Shopify Connector Public API
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_
prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Abandoned checkouts
<created_at_max> (optional): Show checkouts created before the specified date
<created_at_min> (optional): Show checkouts created after the specified date
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<status> (optional): Show only checkouts with a given status
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show checkouts last updated before the specified date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show checkouts last updated after the specified date
<token> (optional): Token
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the checkout |
name | string | Where the checkout originated. Valid values: web , pos , iphone , android |
abandoned_checkout_url | string | The recovery URL that's sent to a customer so they can recover their checkout |
billing_address_address1 | string | The street address of the billing address |
billing_address_address2 | string | An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address |
billing_address_city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
billing_address_company | string | The customer's company |
billing_address_country | string | The name of the country of the billing address |
billing_address_country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
billing_address_first_name | string | The first name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_last_name | string | The last name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_latitude | bigdecimal | The latitude of the billing address |
billing_address_longitude | bigdecimal | The longitude of the billing address |
billing_address_name | string | The full name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_phone | string | The phone number at the billing address |
billing_address_province | string | The name of the state or province of the billing address |
billing_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric abbreviation of the state or province of the billing address |
billing_address_zip | string | The zip or postal code of the billing address |
buyer_accepts_marketing | boolean | Whether the customer would like to receive email updates from the shop. This is set by the I want to receive occasional emails about new products, promotions and other news checkbox during checkout |
buyer_accepts_sms_marketing | boolean | Whether the customer would like to receive SMS updates from the shop. This is set by the Text me with news and offers checkbox during checkout |
cart_token | string | The ID for the cart that's attached to the checkout |
closed_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the checkout was closed. If the checkout was not closed, then this value is null |
completed_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the checkout was completed. For abandoned checkouts, this value is null until a customer completes the checkout using the recovery URL |
currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) of the shop's default currency at the time of checkout. For the currency that the customer used at checkout, see presentment_currency |
customer_created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer was created |
customer_currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order. Defaults to the shop currency. Returns the shop currency for test orders |
customer_default_address_address1 | string | The first line of the customer's mailing address |
customer_default_address_address2 | string | An additional field for the customer's mailing address |
customer_default_address_city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
customer_default_address_company | string | The customer's company |
customer_default_address_country | string | The customer's country |
customer_default_address_country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
customer_default_address_country_name | string | The customer's normalized country name |
customer_default_address_customer_id | long | Customer default address customer id |
customer_default_address_default | boolean | Returns true for each default address |
customer_default_address_first_name | string | The customer's first name |
customer_default_address_id | long | A unique identifier for the address |
customer_default_address_last_name | string | The customer's last name |
customer_default_address_name | string | The order name, generated by combining the order_number property with the order prefix and suffix that are set in the merchant's general settings . This is different from the id property, which is the ID of the order used by the API. This field can also be set by the API to be any string value |
customer_default_address_phone | string | The customer's phone number at this address |
customer_default_address_province | string | The customer's region name. Typically a province, a state, or a prefecture |
customer_default_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric code for the customer's region |
customer_default_address_zip | string | The customer's postal code, also known as zip, postcode, Eircode, etc |
customer_email | string | The unique email address of the customer. Attempting to assign the same email address to multiple customers returns an error |
customer_email_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used |
customer_email_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | string | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the , that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email |
customer_email_marketing_consent_state | string | The current email marketing state for the customer |
customer_first_name | string | The customer's first name |
customer_id | long | A unique identifier for the customer |
customer_last_name | string | The customer's last name |
customer_last_order_id | long | The ID of the customer's last order |
customer_last_order_name | string | The name of the customer's last order. This is directly related to the name field on the Order resource |
customer_locale | string | The two or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. Example values: en , en-CA |
customer_multipass_identifier | string | A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login |
customer_note | string | A note about the customer |
customer_orders_count | integer | The number of orders associated with this customer. Test and archived orders aren't counted |
customer_phone | string | The unique phone number (<a href="">E.164 format ) for this customer. Attempting to assign the same phone number to multiple customers returns an error. The property can be set using different formats, but each format must represent a number that can be dialed from anywhere in the world. The following formats are all valid: 6135551212 +16135551212 (613)555-1212 +1 613-555-1212 |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_consent_collected_from | string | The source for whether the customer has consented to receive marketing material by SMS |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by SMS. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | string | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the , that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by SMS |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_state | string | The current SMS marketing state for the customer |
customer_state | string | The state of the customer's account with a shop. Default value: disabled . Valid values: disabled : The customer doesn't have an active account. Customer accounts can be disabled from the Shopify admin at any time. invited : The customer has received an email invite to create an account. enabled : The customer has created an account. declined : The customer declined the email invite to create an account |
customer_tags | string | Tags that the shop owner has attached to the customer, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. A customer can have up to 250 tags. Each tag can have up to 255 characters |
customer_tax_exempt | boolean | Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true , then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false , then taxes will be applied at checkout |
customer_total_spent | bigdecimal | The total amount of money that the customer has spent across their order history |
customer_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer information was last updated |
customer_verified_email | boolean | Whether the customer has verified their email address |
device_id | long | The ID of the Shopify POS device that created the checkout |
discount_codes | string | Discount codes applied to the checkout. Returns an empty array when no codes are applied. Each discount code has the following fields: amount : The amount of the discount in presentment currency. code : The discount code. type : The type of discount. Valid values: percentage , shipping , fixed_amount . (default: fixed_amount ) |
string | The customer's email address | |
gateway | string | The payment gateway used by the checkout. For abandoned checkouts, this value is always null |
landing_site | string | The URL for the page where the customer entered the shop |
location_id | long | The ID of the physical location where the checkout was processed |
note | string | The text of an optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order |
note_attributes | string | Extra information that is added to the order. Appears in the Additional details section of an order details page. Each array entry must contain a hash with name and value keys |
phone | string | The customer's phone number for receiving SMS notifications |
presentment_currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) of the currency that the customer used at checkout. For the shop's default currency, see currency |
referring_site | string | The website that referred the customer to the shop |
reservation_token | string | Reservation token |
shipping_address_address1 | string | The street address of the shipping address |
shipping_address_address2 | string | An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address |
shipping_address_city | string | The city of the shipping address |
shipping_address_company | string | The company of the person associated with the shipping address |
shipping_address_country | string | The name of the country of the shipping address |
shipping_address_country_code | string | The two-letter code ( format) for the country of the shipping address |
shipping_address_first_name | string | The first name of the person associated with the shipping address |
shipping_address_last_name | string | The last name of the person associated with the shipping address |
shipping_address_latitude | bigdecimal | The latitude of the shipping address |
shipping_address_longitude | bigdecimal | The longitude of the shipping address |
shipping_address_name | string | The full name of the person associated with the shipping address |
shipping_address_phone | string | The phone number at the shipping address |
shipping_address_province | string | The name of the state or province of the shipping address |
shipping_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address |
shipping_address_zip | string | The zip or postal code of the shipping address |
sms_marketing_phone | string | The phone number used to opt in to SMS marketing during checkout |
source | string | The channel where the checkout originated. Example value: shopify |
source_identifier | string | Source identifier |
source_name | string | Where the checkout originated. Valid values: web , pos , iphone , android |
source_url | string | Source url |
subtotal_price | bigdecimal | The price of the checkout in presentment currency before shipping and taxes |
taxes_included | boolean | Whether taxes are included in the price |
token | string | A unique ID for a checkout |
total_discounts | bigdecimal | The total amount of discounts to be applied in presentment currency |
total_duties | bigdecimal | The total duties of the checkout in presentment currency |
total_line_items_price | bigdecimal | The sum of the prices of all line items in the checkout in presentment currency |
total_price | bigdecimal | The sum of line item prices, all discounts, shipping costs, and taxes for the checkout in presentment currency |
total_tax | bigdecimal | The sum of all the taxes applied to the checkout in presentment currency |
total_weight | bigdecimal | The sum of all the weights in grams of the line items in the checkout |
user_id | long | The ID of the user who created the checkout |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the checkout was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the checkout was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_AbandonedCheckouts AS
CALL shopify.AbandonedCheckouts (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
status => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL
) AS x;;
List of access scopes
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
handle | string | Handle |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_AccessScopes AS
CALL shopify.AccessScopes ()
) AS x;;
Application charges
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<application_charge_id> (optional): Application charge id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the application charge |
name | string | The application charge name |
api_client_id | long | Api client id |
charge_type | string | Charge type |
currency | string | The currency of the price of the application charge |
decorated_return_url | string | Decorated return url |
external_id | string | External id |
price | bigdecimal | The price of the application charge. The minimum price is 0.50, and maximum price is 10,000 |
return_url | string | The URL where the merchant is redirected after accepting a charge |
status | string | The status of the application charge. Valid values: pending : The application charge is pending approval by the merchant. accepted : Removed in version 2021-01 . The application charge has been accepted by the merchant and is ready to be activated by the app. At this point it will appear on the merchant's invoice. As of API version 2021-01, when a merchant accepts a charge, the charge immediately transitions from pending to active . active : The application charge has been activated by the app and will be paid out to the Partner. declined : The application charge was declined by the merchant. expired : The application charge was not accepted within 2 days of being created |
test | boolean | Whether the application charge is a test transaction. Valid values: true , null |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the application charge was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the charge was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ApplicationCharges AS
CALL shopify.ApplicationCharges (
since_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Application credits
<application_credit_id> (optional): Application credit id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the application credit |
amount | bigdecimal | The amount refunded by the application credit |
currency | string | The currency of the application credit amount |
description | string | The description of the application credit |
test | boolean | Whether the application credit is a test transaction. Valid values: true , null |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ApplicationCredits AS
CALL shopify.ApplicationCredits ()
) AS x;;
Article authors
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
author | string | The name of the author of the article |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ArticleAuthors AS
CALL shopify.ArticleAuthors ()
) AS x;;
Article tags
<popular> (optional): A flag for ordering retrieved tags. If present in the request, then the results will be ordered by popularity, starting with the most popular tag
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
tag | string | Tag |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ArticleTags AS
CALL shopify.ArticleTags (
popular => NULL
) AS x;;
Assets for a theme
<theme_id> (optional): Theme id
<theme_table> (optional): Table with theme containing column id (containing theme_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
checksum | string | The MD5 representation of the content, consisting of a string of 32 hexadecimal digits. May be null if an asset has not been updated recently |
content_type | string | The MIME representation of the content, consisting of the type and subtype of the asset |
key | string | The path to the asset within a theme. It consists of the file's directory and filename. For example, the asset assets/bg-body-green.gif is in the assets directory, so its key is assets/bg-body-green.gif |
public_url | string | The public-facing URL of the asset |
size | long | The asset size in bytes |
theme_id | long | The ID for the theme that an asset belongs to |
value | string | The text content of the asset, such as the HTML and Liquid markup of a template file |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the asset was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when an asset was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Assets AS
CALL shopify.Assets (
theme_id => 73257517171
) AS x;;
Fulfillment orders assigned to the shop locations that are owned by the app
<assignment_status> (optional): The assignment status of the fulfillment orders that should be returned. If assignment_status parameter isn't provided, then the query will return all assigned fulfillment orders, except those with the CLOSED status
<location_ids> (optional): The IDs of the assigned locations of the fulfillment orders that should be returned. If the location_ids parameter isn't provided, then all fulfillment orders assigned to the shop locations that are managed by the app will be returned
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the fulfillment order |
assigned_location_address1 | string | The customer's mailing address |
assigned_location_address2 | string | An additional field for the customer's mailing address |
assigned_location_city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
assigned_location_country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
assigned_location_id | long | The unique identifier for the address |
assigned_location_location_id | long | Assigned location id |
assigned_location_name | string | The customer's first and last names |
assigned_location_phone | string | The customer's phone number at this address |
assigned_location_province | string | The customer's region name. Typically a province, a state, or a prefecture |
assigned_location_zip | string | The customer's postal code, also known as zip, postcode, Eircode, etc |
destination_address1 | string | The first line of the address of the destination |
destination_address2 | string | The second line of the address of the destination |
destination_city | string | The city of the destination |
destination_company | string | The company of the destination |
destination_country | string | The country of the destination |
destination_email | string | The email of the customer at the destination |
destination_first_name | string | The first name of the customer at the destination |
destination_id | long | The ID of the fulfillment order destination |
destination_last_name | string | The last name of the customer at the destination |
destination_phone | string | The phone number of the customer at the destination |
destination_province | string | The province of the destination |
destination_zip | string | The ZIP code of the destination |
fulfillment_service_handle | string | Fulfillment service handle |
international_duties_incoterm | string | The international duties relevant to the fulfillment order |
order_id | long | The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment order |
request_status | string | The request status of the fulfillment order. Valid values: unsubmitted : The initial request status for the newly-created fulfillment orders. This is the only valid request status for fulfillment orders that aren't assigned to a fulfillment service. submitted : The merchant requested fulfillment for this fulfillment order. accepted : The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment request. rejected : The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment request. cancellation_requested : The merchant requested a cancellation of the fulfillment request for this fulfillment order. cancellation_accepted : The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request. cancellation_rejected : The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request. closed : The fulfillment service closed the fulfillment order without completing it |
shop_id | long | The ID of the shop that's associated with the fulfillment order |
status | string | The status of the fulfillment order. Valid values: open : Default state for newly created fulfillment orders. in_progress : The fulfillment order is being processed. cancelled : The fulfillment order has been cancelled by the merchant. incomplete : The fulfillment order cannot be completed as requested. closed : The fulfillment order has been completed and closed |
supported_actions | string | Supported actions |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_AssignedFulfillmentOrders AS
CALL shopify.AssignedFulfillmentOrders (
location_ids => NULL,
assignment_status => NULL
) AS x;;
Balance transactions
<last_id> (optional): Filter response to transactions exclusively before the specified ID
<payout_id> (optional): Filter response to transactions paid out in the specified payout
<payout_status> (optional): Filter response to transactions with the specified payout status
<since_id> (optional): Filter response to transactions exclusively after the specified ID
<test> (optional): Filter response to transactions placed in test mode
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique identifier of the transaction |
adjustment_reason | string | The reason for the adjustment that is associated with the transaction. If the source_type is not an adjustment, the value will be null |
amount | bigdecimal | The gross amount of the transaction, in a decimal formatted string |
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the transaction |
fee | bigdecimal | The total amount of fees deducted from the transaction amount |
net | bigdecimal | The net amount of the transaction |
payout_id | long | The id of the payout the transaction was paid out in |
payout_status | string | The status of the payout the transaction was paid out in, or 'pending' if the transaction has not yet been included in a payout |
source_id | long | The id of the resource leading to the transaction |
source_order_id | long | The id of the Order that this transaction ultimately originated from |
source_order_transaction_id | string | The id of the Order Transaction that resulted in this balance transaction. If the source_type is an adjustment, the value will be null |
source_type | string | The type of the resource leading to the transaction. charge refund dispute reserve adjustment payout |
test | boolean | If the transaction was created for a test mode Order or payment |
type | string | The type of the balance transaction. The value will be one of the following: charge refund dispute reserve adjustment credit debit payout payout_failure payout_cancellation |
processed_at | timestamp | The time the transaction was processed |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_BalanceTransactions AS
CALL shopify.BalanceTransactions (
test => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
payout_status => NULL,
payout_id => NULL,
last_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Articles from a blog
<author> (optional): Filter articles by article author
<blog_id> (optional): Blog id
<created_at_max> (optional): Show articles created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<created_at_min> (optional): Show articles created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<handle> (optional): Retrieve an article with a specific handle
<published_at_max> (optional): Show articles published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<published_at_min> (optional): Show articles published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<published_status> (optional): Retrieve results based on their published status
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<tag> (optional): Filter articles with a specific tag
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show articles last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show articles last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<article_id> (optional): Article id
<blog_table> (optional): Table with blog containing column id(containing blog_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the article |
title | string | The title of the article |
author | string | The name of the author of the article |
blog_id | long | The ID of the blog containing the article |
body_html | string | The text of the body of the article, complete with HTML markup |
handle | string | A human-friendly unique string for the article that's automatically generated from the article's title. The handle is used in the article's URL |
image_alt | string | Image alt attribute |
image_created_at | timestamp | The date and time when the product image was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
image_height | bigdecimal | Height dimension of the image which is determined on upload |
image_src | string | Specifies the location of the product image. This parameter supports Liquid filters that you can use to retrieve modified copies of the image |
image_width | bigdecimal | Width dimension of the image which is determined on upload |
published_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the article was published |
summary_html | string | A summary of the article, which can include HTML markup. The summary is used by the online store theme to display the article on other pages, such as the home page or the main blog page |
tags | string | A comma-separated list of tags. Tags are additional short descriptors formatted as a string of comma-separated values |
template_suffix | string | The name of the template an article is using if it's using an alternate template. If an article is using the default article.liquid template, then the value returned is null |
user_id | long | A unique numeric identifier for the author of the article |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the article was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the article was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_BlogArticles AS
CALL shopify.BlogArticles (
since_id => NULL,
published_status => NULL,
published_at_min => NULL,
published_at_max => NULL,
handle => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL,
blog_id => 8992030835,
author => NULL,
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
tag => NULL
) AS x;;
<handle> (optional): Filter by blog handle
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<blog_id> (optional): Blog id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | A unique numeric identifier for the blog |
title | string | The title of the blog |
commentable | string | Indicates whether readers can post comments to the blog and if comments are moderated or not. Possible values are: no (default) : Readers cannot post comments to blog articles. moderate : Readers can post comments to blog articles, but comments must be moderated before they appear. yes : Readers can post comments to blog articles without moderation |
feedburner | string | FeedBurner is a web feed management provider and can be enabled to provide custom RSS feeds for Shopify bloggers. Google has stopped supporting FeedBurner, and new or existing blogs that are not already integrated with FeedBurner can't use the service. This property will default to blank unless FeedBurner is enabled |
feedburner_location | string | The URL that points to the FeedBurner location for blogs that have FeedBurner enabled. Google has stopped supporting FeedBurner, and new or existing blogs that are not already integrated with FeedBurner can't use the service. This property will default to blank unless FeedBurner is enabled |
handle | string | A human-friendly unique string that is automatically generated from the title if no handle is sent during the creation of a blog. Duplicate handles are appended with an incremental number, for example, 'blog-2'. The handle is customizable and is used by the Liquid templating language to refer to the blog. If you change the handle of a blog, then it can negatively affect the SEO of the shop. We recommend that you create a URL redirect to avoid any SEO issues |
tags | string | A list of tags associated with the 200 most recent blog articles. Tags are additional short descriptors formatted as a string of comma-separated values. For example, if an article has three tags: tag1, tag2, tag3. Tags are limited to 255 characters |
template_suffix | string | States the name of the template a blog is using if it is using an alternate template. If a blog is using the default blog.liquid template, the value returned is "null" |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time when the blog was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when changes were last made to the blog's properties. Note that this is not updated when creating, modifying or deleting articles in the blog. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Blogs AS
CALL shopify.Blogs (
since_id => NULL,
handle => NULL
) AS x;;
<carrier_service_id> (optional): Carrier service id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the carrier service |
name | string | The name of the shipping service as seen by merchants and their customers |
active | boolean | Whether this carrier service is active. If true , then the service will be available to serve rates in checkout |
callback_url | string | The URL endpoint that Shopify needs to retrieve shipping rates. This must be a public URL |
carrier_service_type | string | Distinguishes between API or legacy carrier services |
format | string | The format of the data retu... |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_CarrierServices AS
CALL shopify.CarrierServices ()
) AS x;;
Single collection
<collection_id> (optional): Collection id
<collections_table> (optional): Table with collections containing column id (containing collection_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the collection |
title | string | The name of the collection |
body_html | string | A description of the collection, complete with HTML markup. Many templates display this on their collection pages |
collection_type | string | Collection type |
handle | string | A unique, human-readable string for the collection automatically generated from its title. This is used in themes by the Liquid templating language to refer to the collection. (limit: 255 characters) |
image_alt | string | The alternative text that describes the collection image |
image_created_at | timestamp | The time and date ( format) when the image was added to the collection |
image_height | bigdecimal | The height of the image in pixels |
image_src | string | The source URL that specifies the location of the image |
image_width | bigdecimal | The width of the image in pixels |
products_count | integer | Products count |
published_at | timestamp | The time and date ( ISO 8601 format) when the collection was made visible. Returns null for a hidden collection |
published_scope | string | Whether the collection is published to the Point of Sale channel. Valid values: web : The collection is published to the Online Store channel but not published to the Point of Sale channel. global : The collection is published to both the Online Store channel and the Point of Sale channel |
sort_order | string | The order in which products in the collection appear. Valid values: alpha-asc : Alphabetically, in ascending order (A - Z). alpha-desc : Alphabetically, in descending order (Z - A). best-selling : By best-selling products. created : By date created, in ascending order (oldest - newest). created-desc : By date created, in descending order (newest - oldest). manual : In the order set manually by the shop owner. price-asc : By price, in ascending order (lowest - highest). price-desc : By price, in descending order (highest - lowest) |
template_suffix | string | The suffix of the liquid template being used. For example, if the value is custom , then the collection is using the collection.custom.liquid template. If the value is null , then the collection is using the default collection.liquid |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the collection was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_CollectionById AS
CALL shopify.CollectionById (
collection_id => NULL
) AS x;;
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<collect_id> (optional): Collect id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | A unique numeric identifier for the collect |
collection_id | long | The ID of the custom collection containing the product |
position | integer | The position of this product in a manually sorted custom collection. The first position is 1. This value is applied only when the custom collection is sorted manually |
product_id | long | The unique numeric identifier for the product in the custom collection |
sort_value | long | This is the same value as position but padded with leading zeroes to make it alphanumeric-sortable. This value is applied only when the custom collection is sorted manually |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the collect was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the collect was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Collects AS
CALL shopify.Collects (
since_id => NULL
) AS x;;
<created_at_max> (optional): Show comments created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<created_at_min> (optional): Show comments created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<published_at_max> (optional): Show comments published before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<published_at_min> (optional): Show comments published after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<published_status> (optional): Filter results by their published status
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<status> (optional): Filter results by their status
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show comments last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show comments last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<comment_id> (optional): Comment id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | A unique numeric identifier for the comment |
article_id | long | A unique numeric identifier for the article that the comment belongs to |
author | string | The name of the author of the comment |
blog_id | long | A unique numeric identifier for the blog containing the article that the comment belongs to |
body | string | The basic Textile markup of a comment |
body_html | string | The text of the comment, complete with HTML markup |
string | The email address of the author of the comment | |
ip | string | The IP address from which the comment was posted |
published_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the comment was published |
status | string | The status of the comment. Valid values: pending : The comment has been created but is awaiting spam detection. Depending on the result of the spam detection and the shop owner's comment preferences, this property will be transitioned to either spam , unapproved , or approved . unapproved (default) : The comment is awaiting approval by the shop owner. It's not visible to the readers of the blog. published : The comment has been approved (if the blog requires comments to be approved) and is visible to readers of the blog. spam : The comment has been marked as spam and removed from the Shopify admin. It's not visible to readers of the blog. removed : The comment has been removed by the shop owner. It's not visible to readers of the blog |
user_agent | string | The user agent string provided by the software used to create the comment (usually a browser) |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the comment was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the comment was last modified. When the comment is created, this matches the value of created_at . If the blog requires comments to be approved, then this value is updated to the date and time when the comment is approved |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Comments AS
CALL shopify.Comments (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
status => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
published_status => NULL,
published_at_min => NULL,
published_at_max => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL
) AS x;;
List of all Countries
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<country_id> (optional): Country id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the country. The ID for a country is unique across all Shopify stores. The ID for a country in one shop will be different from the same country in another shop |
code | string | The two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format) |
name | string | The full name of the country in English |
tax | bigdecimal | The national sales tax rate applied to orders made by customers from that country |
tax_name | string |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Countries AS
CALL shopify.Countries (
since_id => NULL
) AS x;;
List of currencies enabled on a shop
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
currency | string | The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency associated with this setting |
enabled | boolean | |
rate_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the conversion rate associated with this currency was last updated. Conversion rates are checked every 15 minutes, but typically only updated a few times a day |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Currencies AS
CALL shopify.Currencies ()
) AS x;;
List of all CustomCollections
<handle> (optional): Filter by custom collection handle
<ids> (optional): Show only collections specified by a comma-separated list of IDs
<product_id> (optional): Show custom collections that include a given product
<published_at_max> (optional): Show custom collections published before date
<published_at_min> (optional): Show custom collections published after date
<published_status> (optional): Show custom collectsion with a given published status (default: any): - published: Show only published custom collections; - unpublished - Show only unpublished custom collections; - any - Show custom collections of any published status
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<title> (optional): Show custom collections with a given title
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show custom collections last updated before date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show custom collections last updated after date
<custom_collection_id> (optional): Custom collection id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the custom collection |
body_html | string | The description of the custom collection, complete with HTML markup. Many templates display this on their custom collection pages |
handle | string | A human-friendly unique string for the custom collection automatically generated from its title. This is used in shop themes by the Liquid templating language to refer to the custom collection. (limit: 255 characters) |
image_alt | string | |
image_created_at | timestamp | The date and time when the product image was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
image_height | integer | Height dimension of the image which is determined on upload |
image_src | string | Specifies the location of the product image. This parameter supports URL filters that you can use to retrieve modified copies of the image. For example, add _small, to the filename to retrieve a scaled copy of the image at 100 x 100 px (for example, ipod-nano_small.png), or add _2048x2048 to retrieve a copy of the image constrained at 2048 x 2048 px resolution (for example, ipod-nano_2048x2048.png) |
image_width | integer | Width dimension of the image which is determined on upload |
published_at | timestamp | The time and date (ISO 8601 format) when the collection was made visible. Returns null for a hidden custom collection |
published_scope | string | Whether the collection is published to the Point of Sale channel |
sort_order | string | The order in which products in the custom collection appear |
template_suffix | string | The suffix of the liquid template being used. For example, if the value is custom, then the collection is using the collection.custom.liquid template. If the value is null, then the collection is using the default collection.liquid |
title | string | The name of the custom collection. (limit: 255 characters) |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the custom collection was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_CustomCollections AS
CALL shopify.CustomCollections (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
title => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
published_status => NULL,
published_at_min => NULL,
published_at_max => NULL,
product_id => NULL,
ids => NULL,
handle => NULL
) AS x;;
Addresses for a customer
<customer_id> (optional): Customer id
<address_id> (optional): Address id
<customer_table> (optional): Table with customer containing column id(containing customer_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique identifier for the address |
name | string | The customer's first and last names |
address1 | string | The customer's mailing address |
address2 | string | An additional field for the customer's mailing address |
city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
company | string | The customer's company |
country | string | The customer's country |
country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
country_name | string | The customer's normalized country name |
customer_id | long | The unique identifier for the customer |
default | boolean | Default |
first_name | string | The customer's first name |
last_name | string | The customer's last name |
phone | string | The customer's phone number at this address |
province | string | The customer's region name. Typically a province, a state, or a prefecture |
province_code | string | The alphanumeric code for the customer's region |
zip | string | The customer's postal code, also known as zip, postcode, Eircode, etc |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_CustomerAddresses AS
CALL shopify.CustomerAddresses (
customer_id => 7553192001792
) AS x;;
<created_at_max> (optional): Show customers created before a specified date
<created_at_min> (optional): Show customers created after a specified date
<ids> (optional): Restrict results to customers specified by a comma-separated list of IDs
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to those after the specified ID
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show customers last updated before a specified date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show customers last updated after a specified date
<customer_id> (optional): Customer id
<query> (optional): Text to search for in the shop's customer data. Note: Supported queries: accepts_marketing , activation_date , address1 , address2 , city , company , country , customer_date , customer_first_name , customer_id , customer_last_name , customer_tag , email , email_marketing_state , first_name , first_order_date , id , last_abandoned_order_date , last_name , multipass_identifier , orders_count , order_date , phone , province , shop_id , state , tag , total_spent , updated_at , verified_email , product_subscriber_status . All other queries returns all customers
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | A unique identifier for the customer |
currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order. Defaults to the shop currency. Returns the shop currency for test orders |
default_address_address1 | string | The first line of the customer's mailing address |
default_address_address2 | string | An additional field for the customer's mailing address |
default_address_city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
default_address_company | string | The customer's company |
default_address_country | string | The customer's country |
default_address_country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
default_address_country_name | string | The customer's normalized country name |
default_address_default | boolean | Returns true for each default address |
default_address_first_name | string | The customer's first name |
default_address_id | long | A unique identifier for the address |
default_address_last_name | string | The customer's last name |
default_address_name | string | Default address name |
default_address_phone | string | The customer's phone number at this address |
default_address_province | string | The customer's region name. Typically a province, a state, or a prefecture |
default_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric code for the customer's region |
default_address_zip | string | The customer's postal code, also known as zip, postcode, Eircode, etc |
string | The unique email address of the customer. Attempting to assign the same email address to multiple customers returns an error | |
email_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used |
email_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | string | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the , that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email |
email_marketing_consent_state | string | The current email marketing state for the customer |
first_name | string | The customer's first name |
last_name | string | The customer's last name |
last_order_id | long | The ID of the customer's last order |
last_order_name | string | The name of the customer's last order. This is directly related to the name field on the Order resource |
multipass_identifier | string | A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login |
note | string | A note about the customer |
orders_count | integer | The number of orders associated with this customer. Test and archived orders aren't counted |
phone | string | The unique phone number (<a href="">E.164 format ) for this customer. Attempting to assign the same phone number to multiple customers returns an error. The property can be set using different formats, but each format must represent a number that can be dialed from anywhere in the world. The following formats are all valid: 6135551212 +16135551212 (613)555-1212 +1 613-555-1212 |
sms_marketing_consent_consent_collected_from | string | The source for whether the customer has consented to receive marketing material by SMS |
sms_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by SMS. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used |
sms_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | string | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the , that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by SMS |
sms_marketing_consent_state | string | The current SMS marketing state for the customer |
state | string | The state of the customer's account with a shop. Default value: disabled . Valid values: disabled : The customer doesn't have an active account. Customer accounts can be disabled from the Shopify admin at any time. invited : The customer has received an email invite to create an account. enabled : The customer has created an account. declined : The customer declined the email invite to create an account |
tags | string | Tags that the shop owner has attached to the customer, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. A customer can have up to 250 tags. Each tag can have up to 255 characters |
tax_exempt | boolean | Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true , then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false , then taxes will be applied at checkout |
total_spent | bigdecimal | The total amount of money that the customer has spent across their order history |
verified_email | boolean | Whether the customer has verified their email address |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer information was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Customers AS
CALL shopify.Customers (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
ids => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL
) AS x;;
Deprecated API calls
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
api_type | string | API type |
description | string | Description |
documentation_url | string | Documentation URL |
endpoint | string | Endpoint |
graphql_schema_name | string | GraphQL schema name |
last_call_at | timestamp | Last call at |
migration_deadline | timestamp | Migration deadline |
version | string | Version |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_DeprecatedAPIcalls AS
CALL shopify.DeprecatedAPIcalls ()
) AS x;;
Discount codes
<price_rule_id> (optional): Price rule id
<discount_code_id> (optional): Discount code id
<price_rule_table> (optional): Table with price_rule containing column id(containing price_rule_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the discount code |
code | string | The case-insensitive discount code that customers use at checkout. (maximum: 255 characters) Use the same value for code as the title property of the associated price rule |
price_rule_id | long | The ID for the price rule that this discount code belongs to |
usage_count | integer | The number of times that the discount code has been redeemed |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the discount code was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the discount code was updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_DiscountCodes AS
CALL shopify.DiscountCodes (
price_rule_id => 1471906382080
) AS x;
List of all disputes
<initiated_at> (optional): Return only disputes with the specified initiated_at date
<last_id> (optional): Return only disputes before the specified ID
<since_id> (optional): Return only disputes after the specified ID
<status> (optional): Return only disputes with the specified status
<dispute_id> (optional): Dispute id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the dispute |
amount | bigdecimal | The total amount disputed by the cardholder |
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the dispute amount |
evidence_due_by | timestamp | The deadline for evidence submission |
evidence_sent_on | timestamp | "The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when evidence was sent. Returns null if evidence has not yet been sent |
finalized_on | timestamp | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when this dispute was resolved. Returns null if the dispute is not yet resolved |
initiated_at | timestamp | |
network_reason_code | long | The reason for the dispute provided by the cardholder's bank |
order_id | long | The ID of the order that the dispute belongs to |
reason | string | The reason of the dispute provided by the cardholder's bank |
status | string | The current state of the dispute |
type | string | Whether the dispute is still in the inquiry phase or has turned into a chargeback |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Disputes AS
CALL shopify.Disputes (
status => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
last_id => NULL,
initiated_at => NULL
) AS x;;
Draft orders
<ids> (optional): Filter by list of IDs
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<status> (optional): Filter draft orders by their status
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show orders last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show orders last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<draft_order_id> (optional): Draft order id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the draft order |
name | string | Name of the draft order |
applied_discount_amount | bigdecimal | The applied amount of the discount, based on the setting of value_type. For more information, see |
applied_discount_description | string | Reason for the discount |
applied_discount_title | string | Title of the discount |
applied_discount_value | bigdecimal | The value of the discount. If the type of discount is fixed_amount, then it corresponds to a fixed dollar amount. If the type is percentage, then it corresponds to percentage |
applied_discount_value_type | string | The type of discount. Valid values: percentage, fixed_amount |
billing_address_address1 | string | The street address of the billing address |
billing_address_address2 | string | An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address |
billing_address_city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
billing_address_company | string | The customer's company |
billing_address_country | string | The name of the country of the billing address |
billing_address_country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
billing_address_first_name | string | The first name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_last_name | string | The last name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_latitude | bigdecimal | The latitude of the billing address |
billing_address_longitude | bigdecimal | The longitude of the billing address |
billing_address_name | string | The full name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_phone | string | The phone number at the billing address |
billing_address_province | string | The name of the billing address region, such as province, state, or prefecture |
billing_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric abbreviation of the region for the billing address |
billing_address_zip | string | The postal code of the billing address, such as zip, postcode, or Eircode |
completed_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the order is created and the draft order is completed |
currency | string | The three letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment |
customer_created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer was created |
customer_currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order. Defaults to the shop currency. Returns the shop currency for test orders |
customer_default_address_address1 | string | The first line of the customer's mailing address |
customer_default_address_address2 | string | An additional field for the customer's mailing address |
customer_default_address_city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
customer_default_address_company | string | The customer's company |
customer_default_address_country | string | The customer's country |
customer_default_address_country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
customer_default_address_country_name | string | The customer's normalized country name |
customer_default_address_customer_id | long | Customer default address customer id |
customer_default_address_default | boolean | Returns true for each default address |
customer_default_address_first_name | string | The customer's first name |
customer_default_address_id | long | A unique identifier for the address |
customer_default_address_last_name | string | The customer's last name |
customer_default_address_name | string | Customer default address name |
customer_default_address_phone | string | The customer's phone number at this address |
customer_default_address_province | string | The customer's region name. Typically a province, a state, or a prefecture |
customer_default_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric code for the customer's region |
customer_default_address_zip | string | The customer's postal code, also known as zip, postcode, Eircode, etc |
customer_email | string | The unique email address of the customer. Attempting to assign the same email address to multiple customers returns an error |
customer_email_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used |
customer_email_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | string | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the , that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email |
customer_email_marketing_consent_state | string | The current email marketing state for the customer |
customer_first_name | string | The customer's first name |
customer_id | long | Customer id |
customer_last_name | string | The customer's last name |
customer_last_order_id | long | The ID of the customer's last order |
customer_last_order_name | string | The name of the customer's last order. This is directly related to the name field on the Order resource |
customer_multipass_identifier | string | A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login |
customer_note | string | A note about the customer |
customer_orders_count | integer | The number of orders associated with this customer. Test and archived orders aren't counted |
customer_phone | string | The unique phone number (<a href="">E.164 format ) for this customer. Attempting to assign the same phone number to multiple customers returns an error. The property can be set using different formats, but each format must represent a number that can be dialed from anywhere in the world. The following formats are all valid: 6135551212 +16135551212 (613)555-1212 +1 613-555-1212 |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_consent_collected_from | string | The source for whether the customer has consented to receive marketing material by SMS |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by SMS. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | string | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the , that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by SMS |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_state | string | The current SMS marketing state for the customer |
customer_state | string | The state of the customer's account with a shop. Default value: disabled . Valid values: disabled : The customer doesn't have an active account. Customer accounts can be disabled from the Shopify admin at any time. invited : The customer has received an email invite to create an account. enabled : The customer has created an account. declined : The customer declined the email invite to create an account |
customer_tags | string | Tags that the shop owner has attached to the customer, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. A customer can have up to 250 tags. Each tag can have up to 255 characters |
customer_tax_exempt | boolean | Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true , then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false , then taxes will be applied at checkout |
customer_total_spent | bigdecimal | The total amount of money that the customer has spent across their order history |
customer_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer information was last updated |
customer_verified_email | boolean | Whether the customer has verified their email address |
string | The customer's email address | |
invoice_sent_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the invoice was emailed to the customer |
invoice_url | string | The URL for the invoice |
note | string | The text of an optional note that a merchant can attach to the draft order |
note_attributes | string | The extra information that's added to the order. The information appears in the Additional details section of an order details page. Each array entry must contain a hash with name and value keys |
order_id | long | The ID of the order that's created and associated with the draft order after the draft order is completed |
payment_terms | string | The terms and conditions under which a payment should be processed. amount : The amount that is owed according to the payment terms. currency : The presentment currency for the payment. payment_terms_name : The name of the selected payment terms template for the draft order. payment_terms_type : The type of selected payment terms template for the draft order. due_in_days : The number of days between the invoice date and due date that is defined in the selected payment terms template. payment_schedules : An array of schedules associated to the payment terms. amount : The amount that is owed according to the payment terms. currency : The presentment currency for the payment. issued_at : The date and time when the payment terms were initiated. due_at : The date and time when the payment is due. Calculated based on issued_at and due_in_days or a customized fixed date if the type is fixed. completed_at : The date and time when the purchase is completed. Returns null initially and updates when the payment is captured. expected_payment_method : The name of the payment method gateway |
presentment_currency | string | The three letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment |
shipping_address_address1 | string | The street address of the shipping address |
shipping_address_address2 | string | An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address |
shipping_address_city | string | The city of the shipping address |
shipping_address_company | string | The company of the person associated with the shipping address |
shipping_address_country | string | The name of the country of the shipping address |
shipping_address_country_code | string | The two-letter code for the country of the shipping address |
shipping_address_first_name | string | The first name of the person associated with the payment method |
shipping_address_last_name | string | The last name of the person associated with the payment method |
shipping_address_latitude | bigdecimal | The latitude of the shipping address |
shipping_address_longitude | bigdecimal | The longitude of the shipping address |
shipping_address_name | string | The full name of the person associated with the payment method |
shipping_address_phone | string | The phone number at the shipping address |
shipping_address_province | string | The name of the state or province of the shipping address |
shipping_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address |
shipping_address_zip | string | The zip or postal code of the shipping address |
shipping_line_custom | boolean | Whether this is a regular shipping line or custom shipping line |
shipping_line_handle | string | The handle of the shipping rate which was selected and applied. Required for regular shipping lines |
shipping_line_price | bigdecimal | The price of the shipping method. Required for custom shipping lines |
shipping_line_title | string | The title of the shipping method. Required for custom shipping lines. (maximum: 255 characters) |
status | string | The status of a draft order as it transitions into an order. When a draft order is created it is set to open status. The invoice can then be sent to the customer, and status changes to invoice_sent . The draft order can then be paid, set to pending, or paid by credit card. In each case, the draft order is set to completed and an order is created. After a draft order is set to completed the only further modifications that can be made are adding tags or metafields. Valid values: open : Draft order is open. invoice_sent : Invoice has been sent for the draft order. completed : Draft order has been completed and turned into an order |
subtotal_price | bigdecimal | The price of the order before shipping and taxes |
subtotal_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The price of the order before shipping and taxes. Presentment Money Amount |
subtotal_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The price of the order before shipping and taxes. Presentment Money Currency code |
subtotal_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The price of the order before shipping and taxes. Shop money Amount |
subtotal_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The price of the order before shipping and taxes. Shop money Currency code |
tags | string | A comma-seperated list of additional short descriptors, commonly used for filtering and searching. Each individual tag is limited to 40 characters in length. For example, tags: "tag1","tag2","tag3" |
tax_exempt | boolean | Whether taxes are exempt for the draft order. If set to false , then Shopify refers to the taxable field for each line_item . If a customer is applied to the draft order, then Shopify uses the customer's tax_exempt field instead |
taxes_included | boolean | Whether taxes are included in the order subtotal. Valid values: true or false |
total_additional_fees_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total additional fees. Presentment Money Amount |
total_additional_fees_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | Total additional fees. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_additional_fees_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total additional fees. Shop money Amount |
total_additional_fees_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | Total additional fees. Shop money Currency code |
total_discounts_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total discounts. Presentment Money Amount |
total_discounts_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | Total discounts. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_discounts_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total discounts. Shop money Amount |
total_discounts_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | Total discounts. Shop money Currency code |
total_duties_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total duties. Presentment Money Amount |
total_duties_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | Total duties. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_duties_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total duties. Shop money Amount |
total_duties_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | Total duties. Shop money Currency code |
total_line_items_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total line items price. Presentment Money Amount |
total_line_items_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | Total line items price. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_line_items_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total line items price. Shop money Amount |
total_line_items_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | Total line items price. Shop money Currency code |
total_price | bigdecimal | The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, including taxes and discounts |
total_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, including taxes and discounts. Presentment Money Amount |
total_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, including taxes and discounts. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, including taxes and discounts. Shop money Amount |
total_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, including taxes and discounts. Shop money Currency code |
total_shipping_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total shipping price. Presentment Money Amount |
total_shipping_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | Total shipping price. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_shipping_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total shipping price. Shop money Amount |
total_shipping_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | Total shipping price. Shop money Currency code |
total_tax | bigdecimal | The sum of all the taxes applied to the order |
total_tax_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The sum of all the taxes applied to the order. Presentment Money Amount |
total_tax_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The sum of all the taxes applied to the order. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_tax_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The sum of all the taxes applied to the order. Shop money Amount |
total_tax_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The sum of all the taxes applied to the order. Shop money Currency code |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the order was created in Shopify |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the order was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_DraftOrders AS
CALL shopify.DraftOrders (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
status => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
ids => NULL
) AS x;;
List of events
<filter> (optional): Show events specified in this filter
<created_at_max> (optional): Show events created at or before this date and time
<created_at_min> (optional): Show events created at or after this date and time
<since_id> (optional): Show only results after the specified ID
<verb> (optional): Show events of a certain type
<event_id> (optional): Event id
<order_id> (optional): Find Events by Order id
<product_id> (optional): Find Events by Product id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the event |
arguments | string | Refers to a certain event and its resources |
author | string | |
body | string | A text field containing information about the event |
description | string | A human readable description of the event |
message | string | A human readable description of the event. Can contain some HTML formatting |
path | string | A relative URL to the resource the event is for, if applicable |
subject_id | long | The ID of the resource that generated the event |
subject_type | string | The type of the resource that generated the event |
verb | string | The type of event that occurred. Different resources generate different types of event. See the Resources section for a list of possible verbs |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the event was created |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Events AS
CALL shopify.Events (
verb => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
"filter" => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL
) AS x;;
Fulfillment events for a specific fulfillment
<fulfillment_id> (optional): The ID of the fulfillment that's associated with the fulfillment event
<order_id> (optional): The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment event
<event_id> (optional): The ID of the fulfillment event
<fulfillment_table> (optional): Table with fulfillment containing column id(containing fulfillment_id) of type long, order_id of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | An ID for the fulfillment event |
address1 | string | The street address where the fulfillment event occurred |
address2 | string | An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address |
city | string | The city where the fulfillment event occurred |
country | string | The country where the fulfillment event occurred |
estimated_delivery_at | timestamp | The estimated delivery date based on the fulfillment's tracking number, as long as it's provided by one of the following carriers: USPS, FedEx, UPS, or Canada Post (Canada only). Value is null if no tracking number is available or if the tracking number is from an unsupported carrier. This property is available only when carrier calculated rates are in use.' |
fulfillment_id | long | An ID for the fulfillment that's associated with the fulfillment event |
happened_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event occurred |
latitude | bigdecimal | A geographic coordinate specifying the latitude of the fulfillment event |
longitude | bigdecimal | A geographic coordinate specifying the longitude of the fulfillment event |
message | string | An arbitrary message describing the status. Can be provided by a shipping carrier |
order_id | long | The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment event |
province | string | The province where the fulfillment event occurred |
shop_id | long | An ID for the shop that's associated with the fulfillment event |
status | string | The status of the fulfillment event. Valid values: attempted_delivery : Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed. carrier_picked_up : A carrier picked up the shipment. confirmed : The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn't received it yet. delayed : The shipment is delayed. delivered : The shipment was successfully delivered. failure : Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment. For example, the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled. in_transit : The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination. label_printed : A label for the shipment was purchased and printed. label_purchased : A label for the shipment was purchased, but not printed. out_for_delivery : The shipment is being delivered to its final destination. picked_up : The shipment was successfully picked up. ready_for_pickup : The shipment is ready for pickup |
zip | string | The zip code of the location where the fulfillment event occurred |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment event was updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_FulfillmentEvents AS
CALL shopify.FulfillmentEvents (
order_id => 5751369924864,
fulfillment_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Fulfillment orders for a specific order
<include_financial_summaries> (optional): Include the financial summary data for each line item, if available
<include_order_reference_fields> (optional): Indicates whether the order reference fields should be returned in the result
<order_id> (optional): The ID of the order that is associated with the fulfillment orders
<fulfillment_order_id> (optional): Fulfillment order id
<order_table> (optional): Table with order containing column id(containing order_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | An ID for the fulfillment order |
assigned_location_address1 | string | The customer's mailing address |
assigned_location_address2 | string | An additional field for the customer's mailing address |
assigned_location_city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
assigned_location_country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
assigned_location_id | long | The unique identifier for the address |
assigned_location_location_id | long | Location id |
assigned_location_name | string | The customer's first and last names |
assigned_location_phone | string | The customer's phone number at this address |
assigned_location_province | string | The customer's region name. Typically a province, a state, or a prefecture |
assigned_location_zip | string | The customer's postal code, also known as zip, postcode, Eircode, etc |
channel_id | long | Channel id |
delivery_method | string | Delivery method |
destination_address1 | string | The street address of the assigned location |
destination_address2 | string | An optional additional field for the street address of the assigned location |
destination_city | string | The city of the destination |
destination_company | string | The company of the destination |
destination_country | string | The country of the destination |
destination_email | string | The email of the customer at the destination |
destination_first_name | string | The first name of the customer at the destination |
destination_id | long | The ID of the fulfillment order destination |
destination_last_name | string | The last name of the customer at the destination |
destination_phone | string | The phone number of the customer at the destination |
destination_province | string | The province of the destination |
destination_zip | string | The ZIP code of the destination |
fulfill_at | timestamp | The date and time at which the fulfillment order will be fulfillable. When this date and time is reached, a scheduled fulfillment order is automatically transitioned to open . For example, the fulfill_at date for a subscription order might be the 1st of each month, a pre-order fulfill_at date would be nil , and a standard order fulfill_at date would be the order creation date. For more information about fulfillment statuses, refer to the status property |
fulfill_by | string | The latest date and time by which all items in the fulfillment order need to be fulfilled |
international_duties_incoterm | string | The method of duties payment. Valid values: |
order_id | long | The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment order |
order_name | string | Order name |
order_processed_at | timestamp | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was processed |
request_status | string | The request status of the fulfillment order. Valid values: unsubmitted : The initial request status for newly-created fulfillment orders. This is the only valid request status for fulfillment orders that aren't assigned to a fulfillment service. submitted : The merchant requested fulfillment for this fulfillment order. accepted : The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment request. rejected : The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment request. cancellation_requested : The merchant requested a cancellation of the fulfillment request for this fulfillment order. cancellation_accepted : The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request. cancellation_rejected : The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request. closed : The fulfillment service closed the fulfillment order without completing it |
shop_id | long | The ID of the shop that's associated with the fulfillment order |
status | string | The status of the fulfillment order. Valid values: open : The fulfillment order is ready for fulfillment. in_progress : The fulfillment order is being processed. scheduled : The fulfillment order is deferred and will be ready for fulfillment after the datetime specified in fulfill_at . cancelled : The fulfillment order has been cancelled by the merchant. on_hold : The fulfillment order is on hold. The fulfillment process can't be initiated until the hold on the fulfillment order is released. incomplete : The fulfillment order cannot be completed as requested. closed : The fulfillment order has been completed and closed |
supported_actions | string | The actions that can be performed on this fulfillment order |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment order was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment order was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_FulfillmentOrders AS
CALL shopify.FulfillmentOrders (
order_id => NULL,
include_order_reference_fields => NULL,
include_financial_summaries => NULL
) AS x;;
<scope> (optional): Specify which fulfillment services to retrieve
<fulfillment_service_id> (optional): Fulfillment service id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique identifier of the location associated with the fulfillment service |
name | string | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants |
callback_url | string | The callback URL that the fulfillment service has registered for requests. The following considerations apply: Shopify queries the callback_url/fetch_tracking_numbers endpoint to retrieve tracking numbers for orders, if tracking_support is set to true . Shopify queries the callback_url/fetch_stock endpoint to retrieve inventory levels, if inventory_management is set to true . Shopify uses the callback_url/fulfillment_order_notification endpoint to send fulfillment and cancellation requests if the fulfillment service has opted in to the fulfillment order based workflow for managing fulfillments ( fulfillment_orders_opt_in is set to true ). The callback_url field is required if inventory_management , tracking_support , or fulfillment_orders_opt_in is set to true |
string | ||
fulfillment_orders_opt_in | boolean | Whether the fulfillment service uses the fulfillment order based workflow for managing fulfillments. As of 2022-07 API version , the fulfillment order based workflow is the only way to manage fulfillments, and fulfillment_orders_opt_in must be set to true . As the migration is now finished, the fulfillment_orders_opt_in property is deprecated and is always set to true on correctly functioning fulfillment services |
handle | string | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service |
include_pending_stock | boolean | Include pending stock |
inventory_management | boolean | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. Valid values: true and false |
location_id | long | The unique identifier of the location associated with the fulfillment service |
provider_id | long | A unique identifier for the fulfillment service provider |
service_name | string | Service name |
tracking_support | boolean | Whether the fulfillment service provides tracking numbers for packages. Valid values: true and false |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_FulfillmentServices AS
CALL shopify.FulfillmentServices (
scope => NULL
) AS x;;
Fulfillments associated with an order
<created_at_max> (optional): Show fulfillments created before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<created_at_min> (optional): Show fulfillments created after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<order_id> (optional): Order id
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show fulfillments last updated before date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show fulfillments last updated after date (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<fulfillment_order_id> (optional): The ID of the fulfillment order that is associated with the fulfillments
<fulfillment_id> (optional): Fulfillment id
<order_table> (optional): Table with order containing column id(containing order_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the fulfillment |
name | string | The uniquely identifying fulfillment name, consisting of two parts separated by a . . The first part represents the order name and the second part represents the fulfillment number. The fulfillment number automatically increments depending on how many fulfillments are in an order (e.g. #1001.1 , #1001.2 ) |
location_id | long | The unique identifier of the location that the fulfillment was processed at. To find the ID of the location, use the Location resource |
order_id | long | The unique numeric identifier for the order |
origin_address_address1 | string | (string) The street address of the fulfillment location |
origin_address_address2 | string | (string) The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit |
origin_address_city | string | (string) The city of the fulfillment location |
origin_address_country_code | string | (string) (required) The two-letter country code ( format) of the fulfillment location |
origin_address_province_code | string | (string) The province of the fulfillment location |
origin_address_zip | string | (string) The zip code of the fulfillment location |
receipt_authorization | long | The authorization code |
receipt_testcase | boolean | Whether the fulfillment was a testcase |
service | string | The fulfillment service associated with the fulfillment |
shipment_status | string | The current shipment status of the fulfillment. Valid values: label_printed : A label for the shipment was purchased and printed. label_purchased : A label for the shipment was purchased, but not printed. attempted_delivery : Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed. ready_for_pickup : The shipment is ready for pickup at a shipping depot. confirmed : The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn't received it yet. in_transit : The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination. out_for_delivery : The shipment is being delivered to its final destination. delivered : The shipment was succesfully delivered. failure : Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment, such as the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled |
status | string | The status of the fulfillment. Valid values: pending : Shopify has created the fulfillment and is waiting for the third-party fulfillment service to transition it to 'open' or 'success'. open : The fulfillment has been acknowledged by the service and is in processing. success : The fulfillment was successful. cancelled : The fulfillment was cancelled. error : There was an error with the fulfillment request. failure : The fulfillment request failed |
tracking_company | string | The name of the tracking company. For the tracking company names from the list below Shopify automatically builds tracking URLs for all of the provided tracking numbers, which makes the tracking numbers clickable in the interface. Additionally, for the tracking companies listed on the Shipping Carriers help page Shopify will automatically update the fulfillment's shipment_status field during the fulfillment process. Note Send the tracking company name exactly as written in the list below (capitalization matters). Supported tracking companies The following tracking companies display for shops located in any country: 4PX AGS Amazon Logistics UK Amazon Logistics US An Post Anjun Logistics APC Asendia USA Australia Post Bonshaw BPost BPost International Canada Post Canpar CDL Last Mile China Post Chronopost Chukou1 Colissimo Comingle Coordinadora Correios Correos CTT CTT Express Cyprus Post Delnext Deutsche Post DHL eCommerce DHL eCommerce Asia DHL Express DPD DPD Local DPD UK DTD Express DX Eagle Estes Evri FedEx First Global Logistics First Line FSC Fulfilla GLS Guangdong Weisuyi Information Technology (WSE) Heppner Internationale Spedition GmbH & Co. Iceland Post IDEX Israel Post Japan Post (EN) Japan Post (JA) La Poste Lasership Latvia Post Lietuvos Paštas Logisters Lone Star Overnight M3 Logistics Meteor Space Mondial Relay New Zealand Post NinjaVan North Russia Supply Chain (Shenzhen) Co. OnTrac Packeta Pago Logistics Ping An Da Tengfei Express Pitney Bowes Portal PostNord Poste Italiane PostNL PostNord DK PostNord NO PostNord SE Purolator Qxpress Qyun Express Royal Mail Royal Shipments Sagawa (EN) Sagawa (JA) Sendle SF Express SFC Fulfillment SHREE NANDAN COURIER Singapore Post Southwest Air Cargo StarTrack Step Forward Freight Swiss Post TForce Final Mile Tinghao TNT Toll IPEC United Delivery Service UPS USPS Venipak We Post Whistl Wizmo WMYC Xpedigo XPO Logistics Yamato (EN) Yamato (JA) YiFan Express YunExpress The following tracking companies are displayed for shops located in specific countries: Australia : Australia Post, Sendle, Aramex Australia, TNT Australia, Hunter Express, Couriers Please, Bonds, Allied Express, Direct Couriers, Northline, GO Logistics Austria : Österreichische Post Bulgaria : Speedy Canada : Intelcom, BoxKnight, Loomis, GLS China : China Post, DHL eCommerce Asia, WanbExpress, YunExpress, Anjun Logistics, SFC Fulfillment, FSC Czechia : Zásilkovna Germany : Deutsche Post (DE), Deutsche Post (EN), DHL, DHL Express, Swiship, Hermes, GLS Spain : SEUR France : Colissimo, Mondial Relay, Colis Privé, GLS United Kingdom : Evri, DPD UK, Parcelforce, Yodel, DHL Parcel, Tuffnells Greece : ACS Courier Hong Kong SAR : SF Express Ireland : Fastway, DPD Ireland India : DTDC, India Post, Delhivery, Gati KWE, Professional Couriers, XpressBees, Ecom Express, Ekart, Shadowfax, Bluedart Italy : BRT, GLS Italy Japan : エコ配, 西濃運輸, 西濃スーパーエキスプレス, 福山通運, 日本通運, 名鉄運輸, 第一貨物 Netherlands : DHL Parcel, DPD Norway : Bring Poland : Inpost Turkey : PTT, Yurtiçi Kargo, Aras Kargo, Sürat Kargo United States : GLS, Alliance Air Freight, Pilot Freight, LSO, Old Dominion, R+L Carriers, Southwest Air Cargo South Africa : Fastway, Skynet |
tracking_number | string | A tracking number provided by the shipping company. If multiple tracking numbers are set on this fulfillment, only the first one will be returned in the tracking_number field. Use the tracking_numbers array field to access all tracking numbers associated with this fulfillment. Note With the REST API, you can set only one tracking number and one tracking URL per fulfillment. If you send multiple shipments with one fulfillment, you may want to specify tracking numbers and tracking URLs for all of them. You can do it with the equivalent GraphQL FulfillmentCreateV2 and fulfillmentTrackingInfoUpdateV2 mutations |
tracking_numbers | string | A list of tracking numbers provided by the shipping company. Note With the REST API, you can set only one tracking number and one tracking URL per fulfillment. If you send multiple shipments with one fulfillment, you may want to specify tracking numbers and tracking URLs for all of them. You can do it with the equivalent GraphQL FulfillmentCreateV2 and fulfillmentTrackingInfoUpdateV2 mutations. The tracking numbers are clickable in the interface if one of the following applies (the highest in the list has the highest priority): Tracking URL provided in the url field. Shopify-known tracking company name specified in the company field. Shopify will build the tracking url automatically based on the tracking number specified. The tracking number has a Shopify-known format. Shopify will guess the tracking provider and build the tracking url based on the tracking number format. Not all tracking carriers are supported, and multiple tracking carriers may use similarly formatted tracking numbers. This can result in an invalid tracking URL. It is highly recommended that you send the tracking company and the tracking URL |
tracking_url | string | The URL to track the fulfillment. If multiple tracking urls are set on this fulfillment, only the first one will be returned in the tracking_url field. Use the tracking_urls array field for accessing all tracking URLs associated with this fulfillment. Note With the REST API, you can set only one tracking number and one tracking URL per fulfillment. If you send multiple shipments with one fulfillment, you may want to specify tracking numbers and tracking URLs for all of them. You can do it with the equivalent GraphQL FulfillmentCreateV2 and fulfillmentTrackingInfoUpdateV2 mutations |
tracking_urls | string | The URLs of tracking pages for the fulfillment. The tracking URLs are displayed in the merchant's admin on the order page. The tracking URLs are displayed in the shipping confirmation email, which can optionally be sent to the customer. When accounts are enabled, the tracking URLs are also displayed in the customer's order history. Note With the REST API, you can set only one tracking number and one tracking URL per fulfillment. If you send multiple shipments with one fulfillment, you may want to specify tracking numbers and tracking URLs for all of them. You can do it with the equivalent GraphQL FulfillmentCreateV2 and fulfillmentTrackingInfoUpdateV2 mutations |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time when the fulfillment was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the fulfillment was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Fulfillments AS
CALL shopify.Fulfillments (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
order_id => 5751369924864,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL
) AS x;;
Gift cards
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<status> (optional): Retrieve gift cards with a given status. Valid values:
<gift_card_id> (optional): Gift card id
<created_at_max> (optional): Show gift cards created at or before date
<created_at_min> (optional): Show gift cards created at or after date
<query> (optional): The text to search for
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show gift cards last updated at or before date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show gift cards last updated at or after date
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the gift card |
api_client_id | long | The ID of the client that issued the gift card |
balance | bigdecimal | The balance of the gift card |
currency | string | The currency of the gift card |
customer_id | long | The ID of the customer associated with this gift card |
disabled_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the gift card was disabled |
expires_on | date | The date ( YYYY-MM-DD format) when the gift card expires. Returns null if the gift card doesn't have an expiration date |
initial_value | bigdecimal | The initial value of the gift card when it was created |
last_characters | string | The last four characters of the gift card code. Because gift cards are alternative payment methods, the full code cannot be retrieved |
line_item_id | long | The ID of the line item that initiated the creation of this gift card, if it was created by an order |
message | string | Message |
note | string | An optional note that a merchant can attach to the gift card that isn't visible to customers |
notify | string | Notify |
order_id | long | The ID of the order that initiated the creation of this gift card, if it was created by an order |
recipient_id | long | Recipient id |
send_on | string | Send on |
template_suffix | string | The suffix of the Liquid template that's used to render the gift card online. For example, if the value is birthday , then the gift card is rendered using the template gift_card.birthday.liquid . When the value is null , the default gift_card.liquid template is used |
user_id | long | The ID of the user that issued the gift card, if it was issued by a user |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the gift card was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the gift card was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_GiftCards AS
CALL shopify.GiftCards (
status => NULL,
since_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Detailed list for inventory items by IDs
<ids> (optional): Show only inventory items specified by a comma-separated list of IDs
<inventory_item_id> (optional): Inventory item id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the inventory item |
cost | bigdecimal | The unit cost of the inventory item. The shop's default currency is used |
country_code_of_origin | string | The country code ( ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 ) of where the item came from |
harmonized_system_code | long | The general Harmonized System (HS) code for the inventory item. Used if a country-specific HS code ('countryHarmonizedSystemCode') is not available |
province_code_of_origin | string | The province code ( ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 ) of where the item came from. The province code is only used if the shipping provider for the inventory item is Canada Post |
requires_shipping | boolean | Whether a customer needs to provide a shipping address when placing an order containing the inventory item |
sku | string | The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the inventory item. Case-sensitive string |
tracked | boolean | Whether inventory levels are tracked for the item. If true, then the inventory quantity changes are tracked by Shopify |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the inventory item was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the inventory item was last modified |
Inventory levels
<inventory_item_ids> (optional): A comma-separated list of inventory item IDs. To find the ID of an inventory item, use the Inventory Item resource
<location_ids> (optional): A comma-separated list of location IDs. To find the ID of a location, use the Location resource
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show inventory levels updated at or after date (format: 2019-03-19T01:21:44-04:00)
<location_id> (optional): Location id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
available | boolean | The available quantity of an inventory item at the inventory level's associated location. Returns null if the inventory item is not tracked |
inventory_item_id | long | The ID of the inventory item associated with the inventory level. To find the ID of an inventory item, use the Inventory Item resource |
location_id | long | The ID of the location that the inventory level belongs to. To find the ID of the location, use the Location resource |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the inventory level was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_InventoryLevels AS
CALL shopify.InventoryLevels (
updated_at_min => NULL,
location_ids => NULL,
inventory_item_ids => NULL
) AS x;;
<location_id> (optional): Location id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the location |
name | string | The name of the location |
active | boolean | Whether the location is active. If true , then the location can be used to sell products, stock inventory, and fulfill orders. Merchants can deactivate locations from the Shopify admin. Deactivated locations don't contribute to the shop's location limit |
address1 | string | The location's street address |
address2 | string | The optional second line of the location's street address |
city | string | The city the location is in |
country | string | The country the location is in |
country_code | string | The two-letter code ( ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format) corresponding to country the location is in |
country_name | string | The localized name of the location's country |
legacy | boolean | Whether this is a fulfillment service location. If true , then the location is a fulfillment service location. If false , then the location was created by the merchant and isn't tied to a fulfillment service |
localized_country_name | string | The localized name of the location's country |
localized_province_name | string | The localized name of the location's region. Typically a province, state, or district |
phone | string | The phone number of the location. This value can contain special characters, such as - or + |
province | string | The province, state, or district of the location |
province_code | string | The province, state, or district code ( ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 format ) of the location |
zip | string | The zip or postal code |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the location was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the location was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_InventoryLevels AS
CALL shopify.InventoryLevels (
updated_at_min => NULL,
location_ids => NULL,
inventory_item_ids => NULL
) AS x;;
Locations that a fulfillment order can potentially move to.
<fulfillment_order_id> (optional): The ID of the fulfillment order
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
location_id | long | Location id |
location_name | string | Location name |
message | string | A human-readable string with the reason why the fulfillment order, or some of its line items, can't be moved to the location |
movable | boolean | Whether the fulfillment order can be moved to the location |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_LocationsForMoves AS
CALL shopify.LocationsForMoves (
fulfillment_order_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Marketing events
<marketing_event_id> (optional): Marketing event id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Marketing event id |
breadcrumb_id | string | Breadcrumb id |
budget | bigdecimal | The budget of the ad campaign |
budget_type | string | The type of the budget. Required if budget is specified. Valid values: daily , lifetime .' |
currency | string | The currency for the budget. Required if budget is specified |
description | string | A description of the marketing event |
ended_at | timestamp | For events with a duration, the time when the event actually ended |
event_type | string | The type of marketing event. Valid values: ad , post , message , retargeting , transactional , affiliate , loyalty , newsletter , abandoned_cart . Note If there are values that you'd like to use for event_type that are not in the list above, then please share your request in the Shopify Community APIs and SDKs discussion board providing as much detail as possible. Our approach is to be more structured than using freeform text, but to still allow for categorization of most types of marketing actions |
manage_url | string | A link to manage the marketing event. In most cases, this links to the app that created the event |
marketing_activity_id | string | marketing_activity_id |
marketing_channel | string | The channel that your marketing event will use. Valid values: search , display , social , email , referral |
paid | boolean | Whether the event is paid or organic |
preview_url | string | A link to the live version of the event, or to a rendered preview in the app that created it |
referring_domain | string | The destination domain of the marketing event. Required if the marketing_channel is set to search or social |
remote_id | long | An optional remote identifier for a marketing event. The remote identifier lets Shopify validate engagement data |
scheduled_to_end_at | timestamp | For events with a duration, the time when the event was scheduled to end |
started_at | timestamp | The time when the marketing action was started |
utm_campaign | string | UTM campaign |
utm_medium | string | UTM medium |
utm_source | string | UTM source |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_MarketingEvents AS
CALL shopify.MarketingEvents ()
) AS x;;
Mobile platform applications associated with the app
<mobile_platform_application_id> (optional): Mobile platform application id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique numeric identifier for the mobile platform application |
app_clip_application_id | string | iOS App ID of the app clip |
application_id | long | iOS App ID or Android application ID of the application |
enabled_app_clips | boolean | Whether the application supports iOS app clips |
enabled_shared_webcredentials | boolean | Whether the application supports iOS shared web credentials |
enabled_universal_or_app_links | boolean | Whether the application supports iOS universal links and Android App Links. If true, then URLs can be set up to link directly to the application. If false, then URLs can't link directly to the application |
platform | string | The platform of the application |
sha256_cert_fingerprints | string | The SHA256 fingerprints of the app's signing certificate. (Android only) |
created_at | timestamp | Created at |
updated_at | timestamp | Updated at |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_MobilePlatformApplications AS
CALL shopify.MobilePlatformApplications ()
) AS x;;
<attribution_app_id> (optional): Show orders attributed to a certain app, specified by the app ID. Set as current to show orders for the app currently consuming the API
<created_at_max> (optional): Show orders created at or before date
<created_at_min> (optional): Show orders created at or after date
<financial_status> (optional): Filter orders by their financial status
<fulfillment_status> (optional): Filter orders by their fulfillment status
<ids> (optional): Retrieve only orders specified by a comma-separated list of order IDs
<processed_at_max> (optional): Show orders imported at or before date
<processed_at_min> (optional): Show orders imported at or after date
<since_id> (optional): Show orders after the specified ID
<status> (optional): Filter orders by their status
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show orders last updated at or before date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show orders last updated at or after date
<customer_id> (optional): Customer id
<order_id> (optional): Order id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the order, used for API purposes. This is different from the order_number property, which is the ID used by the shop owner and customer.' |
name | string | The order name, generated by combining the order_number property with the order prefix and suffix that are set in the merchant's general settings . This is different from the id property, which is the ID of the order used by the API. This field can also be set by the API to be any string value |
app_id | long | The ID of the app that created the order |
billing_address_address1 | string | The street address of the billing address |
billing_address_address2 | string | An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address |
billing_address_city | string | The city, town, or village of the billing address |
billing_address_company | string | The company of the person associated with the billing address |
billing_address_country | string | The name of the country of the billing address |
billing_address_country_code | string | The two-letter code ( format) for the country of the billing address |
billing_address_first_name | string | The first name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_last_name | string | The last name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_latitude | bigdecimal | The latitude of the billing address |
billing_address_longitude | bigdecimal | The longitude of the billing address |
billing_address_name | string | The full name of the person associated with the payment method |
billing_address_phone | string | The phone number at the billing address |
billing_address_province | string | The name of the region (for example, province, state, or prefecture) of the billing address |
billing_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric abbreviation of the region of the billing address |
billing_address_zip | string | The postal code (for example, zip, postcode, or Eircode) of the billing address |
browser_ip | string | The IP address of the browser used by the customer when they placed the order. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported |
buyer_accepts_marketing | boolean | Whether the customer consented to receive email updates from the shop |
cancel_reason | string | The reason why the order was canceled. Valid values: customer : The customer canceled the order. fraud : The order was fraudulent. inventory : Items in the order were not in inventory. declined : The payment was declined. other : A reason not in this list |
cancelled_at | timestamp | The date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order isn't canceled |
cart_token | string | A unique value when referencing the cart that's associated with the order |
checkout_id | long | Checkout id |
checkout_token | string | A unique value when referencing the checkout that's associated with the order |
client_details_accept_language | string | The languages and locales that the browser understands |
client_details_browser_height | bigdecimal | The browser screen height in pixels, if available |
client_details_browser_ip | string | The browser IP address |
client_details_browser_width | bigdecimal | The browser screen width in pixels, if available |
client_details_session_hash | string | A hash of the session |
client_details_user_agent | string | Details of the browsing client, including software and operating versions |
closed_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the order was closed. Returns null if the order isn't closed |
confirmation_number | string | A randomly generated alpha-numeric identifier for the order that may be shown to the customer instead of the sequential order name. This value isn't guaranteed to be unique |
confirmed | boolean | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order |
contact_email | string | Contact email |
currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the shop currency |
current_subtotal_price | bigdecimal | The sum of the prices for all line items after discounts and returns in the shop currency |
current_subtotal_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The sum of the prices for all line items after discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Amount |
current_subtotal_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The sum of the prices for all line items after discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Currency code |
current_subtotal_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The sum of the prices for all line items after discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Amount |
current_subtotal_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The sum of the prices for all line items after discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Currency code |
current_total_additional_fees_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total additional fees on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Amount |
current_total_additional_fees_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The current total additional fees on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Currency code |
current_total_additional_fees_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total additional fees on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Amount |
current_total_additional_fees_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The current total additional fees on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Currency code |
current_total_discounts | bigdecimal | The current total discounts on the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds |
current_total_discounts_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total discounts on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Presentment Money Amount |
current_total_discounts_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The current total discounts on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Presentment Money Currency code |
current_total_discounts_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total discounts on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Shop money Amount |
current_total_discounts_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The current total discounts on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Shop money Currency code |
current_total_duties_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Presentment Money Amount |
current_total_duties_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The current total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Presentment Money Currency code |
current_total_duties_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Shop money Amount |
current_total_duties_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The current total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Shop money Currency code |
current_total_price | bigdecimal | The current total price of the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds |
current_total_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Presentment Money Amount |
current_total_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The current total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Presentment Money Currency code |
current_total_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Shop money Amount |
current_total_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The current total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Shop money Currency code |
current_total_tax | bigdecimal | The current total taxes charged on the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, or refunds |
current_total_tax_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total taxes charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Presentment Money Amount |
current_total_tax_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The current total taxes charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Presentment Money Currency code |
current_total_tax_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The current total taxes charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Shop money Amount |
current_total_tax_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The current total taxes charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds. Shop money Currency code |
customer_created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer was created |
customer_currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order. Defaults to the shop currency. Returns the shop currency for test orders |
customer_default_address_address1 | string | The first line of the customer's mailing address |
customer_default_address_address2 | string | An additional field for the customer's mailing address |
customer_default_address_city | string | The customer's city, town, or village |
customer_default_address_company | string | The customer's company |
customer_default_address_country | string | The customer's country |
customer_default_address_country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country |
customer_default_address_country_name | string | The customer's normalized country name |
customer_default_address_customer_id | long | Customer default address customer id |
customer_default_address_default | boolean | Returns true for each default address |
customer_default_address_first_name | string | The customer's first name |
customer_default_address_id | long | A unique identifier for the address |
customer_default_address_last_name | string | The customer's last name |
customer_default_address_name | string | Default address name |
customer_default_address_phone | string | The customer's phone number at this address |
customer_default_address_province | string | The customer's region name. Typically a province, a state, or a prefecture |
customer_default_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric code for the customer's region |
customer_default_address_zip | string | The customer's postal code, also known as zip, postcode, Eircode, etc |
customer_email | string | The unique email address of the customer. Attempting to assign the same email address to multiple customers returns an error |
customer_email_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used |
customer_email_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | string | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the , that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email |
customer_email_marketing_consent_state | string | The current email marketing state for the customer |
customer_first_name | string | The customer's first name |
customer_id | long | Customer id |
customer_last_name | string | The customer's last name |
customer_locale | string | The two or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier |
customer_multipass_identifier | string | A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login |
customer_note | string | A note about the customer |
customer_phone | string | The unique phone number (<a href="">E.164 format ) for this customer. Attempting to assign the same phone number to multiple customers returns an error. The property can be set using different formats, but each format must represent a number that can be dialed from anywhere in the world. The following formats are all valid: 6135551212 +16135551212 (613)555-1212 +1 613-555-1212 |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_consent_collected_from | string | The source for whether the customer has consented to receive marketing material by SMS |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by SMS. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_opt_in_level | string | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the , that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by SMS |
customer_sms_marketing_consent_state | string | The current SMS marketing state for the customer |
customer_state | string | The state of the customer's account with a shop. Default value: disabled . Valid values: disabled : The customer doesn't have an active account. Customer accounts can be disabled from the Shopify admin at any time. invited : The customer has received an email invite to create an account. enabled : The customer has created an account. declined : The customer declined the email invite to create an account |
customer_tags | string | Tags that the shop owner has attached to the customer, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. A customer can have up to 250 tags. Each tag can have up to 255 characters |
customer_tax_exempt | boolean | Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true , then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false , then taxes will be applied at checkout |
customer_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer information was last updated |
customer_verified_email | boolean | Whether the customer has verified their email address |
device_id | long | Device id |
discount_codes | string | Discount codes |
duties_included | boolean | Returns true if duties are included in the prices of products in the cart. Returns false if not |
string | The customer's email address | |
estimated_taxes | boolean | Whether taxes on the order are estimated. Many factors can change between the time a customer places an order and the time the order is shipped, which could affect the calculation of taxes. This property returns false when taxes on the order are finalized and aren't subject to any changes |
financial_status | string | The status of payments associated with the order. Can only be set when the order is created. Valid values: pending : The payments are pending. Payment might fail in this state. Check again to confirm whether the payments have been paid successfully. authorized : The payments have been authorized. partially_paid : The order has been partially paid. paid : The payments have been paid. partially_refunded : The payments have been partially refunded. refunded : The payments have been refunded. voided : The payments have been voided |
fulfillment_status | string | The order's status in terms of fulfilled line items. You can use the FulfillmentOrder resource for a more granular view. Valid values: fulfilled : Every line item in the order has been fulfilled. null : None of the line items in the order have been fulfilled. partial : At least one line item in the order has been fulfilled. restocked : Every line item in the order has been restocked and the order canceled |
landing_site | string | The URL for the page where the buyer landed when they entered the shop |
landing_site_ref | string | Landing site ref |
location_id | long | The ID of one of the locations that was assigned to fulfill the order when the order was created. Orders can have multiple fulfillment orders. These fulfillment orders can each be assigned to a different location which is responsible for fulfilling a subset of the items in an order. The Order.location_id field will only point to one of these locations. Use the FulfillmentOrder resource for up-to-date fulfillment location information |
merchant_of_record_app_id | long | The application acting as Merchant of Record for the order |
note | string | An optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order |
note_attributes | string | Extra information that is added to the order. Appears in the Additional details section of an order details page. Each array entry must contain a hash with name and value keys |
number | long | The order's position in the shop's count of orders. Numbers are sequential and start at 1 |
order_number | long | The order 's position in the shop's count of orders starting at 1001. Order numbers are sequential and start at 1001 |
order_status_url | string | The URL pointing to the order status web page , if applicable |
original_total_additional_fees_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | Original total additional fees on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Amount |
original_total_additional_fees_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | Original total additional fees on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Currency code |
original_total_additional_fees_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | Original total additional fees on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Amount |
original_total_additional_fees_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | Original total additional fees on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Currency code |
original_total_duties_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The original total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Amount |
original_total_duties_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The original total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Currency code |
original_total_duties_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The original total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Amount |
original_total_duties_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The original total duties charged on the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Currency code |
payment_gateway_names | string | The list of payment gateways used for the order |
payment_terms | string | The terms and conditions under which a payment should be processed. amount : The amount that is owed according to the payment terms. currency : The presentment currency for the payment. payment_terms_name : The name of the selected payment terms template for the order. payment_terms_type : The type of selected payment terms template for the order. due_in_days : The number of days between the invoice date and due date that is defined in the selected payment terms template. payment_schedules : An array of schedules associated to the payment terms. amount : The amount that is owed according to the payment terms. currency : The presentment currency for the payment. issued_at : The date and time when the payment terms were initiated. due_at : The date and time when the payment is due. Calculated based on issued_at and due_in_days or a customized fixed date if the type is fixed. completed_at : The date and time when the purchase is completed. Returns null initially and updates when the payment is captured. expected_payment_method : The name of the payment method gateway |
phone | string | The customer's phone number for receiving SMS notifications |
po_number | string | The purchase order number associated to this order |
presentment_currency | string | The presentment currency that was used to display prices to the customer |
reference | string | Reference |
referring_site | string | The website where the customer clicked a link to the shop |
shipping_address_address1 | string | The street address of the shipping address |
shipping_address_address2 | string | An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address |
shipping_address_city | string | The city, town, or village of the shipping address |
shipping_address_company | string | The company of the person associated with the shipping address |
shipping_address_country | string | The name of the country of the shipping address |
shipping_address_country_code | string | The two-letter code ( format) for the country of the shipping address |
shipping_address_first_name | string | The first name of the person associated with the shipping address |
shipping_address_last_name | string | The last name of the person associated with the shipping address |
shipping_address_latitude | bigdecimal | The latitude of the shipping address |
shipping_address_longitude | bigdecimal | The longitude of the shipping address |
shipping_address_name | string | The full name of the person associated with the payment method |
shipping_address_phone | string | The phone number at the shipping address |
shipping_address_province | string | The name of the region (for example, province, state, or prefecture) of the shipping address |
shipping_address_province_code | string | The alphanumeric abbreviation of the region of the shipping address |
shipping_address_zip | string | The postal code (for example, zip, postcode, or Eircode) of the shipping address |
source_identifier | string | The ID of the order placed on the originating platform. This value doesn't correspond to the Shopify ID that's generated from a completed draft |
source_name | string | The source of the checkout. To use this field for sales attribution, you must register the channels that your app is managing. You can register the channels that your app is managing by completing this Google Form . After you've submited your request, you need to wait for your request to be processed by Shopify. You can find a list of your channels in the Partner Dashboard, in your app's Marketplace extension. You can specify a handle as the source_name value in your request |
source_url | string | A valid URL to the original order on the originating surface. This URL is displayed to merchants on the Order Details page. If the URL is invalid, then it won't be displayed |
subtotal_price | bigdecimal | The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, duties, taxes, and tips |
subtotal_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The subtotal of the order in shop and presentment currencies after discounts but before shipping, duties, taxes, and tips. Presentment Money Amount |
subtotal_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The subtotal of the order in shop and presentment currencies after discounts but before shipping, duties, taxes, and tips. Presentment Money Currency code |
subtotal_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The subtotal of the order in shop and presentment currencies after discounts but before shipping, duties, taxes, and tips. Shop money Amount |
subtotal_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The subtotal of the order in shop and presentment currencies after discounts but before shipping, duties, taxes, and tips. Shop money Currency code |
tags | string | Tags attached to the order, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. Tags are additional short descriptors, commonly used for filtering and searching. Each individual tag is limited to 40 characters in length |
tax_exempt | boolean | Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true , then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false , then taxes will be applied at checkout |
taxes_included | boolean | Whether taxes are included in the order subtotal |
test | boolean | Whether this is a test order |
token | string | A unique value when referencing the order |
total_discounts | bigdecimal | The total discounts applied to the price of the order in the shop currency |
total_discounts_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total discounts applied to the price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Amount |
total_discounts_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The total discounts applied to the price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_discounts_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total discounts applied to the price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Amount |
total_discounts_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The total discounts applied to the price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Currency code |
total_line_items_price | bigdecimal | The sum of all line item prices in the shop currency |
total_line_items_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total of all line item prices in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Amount |
total_line_items_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The total of all line item prices in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_line_items_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total of all line item prices in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Amount |
total_line_items_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The total of all line item prices in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Currency code |
total_outstanding | bigdecimal | The total outstanding amount of the order in the shop currency |
total_price | bigdecimal | The sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips in the shop currency. Must be positive |
total_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Amount |
total_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Amount |
total_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Currency code |
total_shipping_price_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total shipping price of the order, excluding discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. If taxes_included is set to true , then total_shipping_price_set includes taxes. Presentment Money Amount |
total_shipping_price_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The total shipping price of the order, excluding discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. If taxes_included is set to true , then total_shipping_price_set includes taxes. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_shipping_price_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total shipping price of the order, excluding discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. If taxes_included is set to true , then total_shipping_price_set includes taxes. Shop money Amount |
total_shipping_price_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The total shipping price of the order, excluding discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. If taxes_included is set to true , then total_shipping_price_set includes taxes. Shop money Currency code |
total_tax | bigdecimal | The sum of all the taxes applied to the order in the shop currency. Must be positive |
total_tax_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total tax applied to the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Amount |
total_tax_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | The total tax applied to the order in shop and presentment currencies. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_tax_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The total tax applied to the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Amount |
total_tax_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | The total tax applied to the order in shop and presentment currencies. Shop money Currency code |
total_tip_received | bigdecimal | The sum of all the tips in the order in the shop currency |
total_weight | bigdecimal | The sum of all line item weights in grams. The sum is not adjusted as items are removed from the order |
user_id | long | The ID of the user logged into Shopify POS who processed the order, if applicable |
processed_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when an order was processed. This value is the date that appears on your orders and that's used in the analytic reports. If you're importing orders from an app or another platform, then you can set processed_at to a date and time in the past to match when the original order was created |
created_at | timestamp | The autogenerated date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the order was created in Shopify. The value for this property cannot be changed |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the order was last modified. Filtering orders by updated_at is not an effective method for fetching orders because its value can change when no visible fields of an order have been updated. Use the Webhook and Event APIs to subscribe to order events instead |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Orders AS
CALL shopify.Orders (
since_id => NULL,
processed_at_min => NULL,
processed_at_max => NULL,
ids => NULL,
fulfillment_status => NULL,
financial_status => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL,
attribution_app_id => NULL,
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
status => NULL
) AS x;;
Order risks for an order
<order_id> (optional): Order id
<risk_id> (optional): Risk id
<order_table> (optional): Table with order containing column id(containing order_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | A unique numeric identifier for the order risk |
cause_cancel | boolean | Whether this order risk is severe enough to force the cancellation of the order. If true , then this order risk is included in the Order canceled message that's shown on the details page of the canceled order. Note: Setting this property to true does not cancel the order. Use this property only if your app automatically cancels the order using the Order resource. If your app doesn't automatically cancel orders based on order risks, then leave this property set to false |
checkout_id | long | The ID of the checkout that the order risk belongs to |
display | boolean | Whether the order risk is displayed on the order details page in the Shopify admin. If false , then this order risk is ignored when Shopify determines your app's overall risk level for the order. It's not advised to create order risks with a display set to false . This property can't be changed after an order risk is created. This property might be removed in future API versions |
merchant_message | string | The message that's displayed to the merchant to indicate the results of the fraud check. The message is displayed only if display is set to true |
message | string | The message that's displayed to the merchant to indicate the results of the fraud check. The message is displayed only if display is set to true |
order_id | long | The ID of the order that the order risk belongs to |
recommendation | string | The recommended action given to the merchant. Valid values: cancel : There is a high level of risk that this order is fraudulent. The merchant should cancel the order. investigate : There is a medium level of risk that this order is fraudulent. The merchant should investigate the order. accept : There is a low level of risk that this order is fraudulent. The order risk found no indication of fraud |
score | bigdecimal | For internal use only . A number between 0 and 1 that's assigned to the order. The closer the score is to 1, the more likely it is that the order is fraudulent. Note There is no guarantee of stability in risk scores. Scores are not probabilities. The relationship between scores and the probability of fraud can vary over time and between risk providers |
source | string | The source of the order risk |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_OrderRisks AS
CALL shopify.OrderRisks (
order_id => 5751369924864
) AS x;;
List of all Pages
<created_at_max> (optional): Show pages created before date
<created_at_min> (optional): Show pages created after date
<handle> (optional): Retrieve a page with a given handle
<published_at_max> (optional): Show pages published before date
<published_at_min> (optional): Show pages published after date
<published_status> (optional): Restrict results to pages with a given published status (default: any): - published - Show only published pages; - unpublished - Show only unpublished pages; - any - Show published and unpublished pages
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<title> (optional): Retrieve pages with a given title
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show pages last updated before date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show pages last updated after date
<page_id> (optional): Page id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique numeric identifier for the page |
author | string | The name of the person who created the page |
body_html | string | The text content of the page, complete with HTML markup |
handle | string | A unique, human-friendly string for the page, generated automatically from its title. In online store themes, the Liquid templating language refers to a page by its handle |
published_at | timestamp | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the page was published. Returns null when the page is hidden |
shop_id | long | The ID of the shop to which the page belongs |
template_suffix | string | The suffix of the Liquid template being used. For example, if the value is contact, then the page is using the template. If the value is an empty string, then the page is using the default page.liquid template |
title | string | The page's title |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the page was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the page was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Pages AS
CALL shopify.Pages (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
title => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
published_status => NULL,
published_at_min => NULL,
published_at_max => NULL,
handle => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL
) AS x;;
<date> (optional): Filter the response to payouts made on the specified date
<date_max> (optional): Filter the response to payouts made inclusively before the specified date
<date_min> (optional): Filter the response to payouts made inclusively after the specified date
<last_id> (optional): Filter the response to payouts made before the specified ID
<since_id> (optional): Filter the response to payouts made after the specified ID
<status> (optional): Filter the response to payouts made with the specified status
<payout_id> (optional): Payout id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique identifier of the payout |
amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the payout |
date | date | Date |
status | string | The transfer status of the payout. The value will be one of the following: scheduled : The payout has been created and had transactions assigned to it, but it has not yet been submitted to the bank. in_transit : The payout has been submitted to the bank for processing. paid : The payout has been successfully deposited into the bank. failed : The payout has been declined by the bank. canceled : The payout has been canceled by Shopify |
summary_adjustments_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_adjustments_gross_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_charges_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_charges_gross_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_refunds_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_refunds_gross_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_reserved_funds_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_reserved_funds_gross_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_retried_payouts_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
summary_retried_payouts_gross_amount | bigdecimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Payouts AS
CALL shopify.Payouts (
status => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
last_id => NULL,
date_min => NULL,
date_max => NULL,
"date" => NULL
) AS x;;
The shop's policies
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
title | string | The name of the policy |
body | string | A description of the policy |
handle | string | A unique identifer for the policy used to build the policy's URL |
url | string | The public URL of the policy |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the policy was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the policy was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Policies AS
CALL shopify.Policies ()
) AS x;;
Price rules
<created_at_max> (optional): Show price rules created before date (format 2017-03-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<created_at_min> (optional): Show price rules created after date (format 2017-03-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<ends_at_max> (optional): Show price rules ending before date (format 2017-03-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<ends_at_min> (optional): Show price rules ending after date (format 2017-03-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<starts_at_max> (optional): Show price rules starting before date (format 2017-03-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<starts_at_min> (optional): Show price rules starting after date (format 2017-03-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<times_used> (optional): Show price rules with times used
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show price rules last updated before date (format 2017-03-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show price rules last updated after date (format 2017-03-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<price_rule_id> (optional): Price rule id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the price rule |
title | string | The title of the price rule. This is used by the Shopify admin search to retrieve discounts. It is also displayed on the Discounts page of the Shopify admin for bulk discounts. For non-bulk discounts, the discount code is displayed on the admin. For a consistent search experience, use the same value for title as the code property of the associated discount code |
allocation_limit | integer | The number of times the discount can be allocated on the cart - if eligible. For example a Buy 1 hat Get 1 hat for free discount can be applied 3 times on a cart having more than 6 hats, where maximum of 3 hats get discounted - if the allocation_limit is 3. Empty ( null ) allocation_limit means unlimited number of allocations. Caution allocation_limit is only working with Buy X Get Y discount. The default value on creation will be null (unlimited) |
allocation_method | string | The allocation method of the price rule. Valid values: each : The discount is applied to each of the entitled items. For example, for a price rule that takes $15 off, each entitled line item in a checkout will be discounted by $15. across : The calculated discount amount will be applied across the entitled items. For example, for a price rule that takes $15 off, the discount will be applied across all the entitled items. When the value of target_type is shipping_line , then this value must be each |
customer_segment_prerequisite_ids | string | A list of customer segment IDs. For the price rule to be applicable, the customer must be in the group of customers matching a customer segment. If customer_segment_prerequisite_ids is populated, then prerequisite_customer_ids must be empty |
customer_selection | string | The customer selection for the price rule. Valid values: all : The price rule is valid for all customers. prerequisite : The customer must either belong to one of the customer segments specified by customer_segment_prerequisite_ids , or be one of the customers specified by prerequisite_customer_ids |
ends_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the price rule ends. Must be after starts_at |
entitled_collection_ids | string | A list of IDs of collections whose products will be eligible to the discount. It can be used only with target_type set to line_item and target_selection set to entitled . It can't be used in combination with entitled_product_ids or entitled_variant_ids |
entitled_product_ids | string | A list of IDs of products that will be entitled to the discount. It can be used only with target_type set to line_item and target_selection set to entitled . If a product variant is included in entitled_variant_ids , then entitled_product_ids can't include the ID of the product associated with that variant |
entitled_variant_ids | string | A list of IDs of product variants that will be entitled to the discount. It can be used only with target_type set to line_item and target_selection set to entitled . If a product is included in entitled_product_ids , then entitled_variant_ids can't include the ID of any variants associated with that product |
once_per_customer | boolean | Whether the generated discount code will be valid only for a single use per customer. This is tracked using customer ID |
prerequisite_collection_ids | string | List of collection ids that will be a prerequisites for a Buy X Get Y discount. The entitled_collection_ids can be used only with: target_type set to line_item , target_selection set to entitled , allocation_method set to each and prerequisite_to_entitlement_quantity_ratio defined. Cannot be used in combination with prerequisite_product_ids or prerequisite_variant_ids |
prerequisite_customer_ids | string | A list of customer IDs. For the price rule to be applicable, the customer must match one of the specified customers . If prerequisite_customer_ids is populated, then customer_segment_prerequisite_ids must be empty |
prerequisite_product_ids | string | List of product ids that will be a prerequisites for a Buy X Get Y type discount. The prerequisite_product_ids can be used only with: target_type set to line_item , target_selection set to entitled , allocation_method set to each and prerequisite_to_entitlement_quantity_ratio defined. Caution If a product variant is included in prerequisite_variant_ids , then prerequisite_product_ids can't include the ID of the product associated with that variant |
prerequisite_quantity_range_greater_than_or_equal_to | integer | The minimum number of items for the price rule to be applicable. The quantity of an entitled cart item must be greater than or equal to this value |
prerequisite_shipping_price_range_less_than_or_equal_to | bigdecimal | The shipping price must be less than or equal to this value |
prerequisite_subtotal_range_greater_than_or_equal_to | bigdecimal | The subtotal of the entitled cart items must be greater than or equal to this value for the discount to apply |
prerequisite_to_entitlement_purchase_prerequisite_amount | bigdecimal | The minimum purchase amount required to be entitled to the discount |
prerequisite_to_entitlement_quantity_ratio_entitled_quantity | string | prerequisite_to_entitlement_quantity_ratio_entitled_quantity |
prerequisite_to_entitlement_quantity_ratio_prerequisite_quantity | string | prerequisite_to_entitlement_quantity_ratio_prerequisite_quantity |
prerequisite_variant_ids | string | List of variant ids that will be a prerequisites for a Buy X Get Y type discount. The entitled_variant_ids can be used only with: target_type set to line_item , target_selection set to entitled , allocation_method set to each and prerequisite_to_entitlement_quantity_ratio defined. Caution If a product is included in prerequisite_product_ids , then prerequisite_variant_ids can't include the ID of any variants associated with that product |
starts_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the price rule starts |
target_selection | string | The target selection method of the price rule. Valid values: all : The price rule applies the discount to all line items in the checkout. entitled : The price rule applies the discount to selected entitlements only |
target_type | string | The target type that the price rule applies to. Valid values: line_item : The price rule applies to the cart's line items. shipping_line : The price rule applies to the cart's shipping lines |
usage_limit | integer | The maximum number of times the price rule can be used, per discount code |
value | string | The value of the price rule. If if the value of target_type is shipping_line , then only -100 is accepted. The value must be negative |
value_type | string | The value type of the price rule. Valid values: fixed_amount : Applies a discount of value as a unit of the store's currency. For example, if value is -30 and the store's currency is USD, then $30 USD is deducted when the discount is applied. percentage : Applies a percentage discount of value . For example, if value is -30, then 30% will be deducted when the discount is applied. If target_type is shipping_line , then only percentage is accepted |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the price rule was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the price rule was updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_PriceRules AS
CALL shopify.PriceRules (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
times_used => NULL,
starts_at_min => NULL,
starts_at_max => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
ends_at_min => NULL,
ends_at_max => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL
) AS x;;
Product Images
<product_id> (optional): Product id
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<image_id> (optional): Image id
<product_table> (optional): Table with product containing column id(containing product_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | A unique numeric identifier for the product image |
alt | string | Image alt attribute |
height | bigdecimal | Height dimension of the image which is determined on upload |
position | integer | The order of the product image in the list. The first product image is at position 1 and is the "main" image for the product |
product_id | long | The id of the product associated with the image |
src | string | Specifies the location of the product image. This parameter supports Liquid filters that you can use to retrieve modified copies of the image |
variant_ids | string | An array of variant ids associated with the imagee |
width | bigdecimal | Width dimension of the image which is determined on upload |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time when the product image was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the product image was last modified. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ProductImages AS
CALL shopify.ProductImages (
since_id => NULL,
product_id => 4384690602080
) AS x;;
Product variants
<presentment_currencies> (optional): Return presentment prices in only certain currencies, specified by a comma-separated list of ISO 4217 currency codes
<product_id> (optional): Product id
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<variant_id> (optional): Variant id
<product_table> (optional): Table with product containing column id(containing product_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique numeric identifier for the product variant |
title | string | The title of the product variant. The title field is a concatenation of the option1 , option2 , and option3 fields. You can only update title indirectly using the option fields |
barcode | string | The barcode, UPC, or ISBN number for the product |
compare_at_price | bigdecimal | The original price of the item before an adjustment or a sale |
fulfillment_service | string | The handle of a fulfillment service that stocks a product variant. This is the handle of a third-party fulfillment service if the following conditions are met: The product variant is stocked by a single fulfillment service. The FulfillmentService is a third-party fulfillment service. Third-party fulfillment services don't have a handle with the value manual . The fulfillment service hasn't opted into SKU sharing . If the conditions aren't met, then this is manual . The relationship between a product variant and a fulfillment service was changed in the 2022-07 API version . A ProductVariant can be stocked by multiple fulfillment services. As a result, we recommend that you use the InventoryLevel resource if you need to determine where a product variant is stocked. If you previously set this field, then we recommend that you instead connect an inventory item to a location . Each Location is associated with a single FulfillmentService . The value of this field after setting it will be as described above. If you need to determine whether a product is a gift card, then you should continue to use this field until an alternative is available. Learn more about managing inventory quantities and states |
grams | long | The weight of the product variant in grams |
image_id | long | The unique numeric identifier for a product's image. The image must be associated to the same product as the variant |
inventory_item_id | long | The unique identifier for the inventory item, which is used in the Inventory API to query for inventory information |
inventory_management | string | The fulfillment service that tracks the number of items in stock for the product variant. Valid values: shopify : You are tracking inventory yourself using the admin. null : You aren't tracking inventory on the variant. the handle of a fulfillment service that has inventory management enabled: This must be the same fulfillment service referenced by the fulfillment_service property |
inventory_policy | string | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. Valid values: deny : Customers are not allowed to place orders for the product variant if it's out of stock. continue : Customers are allowed to place orders for the product variant if it's out of stock. Default value: deny |
inventory_quantity | bigdecimal | An aggregate of inventory across all locations. To adjust inventory at a specific location, use the InventoryLevel resource |
old_inventory_quantity | bigdecimal | This property is deprecated. Use the InventoryLevel resource instead |
option1 | string | Option 1 |
option2 | string | Option 2 |
option3 | string | Option 3 |
position | integer | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1 . The position of variants is indicated by the order in which they are listed |
price | bigdecimal | The price of the product variant |
product_id | long | The unique numeric identifier for the product |
requires_shipping | boolean | This property is deprecated. Use the 'requires_shipping' property on the InventoryItem resource instead |
sku | string | A unique case-sensitive identifier for the product variant in the shop. Required in order to connect to a FulfillmentService |
taxable | boolean | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold |
weight | bigdecimal | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit |
weight_unit | string | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. If you don't specify a value for weight_unit , then the shop's default unit of measurement is applied. Valid values: g , kg , oz , and lb |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the product variant was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time when the product variant was last modified. Gets returned in ISO 8601 format |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ProductVariants AS
CALL shopify.ProductVariants (
since_id => NULL,
product_id => 4384690602080,
presentment_currencies => NULL
) AS x;;
<collection_id> (optional): Return products by product collection ID
<created_at_max> (optional): Return products created before a specified date
<created_at_min> (optional): Return products created after a specified date
<handle> (optional): Return only products specified by a comma-separated list of product handles
<ids> (optional): Return only products specified by a comma-separated list of product IDs
<presentment_currencies> (optional): Return presentment prices in only certain currencies, specified by a comma-separated list of ISO 4217 currency codes
<product_type> (optional): Return products by product type
<published_at_max> (optional): Return products published before a specified date
<published_at_min> (optional): Return products published after a specified date
<published_status> (optional): Return products by their published status
<since_id> (optional): Return only products after the specified ID
<status> (optional): Return only products specified by a comma-separated list of statuses
<title> (optional): Return products by product title
<updated_at_max> (optional): Return products last updated before a specified date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Return products last updated after a specified date
<vendor> (optional): Return products by product vendor
<product_id> (optional): Product id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | An unsigned 64-bit integer that's used as a unique identifier for the product. Each id is unique across the Shopify system. No two products will have the same id , even if they're from different shops |
title | string | The name of the product |
body_html | string | A description of the product. Supports HTML formatting |
handle | string | A unique human-friendly string for the product. Automatically generated from the product's title . Used by the Liquid templating language to refer to objects |
image_alt | string | Image alt attribute |
image_created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the product was created |
image_height | integer | Height dimension of the image which is determined on upload |
image_id | long | The unique numeric identifier for a product's image. The image must be associated to the same product as the variant |
image_position | integer | The order of the product image in the list. The first product image is at position 1 and is the main image for the product |
image_product_id | long | The id of the product associated with the image |
image_src | string | Specifies the location of the product image. This parameter supports Liquid filters that you can use to retrieve modified copies of the image |
image_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the product was last modified. A product's updated_at value can change for different reasons. For example, if an order is placed for a product that has inventory tracking set up, then the inventory adjustment is counted as an update |
image_variant_ids | string | An array of variant ids associated with the image |
image_width | integer | Width dimension of the image which is determined on upload |
product_type | string | A categorization for the product used for filtering and searching products |
published_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the product was published. Can be set to null to unpublish the product from the Online Store channel |
published_scope | string | Whether the product is published to the Point of Sale channel. Valid values: web : The product isn't published to the Point of Sale channel. global : The product is published to the Point of Sale channel |
status | string | The status of the product. Valid values: active : The product is ready to sell and is available to customers on the online store, sales channels, and apps. By default, existing products are set to active. archived : The product is no longer being sold and isn't available to customers on sales channels and apps. draft : The product isn't ready to sell and is unavailable to customers on sales channels and apps. By default, duplicated and unarchived products are set to draft |
tags | string | A string of comma-separated tags that are used for filtering and search. A product can have up to 250 tags. Each tag can have up to 255 characters |
template_suffix | string | The suffix of the Liquid template used for the product page. If this property is specified, then the product page uses a template called "product.suffix.liquid", where "suffix" is the value of this property. If this property is "" or null , then the product page uses the default template "product.liquid". (default: null ) |
vendor | string | The name of the product's vendor |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the product was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the product was last modified. A product's updated_at value can change for different reasons. For example, if an order is placed for a product that has inventory tracking set up, then the inventory adjustment is counted as an update |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Products AS
CALL shopify.Products (
published_at_min => NULL,
published_at_max => NULL,
product_type => NULL,
presentment_currencies => NULL,
ids => NULL,
handle => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL,
collection_id => NULL,
vendor => NULL,
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
title => NULL,
status => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
published_status => NULL
) AS x;;
Provinces for a country
<country_id> (optional): Country id
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<province_id> (optional): Province id
<countries_table> (optional): Table with countries containing column id(containing country_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the province |
name | string | The full name of the province |
code | string | The standard abbreviation for the province |
country_id | long | The ID for the country that the province belongs to |
shipping_zone_id | long | The ID for the shipping zone that the province belongs to |
tax | bigdecimal | The sales tax rate to be applied to orders made by customers from this province |
tax_name | string | The name of the tax for this province |
tax_percentage | bigdecimal | The province's tax in percent format |
tax_type | string | The tax type. Valid values: null , normal , harmonized , or compounded . A harmonized tax is a combination of provincial and federal sales taxes. Normal and harmonized tax rates are applied to the pre-tax value of an order, but a compounded tax rate is applied on top of other tax rates. For example, if a $100 order receives a 5% normal tax rate and a 2% compound tax rate, then the post-tax total is $107.10 ( (100 x 1.05) x 1.02 = 107.1 ) |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Provinces AS
CALL shopify.Provinces (
since_id => NULL,
country_id => 241826398304
) AS x;;
Recurring application charges
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<recurring_application_charge_id> (optional): Recurring application charge id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the recurring application charge |
name | string | The name of the recurring application charge |
activated_on | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer activated the recurring application charge. Note: The recurring application charge must be activated or the returned value is null |
api_client_id | string | API client id |
billing_on | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the customer is billed. Note: The recurring application charge must be accepted or the returned value is null |
cancelled_on | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the merchant canceled their recurring application charge. Note: Returns null when the recurring application charge is not canceled |
confirmation_url | string | The URL where the merchant accepts or declines the recurring application charge |
currency | string | The currency of the price of the recurring application charge |
decorated_return_url | string | The URL where the merchant is redirected after accepting the charge |
price | bigdecimal | The price of the recurring application charge. The maximum price is 10,000 |
return_url | string | The URL where the merchant is redirected after accepting the charge |
status | string | The status of the recurring charge. Valid values: pending : The recurring charge is pending. accepted : Removed in version 2021-01 . The recurring charge has been accepted. As of API version 2021-01, when a merchant accepts a charge, the charge immediately transitions from pending to active . active : The recurring charge is activated. This is the only status that actually causes a merchant to be charged. As of API version 2021-01, when a merchant accepts a charge, the charge immediately transitions from pending to active . declined : The recurring charge has been declined. expired : The recurring charge was not accepted within 2 days of being created. frozen : The recurring charge is on hold due to a shop subscription non-payment. The charge will re-activate once subscription payments resume. cancelled : The developer cancelled the charge |
test | boolean | Whether the application charge is a test transaction. Valid values: true , null |
trial_days | long | The number of days that the customer is eligible for a free trial |
trial_ends_on | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the free trial ends |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the recurring application charge was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the recurring application charge was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_RecurringApplicationCharges AS
CALL shopify.RecurringApplicationCharges (
since_id => NULL
) AS x;;
URL redirects
<path> (optional): Show redirects with a given path
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<target> (optional): Show redirects with a given target
<redirect_id> (optional): Redirect id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the redirect |
path | string | The old path to be redirected. When the user visits this path, they will be redirected to the target. (maximum: 1024 characters) |
target | string | The target location where the user will be redirected. When the user visits the old path specified by the path property, they will be redirected to this location. This property can be set to any path on the shop's site, or to an external URL. (maximum: 255 characters) |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Redirects AS
CALL shopify.Redirects (
target => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
path => NULL
) AS x;;
Refunds for an order
<in_shop_currency> (optional): Show amounts in the shop currency for the underlying transaction
<order_id> (optional): Order id
<refund_id> (optional): Refund id
<order_table> (optional): Table with order containing column id(containing order_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique identifier for the refund |
note | string | An optional note attached to a refund |
order_id | long | The ID for the order that the transaction is associated with |
restock | boolean | Whether to add the line items back to the store's inventory |
return | boolean | return |
total_additional_fees_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total additional fees. Presentment Money Amount |
total_additional_fees_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | Total additional fees. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_additional_fees_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total additional fees. Shop money Amount |
total_additional_fees_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | Total additional fees. Shop money Currency code |
total_duties_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total duties. Presentment Money Amount |
total_duties_set_presentment_money_currency_code | string | Total duties. Presentment Money Currency code |
total_duties_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | Total duties. Shop money Amount |
total_duties_set_shop_money_currency_code | string | Total duties. Shop money Currency code |
user_id | long | The unique identifier of the user who performed the refund |
processed_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the refund was imported. This value can be set to a date in the past when importing from other systems. If no value is provided, then it will be auto-generated as the current time in Shopify. Public apps need to be granted permission by Shopify to import orders with the processed_at timestamp set to a value earlier the created_at timestamp. Private apps can't be granted permission by Shopify |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the refund was created |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Refunds AS
CALL shopify.Refunds (
order_id => 5751369924864,
in_shop_currency => NULL
) AS x;;
<product_id> (optional): Retrieve feedback for a specific product, by product id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
feedback_generated_at | timestamp | The time at which the payload is constructed. Used to help determine whether incoming feedback is outdated compared to feedback already received, and if it should be ignored upon arrival. Type: ISO 8601 UTC datetime as string with year, month or week, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and time zone. Note If you queue a Feedback API payload for delivery at a later time, do not update this value when the API call is actually made; ensure that the current time is set when building the payload |
messages | string | A concise set of copy strings to be displayed to merchants, to guide them in resolving problems your app encounters when trying to make use of their Shop and its resources. Required only when state is requires_action . Disallowed when state is success . Content restrictions for Shop feedback: one message up to 100 characters long |
resource_id | long | Unique id of the resource |
resource_type | string | Type of resource for which feedback is returned. eg. Shop, Product |
resource_updated_at | timestamp | DateTime when the resource feedback record was last updated by Shopify. Type: ISO 8601 UTC DateTime as string with year, month (or week), day, hour, minute, second, time zone |
state | string | Indicates the state that the Shop or resource is in, from the perspective of your app. Valid values are requires_action , or success |
created_at | timestamp | DateTime when the resource feedback record was stored by Shopify. Type: ISO 8601 UTC DateTime as string with year, month (or week), day, hour, minute, second, time zone |
updated_at | timestamp | DateTime when the resource feedback record was last updated by Shopify. Type: ISO 8601 UTC DateTime as string with year, month (or week), day, hour, minute, second, time zone |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ResourceFeedbacks AS
CALL shopify.ResourceFeedbacks ()
) AS x;;
Script tags
<created_at_max> (optional): Show script tags created before this date
<created_at_min> (optional): Show script tags created after this date
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<src> (optional): Show script tags with this URL
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show script tags last updated before this date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show script tags last updated after this date
<script_tag_id> (optional): Script tag id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the script tag |
cache | boolean | Whether the Shopify CDN can cache and serve the script tag. Valid values: true : The script will be cached and served by the CDN. The cache expires 15 minutes after the script tag is successfully returned. false : The script will be served as is. Default value: false |
display_scope | string | The page or pages on the online store where the script should be included. Valid values: online_store : Include the script only on the web storefront. order_status : Include the script only on the order status page. all : Include the script on both the web storefront and the order status page |
event | string | The DOM event that triggers the loading of the script. Valid values: onload |
src | string | The URL of the remote script |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 ) when the script tag was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 ) when the script tag was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ScriptTags AS
CALL shopify.ScriptTags (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
src => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL
) AS x;;
Shipping Zones
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique numeric identifier for the shipping zone |
name | string | The name of the shipping zone, specified by the user |
location_group_id | string | The ID of the shipping zone's location group. Location groups allow merchants to create shipping rates that apply only to the specific locations in the group |
profile_id | string | The ID of the shipping zone's delivery profile. Shipping profiles allow merchants to create product-based or location-based shipping rates |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_ShippingZones AS
CALL shopify.ShippingZones ()
) AS x;;
Shop's configuration
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the shop. A 64-bit unsigned integer |
name | string | The name of the shop |
address1 | string | The shop's street address |
address2 | string | The optional second line of the shop's street address |
auto_configure_tax_inclusivity | boolean | The setting for whether applicable taxes are included automatically, based on buyer's location |
checkout_api_supported | boolean | Whether the shop is capable of accepting payments directly through the Checkout API |
city | string | The shop's city |
country | string | The shop's country. In most cases, this value matches the country_code |
country_code | string | The two-letter country code corresponding to the shop's country |
country_name | string | The shop's normalized country name |
county_taxes | boolean | Whether the shop is applying taxes on a per-county basis. Only applicable to shops based in the US. Valid values: true or null ." |
currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the shop's default currency |
customer_email | string | The contact email used for communication between the shop owner and the customer |
domain | string | The shop's domain |
eligible_for_payments | boolean | Whether the shop is eligible to use Shopify Payments |
string | The contact email used for communication between Shopify and the shop owner | |
enabled_presentment_currencies | boolean | A list of enabled currencies ( ISO 4217 format) that the shop accepts. Merchants can enable currencies from their Shopify Payments settings in the Shopify Admin |
google_apps_domain | string | The GSuite URL for the store, if applicable |
google_apps_login_enabled | boolean | Whether the GSuite login is enabled. Shops with this feature will be able to log in through the GSuite login page. Valid values: true , null |
has_discounts | boolean | Whether any active discounts exist for the shop |
has_gift_cards | boolean | Whether any active gift cards exist for the shop |
has_storefront | boolean | Whether the shop has an online store |
iana_timezone | string | The name of the timezone assigned by the IANA |
latitude | bigdecimal | The latitude of the shop's location |
longitude | bigdecimal | The longitude of the shop's location |
marketing_sms_consent_enabled_at_checkout | boolean | Whether SMS marketing has been enabled on the shop's checkout configuration settings |
money_format | string | A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency isn't specified |
money_in_emails_format | string | A string representing the way currency is formatted in email notifications when the currency isn't specified |
money_with_currency_format | string | A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency is specified |
money_with_currency_in_emails_format | string | A string representing the way currency is formatted in email notifications when the currency is specified |
multi_location_enabled | boolean | This field has been deprecated, and is currently unused. Hardcoded to true |
myshopify_domain | string | The shop's domain |
password_enabled | boolean | Whether the password protection page is enabled on the shop's online store |
phone | string | The contact phone number for the shop |
plan_display_name | string | The display name of the Shopify plan the shop is on |
plan_name | string | The name of the Shopify plan the shop is on |
pre_launch_enabled | boolean | Whether the pre-launch page is enabled on the shop's online store |
primary_locale | string | The shop's primary locale, as configured in the language settings of the shop's theme |
primary_location_id | long | Formerly used for the ID of the shipping origin location (read only) |
province | string | The shop's normalized province or state name |
province_code | string | The two- or three-letter code for the shop's province or state |
requires_extra_payments_agreement | boolean | Whether the shop requires an extra Shopify Payments agreement |
setup_required | boolean | Whether the shop has any outstanding setup steps |
shop_owner | string | The username of the shop owner |
source | string | The handle of the partner account that referred the merchant to Shopify, if applicable |
tax_shipping | boolean | Whether taxes are charged for shipping. Valid values: true or false |
taxes_included | boolean | Whether applicable taxes are included in product prices. Valid values: true or null |
timezone | string | The name of the timezone the shop is in |
transactional_sms_disabled | boolean | Whether transactional SMS sent by Shopify are disabled on the shop's online store |
weight_unit | string | The default unit of weight measurement for the shop |
zip | string | The shop's zip or postal code |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 ) when the shop was created |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 ) when the shop was last updated |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Shops AS
CALL shopify.Shops ()
) AS x;;
Smart collections
<handle> (optional): Filter results by smart collection handle
<ids> (optional): Show only the smart collections specified by a comma-separated list of IDs
<product_id> (optional): Show smart collections that includes the specified product
<published_at_max> (optional): Show smart collections published before this date
<published_at_min> (optional): Show smart collections published after this date
<published_status> (optional): Filter results based on the published status of smart collections
<since_id> (optional): Restrict results to after the specified ID
<title> (optional): Show smart collections with the specified title
<updated_at_max> (optional): Show smart collections last updated before this date
<updated_at_min> (optional): Show smart collections last updated after this date
<smart_collection_id> (optional): Smart collection id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the smart collection |
title | string | The name of the smart collection. Maximum length: 255 characters |
body_html | string | The description of the smart collection. Includes HTML markup. Many shop themes display this on the smart collection page |
disjunctive | boolean | Whether the product must match all the rules to be included in the smart collection. Valid values: true : Products only need to match one or more of the rules to be included in the smart collection. false : Products must match all of the rules to be included in the smart collection |
handle | string | A human-friendly unique string for the smart collection. Automatically generated from the title . Used in shop themes by the Liquid templating language to refer to the smart collection. (maximum: 255 characters) |
image_alt | string | Image alt attribute |
image_created_at | timestamp | The date and time when the product image was created |
image_height | integer | Height dimension of the image |
image_src | string | Specifies the location of the product image |
image_width | integer | Width dimension of the image |
published_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) that the smart collection was published. Returns null when the collection is hidden |
published_scope | string | Whether the smart collection is published to the Point of Sale channel. Valid values: web : The smart collection is published to the Online Store channel but not published to the Point of Sale channel. global : The smart collection is published to both the Online Store channel and the Point of Sale channel |
rules | string | Rules |
sort_order | string | The order of the products in the smart collection. Valid values: alpha-asc : The products are sorted alphabetically from A to Z. alpha-des : The products are sorted alphabetically from Z to A. best-selling : The products are sorted by number of sales. created : The products are sorted by the date they were created, from oldest to newest. created-desc : The products are sorted by the date they were created, from newest to oldest. manual : The products are manually sorted by the shop owner. price-asc : The products are sorted by price from lowest to highest. price-desc : The products are sorted by price from highest to lowest |
template_suffix | string | The suffix of the Liquid template that the shop uses. By default, the original template is called product.liquid, and additional templates are called product. suffix .liquid |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format ) when the smart collection was last modified |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_SmartCollections AS
CALL shopify.SmartCollections (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
title => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
published_status => NULL,
published_at_min => NULL,
published_at_max => NULL,
product_id => NULL,
ids => NULL,
handle => NULL
) AS x;;
Storefront access tokens that have been issued
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique id that identifies a token and is used to perform operations on it |
title | string | An arbitrary title for each token determined by the developer/application, used for reference purposes. Note No constraint on uniqueness |
access_scope | string | An application-dependant, comma separated list of permissions associated with the token |
access_token | string | The issued public access token |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time when the public access token was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_StorefrontAccessTokens AS
CALL shopify.StorefrontAccessTokens ()
) AS x;;
Tender transactions
<processed_at> (optional): Show tender transactions processed at the specified date
<processed_at_max> (optional): Show tender transactions processed_at or before the specified date
<processed_at_min> (optional): Show tender transactions processed_at or after the specified date
<since_id> (optional): Retrieve only transactions after the specified ID
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the transaction |
amount | bigdecimal | The amount of the tender transaction in the shop's currency |
currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the tender transaction |
order_id | long | The ID of the order that the tender transaction belongs to |
payment_details_credit_card_company | string | The name of the company that issued the customer's credit card |
payment_details_credit_card_number | string | The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted |
payment_method | string | Information about the payment method used for this transaction. Valid values: credit_card cash android_pay apple_pay google_pay samsung_pay shopify_pay amazon klarna paypal unknown other |
remote_reference | string | The remote (gateway) reference associated with the tender |
test | boolean | Whether the tender transaction is a test transaction |
user_id | long | The ID of the user logged into the Shopify POS device that processed the tender transaction, if applicable |
processed_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the tender transaction was processed |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_TenderTransactions AS
CALL shopify.TenderTransactions (
since_id => NULL,
processed_at_min => NULL,
processed_at_max => NULL,
processed_at => NULL
) AS x;;
<theme_id> (optional): Theme id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The unique numeric identifier for the theme |
name | string | The name of the theme |
previewable | boolean | Whether the theme can currently be previewed |
processing | boolean | Whether files are still being copied into place for this theme |
role | string | Specifies how the theme is being used within the shop. Valid values: main : The theme is published. Customers see it when they visit the online store. unpublished : The theme is unpublished. Customers can't see it. demo : The theme is installed on the store as a demo. The theme can't be published until the merchant buys the full version. development : The theme is used for development. The theme can't be published, and is temporary |
theme_store_id | long | A unique identifier applied to Shopify-made themes that are installed from the Shopify Theme Store Theme Store. Not all themes available in the Theme Store are developed by Shopify. Returns null if the store's theme isn't made by Shopify, or if it wasn't installed from the Theme Store |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time when the theme was created. (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00) |
updated_at | timestamp | The date and time of when the theme was last updated. (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00) |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Themes AS
CALL shopify.Themes ()
) AS x;;
<in_shop_currency> (optional): Show amounts in the shop currency
<order_id> (optional): Order id
<since_id> (optional): Retrieve only transactions after the specified ID
<transaction_id> (optional): Transaction id
<order_table> (optional): Table with order containing column id(containing order_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID for the transaction |
amount | bigdecimal | The amount of money included in the transaction. If you don't provide a value for 'amount', then it defaults to the total cost of the order (even if a previous transaction has been made towards it) |
authorization | string | The authorization code associated with the transaction |
currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment |
currency_exchange_adjustment | bigdecimal | Currency exchange adjustment |
device_id | long | The ID for the device |
error_code | string | A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider. Valid values: incorrect_number invalid_number invalid_expiry_date invalid_cvc expired_card incorrect_cvc incorrect_zip incorrect_address card_declined processing_error call_issuer pick_up_card |
gateway | string | The name of the gateway the transaction was issued through. A list of gateways can be found on Shopify's payment gateways page |
kind | string | The transaction's type. Valid values: authorization : Money that the customer has agreed to pay. The authorization period can be between 7 and 30 days (depending on your payment service) while a store waits for a payment to be captured. capture : A transfer of money that was reserved during the authorization of a shop. sale : The authorization and capture of a payment performed in one single step. void : The cancellation of a pending authorization or capture. refund : The partial or full return of captured money to the customer |
location_id | long | The ID of the physical location where the transaction was processed |
manual_payment_gateway | string | The name of the gateway the transaction was issued through. A list of gateways can be found on Shopify's payment gateways page |
message | string | A string generated by the payment provider with additional information about why the transaction succeeded or failed |
order_id | long | The ID for the order that the transaction is associated with |
parent_id | long | The ID of an associated transaction. For capture transactions, the parent needs to be an authorization transaction. For void transactions, the parent needs to be an authorization transaction. For refund transactions, the parent needs to be a capture or sale transaction |
payment_details_avs_result_code | string | The response code from the address verification system. The code is always a single letter |
payment_details_buyer_action_info | string | Details for payment methods that require additional buyer action to complete the order transaction |
payment_details_credit_card_bin | string | Credit card bin |
payment_details_credit_card_company | string | The name of the company that issued the customer's credit card |
payment_details_credit_card_expiration_month | integer | The month in which the credit card expires |
payment_details_credit_card_expiration_year | integer | The year in which the credit card expires |
payment_details_credit_card_name | string | The holder of the credit card |
payment_details_credit_card_number | string | The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted |
payment_details_credit_card_wallet | string | The wallet type where this credit card was retrieved from |
payment_details_cvv_result_code | string | The response code from the credit card company indicating whether the customer entered the card security code , or card verification value, correctly. The code is a single letter or empty string |
payment_details_payment_method_name | string | The name of the payment method used by the buyer to complete the order transaction |
payment_id | string | Payment id |
receipt_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of money included in the transaction. If you don't provide a value for 'amount', then it defaults to the total cost of the order (even if a previous transaction has been made towards it) |
receipt_amount_capturable | bigdecimal | Amount capturable |
receipt_amount_received | bigdecimal | Amount received |
receipt_authorization | string | The authorization code associated with the transaction |
receipt_canceled_at | timestamp | Canceled at |
receipt_cancellation_reason | string | Cancellation reason |
receipt_capture_method | string | Capture method |
receipt_charges_has_more | boolean | Has more |
receipt_charges_object | string | Charges object |
receipt_charges_total_count | bigdecimal | Charges total count |
receipt_charges_url | string | Charges URL |
receipt_confirmation_method | string | Confirmation method |
receipt_created | timestamp | Created |
receipt_currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment |
receipt_error_charge | string | Error charge |
receipt_error_code | string | A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider. Valid values: incorrect_number invalid_number invalid_expiry_date invalid_cvc expired_card incorrect_cvc incorrect_zip incorrect_address card_declined processing_error call_issuer pick_up_card |
receipt_error_decline_code | string | Decline code |
receipt_error_message | string | A string generated by the payment provider with additional information about why the transaction succeeded or failed |
receipt_error_payment_intent_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of money included in the transaction. If you don't provide a value for 'amount', then it defaults to the total cost of the order (even if a previous transaction has been made towards it) |
receipt_error_payment_intent_amount_capturable | bigdecimal | Payment intent amount capturable |
receipt_error_payment_intent_amount_received | bigdecimal | Payment intent amount received |
receipt_error_payment_intent_canceled_at | timestamp | Payment intent canceled at |
receipt_error_payment_intent_cancellation_reason | string | Payment intent cancellation reason |
receipt_error_payment_intent_capture_method | string | Error payment intent capture_method |
receipt_error_payment_intent_charges_has_more | boolean | Error payment intent charges_has_more |
receipt_error_payment_intent_charges_object | string | Error payment intent charges_object |
receipt_error_payment_intent_charges_total_count | integer | Error payment intent charges_total_count |
receipt_error_payment_intent_charges_url | string | Error payment intent charges_url |
receipt_error_payment_intent_confirmation_method | string | Error payment intent confirmation_method |
receipt_error_payment_intent_created | timestamp | Error payment intent created |
receipt_error_payment_intent_currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment |
receipt_error_payment_intent_id | string | Payment intent id |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_charge | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_charge |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_code | string | A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider. Valid values: incorrect_number invalid_number invalid_expiry_date invalid_cvc expired_card incorrect_cvc incorrect_zip incorrect_address card_declined processing_error call_issuer pick_up_card |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_decline_code | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_decline_code |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_doc_url | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_doc_url |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_message | string | A string generated by the payment provider with additional information about why the transaction succeeded or failed |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_brand | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_brand |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_address_line1_check | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_address_line1_check |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_address_postal_code_check | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_address_postal_code_check |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_cvc_check | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_cvc_check |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_country | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_country |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_description | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_description |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_display_brand | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_display_brand |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_exp_month | integer | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_exp_month |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_exp_year | integer | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_exp_year |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_fingerprint | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_fingerprint |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_funding | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_funding |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_generated_from | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_generated_from |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_iin | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_iin |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_issuer | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_issuer |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_last4 | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_last4 |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_network_token | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_network_token |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_networks_available | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_networks_available |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_networks_preferred | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_networks_preferred |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_payment_account_reference | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_payment_account_reference |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_three_d_secure_usage_supported | boolean | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_three_d_secure_usage_supported |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_wallet | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_card_wallet |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_created | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_created |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_id | string | Payment method id |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_livemode | string | Error payment intent payment_error_payment_method_livemode |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_metadata | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_metadata |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_object | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_object |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_payment_method_type | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_payment_method_type |
receipt_error_payment_intent_last_payment_error_type | string | Error payment intent last_payment_error_type |
receipt_error_payment_intent_livemode | boolean | Error payment intent live mode |
receipt_error_payment_intent_metadata_email | string | Error payment intent metadata_email |
receipt_error_payment_intent_metadata_manual_entry | string | Error payment intent metadata_manual_entry |
receipt_error_payment_intent_metadata_order_id | string | The ID for the order that the transaction is associated with |
receipt_error_payment_intent_metadata_order_transaction_id | string | Order transaction id |
receipt_error_payment_intent_metadata_payments_charge_id | string | Payments charge id |
receipt_error_payment_intent_metadata_shop_id | long | An ID for the shop |
receipt_error_payment_intent_metadata_shop_name | string | Error payment intent metadata_shop_name |
receipt_error_payment_intent_next_action | string | Error payment intent next_action |
receipt_error_payment_intent_object | string | Error payment intent object |
receipt_error_payment_intent_payment_method | string | Error payment intent payment_method |
receipt_error_payment_intent_payment_method_types | string | Error payment intent payment_method_types |
receipt_error_payment_intent_source | string | Error payment intent source |
receipt_error_payment_intent_status | string | The status of the transaction. Valid values: pending , failure , success , and error |
receipt_error_type | string | Error type |
receipt_id | string | Receipt id |
receipt_last_payment_error | string | Last payment error |
receipt_livemode | boolean | Live mode |
receipt_metadata_email | string | Metadata email |
receipt_metadata_manual_entry | boolean | Metadata manual entry |
receipt_metadata_order_id | string | The ID for the order that the transaction is associated with |
receipt_metadata_order_transaction_id | string | Order transaction id |
receipt_metadata_payments_charge_id | string | Payments charge id |
receipt_metadata_shop_id | long | An ID for the shop |
receipt_metadata_shop_name | string | Metadata shop name |
receipt_next_action | string | Next action |
receipt_object | string | Object |
receipt_payment_method | string | Payment method |
receipt_payment_method_types | string | Payment method types |
receipt_source | string | Source |
receipt_status | string | The status of the transaction. Valid values: pending , failure , success , and error |
receipt_testcase | boolean | Testcase |
source_name | string | The origin of the transaction. This is set by Shopify and can't be overridden. Example values (not an exhaustive list): web , pos , iphone , and android |
status | string | The status of the transaction. Valid values: pending , failure , success , and error |
test | boolean | Whether the transaction is a test transaction |
total_unsettled_set_presentment_money_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of money included in the transaction. If you don't provide a value for 'amount', then it defaults to the total cost of the order (even if a previous transaction has been made towards it) |
total_unsettled_set_presentment_money_currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment |
total_unsettled_set_shop_money_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of money included in the transaction. If you don't provide a value for 'amount', then it defaults to the total cost of the order (even if a previous transaction has been made towards it) |
total_unsettled_set_shop_money_currency | string | The three-letter code ( ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment |
user_id | long | The ID for the user who was logged into the Shopify POS device when the order was processed, if applicable |
processed_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when a transaction was processed. This value is the date that's used in the analytic reports. By default, it matches the created_at value. If you're importing transactions from an app or another platform, then you can set processed_at to a date and time in the past to match when the original transaction was processed |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the transaction was created |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Transactions AS
CALL shopify.Transactions (
since_id => NULL,
order_id => 5751369924864,
in_shop_currency => NULL
) AS x;;
Usage charges
<recurring_application_charge_id> (optional): Recurring application charge id
<usage_charge_id> (optional): Usage charge id
<recurring_application_charge_table> (optional): Table with recurring_application_charge containing column id(containing recurring_application_charge_id) of type long
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the usage charge |
balance_remaining | bigdecimal | Balance remaining |
balance_used | bigdecimal | Balance used |
currency | string | The currency of the price of the usage charge |
description | string | The description of the usage charge |
price | bigdecimal | The price of the usage charge |
risk_level | bigdecimal | Risk level |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the usage charge was created |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_UsageCharges AS
CALL shopify.UsageCharges (
recurring_application_charge_id => NULL
) AS x;;
Currently logged-in user
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the user's staff |
account_owner | boolean | Whether the user is the owner of the Shopify account |
bio | string | The description the user has written for themselves |
string | The user's email address | |
first_name | string | The user's first name |
im | string | This property is deprecated |
last_name | string | The user's last name |
locale | string | The user's preferred locale. Locale values use the format language or language-COUNTRY , where language is a two-letter language code, and COUNTRY is a two-letter country code. For example: en or en-US |
permissions | string | The permissions granted to the user's staff account. Valid values: applications : The user can authorize the installation of applications. billing_application_charges : The user can approve application charges. billing_charges : The user can view and export billing charges. billing_invoices_view : The user can view billing invoices. billing_payment_methods_view : The user can view billing payment methods. customers : The user can view, create, edit, and delete customers, and respond to customer messages in Shopify Ping. dashboard : The user can view the Home page, which includes sales information and other store data. domains : The user can view, buy, and manage domains. draft_orders : The user can create, update, and delete draft orders. edit_orders : The user can edit orders. edit_private_apps : The user can give permission to private apps to read, write, and make changes to the store. export_customers : The user can export customers. export_draft_orders : The user can export draft orders. export_products : The user can export products and inventory. export_orders : The user can export orders. gift_cards : The user can view, create, issue, and export gift cards to a CSV file. links : The user can view and modify links and navigation menus. locations : The user can create, update, and delete locations where you stock or manage inventory. marketing : The user can view and create discount codes and automatic discounts, and export discounts to a CSV file. marketing_section : The user can view, create, and automate marketing campaigns. orders : The user can view, create, update, delete, and cancel orders, and receive order notifications. overviews : The user can view the Overview and Live view pages, which include sales information, and other store and sales channels data. pages : The user can view, create, update, publish, and delete blog posts and pages. preferences : The user can view the preferences and configuration of a shop. products : The user can view, create, import, and update products, collections, and inventory. reports : The user can view and create all reports, which includes sales information and other store data. shopify_payments_accounts : The user can view Shopify Payments account details. shopify_payments_transfers : The user can view Shopify Payments payouts. staff_audit_log_view : The user can view Shopify admin browser sessions. staff_management_activation : The user can activate or deactivate staff in the store. staff_management_create : The user can add staff to the store. staff_management_delete : The user can delete staff from the store. staff_management_update : The user can update staff in the store. themes : The user can view, update, and publish themes. view_private_apps : The user can view private apps installed on the store |
phone | string | The user's phone number |
receive_announcements | long | Whether this account will receive email announcements from Shopify. Valid values: 0 , 1 |
screen_name | string | This property is deprecated |
tfa_enabled | boolean | TFA enabled |
url | string | The user's homepage or other web address |
user_type | string | The type of account the user has. Valid values: regular : The user's account can access the Shopify admin. restricted : The user's account cannot access the Shopify admin. invited : The user has not yet accepted the invitation to create staff. collaborator : The user account of a partner who collaborates with the merchant |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_UserCurrent AS
CALL shopify.UserCurrent ()
) AS x;;
<user_id> (optional): User id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of the user's staff |
account_owner | boolean | Whether the user is the owner of the Shopify account |
bio | string | The description the user has written for themselves |
string | The user's email address | |
first_name | string | The user's first name |
im | string | This property is deprecated |
last_name | string | The user's last name |
locale | string | The user's preferred locale. Locale values use the format language or language-COUNTRY , where language is a two-letter language code, and COUNTRY is a two-letter country code. For example: en or en-US |
permissions | string | The permissions granted to the user's staff account. Valid values: applications : The user can authorize the installation of applications. billing_application_charges : The user can approve application charges. billing_charges : The user can view and export billing charges. billing_invoices_view : The user can view billing invoices. billing_payment_methods_view : The user can view billing payment methods. customers : The user can view, create, edit, and delete customers, and respond to customer messages in Shopify Ping. dashboard : The user can view the Home page, which includes sales information and other store data. domains : The user can view, buy, and manage domains. draft_orders : The user can create, update, and delete draft orders. edit_orders : The user can edit orders. edit_private_apps : The user can give permission to private apps to read, write, and make changes to the store. export_customers : The user can export customers. export_draft_orders : The user can export draft orders. export_products : The user can export products and inventory. export_orders : The user can export orders. gift_cards : The user can view, create, issue, and export gift cards to a CSV file. links : The user can view and modify links and navigation menus. locations : The user can create, update, and delete locations where you stock or manage inventory. marketing : The user can view and create discount codes and automatic discounts, and export discounts to a CSV file. marketing_section : The user can view, create, and automate marketing campaigns. orders : The user can view, create, update, delete, and cancel orders, and receive order notifications. overviews : The user can view the Overview and Live view pages, which include sales information, and other store and sales channels data. pages : The user can view, create, update, publish, and delete blog posts and pages. preferences : The user can view the preferences and configuration of a shop. products : The user can view, create, import, and update products, collections, and inventory. reports : The user can view and create all reports, which includes sales information and other store data. shopify_payments_accounts : The user can view Shopify Payments account details. shopify_payments_transfers : The user can view Shopify Payments payouts. staff_audit_log_view : The user can view Shopify admin browser sessions. staff_management_activation : The user can activate or deactivate staff in the store. staff_management_create : The user can add staff to the store. staff_management_delete : The user can delete staff from the store. staff_management_update : The user can update staff in the store. themes : The user can view, update, and publish themes. view_private_apps : The user can view private apps installed on the store |
phone | string | The user's phone number |
receive_announcements | long | Whether this account will receive email announcements from Shopify. Valid values: 0 , 1 |
screen_name | string | This property is deprecated |
tfa_enabled | boolean | TFA enabled |
url | string | The user's homepage or other web address |
user_type | string | The type of account the user has. Valid values: regular : The user's account can access the Shopify admin. restricted : The user's account cannot access the Shopify admin. invited : The user has not yet accepted the invitation to create staff. collaborator : The user account of a partner who collaborates with the merchant |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Users AS
CALL shopify.Users ()
) AS x;;
<address> (optional): Retrieve webhook subscriptions that send the POST request to this URI
<created_at_max> (optional): Retrieve webhook subscriptions that were created before a given date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<created_at_min> (optional): Retrieve webhook subscriptions that were created after a given date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<since_id> (optional): Restrict the returned list to webhook subscriptions whose id is greater than the specified since_id
<topic> (optional): Show webhook subscriptions with a given topic. For valid values, refer to the list of event topics
<updated_at_max> (optional): Retrieve webhooks that were updated after a given date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<updated_at_min> (optional): Retrieve webhooks that were updated before a given date and time (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47-04:00)
<webhook_id> (optional): Webhook id
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique numeric identifier for the webhook subscription |
address | string | Destination URI to which the webhook subscription should send the POST request when an event occurs |
api_version | string | The Admin API version that Shopify uses to serialize webhook events. This value is inherited from the app that created the webhook subscription |
format | string | Format in which the webhook subscription should send the data. Valid values are JSON and XML . Defaults to JSON |
topic | string | Event that triggers the webhook. You can retrieve data in either JSON or XML. See list of webhook events |
created_at | timestamp | Date and time when the webhook subscription was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
updated_at | timestamp | Date and time when the webhook subscription was updated. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format |
CREATE VIEW shopify_examples.example_Webhooks AS
CALL shopify.Webhooks (
updated_at_min => NULL,
updated_at_max => NULL,
topic => NULL,
since_id => NULL,
created_at_min => NULL,
created_at_max => NULL,
address => NULL
) AS x;;