Views and Procedures for Facebook
The public API procedures may call internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the prefix internal_ in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefix in their names.
Ad Insights
Marketing Insights
<account_id> (optional): Ad Account ID
<campaign_id> (optional): Ad Campaign ID (overrides Account ID)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date
<end_date> (optional): End Date
<batchSize> (optional): Download data in batches, duration in days
<level> (optional): Level: Campaign, Adset or Ad
<daily> (optional): Daily precision or summary data
<clean28days> (optional): Remove 28 last days each time
<breakdown_age> (optional): Age breakdown: Enables breakdown of results by the age range of the people you've reached
<breakdown_country> (optional): Country breakdown: Enables breakdown of results by country
<breakdown_device_platform> (optional): Device platform breakdown: Enables breakdown of results by the type of device, mobile or desktop, used by people when they viewed or clicked on an ad, as shown in ads reporting
<breakdown_gender> (optional): Gender breakdown: Enables breakdown of the results by gender
<breakdown_publisher_platform> (optional): Publisher platform breakdown: Enables breakdown of the results by a platform your ad was shown, for example on Facebook, Instagram, or Audience Network
<breakdown_product_id> (optional): Product id breakdown: Enables breakdown of the results by id of the product involved in impression, click, or action
<actionsOnly> (optional): Only request actions, otherwise all ads action stats
<action_attributes_mask> (optional): Override mask 101010 for 1d_click,1d_view,7d_click,7d_view,28d_click,28d_view
<syncMode> (optional): If true, data is requested synchronously
<fieldsOverride> (optional): Requests only the specified list of fields from the API
<no_ads_action_stats> (optional): Do not request ad action stats, and only create the single table
<customFields> (optional): JSON object to define extra columns
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
impressions | integer |
clicks | integer |
reach | integer |
spend | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
frequency | bigdecimal |
age | string |
country | string |
device_platform | string |
gender | string |
publisher_platform | string |
product_id | string |
account_currency | string |
buying_type | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
conversion_rate_ranking | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
engagement_rate_ranking | string |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
full_view_impressions | integer |
full_view_reach | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
quality_ranking | string |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
video_play_curve_actions | clob |
ads_action_stats | xml |
CREATE VIEW facebook_examples.example_MarketingInsights
SELECT * FROM facebook.MarketingInsights(
start_date => TimestampAdd (SQL_TSI_DAY, -1, CurDate()),
level => 'ad',
daily => true,
breakdown_country => true,
no_ads_action_stats => true,
preview => true
Marketing Actions
<account_id> (optional): Ad Account ID
<campaign_id> (optional): Ad Campaign ID (overrides Account ID)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date
<end_date> (optional): End Date
<batchSize> (optional): Download data in batches, duration in days
<level> (optional): Level: Campaign, Adset or Ad
<daily> (optional): Daily precision or summary data
<actionsOnly> (optional): Only request actions, otherwise all ads action stats
<clean28days> (optional): Remove 28 last days each time
<breakdown_age> (optional): Age breakdown: Enables breakdown of results by the age range of the people you've reached
<breakdown_country> (optional): Country breakdown: Enables breakdown of results by country
<breakdown_device_platform> (optional): Device platform breakdown: Enables breakdown of results by the type of device, mobile or desktop, used by people when they viewed or clicked on an ad, as shown in ads reporting
<breakdown_gender> (optional): Gender breakdown: Enables breakdown of the results by gender
<breakdown_publisher_platform> (optional): Publisher platform breakdown: Enables breakdown of the results by a platform your ad was shown, for example on Facebook, Instagram, or Audience Network
<breakdown_product_id> (optional): Product id breakdown: Enables breakdown of the results by id of the product involved in impression, click, or action
<action_attributes_mask> (optional): Override mask 101010 for 1d_click,1d_view,7d_click,7d_view,28d_click,28d_view
<syncMode> (optional): If true, data is requested synchronously
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
age | string |
country | string |
device_platform | string |
gender | string |
publisher_platform | string |
product_id | string |
name | string |
action_type | string |
value | bigdecimal |
1d_view | bigdecimal |
1d_click | bigdecimal |
7d_view | bigdecimal |
7d_click | bigdecimal |
28d_view | bigdecimal |
28d_click | bigdecimal |
Ad Metadata
Ad accounts
<preview> (optional): Preview
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
id | string |
name | string |
Ad daily performance by account
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<perCampaign> (optional): Iterates campaigns and downloads performance on campaign level, rather that account, to reduce the amount of downloaded data in each batch
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
Ad daily performance by account
<start_date> (optional): Start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account ID
<clean28days> (optional): Remove 28 last days each time
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size. Lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for"
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
clicks | integer |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
reach | integer |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
Ad daily performance by account (extended)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
app_custom_event | double |
action_fb_mobile_activate_app | double |
fb_mobile_complete_registration | double |
fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | double |
fb_mobile_purchase | double |
fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | double |
app_custom_event_other | double |
comment | double |
landing_page_view | double |
mobile_app_install | double |
offsite_conversion | double |
fb_pixel_complete_registration | double |
fb_pixel_lead | double |
page_engagement | double |
post | double |
post_engagement | double |
post_reaction | double |
video_view | double |
checkin | double |
leadgen_other | double |
like | double |
mention | double |
fb_pixel_custom | double |
fb_pixel_view_content | double |
key_page_view | double |
offsite_conversion_registration | double |
photo_view | double |
unlike | double |
rsvp | double |
offsite_conversion_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_search | double |
receive_offer | double |
<account_id> (optional): Ad Account ID (one or CSV list)
<cleanupTable> (optional): Empties the table before saving data
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of this ad |
account_id | long | The ID of the ad account that this ad belongs to |
adset_id | long | ID of the ad set that contains the ad |
bid_amount | integer | Bid amount for this ad which will be used in auction instead of the ad set bid_amount, if specified |
bid_type | string | Bid type |
campaign_id | long | ID of the ad campaign that contains this ad |
creative_id | long | The ID of this creative |
creative_name | string | The name of the creative in the creative library |
creative_image_url | string | A URL for the image for this creative |
creative_link_url | string | Used to identify a specific landing tab on the Page (e.g. a Page tab app) by the Page tab's URL |
creative_object_type | string | The type of object that is being advertised |
creative_object_url | string | Destination URL for a link ads not connected to a page |
creative_template_url | string | The Tracking URL for dynamic product ads |
creative_url_tags | string | A set of query string parameters which will replace or be appended to urls clicked from page post ads, message of the post, and canvas app install creatives only |
configured_status | string | The configured status of the ad |
created_time | timestamp | Created time in UTC |
created_time_timezone | string | Created time timezone |
effective_status | string | The effective status of the ad. The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent units |
last_updated_by_app_id | long | Last Updated By App ID |
name | string | Name of the ad |
source_ad_id | long | The source ad id that this ad is copied from |
status | string | The configured status of the ad |
updated_time | timestamp | Updated time in UTC |
updated_time_timezone | string | Updated time timezone |
preview_desktop_feed_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_facebook_story_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instant_article_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instream_video_desktop | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instream_video_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_marketplace_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_feed_basic | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_feed_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_right_column_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_suggested_video_desktop | string | Ad Preview |
preview_suggested_video_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_watch_feed_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instagram_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instagram_story | string | Ad Preview |
preview_messenger_mobile_inbox_media | string | Ad Preview |
preview_audience_network_instream_video | string | Ad Preview |
preview_audience_network_instream_video_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_audience_network_outstream_video | string | Ad Preview |
preview_audience_network_rewarded_video | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_banner | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_fullwidth | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_interstitial | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_medium_rectangle | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_native | string | Ad Preview |
Ad daily performance
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
Ad daily performance (extended)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
app_custom_event | double |
action_fb_mobile_activate_app | double |
fb_mobile_complete_registration | double |
fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | double |
fb_mobile_purchase | double |
fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | double |
app_custom_event_other | double |
comment | double |
landing_page_view | double |
mobile_app_install | double |
offsite_conversion | double |
fb_pixel_complete_registration | double |
fb_pixel_lead | double |
page_engagement | double |
post | double |
post_engagement | double |
post_reaction | double |
video_view | double |
checkin | double |
leadgen_other | double |
like | double |
mention | double |
fb_pixel_custom | double |
fb_pixel_view_content | double |
key_page_view | double |
offsite_conversion_registration | double |
photo_view | double |
unlike | double |
rsvp | double |
offsite_conversion_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_search | double |
receive_offer | double |
Adset daily performance (extended)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
app_custom_event | double |
action_fb_mobile_activate_app | double |
fb_mobile_complete_registration | double |
fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | double |
fb_mobile_purchase | double |
fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | double |
app_custom_event_other | double |
comment | double |
landing_page_view | double |
mobile_app_install | double |
offsite_conversion | double |
fb_pixel_complete_registration | double |
fb_pixel_lead | double |
page_engagement | double |
post | double |
post_engagement | double |
post_reaction | double |
video_view | double |
checkin | double |
leadgen_other | double |
like | double |
mention | double |
fb_pixel_custom | double |
fb_pixel_view_content | double |
key_page_view | double |
offsite_conversion_registration | double |
photo_view | double |
unlike | double |
rsvp | double |
offsite_conversion_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_search | double |
receive_offer | double |
Adset daily performance
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
Campaign daily performance
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
Campaign daily performance (extended)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
app_custom_event | double |
action_fb_mobile_activate_app | double |
fb_mobile_complete_registration | double |
fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | double |
fb_mobile_purchase | double |
fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | double |
app_custom_event_other | double |
comment | double |
landing_page_view | double |
mobile_app_install | double |
offsite_conversion | double |
fb_pixel_complete_registration | double |
fb_pixel_lead | double |
page_engagement | double |
post | double |
post_engagement | double |
post_reaction | double |
video_view | double |
checkin | double |
leadgen_other | double |
like | double |
mention | double |
fb_pixel_custom | double |
fb_pixel_view_content | double |
key_page_view | double |
offsite_conversion_registration | double |
photo_view | double |
unlike | double |
rsvp | double |
offsite_conversion_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_search | double |
receive_offer | double |
General ad daily performance
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
General ad daily performance (extended)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
app_custom_event | double |
action_fb_mobile_activate_app | double |
fb_mobile_complete_registration | double |
fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | double |
fb_mobile_purchase | double |
fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | double |
app_custom_event_other | double |
comment | double |
landing_page_view | double |
mobile_app_install | double |
offsite_conversion | double |
fb_pixel_complete_registration | double |
fb_pixel_lead | double |
page_engagement | double |
post | double |
post_engagement | double |
post_reaction | double |
video_view | double |
checkin | double |
leadgen_other | double |
like | double |
mention | double |
fb_pixel_custom | double |
fb_pixel_view_content | double |
key_page_view | double |
offsite_conversion_registration | double |
photo_view | double |
unlike | double |
rsvp | double |
offsite_conversion_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_search | double |
receive_offer | double |
General ad daily performance by account
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
General ad daily performance by account (extended)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
app_custom_event | double |
action_fb_mobile_activate_app | double |
fb_mobile_complete_registration | double |
fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | double |
fb_mobile_purchase | double |
fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | double |
app_custom_event_other | double |
comment | double |
landing_page_view | double |
mobile_app_install | double |
offsite_conversion | double |
fb_pixel_complete_registration | double |
fb_pixel_lead | double |
page_engagement | double |
post | double |
post_engagement | double |
post_reaction | double |
video_view | double |
checkin | double |
leadgen_other | double |
like | double |
mention | double |
fb_pixel_custom | double |
fb_pixel_view_content | double |
key_page_view | double |
offsite_conversion_registration | double |
photo_view | double |
unlike | double |
rsvp | double |
offsite_conversion_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_search | double |
receive_offer | double |
Adset daily performance by account
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
Adset daily performance by account (extended)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
app_custom_event | double |
action_fb_mobile_activate_app | double |
fb_mobile_complete_registration | double |
fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | double |
fb_mobile_purchase | double |
fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | double |
app_custom_event_other | double |
comment | double |
landing_page_view | double |
mobile_app_install | double |
offsite_conversion | double |
fb_pixel_complete_registration | double |
fb_pixel_lead | double |
page_engagement | double |
post | double |
post_engagement | double |
post_reaction | double |
video_view | double |
checkin | double |
leadgen_other | double |
like | double |
mention | double |
fb_pixel_custom | double |
fb_pixel_view_content | double |
key_page_view | double |
offsite_conversion_registration | double |
photo_view | double |
unlike | double |
rsvp | double |
offsite_conversion_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_search | double |
receive_offer | double |
Ad Sets
<account_id> (optional): Ad Account ID
<cleanupTable> (optional): Empties the table before saving data
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Ad set ID |
account_id | long | Ad Account ID |
bid_amount | integer | Bid amount for this ad set, defined as your true value bid based on optimization_goal |
billing_event | string | The billing event for this ad set |
budget_remaining | bigdecimal | Remaining budget |
campaign_id | long | The ID of campaign which contains this ad set |
configured_status | string | The status set at the ad set level. It can be different from the effective status due to its parent campaign |
created_time | timestamp | Created time |
created_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the created time |
daily_budget | bigdecimal | The daily budget of the set defined in your account currency |
destination_type | string | Destination of ads in this Ad Set (e.g. Website, App, Messenger) |
effective_status | string | The effective status of the ad set, which can be either its own status or caused by its parent campaign |
end_time | timestamp | End time |
end_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the end time |
instagram_actor_id | long | Represents your Instagram account id, used for ads, including dynamic creative ads on Instagram |
lifetime_budget | bigdecimal | The lifetime budget of the set defined in your account currency |
lifetime_imps | long | Lifetime impressions |
name | string | Name of ad set |
optimization_goal | string | Which optimization goal this ad set is using |
pacing_type | string | Defines the pacing type, standard or using ad scheduling |
promoted_object_application_id | long | The object this ad set is promoting across all its ads. The ID of a Facebook Application. Usually related to mobile or canvas games being promoted on Facebook for installs or engagement |
promoted_object_custom_event_type | string | The event from an App Event of a mobile app, or tag of an conversion pixel |
promoted_object_event_id | long | The ID of a Facebook Event |
promoted_object_object_store_url | string | The uri of the mobile / digital store where an application can be bought / downloaded |
promoted_object_offer_id | long | The ID of an Offer from a Facebook Page |
promoted_object_page_id | long | The ID of a Facebook Page |
promoted_object_pixel_id | long | The ID of a Facebook conversion pixel |
promoted_object_place_page_set_id | long | The ID of a Place Page Set for Dynamic Local Ads |
promoted_object_product_catalog_id | long | The ID of a Product Catalog |
promoted_object_product_set_id | long | The ID of a Product Set within an Ad Set level Product Catalog |
recurring_budget_semantics | boolean | If this field is true, your daily spend may be more than your daily budget while your weekly spend will not exceed 7 times your daily budget |
source_adset_id | long | The source ad set id that this ad set was copied from |
start_time | timestamp | Start time |
start_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the start time |
status | string | The status set at the ad set level. It can be different from the effective status due to its parent campaign |
updated_time | timestamp | Updated time |
updated_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the updated time |
use_new_app_click | boolean | If set, allows Mobile App Engagement ads to optimize for LINK_CLICKS |
All Ads
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of this ad |
account_id | long | The ID of the ad account that this ad belongs to |
adset_id | long | ID of the ad set that contains the ad |
bid_amount | integer | Bid amount for this ad which will be used in auction instead of the ad set bid_amount, if specified |
bid_type | string | Bid type |
campaign_id | long | ID of the ad campaign that contains this ad |
creative_id | long | The ID of this creative |
creative_name | string | The name of the creative in the creative library |
creative_image_url | string | A URL for the image for this creative |
creative_link_url | string | Used to identify a specific landing tab on the Page (e.g. a Page tab app) by the Page tab's URL |
creative_object_type | string | The type of object that is being advertised |
creative_object_url | string | Destination URL for a link ads not connected to a page |
creative_template_url | string | The Tracking URL for dynamic product ads |
creative_url_tags | string | A set of query string parameters which will replace or be appended to urls clicked from page post ads, message of the post, and canvas app install creatives only |
configured_status | string | The configured status of the ad |
created_time | timestamp | Created time in UTC |
created_time_timezone | string | Created time timezone |
effective_status | string | The effective status of the ad. The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent units |
last_updated_by_app_id | long | Last Updated By App ID |
name | string | Name of the ad |
source_ad_id | long | The source ad id that this ad is copied from |
status | string | The configured status of the ad |
updated_time | timestamp | Updated time in UTC |
updated_time_timezone | string | Updated time timezone |
preview_desktop_feed_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_facebook_story_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instant_article_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instream_video_desktop | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instream_video_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_marketplace_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_feed_basic | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_feed_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_right_column_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_suggested_video_desktop | string | Ad Preview |
preview_suggested_video_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_watch_feed_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instagram_standard | string | Ad Preview |
preview_instagram_story | string | Ad Preview |
preview_messenger_mobile_inbox_media | string | Ad Preview |
preview_audience_network_instream_video | string | Ad Preview |
preview_audience_network_instream_video_mobile | string | Ad Preview |
preview_audience_network_outstream_video | string | Ad Preview |
preview_audience_network_rewarded_video | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_banner | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_fullwidth | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_interstitial | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_medium_rectangle | string | Ad Preview |
preview_mobile_native | string | Ad Preview |
All Ad Sets
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Ad set ID |
account_id | long | Ad Account ID |
bid_amount | integer | Bid amount for this ad set, defined as your true value bid based on optimization_goal |
billing_event | string | The billing event for this ad set |
budget_remaining | bigdecimal | Remaining budget |
campaign_id | long | The ID of campaign which contains this ad set |
configured_status | string | The status set at the ad set level. It can be different from the effective status due to its parent campaign |
created_time | timestamp | Created time |
created_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the created time |
daily_budget | bigdecimal | The daily budget of the set defined in your account currency |
destination_type | string | Destination of ads in this Ad Set (e.g. Website, App, Messenger) |
effective_status | string | The effective status of the ad set, which can be either its own status or caused by its parent campaign |
end_time | timestamp | End time |
end_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the end time |
instagram_actor_id | long | Represents your Instagram account id, used for ads, including dynamic creative ads on Instagram |
lifetime_budget | bigdecimal | The lifetime budget of the set defined in your account currency |
lifetime_imps | long | Lifetime impressions |
name | string | Name of ad set |
optimization_goal | string | Which optimization goal this ad set is using |
pacing_type | string | Defines the pacing type, standard or using ad scheduling |
promoted_object_application_id | long | The object this ad set is promoting across all its ads. The ID of a Facebook Application. Usually related to mobile or canvas games being promoted on Facebook for installs or engagement |
promoted_object_custom_event_type | string | The event from an App Event of a mobile app, or tag of an conversion pixel |
promoted_object_event_id | long | The ID of a Facebook Event |
promoted_object_object_store_url | string | The uri of the mobile / digital store where an application can be bought / downloaded |
promoted_object_offer_id | long | The ID of an Offer from a Facebook Page |
promoted_object_page_id | long | The ID of a Facebook Page |
promoted_object_pixel_id | long | The ID of a Facebook conversion pixel |
promoted_object_place_page_set_id | long | The ID of a Place Page Set for Dynamic Local Ads |
promoted_object_product_catalog_id | long | The ID of a Product Catalog |
promoted_object_product_set_id | long | The ID of a Product Set within an Ad Set level Product Catalog |
recurring_budget_semantics | boolean | If this field is true, your daily spend may be more than your daily budget while your weekly spend will not exceed 7 times your daily budget |
source_adset_id | long | The source ad set id that this ad set was copied from |
start_time | timestamp | Start time |
start_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the start time |
status | string | The status set at the ad set level. It can be different from the effective status due to its parent campaign |
updated_time | timestamp | Updated time |
updated_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the updated time |
use_new_app_click | boolean | If set, allows Mobile App Engagement ads to optimize for LINK_CLICKS |
All Ad Campaigns
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Campaign's ID |
account_id | long | ID of the ad account that owns this campaign |
boosted_object_id | long | The Boosted Object this campaign has associated, if any |
budget_rebalance_flag | boolean | Whether to automatically rebalance budgets daily for all the adsets under this campaign |
buying_type | string | Buying type |
can_create_brand_lift_study | boolean | If we can create a new automated brand lift study for the ad set |
can_use_spend_cap | boolean | Whether the campaign can set the spend cap |
configured_status | string | If this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED |
created_time | timestamp | Created Time |
created_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the created time |
effective_status | string | The effective status of this campaign |
name | string | Campaign's name |
objective | string | Campaign's objective |
source_campaign_id | long | The source campaign id that this campaign is copied from |
spend_cap | bigdecimal | A spend cap for the campaign, such that it will not spend more than this cap |
start_time | timestamp | Start Time |
start_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the start time |
status | string | If this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED |
stop_time | timestamp | Stop Time |
stop_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the stop time |
updated_time | timestamp | Updated Time |
updated_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the updated time |
Campaign daily performance by account
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
Campaign daily performance by account (extended)
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data (optional)
<end_date> (optional): End Date|end date to which get the data (optional)
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<countryBreakdown> (optional): Country breakdown|Enable country breakdown
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batch size|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" (default 7 days, optional)
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
canvas_avg_view_percent | bigdecimal |
canvas_avg_view_time | bigdecimal |
clicks | integer |
country | string |
cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_inline_post_engagement | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_click | bigdecimal |
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click | bigdecimal |
cpc | bigdecimal |
cpm | bigdecimal |
cpp | bigdecimal |
ctr | bigdecimal |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
estimated_ad_recall_rate | bigdecimal |
estimated_ad_recallers | integer |
frequency | bigdecimal |
impressions | integer |
inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
inline_link_clicks | integer |
inline_post_engagement | integer |
objective | string |
reach | integer |
social_spend | bigdecimal |
spend | bigdecimal |
unique_clicks | integer |
unique_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_click_ctr | bigdecimal |
unique_inline_link_clicks | integer |
unique_link_clicks_ctr | bigdecimal |
app_custom_event | double |
action_fb_mobile_activate_app | double |
fb_mobile_complete_registration | double |
fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | double |
fb_mobile_purchase | double |
fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | double |
app_custom_event_other | double |
comment | double |
landing_page_view | double |
mobile_app_install | double |
offsite_conversion | double |
fb_pixel_complete_registration | double |
fb_pixel_lead | double |
page_engagement | double |
post | double |
post_engagement | double |
post_reaction | double |
video_view | double |
checkin | double |
leadgen_other | double |
like | double |
mention | double |
fb_pixel_custom | double |
fb_pixel_view_content | double |
key_page_view | double |
offsite_conversion_registration | double |
photo_view | double |
unlike | double |
rsvp | double |
offsite_conversion_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | double |
offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_search | double |
receive_offer | double |
Ad Campaigns
<account_id> (optional): Ad Account ID (one or CSV list)
<cleanupTable> (optional): Empties the table before saving data
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Campaign's ID |
account_id | long | ID of the ad account that owns this campaign |
boosted_object_id | long | The Boosted Object this campaign has associated, if any |
budget_rebalance_flag | boolean | Whether to automatically rebalance budgets daily for all the adsets under this campaign |
buying_type | string | Buying type |
can_create_brand_lift_study | boolean | If we can create a new automated brand lift study for the ad set |
can_use_spend_cap | boolean | Whether the campaign can set the spend cap |
configured_status | string | If this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED |
created_time | timestamp | Created Time |
created_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the created time |
effective_status | string | The effective status of this campaign |
name | string | Campaign's name |
objective | string | Campaign's objective |
source_campaign_id | long | The source campaign id that this campaign is copied from |
spend_cap | bigdecimal | A spend cap for the campaign, such that it will not spend more than this cap |
start_time | timestamp | Start Time |
start_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the start time |
status | string | If this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED |
stop_time | timestamp | Stop Time |
stop_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the stop time |
updated_time | timestamp | Updated Time |
updated_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the updated time |
Campaigns and Creatives for account
<account_id> (required): ad_account|ad_account to fetch data sets uploads required
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview (returns last day)
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
boosted_object_id | long |
budget_rebalance_flag | boolean |
buying_type | string |
can_create_brand_lift_study | boolean |
can_use_spend_cap | boolean |
configured_status | string |
created_time | string |
effective_status | string |
name | string |
objective | string |
source_campaign_id | long |
spend_cap | long |
start_time | string |
status | string |
stop_time | string |
updated_time | string |
id | string |
ads_id | long |
ads_name | string |
creative_id | long |
creative_account_id | long |
creative_actor_id | long |
creative_applink_treatment | string |
creative_branded_content_sponsor_page_id | string |
creative_call_to_action_type | string |
creative_effective_instagram_story_id | string |
creative_effective_object_story_id | string |
creative_instagram_actor_id | long |
creative_instagram_story_id | long |
creative_link_og_id | string |
creative_name | string |
creative_object_id | string |
creative_object_story_id | string |
creative_object_type | string |
creative_product_set_id | long |
creative_status | string |
title | string |
creative_use_page_actor_override | string |
spec_page_id | long |
spec_link_link | string |
spec_link_message | string |
spec_link_name | string |
spec_link_caption | string |
spec_link_description | string |
spec_link_call_to_action_type | string |
spec_link_call_to_action_value_link | string |
instagram_actor_id | long |
video_id | long |
video_title | string |
video_message | string |
call_to_action_type | string |
call_to_action_link_caption | string |
call_to_action_link | string |
video_image_hash | string |
ads_adset_id | long |
All Ad Campaigns
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | Campaign's ID |
account_id | long | ID of the ad account that owns this campaign |
boosted_object_id | long | The Boosted Object this campaign has associated, if any |
budget_rebalance_flag | boolean | Whether to automatically rebalance budgets daily for all the adsets under this campaign |
buying_type | string | Buying type |
can_create_brand_lift_study | boolean | If we can create a new automated brand lift study for the ad set |
can_use_spend_cap | boolean | Whether the campaign can set the spend cap |
configured_status | string | If this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED |
created_time | timestamp | Created Time |
created_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the created time |
effective_status | string | The effective status of this campaign |
name | string | Campaign's name |
objective | string | Campaign's objective |
source_campaign_id | long | The source campaign id that this campaign is copied from |
spend_cap | bigdecimal | A spend cap for the campaign, such that it will not spend more than this cap |
start_time | timestamp | Start Time |
start_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the start time |
status | string | If this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED |
stop_time | timestamp | Stop Time |
stop_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the stop time |
updated_time | timestamp | Updated Time |
updated_time_timezone | string | The timezone for the updated time |
Ad Creatives
<account_id> (optional): Ad Account ID (one or CSV list)
<cleanupTable> (optional): Empties the table before saving data
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of this creative |
account_id | long | Account ID |
actor_id | long | The actor ID (Page ID) of this creative |
applink_treatment | string | Deep link fallback behavior for dynamic product ads if the app is not installed |
body | string | The body of the ad. Not supported for video post creatives |
branded_content_sponsor_page_id | long | Branded Content sponsor ID, creating ads using existing BC posts |
call_to_action_type | string | The call to action button text and header text of legacy ads |
effective_instagram_story_id | long | The ID of an Instagram post to use in an ad |
effective_object_story_id | string | The ID of a page post to use in an ad, regardless of whether it's an organic or unpublished page post |
image_hash | string | Image hash for an image you can use in creatives |
image_url | string | A URL for the image for this creative |
instagram_actor_id | long | Instagram actor ID |
instagram_permalink_url | string | Instagram permalink |
instagram_story_id | long | The ID of an Instagram post for creating ads |
link_og_id | string | The Open Graph (OG) ID for the link in this creative if the landing page has OG tags |
link_url | string | Used to identify a specific landing tab on the Page (e.g. a Page tab app) by the Page tab's URL |
messenger_sponsored_message | string | The JSON string of messenger sponsored message for this creative |
name | string | The name of the creative in the creative library |
object_id | long | The ID of the promoted_object or object that is relevant to the ad and ad type |
object_story_id | string | The ID of a page post to use in an ad |
object_type | string | The type of object that is being advertised |
object_url | string | Destination URL for a link ads not connected to a page |
product_set_id | long | The ID of the product set for this creative |
status | string | The status of this creative |
template_url | string | The Tracking URL for dynamic product ads |
thumbnail_url | string | The URL to a thumbnail for this creative |
title | string | Title for a link ad (not connected to a Page) |
url_tags | string | A set of query string parameters which will replace or be appended to urls clicked from page post ads, message of the post, and canvas app install creatives only |
use_page_actor_override | boolean | If this is true, we will show the page actor for mobile app ads |
video_id | long | The ID of the video in this creative |
spec_page_id | long | ID of a Facebook page |
spec_link_link | string | Link url |
spec_link_message | string | The main body of the post |
spec_link_name | string | Name of the link |
spec_link_caption | string | Link caption |
spec_link_description | string | Link description |
spec_link_call_to_action_type | string | An optional call to action button type |
spec_link_call_to_action_value_link | string | An optional call to action button value link |
All Ad Creatives
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID of this creative |
account_id | long | Account ID |
actor_id | long | The actor ID (Page ID) of this creative |
applink_treatment | string | Deep link fallback behavior for dynamic product ads if the app is not installed |
body | string | The body of the ad. Not supported for video post creatives |
branded_content_sponsor_page_id | long | Branded Content sponsor ID, creating ads using existing BC posts |
call_to_action_type | string | The call to action button text and header text of legacy ads |
effective_instagram_story_id | long | The ID of an Instagram post to use in an ad |
effective_object_story_id | string | The ID of a page post to use in an ad, regardless of whether it's an organic or unpublished page post |
image_hash | string | Image hash for an image you can use in creatives |
image_url | string | A URL for the image for this creative |
instagram_actor_id | long | Instagram actor ID |
instagram_permalink_url | string | Instagram permalink |
instagram_story_id | long | The ID of an Instagram post for creating ads |
link_og_id | string | The Open Graph (OG) ID for the link in this creative if the landing page has OG tags |
link_url | string | Used to identify a specific landing tab on the Page (e.g. a Page tab app) by the Page tab's URL |
messenger_sponsored_message | string | The JSON string of messenger sponsored message for this creative |
name | string | The name of the creative in the creative library |
object_id | long | The ID of the promoted_object or object that is relevant to the ad and ad type |
object_story_id | string | The ID of a page post to use in an ad |
object_type | string | The type of object that is being advertised |
object_url | string | Destination URL for a link ads not connected to a page |
product_set_id | long | The ID of the product set for this creative |
status | string | The status of this creative |
template_url | string | The Tracking URL for dynamic product ads |
thumbnail_url | string | The URL to a thumbnail for this creative |
title | string | Title for a link ad (not connected to a Page) |
url_tags | string | A set of query string parameters which will replace or be appended to urls clicked from page post ads, message of the post, and canvas app install creatives only |
use_page_actor_override | boolean | If this is true, we will show the page actor for mobile app ads |
video_id | long | The ID of the video in this creative |
spec_page_id | long | ID of a Facebook page |
spec_link_link | string | Link url |
spec_link_message | string | The main body of the post |
spec_link_name | string | Name of the link |
spec_link_caption | string | Link caption |
spec_link_description | string | Link description |
spec_link_call_to_action_type | string | An optional call to action button type |
spec_link_call_to_action_value_link | string | An optional call to action button value link |
Conversions Per Ad
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" ( default 7 days ) optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
action_type | string |
actions_value | long |
value_1d_click | long |
value_7d_click | long |
value_28d_click | long |
Conversions Per Adset
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" ( default 7 days ) optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
action_type | string |
actions_value | long |
value_1d_click | long |
value_7d_click | long |
value_28d_click | long |
Conversions per campaign
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
action_type | string |
actions_value | long |
Conversions by account per ad
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<perCampaign> (optional): Iterates campaigns and downloads performance on campaign level, rather that account, to reduce the amount of downloaded data in each batch
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" ( default 7 days ) optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
action_type | string |
actions_value | long |
value_1d_click | long |
value_7d_click | long |
value_28d_click | long |
Conversions by account per adset
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" ( default 7 days ) optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
action_type | string |
actions_value | long |
value_1d_click | long |
value_7d_click | long |
value_28d_click | long |
Conversions by account per campaign
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" ( default 7 days ) optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
action_type | string |
actions_value | long |
Conversions by ad WebLCV
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<account_id> (required): Ad Account Id|Ad Account Id
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" ( default 7 days ) optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long | |
account_name | string | |
ad_id | long | |
ad_name | string | |
date_start | date | |
date_stop | date | |
country | string | |
website_lcv_action_type | string | |
website_lcv_value | bigdecimal |
Website CTR Per Ad
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" ( default 7 days ) optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
ad_id | long |
ad_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
website_ctr_action_type | string |
website_ctr_value | bigdecimal |
Website CTR Per Adset
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" ( default 7 days ) optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
adset_id | long |
adset_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
website_ctr_action_type | string |
website_ctr_value | bigdecimal |
Website CTR per campaign
<start_date> (optional): Start Date|start date from which get the data optional
<clean28days> (optional): Clean 28 days|Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
<batch_size_in_days> (optional): Batchsize|lower this value if you see the message: "Please reduce the amount of data you are asking for" optional
<preview> (optional): Preview|preview ( returns last day )
<target_table> (optional): Target Table|full qualified table name where to store the data
Attribute | Type | Description |
account_id | long |
account_name | string |
campaign_id | long |
campaign_name | string |
date_start | date |
date_stop | date |
country | string |
website_ctr_action_type | string |
website_ctr_value | bigdecimal |
Page Information
Pages the current account has access to
<is_place> (optional): If specified,filter pages based on whetherthey are places or not
<is_promotable> (optional): If specified, filter pages based on whether they can be promoted or not
<show_access_token> (optional): Show access token associated to the page
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The ID representing a Facebook Page. |
category | string | The Page's category. e.g. Product/Service, Computers/Technology. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access . Core |
category_list | string | The Page's sub-categories. This field will not return the parent category. |
name | string | The name of the Page Core Default |
tasks | string | Tasks |
access_token | string | The Page's access token. Only returned if the User making the request has a role (other than Live Contributor) on the Page. If your business requires two-factor authentication, the User must also be authenticated |
Posts and status updates per page or account
<userId_or_pageId> (optional): UserId or PageId to return the posts
<queryFeed> (optional): Query page feed, rather than page posts (will also include posts published by others)
<postId> (optional): Specific PostId
<startDate> (optional): Start timestamp for posts
<endDate> (optional): End timestamp for posts
<fullReplication> (optional): Clean table on each iteration
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Post id |
created_time | timestamp | Post create time |
from_id | long | ID of the Profile that created the Post |
from_name | string | Name of the Profile that created the Post |
full_picture | string | URL to a full-sized version of the Photo published in the Post or scraped from a link in the Post |
icon | string | A link to an icon representing the type of this post |
instagram_eligibility | string | Whether the post can be promoted on Instagram |
is_hidden | boolean | If this post is marked as hidden |
is_published | boolean | Indicates whether a scheduled post was published (applies to scheduled Page Post only) |
message | string | Message content |
comment_count | integer | Comment count |
likes | integer | LIKE reactions |
love | integer | LOVE reactions |
haha | integer | HAHA reactions |
wow | integer | WOW reactions |
sad | integer | SAD reactions |
angry | integer | ANGRY reactions |
parent_id | string | The ID of a parent post for this post, if it exists |
permalink_url | string | URL to the permalink page of the post |
picture | string | URL to a resized version of the Photo published in the Post or scraped from a link in the Post |
shares | integer | The shares count of this post |
status_type | string | Description of the type of a status update |
updated_time | timestamp | Post update time |
Post Comments
<post_id> (optional): Post ID
<comment_id> (optional): Comment ID
<skipReplies> (optional): Skip comment replies
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
post_id | string | Post ID |
id | string | The comment ID |
can_comment | boolean | Whether the viewer can reply to this comment |
can_remove | boolean | Whether the viewer can remove this comment |
can_like | boolean | Whether the viewer can like this comment |
comment_count | integer | Number of replies to this comment |
created_time | timestamp | The time this comment was made |
from_name | string | The person that made this comment |
from_id | long | The ID of the person that made this comment |
like_count | integer | Number of times this comment was liked |
message | string | The comment text |
parent_id | string | For comment replies, this the ID of the comment that this is a reply to |
user_likes | boolean | Whether the viewer has liked this comment |
Post comments per page
<pageId> (required): Page ID
<skipReplies> (optional): Skip comment replies
<startDate> (optional): Start timestamp for posts
<endDate> (optional): End timestamp for posts
<skipPostsOlderThanDays> (optional): Allows skipping posts older that the specified number of days
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
post_id | string | Post ID |
id | string | The comment ID |
can_comment | boolean | Whether the viewer can reply to this comment |
can_remove | boolean | Whether the viewer can remove this comment |
can_like | boolean | Whether the viewer can like this comment |
comment_count | integer | Number of replies to this comment |
created_time | timestamp | The time this comment was made |
from_name | string | The person that made this comment |
from_id | long | The ID of the person that made this comment |
like_count | integer | Number of times this comment was liked |
message | string | The comment text |
parent_id | string | For comment replies, this the ID of the comment that this is a reply to |
user_likes | boolean | Whether the viewer has liked this comment |
Post likes
<post_id> (required): Post ID
<preview> (optional): Preview
Attribute | Type | Description |
post_id | string |
id | long |
name | string |
Post likes per page
<pageId> (optional): CSV list of Page ID
<startDate> (optional): Start timestamp for posts
<endDate> (optional): End timestamp for posts
<skipPostsOlderThanDays> (optional): Allows skipping posts older that the specified number of days
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
page_id | string | The page id |
post_id | string |
id | long |
name | string |
Post reactions
<post_id> (required): Post ID
<preview> (optional): Preview
Attribute | Type | Description |
post_id | string |
id | long |
name | string |
type | string |
Post reactions per page
<pageId> (optional): Page ID
<startDate> (optional): Start timestamp for posts
<endDate> (optional): End timestamp for posts
<skipPostsOlderThanDays> (optional): Allows skipping posts older that the specified number of days
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
Attribute | Type | Description |
page_id | string | The page id |
post_id | string |
id | long |
name | string |
type | string |
Photos per page or account
<userId_or_pageId> (optional): UserId or PageId to return the photos
<startDate> (optional): Start timestamp for photos
<endDate> (optional): End timestamp for photos
<biz_tag_id> (optional): Business tag id to filter photos
<business_id> (optional): Optional param assist with filters such as recently used
<type> (optional): Type: profile, tagged, uploaded. Allows you to query which type of photos to return
<fullReplication> (optional): Clean table on each iteration
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | long | The photo ID |
album_created_time | timestamp | The created time of the album this photo is in |
album_id | long | The id of the album this photo is in |
album_name | string | The name of the album this photo is in |
alt_text | string | Accessible alternative description for an image |
can_backdate | boolean | Indicates whether the viewer can backdate the photo |
can_delete | boolean | Indicates whether the viewer can delete the photo |
can_tag | boolean | Indicates whether the viewer can tag the photo |
from_id | long | The id of profile (user or page) that uploaded this photo |
from_name | string | The name of profile (user or page) that uploaded this photo |
height | string | The height of this photo in pixels |
icon | string | The icon that Facebook displays when photos are published to News Feed |
images | string | The different stored representations of the photo. Can vary in number based upon the size of the original photo. |
link | string | A link to the photo on Facebook |
page_story_id | string | ID of the page story this corresponds to. May not be on all photos. Applies only to published photos |
picture | string | Link to the 100px wide representation of this photo |
source | string | Deprecated. Use images instead Deprecated |
webp_images | string | The different stored representations of the photo in webp format. Can vary in number based upon the size of the original photo. |
width | string | The width of this photo in pixels |
created_time | timestamp | The time this photo was published Default |
updated_time | timestamp | The last time the photo was updated |
Procedure Generator for Post and Page Insights
Creates procedure Page-/Post- Insights by adjusting it's output to the the returned metrics
<pageId_or_postId> (required): PageID or PostID
<procedureLabel> (optional): Label to add to the procedure
<returnCodeOnly> (optional):
Attribute | Type | Description |
procedureCode | clob |
Samples of Generated Procedures
Day Page insights
<pageId> (required): Page ID
<startDate> (required): Start Date
<endDate> (optional): End Date
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<ignoreMetadataAdjustment> (optional): Do not match the target table metadata, simply insert assuming target table matches source data
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<clean28days> (optional): Removes the last 28 days from the resultset (but not older than 35 days), since data in Facebook may be changed "in the past"
Attribute | Type | Description |
page_id | string | Page ID |
page_actions_post_reactions_anger_total | long | Daily: total post anger reactions of a page. |
page_actions_post_reactions_haha_total | long | Daily: total post haha reactions of a page. |
page_actions_post_reactions_like_total | long | Daily: total post like reactions of a page. |
page_actions_post_reactions_love_total | long | Daily: total post love reactions of a page. |
page_actions_post_reactions_sorry_total | long | Daily: total post sorry reactions of a page. |
page_actions_post_reactions_total | long | Daily: total post reactions of a page. |
page_actions_post_reactions_wow_total | long | Daily: total post wow reactions of a page. |
page_call_phone_clicks_by_site_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total phone calls click count per Page by site (Unique Users) |
page_call_phone_clicks_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total phone calls click count per Page (Unique Users) |
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type | long | Daily: The number of clicks on any of your content, by type. Stories generated without clicks on page content (e.g., liking the page in Timeline) are not included. (Total Count) |
page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique | long | Daily: The number of of people who clicked on any of your content, by type. Stories that are created without clicking on Page content (ex, liking the Page from timeline) are not included. (Unique Users) |
page_consumptions | long | Daily: The number of clicks on any of your content. Stories generated without clicks on page content (e.g., liking the page in Timeline) are not included. (Total Count) |
page_consumptions_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who clicked on any of your content. Stories that are created without clicking on Page content (ex, liking the Page from timeline) are not included. (Unique Users) |
page_content_activity_by_action_type | long | Daily: The number of stories about your Page by story type. (Total Count) |
page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique | long | Daily: The number of people talking about your Page, by story type. (Unique Users) |
page_content_activity | long | Daily: The number of stories created about your Page. (Total Count) |
page_cta_clicks_by_site_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total CTA click count per Page by site (Unique Users) |
page_cta_clicks_logged_in_total | long | Daily: Total CTA click count per Page |
page_cta_clicks_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total CTA click count per Page (Unique Users) |
page_engaged_users | long | Daily: The number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click or story created. (Unique Users) |
page_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_unique_paid | long | Daily: The number of new people who have liked your page broken down by paid and non-paid. (Unique Users) |
page_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_unique_total | long | Daily: The number of new people who have liked your page broken down by paid and non-paid. (Unique Users) |
page_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_unique_unpaid | long | Daily: The number of new people who have liked your page broken down by paid and non-paid. (Unique Users) |
page_fan_adds | long | Daily: The number of new people who have liked your Page (Total Count) |
page_fan_adds_unique | long | Daily: The number of new people who have liked your Page (Unique Users) |
page_fan_removes | long | Daily: The number of Unlikes of your Page (Total Count) |
page_fan_removes_unique | long | Daily: The number of Unlikes of your Page (Unique Users) |
page_fans_by_like_source | long | Daily: This is a breakdown of the number of Page likes from the most common places where people can like your Page. (Total Count) |
page_fans_by_like_source_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who liked your Page, broken down by the most common places where people can like your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_fans_by_unlike_source_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who unliked your Page, broken down by the most common places where people can unlike your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_fans | long | Lifetime: The total number of people who have liked your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_fans_online | long | Daily: The number of people who liked your Page and when they are online in PST/PDT (Unique Users) |
page_get_directions_clicks_by_site_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total get direction click count per Page by site (Unique Users) |
page_get_directions_clicks_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total get direction click count per Page (Unique Users) |
page_impressions_by_story_type | long | Daily: Total impressions of posts published by a friend about your Page by type. (Total Count) |
page_impressions_by_story_type_unique | long | Daily: Total number of people who saw a posts about your Page by type. (Unique Users) |
page_impressions | long | Daily: The number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Total Count) |
page_impressions_frequency_distribution | long | Daily: The number of people your Page reached broken down by how many times people saw any content about your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_impressions_nonviral | long | Daily: The number of times any content from your Page entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Total Count) |
page_impressions_nonviral_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_impressions_organic | long | Daily: The number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Total Count) |
page_impressions_organic_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through unpaid distribution. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users) |
page_impressions_paid | long | Daily: The number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count) |
page_impressions_paid_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Unique Users) |
page_impressions_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more. (Unique Users) |
page_impressions_viral | long | Daily: The number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Total Count) |
page_impressions_viral_frequency_distribution | long | Daily: The number of people your Page reached from a story published by a friend, broken down by how many times people saw stories about your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_impressions_viral_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_negative_feedback_by_type | long | Daily: The number of times people have given negative feedback to your Page, by type. (Total Count) |
page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who have given negative feedback to your Page, by type. (Unique Users) |
page_negative_feedback | long | Daily: The number of times people have given negative feedback to your Page. (Total Count) |
page_negative_feedback_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who have given negative feedback to your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_places_checkin_mobile | long | Daily: Total check-ins at your Place using mobile devices (Total Count) |
page_places_checkin_mobile_unique | long | Daily: Total check-ins at your Place using mobile devices (Unique Users) |
page_places_checkin_total | long | Daily: Total check-ins at your Place (Total Count) |
page_places_checkin_total_unique | long | Daily: Total check-ins at your Place (Unique Users) |
page_positive_feedback_by_type | long | Daily: The number of times people have given positive feedback to your Page, by type. (Total Count) |
page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique | long | Daily: The number of times people have given positive feedback to your Page, by type. (Unique Users) |
page_post_engagements | long | Daily: The number of times people have engaged with your posts through like, comments and shares and more. |
page_posts_impressions | long | Daily: The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more. (Total Count) |
page_posts_impressions_frequency_distribution | long | Daily: The number of people who saw your Page posts, broken down by how many times people saw your posts. (Unique Users) |
page_posts_impressions_nonviral | long | Daily: The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Total Count) |
page_posts_impressions_nonviral_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any posts by your Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_posts_impressions_organic | long | Daily: The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution. (Total Count) |
page_posts_impressions_organic_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any of your Page's posts enter their screen through unpaid distribution. (Unique Users) |
page_posts_impressions_paid | long | Daily: The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count) |
page_posts_impressions_paid_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any of your Page's posts enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Unique Users) |
page_posts_impressions_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any of your Page's posts enter their screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more. (Unique Users) |
page_posts_impressions_viral | long | Daily: The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Total Count) |
page_posts_impressions_viral_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who had any of your Page's posts enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_posts_served_impressions_organic_unique | long | Daily: The number of people who were served your Page's organic posts in their News Feed whether it entered their screen or not. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more. (Unique Users) |
page_tab_views_login_top | long | Daily: Tabs on your Page that were viewed when logged-in users visited your Page. (Total Count) |
page_tab_views_login_top_unique | long | Daily: Tabs on your Page that were viewed when logged-in users visited your Page. (Unique Users) |
page_tab_views_logout_top | long | Daily: Page views by tab from users not logged into Facebook (Total Count) |
page_total_actions | long | Daily: The number of clicks on your Page's contact info and call-to-action button. |
page_video_complete_views_30s_autoplayed | long | Daily: Number of times your page's videos started automatically playing and people viewed it for 30 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count) |
page_video_complete_views_30s_click_to_play | long | Daily: Number of times a video has been viewed for at least 30s after the user clicked play (Total Count) |
page_video_complete_views_30s | long | Daily: Total number of times page's videos was viewed for at least 30 seconds. (Total Count) |
page_video_complete_views_30s_organic | long | Daily: Number of times the video has been viewed for at least 30s by organic reach (Total Count) |
page_video_complete_views_30s_paid | long | Daily: Number of times page's videos was viewed for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. (Total Count) |
page_video_complete_views_30s_repeat_views | long | Daily: Number of times a video has been viewed for at least 30s outside the first play (Total Count) |
page_video_complete_views_30s_unique | long | Daily: Metric showing videos played for unique people for at least 30 seconds aggregated at the page level (Unique Users) |
page_video_repeat_views | long | Daily: Number of times the video has been seen outside the first play (Total Count) |
page_video_view_time | long | Daily: The total amount of time (in milliseconds) people spent watching videos on your Page. |
page_video_views_10s_autoplayed | long | Daily: Number of times your page's videos started automatically playing and people viewed it for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count) |
page_video_views_10s_click_to_play | long | Daily: Number of times a video has been viewed for at least 10s after the user clicked play (Total Count) |
page_video_views_10s | long | Daily: Total number of times page's videos was viewed for at least 10 seconds. (Total Count) |
page_video_views_10s_organic | long | Daily: Number of times the video has been viewed for at least 10s by organic reach (Total Count) |
page_video_views_10s_paid | long | Daily: Number of times page's videos was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. (Total Count) |
page_video_views_10s_repeat | long | Daily: Number of times a video has been viewed for at least 10s outside the first play (Total Count) |
page_video_views_10s_unique | long | Daily: Metric showing videos played for unique people for at least 10 seconds aggregated at the page level (Unique Users) |
page_video_views_autoplayed | long | Daily: Number of times an auto-played video has been viewed for more than 3 seconds (Total Count) |
page_video_views_by_paid_non_paid_paid | long | Daily: Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, broken down by total, paid and non-paid. |
page_video_views_by_paid_non_paid_total | long | Daily: Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, broken down by total, paid and non-paid. |
page_video_views_by_paid_non_paid_unpaid | long | Daily: Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds, broken down by total, paid and non-paid. |
page_video_views_click_to_play | long | Daily: Number of times a video has been viewed after the user clicked play (Total Count) |
page_video_views | long | Daily: Total number of times videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds. (Total Count) |
page_video_views_organic | long | Daily: Number of times a video has been viewed due to organic reach (Total Count) |
page_video_views_paid | long | Daily: Number of times a promoted video has been viewed for more than 3 seconds (Total Count) |
page_video_views_unique | long | Daily: Metric showing videos played for unique people for more than 3 seconds aggregated at the page level (Unique Users) |
page_views_by_internal_referer_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total logged-in views count per Page by internal referer (Unique Users) |
page_views_by_profile_tab_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total logged-in views count per Page by profile tab (Unique Users) |
page_views_by_profile_tab_total | long | Daily: Total views count per Page by profile tab |
page_views_by_referers_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Top 50 referers of logged-in Page visits count per Page (Unique Users) |
page_views_by_site_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total logged-in views count per Page by site (Unique Users) |
page_views_external_referrals | long | Daily: Top referring external domains sending traffic to your Page (Total Count) |
page_views_logged_in_total | long | Daily: Total logged-in views count per Page |
page_views_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total logged-in views count per Page (Unique Users) |
page_views_total | long | Daily: Total views count per Page |
page_website_clicks_by_site_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total website click count per Page by site (Unique Users) |
page_website_clicks_logged_in_unique | long | Daily: Total website click count per Page (Unique Users) |
end_time | timestamp | Data end time |
Post insights per page
<pageId> (required): Page ID
<skipPostsOlderThanDays> (optional): Allows skipping posts older that the specified number of days
<daysToQuery> (optional): Allows to only query the specified amount of days for post insights
<daysToQueryForOldPosts> (optional): Allows to only query the specified amount of days for post insights older than a year
<forceOlderThanTwoYears> (optional): If true, will query the posts older than two years
<startDate> (optional): Start timestamp for posts
<endDate> (optional): End timestamp for posts
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<ignoreMetadataAdjustment> (optional): Do not match the target table metadata, simply insert assuming target table matches source data
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type | Description |
post_id | string | Post ID |
post_video_view_time | long | Daily: Total time (in ms) video has been viewed |
post_video_view_time_organic | long | Daily: Total time (in ms) video has been viewed in news feed or ticker or on your Page's Timeline. |
post_video_views_10s | long | Daily: Total number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post_video_views_10s_paid | long | Daily: Number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. |
post_video_views | long | Daily: Total number of times your video was viewed for more than 3 seconds. (Total Count) |
post_video_views_organic | long | Daily: Number of times your video was viewed for more than 3 seconds without any paid promotion. (Total Count) |
post_video_views_paid | long | Daily: Total number of times your video was viewed for more than 3 seconds after paid promotion. |
post_video_views_unique | long | Daily: Number of unique people who viewed your video for more than 3 seconds. (Unique Users) |
end_time | timestamp | Data end time |
Post insights per page
<pageId> (required): Page ID
<skipPostsOlderThanDays> (optional): Allows skipping posts older that the specified number of days
<daysToQuery> (optional): Allows to only query the specified amount of days for post insights
<daysToQueryForOldPosts> (optional): Allows to only query the specified amount of days for post insights older than a year
<forceOlderThanTwoYears> (optional): If true, will query the posts older than two years
<startDate> (optional): Start timestamp for posts
<endDate> (optional): End timestamp for posts
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<ignoreMetadataAdjustment> (optional): Do not match the target table metadata, simply insert assuming target table matches source data
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
Attribute | Type | Description |
post_id | string | Post ID |
post_activity_by_action_type_like | long | Lifetime: The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type. (Total Count) |
post_activity_by_action_type_unique_like | long | Lifetime: The number of unique people who created a story about your Page post by interacting with it. (Unique Users) |
post_activity | long | Lifetime: The number of stories generated about your Page post. (Total Count) |
post_activity_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of unique people who created a story by interacting with your Page post. (Unique Users) |
post_clicks_by_type_unique_videoplay | long | Lifetime: The number of people who matched the audience targeting on the post that clicked anywhere in the post on News Feed, by type. (Unique Users) |
post_clicks_by_type_videoplay | long | Lifetime: The number of clicks anywhere in the post on News Feed from users that matched the audience targeting on the post, by type. (Total Count) |
post_clicks | long | Lifetime: The number of clicks anywhere in your post on News Feed from the user that matched the audience targeting on it. (Total Count) |
post_clicks_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who matched the audience targeting that clicked anywhere in your post on News Feed. (Unique Users) |
post_engaged_fan | long | Lifetime: The number of people who have liked your Page and clicked anywhere in your posts. (Unique Users) |
post_engaged_users | long | Lifetime: The number of unique people who engaged in certain ways with your Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post. (Unique Users) |
post_impressions_by_story_type_other | long | Lifetime: The number of times people saw this post via stories published by their friends. (Total Count) |
post_impressions_by_story_type_unique_other | long | Lifetime: The number of people who saw your Page post in a story from a friend, by story type. (Unique Users) |
post_impressions_fan | long | Lifetime: The number of impressions of your Page post to people who have liked your Page. (Total Count) |
post_impressions_fan_paid | long | Lifetime: The number of paid impressions of your Page post to people who have liked your Page. (Total Count) |
post_impressions_fan_paid_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who like your Page and who saw your Page post in an ad or sponsored story. (Unique Users) |
post_impressions_fan_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who saw your Page post because they've liked your Page (Unique Users) |
post_impressions | long | Lifetime: The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more. (Total Count) |
post_impressions_nonviral | long | Lifetime: The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Total Count) |
post_impressions_nonviral_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Unique Users) |
post_impressions_organic | long | Lifetime: The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution. (Total Count) |
post_impressions_organic_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen through unpaid distribution. (Unique Users) |
post_impressions_paid | long | Lifetime: The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Total Count) |
post_impressions_paid_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad. (Unique Users) |
post_impressions_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more. (Unique Users) |
post_impressions_viral | long | Lifetime: The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Total Count) |
post_impressions_viral_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. (Unique Users) |
post_negative_feedback_by_type | long | Lifetime: The number of times people have given negative feedback to your post, by type. (Total Count) |
post_negative_feedback_by_type_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who have given negative feedback to your post, by type. (Unique Users) |
post_negative_feedback | long | Lifetime: The number of times people have given negative feedback to your post. (Total Count) |
post_negative_feedback_unique | long | Lifetime: The number of people who have given negative feedback to your post. (Unique Users) |
post_reactions_anger_total | long | Lifetime: Total anger reactions of a post. |
post_reactions_by_type_total_haha | long | Lifetime: Total post reactions by type. |
post_reactions_by_type_total_like | long | Lifetime: Total post reactions by type. |
post_reactions_haha_total | long | Lifetime: Total haha reactions of a post. |
post_reactions_like_total | long | Lifetime: Total like reactions of a post. |
post_reactions_love_total | long | Lifetime: Total love reactions of a post. |
post_reactions_sorry_total | long | Lifetime: Total sad reactions of a post. |
post_reactions_wow_total | long | Lifetime: Total wow Reactions of a post. |
post_video_avg_time_watched | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Average time video viewed (Total Count) |
post_video_complete_views_30s_autoplayed | long | Lifetime: Number of times your video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 30 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count) |
post_video_complete_views_30s_clicked_to_play | long | Lifetime: Number of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it for 30 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. (Total Count) |
post_video_complete_views_30s_organic | long | Lifetime: Number of times your video was viewed for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without a paid promotion. (Total Count) |
post_video_complete_views_30s_paid | long | Lifetime: Number of times your video was viewed for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. (Total Count) |
post_video_complete_views_30s_unique | long | Lifetime: Number of unique people who viewed your video for 30 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. (Unique Users) |
post_video_complete_views_organic | long | Lifetime: Number of times your video was viewed to 95% of its length without any paid promotion. (Total Count) |
post_video_complete_views_organic_unique | long | Lifetime: Number of times your video was viewed to 95% of its length without any paid promotion. (Unique Users) |
post_video_complete_views_paid | long | Lifetime: Number of times your video was viewed to 95% of its length after paid promotion. (Total Count) |
post_video_complete_views_paid_unique | long | Lifetime: Number of times your video was viewed to 95% of its length after paid promotion. (Unique Users) |
post_video_length | long | Lifetime: Length of a video post (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_0 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_10 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_11 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_12 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_13 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_14 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_15 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_16 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_17 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_18 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_19 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_1 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_20 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_21 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_22 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_23 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_24 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_25 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_26 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_27 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_28 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_29 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_2 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_30 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_31 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_32 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_33 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_34 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_35 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_36 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_37 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_38 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_39 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_3 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_40 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_4 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_5 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_6 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_7 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_8 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_9 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post)(Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_0 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_10 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_11 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_12 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_13 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_14 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_15 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_16 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_17 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_18 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_19 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_1 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_20 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_21 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |
post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed_22 | bigdecimal | Lifetime: Auto-played views of your video at each interval as a percentage of all auto-played views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video post) (Total Count) |