits |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_traffic AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_traffic"(
"is_total" => FALSE,
"is_desktopmobile" => FALSE,
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-06',
"granularity" => 'Weekly',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Returns monthly uniquedesktop visitors
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
visit_month | date | Month of statistics |
unique_visitors | bigdecimal | Number of unique visitors |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_uniquesVisitors AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_uniquesVisitors"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-04',
"end_date" => '2016-09',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Returns the desktop vs mobile web traffic share split
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM).
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well
Attribute | Type | Description |
desktop_visit_share | bigdecimal | Desktop traffic share |
mobile_web_visit_share | bigdecimal | Mobile web traffic share |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_desktopVsMobileSplit AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_desktopVsMobileSplit" (
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-08',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Desktop Traffic
Allows you view the Global of the domain
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): Daily/Weekly/Monthly: Returns data in requested format
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well
Attribute | Type | Description |
rank_date | string | Effective date |
global_rank | bigdecimal | Global rank |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_globalRank AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_globalRank"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"granularity" => 'Monthly',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Allows you view the Global of the domain
<domain> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
<start_date> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
<end_date> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
<main_domain_only> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
country | string | The country |
share | bigdecimal | Traffic share for the indicated country |
visits | bigdecimal | Number of visits |
average_time | bigdecimal | Average visit duration |
bounce_rate | bigdecimal | Bounce rate |
domain_rank | integer | The domain rank within the country |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_geographyDisribution AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_geographyDisribution"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-02',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Allows you to input a domain and recieve 4 web traffic intelligence metrics: Global Rank, Country Rank and Traffic Geography, Traffic Reach, Traffic Sources Distribution
> (optional): The domain name, for which statistics are optional
Attribute | Type | Description |
GlobalRank | integer | Global Rank - Returns SimilarWeb's monthly Global Rank for a given domain |
CountryCode | integer | The domain's most popular country |
CountryRank | integer | Country Rank - The ranking of a domain in it's most popular country |
EffectiveDate | string | The month, for which given statistics is effective |
TopCountryShares | xml | Traffic Geography - the top countries that bring the most desktop traffic to the domain. ISO3166-1 standard is used for country codes |
TrafficReach | xml | Traffic Reach - SimilarWeb's traffic estimator returns estimated percentage of the internet users, out of the entire internet traffic, who visited the domain over the last 6 months, week by week |
TrafficShares | xml | Traffic Sources Distribution - The relative share of each traffic source over the last 3 months |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_rank_reach AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_rank_reach"(
"domain" => ''
Allows you to input a domain and recieve a "Traffic Reach" web traffic intelligence metric, which is the estimated percentage of the internet users, out of the entire internet traffic, who visited the domain over the last 6 months, week by week. TrafficReach displays 26 dates over the last 6 months and the estimated percentage of internet users who visited the domain on that date. Please note that a call to this procedure implies a call to the service, which will return additional data, that is dropped. Consider using get_rank_reach procedure (which will be called internally) if you need additional traffic metrics.
> (optional): The domain name, for which statistics are optional
Attribute | Type | Description |
TrafficDate | date | Effective date |
ReachValue | bigdecimal | The estimated percentage of internet users who visited the domain on that date |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_trafficReach AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_trafficReach"(
"domain" => ''
Categories & Tags
Returns 20 Similar Websites and their similarity score for a given domain. The ability to return a list of related websites according to a specific website or topic was SimilarWeb’s first breakthrough. Search engines will return websites based on a specific query, but will not recognize that users who visit would also find relevant content on ESPN’s website. The similarity system is based on a number of inputs including website structure, link analysis, user surfing behavior and a large community of user rankings. Under the hood, a supervised learning algorithm generates accurate results which are then cross validated and tested in-house by our data quality team
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "". One request to this API is worth 3 hits. Please note that sending one request to the SimilarSites API results in 3 hits being counted against your total number of monthly hits
Attribute | Type | Description |
Score | bigdecimal | Score of the similar url |
Url | string | The similar url |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_similarWebsites AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_similarWebsites"(
"domain" => ''
Leading Referrals Returns a list of additional websites that were frequently visited by the same visitors of a given domain, along with their affinity score.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "". One request to this API is worth 3 hits. Please note that sending one request to the Leader Referrals API results in 3 hits being counted against your total number of monthly hits.
Attribute | Type | Description |
Score | bigdecimal | Score of the url |
Url | string | The url |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_leadingReferrals AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_leadingReferrals"(
"domain" => ''
Returns a list of additional websites that were frequently visited by the same visitors of a given domain within the browsing session, along with their affinity score.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM).
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
domain | string | Visited domain |
affinity | bigdecimal | Affinity score |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_audienceInterests AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_audienceInterests"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-08',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Returns the 10 top Tags to any and their relevance score for a given domain. The tagging system returns a list of tags for a given site that best describe the site’s content. The tagging system is used as an input for SimilarWeb’s similarity and categorization engines, but is also useful for categorization tasks that require open ended and dynamic results. The tag engine is capable of generating over 500 thousand unique, descriptive tags using URL analysis, word density, html and link analysis, search engine keywords and a number of external data sources.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "". One request to this API is worth 3 hits. Please note that sending one request to the Website Tags API results in 3 hits being counted against your total number of monthly hits
Attribute | Type | Description |
Score | bigdecimal | Score of the website tag |
TagName | string | The website tag |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_websiteTags AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_websiteTags"(
"domain" => ''
Returns the category of a given domain and its global rank within its given category. The category result is completly identical to the "Website Categorization API" output, but includes also the category rank. The categorization algorithm is able to accurately classify an unknown website as one of 25 main categories and 219 sub-categories. The ability to algorithmically generate categories for a given list of websites is enormously powerful and can be used for lead generation, marketing segmentation and online filtering. SimilarWeb’s categorization engine uses a multi-class learning algorithm to generate a category for a given website using website content tags, similarity results and a learning set of 2.5M categorized websites. SimilarWeb’s categorization results are constantly improving through machine learning and incorporation of customer input. Category results are rigorously cross validated and tested.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", "". One request to this API is worth 3 hits. Please note that sending one request to the SimilarSites API results in 3 hits being counted against your total number of monthly hits.
Attribute | Type | Description |
Category | string | The name of the category |
CategoryRank | integer | The Rank of a given domain within its category |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_categoryRank AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_categoryRank"(
"domain" => ''
Provides lists of top sites, by category and country. For example, you can get a list of the top Shopping sites in the United States.
> (optional): The category you wish to investigate. If left blank, ‘All Categories’ will be requested.
> (optional): The country you wish to investigate. If left blank, ‘Worldwide’ will be requested.
Attribute | Type | Description |
site_rank | integer | The site rank |
url | string | The url to the site |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_topSites AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_topSites"(
"category" => 'Autos_and_Vehicles~Aviation',
"country" => 'Germany'
Provides the list of categories for calling the get_topSites procedure. This procedure does not use your Api Key
Attribute | Type | Description |
major_key | string | The key of major category |
minor_key | string | The key of sub-category |
category_name | string | The full name of the category in the format, which you shoud use in get_topSites |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_topSites_categories AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_topSites_categories"(
Provides the list of countries for calling the get_topSites procedure. This procedure does not use your Api Key
Attribute | Type | Description |
country_key | string | The key of the country in the format, which you shoud use in get_topSites |
country_full_name | string | The full name of the country |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_topSites_countries AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_topSites_countries"(
Desktop Traffic Sources
Allows you to break down a domain’s traffic by the following source type: Direct, Referrals, Search (Organic and Paid), Mail, Social, and Display Ads. This endpoint returns a detailed overview of traffic sources broken down by source type and traffic share.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): Daily/Weekly/Monthly: Returns data in requested format
> (optional): True /False: True returns data for main domain only, False returns data for subdomains as well
> (optional): Country to focus
Attribute | Type | Description |
domain | string | Originating domain |
source_type | string | One of the source types |
share | bigdecimal | Domain share |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_desktopTrafficSources AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_desktopTrafficSources"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"granularity" => 'Monthly',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE,
"country" => 'DE'
Allows you to break down a domain’s traffic by the following source type: Direct, Referrals, Search (Organic and Paid), Mail, Social, and Display Ads. This endpoint returns a high-level month-over-month overview of traffic broken down by traffic source
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): Daily/Weekly/Monthly: Returns data in requested format
> (optional): True /False: True returns data for main domain only, False returns data for subdomains as well
> (optional): Country to focus
Attribute | Type | Description |
source_type | string | One of the six source types |
traffic_date | date | Effective date |
organic | bigdecimal | Organic share for the date |
paid | bigdecimal | Paid share for the date |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_desktopTrafficSourcesDeep AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_desktopTrafficSourcesDeep"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"granularity" => 'Monthly',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE,
"country" => 'DE'
The Social Referrals API returns the leading social networks sending traffic to a given domain, as well as traffic share per social network.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): Daily/Weekly/Monthly: Returns data in requested format
> (optional): True /False: True returns data for main domain only, False returns data for subdomains as well
> (optional): Country to focus
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | Column's ID |
source_domain | string | Main originating domain |
domain_share | bigdecimal | Whole domain share |
child_source | string | Child page within the originating domain |
child_share | bigdecimal | Share within the domain |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_socialReferrals AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_socialReferrals"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"granularity" => 'Monthly',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE,
"country" => 'DE'
Returns the top organic or paid search keywords for the given domain and % organic search traffic per keyword and change from last month (10 results/hit)
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True /False: True returns data for main domain only, False returns data for subdomains as well
> (optional): For pagination. Enter for more than 10 results. Please see the TotalCount in the output to find out, whether pagination is optional
> (optional): True/False: True for the top organic keywords, False for the top paid keywords
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
SearchTerm | string | Keywords used in search |
Visits | bigdecimal | Rate of visits using specifed keyword phrase |
Change | string | Change from last month |
ResultsCount | integer | Number of entries, returned in this hit |
TotalCount | integer | Total number of entries. Please check this value to determine, whether pagination is optional |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_searchKeywords AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_searchKeywords"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE,
"page" => 1,
"isOrganic" => TRUE
Returns a list of outgoing links from the desired domain, as well as the traffic share of each link
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well.
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
domain | string | Outgoing domain |
share | bigdecimal | Traffic share for the domain |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_organicOutgoingLinks AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_organicOutgoingLinks"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Returns the referring websites for the given domain, and traffic share per referer
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well.
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
domain | string | Referring domain |
share | bigdecimal | Traffic share for the domain |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_referrals AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_referrals"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Provides streamlined access to all the domains that are competing against the chosen domain for the same Organic or Paid keywords. The higher the site returned is ranked, the more keywords it has in common with the analyzed domain.
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only, False returns data for subdomains as well
> (optional): For pagination. Enter for more than 10 results. Please see the TotalCount in the output to find out, whether pagination is optional
> (optional): True/False: True for the top organic keywords, False for the top paid keywords
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
Domain | string | Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", "" |
Score | bigdecimal | Competitor score: the higher the site returned is ranked, the more keywords it has in common with the analyzed domain |
ResultsCount | integer | Number of entries, returned in this hit |
TotalCount | integer | Total number of entries. Please check this value to determine, whether pagination is optional |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_keywordCompetitors AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_keywordCompetitors"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '2016-01',
"end_date" => '2016-07',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE,
"page" => 1,
"isOrganic" => TRUE
Web Traffic Sources
Returns leading Ad Networks sending traffic to a given domain as well as traffic share per Ad Network
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: "", ""
> (optional): Start Month (YYYY-MM). To retrieve Last 28 days pass null for the start_date & end_date parameters.
> (optional): End Month (YYYY-MM)
> (optional): True/False: True returns data for main domain only; False returns data for subdomains as well
Attribute | Type | Description |
idColumn | integer | A unique identifier for ordinality |
ad_network | string | Ad network |
share | bigdecimal | Traffic share |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_adNetwork AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_adNetwork"(
"domain" => '',
"start_date" => '',
"end_date" => '',
"main_domain_only" => FALSE
Returns the top countries that bring the most traffic to the domain and their share of traffic in percent. Please note that a call to this procedure implies a call to the service, which will return additional data, that is dropped. Consider using get_rank_reach procedure (which will be called internally) if you need additional traffic metrics.
> (optional): The domain name, for which statistics are optional
Attribute | Type | Description |
CountryCode | string | Country code |
TrafficShare | bigdecimal | Share of traffic from the specified country |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_trafficShare AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_trafficShare"(
"domain" => ''
Allows you to input a domain and recieve a "Traffic Sources Distribution" web traffic intelligence metric, which is the relative share of each traffic source for the most recent month. Please note that a call to this procedure implies a call to the service, which will return additional data, that is dropped. Consider using get_rank_reach procedure (which will be called internally) if you need additional traffic metrics. To obtain the same data in one row, consider using get_trafficSourcesDistributionAsColumns.
> (optional): The domain name, for which statistics are optional
Attribute | Type | Description |
SourceType | string | One of the six source types |
SourceValue | bigdecimal | The ratio of the traffic for the specified source |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_trafficSourcesDistribution AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_trafficSourcesDistribution"(
"domain" => ''
Allows you to input a domain and recieve a "Traffic Sources Distribution" web traffic intelligence metric, which is the relative share of each traffic source for the most recent month. Please note that a call to this procedure implies a call to the service, which will return additional data, that is dropped. Consider using get_rank_reach procedure (which will be called internally) if you need additional traffic metrics. To obtain the same data in two rows, six columns, consider using get_trafficSourcesDistribution.
> (optional): The domain name, for which statistics are optional
Attribute | Type | Description |
FromSearch | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from the search engines |
Social | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from the social networks |
bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from mail | |
Paid_Referrals | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from the paid referrals |
Direct | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from direct entries |
Referrals | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from referrals |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_trafficSourcesDistributionAsColumns AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_trafficSourcesDistributionAsColumns"(
"domain" => ''
Allows you to parse the previously obtained traffic reach that is stored temporarily in the XML format, originating from the call to get_rank_reach procedure
> (optional): Traffic reach in XML format
Attribute | Type | Description |
TrafficDate | date | Effective date |
ReachValue | bigdecimal | The estimated percentage of internet users who visited the domain on that date |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_parse_trafficReach AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.parse_trafficReach"(
"trafficReach" => (Select TrafficReach From (call "similarweb.get_rank_reach"(
"domain" => ''
Allows you to parse the previously obtained traffic geography that is stored temporarily in the XML format, originating from the call to get_rank_reach procedure
> (optional): Traffic geography in XML format
Attribute | Type | Description |
CountryCode | string | Country code |
TrafficShare | bigdecimal | Traffic geography in XML format |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_parse_trafficShare AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.parse_trafficShare"(
"trafficShare" => (Select TopCountryShares From (call "similarweb.get_rank_reach"(
"domain" => ''
Allows you to parse the previously obtained traffic source distribution that is stored temporarily in the XML format, originating from the call to get_rank_reach procedure. Data is returned in two columns, one row per each source type. To return data in one row, consider using parse_trafficSourcesDistributionAsColumns.
> (optional): Traffic source distribution in XML format
Attribute | Type | Description |
SourceType | string | One of the six source types |
SourceValue | bigdecimal | The ratio of the traffic for the specified source |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_parse_trafficSourcesDistribution AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.parse_trafficSourcesDistribution"(
"trafficShares" => (Select TrafficShares From (call "similarweb.get_rank_reach"(
"domain" => ''
Allows you to parse the previously obtained traffic source distribution that is stored temporarily in the XML format, originating from the call to get_rank_reach procedure. Data is returned in one row. Each column corresponds to a particular source type. To return data in two columns, consider using parse_trafficSourcesDistribution.
> (optional): Traffic source distribution in XML format
Attribute | Type | Description |
FromSearch | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from the search engines |
Social | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from the social networks |
bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from mail | |
Paid_Referrals | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from the paid referrals |
Direct | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from direct entries |
Referrals | bigdecimal | Ratio of traffic, originating from referrals |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_parse_trafficSourcesDistributionAsColumns AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.parse_trafficSourcesDistributionAsColumns"(
"trafficShares" => (Select TrafficShares From (call "similarweb.get_rank_reach"(
"domain" => ''
Mobile App + Mobile Web
Returns the Title, Image, Publisher, Price, Main Category, Main Category ID, and Rating for the requested application
> (optional): True/False: True for Google Play Store, False for iOS Apple Store
> (optional): Enter the ID of the app (e.g. "" for Play Store, "442911228" for Apple Store)
Attribute | Type | Description |
Author | string | Author of the application |
Cover | string | Link for the main icon of the application |
MainCategory | string | Main category of the application |
MainCategoryId | string | Identifier of the application's main category |
Price | string | Cost of the application |
Rating | bigdecimal | Application rating |
Title | string | The title of the application |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_appDetails AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_appDetails"(
"isGooglePlayStore" => TRUE,
"appId" => ''
Returns the estimated range of installs for a given app (Available only for Google Play Store)
> (optional): Enter the ID of the app (e.g. "com.cnn.cnnmoney")
Attribute | Type | Description |
InstallsMax | integer | Maximum number of installs |
InstallsMin | integer | Minimum number of installs |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_googleAppInstalls AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_googleAppInstalls"(
"appId" => 'com.cnn.cnnmoney'
Returns the list of all mobile apps (App Store / Play Store) related to a given domain
> (optional): True/False: True for Google Play Store, False for iOS Apple Store
> (optional): Enter your target domain including only the top-level and second-level names, ie: ""
Attribute | Type | Description |
AppId | string | ID of the application in its store |
Title | string | Name of the application |
CREATE VIEW similarweb_examples.example_get_relatedApps AS SELECT
(CALL "similarweb.get_relatedApps"(
"isGooglePlayStore" => TRUE,
"domain" => ''