TikTok API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_
in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Ad Group
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertiser Id
<advertiser_table> (optional): Table with the columns advertiser id to get info for each of
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiser_id | string | Dimension Advertiser ID |
campaign_id | string | Dimension Campaign ID |
adgroup_id | string | Dimension Ad group ID |
adgroup_name | string | Dimension Ad group Name |
share_disabled | boolean | Dimension Whether sharing to third-party platforms is disabled for ads in this ad group |
placement_type | string | Dimension Placement type |
placements | string | The apps where you want to deliver your ads |
inventory_filter_enabled | boolean | Dimension Inventory filtering |
comment_disabled | boolean | Dimension Whether to allow comments on your ads on TikTok, Vigo, Helo |
app_id | string | Dimension The Application id of the promoted app |
promotion_type | string | Dimension Type of promoted object |
app_download_url | string | Dimension App download link |
package | string | Dimension Package name |
pixel_id | string | Dimension Pixel ID. Only application for landing pages. |
optimization_event | string | Dimension Conversion event for the ad group. |
secondary_optimization_event | string | Dimension Secondary-goal event when the optimize_goal is INSTALL |
creative_material_mode | string | Dimension Creative delivery mode |
audience_type | string | Dimension Audience Type |
is_hfss | boolean | Dimension Whether the promoted product is HFSS foods |
ender | string | Dimension Gender that you want to target |
min_android_version | string | Dimension Minimum Android version |
ios14_targeting | string | Dimension The iOS devices that you want to target |
min_ios_version | string | Dimension Audience minimum ios version |
budget_mode | string | Dimension Budget mode |
budget | bigdecimal | Dimension Ad budget |
schedule_type | string | Dimension The schedule type |
schedule_start_time | timestamp | Dimension Ad delivery start time (UTC+0) |
schedule_end_time | timestamp | Dimension Ad delivery end time (UTC+0) |
dayparting | string | Dimension Ad delivery period |
optimization_goal | string | Dimension Optimization goal. |
cpv_video_duration | string | Dimension Optimized video playback duration |
conversion_window | string | Dimension The time frame when you would like a conversion to happen after a user clicks on or views your ad |
pacing | string | Dimension Parcing mode |
billing_event | string | Dimension Bid method |
skip_learning_phase | boolean | Dimension Whether to skip the learning stage |
bid_type | string | Dimension Bidding Strategy |
bid_price | bigdecimal | Dimension CPC, CPM bidding, oCPM learning bidding |
conversion_bid_price | bigdecimal | Dimension oCPM conversion bid |
deep_bid_type | string | Dimension Bidding strategy for in-app events |
deep_cpa_bid | bigdecimal | Dimension Deep bid |
next_day_retention | float | Day 2 retention ratio |
secondary_status | string | Dimension Ad group status |
operation_status | string | Dimension Operation status |
frequency | integer | Dimension Frequency, together with frequency_schedule, controls how often people see your ad |
frequency_schedule | integer | Dimension Frequency, together with frequency, controls how often people see your ad |
statistic_type | string | Dimension Conversion bid statistic type |
video_download | string | Dimension Whether users can download your video ads on TikTok |
rf_purchased_type | string | Dimension Billing method of Reach & Frequency ad groups |
purchased_impression | integer | Dimension Impressions to be purchased |
purchased_reach | integer | Dimension Purchased user reach |
rf_estimated_cpr | integer | Dimension The estimated cost per mile reach |
rf_estimated_frequency | integer | The estimated show frequency |
s_new_structure | boolean | Dimension Whether the campaign is a new structure |
catalog_id | string | Dimension Catalog ID |
product_set_id | integer | Dimension ProductSet ID of the catalog |
catalog_authorized_bc_id | string | Dimension For catalogs in Business Center, this field returns the ID of the Business Center that a catalog belongs to |
shopping_ads_retargeting_type | string | Dimension The types of ad redirection in the catalog |
brand_safety_type | string | Dimension Brand safety type |
brand_safety_partner | string | Dimension Brand safety partner |
promotion_website_type | string | Dimension Instant page type in your ad group |
ios_quota_type | string | Dimension Whether the campaign will be counted against the iOS 14 dedicated campaign quota |
roas_bid | bigdecimal | Dimension ROAS goal for Value Optimization. |
auto_targeting_enabled | boolean | Dimension Whether to enable automated targeting |
delivery_mode | string | The sequencing and schedule strategy for your ad display |
adgroup_app_profile_page_state | string | Indicates whether the adgroup is using app profile page |
store_authorized_bc_id | string | ID of the Business Center that is authorized to access the store |
shopping_ads_type | string | Shopping ads type |
product_source | string | Product source where you want to get products for promotion |
split_test_group_id | string | Split test group ID. Returned if the ad group is part of a split test |
split_test_status | string | Split test status |
spending_power | string | Spending power that you want to target |
CREATE VIEW tiktok_examples.example_Adgroup
SELECT * FROM tiktok.Adgroup (
preview => TRUE
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertiser Id
<advertiser_table> (optional): Table with the columns advertiser id to get info for each of
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiser_id | string | Dimension Advertiser ID |
campaign_id | string | Dimension Campaign ID |
campaign_name | string | Dimension Campaign Name |
adgroup_id | string | Dimension Ad group ID |
adgroup_name | string | Dimension Ad group Name |
ad_id | string | Dimension Ad ID |
ad_name | string | Dimension Ad Name |
identity_id | string | Dimension Identity ID |
identity_type | string | Dimension Identity type. Enum: CUSTOMIZED_USER, AUTH_CODE, TT_USER |
call_to_action | string | Dimension For call-to-action text |
call_to_action_id | string | Dimension The ID of the CTA portfolio that you want to use in your ads |
disclaimer_type | string | Dimension Disclaimer type |
disclaimer_text | string | Dimension Disclaimer text object |
disclaimer_clickable_text | string | Dimension Text part of the clickable disclaimer text |
disclaimer_clickable_url | string | Dimension URL for the disclaimer text |
card_id | string | Dimension Image card ID or gift code card ID. |
secondary_status | string | Dimension Ad status |
operation_status | string | Dimension Operation status |
is_aco | boolean | Dimension Whether the ad is an automated ad |
ad_format | string | Dimension The creative type |
ad_text | string | Dimension The ad text |
ad_texts | string | Dimension A list of ad texts |
video_id | string | Dimension The video ID |
tiktok_item_id | string | Dimension The ID of the TikTok post to be used as an ad |
app_name | string | Dimension The display name of app download ad |
landing_page_url | string | Dimension Landing page URL |
landing_page_urls | string | Dimension Multiple landing page URLs |
display_name | string | Dimension The display name of landing page or pure exposure ad |
profile_image_url | string | Dimension Avatar URL |
impression_tracking_url | string | Dimension Display monitoring URL |
click_tracking_url | string | Dimension Click monitoring URL. |
deeplink | string | Dimension The specific location where you want your audience to go if they have your app installed |
deeplink_type | string | Dimension The open URL type |
fallback_type | string | Dimension Fallback Type |
playable_url | string | Dimension Playable material url |
page_id | string | Dimension Instant Page ID |
vast_moat_enabled | boolean | Dimension Wether moat is enabled |
creative_authorized | boolean | Dimension Whether you grant displaying some of your ads in our TikTok For Business Creative Center |
is_new_structure | boolean | Dimension Whether the campaign is a new structure |
create_time | string | Dimension Time at which the ad was created |
modify_time | string | Dimension Time at which the ad was Modified |
shopping_ads_fallback_type | string | Dimension In DPA scenario, the fallback behavior of deeplink evokes failed |
shopping_deeplink_type | string | Dimension Indicates the source of the direct link used in the ad |
shopping_ads_video_package_id | string | Dimension Catalog video template ID |
promotional_music_disabled | boolean | Dimension Whether to disable the promotional use of the music in the TikTok video |
item_duet_status | string | Dimension Whether to enable dueting for the TikTok video |
item_stitch_status | string | Dimension Whether to enable stitching for the TikTok video |
brand_safety_postbid_partner | string | Dimension Brand safety post bid measurement partner |
product_specific_type | string | Different dimensions to choose products |
catalog_id | string | The catalog you choose for your ads |
item_group_ids | string | Product SPU ID |
product_set_id | string | The ID of the product set |
sku_ids | string | IDs of the SKUs |
dynamic_format | string | Enum values: UNSET, DYNAMIC_CREATIVE |
vertical_video_strategy | string | The video type that you use for Product Sales scenarios |
dynamic_destination | string | Enum values: UNSET, DLP |
brand_safety_vast_url | string | The wrapped VAST URL used by the post-bid third-party partner to measure brand safety |
viewability_postbid_partner | string | Post-bid third-party viewability measurement partner |
viewability_vast_url | string | The wrapped VAST URL used by the post-bid third-party partner to measure viewability |
utm_params_key | string | UTM parameters |
utm_params_value | string | The value of the UTM parameters |
CREATE VIEW tiktok_examples.example_Ads
SELECT * FROM tiktok.Ads (
preview => TRUE
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiser_id | string | Advertiser ID |
advertiser_name | string | Advertiser Name |
Audience Report
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertiser Id
<advertiser_table> (optional): Table with the columns advertiser id to get info for each of
<data_level> (required): Reporting data level. Optional values: AUCTION_AD,AUCTION_ADGROUP,AUCTION_ADVERTISER,AUCTION_CAMPAIGN
<audienc_dimensions> (required): Grouping conditions: gender,age,country_code,ac,language,platform,interest_category,placement
<additional_dimension> (optional): Additional dimension grouping rules: province_id,dma_id,interest_category,interest_category_tier2,interest_category_tier3,interest_category_tier4,device_brand_id,behavior_id
<hourlyAggregation> (optional): true- by hour, false - by day. Defaut: by day
<initial_date> (optional): Earliest datetime to retrieve data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiser_id | string | Advertiser ID |
campaign_id | string | Campaign ID |
adgroup_id | string | Ad Group ID |
ad_id | string | Ad ID |
stat_time_day | date | Group by day |
stat_time_hour | timestamp | Group by hour |
gender | string | Dimension Group by gender |
age | string | Dimension Group by age |
country_code | string | Dimension Group by country |
province_id | string | Dimension Group by province. For available values, see Regions |
dma_id | string | Dimension Group by Designated Market Area (DMA). Only U.S. has DMAs. For available DMAs, see Regions |
ac | string | Dimension Group by audience network |
language | string | Dimension Group by audience language |
platform | string | Dimension Grouped by operating system |
interest_category | string | Dimension Group by first_level interest category |
interest_category_tier2 | string | Dimension Group by second_level interest category |
interest_category_tier3 | string | Dimension Group by third_level interest category |
interest_category_tier4 | string | Dimension Group by fourth_level interest category |
behavior_id | string | Dimension Group by behavior |
placement | string | Dimension Group by placement |
ad_type | string | Dimension Group by ad type |
device_brand_id | string | Dimension Group by device brand |
contextual_tag | string | Dimension Group by contextual tags |
advertiser_name | string | Campaign name |
campaign_name | string | Campaign name |
adgroup_name | string | Ad group name |
ad_name | string | Ad name |
ad_text | string | Ad title |
tt_app_id | string | TikTok App ID |
tt_app_name | string | TikTok App Name |
mobile_app_id | string | Mobile App ID |
device_brand_name | string | Device brand name |
behavior_name | string | Behavior name |
action_category | string | Action / behavior category |
action_scene | string | Action scene. Enum: VIDEO_RELATED, CREATOR_RELATED |
user_action | string | User action |
action_period | string | integer of days for the action. Enum: 7, 15. |
promotion_type | string | Promotion type |
adgroup_download_url | string | Download URL/Website URL |
profile_image | string | Profile image |
dpa_target_audience_type | string | Target audience type for DPA |
spend | bigdecimal | Total Cost |
cpc | bigdecimal | CPC |
cpm | bigdecimal | CPM |
impressions | integer | Impressions |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR (%) |
conversion | integer | Conversion |
cost_per_conversion | bigdecimal | CPA |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | CVR (Clicks) |
conversion_rate_v2 | bigdecimal | CVR (Impressions) |
real_time_conversion | integer | Real-time Conversions |
real_time_cost_per_conversion | bigdecimal | Real-time CPA |
real_time_conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Real-time CVR (%) |
result | integer | Result |
cost_per_result | bigdecimal | Cost Per Result |
result_rate | bigdecimal | Result Rate (%) |
real_time_result | integer | Real-time Result |
real_time_cost_per_result | bigdecimal | Real-time Cost Per Result |
real_time_result_rate | bigdecimal | Real-time Result Rate (%) |
currency | string | The currency code |
is_aco | boolean | Whether the ad is an automated ad or a Smart Creative ad |
is_smart_creative | boolean | Whether the ad is a Smart Creative ad |
rf_campaign_type | string | Campaign type |
objective_type | string | Advertising objective |
split_test | string | Split test status |
campaign_budget | string | Campaign budget |
app_promotion_type | string | App promotion type |
campaign_dedicate_type | string | Campaign type |
opt_status | string | Automated creative optimization |
budget | string | Ad group budget |
smart_target | string | Optimization goal |
billing_event | string | Billing Event |
bid_strategy | string | Bid strategy |
bid | string | Bid |
bid_secondary_goal | string | Bid for secondary goal |
aeo_type | string | App Event Optimization Type |
call_to_action | string | Call to action |
ad_profile_image | string | Profile image (Ad level) |
ad_url | string | URL (Ad level) |
gross_impressions | string | The number of times an ad was seen on screen, including invalid impressions |
video_play_actions | string | Video Views |
video_watched_2s | string | 2-Second Video Views |
video_watched_6s | string | 6-Second Video Views |
average_video_play | string | Video Average Watch Time Per Video View |
average_video_play_per_user | string | Video Average Watch Time Per Person |
video_views_p25 | string | Video Views at 25% |
video_views_p50 | string | Video Views at 50% |
video_views_p75 | string | Video Views at 75% |
video_views_p100 | string | Video Views at 100% |
profile_visits | string | Paid Profile Visit |
profile_visits_rate | string | Paid Profile Visit Rate |
likes | string | Paid Likes |
comments | string | Paid Comments |
shares | string | Paid Shares |
follows | string | Paid Followers |
clicks_on_music_disc | string | Music Clicks |
ix_page_duration_avg | string | Instant Experience Average View Time |
ix_page_viewrate_avg | string | Instant Experience Average View Percentage |
total_landing_page_view | string | Total Landing Page View |
cost_per_landing_page_view | string | Cost per Landing Page View |
landing_page_view_rate | string | Landing Page View Rate |
CREATE VIEW tiktok_examples.example_AudienceReport
SELECT * FROM tiktok.AudienceReport (
data_level => 'AUCTION_ADGROUP',
audienc_dimensions => 'country_code',
initial_date => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -30,CurDate()),
preview => TRUE
Basic Report
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertiser Id
<advertiser_table> (optional): Table with the columns advertiser id to get info for each of
<data_level> (required): Reporting data level. Optional values: AUCTION_AD,AUCTION_ADGROUP,AUCTION_ADVERTISER,AUCTION_CAMPAIGN
<hourlyAggregation> (optional): true- by hour, false - by day. Defaut: by day
<initial_date> (optional): Earliest datetime to retrieve data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiser_id | string | Advertiser ID |
campaign_id | string | Campaign ID |
adgroup_id | string | Ad Group ID |
ad_id | string | Ad ID |
stat_time_day | date | Dimension Group by day |
stat_time_hour | timestamp | Dimension Group by hour |
campaign_name | string | Campaign name |
adgroup_name | string | Ad group name |
placement | string | Placement |
ad_name | string | Ad name |
ad_text | string | Ad title |
tt_app_id | string | TikTok App ID |
tt_app_name | string | TikTok App Name |
mobile_app_id | string | Mobile App ID |
promotion_type | string | Promotion type |
dpa_target_audience_type | string | Target audience type for DPA |
spend | bigdecimal | Total Cost |
cpc | bigdecimal | CPC |
cpm | bigdecimal | CPM |
impressions | integer | Impressions |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR (%) |
reach | integer | Reach |
cost_per_1000_reached | bigdecimal | Cost per 1,000 people reached |
conversion | integer | Conversion |
cost_per_conversion | bigdecimal | CPA |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | CVR (%) |
real_time_conversion | integer | Real-time Conversions |
real_time_cost_per_conversion | bigdecimal | Real-time CPA |
real_time_conversion_rate | bigdecimal | Real-time CVR (%) |
result | integer | Result |
cost_per_result | bigdecimal | Cost Per Result |
result_rate | bigdecimal | Result Rate (%) |
real_time_result | integer | Real-time Result |
real_time_cost_per_result | bigdecimal | Real-time Cost Per Result |
real_time_result_rate | bigdecimal | Real-time Result Rate (%) |
secondary_goal_result | integer | Secondary Goal Result |
cost_per_secondary_goal_result | string | Cost per Secondary Goal Result |
secondary_goal_result_rate | string | Secondary Goal Result Rate (%) |
frequency | bigdecimal | Frequency |
video_play_actions | integer | Video Views |
video_watched_2s | integer | 2-Second Video Views |
video_watched_6s | integer | 6-Second Video Views |
average_video_play | bigdecimal | Video Average Watch Time Per Video View |
average_video_play_per_user | bigdecimal | Video Average Watch Time Per Person |
video_views_p25 | integer | Video Views at 25% |
video_views_p50 | integer | Video Views at 50% |
video_views_p75 | integer | Video Views at 75% |
video_views_p100 | integer | Video Views at 100% |
profile_visits | integer | Profile Visit |
profile_visits_rate | bigdecimal | Profile Visit Rate |
likes | integer | Paid Likes |
comments | integer | Paid Comments |
shares | integer | Paid Shares |
follows | integer | Paid Follows |
clicks_on_music_disc | integer | Clicks on music disc |
real_time_app_install | integer | Real-time App Install |
real_time_app_install_cost | bigdecimal | Cost per Real-time App Install |
app_install | integer | App Install |
cost_per_app_install | bigdecimal | Cost per App Install |
registration | integer | Unique Registration |
cost_per_registration | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Registration |
registration_rate | bigdecimal | Unique Registration Rate (%) |
total_registration | bigdecimal | Total Registration |
cost_per_total_registration | bigdecimal | Cost per Registration |
purchase | integer | Unique Purchase |
cost_per_purchase | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Purchase |
purchase_rate | bigdecimal | Unique Purchase Rate (%) |
total_purchase | bigdecimal | Purchase (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_purchase | bigdecimal | Cost per Purchase |
value_per_total_purchase | bigdecimal | Value per Purchase |
total_purchase_value | bigdecimal | Total Purchase Value |
total_active_pay_roas | bigdecimal | Purchase ROAS |
app_event_add_to_cart | bigdecimal | Unique Add to Cart |
cost_per_app_event_add_to_cart | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Add to Cart |
app_event_add_to_cart_rate | bigdecimal | Unique Add to Cart Rate (%) |
total_app_event_add_to_cart | bigdecimal | Total Add to Cart |
cost_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart | bigdecimal | Cost per Add to Cart |
value_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart | bigdecimal | Value per Add to Cart |
total_app_event_add_to_cart_value | bigdecimal | Total Add to Cart Value |
checkout | bigdecimal | Unique Checkout |
cost_per_checkout | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Checkout |
checkout_rate | bigdecimal | Unique Checkout Rate (%) |
total_checkout | bigdecimal | Total Checkout |
cost_per_total_checkout | bigdecimal | Cost per Checkout |
value_per_checkout | bigdecimal | Value per Checkout |
total_checkout_value | bigdecimal | Total Checkout Value |
view_content | bigdecimal | Unique View Content |
cost_per_view_content | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique View Content |
view_content_rate | bigdecimal | View Content Rate (%) |
total_view_content | bigdecimal | Total View Content |
cost_per_total_view_content | bigdecimal | Cost per View Content |
value_per_total_view_content | bigdecimal | Value per View Content |
total_view_content_value | bigdecimal | Total View Content Value |
next_day_open | bigdecimal | Unique Day 2 Retention |
cost_per_next_day_open | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Day 2 Retention |
next_day_open_rate | bigdecimal | Day 2 Retention Rate (%) |
total_next_day_open | bigdecimal | Day 2 Retention (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_next_day_open | bigdecimal | Cost per Day 2 Retention |
add_payment_info | bigdecimal | Unique Add Payment Info |
cost_per_add_payment_info | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Add Payment Info |
add_payment_info_rate | bigdecimal | Add Payment Info Rate (%) |
total_add_payment_info | bigdecimal | Total Add Payment Info |
cost_total_add_payment_info | bigdecimal | Cost per Total Add Payment Info |
add_to_wishlist | bigdecimal | Unique Add to Wishlist |
cost_per_add_to_wishlist | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Add to Wishlist |
add_to_wishlist_rate | bigdecimal | Add to Wishlist Rate (%) |
total_add_to_wishlist | bigdecimal | Total Add to Wishlist |
cost_per_total_add_to_wishlist | bigdecimal | Cost per Add to Wishlist |
value_per_total_add_to_wishlist | bigdecimal | Value per Add to Wishlist |
total_add_to_wishlist_value | bigdecimal | Total Add to Wishlist Value |
launch_app | bigdecimal | Unique Launch App |
cost_per_launch_app | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Launch App |
launch_app_rate | bigdecimal | Launch App Rate (%) |
total_launch_app | bigdecimal | Launch App (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_launch_app | bigdecimal | Cost per Launch App |
complete_tutorial | bigdecimal | Unique Complete Tutorial |
cost_per_complete_tutorial | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Complete Tutorial |
complete_tutorial_rate | bigdecimal | Complete Tutorial Rate (%) |
total_complete_tutorial | bigdecimal | Complete Tutorial (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_complete_tutorial | bigdecimal | Cost per Complete Tutorial |
value_per_total_complete_tutorial | bigdecimal | Value per Complete Tutorial |
total_complete_tutorial_value | bigdecimal | Total Complete Tutorial Value |
create_group | bigdecimal | Unique Create Group |
cost_per_create_group | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Create Group |
create_group_rate | bigdecimal | Create Group Rate (%) |
total_create_group | bigdecimal | Create Group (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_create_group | bigdecimal | Cost per Create Group |
value_per_total_create_group | bigdecimal | Value per Create Group |
total_create_group_value | bigdecimal | Total Create Group Value |
join_group | bigdecimal | Unique Join Group |
cost_per_join_group | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Join Group |
join_group_rate | bigdecimal | Join Group Rate (%) |
total_join_group | bigdecimal | Join Group (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_join_group | bigdecimal | Cost per Join Group |
value_per_total_join_group | bigdecimal | Value per Join Group |
total_join_group_value | bigdecimal | Total Join Group Value |
create_gamerole | bigdecimal | Unique Create Role |
cost_per_create_gamerole | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Create Role |
create_gamerole_rate | bigdecimal | Create Role Rate (%) |
total_create_gamerole | bigdecimal | Create Role (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_create_gamerole | bigdecimal | Cost per Create Role |
value_per_total_create_gamerole | bigdecimal | Value per Create Role |
total_create_gamerole_value | bigdecimal | Total Create Role Value |
spend_credits | bigdecimal | Unique Spend Credit |
cost_per_spend_credits | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Spend Credit |
spend_credits_rate | bigdecimal | Spend Credit Rate (%) |
total_spend_credits | bigdecimal | Spend Credit (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_spend_credits | bigdecimal | Cost per Spend Credit |
value_per_total_spend_credits | bigdecimal | Value per Spend Credit |
total_spend_credits_value | bigdecimal | Total Spend Credit Value |
achieve_level | bigdecimal | Unique Achieve Level |
cost_per_achieve_level | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Achieve Level |
achieve_level_rate | bigdecimal | Achieve Level Rate (%) |
total_achieve_level | bigdecimal | Achieve Level (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_achieve_level | bigdecimal | Cost per Achieve Level |
value_per_total_achieve_level | bigdecimal | Value per Achieve Level |
total_achieve_level_value | bigdecimal | Total Achieve Level Value |
unlock_achievement | bigdecimal | Unique Unlock Achievement |
cost_per_unlock_achievement | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Unlock Achievement |
unlock_achievement_rate | bigdecimal | Unlock Achievement Rate (%) |
total_unlock_achievement | bigdecimal | Unlock Achievement (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_unlock_achievement | bigdecimal | Cost per Unlock Achievement |
value_per_total_unlock_achievement | bigdecimal | Value per Unlock Achievement |
total_unlock_achievement_value | bigdecimal | Total Unlock Achievement Value |
sales_lead | bigdecimal | Unique Generate Lead |
cost_per_sales_lead | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Generate Lead |
sales_lead_rate | bigdecimal | Generate Lead Rate (%) |
total_sales_lead | bigdecimal | Generate Lead (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_sales_lead | bigdecimal | Cost per Generate Lead |
value_per_total_sales_lead | bigdecimal | Value per Generate Lead |
total_sales_lead_value | bigdecimal | Total Generate Lead Value |
in_app_ad_click | bigdecimal | Unique In App Ad Click |
cost_per_in_app_ad_click | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique In App Ad Click |
in_app_ad_click_rate | bigdecimal | In App Ad Click Rate (%) |
total_in_app_ad_click | bigdecimal | In App Ad Click (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_in_app_ad_click | bigdecimal | Cost per In App Ad Click |
value_per_total_in_app_ad_click | bigdecimal | Value per In App Ad Click |
total_in_app_ad_click_value | bigdecimal | Total In App Ad Click Value |
in_app_ad_impr | bigdecimal | Unique In App Ad Impr |
cost_per_in_app_ad_impr | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique In App Ad Impr |
in_app_ad_impr_rate | bigdecimal | In App Ad Impr Rate (%) |
total_in_app_ad_impr | bigdecimal | In App Ad Impr (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_in_app_ad_impr | bigdecimal | Cost per In App Ad Impr |
value_per_total_in_app_ad_impr | bigdecimal | Value per In App Ad Impr |
total_in_app_ad_impr_value | bigdecimal | Total In App Ad Impr Value |
loan_apply | bigdecimal | Unique Loan Apply |
cost_per_loan_apply | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Loan Apply |
loan_apply_rate | bigdecimal | Loan Apply Rate (%) |
total_loan_apply | bigdecimal | Loan Apply (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_loan_apply | bigdecimal | Cost per Loan Apply |
loan_credit | bigdecimal | Unique Loan Approval |
cost_per_loan_credit | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Loan Approval |
loan_credit_rate | bigdecimal | Loan Approval Rate (%) |
total_loan_credit | bigdecimal | Loan Approval (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_loan_credit | bigdecimal | Cost per Loan Approval |
loan_disbursement | bigdecimal | Unique Loan Disbursement |
cost_per_loan_disbursement | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Loan Disbursement |
loan_disbursement_rate | bigdecimal | Loan Disbursement Rate (%) |
total_loan_disbursement | bigdecimal | Loan Disbursement (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_loan_disbursement | bigdecimal | Cost per Loan Disbursement |
login | bigdecimal | Unique Login |
cost_per_login | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Login |
login_rate | bigdecimal | Login Rate (%) |
total_login | bigdecimal | Login (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_login | bigdecimal | Cost per Login |
ratings | bigdecimal | Unique Rate |
cost_per_ratings | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Rate |
ratings_rate | bigdecimal | Rate Rate (%) |
total_ratings | bigdecimal | Rate (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_ratings | bigdecimal | Cost per Rate |
value_per_total_ratings | bigdecimal | Value per Rate |
total_ratings_value | bigdecimal | Total Rate Value |
search | bigdecimal | Unique Search |
cost_per_search | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Search |
search_rate | bigdecimal | Search Rate (%) |
total_search | bigdecimal | Search (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_search | bigdecimal | Cost per Search |
start_trial | bigdecimal | Unique Start Trial |
cost_per_start_trial | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Start Trial |
start_trial_rate | bigdecimal | Start Trial Rate (%) |
total_start_trial | bigdecimal | Start Trial (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_start_trial | bigdecimal | Cost per Start Trial |
subscribe | bigdecimal | Unique Subscribe |
cost_per_subscribe | bigdecimal | Cost per Unique Subscribe |
subscribe_rate | bigdecimal | Subscribe Rate (%) |
total_subscribe | bigdecimal | Subscribe (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_subscribe | bigdecimal | Cost per Subscribe |
value_per_total_subscribe | bigdecimal | Value per Subscribe |
total_subscribe_value | bigdecimal | Total Subscribe Value |
vta_app_install | bigdecimal | VTA App Install |
vta_conversion | bigdecimal | VTA Conversions |
cost_per_vta_conversion | bigdecimal | Cost per VTA Conversion |
vta_registration | bigdecimal | VTA Registration |
cost_per_vta_registration | bigdecimal | Cost per VTA Registration |
vta_purchase | bigdecimal | VTA Purchase |
cost_per_vta_purchase | bigdecimal | Cost per VTA Purchase |
cta_app_install | bigdecimal | CTA App Install |
cta_conversion | bigdecimal | CTA Conversions |
cost_per_cta_conversion | bigdecimal | Cost per CTA Conversion |
cta_registration | bigdecimal | CTA Registration |
cost_per_cta_registration | bigdecimal | Cost per CTA Registration |
cta_purchase | bigdecimal | CTA Purchase |
cost_per_cta_purchase | bigdecimal | Cost per CTA Purchase |
complete_payment_roas | bigdecimal | Complete Payment ROAS |
complete_payment | bigdecimal | Complete Payment |
cost_per_complete_payment | bigdecimal | Complete Payment Cost |
complete_payment_rate | bigdecimal | Complete Payment Rate (%) |
value_per_complete_payment | bigdecimal | Value per Complete Payment |
page_browse_view | bigdecimal | Page Browse |
cost_per_page_browse_view | bigdecimal | Page Browse Cost |
page_browse_view_rate | bigdecimal | Page Browse Rate (%) |
total_page_browse_view_value | bigdecimal | Value per Page Browse |
value_per_page_browse_view | bigdecimal | Total Page Browse Value |
button_click | bigdecimal | Button Click |
cost_per_button_click | bigdecimal | Button Click Cost |
button_click_rate | bigdecimal | Button Click Rate (%) |
value_per_button_click | bigdecimal | Value per Button Click |
total_button_click_value | bigdecimal | Total Button Click Value |
online_consult | bigdecimal | Online Consultation |
cost_per_online_consult | bigdecimal | Online Consultation Cost |
online_consult_rate | bigdecimal | Online Consultation Rate (%) |
value_per_online_consult | bigdecimal | Value per Online Consultation |
total_online_consult_value | bigdecimal | Total Online Consultation Value |
user_registration | bigdecimal | User Registration |
cost_per_user_registration | bigdecimal | User Registration Cost |
user_registration_rate | bigdecimal | User Registration Rate (%) |
value_per_user_registration | bigdecimal | Value per User Registration |
total_user_registration_value | bigdecimal | Total User Registration Value |
product_details_page_browse | bigdecimal | Product Details Page Browse |
cost_per_product_details_page_browse | bigdecimal | Product Details Page Browse Cost |
product_details_page_browse_rate | bigdecimal | Product Details Page Browse Rate (%) |
value_per_product_details_page_browse | bigdecimal | Value per Product Details Page Browse |
total_product_details_page_browse_value | bigdecimal | Total Product Details Page Browse Value |
web_event_add_to_cart | bigdecimal | Add to Cart |
cost_per_web_event_add_to_cart | bigdecimal | Add to Cart Cost |
web_event_add_to_cart_rate | bigdecimal | Add to Cart Rate (%) |
value_per_web_event_add_to_cart | bigdecimal | Value per Add to Cart |
total_web_event_add_to_cart_value | bigdecimal | Total Add to Cart Value |
on_web_order | bigdecimal | Place an Order |
cost_per_on_web_order | bigdecimal | Place an Order Cost |
on_web_order_rate | bigdecimal | Place an Order Rate (%) |
value_per_on_web_order | bigdecimal | Value per Place an Order |
total_on_web_order_value | bigdecimal | Total Place an Order Value |
initiate_checkout | bigdecimal | Initiate Checkout |
cost_per_initiate_checkout | bigdecimal | Initiate Checkout Cost |
initiate_checkout_rate | bigdecimal | Initiate Checkout Rate (%) |
value_per_initiate_checkout | bigdecimal | Value per Initiate Checkout |
total_initiate_checkout_value | bigdecimal | Total Initiate Checkout Value |
add_billing | bigdecimal | Add Billing |
cost_per_add_billing | bigdecimal | Add Billing Cost |
add_billing_rate | bigdecimal | Add Billing Rate (%) |
value_per_add_billing | bigdecimal | Value per Add Billing |
total_add_billing_value | bigdecimal | Total Add Billing Value |
page_event_search | bigdecimal | Search |
cost_per_page_event_search | bigdecimal | Search Cost |
page_event_search_rate | bigdecimal | Search Rate (%) |
value_per_page_event_search | bigdecimal | Value per Search |
total_page_event_search_value | bigdecimal | Total Search Value |
form | bigdecimal | Form Submission |
cost_per_form | bigdecimal | Form Submission Cost |
form_rate | bigdecimal | Form Submission Rate (%) |
value_per_form | bigdecimal | Value per Form Submission |
total_form_value | bigdecimal | Total Form Submission Value |
download_start | bigdecimal | Download Button Click |
cost_per_download_start | bigdecimal | Download Button Click Cost |
download_start_rate | bigdecimal | Download Button Click Rate (%) |
value_per_download_start | bigdecimal | Value per Download Button Click |
total_download_start_value | bigdecimal | Total Download Button Click Value |
on_web_add_to_wishlist | integer | Total Add to Wishlist |
cost_per_on_web_add_to_wishlist | bigdecimal | Add To Wishlist Cost |
on_web_add_to_wishlist_per_click | bigdecimal | Add To Wishlist Rate |
value_per_on_web_add_to_wishlist | bigdecimal | Value per Add To Wishlist |
total_on_web_add_to_wishlist_value | bigdecimal | Total Add To Wishlist Value |
on_web_subscribe | integer | Total Subscribe |
cost_per_on_web_subscribe | bigdecimal | Subscribe Cost |
on_web_subscribe_per_click | bigdecimal | Subscribe Rate |
value_per_on_web_subscribe | bigdecimal | Value per Subscribe |
total_on_web_subscribe_value | bigdecimal | Total Subscribe Value |
app_promotion_type | string | App promotion type |
split_test | string | Split test status |
campaign_budget | string | Campaign budget |
campaign_dedicate_type | string | Campaign type |
opt_status | string | Automated creative optimization |
budget | string | Ad group budget |
smart_target | string | Optimization goal |
pricing_category | string | Billing Event |
bid_strategy | string | Bid strategy |
bid | string | Bid |
aeo_type | string | App Event Optimization Type |
call_to_action | string | Call to action |
gross_impressions | string | Gross Impressions (Includes Invalid Impressions) |
engagements | string | Total Engagement |
engagement_rate | string | Engagement Rate |
duet_clicks | string | Duet Clicks |
stitch_clicks | string | Stitch Clicks |
sound_usage_clicks | string | Sound Usage Clicks |
anchor_clicks | string | Anchor Clicks |
anchor_click_rate | string | Anchor Click Rate |
clicks_on_hashtag_challenge | string | Clicks on hashtag challenge |
ix_page_duration_avg | string | Instant Experience Average View Time |
ix_page_viewrate_avg | string | Instant Experience Average View Percentage |
ix_video_views | string | Instant Experience Video Component Views |
ix_video_views_p25 | string | Instant Experience Video Component Views at 25% |
ix_video_views_p50 | string | Instant Experience Video Component Views at 50% |
ix_video_views_p75 | string | Instant Experience Video Component Views at 75% |
ix_video_views_p100 | string | Instant Experience Video Component Views at 100% |
ix_average_video_play | string | Average View Time per Instant Experience Video Component |
unique_custom_app_events | string | Unique Custom App Event |
cost_per_unique_custom_app_event | string | Cost per Unique Custom App Event |
custom_app_event_rate | string | Custom App Event Rate (%) |
custom_app_events | string | Total Custom App Event |
cost_per_custom_app_event | string | Cost per Custom App Event |
value_per_custom_app_event | string | Value per Custom App Event |
custom_app_events_value | string | Total Custom App Event Value |
cost_per_onsite_shopping | string | Cost per Complete Payment (Onsite) |
onsite_shopping_rate | string | Complete Payment Rate (Onsite) (%) |
value_per_onsite_shopping | string | Value per Complete Payment (Onsite) |
total_onsite_shopping_value | string | Total Complete Payment Value (Onsite) |
cost_per_onsite_initiate_checkout_count | string | Cost per Initiate Checkout (Onsite) |
onsite_initiate_checkout_count_rate | string | Initiate Checkout Rate (Onsite) (%) |
value_per_onsite_initiate_checkout_count | string | Value per Initiate Checkout (Onsite) |
total_onsite_initiate_checkout_count_value | string | Total Initiate Checkout Value (Onsite) |
cost_per_onsite_on_web_detail | string | Cost per Product Details Page View (Onsite) |
onsite_on_web_detail_rate | string | Product Details Page View Rate (Onsite) (%) |
value_per_onsite_on_web_detail | string | Value per Product Details Page View (Onsite) |
total_onsite_on_web_detail_value | string | Total Product Details Page View Value (Onsite) |
cost_per_onsite_add_to_wishlist | string | Cost per Add To Wishlist (Onsite) |
onsite_add_to_wishlist_rate | string | Add To Wishlist Rate (Onsite) (%) |
value_per_onsite_add_to_wishlist | string | Value per Add To Wishlist (Onsite) |
total_onsite_add_to_wishlist_value | string | Total Add To Wishlist Value (Onsite) |
cost_per_onsite_add_billing | string | Cost per Add Billing (Onsite) |
onsite_add_billing_rate | string | Add Billing Rate (Onsite) (%) |
value_per_onsite_add_billing | string | Value per Add Billing (Onsite) |
total_onsite_add_billing_value | string | Total Add Billing Value (Onsite) |
cost_per_onsite_on_web_cart | string | Cost per Add to Cart (Onsite) |
onsite_on_web_cart_rate | string | Add to Cart Rate (Onsite) (%) |
value_per_onsite_on_web_cart | string | Value per Add to Cart (Onsite) |
total_onsite_on_web_cart_value | string | Total Add to Cart Value (Onsite) |
cost_per_onsite_form | string | Cost per Form Submission (Onsite) |
onsite_form_rate | string | Form Submission Rate (Onsite) (%) |
value_per_onsite_form | string | Value per Form Submission (Onsite) |
total_onsite_form_value | string | Total Form Submission Value (Onsite) |
cost_per_onsite_download_start | string | Cost per App Store Click (Onsite) |
onsite_download_start_rate | string | App Store Click Rate (Onsite) (%) |
cost_per_ix_page_view_count | string | Cost per Page Views (Onsite) |
ix_page_view_count_rate | string | Page Views Rate (Onsite) (%) |
cost_per_ix_button_click_count | string | Cost per Call-to-Action Button Clicks (Onsite) |
ix_button_click_count_rate | string | Call-to-Action Button Clicks Rate (Onsite) (%) |
cost_per_ix_product_click_count | string | Cost per Product Clicks (Onsite) |
ix_product_click_count_rate | string | Product Clicks Rate (Onsite) (%) |
total_pageview | string | Total Page View |
cost_per_pageview | string | Cost per Page View |
pageview_rate | string | Page View Rate (%) |
avg_value_per_pageview | string | Value per Page View |
total_value_per_pageview | string | Total Page View Value |
total_landing_page_view | string | Total Landing Page View |
cost_per_landing_page_view | string | Cost per Landing Page View |
landing_page_view_rate | string | Landing Page View Rate |
custom_page_events | string | Total Custom Page Event |
cost_per_custom_page_event | string | Cost per Custom Page Event |
custom_page_event_rate | string | Custom Page Event Rate (%) |
value_per_custom_page_event | string | Value per Custom Page Event |
custom_page_events_value | string | Total Custom Page Event Value |
cost_per_vta_app_install | string | Cost per VTA App Install |
cost_per_cta_app_install | string | Cost per CTA App Install |
skan_click_time_conversion | string | Conversions (SKAN click time) |
skan_click_time_cost_per_conversion | string | The average amount of money you've spent on a conversion |
skan_click_time_conversion_rate | string | The percentage of results you received out of all the clicks of your ads |
skan_app_install_withheld | string | The number of unique app install events |
skan_total_repetitive_active_pay_roas | string | The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from purchase events |
interactive_add_on_impressions | string | Interactive Add-on Impressions |
interactive_add_on_destination_clicks | string | Interactive Add-on Destination Clicks |
interactive_add_on_activity_clicks | string | Interactive Add-on Activity Clicks |
interactive_add_on_option_a_clicks | string | Interactive Add-on Option A Clicks |
interactive_add_on_option_b_clicks | string | Interactive Add-on Option B Clicks |
countdown_sticker_recall_clicks | string | Countdown Sticker Recall Clicks |
live_views | string | LIVE Views |
live_unique_views | string | LIVE Unique Views |
live_effective_views | string | Effective LIVE Views |
live_product_clicks | string | LIVE Product Clicks |
skan_vta_conversion | string | VTA Conversion (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_vta_conversion | string | Cost per VTA Conversion (SKAN) |
skan_vta_app_install | string | VTA App Install (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_vta_app_install | string | Cost per VTA App Install (SKAN) |
skan_vta_registration | string | VTA Registration (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_vta_registration | string | Cost per VTA Registration (SKAN) |
skan_vta_purchase | string | VTA Purchase (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_vta_purchase | string | Cost per VTA Purchase (SKAN) |
skan_cta_conversion | string | CTA Conversion (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_cta_conversion | string | Cost per CTA Conversion (SKAN) |
skan_cta_app_install | string | CTA App Install (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_cta_app_install | string | Cost per CTA App Install (SKAN) |
skan_cta_registration | string | CTA Registration (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_cta_registration | string | Cost per CTA Registration (SKAN) |
skan_cta_purchase | string | CTA Purchase (SKAN) |
skan_cost_per_cta_purchase | string | Cost per CTA Purchase (SKAN) |
offline_shopping_events | string | Total Complete Payment (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_shopping_event | string | Cost per Complete Payment (Offline) |
offline_shopping_event_rate | string | Complete Payment Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_shopping_event | string | Value per Complete Payment (Offline) |
offline_shopping_events_value | string | Total Complete Payment Value (Offline) |
offline_shopping_events_roas | string | Complete Payment ROAS (Offline) |
offline_contact_events | string | Total Contact (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_contact_event | string | Cost per Contact (Offline) |
offline_contact_event_rate | string | Contact Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_contact_event | string | Value per Contact (Offline) |
offline_contact_events_value | string | Total Contact Value (Offline) |
offline_subscribe_events | string | Total Subscribe (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_subscribe_event | string | Cost per Subscribe (Offline) |
offline_subscribe_event_rate | string | Subscribe Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_subscribe_event | string | Value per Subscribe (Offline) |
offline_subscribe_events_value | string | Total Subscribe Value (Offline) |
offline_form_events | string | Total Submit Form (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_form_event | string | Cost per Submit Form (Offline) |
offline_form_event_rate | string | Submit Form Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_form_event | string | Value per Submit Form (Offline) |
offline_form_events_value | string | Total Submit Form Value (Offline) |
offline_add_payment_info_events | string | Total Add Payment Info (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_add_payment_info_event | string | Cost per Add Payment Info (Offline) |
offline_add_payment_info_event_rate | string | Add Payment Info Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_add_payment_info_event | string | Value per Add Payment Info (Offline) |
offline_add_payment_info_events_value | string | Total Add Payment Info Value (Offline) |
offline_add_to_cart_events | string | Total Add to Cart (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_add_to_cart_event | string | Cost per Add to Cart (Offline) |
value_per_offline_add_to_cart_event | string | Value per Add to Cart (Offline) |
offline_add_to_cart_event_rate | string | Add to Cart Rate (Offline) (%) |
offline_add_to_cart_events_value | string | Total Add to Cart Value (Offline) |
offline_add_to_wishlist_events | string | Total Add to Wishlist (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_add_to_wishlist_event | string | Cost per Add to Wishlist (Offline) |
offline_add_to_wishlist_event_rate | string | Add to Wishlist Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_add_to_wishlist_event | string | Value per Add to Wishlist (Offline) |
offline_add_to_wishlist_events_value | string | Total Add to Wishlist Value (Offline) |
offline_click_button_events | string | Total Click Button (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_click_button_event | string | Cost per Click Button (Offline) |
offline_click_button_event_rate | string | Click Button Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_click_button_event | string | Value per Click Button (Offline) |
offline_click_button_events_value | string | Total Click Button Value (Offline) |
offline_complete_registration_events | string | Total Complete Registration (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_complete_registration_event | string | Cost per Complete Registration (Offline) |
offline_complete_registration_event_rate | string | Complete Registration Rate (Offline) |
value_per_offline_complete_registration_event | string | Value per Complete Registration (Offline) |
offline_complete_registration_events_value | string | Total Complete Registration Value (Offline) |
offline_download_events | string | Total Download (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_download_event | string | Cost per Download (Offline) |
offline_download_event_rate | string | Download Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_download_event | string | Value per Download (Offline) |
offline_download_events_value | string | Total Download Value (Offline) |
offline_initiate_checkout_events | string | Total Initiate Checkout (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_initiate_checkout_event | string | Cost per Initiate Checkout (Offline) |
offline_initiate_checkout_event_rate | string | Initiate Checkout Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_initiate_checkout_event | string | Value per Initiate Checkout (Offline) |
offline_initiate_checkout_events_value | string | Total Initiate Checkout Value (Offline) |
offline_place_order_events | string | Total Place an Order (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_place_order_event | string | Cost per Place an Order (Offline) |
offline_place_order_event_rate | string | Place an Order Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_place_order_event | string | Value per Place an Order (Offline) |
offline_place_order_events_value | string | Total Place an Order Value (Offline) |
offline_search_events | string | Total Search (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_search_event | string | Cost per Search (Offline) |
offline_search_event_rate | string | Search Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_search_event | string | Value per Search (Offline) |
offline_search_events_value | string | Total Search Value (Offline) |
offline_view_content_events | string | Total View Content (Offline) |
cost_per_offline_view_content_event | string | Cost per View Content (Offline) |
offline_view_content_event_rate | string | View Content Rate (Offline) (%) |
value_per_offline_view_content_event | string | Value per View Content (Offline) |
offline_view_content_events_value | string | Total View Content Value (Offline) |
CREATE VIEW tiktok_examples.example_BasicReport
SELECT * FROM tiktok.BasicReport (
data_level => 'AUCTION_ADGROUP',
initial_date => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -30,CurDate()),
preview => TRUE
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertiser Id
<advertiser_table> (optional): Table with the columns advertiser id to get info for each of
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
campaign_id | string | Campaign ID |
campaign_name | string | Campaign name |
campaign_type | string | Campaign Type |
advertiser_id | string | Advertiser ID |
budget | float | Campaign budget |
budget_mode | string | Budget type |
secondary_status | string | Campaign status |
operation_status | string | Operation status |
objective | string | Campaign type |
objective_type | string | Advertising objective |
budget_optimize_on | boolean | Whether Campaign Budget Optimization is enabled |
bid_type | integer | Bidding strategy on the campaign level |
optimization_goal | string | Optimization goal |
split_test_variable | string | Split Test variables |
is_new_structure | boolean | Whether the campaign is a new structure |
create_time | timestamp | Time at which the campaign was created |
modify_time | timestamp | Time at which the campaign was Modified |
app_id | string | The Application ID of the promoted app |
rf_campaign_type | string | Shows whether the campaign has been set as a TikTok Pulse campaign |
CREATE VIEW tiktok_examples.example_Campaign
SELECT * FROM tiktok.Campaign (
preview => TRUE
Dynamic Showcase Ads Report
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertiser Id
<advertiser_table> (optional): Table with the columns advertiser id to get info for each of
<data_level> (required): Reporting data level. Optional values: AUCTION_AD,AUCTION_ADGROUP,AUCTION_ADVERTISER,AUCTION_CAMPAIGN
<dimensions> (required): Grouping conditions
<initial_date> (optional): Earliest datetime to retrieve data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiser_id | string | Advertiser ID |
campaign_id | string | Campaign ID |
adgroup_id | string | Ad Group ID |
ad_id | string | Ad ID |
stat_time_day | date | Group by day |
catalog_id | string | Dimension Group by Catalog Id |
product_set_id | string | Dimension Group by Product Set Id |
product_id | string | Dimension Group by Product Id |
sku_id | string | Dimension Group by SKU Id |
catalog_name | string | Catalog name |
product_set_name | string | Product set name |
product_name | string | Product name |
campaign_name | string | Campaign name |
adgroup_name | string | Ad group name |
placement | string | Placement |
ad_name | string | Ad name |
ad_text | string | Ad text |
product_image | string | URL of the product image |
tt_app_id | string | TikTok App ID |
tt_app_name | string | TikTok App Name |
mobile_app_id | string | Mobile App ID |
promotion_type | string | Promotion type |
dpa_target_audience_type | string | Target audience type for DPA |
impressions | integer | The number of times your ads were on screen. |
clicks | integer | The number of clicks on your ads. |
spend | bigdecimal | The estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group or ad during its schedule. |
conversion | integer | The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the secondary goal you selected |
cost_per_conversion | bigdecimal | The average amount of money you've spent on a conversion |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | The percentage of results you received out of all the clicks of your ads |
ctr | bigdecimal | The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click |
cpc | bigdecimal | The average amount of money you've spent on a click |
cpm | bigdecimal | The average amount of money you've spent per 1,000 impressions |
real_time_result | integer | The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected |
real_time_cost_per_result | bigdecimal | Real-time Cost Per Result |
real_time_result_rate | bigdecimal | Real-time Result Rate (%) |
result | integer | The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected |
cost_per_result | bigdecimal | The average cost for each result from your ads |
result_rate | bigdecimal | The percentage of results you achieved out of all of the views/clicks on your ads |
currency | string | The currency code |
real_time_app_install | string | Real-time App Install |
real_time_app_install_cost | string | Cost per Real-time App Install |
app_install | string | App Install |
cost_per_app_install | string | Cost per App Install |
registration | string | Unique Registration |
cost_per_registration | string | Cost per Unique Registration |
registration_rate | string | Registration Rate (%) |
total_registration | string | Total Registration |
cost_per_total_registration | string | Cost per Registration |
purchase | string | Unique Purchase |
cost_per_purchase | string | Cost per Unique Purchase |
purchase_rate | string | Purchase Rate (%) |
total_purchase | string | Purchase (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_purchase | string | Cost per Purchase |
value_per_total_purchase | string | Value per Purchase |
total_purchase_value | string | Total Purchase Value |
total_active_pay_roas | string | Purchase ROAS |
app_event_add_to_cart | string | Unique Add to Cart |
cost_per_app_event_add_to_cart | string | Cost per Unique Add to Cart |
app_event_add_to_cart_rate | string | Unique Add to Cart Rate (%) |
total_app_event_add_to_cart | string | Total Add to Cart |
cost_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart | string | Cost per Add to Cart |
value_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart | string | Value per Add to Cart |
total_app_event_add_to_cart_value | string | Total Add to Cart Value |
checkout | string | Unique Checkout |
cost_per_checkout | string | Cost per Unique Checkout |
checkout_rate | string | Unique Checkout Rate (%) |
total_checkout | string | Total Checkout |
cost_per_total_checkout | string | Cost per Checkout |
value_per_checkout | string | Value per Checkout |
total_checkout_value | string | Total Checkout Value |
view_content | string | Unique View Content |
cost_per_view_content | string | Cost per Unique View Content |
view_content_rate | string | View Content Rate (%) |
total_view_content | string | Total View Content |
cost_per_total_view_content | string | Cost per View Content |
value_per_total_view_content | string | Value per View Content |
total_view_content_value | string | Total View Content Value |
next_day_open | string | Unique Day 1 Retention |
cost_per_next_day_open | string | Cost per Unique Day 1 Retention |
next_day_open_rate | string | Day 1 Retention Rate (%) |
total_next_day_open | string | Day 1 Retention (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_next_day_open | string | Cost per Day 1 Retention |
add_payment_info | string | Unique Add Payment Info |
cost_per_add_payment_info | string | Cost per Unique Add Payment Info |
add_payment_info_rate | string | Add Payment Info Rate (%) |
total_add_payment_info | string | Total Add Payment Info |
cost_total_add_payment_info | string | Cost per Add Payment Info |
add_to_wishlist | string | Unique Add to Wishlist |
cost_per_add_to_wishlist | string | Cost per Unique Add to Wishlist |
add_to_wishlist_rate | string | Add to Wishlist Rate (%) |
total_add_to_wishlist | string | Total Add to Wishlist |
cost_per_total_add_to_wishlist | string | Cost per Add to Wishlist |
value_per_total_add_to_wishlist | string | Value per Add to Wishlist |
total_add_to_wishlist_value | string | Total Add to Wishlist Value |
launch_app | string | Unique Launch App |
cost_per_launch_app | string | Cost per Unique Launch App |
launch_app_rate | string | Launch App Rate (%) |
total_launch_app | string | Launch App (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_launch_app | string | Cost per Launch App |
complete_tutorial | string | Unique Complete Tutorial |
cost_per_complete_tutorial | string | Cost per Unique Complete Tutorial |
complete_tutorial_rate | string | Complete Tutorial Rate (%) |
total_complete_tutorial | string | Complete Tutorial (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_complete_tutorial | string | Cost per Complete Tutorial |
value_per_total_complete_tutorial | string | Value per Complete Tutorial |
total_complete_tutorial_value | string | Total Complete Tutorial Value |
create_group | string | Unique Create Group |
cost_per_create_group | string | Cost per Unique Create Group |
create_group_rate | string | Create Group Rate (%) |
total_create_group | string | Create Group (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_create_group | string | Cost per Create Group |
value_per_total_create_group | string | Value per Create Group |
total_create_group_value | string | Total Create Group Value |
join_group | string | Unique Join Group |
cost_per_join_group | string | Cost per Unique Join Group |
join_group_rate | string | Join Group Rate (%) |
total_join_group | string | Join Group (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_join_group | string | Cost per Join Group |
value_per_total_join_group | string | Value per Join Group |
total_join_group_value | string | Total Join Group Value |
create_gamerole | string | Unique Create Role |
cost_per_create_gamerole | string | Cost per Unique Create Role |
create_gamerole_rate | string | Unique Create Role Rate (%) |
total_create_gamerole | string | Create Role (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_create_gamerole | string | Cost per Create Role |
value_per_total_create_gamerole | string | Value per Create Role |
total_create_gamerole_value | string | Total Create Role Value |
spend_credits | string | Unique Spend Credit |
cost_per_spend_credits | string | Cost per Unique Spend Credit |
spend_credits_rate | string | Spend Credit Rate (%) |
total_spend_credits | string | Spend Credit (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_spend_credits | string | Cost per Spend Credit |
value_per_total_spend_credits | string | Value per Spend Credit |
total_spend_credits_value | string | Total Spend Credit Value |
achieve_level | string | Unique Achieve Level |
cost_per_achieve_level | string | Cost per Unique Achieve Level |
achieve_level_rate | string | Achieve Level Rate (%) |
total_achieve_level | string | Achieve Level (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_achieve_level | string | Cost per Achieve Level |
value_per_total_achieve_level | string | Value per Achieve Level |
total_achieve_level_value | string | Total Achieve Level Value |
unlock_achievement | string | Unique Unlock Achievement |
cost_per_unlock_achievement | string | Cost per Unique Unlock Achievement |
unlock_achievement_rate | string | Unlock Achievement Rate (%) |
total_unlock_achievement | string | Unlock Achievement (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_unlock_achievement | string | Cost per Unlock Achievement |
value_per_total_unlock_achievement | string | Value per Unlock Achievement |
total_unlock_achievement_value | string | Total Unlock Achievement Value |
sales_lead | string | Unique Generate Lead |
cost_per_sales_lead | string | Cost per Unique Generate Lead |
sales_lead_rate | string | Generate Lead Rate (%) |
total_sales_lead | string | Generate Lead (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_sales_lead | string | Cost per Generate Lead |
value_per_total_sales_lead | string | Value per Generate Lead |
total_sales_lead_value | string | Total Generate Lead Value |
in_app_ad_click | string | Unique In-App Ad Click |
cost_per_in_app_ad_click | string | Cost per Unique In-App Ad Click |
in_app_ad_click_rate | string | In-App Ad Click Rate (%) |
total_in_app_ad_click | string | In-App Ad Click (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_in_app_ad_click | string | Cost per In-App Ad Click |
value_per_total_in_app_ad_click | string | Value per In-App Ad Click |
total_in_app_ad_click_value | string | Total In-App Ad Click Value |
in_app_ad_impr | string | Unique In-App Ad Impr |
cost_per_in_app_ad_impr | string | Cost per Unique In-App Ad Impr |
in_app_ad_impr_rate | string | In-App Ad Impr Rate (%) |
total_in_app_ad_impr | string | In-App Ad Impr (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_in_app_ad_impr | string | Cost per In-App Ad Impr |
value_per_total_in_app_ad_impr | string | Value per In-App Ad Impr |
total_in_app_ad_impr_value | string | Total In-App Ad Impr Value |
loan_apply | string | Unique Loan Apply |
cost_per_loan_apply | string | Cost per Unique Loan Apply |
loan_apply_rate | string | Loan Apply Rate (%) |
total_loan_apply | string | Loan Apply (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_loan_apply | string | Cost per Loan Apply |
loan_credit | string | Unique Loan Approval |
cost_per_loan_credit | string | Cost per Unique Loan Approval |
loan_credit_rate | string | Loan Approval Rate (%) |
total_loan_credit | string | Loan Approval (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_loan_credit | string | Cost per Loan Approval |
loan_disbursement | string | Unique Loan Disbursement |
cost_per_loan_disbursement | string | Cost per Unique Loan Disbursement |
loan_disbursement_rate | string | Loan Disbursement Rate (%) |
total_loan_disbursement | string | Loan Disbursement (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_loan_disbursement | string | Cost per Loan Disbursement |
login | string | Unique Login |
cost_per_login | string | Cost per Unique Login |
login_rate | string | Login Rate (%) |
total_login | string | Login (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_login | string | Cost per Login |
ratings | string | Unique Rate |
cost_per_ratings | string | Cost per Unique Rate |
ratings_rate | string | Rate Rate (%) |
total_ratings | string | Rate (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_ratings | string | Cost per Rate |
value_per_total_ratings | string | Value per Rate |
total_ratings_value | string | Total Rate Value |
search | string | Unique Search |
cost_per_search | string | Cost per Unique Search |
search_rate | string | Search Rate (%) |
total_search | string | Total Search |
cost_per_total_search | string | Cost per Search |
start_trial | string | Unique Start Trial |
cost_per_start_trial | string | Cost per Unique Start Trial |
start_trial_rate | string | Start Trial Rate (%) |
total_start_trial | string | Start Trial (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_start_trial | string | Cost per Start Trial |
subscribe | string | Unique Subscribe |
cost_per_subscribe | string | Cost per Unique Subscribe |
subscribe_rate | string | Subscribe Rate (%) |
total_subscribe | string | Subscribe (Total No.) |
cost_per_total_subscribe | string | Cost per Subscribe |
value_per_total_subscribe | string | Value per Subscribe |
total_subscribe_value | string | Total Subscribe Value |
complete_payment_roas | string | Complete Payment ROAS |
complete_payment | string | Total Complete Payment |
cost_per_complete_payment | string | Cost per Complete Payment |
complete_payment_rate | string | Complete Payment Rate (%) |
value_per_complete_payment | string | Value per Complete Payment |
total_complete_payment_rate | string | Total Complete Payment Value |
value_per_button_click | string | Value per Button Click |
total_button_click_value | string | Total Button Click Value |
user_registration | string | Total Complete Registration |
cost_per_user_registration | string | Cost per Complete Registration |
user_registration_rate | string | Complete Registration Rate (%) |
value_per_user_registration | string | Value per Complete Registration |
total_user_registration_value | string | Total Complete Registration Value |
web_event_add_to_cart | string | Add to Cart |
cost_per_web_event_add_to_cart | string | Cost per Add to Cart |
web_event_add_to_cart_rate | string | Add to Cart Rate (%) |
value_per_web_event_add_to_cart | string | Value per Add to Cart |
total_web_event_add_to_cart_value | string | Total Add to Cart Value |
on_web_order | string | Total Place an Order |
cost_per_on_web_order | string | Cost per Place an Order |
on_web_order_rate | string | Place an Order Rate (%) |
value_per_on_web_order | string | Value per Place an Order |
total_on_web_order_value | string | Total Place an Order Value |
initiate_checkout | string | Total Initiate Checkout |
cost_per_initiate_checkout | string | Cost per Initiate Checkout |
initiate_checkout_rate | string | Initiate Checkout Rate (%) |
value_per_initiate_checkout | string | Value per Initiate Checkout |
total_initiate_checkout_value | string | Total Initiate Checkout Value |
add_billing | string | Add Billing |
cost_per_add_billing | string | Add Billing Cost |
add_billing_rate | string | Add Billing Rate (%) |
value_per_add_billing | string | Value per Add Billing |
total_add_billing_value | string | Total Add Billing Value |
page_event_search | string | Search |
cost_per_page_event_search | string | Search Cost |
page_event_search_rate | string | Search Rate (%) |
value_per_page_event_search | string | Value per Search |
total_page_event_search_value | string | Total Search Value |
form | string | Total Submit Form |
cost_per_form | string | Cost per Submit Form |
form_rate | string | Submit Form Rate (%) |
value_per_form | string | Value per Submit Form |
total_form_value | string | Total Submit Form Value |
download_start | string | Total Download |
cost_per_download_start | string | Cost per Download |
download_start_rate | string | Download Rate (%) |
value_per_download_start | string | Value per Download |
total_download_start_value | string | Total Download Value |
on_web_add_to_wishlist | string | Total Add to Wishlist |
cost_per_on_web_add_to_wishlist | string | Cost per Add To Wishlist |
on_web_add_to_wishlist_per_click | string | Add To Wishlist Rate |
value_per_on_web_add_to_wishlist | string | Value per Add To Wishlist |
total_on_web_add_to_wishlist_value | string | Total Add To Wishlist Value |
on_web_subscribe | string | Total Subscribe |
cost_per_on_web_subscribe | string | Subscribe Cost |
on_web_subscribe_per_click | string | Subscribe Rate (%) |
value_per_on_web_subscribe | string | Value per Subscribe |
total_on_web_subscribe_value | string | Total Subscribe Value |
CREATE VIEW tiktok_examples.example_DSAReport
SELECT * FROM tiktok.DSAReport (
data_level => 'AUCTION_CAMPAIGN',
dimensions => 'campaign_id,catalog_id,product_id',
initial_date => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -30,CurDate()),
preview => true
Playable Ads Report
<advertiser_id> (optional): Advertiser Id
<advertiser_table> (optional): Table with the columns advertiser id to get info for each of
<countrylyAggregation> (optional): true- by country, false - not. Defaut: by country
<initial_date> (optional): Earliest datetime to retrieve data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
advertiser_id | string | Advertiser ID |
playable_id | string | Playable Id |
country_code | string | Country Code |
playable_name | string | Dimension Playable Name |
playable_url | string | Dimension Playable URL |
preview_url | string | Dimension Thumbnail |
create_time | timestamp | Dimension Create time |
modify_time | timestamp | Dimension Modify time |
playable_status | string | Dimension Status |
orientation | string | Dimension Display orientation |
country | string | Dimension Delivery Country |
associated_adgroup_count | string | Dimension No. of Related Ad Groups |
spend | bigdecimal | Total Cost |
cpm | bigdecimal | CPM |
impressions | integer | Impressions |
clicks | integer | Clicks |
ctr | bigdecimal | CTR (%) |
conversion | integer | Conversion |
cost_per_conversion | bigdecimal | CPA |
conversion_rate | bigdecimal | CVR (%) |
conversion_rate_v2 | string | CVR (Impressions) |
currency | string | The currency code |
app_install | integer | App Install |
cost_per_app_install | bigdecimal | Cost per App Install |
app_install_rate | bigdecimal | App Install Rate |
playable_page_view_count | string | Playable page views |
playable_first_scene_view_count | string | Playable views: first scene |
playable_second_scene_view_count | string | Playable views: second scene |
playable_third_scene_view_count | string | Playable views: third scene |
playable_cta_click | string | Playable CTA button clicks |
CREATE VIEW tiktok_examples.example_PlayableAdsReport
SELECT * FROM tiktok.PlayableAdsReport (
initial_date => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -30,CurDate()),
preview => true