YouTube Analytics API Reference
The public API procedures may call the internal procedures which should not be used directly as they can be changed without any explicit notification in the newer versions of the connector. Internal procedures can be recognized by the internal_
prefix in their names. Public API procedures do not have such prefixes in their names.
Audience retention
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<video> (required): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<audienceType> (optional): The dimension value identifies the type of traffic associated with the report data. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperAudienceType ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
elapsedVideoTimeRatio | string | Dimension : Specifies the ratio of the elapsed portion of the video to the video's length |
audienceWatchRatio | bigdecimal | Metric : The absolute ratio of viewers watching the video at the given point in the video. The ratio is calculated by comparing the number of times a portion of a video has been watched to the total number of views of the video |
relativeRetentionPerformance | bigdecimal | Metric : A measurement that shows how well a video retains viewers during playbacks in comparison to all YouTube videos of similar length |
Basic stats
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Basic user activity statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
adImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of verified ad impressions served |
annotationClickThroughRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions |
annotationClickableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked |
annotationClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicked annotations |
annotationClosableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed |
annotationCloseRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions |
annotationCloses | integer | Metric : The number of closed annotations |
annotationImpressions | integer | Metric : The total number of annotation impressions |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
cardClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions |
cardClicks | integer | Metric : The number of times that cards were clicked |
cardImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times cards were displayed |
cardTeaserClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions |
cardTeaserClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicks on card teasers |
cardTeaserImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times that card teasers were displayed |
comments | integer | Metric : The number of times that users commented on a video |
cpm | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions |
dislikes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating |
estimatedAdRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources for the selected date range and region |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
estimatedRedPartnerRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated revenue earned from YouTube Red subscriptions for the selected report dimensions |
estimatedRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region |
grossRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region |
likes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating |
monetizedPlaybacks | integer | Metric : The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression |
playbackBasedCpm | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
shares | integer | Metric : The number of times that users shared a video through the button |
subscribersGained | integer | Metric : The number of times that users subscribed to a channel |
subscribersLost | integer | Metric : The number of times that users unsubscribed from a channel |
videosAddedToPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were added to any YouTube playlists |
videosRemovedFromPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were removed from any YouTube playlists |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Device type
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<operatingSystem> (optional): Identifies the software system of the device on which the view occurred
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
deviceType | string | Dimension : Identifies the physical form factor of the device on which the view occurred |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Device type
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<operatingSystem> (optional): Identifies the software system of the device on which the view occurred
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
deviceType | string | Dimension : Identifies the physical form factor of the device on which the view occurred |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Engagement and content sharing
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
sharingService | string | Dimension : Identifies the service that was used to share videos. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSharingService () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
shares | integer | Metric : The number of times that users shared a video through the button |
Operating system and device type
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
deviceType | string | Dimension : Identifies the physical form factor of the device on which the view occurred |
operatingSystem | string | Dimension : Identifies the software system of the device on which the view occurred |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Operating system and device type
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
deviceType | string | Dimension : Identifies the physical form factor of the device on which the view occurred |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
operatingSystem | string | Dimension : Identifies the software system of the device on which the view occurred |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Operating system
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<deviceType> (optional): Identifies the physical form factor of the device on which the view occurred
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
operatingSystem | string | Dimension : Identifies the software system of the device on which the view occurred |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Operating system
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<deviceType> (optional): Identifies the physical form factor of the device on which the view occurred
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
operatingSystem | string | Dimension : Identifies the software system of the device on which the view occurred |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Playback details by country with averageViewPercentage metric
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
country | string | Dimension : The country associated with the metrics in the report row |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Playback details by country with liveOrOnDemand statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
country | string | Dimension : The country associated with the metrics in the report row |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Playback details by province with averageViewPercentage metric
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<country> (required): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
province | string | Dimension : The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Playback details by province with liveOrOnDemand statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<country> (required): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
province | string | Dimension : The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Playback details with optional time dimension and averageViewPercentage metric
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Playback details with optional time dimension and liveOrOnDemand statistics
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Playback location detail (top 25 results)
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<insightPlaybackLocationType> (required): Data in the report is aggregated based on the type of page or application where video playbacks occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightPlaybackLocationType ()
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
insightPlaybackLocationDetail | string | Dimension : Data is aggregated based on the page where the player is located. Note that this report is only supported for views that occurred in embedded players, type_string, false, and it identifies the embedded players that generated the most views for a specified video. Thus, type_string, false, it provides a more fine-grained view than the playback location report by identifying the URLs or applications associated with the top embedded players |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Playback location detail (top 25 results)
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<insightPlaybackLocationType> (required): Data in the report is aggregated based on the type of page or application where video playbacks occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightPlaybackLocationType ()
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
insightPlaybackLocationDetail | string | Dimension : Data is aggregated based on the page where the player is located. Note that this report is only supported for views that occurred in embedded players, type_string, false, and it identifies the embedded players that generated the most views for a specified video. Thus, type_string, false, it provides a more fine-grained view than the playback location report by identifying the URLs or applications associated with the top embedded players |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Playback locations
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
insightPlaybackLocationType | string | Dimension : Data in the report is aggregated based on the type of page or application where video playbacks occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightPlaybackLocationType () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Playlist activity by country
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
country | string | Dimension : The country associated with the metrics in the report row |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Playlist activity by province
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<country> (required): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
province | string | Dimension : The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
youtubeProduct | string | Dimension : Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Top playlists
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
playlist | string | Dimension : The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Traffic source detail (top 25 results)
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<insightTrafficSourceType> (required): Data in the report is aggregated based on the referrer type, type_string, false, which describes the manner in which users reached the video. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightTrafficSourceType ()
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
insightTrafficSourceDetail | string | Dimension : Data in the report is aggregated based on the referrers that generated the most views for a specified video and a specified traffic source type. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightTrafficSourceDetail () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
Top videos (top 200 results)
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
video | string | Dimension : The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property |
adImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of verified ad impressions served |
annotationClickThroughRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions |
annotationClickableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked |
annotationClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicked annotations |
annotationClosableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed |
annotationCloseRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions |
annotationCloses | integer | Metric : The number of closed annotations |
annotationImpressions | integer | Metric : The total number of annotation impressions |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
cardClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions |
cardClicks | integer | Metric : The number of times that cards were clicked |
cardImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times cards were displayed |
cardTeaserClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions |
cardTeaserClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicks on card teasers |
cardTeaserImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times that card teasers were displayed |
comments | integer | Metric : The number of times that users commented on a video |
cpm | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions |
dislikes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating |
estimatedAdRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources for the selected date range and region |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
estimatedRedPartnerRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated revenue earned from YouTube Red subscriptions for the selected report dimensions |
estimatedRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region |
grossRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region |
likes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating |
monetizedPlaybacks | integer | Metric : The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression |
playbackBasedCpm | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
shares | integer | Metric : The number of times that users shared a video through the button |
subscribersGained | integer | Metric : The number of times that users subscribed to a channel |
subscribersLost | integer | Metric : The number of times that users unsubscribed from a channel |
videosAddedToPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were added to any YouTube playlists |
videosRemovedFromPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were removed from any YouTube playlists |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Top videos by YouTube Product for subscribed or unsubscribed viewers (top 200 results)
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
video | string | Dimension : The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property |
annotationClickThroughRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions |
annotationClickableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked |
annotationClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicked annotations |
annotationClosableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed |
annotationCloseRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions |
annotationCloses | integer | Metric : The number of closed annotations |
annotationImpressions | integer | Metric : The total number of annotation impressions |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
cardClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions |
cardClicks | integer | Metric : The number of times that cards were clicked |
cardImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times cards were displayed |
cardTeaserClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions |
cardTeaserClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicks on card teasers |
cardTeaserImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times that card teasers were displayed |
dislikes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
likes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
shares | integer | Metric : The number of times that users shared a video through the button |
videosAddedToPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were added to any YouTube playlists |
videosRemovedFromPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were removed from any YouTube playlists |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Top videos with playback detail filters (top 200 results)
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<youtubeProduct> (optional): Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperYouTubeProduct ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
video | string | Dimension : The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Traffic source detail (top 25 results)
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<insightTrafficSourceType> (required): Data in the report is aggregated based on the referrer type, type_string, false, which describes the manner in which users reached the video. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightTrafficSourceType ()
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
insightTrafficSourceDetail | string | Dimension : Data in the report is aggregated based on the referrers that generated the most views for a specified video and a specified traffic source type. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightTrafficSourceDetail () |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Traffic source
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
insightTrafficSourceType | string | Dimension : Data in the report is aggregated based on the referrer type, type_string, false, which describes the manner in which users reached the video. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightTrafficSourceType () |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Traffic sources
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
insightTrafficSourceType | string | Dimension : Data in the report is aggregated based on the referrer type, type_string, false, which describes the manner in which users reached the video. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightTrafficSourceType () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
averageTimeInPlaylist | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
playlistStarts | integer | Metric : The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
viewsPerPlaylistStart | bigdecimal | Metric : The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated |
User activity by country
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
country | string | Dimension : The country associated with the metrics in the report row |
adImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of verified ad impressions served |
annotationClickThroughRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions |
annotationClickableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked |
annotationClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicked annotations |
annotationClosableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed |
annotationCloseRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions |
annotationCloses | integer | Metric : The number of closed annotations |
annotationImpressions | integer | Metric : The total number of annotation impressions |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
cardClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions |
cardClicks | integer | Metric : The number of times that cards were clicked |
cardImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times cards were displayed |
cardTeaserClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions |
cardTeaserClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicks on card teasers |
cardTeaserImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times that card teasers were displayed |
comments | integer | Metric : The number of times that users commented on a video |
cpm | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions |
dislikes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating |
estimatedAdRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources for the selected date range and region |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
estimatedRedPartnerRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated revenue earned from YouTube Red subscriptions for the selected report dimensions |
estimatedRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region |
grossRevenue | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region |
likes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating |
monetizedPlaybacks | integer | Metric : The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression |
playbackBasedCpm | bigdecimal | Metric : The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
shares | integer | Metric : The number of times that users shared a video through the button |
subscribersGained | integer | Metric : The number of times that users subscribed to a channel |
subscribersLost | integer | Metric : The number of times that users unsubscribed from a channel |
videosAddedToPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were added to any YouTube playlists |
videosRemovedFromPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were removed from any YouTube playlists |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
User activity by province
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<country> (required): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
province | string | Dimension : The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row |
annotationClickThroughRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions |
annotationClickableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked |
annotationClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicked annotations |
annotationClosableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed |
annotationCloseRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions |
annotationCloses | integer | Metric : The number of closed annotations |
annotationImpressions | integer | Metric : The total number of annotation impressions |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
cardClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions |
cardClicks | integer | Metric : The number of times that cards were clicked |
cardImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times cards were displayed |
cardTeaserClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions |
cardTeaserClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicks on card teasers |
cardTeaserImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times that card teasers were displayed |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
User activity by subscribed status for provinces
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
annotationClickThroughRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions |
annotationClickableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked |
annotationClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicked annotations |
annotationClosableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed |
annotationCloseRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions |
annotationCloses | integer | Metric : The number of closed annotations |
annotationImpressions | integer | Metric : The total number of annotation impressions |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
cardClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions |
cardClicks | integer | Metric : The number of times that cards were clicked |
cardImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times cards were displayed |
cardTeaserClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions |
cardTeaserClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicks on card teasers |
cardTeaserImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times that card teasers were displayed |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
User activity by subscribed status
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
annotationClickThroughRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions |
annotationClickableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked |
annotationClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicked annotations |
annotationClosableImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed |
annotationCloseRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions |
annotationCloses | integer | Metric : The number of closed annotations |
annotationImpressions | integer | Metric : The total number of annotation impressions |
averageViewDuration | bigdecimal | Metric : The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks |
averageViewPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. |
cardClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions |
cardClicks | integer | Metric : The number of times that cards were clicked |
cardImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times cards were displayed |
cardTeaserClickRate | bigdecimal | Metric : The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions |
cardTeaserClicks | integer | Metric : The number of clicks on card teasers |
cardTeaserImpressions | integer | Metric : The number of times that card teasers were displayed |
dislikes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
estimatedRedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that YouTube Red members watched a video |
likes | integer | Metric : The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating |
redViews | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Red members |
shares | integer | Metric : The number of times that users shared a video through the button |
videosAddedToPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were added to any YouTube playlists |
videosRemovedFromPlaylists | integer | Metric : The number of times that videos were removed from any YouTube playlists |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Video playback location report
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | string | Dimension : Data in the report to be aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day |
insightPlaybackLocationType | string | Dimension : Data in the report is aggregated based on the type of page or application where video playbacks occurred. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperInsightPlaybackLocationType () |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
estimatedMinutesWatched | integer | Metric : The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist |
views | integer | Metric : The number of times that a video was viewed |
Viewer demographics
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<playlist> (optional): The ID of a YouTube playlist. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a playlist resource's id property
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
ageGroup | string | Dimension : Identifies the age group of the logged-in users associated with the report data |
gender | string | Dimension : Identifies the gender of the logged-in users associated with the report data |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
viewerPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The percentage of viewers who were logged in when watching the video or playlist |
Viewer demographics
<start_date> (optional): Start date of the report
<end_date> (optional): End date of the report
<channel> (optional): When mentioned creates report for the channel, for own channel use 'MINE' value
<group> (optional): The ID of a YouTube Analytics group. List of values is in the procedure (SELECT id AS key, snippet_title AS annotation FROM youtube_analytics.internal_Groups () WHERE contentDetails_itemCount IS NOT NULL)
<continent> (optional): A United Nations (UN) statistical region code. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperContinent ()
<country> (optional): The country associated with the metrics in the report row
<province> (optional): The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row
<subContinent> (optional): A UN statistical region code that identifies a geographical sub-region. The United Nations Statistics Division lists sub-regions as well as the countries it associates with each region. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubContinent ()
<video> (optional): The ID of a YouTube video. In the YouTube Data API, type_string, false, this is the value of a video resource's id property
<liveOrOnDemand> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand ()
<subscribedStatus> (optional): Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. List of values is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus ()
<preview> (optional): Preview only, don't write into table
<target_table> (optional): Table name to save the data to
<label> (optional): Multi-tenancy label
Attribute | Type | Description |
day | date | Day of the row of data |
ageGroup | string | Dimension : Identifies the age group of the logged-in users associated with the report data |
gender | string | Dimension : Identifies the gender of the logged-in users associated with the report data |
liveOrOnDemand | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperLiveOrOnDemand () |
subscribedStatus | string | Dimension : Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel. Explanation for values could be found is in the procedure youtube_analytics.helperSubscribedStatus () |
viewerPercentage | bigdecimal | Metric : The percentage of viewers who were logged in when watching the video or playlist |
The adType dimension is used in ad performance reports and aggregates the requested metrics based on the types of ads that ran during video playbacks
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Type of traffic associated with the report data
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Indicate that response should only contain metrics for claimed content
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
United Nations (UN) statistical region code
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Type of page or application where video playbacks occurred
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Referrers that generated the most views for a specified video and a specified traffic source type
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Referrer type, which describes the manner in which users reached the video
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Identifies the service that was used to share videos
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
United Nations (UN) statistical region code
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video's or playlist's channel
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Indicate whether an API response should contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner and/or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Key name of the dimension |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |
Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | string | Identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred |
annotation | string | Explanation of the dimension |