Twitter API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_
prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
Twitter Ad metrics
<accountId> (required): Twitter Account ID
<periodDuration> (required): Duration of a single batch: max 45 for HOUR/async, 7 for HOUR/sync, and 90 for DAY/TOTAL
<twitterEntityType> (required): Entity type: ACCOUNT, CAMPAIGN, LINE_ITEM, or PROMOTED_TWEET
<granularity> (required): Metrics granularity: HOUR, DAY, or TOTAL
<withDeleted> (optional): Include deleted items (only applicable when entityIds is null, otherwise ignored)
<twitterSegmentationType> (optional): Segmentation type
<idPortion> (optional): How many IDs to query at the same time, default 20
<entityIds> (optional): Request data for the entities of these IDs only, rather than obtaining all from the API
<startTime> (required): Start time to collect metrics (will be rounded backwards to the whole hour, adjust to local full day for DAY granularity)
<endTime> (optional): Optionally limit data to the specified timestamp
<preview> (optional): Preview the data and limit API calls to 1
<target_table> (optional): Target table to save data
<sync> (optional): Use the synchronous API
<delete_last_days> (optional): Delete last x days, where x =0..30, but not deeper than 37 days ago from now and not deeper than startTime will be deleted
Attribute | Type |
accountId | string |
id | string |
start_time | timestamp |
end_time | timestamp |
segmentation_type | string |
country | string |
placement | string |
granularity | string |
entity | string |
platform | string |
segment_name | string |
segment_value | string |
engagements | long |
impressions | long |
retweets | long |
replies | long |
likes | long |
follows | long |
card_engagements | long |
clicks | long |
app_clicks | long |
url_clicks | long |
qualified_impressions | long |
billed_engagements | long |
billed_charge_local_micro | long |
video_total_views | long |
video_views_25 | long |
video_views_50 | long |
video_views_75 | long |
video_views_100 | long |
video_cta_clicks | long |
video_content_starts | long |
video_mrc_views | long |
video_3s100pct_views | long |
media_views | long |
media_engagements | long |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_Analytics AS
CALL twitter.Analytics(
accountId => '18ce53ylipy'/* Mandatory: Twitter Account ID */,
periodDuration => 45/* Mandatory: Duration of a single batch: max 45 for HOUR, and 90 for DAY/TOTAL */,
twitterEntityType => 'PROMOTED_TWEET'/* Mandatory: Entity type: ACCOUNT, CAMPAIGN, LINE_ITEM, or PROMOTED_TWEET */,
granularity => 'HOUR'/* Mandatory: Metrics granularity: HOUR, DAY, or TOTAL */,
withDeleted => true/* Optional: Include deleted items (only applicable when entityIds is null, otherwise ignored) */,
twitterSegmentationType => 'GENDER'/* Optional: Segmentation type */,
idPortion => 20/* Optional: How many IDs to query at the same time, default 20 */,
entityIds => null/* Optional: Request data for the entities of these IDs only, rather than obtaining all from the API */,
startTime => '2016-07-01 07:00:00'/* Mandatory: Start time to collect metrics (will be rounded backwards to the whole hour, adjust to local full day for DAY granularity) */,
endTime => '2016-07-30 07:00:00'/* Optional: Optionally limit data to the specified timestamp */,
preview => true/* Optional: Preview the data and limit API calls to 1 */,
target_table => null/* Optional: Target table to save data */
) x
Download all Twitter Ads Analytics (metrics)
<startTime> (required): Start time
<accountId> (optional): The identifier for the leveraged account
<twitterEntityType> (required): Entity type: ACCOUNT, CAMPAIGN, LINE_ITEM, or PROMOTED_TWEET
<granularity> (required): Metrics granularity: HOUR, DAY, or TOTAL
<periodDuration> (optional): Batch duration
<withDeleted> (optional): Include deleted items (only applicable when entityIds is null, otherwise ignored)
<twitterSegmentationType> (optional): Segmentation type
<idPortion> (optional): How many IDs to query at the same time, default 20
<preview> (optional): Preview the data and limit API calls to 1
<target_table> (optional): Fully-qualified table name to store the data
<sync> (optional): Use the synchronous API
<delete_last_days> (optional): Delete last x days, where x =0..30, but not deeper than 37 days ago from now and not deeper than startTime will be deleted
Attribute | Type |
accountId | string |
id | string |
start_time | timestamp |
end_time | timestamp |
segmentation_type | string |
country | string |
placement | string |
granularity | string |
entity | string |
platform | string |
segment_name | string |
segment_value | string |
engagements | long |
impressions | long |
retweets | long |
replies | long |
likes | long |
follows | long |
card_engagements | long |
clicks | long |
app_clicks | long |
url_clicks | long |
qualified_impressions | long |
billed_engagements | long |
billed_charge_local_micro | long |
video_total_views | long |
video_views_25 | long |
video_views_50 | long |
video_views_75 | long |
video_views_100 | long |
video_cta_clicks | long |
video_content_starts | long |
video_mrc_views | long |
video_3s100pct_views | long |
media_views | long |
media_engagements | long |
Non-public metrics
<tweet_table> (optional): Table name with tweet data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
reported_at | timestamp | Reported At |
tweet_id | long | Tweet Id |
non_public_metrics_impression_count | integer | NonPublic Metrics Impression Count |
non_public_metrics_url_link_clicks | integer | NonPublic Metrics Url Link Clicks |
non_public_metrics_user_profile_clicks | integer | NonPublic Metrics User Profile Clicks |
organic_metrics_impression_count | integer | Organic Metrics Impression Count |
organic_metrics_like_count | integer | Organic Metrics Like Count |
organic_metrics_reply_count | integer | Organic Metrics Reply Count |
organic_metrics_retweet_count | integer | Organic Metrics Retweet Count |
organic_metrics_url_link_clicks | integer | Organic Metrics Url Link Clicks |
organic_metrics_user_profile_clicks | integer | Organic Metrics User Profile Clicks |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_NonPublicMetrics AS
CALL twitter.NonPublicMetrics(
preview => true/* Optional: Preview the data and limit API calls to 1 */,
target_table => null/* Optional: Target table to save data */
) x
Public metrics
<tweet_table> (optional): Table name with tweet data
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
reported_at | timestamp | Reported At |
tweet_id | long | Reported At |
public_metrics_retweet_count | integer | Retweet Count |
public_metrics_reply_count | integer | Reply Count |
public_metrics_like_count | integer | Like Count |
public_metrics_quote_count | integer | Quote Count |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_PublicMetrics AS
CALL twitter.PublicMetrics(
preview => true/* Optional: Preview the data and limit API calls to 1 */,
target_table => null/* Optional: Target table to save data */
) x
Create an asynchronous analytics job for the current account
<accountId> (required): The identifier for the leveraged account
<twitterEntityType> (required): The entity type to retrieve data for. Possible values: ACCOUNT, CAMPAIGN, FUNDING_INSTRUMENT, LINE_ITEM, ORGANIC_TWEET, PROMOTED_TWEET
<ids> (required): The specific entities to retrieve data for. Specify a comma-separated list of entity IDs
<startTime> (required): Scopes the retrieved data to the specified start time
<endTime> (required): Scopes the retrieved data to the specified end time
<granularity> (required): Specify how granular the retrieved data should be
<placement> (optional): Scopes the retrieved data to a particular placement. Possible values: ALL_ON_TWITTER, PUBLISHER_NETWORK
<twitterSegmentationType> (optional): Specify how the retrieved data should be segmented
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
ExpiresAt | string |
JobId | long |
Status | string |
Url | string |
Advertising-enabled accounts the authenticating user has access to
<accountIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the desired account IDs by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers
<sortBy> (optional): Sorts by supported attribute in ascending or descending order
<withDeleted> (optional): Include deleted results in your request
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
ApprovalStatus | string |
BusinessId | string |
BusinessName | string |
CreatedAt | timestamp |
Currency | string |
Deleted | boolean |
Id | string |
IndustryType | string |
Name | string |
Salt | string |
Timezone | string |
TimezoneSwitchAt | timestamp |
hourOffset | integer |
UpdatedAt | timestamp |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_getAllAccounts AS
CALL twitter.getAllAccounts(
withDeleted => true,
preview => true
) x
Campaigns associated with accounts
<accountId> (optional): The identifier for the leveraged account
<campaignIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the desired campaigns by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<withDraft> (optional): Scope the response to just line items under draft campaigns
<fundingInstrumentIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the campaigns under specific funding instruments by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<sortBy> (optional): Sorts by supported attribute in ascending or descending order
<withDeleted> (optional): Include deleted results in your request
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | string |
CreateTime | timestamp |
Currency | string |
DailyBudgetInMicro | long |
Deleted | boolean |
DurationInDays | integer |
EndTime | timestamp |
EntityStatus | string |
FrequencyCap | integer |
FundingInstrumentId | string |
Id | string |
Name | string |
Paused | boolean |
ReasonsNotServable | string |
Servable | boolean |
StandardDelivery | boolean |
StartTime | timestamp |
TotalBudgetInMicro | long |
UpdateTime | timestamp |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_getAllCampaigns AS
CALL twitter.getAllCampaigns(
accountId => null/* Optional: The identifier for the leveraged account. */,
campaignIds => null/* Optional: A string of comma-separated values. Scope the response to just the desired campaigns by specifying a commaseparated list of identifiers. Up to 50 ids may be provided. */,
fundingInstrumentIds => null/* Optional: A string of comma-separated values. Scope the response to just the desired funding instruments by specifying a commaseparated list of identifiers. */,
withDeleted => true/* Mandatory: Include deleted results in your request. */,
preview => true
) x
Funding instruments associated with accounts
<accountId> (optional): The identifier for the leveraged account
<fundingInstrumentIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the line items under specific funding instruments by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<sortBy> (optional): Sorts by supported attribute in ascending or descending order
<withDeleted> (optional): Include deleted results in your request
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
AbleToFund | boolean |
AccountId | string |
CreatedAt | timestamp |
CreditLimitMicro | long |
CreditRemaining | long |
Currency | string |
Deleted | boolean |
Description | string |
EndTime | timestamp |
EntityStatus | string |
FundedAmountMicro | long |
Id | string |
IOHeader | string |
Name | string |
StartTime | timestamp |
Type | string |
UpdatedAt | timestamp |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_getAllFundingInstruments AS
CALL twitter.getAllFundingInstruments(
accountId => null/* Optional: The identifier for the leveraged account. */,
withDeleted => true/* Mandatory: Include deleted results in your request. */,
fundingInstrumentIds => null/* Optional: A string of comma-separated values. Scope the response to just the desired funding instruments by specifying a Collection of identifiers. Up to 50 ids may be provided. */,
preview => true
) x
Line items associated with the accounts
<accountId> (optional): The identifier for the leveraged account
<campaignIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the line items under specific campaigns by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<withDraft> (optional): Scope the response to just line items under draft campaigns
<fundingInstrumentIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the line items under specific funding instruments by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<lineItemIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the desired line items by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<sortBy> (optional): Sorts by supported attribute in ascending or descending order
<withDeleted> (optional): Include deleted results in your request
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
AccountId | string |
AdvertiserDomain | string |
AdvertiserUserId | long |
AutomaticallySelectBid | boolean |
BidAmtInMicro | string |
BidType | string |
BidUnit | string |
CampaignId | string |
Categories | string |
ChargeBy | string |
CreatedAt | timestamp |
CreativeSource | string |
Currency | string |
Deleted | boolean |
EntityStatus | string |
Id | string |
Name | string |
Objective | string |
Optimization | string |
Paused | boolean |
Placements | string |
ProductType | string |
Sentiment | string |
UpdatedAt | timestamp |
WebEventTag | string |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_getAllLineItems AS
CALL twitter.getAllLineItems(
accountId => null/* Optional: The identifier for the leveraged account. */,
campaignIds => null/* Optional: A string of comma-separated values. Scope the response to just the desired campaigns by specifying a Collection of identifiers. Up to 50 ids may be provided. */,
lineItemIds => null/* Optional: A string of comma-separated values. Scope the response to just the desired line items by specifying a Collection of identifiers. Up to 50 ids may be provided. */,
fundingInstrumentIds => null/* Optional: A string of comma-separated values. Scope the response to just the desired funding instruments by specifying a Collection of identifiers. Up to 50 ids may be provided. */,
withDeleted => true/* Mandatory: Include deleted results in your request. */,
preview => true
) x
Tweets associated with line items under the accounts
<accountId> (optional): The identifier for the leveraged account
<lineItemIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the Tweets associated with specific line items by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<campaignId> (optional):
<mediaCreativeIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the desired media creatives by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<sortBy> (optional): Sorts by supported attribute in ascending or descending order
<withDeleted> (optional): Include deleted results in your request
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
ApprovalStatus | string |
CreatedAt | timestamp |
Deleted | boolean |
ServingStatus | string |
Id | string |
LineItemId | string |
LandingUrl | string |
AccountMediaId | string |
UpdatedAt | timestamp |
Tweets associated with line items under the accounts
<accountId> (optional): The identifier for the leveraged account
<lineItemIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the Tweets associated with specific line items by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<promotedTweetIds> (optional): Scope the response to just the desired promoted Tweets by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<sortBy> (optional): Sorts by supported attribute in ascending or descending order
<withDeleted> (optional): Include deleted results in your request
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
ApprovalStatus | string |
CreatedAt | timestamp |
Deleted | boolean |
EntityStatus | string |
Id | string |
LineItemId | string |
Paused | boolean |
TweetId | string |
UpdatedAt | timestamp |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_getAllPromotedTweets AS
CALL twitter.getAllPromotedTweets(
accountId => null/* Optional: The identifier for the leveraged account. */,
withDeleted => true/* Mandatory: Include deleted results in your request. */,
preview => true
) x
Returns analytics data in synchronous way
<accountId> (required): The identifier for the leveraged account
<twitterEntityType> (required): The entity type to retrieve data for. Possible values: ACCOUNT, CAMPAIGN, FUNDING_INSTRUMENT, LINE_ITEM, ORGANIC_TWEET, PROMOTED_TWEET
<ids> (required): The specific entities to retrieve data for. Specify a comma-separated list of entity IDs
<startTime> (required): Scopes the retrieved data to the specified start time
<endTime> (required): Scopes the retrieved data to the specified end time
<granularity> (required): Specify how granular the retrieved data should be
<placement> (optional): Scopes the retrieved data to a particular placement. Possible values: ALL_ON_TWITTER, PUBLISHER_NETWORK
<twitterSegmentationType> (optional): Specify how the retrieved data should be segmented
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
response | clob |
<user_id> (optional): The ID of the user for whom to return results
<screen_name> (optional): The screen name of the user for whom to return results
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
reported_at | timestamp | Reported At |
id | long | Follower Id |
id_str | string | The string representation of the unique identifier for this User |
name | string | The name of the user, as they've defined it |
screen_name | string | The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with |
location | string | The user-defined location for this account's profile. Not necessarily a location, nor machine-parseable. This field will occasionally be fuzzily interpreted by the Search service |
url | string | A URL provided by the user in association with their profile |
description | string | The user-defined UTF-8 string describing their account |
protected | boolean | When true, indicates that this user has chosen to protect their Tweets |
verified | boolean | When true, indicates that the user has a verified account |
followers_count | integer | The number of followers this account currently has. Under certain conditions of duress, this field will temporarily indicate "0" |
friends_count | integer | The number of users this account is following (AKA their "followings"). Under certain conditions of duress, this field will temporarily indicate "0" |
listed_count | integer | The number of public lists that this user is a member of |
favourites_count | integer | The number of Tweets this user has liked in the account's lifetime |
statuses_count | integer | The number of Tweets (including retweets) issued by the user |
created_at | string | Created At |
profile_banner_url | string | The HTTPS-based URL pointing to the standard web representation of the user's uploaded profile banner |
profile_image_url_https | string | A HTTPS-based URL pointing to the user's profile image |
default_profile | boolean | When true, indicates that the user has not altered the theme or background of their user profile |
default_profile_image | boolean | When true, indicates that the user has not uploaded their own profile image and a default image is used instead |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_getFollowers AS
CALL twitter.getFollowers(
preview => true/* Optional: Preview the data and limit API calls to 1 */,
target_table => null/* Optional: Target table to save data */
) x
Retrieve details for some or all asynchronous analytics jobs for the current account
<accountId> (required): The identifier for the leveraged account
<jobIds> (required): Scope the response to just the desired jobs by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
ExpiresAt | string |
JobId | long |
Status | string |
Url | string |
Most recent Tweets posted by the user indicated by the screen_name or user_id parameters, or home timeline, or mentions timeline
<user_id> (optional): The ID of the user for whom to return results
<screen_name> (optional): The screen name of the user for whom to return results
<mentions> (optional): Returns the most recent mentions (Tweets containing a users's @screen_name) for the authenticating user
<home> (optional): Returns a collection of the most recent Tweets and Retweets posted by the authenticating user and the users they follow
<exclude_replies> (optional): This parameter will prevent replies from appearing in the returned timeline
<include_rts> (optional): When set to false , the timeline will strip any native retweets (though they will still count toward both the maximal length of the timeline and the slice selected by the count parameter)
<since_id> (optional): Returns results with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type |
created_at | timestamp |
id | long |
full_text | string |
display_text_range | string |
source | string |
in_reply_to_status_id | long |
in_reply_to_user_id | long |
in_reply_to_screen_name | string |
user_id | long |
is_quote_status | boolean |
retweet_count | integer |
favorite_count | integer |
favorited | boolean |
retweeted | boolean |
possibly_sensitive | boolean |
lang | string |
CREATE VIEW twitter_examples.example_getTimeline AS
CALL twitter.getTimeline(
user_id => null,
screen_name => 'DataVirtuality',
mentions => null,
home => null,
exclude_replies => false,
include_rts => true,
target_table => null,
preview => true
Fully-hydrated user objects for up to 100 users per request
<user_id> (optional): The ID of the user for whom to return results
<screen_name> (optional): The screen name of the user for whom to return results
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The integer representation of the unique identifier for this User |
id_str | string | The string representation of the unique identifier for this User |
name | string | The name of the user, as they've defined it |
screen_name | string | The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with |
location | string | The user-defined location for this account's profile. Not necessarily a location, nor machine-parseable. This field will occasionally be fuzzily interpreted by the Search service |
url | string | A URL provided by the user in association with their profile |
description | string | The user-defined UTF-8 string describing their account |
protected | boolean | When true, indicates that this user has chosen to protect their Tweets |
verified | boolean | When true, indicates that the user has a verified account |
followers_count | integer | The number of followers this account currently has. Under certain conditions of duress, this field will temporarily indicate "0" |
friends_count | integer | The number of users this account is following (AKA their "followings"). Under certain conditions of duress, this field will temporarily indicate "0" |
listed_count | integer | The number of public lists that this user is a member of |
favourites_count | integer | The number of Tweets this user has liked in the account's lifetime |
statuses_count | integer | The number of Tweets (including retweets) issued by the user |
created_at | string | The UTC datetime that the user account was created on Twitter |
geo_enabled | boolean | When true, indicates that the user has enabled the possibility of geotagging their Tweets |
lang | string | The BCP 47 code for the user's self-declared user interface language. May or may not have anything to do with the content of their Tweets |
contributors_enabled | boolean | Indicates that the user has an account with "contributor mode" enabled, allowing for Tweets issued by the user to be co-authored by another account |
profile_background_color | string | The hexadecimal color chosen by the user for their background |
profile_background_image_url | string | A HTTP-based URL pointing to the background image the user has uploaded for their profile |
profile_background_image_url_https | string | A HTTPS-based URL pointing to the background image the user has uploaded for their profile |
profile_background_tile | boolean | When true, indicates that the user's profile_background_image_url should be tiled when displayed |
profile_banner_url | string | The HTTPS-based URL pointing to the standard web representation of the user's uploaded profile banner |
profile_image_url | string | A HTTP-based URL pointing to the user's profile image |
profile_image_url_https | string | A HTTPS-based URL pointing to the user's profile image |
profile_link_color | string | The hexadecimal color the user has chosen to display links with in their Twitter UI |
profile_sidebar_border_color | string | The hexadecimal color the user has chosen to display sidebar borders with in their Twitter UI |
profile_sidebar_fill_color | string | The hexadecimal color the user has chosen to display sidebar backgrounds with in their Twitter UI |
profile_text_color | string | The hexadecimal color the user has chosen to display text with in their Twitter UI |
profile_use_background_image | boolean | When true, indicates the user wants their uploaded background image to be used |
default_profile | boolean | When true, indicates that the user has not altered the theme or background of their user profile |
default_profile_image | boolean | When true, indicates that the user has not uploaded their own profile image and a default image is used instead |