Amazon Selling Partner API Jobs Templates
We currently add the pipes__
prefix to procedure names internally. You may see such names in the job description for a job template. For your custom jobs, please use names without this prefix.
Parent categories to which an item belongs, based on the specified ASIN or SellerSKU
Parent categories to which an item belongs, based on the specified ASIN or SellerSKU
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | CatalogCategories |
Input Parameters
ASIN (optional): ASIN. The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item
- MarketplaceId (optional): Market place. A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace for which items are returned
- source_table (optional): Source table. Table having at least one column of: EAN, ISBN, JAN, ASIN
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
ProductCategoryId | string | The identifier for the product category (or browse node) |
ProductCategoryName | string | The name of the product category (or browse node) |
parent | string | The parent product category |
Items and their attributes
Items and their attributes
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | CatalogItems |
Input Parameters
- EAN (optional): European article number. A European article number that uniquely identifies the catalog item, manufacturer, and its attributes
- JAN (optional): Japanese article number. A Japanese article number that uniquely identifies the product, manufacturer, and its attributes
- MarketplaceId (optional): Market place. A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace for which items are returned
- Query (required): Keyword(s) query. Keyword(s) to use to search for items in the catalog. Example: 'harry potter books'
- QueryContextId (optional): Identifier for the context. An identifier for the context within which the given search will be performed. A marketplace might provide mechanisms for constraining a search to a subset of potential items. For example, the retail marketplace allows queries to be constrained to a specific category. The QueryContextId parameter specifies such a subset. If it is omitted, the search will be performed using the default context for the marketplace, which will typically contain the largest set of items
- source_table (optional): Source table. Table having at least one column of: EAN, ISBN, JAN, ASIN
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
Identifiers_MarketplaceASIN_ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
Identifiers_MarketplaceASIN_MarketplaceId | string | A marketplace identifier |
Identifiers_SKUIdentifier_MarketplaceId | string | A marketplace identifier |
Identifiers_SKUIdentifier_SellerId | string | The seller identifier submitted for the operation |
Identifiers_SKUIdentifier_SellerSKU | string | The seller stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item |
AttributeSets_Actor | string | The actor attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_Artist | string | The artist attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_AspectRatio | string | The aspect ratio attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_AudienceRating | string | The audience rating attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Author | string | The author attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_BackFinding | string | The back finding attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_BandMaterialType | string | The band material type attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Binding | string | The binding attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_BlurayRegion | string | The Bluray region attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Brand | string | The brand attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_CeroAgeRating | string | The CERO age rating attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ChainType | string | The chain type attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ClaspType | string | The clasp type attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Color | string | The color attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_CpuManufacturer | string | The CPU manufacturer attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_CpuSpeed_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_CpuSpeed_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_CpuType | string | The CPU type attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Department | string | The department attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Director | string | The director attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_DisplaySize_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_DisplaySize_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_Edition | string | The edition attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_EpisodeSequence | string | The episode sequence attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_EsrbAgeRating | string | The ESRB age rating attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Feature | string | The feature attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_Flavor | string | The flavor attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Format | string | The format attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_GemType | string | The gem type attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_Genre | string | The genre attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_GolfClubFlex | string | The golf club flex attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_GolfClubLoft_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_GolfClubLoft_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_HandOrientation | string | The hand orientation attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_HardDiskInterface | string | The hard disk interface attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_HardDiskSize_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_HardDiskSize_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_HardwarePlatform | string | The hardware platform attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_HazardousMaterialType | string | The hazardous material type attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_IsAdultProduct | boolean | The adult product attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_IsAutographed | boolean | The autographed attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_IsEligibleForTradeIn | boolean | The is eligible for trade in attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_IsMemorabilia | boolean | The is memorabilia attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_IssuesPerYear | string | The issues per year attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ItemDimensions_Height_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_ItemDimensions_Height_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_ItemDimensions_Length_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_ItemDimensions_Length_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_ItemDimensions_Weight_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_ItemDimensions_Weight_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_ItemDimensions_Width_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_ItemDimensions_Width_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_ItemPartNumber | string | The item part number attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Label | string | The label attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_LegalDisclaimer | string | The legal disclaimer attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ListPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The amount |
AttributeSets_ListPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code of the amount |
AttributeSets_Manufacturer | string | The manufacturer attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ManufacturerMaximumAge_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_ManufacturerMaximumAge_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_ManufacturerMinimumAge_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_ManufacturerMinimumAge_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_ManufacturerPartsWarrantyDescription | string | The manufacturer parts warranty description attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_MaterialType | string | The material type attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_MaximumResolution_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_MaximumResolution_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_MediaType | string | The media type attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_MetalStamp | string | The metal stamp attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_MetalType | string | The metal type attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Model | string | The model attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_NumberOfDiscs | integer | The number of discs attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_NumberOfIssues | integer | The number of issues attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_NumberOfItems | integer | The number of items attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_NumberOfPages | integer | The number of pages attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_NumberOfTracks | integer | The number of tracks attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_OperatingSystem | string | The operating system attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_OpticalZoom_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_OpticalZoom_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageDimensions_Height_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageDimensions_Height_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageDimensions_Length_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageDimensions_Length_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageDimensions_Weight_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageDimensions_Weight_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageDimensions_Width_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageDimensions_Width_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_PackageQuantity | integer | The package quantity attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_PartNumber | string | The part number attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_PegiRating | string | The PEGI rating attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Platform | string | The platform attributes of the item |
AttributeSets_ProcessorCount | integer | The processor count attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ProductGroup | string | The product group attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ProductTypeName | string | The product type name attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ProductTypeSubcategory | string | The product type subcategory attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_PublicationDate | string | The publication date attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Publisher | string | The publisher attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_RegionCode | string | The region code attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ReleaseDate | string | The release date attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_RingSize | string | The ring size attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_RunningTime_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_RunningTime_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_Scent | string | The scent attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_SeasonSequence | string | The season sequence attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_SeikodoProductCode | string | The Seikodo product code attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_ShaftMaterial | string | The shaft material attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Size | string | The size attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_SizePerPearl | string | The size per pearl attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_SmallImage_Height_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_SmallImage_Height_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_SmallImage_URL | string | The image URL attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_SmallImage_Width_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_SmallImage_Width_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_Studio | string | The studio attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_SubscriptionLength_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_SubscriptionLength_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_SystemMemorySize_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_SystemMemorySize_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_SystemMemoryType | string | The system memory type attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_TheatricalReleaseDate | string | The theatrical release date attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_Title | string | The title attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_TotalDiamondWeight_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_TotalDiamondWeight_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_TotalGemWeight_Units | string | The unit of the decimal value |
AttributeSets_TotalGemWeight_value | bigdecimal | The decimal value |
AttributeSets_Warranty | string | The warranty attribute of the item |
AttributeSets_WeeeTaxValue_Amount | bigdecimal | The amount |
AttributeSets_WeeeTaxValue_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code of the amount |
Creator | string | The creator attributes of the item |
Languages | string | The languages attribute of the item |
Lowest Priced Offers for ASINs
Lowest priced offers for ASINs
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | ItemOffers |
Input Parameters
marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
CustomerType (optional): Customer type. Indicates whether to request Consumer or Business offers. Default is Consumer
ItemCondition (optional): Item condition. Filters the offer listings to be considered based on item condition. Possible values: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, Club
ASIN (optional): List of ASINs. The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item
asin_table (optional): A table that has asin column
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | A marketplace identifier |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
ItemCondition | string | The condition of the item |
Offers_IsBuyBoxWinner | boolean | When true, the offer is currently in the Buy Box. There can be up to two Buy Box winners at any time per ASIN, one that is eligible for Prime and one that is not eligible for Prime |
Offers_IsFeaturedMerchant | boolean | When true, the seller of the item is eligible to win the Buy Box |
Offers_IsFulfilledByAmazon | boolean | When true, the offer is fulfilled by Amazon |
Offers_ListingPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_ListingPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_MyOffer | boolean | When true, this is the seller's offer |
Offers_offerType | string | Indicates the type of customer that the offer is valid for |
Offers_Points_PointsMonetaryValue_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_Points_PointsMonetaryValue_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_Points_PointsNumber | integer | The number of points |
Offers_PrimeInformation_IsNationalPrime | boolean | Indicates whether the offer is an Amazon Prime offer throughout the entire marketplace where it is listed |
Offers_PrimeInformation_IsPrime | boolean | Indicates whether the offer is an Amazon Prime offer |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_ListingPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_ListingPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_price_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_price_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_quantityDiscountType | string | Indicates the type of quantity discount this price applies to |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_quantityTier | integer | Indicates at what quantity this price becomes active |
Offers_SellerFeedbackRating_FeedbackCount | long | The number of ratings received about the seller |
Offers_SellerFeedbackRating_SellerPositiveFeedbackRating | bigdecimal | The percentage of positive feedback for the seller in the past 365 days |
Offers_SellerId | string | The seller identifier for the offer |
Offers_Shipping_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_Shipping_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_ShippingTime_availabilityType | date | Indicates whether the item is available for shipping now, or on a known or an unknown date in the future. If known, the availableDate property indicates the date that the item will be available for shipping. Possible values: NOW, FUTURE_WITHOUT_DATE, FUTURE_WITH_DATE |
Offers_ShippingTime_availableDate | date | The date when the item will be available for shipping. Only displayed for items that are not currently available for shipping |
Offers_ShippingTime_maximumHours | long | The maximum time, in hours, that the item will likely be shipped after the order has been placed |
Offers_ShippingTime_minimumHours | long | The minimum time, in hours, that the item will likely be shipped after the order has been placed |
Offers_ShipsFrom_Country | string | The country from where the item is shipped |
Offers_ShipsFrom_State | string | The state from where the item is shipped |
Offers_SubCondition | string | The subcondition of the item. Subcondition values: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other |
status | string | The status of the operation |
Summary_BuyBoxEligibleOffers | string | A list that contains the total number of offers that are eligible for the Buy Box for the given conditions and fulfillment channels |
Summary_NumberOfOffers | string | A list that contains the total number of offers for the item for the given conditions and fulfillment channels |
Summary_SalesRankings | string | A list of sales rank information for the item, by category |
Summary_TotalOfferCount | integer | The number of unique offers contained in NumberOfOffers |
Lowest Priced Offers for SKU Listing
Lowest priced offers for SKU listing
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | ListingOffers |
Input Parameters
marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
CustomerType (optional): Customer type. Indicates whether to request Consumer or Business offers. Default is Consumer
ItemCondition (optional): Item condition. Filters the offer listings to be considered based on item condition. Possible values: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, Club
SellerSKU (optional): One or CSV list of SKU. Identifies an item in the given marketplace. SellerSKU is qualified by the seller's SellerId, which is included with every operation that you submit
sku_table (optional): A table that has sku column
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | A marketplace identifier |
ItemCondition | string | The condition of the item |
Offers_IsBuyBoxWinner | boolean | When true, the offer is currently in the Buy Box. There can be up to two Buy Box winners at any time per ASIN, one that is eligible for Prime and one that is not eligible for Prime |
Offers_IsFeaturedMerchant | boolean | When true, the seller of the item is eligible to win the Buy Box |
Offers_IsFulfilledByAmazon | boolean | When true, the offer is fulfilled by Amazon |
Offers_ListingPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_ListingPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_MyOffer | boolean | When true, this is the seller's offer |
Offers_offerType | string | Indicates the type of customer that the offer is valid for |
Offers_Points_PointsMonetaryValue_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_Points_PointsMonetaryValue_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_Points_PointsNumber | integer | The number of points |
Offers_PrimeInformation_IsNationalPrime | boolean | Indicates whether the offer is an Amazon Prime offer throughout the entire marketplace where it is listed |
Offers_PrimeInformation_IsPrime | boolean | Indicates whether the offer is an Amazon Prime offer |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_ListingPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_ListingPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_price_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_price_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_quantityDiscountType | string | Indicates the type of quantity discount this price applies to |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_quantityTier | integer | Indicates at what quantity this price becomes active |
Offers_SellerFeedbackRating_FeedbackCount | long | The number of ratings received about the seller |
Offers_SellerFeedbackRating_SellerPositiveFeedbackRating | bigdecimal | The percentage of positive feedback for the seller in the past 365 days |
Offers_SellerId | string | The seller identifier for the offer |
Offers_Shipping_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_Shipping_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_ShippingTime_availabilityType | date | Indicates whether the item is available for shipping now, or on a known or an unknown date in the future. If known, the availableDate property indicates the date that the item will be available for shipping. Possible values: NOW, FUTURE_WITHOUT_DATE, FUTURE_WITH_DATE |
Offers_ShippingTime_availableDate | date | The date when the item will be available for shipping. Only displayed for items that are not currently available for shipping |
Offers_ShippingTime_maximumHours | long | The maximum time, in hours, that the item will likely be shipped after the order has been placed |
Offers_ShippingTime_minimumHours | long | The minimum time, in hours, that the item will likely be shipped after the order has been placed |
Offers_ShipsFrom_Country | string | The country from where the item is shipped |
Offers_ShipsFrom_State | string | The state from where the item is shipped |
Offers_SubCondition | string | The subcondition of the item. Subcondition values: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other |
SKU | string | The stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item |
status | string | The status of the operation |
Summary_BuyBoxEligibleOffers | string | A list that contains the total number of offers that are eligible for the Buy Box for the given conditions and fulfillment channels |
Summary_NumberOfOffers | string | A list that contains the total number of offers for the item for the given conditions and fulfillment channels |
Summary_SalesRankings | string | A list of sales rank information for the item, by category |
Summary_TotalOfferCount | integer | The number of unique offers contained in NumberOfOffers |
Listings Items
Listings items
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | ListingsItem |
Input Parameters
marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
sku (optional): Sku. A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing
sku_table (optional): Sku table. A table that has sku column for taking sku from it
sku_column (optional): Sku column. Name of the sku column
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplaceId | string | Amazon marketplace identifier |
sellerId | string | A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the listings item |
sku | string | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing |
conditionType | string | Identifies the condition of the listings item |
fnSku | string | Fulfillment network stock keeping unit is an identifier used by Amazon fulfillment centers to identify each unique item |
itemName | string | Name, or title, associated with an Amazon catalog item |
mainImage_height | integer | Height of the image in pixels |
mainImage_link | string | Link, or URL, for the image |
mainImage_width | integer | Width of the image in pixels |
productType | string | The Amazon product type of the listings item |
status | string | Statuses that apply to the listings item |
createdDate | date | Date the listings item was created, in ISO 8601 format |
lastUpdatedDate | date | Date the listings item was last updated, in ISO 8601 format |
Pricing for Offer Listings
Pricing for offer listings
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Pricing |
Input Parameters
marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
ItemCondition (optional): Item condition. Filters the offer listings to be considered based on item condition. Possible values: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, Club
OfferType (optional): Offer type. Indicates whether to request pricing information for the seller's B2C or B2B offers. Default is B2C
Asins (optional): Asins. A list of up to twenty Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) values used to identify items in the given marketplace. Max count : 20
asin_table (optional): Asins table. A table that has asin column
Skus (optional): Skus. A list of up to twenty seller SKU values used to identify items in the given marketplace. Max count : 20
sku_table (optional): Skus table. A table that has sku column
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
NumberOfOfferListings | string | The number of active offer listings for the item that was submitted. The listing count is returned by condition, one for each listing condition value that is returned |
Offers_BuyingPrice_LandedPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_BuyingPrice_LandedPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_BuyingPrice_ListingPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_BuyingPrice_ListingPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_BuyingPrice_Points_PointsMonetaryValue_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_BuyingPrice_Points_PointsMonetaryValue_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_BuyingPrice_Points_PointsNumber | integer | The number of points |
Offers_BuyingPrice_Shipping_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_BuyingPrice_Shipping_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_FulfillmentChannel | string | The fulfillment channel for the offer listing. Possible values: Amazon - Fulfilled by Amazon; Merchant - Fulfilled by the seller; |
Offers_ItemCondition | string | The item condition for the offer listing. Possible values: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, or Club |
Offers_ItemSubCondition | string | The item subcondition for the offer listing. Possible values: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other |
Offers_offerType | string | Indicates the type of customer that the offer is valid for |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_listingPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_listingPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_quantityDiscountType | string | Indicates the type of quantity discount this price applies to |
Offers_QuantityDiscountPrices_quantityTier | integer | Indicates at what quantity this price becomes active |
Offers_RegularPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
Offers_RegularPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Offers_SellerSKU | string | The seller stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item |
SalesRankings | string | A list of sales rank information for the item, by category |
status | string | The status of the operation |
Catalog Items Search
Catalog Items Search
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | CatalogItemsSearch |
Input Parameters
brandNames (optional): Brand Names. A comma-delimited list of brand names to limit the search to
keywords (required): Keywords. A comma-delimited list of words or item identifiers to search the Amazon catalog for
marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplaceId | string | Amazon marketplace identifier |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is the unique identifier for an item in the Amazon catalog |
brandName | string | Name of the brand associated with an Amazon catalog item |
browseNode | string | Identifier of the browse node associated with an Amazon catalog item |
itemName | string | Name, or title, associated with an Amazon catalog item |
manufacturer | string | Name of the manufacturer associated with an Amazon catalog item |
Listing Restrictions
Listing restrictions
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | ListingsRestrictions |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
asin_table (optional): Asins table. A table that has asin column for taking asin from it
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
marketplaceId | string | A marketplace identifier. Identifies the Amazon marketplace where the restriction is enforced |
conditionType | string | The condition that applies to the restriction |
message | string | A message describing the reason for the restriction |
reasonCode | string | A code indicating why the listing is restricted |
Competitive pricing for offer listings
Competitive pricing for offer listing
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | CompetitivePricing |
Input Parameters
marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
CustomerType (optional): Customer type. Indicates whether to request pricing information from the point of view of Consumer or Business buyers. Default is Consumer
Asins (optional): Asins. A list of up to twenty Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) values used to identify items in the given marketplace. Max count : 20
asin_table (optional): Asins table. A table that has asin column
Skus (optional): Skus. A list of up to twenty seller SKU values used to identify items in the given marketplace. Max count : 20
sku_table (optional): Skus table. A table that has sku column
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
CompetitivePrices_belongsToRequester | boolean | Indicates whether or not the pricing information is for an offer listing that belongs to the requester. The requester is the seller associated with the SellerId that was submitted with the request. Possible values are: true and false |
CompetitivePrices_CompetitivePriceId | string | The pricing model for each price that is returned. Possible values: 1 - New Buy Box Price; 2 - Used Buy Box Price; |
CompetitivePrices_condition | string | Indicates the condition of the item whose pricing information is returned. Possible values are: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, or Club |
CompetitivePrices_offerType | string | Indicates the type of customer that the offer is valid for. When the offer type is B2C in a quantity discount, the seller is winning the Buy Box because others do not have inventory at that quantity, not because they have a quantity discount on the ASIN |
CompetitivePrices_Price_LandedPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
CompetitivePrices_Price_LandedPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
CompetitivePrices_Price_ListingPrice_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
CompetitivePrices_Price_ListingPrice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
CompetitivePrices_Price_Points_PointsMonetaryValue_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value of the points |
CompetitivePrices_Price_Points_PointsMonetaryValue_CurrencyCode | bigdecimal | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
CompetitivePrices_Price_Points_PointsNumber | integer | The number of points |
CompetitivePrices_Price_Shipping_Amount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
CompetitivePrices_Price_Shipping_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code in ISO 4217 format |
CompetitivePrices_quantityDiscountType | string | Indicates the type of quantity discount this price applies to |
CompetitivePrices_quantityTier | integer | Indicates at what quantity this price becomes active |
CompetitivePrices_sellerId | string | The seller identifier for the offer |
CompetitivePrices_subcondition | string | Indicates the subcondition of the item whose pricing information is returned. Possible values are: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, or Other |
NumberOfOfferListings | string | The number of active offer listings for the item that was submitted. The listing count is returned by condition, one for each listing condition value that is returned |
SalesRankings | string | A list of sales rank information for the item, by category |
status | string | The status of the operation |
A+ Content documents
A+ Content documents
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | ContentDocuments |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId (optional): Market place. The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ Content is published
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
contentReferenceKey | string | A unique reference key for the A+ Content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and may change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier |
contentMetadata_badgeSet | string | The set of content badges |
contentMetadata_marketplaceId | string | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ Content is published |
contentMetadata_name | string | The A+ Content document name |
contentMetadata_status | string | The submission status of the content document |
contentMetadata_updateTime | timestamp | The approximate age of the A+ Content document and metadata |
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Destinations |
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
destinationId | string | The destination identifier generated when you created the destination |
name | string | The developer-defined name for this destination |
resource_eventBridge_accountId | string | The identifier for the AWS account that is responsible for charges related to receiving notifications |
resource_eventBridge_name | string | The name of the partner event source associated with the destination |
resource_eventBridge_region | string | The AWS region in which you receive the notifications. For AWS regions that are supported in Amazon EventBridge, see![]() |
resource_sqs_arn | string | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the SQS queue. Pattern : "^arn:aws:sqs:S+:S+:S+" |
Inventory items for fulfillment feature
Inventory items for fulfillment feature
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | FeatureInventory |
Input Parameters
- featureName (required): Name of the feature. The name of the feature for which to return a list of eligible inventory
- marketplaceId (optional): Market place. The marketplace for which to return a list of the inventory that is eligible for the specified feature
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
featureName | string | The name of the feature |
fnSku | string | The unique SKU used by Amazon's fulfillment network |
overlappingSkus | string | Other seller SKUs that are shared across the same inventory |
sellerSku | string | Used to identify an item in the given marketplace. SellerSKU is qualified by the seller's SellerId, which is included with every operation that you submit |
skuCount | bigdecimal | The number of SKUs available for this service |
Features of Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders
Features of Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Features |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId (optional): Market place. The marketplace for which to return the list of features
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
featureDescription | string | The feature description |
featureName | string | The feature name |
sellerEligible | boolean | When true, indicates that the seller is eligible to use the feature |
Feed details
Feed details
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Feeds |
Input Parameters
- createdSince (optional): Creation date. The earliest feed creation date and time for feeds included in the response, in ISO 8601 format. The default is 90 days ago. Feeds are retained for a maximum of 90 days
- marketplaceIds (optional): Market place. A list of marketplace identifiers used to filter feeds. The feeds returned will match at least one of the marketplaces that you specify. Min count : 1 Max count : 10
- processingStatuses (optional): Processing status
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
createdTime | timestamp | The date and time when the feed was created, in ISO 8601 date time format |
feedId | string | The identifier for the feed. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID |
feedType | string | The feed type |
marketplaceIds | string | A list of identifiers for the marketplaces that the feed is applied to |
processingEndTime | timestamp | The date and time when feed processing completed, in ISO 8601 date time format |
processingStartTime | timestamp | The date and time when feed processing started, in ISO 8601 date time format |
processingStatus | string | The processing status of the feed |
resultFeedDocumentId | string | The identifier for the feed document. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID |
Financial event groups
Financial event groups
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | FinancialEventGroups |
Input Parameters
- FinancialEventGroupStartedAfter (optional): Started after. A date used for selecting financial event groups that opened after (or at) a specified date and time, in ISO 8601 format. The date-time must be no later than two minutes before the request was submitted
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
TraceId | string | The trace identifier used by sellers to look up transactions externally |
AccountTail | string | The account tail of the payment instrument |
BeginningBalance_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
BeginningBalance_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
ConvertedTotal_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
ConvertedTotal_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
FinancialEventGroupEnd | timestamp | The date and time at which the financial event group is closed. In ISO 8601 date time format |
FinancialEventGroupId | string | A unique identifier for the financial event group |
FinancialEventGroupStart | timestamp | The date and time at which the financial event group is opened. In ISO 8601 date time format |
FundTransferDate | timestamp | The date and time when the disbursement or charge was initiated. Only present for closed settlements. In ISO 8601 date time format |
FundTransferStatus | string | The status of the fund transfer |
OriginalTotal_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
OriginalTotal_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
ProcessingStatus | string | The processing status of the financial event group indicates whether the balance of the financial event group is settled. Possible values: Open; Closed; |
Financial events
Financial events
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | FinancialEvents |
Input Parameters
- PostedAfter (optional): Posted after. A date used for selecting financial events posted after (or at) a specified time. The date-time must be no later than two minutes before the request was submitted, in ISO 8601 date time format
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
PostedDate | timestamp | The date and time when the financial event was posted |
EventName | string | Event Name |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
AdjustmentAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
AdjustmentAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
AdjustmentType | string | The type of adjustment. Possible values: FBAInventoryReimbursement - An FBA inventory reimbursement to a seller's account. This occurs if a seller's inventory is damaged; ReserveEvent - A reserve event that is generated at the time of a settlement period closing. This occurs when some money from a seller's account is held back; PostageBilling - The amount paid by a seller for shipping labels; PostageRefund - The reimbursement of shipping labels purchased for orders that were canceled or refunded; LostOrDamagedReimbursement - An Amazon Easy Ship reimbursement to a seller's account for a package that we lost or damaged; CanceledButPickedUpReimbursement - An Amazon Easy Ship reimbursement to a seller's account. This occurs when a package is picked up and the order is subsequently canceled. This value is used only in the India marketplace; ReimbursementClawback - An Amazon Easy Ship reimbursement clawback from a seller's account. This occurs when a prior reimbursement is reversed. This value is used only in the India marketplace; SellerRewards - An award credited to a seller's account for their participation in an offer in the Seller Rewards program. Applies only to the India marketplace; |
AmazonOrderId | string | An Amazon-defined identifier for an order |
AmountDescription | string | A short description of this payment event |
BaseExpense_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
BaseExpense_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
BaseTax_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
BaseTax_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
BaseValue_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
BaseValue_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
BusinessObjectType | string | The type of business object |
ChargeComponent_ChargeAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | Charge Component Charge Amount Currency Amount |
ChargeComponent_ChargeAmount_CurrencyCode | string | Charge Component Charge Amount Currency Code |
ChargeComponent_ChargeType | string | Charge Component Charge Type |
Charge_ChargeAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | Charge Charge Amount Currency Amount |
Charge_ChargeAmount_CurrencyCode | string | Charge Charge Amount Currency Code |
Charge_ChargeType | string | Charge Type |
ClipOrRedemptionCount | long | The number of coupon clips or redemptions |
CouponId | string | A coupon identifier |
DealDescription | string | The internal description of the deal |
DealId | string | The unique identifier of the deal |
DebtRecoveryType | string | The debt recovery type. Possible values: DebtPayment; DebtPaymentFailure; DebtAdjustment; |
EnrollmentId | string | An enrollment identifier |
EventType | string | The type of event: SellerDealComplete |
ExtensionLength | integer | The number of days that the buyer extended an already rented item. This value is only returned for RentalCustomerPayment-Extension and RentalCustomerRefund-Extension events |
FeeAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
FeeAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
FeeComponent_FeeAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
FeeComponent_FeeAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
FeeComponent_FeeType | string | The type of fee. For more information about Selling on Amazon fees, see Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule on Seller Central. For more information about Fulfillment by Amazon fees, see FBA features, services and fees on Seller Central |
FeeDescription | string | A short description of the service fee event |
FeeReason | string | A short description of the service fee reason |
FeeType | string | The type of fee: RunLightningDealFee |
FnSKU | string | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
FulfillmentChannel | string | The fulfillment channel. Possible values: AFN - Amazon Fulfillment Network (Fulfillment by Amazon); MFN - Merchant Fulfillment Network (self-fulfilled); |
ImagingRequestBillingItemID | string | The identifier for the imaging services request |
InvoiceId | string | Identifier for the invoice that the transaction appears in |
LiquidationFeeAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
LiquidationFeeAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
LiquidationProceedsAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
LiquidationProceedsAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
LoanAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
LoanAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
MarketplaceCountryCode | string | The two-letter country code of the country associated with the marketplace where the order was placed |
MarketplaceId | string | An encrypted, Amazon-defined marketplace identifier |
MarketplaceName | string | The name of the marketplace where the event occurred |
NetCoTransactionID | string | The identifier for the network item swap |
OriginalRemovalOrderId | string | The identifier for the original removal order |
OverPaymentCredit_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
OverPaymentCredit_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
ParentASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item that was enrolled in the Early Reviewer Program |
PaymentAmountType | string | The type of payment. Possible values: Sales; |
PaymentEventId | string | A payment event identifier |
ProviderId | string | The Amazon-defined identifier of the solution provider |
ProviderStoreName | string | The store name where the payment event occurred |
ProviderTransactionType | string | The transaction type |
ReasonCode | string | Indicates why the seller was reimbursed |
RecoveryAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
RecoveryAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
ReimbursedAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
ReimbursedAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
RentalEventType | string | The type of rental event. Possible values: RentalCustomerPayment-Buyout - Transaction type that represents when the customer wants to buy out a rented item; RentalCustomerPayment-Extension - Transaction type that represents when the customer wants to extend the rental period; RentalCustomerRefund-Buyout - Transaction type that represents when the customer requests a refund for the buyout of the rented item; RentalCustomerRefund-Extension - Transaction type that represents when the customer requests a refund over the extension on the rented item; RentalHandlingFee - Transaction type that represents the fee that Amazon charges sellers who rent through Amazon; RentalChargeFailureReimbursement - Transaction type that represents when Amazon sends money to the seller to compensate for a failed charge; RentalLostItemReimbursement - Transaction type that represents when Amazon sends money to the seller to compensate for a lost item; |
RentalInitialValue_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
RentalInitialValue_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
RentalReimbursement_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
RentalReimbursement_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
RetrochargeEventType | string | The type of event. Possible values: Retrocharge; RetrochargeReversal; |
SAFETClaimId | string | A SAFE-T claim identifier |
SalesChannel | string | The sales channel for the transaction |
SellerCouponDescription | string | The description provided by the seller when they created the coupon |
SellerId | string | The Amazon-defined identifier of the seller |
SellerOrderId | string | A seller-defined identifier for an order |
SellerSKU | string | The seller SKU of the item. The seller SKU is qualified by the seller's seller ID, which is included with every call to the Selling Partner API |
SellerStoreName | string | The store name where the payment event occurred |
ShippingTax_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
ShippingTax_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
SourceBusinessEventType | string | The type of event. Possible values: LoanAdvance; LoanPayment; LoanRefund; |
StoreName | string | The store name where the event occurred |
SwapReason | string | The reason for the network item swap |
TaxAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TaxAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TaxExclusiveAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TaxExclusiveAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TaxTypeCGST_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TaxTypeCGST_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TaxTypeIGST_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TaxTypeIGST_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TaxTypeSGST_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TaxTypeSGST_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TaxValue_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TaxValue_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TotalAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TotalAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TotalExpense_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TotalExpense_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TransactionAmount_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TransactionAmount_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
TransactionCreationDate | timestamp | The date and time that the credit transaction was created, in ISO 8601 date time format |
TransactionPostedDate | timestamp | The date and time when the payment transaction is posted. In ISO 8601 date time format |
TransactionType | string | Indicates if the transaction is for a charge or a refund. Possible values: charge - Charge; refund - Refund; |
TransactionValue_CurrencyAmount | bigdecimal | The monetary value |
TransactionValue_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
Fulfillment orders
Fulfillment orders
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | FulfillmentOrders |
Input Parameters
- queryStartDate (optional): Query start date. A date used to select fulfillment orders that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in fulfillment order status, including the creation of a new fulfillment order
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplaceId | string | The identifier for the marketplace the fulfillment order is placed against |
displayableOrderId | string | A fulfillment order identifier submitted with the createFulfillmentOrder operation. Displays as the order identifier in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip |
deliveryWindow | string | The time range within which a Scheduled Delivery fulfillment order should be delivered |
displayableOrderComment | string | A text block submitted with the createFulfillmentOrder operation. Displays in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip |
displayableOrderDate | timestamp | A date and time submitted with the createFulfillmentOrder operation. Displays as the order date in recipient-facing materials such as the packing slip |
featureConstraints | string | A list of features and their fulfillment policies to apply to the order |
fulfillmentAction | string | Specifies whether the fulfillment order should ship now or have an order hold put on it |
fulfillmentOrderStatus | string | The current status of the fulfillment order |
fulfillmentPolicy | string | The FulfillmentPolicy value specified when you submitted the createFulfillmentOrder operation |
notificationEmails | string | A list of email addresses that the seller provides that are used by Amazon to send ship-complete notifications to recipients on behalf of the seller |
receivedDate | timestamp | The date and time that the fulfillment order was received by an Amazon fulfillment center |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | string | The fulfillment order identifier submitted with the createFulfillmentOrder operation |
shippingSpeedCategory | string | The shipping method used for the fulfillment order |
statusUpdatedDate | timestamp | The date and time that the status of the fulfillment order last changed, in ISO 8601 date time format |
Inventory summaries
Inventory summaries
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | InventorySummaries |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceIds (optional): Market place. The marketplace ID for the marketplace for which to return inventory summaries. Max count : 1
- startDateTime (optional): Start date and time. If specified, all inventory summaries that have changed since then are returned. You must specify a date and time that is no earlier than 18 months prior to the date and time when you call the API. Note: Changes in inboundWorkingQuantity, inboundShippedQuantity and inboundReceivingQuantity are not detected
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item |
condition | string | The condition of the item as described by the seller (for example, New Item) |
fnSku | string | Amazon's fulfillment network SKU identifier |
granularityId | string | The granularity ID for the specified granularity type. When granularityType is Marketplace, specify the marketplaceId |
granularityType | string | The granularity type for the inventory aggregation level |
inventoryDetails_fulfillableQuantity | integer | The item quantity that can be picked, packed, and shipped |
inventoryDetails_futureSupplyQuantity_futureSupplyBuyableQuantity | integer | The future item quantity that can be picked, packed, and shipped |
inventoryDetails_futureSupplyQuantity_reservedFutureSupplyQuantity | integer | The reserved item quantity that can be picked, packed, and shipped |
inventoryDetails_inboundReceivingQuantity | integer | The number of units that have not yet been received at an Amazon fulfillment center for processing, but are part of an inbound shipment with some units that have already been received and processed |
inventoryDetails_inboundShippedQuantity | integer | The number of units in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about and have provided a tracking number |
inventoryDetails_inboundWorkingQuantity | integer | The number of units in an inbound shipment for which you have notified Amazon |
inventoryDetails_researchingQuantity_researchingQuantityBreakdown | string | A list of quantity details for items currently being researched |
inventoryDetails_researchingQuantity_totalResearchingQuantity | integer | The total number of units currently being researched in Amazon's fulfillment network |
inventoryDetails_reservedQuantity_fcProcessingQuantity | integer | The number of units that have been sidelined at the fulfillment center for additional processing |
inventoryDetails_reservedQuantity_pendingCustomerOrderQuantity | integer | The number of units reserved for customer orders |
inventoryDetails_reservedQuantity_pendingTransshipmentQuantity | integer | The number of units being transferred from one fulfillment center to another |
inventoryDetails_reservedQuantity_totalReservedQuantity | integer | The total number of units in Amazon's fulfillment network that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped; or are sidelined for measurement, sampling, or other internal processes |
inventoryDetails_unfulfillableQuantity_carrierDamagedQuantity | integer | The number of units in carrier damaged disposition |
inventoryDetails_unfulfillableQuantity_customerDamagedQuantity | integer | The number of units in customer damaged disposition |
inventoryDetails_unfulfillableQuantity_defectiveQuantity | integer | The number of units in defective disposition |
inventoryDetails_unfulfillableQuantity_distributorDamagedQuantity | integer | The number of units in distributor damaged disposition |
inventoryDetails_unfulfillableQuantity_expiredQuantity | integer | The number of units in expired disposition |
inventoryDetails_unfulfillableQuantity_totalUnfulfillableQuantity | integer | The total number of units in Amazon's fulfillment network in unsellable condition |
inventoryDetails_unfulfillableQuantity_warehouseDamagedQuantity | integer | The number of units in warehouse damaged disposition |
lastUpdatedTime | timestamp | The date and time that any quantity was last updated |
productName | string | The localized language product title of the item within the specific marketplace |
sellerSku | string | The seller SKU of the item |
totalQuantity | integer | The total number of units in an inbound shipment or in Amazon fulfillment centers |
Order metrics
Order metrics
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | OrderMetrics |
Input Parameters
- interval_start (optional): Start time. Start time of interval used for selecting order metrics
- buyerType (optional): Buyer type. Filters the results by the buyer type that you specify, B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to customer). Example: B2B, if you want the response to include order metrics for only B2B buyers
- firstDayOfWeek (optional): First day of week. Specifies the day that the week starts on when granularity=Week, either Monday or Sunday. Default: Monday. Example: Sunday, if you want the week to start on a Sunday
- fulfillmentNetwork (optional): Fulfillment network. Filters the results by the fulfillment network that you specify, MFN (merchant fulfillment network) or AFN (Amazon fulfillment network). Do not include this filter if you want the response to include order metrics for all fulfillment networks. Example: AFN, if you want the response to include order metrics for only Amazon fulfillment network
- granularity (required): Granularity. The granularity of the grouping of order metrics, based on a unit of time. Specifying granularity=Hour results in a successful request only if the interval specified is less than or equal to 30 days from now. For all other granularities, the interval specified must be less or equal to 2 years from now. Specifying granularity=Total results in order metrics that are aggregated over the entire interval that you specify. If the interval start and end date don't align with the specified granularity, the head and tail end of the response interval will contain partial data. Example: Day to get a daily breakdown of the request interval, where the day boundary is defined by the granularityTimeZone
- marketplaceIds (optional): Market place. A list of marketplace identifiers. Example: ATVPDKIKX0DER indicates the US marketplace
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier for the marketplace |
interval_start | timestamp | The interval of time based on requested granularity (ex. Hour, Day, etc.) If this is the first or the last interval from the list, it might contain incomplete data if the requested interval doesn't align with the requested granularity (ex. request interval 2018-09-01T02:00:00Z--2018-09-04T19:00:00Z and granularity day will result in Sept 1st UTC day and Sept 4th UTC days having partial data) |
interval_end | timestamp | The interval of time based on requested granularity (ex. Hour, Day, etc.) If this is the first or the last interval from the list, it might contain incomplete data if the requested interval doesn't align with the requested granularity (ex. request interval 2018-09-01T02:00:00Z--2018-09-04T19:00:00Z and granularity day will result in Sept 1st UTC day and Sept 4th UTC days having partial data) |
averageUnitPrice_amount | bigdecimal | The currency amount |
averageUnitPrice_CurrencyCode | string | Three-digit currency code. In ISO 4217 format |
orderCount | integer | The number of orders based on the specified filters |
orderItemCount | integer | The number of order items based on the specified filters |
totalSales_amount | bigdecimal | The currency amount |
totalSales_CurrencyCode | string | Three-digit currency code. In ISO 4217 format |
unitCount | integer | The number of units in orders based on the specified filters |
Orders (with details via slow API)
Orders (with details via slow API)
1. Orders Job Template is able to provide PII
2. Sellers wishing to receive a buyer's PII are subject to seller screening to ensure that the use of Amazon PII complies with Amazon's policies. In accordance with Amazon policy, Data Virtuality is obliged to undergo the seller screening to ensure that the use of the PII complies with Amazon's policies on handling the PII.
3. PII is only available for MFN orders and never available for FBA orders.
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Orders |
Input Parameters
- FulfillmentChannels (optional): Fulfillment channels. A list that indicates how an order was fulfilled. Filters the results by fulfillment channel. Possible values: AFN (Fulfillment by Amazon); MFN (Fulfilled by the seller)
FulfillmentChannels (optional): Fulfillment channels|A list that indicates how an order was fulfilled. Filters the results by fulfillment channel. Possible values: AFN (Fulfillment by Amazon); MFN (Fulfilled by the seller)
LastUpdatedAfter (optional): Updated after|A date used for selecting orders that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. The date must be in ISO 8601 format
MarketplaceIds (optional): Market place|A list of MarketplaceId values. Used to select orders that were placed in the specified marketplaces. Max count : 50
OrderStatuses (optional): Order status|A list of OrderStatus values used to filter the results. Possible values: PendingAvailability (This status is available for pre-orders only. The order has been placed, payment has not been authorized, and the release date of the item is in the future.); Pending (The order has been placed but payment has not been authorized); Unshipped (Payment has been authorized and the order is ready for shipment, but no items in the order have been shipped); PartiallyShipped (One or more, but not all, items in the order have been shipped); Shipped (All items in the order have been shipped); InvoiceUnconfirmed (All items in the order have been shipped. The seller has not yet given confirmation to Amazon that the invoice has been shipped to the buyer.); Canceled (The order has been canceled); and Unfulfillable (The order cannot be fulfilled. This state applies only to Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders.)
PaymentMethods (optional): Payment method|A list of payment method values. Used to select orders paid using the specified payment methods. Possible values: COD (Cash on delivery); CVS (Convenience store payment); Other (Any payment method other than COD or CVS)
with_Items (optional): Save items. Save detailed order item information into a separate subordinate table along with orders (if parameter target_table is set)
with_Address (optional): Save shipping address. Save shipping address into a separate subordinate table along with orders (if parameter target_table is set)
with_BuyerInfo (optional): Save buyer information. Save buyer information into a separate subordinate table along with orders (if parameter target_table is set)
with_ItemsBuyerInfo (optional): Save buyer information for the order items. Save buyer information for the order items into a separate subordinate table along with orders (if parameter target_table is set)
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
AmazonOrderId | string | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_AddressLine1 | string | The street address |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_AddressLine2 | string | Additional street address information, if required |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_AddressLine3 | string | Additional street address information, if required |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_AddressType | string | The address type of the shipping address |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_City | string | The city |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_CountryCode | string | The country code. A two-character country code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_County | string | The county |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_District | string | The district |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_Municipality | string | The municipality |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_Name | string | The name |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_Phone | string | The phone number. Not returned for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) orders |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_PostalCode | string | The postal code |
AssignedShipFromLocationAddress_StateOrRegion | string | The state or region |
CbaDisplayableShippingLabel | string | Custom ship label for Checkout by Amazon (CBA) |
EarliestDeliveryDate | timestamp | The start of the time period within which you have committed to fulfill the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders |
EarliestShipDate | timestamp | The start of the time period within which you have committed to ship the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders. Note: EarliestShipDate might not be returned for orders placed before February 1, 2013 |
EasyShipShipmentStatus | string | The status of the Amazon Easy Ship order. This property is included only for Amazon Easy Ship orders. Possible values: PendingPickUp, LabelCanceled, PickedUp, OutForDelivery, Damaged, Delivered, RejectedByBuyer, Undeliverable, ReturnedToSeller, ReturningToSeller |
FulfillmentChannel | string | Whether the order was fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or by the seller (MFN) |
FulfillmentInstruction_FulfillmentSupplySourceId | string | Denotes the recommended sourceId where the order should be fulfilled from |
IsBusinessOrder | boolean | When true, the order is an Amazon Business order. An Amazon Business order is an order where the buyer is a Verified Business Buyer |
IsEstimatedShipDateSet | boolean | When true, the estimated ship date is set for the order. Returned only for Sourcing on Demand orders |
IsGlobalExpressEnabled | boolean | When true, the order is a GlobalExpress order |
IsPremiumOrder | boolean | When true, the order has a Premium Shipping Service Level Agreement. For more information about Premium Shipping orders, see "Premium Shipping Options" in the Seller Central Help for your marketplace |
IsPrime | boolean | When true, the order is a seller-fulfilled Amazon Prime order |
IsReplacementOrder | boolean | When true, this is a replacement order |
IsSoldByAB | boolean | When true, the item within this order was bought and re-sold by Amazon Business EU SARL (ABEU). By buying and instantly re-selling your items, ABEU becomes the seller of record, making your inventory available for sale to customers who would not otherwise purchase from a third-party seller |
LastUpdateDate | timestamp | The date when the order was last updated. Note: LastUpdateDate is returned with an incorrect date for orders that were last updated before 2009-04-01 |
LatestDeliveryDate | timestamp | The end of the time period within which you have committed to fulfill the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders that do not have a PendingAvailability, Pending, or Canceled status |
LatestShipDate | timestamp | The end of the time period within which you have committed to ship the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders. Note: LatestShipDate might not be returned for orders placed before February 1, 2013 |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier for the marketplace where the order was placed |
NumberOfItemsShipped | integer | The number of items shipped |
NumberOfItemsUnshipped | integer | The number of items unshipped |
OrderChannel | string | The order channel of the first item in the order |
OrderStatus | string | The current order status |
OrderTotal_Amount | bigdecimal | The currency amount |
OrderTotal_CurrencyCode | string | The three-digit currency code. In ISO 4217 format |
OrderType | string | The type of the order |
PaymentMethod | string | The payment method for the order. This property is limited to Cash On Delivery (COD) and Convenience Store (CVS) payment methods. Unless you need the specific COD payment information provided by the PaymentExecutionDetailItem object, we recommend using the PaymentMethodDetails property to get payment method information |
PaymentMethodDetails | string | A list of payment methods for the order |
PromiseResponseDueDate | timestamp | Indicates the date by which the seller must respond to the buyer with an estimated ship date. Returned only for Sourcing on Demand orders |
PurchaseDate | timestamp | The date when the order was created |
ReplacedOrderId | string | The order ID value for the order that is being replaced. Returned only if IsReplacementOrder = true |
SalesChannel | string | The sales channel of the first item in the order |
SellerOrderId | string | A seller-defined order identifier |
ShipServiceLevel | string | The shipment service level of the order |
ShipmentServiceLevelCategory | string | The shipment service level category of the order. Possible values: Expedited, FreeEconomy, NextDay, SameDay, SecondDay, Scheduled, Standard |
Active Listings Report
Active Listings Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_ActiveListings |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
item_name | string | The item name |
item_description | string | The item description |
listing_id | string | The listing id |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
open_date | string | Open date |
image_url | string | The image url |
item_is_marketplace | boolean | Item is marketplace |
product_id_type | string | The type of product id |
zshop_shipping_fee | bigdecimal | Zshop shipping fee |
item_note | string | The item note |
item_condition | string | Numeric entry that indicates the condition of the product. This field is required. Note: Not all conditions are available for all categories. For more information about what conditions you may use in your product category, see Condition Guidelines |
zshop_category1 | string | Zshop category1 |
zshop_browse_path | string | Zshop browse path |
zshop_storefront_feature | string | Zshop storefront feature |
asin1 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
asin2 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
asin3 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
will_ship_internationally | string | Will ship internationally |
expedited_shipping | string | Expedited shipping |
zshop_boldface | string | Zshop boldface |
product_id | string | The product id |
bid_for_featured_placement | string | The bid for featured placement |
add_delete | string | Add delete |
pending_quantity | bigdecimal | Pending quantity |
fulfillment_channel | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
Business_Price | bigdecimal | A special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders |
Quantity_Price_Type | string | Quantity price type |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
merchant_shipping_group | string | The merchant shipping group |
Progressive_Price_Type | string | Progressive price type |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
All Listings Report
All Listings Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_AllListings |
Input Parameters
- Custom (optional): Custom report. A Boolean value that indicates whether a custom report is returned
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
item_name | string | The item name |
item_description | string | The item description |
listing_id | string | The listing id |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
open_date | string | Open date |
image_url | string | The image url |
item_is_marketplace | boolean | Item is marketplace |
product_id_type | string | The type of product id |
zshop_shipping_fee | bigdecimal | Zshop shipping fee |
item_note | string | The item note |
item_condition | string | Numeric entry that indicates the condition of the product. This field is required. Note: Not all conditions are available for all categories. For more information about what conditions you may use in your product category, see Condition Guidelines |
zshop_category1 | string | Zshop category1 |
zshop_browse_path | string | Zshop browse path |
zshop_storefront_feature | string | Zshop storefront feature |
asin1 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
asin2 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
asin3 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
will_ship_internationally | string | Will ship internationally |
expedited_shipping | string | Expedited shipping |
zshop_boldface | string | Zshop boldface |
product_id | string | Product id |
bid_for_featured_placement | string | Bid for featured placement |
add_delete | string | Add delete |
pending_quantity | bigdecimal | Pending quantity |
fulfillment_channel | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
merchant_shipping_group | string | Merchant shipping group |
status | string | Current status of this item within the order |
Minimum_order_quantity | bigdecimal | Minimum order quantity |
Sell_remainder | boolean | Sell remainder |
Amazon VAT Transactions Report
Amazon VAT Transactions Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_AmazonVATTransactions |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
UNIQUE_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER | string | A unique alphanumeric identifier for your account |
ACTIVITY_PERIOD | string | Year and Month where activity is contained within the report |
SALES_CHANNEL | string | The channel where the transaction originated. - "MFN" - Merchant Fulfillment Network: These are shipments fulfilled directly by the seller for sales placed on Amazon's websites. "AFN" - Amazon Fulfillment Network: These are shipments fulfilled by Amazon on the seller's behalf for sales placed on Amazon's websites |
MARKETPLACE | string | The marketplace in which the order was placed |
PROGRAM_TYPE | string | This column identifies the program type pertaining to the transaction. There are business teams within Amazon that launch programs catering to different use cases for Amazon and the seller. AVTR includes such programs when the corresponding activities are relevant for the seller's VAT reporting. - "LIQUIDATION": Liquidation sales of excess inventory initiated by a seller. For more details, refer to FBA Liquidations. - "DONATION": Donation of excess inventory to a charitable organization through the Fulfillment by Amazon donations program. For more details, refer to FBA Donations. - "COMMINGLING": Acquisition or disposal of a product from/to another FBA seller (or Amazon Retail), participating in the Commingling Program. For more details, refer to Commingling FAQs. - "REGULAR": Any transaction to which the above program types do not apply |
TRANSACTION_TYPE | string | Shipment, Refund, Retrocharge, Order Fee, etc |
TRANSACTION_EVENT_ID | string | Transaction Event ID is an ID that relates to the entire transaction. - This ID can be used to search for transactional level information in Seller Central. - Transaction event IDs can appear more than once if there are sales, refunds, returns, and/or multiple items in an order |
ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION_ID | string | Activity Transaction ID is an identifier that relates to lower-level activity within a transaction event. For example, multiple shipments or refunds for one order. - This ID cannot be used to search for transactional level information in Seller Central. - Activity Transaction IDs can appear more than once if there are multiple items related the activity level |
TAX_CALCULATION_DATE | date | The date that is used to determine the VAT details |
TRANSACTION_DEPART_DATE | date | Date associated with the departure (outbound) movement to the final destination. This date may be in a different month from the arrival month. Date used to determine the month in which the activity will be contained in the transaction report is the TRANSACTION_COMPLETE_DATE. - MFN/AFN: "Sale"- Shipment Date (seller to buyer shipments). This is also the date the buyer's payment instrument is charged. - AFN: "Commingling_Sell" & "Commingling_Buy" - Shipment Date (seller-to-buyer shipments). - AFN: "Liquidation_Sale" - Shipment date (seller-to-buyer shipments). - AFN: "Donation" - Shipment date (seller-to-buyer shipments). - AFN: "Return"- Date good(s) sent back. This field will be blank if the data is not provided to Amazon by the buyer or Carrier. - AFN: "FC_Transfer"- Process Date: The date inventory began its movement from a Fulfillment Center. - AFN: "Inbound"- The date in which you create shipment in "Manage FBA Shipments" page. - MFN/AFN: "Refund"- Blank. There is a monetary change and the date is reflected in TRANSACTION_COMPLETE_DATE. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section |
TRANSACTION_ARRIVAL_DATE | date | Date associated with the final destination (inbound) movement. This date may be in a different month from the arrival month. Date used to determine the month in which the activity will be contained in the transaction report is the TRANSACTION_COMPLETE_DATE_UTC. - MFN/AFN: "Sale"- Delivery date (seller to buyer shipments). This field will be blank if the data is not provided to Amazon by the Carrier. - AFN: "Commingling_Sell" & "Commingling_Buy" - Delivery Date (seller-to-buyer shipments). - AFN: "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund", "Donation" - Empty. - AFN: "Return"- Date return arrived at Fulfillment Center. (buyer to seller returns) . - AFN: "FC_Transfer"- Date items arrive at the Fulfillment Center receiving dock and are pending check-in. - AFN: "Inbounds"- Date items arrive at the Fulfillment Center receiving dock and completed check-in. - MFN/AFN: "Refund"- Blank. There is a monetary change and the date is reflected in TRANSACTION_COMPLETE_DATE. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section |
TRANSACTION_COMPLETE_DATE | date | Date used to determine the month in which the activity will be contained in the transaction report. - MFN/AFN: "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale", "Donation" - Shipment Date (seller to Buyer shipments). This is also the date the buyer's payment instrument is charged. - AFN: "Commingling_Sell" & "Commingling_Buy" - Shipment Date (seller-to-buyer shipments). - AFN: "Return"- Date return arrived at Fulfillment Center. (Buyer to seller returns) . - MFN/AFN: "Refund", "Liquidation_Refund" - Date the refund of monetary values was completed. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN: "FC_Transfer"- Received Date, the date the inventory was checked into the receiving Fulfillment Center. - AFN: "Inbounds"- Received Date, the date the inventory is checked into the receiving Fulfillment Center |
SELLER_SKU | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that are assigned to Amazon by the seller to make it easier for them to identify their products. Seller SKUs are required when listing an item. If SKU available, populated. If unavailable, populated as 'Not Available' |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
ITEM_DESCRIPTION | string | The product description based on the Amazon Marketplace in which the item transacted. - "FC_Transfer" & "Inbound": The product description based on seller's home market place. This field will be blank if product description not available in seller's home market place |
ITEM_MANUFACTURE_COUNTRY | string | Two character country code where the product was originally made or manufactured; this is not the location where the item is sold |
QTY | bigdecimal | The total number of units in reserved status |
ITEM_WEIGHT | bigdecimal | The weight of each individual SKU item in kilograms (kg). - All Transactions - Except MFN/AFN "Refund": The unit weight in kilograms (kg). - "FC_Transfer" & "Inbound": The weight of each individual SKU item in kilograms (kg) based on seller's home market place. - This field will be blank if not available in seller's home market place. - MFN/AFN: "Refund", "Liquidation_Refund" - Refunds only reflect financial movement, so this value will be 0. Product movement will be reflected in the "Return" section |
TOTAL_ACTIVITY_WEIGHT | bigdecimal | Total weight of the units moved for this activity line. The unit will be in kilograms (kg). - All Use Cases: "QUANTITY" x "ITEM_WEIGHT". - "FC_Transfer" & "Inbound": Total weight of the units moved for this activity line in kilograms (kg) based on seller's home market place. - This field will be blank if not available in seller's home market place |
COST_PRICE_OF_ITEMS | bigdecimal | The cost price of the item (amount paid to acquire the item) as provided by the seller |
PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The total price of items for all units (quantity) in the activity type, excluding VAT, Shipping, Gift Wrap, and Promotion amounts. Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts |
PROMO_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The promotion amount applied to the transaction type for all units (quantity) in the activity type, Excluding VAT, Shipping, Gift Wrap, and Price of Item amounts. - Sales are reflected as negative amounts, and returns/refunds are reflected as positive amounts |
TOTAL_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The total value of the item price paid by the buyer, excluding VAT, Shipping, and Gift Wrap. - "PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_EXCL" + "PROMO_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_EXCL" |
SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The amount of shipping charged/refunded to the buyer for all units (quantity) in the activity type, excluding VAT, Price of Items, Gift Wrap, and Promotion amounts. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts |
PROMO_SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The promotion amount applied to shipping charged/refunded to the buyer for all units (quantity) in the activity type, excluding VAT, Price of Items, Shipping Charge, and Gift Wrap amounts. - Sales are reflected as negative amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as positive amounts |
TOTAL_SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The total value of shipping paid or refunded to the buyer, excluding VAT, Price of Items, and Gift Wrap,. - "SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_EXCL" + "PROMO_SHIP_CHG_AMT_VAT_EXCL" |
GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The amount of gift wrap charged/refunded to the buyer for all units (quantity) in the activity type, excluding VAT, Price of Items, Shipping, and Promotion amounts. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts |
PROMO_GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The promotion amount applied to gift wrap charged/refunded to the buyer for all units (quantity) in the activity type, excluding VAT, Price of Items, and Shipping amounts. - Sales are reflected as negative amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as positive amounts |
TOTAL_GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_EXCL | bigdecimal | The total value of gift wrap paid or refunded to the buyer, excluding VAT, Price of Items, and Shipping. - "GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_EXCL" + "PROMO_GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_EXCL" |
PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_RATE_PERCENT | bigdecimal | The VAT rate percentage applied to the activity. The rate percentage is provided as decimal value (e.g.0.20=20%, 0.02=2%) |
PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The VAT amount charged or refunded to the buyer from the seller on the items in the activity based on the PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_RATE_PERCENT. - This amount excludes shipping, gift wrap, promotions, and PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_EXCL |
PROMO_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The VAT amount charged or refunded to the buyer from the seller on the promotional amount applied to the items in the activity based on the PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_RATE_PERCENT. - This amount excludes shipping, gift wrap, PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_EXCL, and PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_AMT |
TOTAL_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The total VAT amount charged/refunded to the buyer from the seller on the items in the activity. - "PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_AMT" + "PROMO_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_VAT_AMT" |
SHIP_CHARGE_VAT_RATE_PERCENT | bigdecimal | The VAT rate percentage applied to the shipping charged/refunded to the buyer for the activity. - The rate percentage is provided as decimal value (e.g.0.20=20%, 0.02=2%) |
SHIP_CHARGE_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The VAT amount charged or refunded to the buyer from the seller on the shipping amount based on the SHIP_CHARGE_VAT_RATE_PERCENT. - This amount excludes price of items, gift wrap, promotions, and SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_EXCL |
PROMO_SHIP_CHARGE_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The VAT amount charged or refunded to the buyer from the seller on the promotional amount applied to the shipping amount, based on the SHIP_CHARGE_VAT_RATE_PERCENT. - This amount excludes price of items, gift wrap, and SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_EXCL |
TOTAL_SHIP_CHARGE_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The total VAT amount charged/refunded to the buyer from the seller on the shipping amount for the activity. - "SHIP_CHARGE_VAT_AMT" + "PROMO_SHIP_CHARGE_VAT_AMT" |
GIFT_WRAP_VAT_RATE_PERCENT | bigdecimal | The VAT rate percentage applied to the gift wrap charged/refunded to the buyer for the activity. - The rate percentage is provided as decimal value (e.g.0.20=20%, 0.02=2%) |
GIFT_WRAP_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The VAT rate percentage applied to the gift wrap charged/refunded to the buyer for the activity. - The rate percentage is provided as decimal value (e.g.0.20=20%, 0.02=2%) |
PROMO_GIFT_WRAP_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The VAT amount charged or refunded to the buyer from the seller on the promotional amount applied to Gift Wrap, based on the GIFT_WRAP_VAT_RATE_PERCENT. - This amount excludes price of items, shipping, and GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_EXCL |
TOTAL_GIFT_WRAP_VAT_AMT | bigdecimal | The total VAT amount charged/refunded to the buyer from the seller on the gift wrap for the activity. - "GIFT_WRAP_VAT_AMT" + "PROMO_GIFT_WRAP_VAT_AMT" |
PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The total price of items for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT and excluding Shipping, Gift Wrap, and Promotion amounts. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale": The total VAT inclusive amount of the items in the activity. - "Donation" - This will be blank. - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": The total VAT-inclusive amount of the items in the activity. - MFN/AFN "Refund", "Liquidation_Refund": The total VAT inclusive amount of the items in the activity. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds". - This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - AFN "Return": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
PROMO_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The total promotion price of items for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT and excluding price of items, shipping, and gift wrap. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale": The total VAT inclusive promotional amount of the items in the activity. - "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund", "Donation" - This will be blank. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": This will be blank. There are no promotional amounts applied to Commingling transactions. - MFN/AFN "Refund": The total VAT inclusive promotional amount of the items in the activity. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds": There are no promotional amounts applied to Inbound and Transfer activity. There are no financial movements between the seller and Amazon. - AFN "Return": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
TOTAL_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The total price of items for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT and excluding Shipping and Gift Wrap charges. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale": PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL + PROMO_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL. - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL. - MFN/AFN "Refund", "Liquidation_Refund": PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL + PROMO_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds" & "Return" & "Return" & "Donation": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The amount of shipping charged/refunded to the buyer for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT, but excluding price of items, gift wrap, and promotion amounts. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale": The total VAT inclusive amount of the shipping in the activity. - "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund", "Donation" - This will be blank. - MFN/AFN "Refund": The total VAT inclusive amount of the shipping in the activity. - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": This will be blank. There are no shipping charges for Commingling transactions. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds": This value will be 0. The buyer is not charged on movement between Fulfillment Centers. - AFN "Return": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
PROMO_SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The promotion amount for shipping charges for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT and excluding price of items, and gift wrap. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale": The total VAT inclusive amount of the promotion amount on shipping charges in the activity. - "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund", "Donation" - This will be blank. - MFN/AFN "Refund": The total VAT inclusive amount of the promotion amount on shipping charges in the activity. - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": This will be blank. There are no shipping charges for Commingling transactions. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "Return": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds": There are no promotional amounts applied to Inbound and Transfer activity. There are no financial movements between the seller and Amazon. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
TOTAL_SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The total shipping charges for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT and excluding Price of Items, Gift Wrap, and Promotion amounts. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale": "SHIP_CHG_VAT_INCL" + "PROMO_SHIP_CHG_VAT_INCL". - "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund", "Donation" - This will be blank. - MFN/AFN "Refund": "SHIP_CHG_VAT_INCL" + "PROMO_SHIP_CHG_VAT_INCL". - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": This will be blank. There are no shipping charges for Commingling transactions. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds": This value will be 0. The buyer is not charged on movement between Fulfillment Centers. - AFN "Return": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The amount of gift wrap charged/refunded to the buyer for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT, but excluding price of items, shipping and promotion amounts. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale": The total VAT inclusive amount of the gift wrap charges in the activity. - "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund", "Donation" - This will be blank. - MFN/AFN "Refund": The total VAT inclusive amount of the gift wrap charges in the activity. - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": This will be blank. There are no gift wrapping charges for Commingling transactions. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds": This value will be 0. The buyer is not charged on movement between Fulfillment Centers. - AFN "Return": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
PROMO_GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The promotion amount for gift wrap charges for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT and excluding price of items, shipping, and gift wrap. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale": The total VAT inclusive amount of the promotion amount on shipping charges in the activity. - "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund", "Donation" - This will be blank. - MFN/AFN "Refund": The total VAT inclusive amount of the promotion amount on shipping charges in the activity. - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": This will be blank. There are no gift wrapping charges for Commingling transactions. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "Return": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds": There are no promotional amounts applied to Inbound and Transfer activity. There are no financial movements between the seller and Amazon. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
TOTAL_GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The total gift wrap charges for all units (quantity) in the activity type, including VAT and excluding price of items, shipping, and promotion amounts. - Sales are reflected as positive amounts and returns/refunds are reflected as negative amounts. - MFN/AFN "Sale": "GIFT_WRAP_CHG_VAT_INCL" + "PROMO_GIFT_WRAP_VAT_INCL". - "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund", "Donation" - This will be blank. - MFN/AFN "Refund": "GIFT_WRAP_CHG_VAT_INCL" + "PROMO_GIFT_WRAP_VAT_INCL". - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": This will be blank. There are no gift wrapping charges for Commingling transactions. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds": This value will be 0. The buyer is not charged on movement between Fulfillment Centers. - AFN "Return": This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
TOTAL_ACTIVITY_VALUE_AMT_VAT_INCL | bigdecimal | The total VAT inclusive amount for the activity inclusive of Price of Items, Gift Wrap, Shipping, and Promotion Amounts. - "TOTAL_PRICE_OF_ITEMS_AMT_VAT_INCL" + "TOTAL_SHIP_CHARGE_AMT_VAT_INCL" + "TOTAL_GIFT_WRAP_AMT_VAT_INCL". - MFN/AFN "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale": The amount charged or refunded to the buyer for this activity. - MFN/AFN "Refund", "Liquidation_Refund": The amount charged or refunded to the buyer for this activity. - AFN "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell": The amount charged to the buyer for this activity. - NOTE: Product movement will be reflected in the Return section. - AFN "FC_Transfer" & "Inbounds" & "Return" & "Donation" : This will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this information from sellers. - Note: The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders, for non VAT Calculation Service enrolled sellers |
TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_CODE | string | Currency code that relates to the activity. - MFN/AFN: "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale", "Refund", "Liquidation_Refund", & "Donation" - The currency of the marketplace in which the item was sold. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - The currency of the marketplace in which the item was sold |
COMMODITY_CODE | string | An eight digit numeric code provided by the European Government that identifies a group of goods |
STATISTICAL_CODE_DEPART | string | Additional national statistic code required for certain products departing from specific countries. - For example, in CZ, additional statistical codes relate to fuels related commodities and in FR, additional statistical codes relate to meats, wines, and aircrafts related commodities |
STATISTICAL_CODE_ARRIVAL | string | Additional national statistic code required for certain products delivered to specific countries. - For example, in CZ, additional statistical codes relate to fuels related commodities and in FR, additional statistical codes relate to meats, wines, and aircrafts related commodities |
COMMODITY_CODE_SUPPLEMENTARY_UNIT | string | Supplementary unit for certain Commodity Codes. - For example, carats for diamonds |
ITEM_QTY_SUPPLEMENTARY_UNIT | integer | COMMODITY_CODE_SUPPLEMENTARY_UNIT quantity in the transaction. - For example, 10 if it is a 10 carat diamond |
TOTAL_ACTIVITY_SUPPLEMENTARY_UNIT | integer | Total supplementary weight of the transaction. - For example, if there are 3 diamonds in this order and each diamond is 10. Carats, this will be 30. - "ITEM_QTY_SUPPLEMENTARY_UNIT" x "QTY" |
PRODUCT_TAX_CODE | string | A standard code to identify the tax properties of a product |
DEPATURE_CITY | string | City associated with the departure location for the transaction. - AFN: "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale", "Donation" - Amazon Fulfillment Center region where the items departed from. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - Amazon Fulfilment Centre region where the transfer took place. - AFN: "FC_Transfer" - Amazon Fulfillment Center region where the items departed from |
DEPARTURE_COUNTRY | string | Two character country code associated with the departure location for the transaction. - AFN: "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale", "Donation" - Amazon Fulfillment Center country where the items departed from. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - Amazon Fulfilment Centre country where the transfer took place. - AFN: "FC_Transfer" - Amazon Fulfillment Center country where the items departed from |
DEPARTURE_POST_CODE | string | Post Code associated with the departure location for the transaction. - AFN: "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale", "Donation" - Amazon Fulfillment Center postcode where the items departed from. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - Amazon Fulfilment Centre postcode where the transfer took place. - AFN: "FC_Transfer" - Amazon Fulfillment Center post code where the items departed from |
ARRIVAL_CITY | string | City associated with the arrival location for the transaction. - MFN/AFN: "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale", "Donation" - Region where the shipment was delivered. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - Amazon Fulfilment Centre region where the transfer took place. - AFN: "Return": Amazon Fulfillment Center region where the return items arrived. - AFN: "FC_Transfer" & Inbound - Amazon Fulfillment Center region where the inbound items arrived |
ARRIVAL_COUNTRY | string | Two character country code associated with the arrival location for the transaction. - MFN/AFN: "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale", "Donation" - Country where the shipment was delivered. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - Amazon Fulfilment Centre country where the transfer took place. - AFN: "Return": Amazon Fulfillment Center country where the return items arrived. - AFN: "FC_Transfer" & Inbound - Amazon Fulfillment Center country where the inbound items arrived |
ARRIVAL_POST_CODE | string | Post Code associated with the arrival location for the transaction. - MFN/AFN: "Sale", "Liquidation_Sale", "Donation" - Post code where the shipment was delivered. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - Amazon Fulfilment Centre postcode where the transfer took place. - AFN: "Return": Amazon Fulfillment Center post code where the return items arrived. - AFN: "FC_Transfer" & Inbound - Amazon Fulfillment Center post code where the inbound items arrived |
SALE_DEPART_COUNTRY | string | Two character departure country code associated with the original sale. - AFN: "Sale", "Return", "Refund", "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund" - Amazon Fulfillment Center country where the items departed from. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - Amazon Fulfilment Centre country where the transfer took place |
SALE_ARRIVAL_COUNTRY | string | Two character arrival country code associated with the original sale. - AFN/MFN: "Sale", "Return", "Refund", "Liquidation_Sale", "Liquidation_Refund" - Buyer's delivery country associated with the original sale. - AFN: "Commingling_Buy" & "Commingling_Sell" - Amazon Fulfilment Centre country where the transfer took place |
TRANSPORTATION_MODE | string | The way goods are moved between destinations. - AFN: "FC_Transfer", "Donation" - Transport by Road |
DELIVERY_CONDITIONS | string | The delivery conditions (Incoterms) used to communicate the condition in which the product was delivered. - Incoterms are a series of pre-defined commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The Incoterms are intended to clearly communicate the tasks, costs, and risks associated with the transportation and delivery of goods. - MFN: "Sale" - Amazon does not have the information as the transaction originated from the seller and these values will be blank. - MFN/AFN: "Refund", "Liquidation_Refund" - There is no product movement related to a Refund and these values will be blank |
SELLER_DEPART_VAT_NUMBER_COUNTRY | string | The country associated with the seller's VAT number in relation to the departure country. This is represented as a two character country code |
SELLER_DEPART_COUNTRY_VAT_NUMBER | string | The seller's VAT number in relation to the departure country |
SELLER_ARRIVAL_VAT_NUMBER_COUNTRY | string | The country associated with the seller's VAT number in relation to the arrival country. This is represented as a two character country code |
SELLER_ARRIVAL_COUNTRY_VAT_NUMBER | string | The seller's VAT number in relation to the arrival country |
TRANSACTION_SELLER_VAT_NUMBER_COUNTRY | string | The country associated with the seller's VAT number used for this transaction. This is represented as a two character country code |
TRANSACTION_SELLER_VAT_NUMBER | string | Seller's VAT number provided for this transaction and is also reflected on the VAT Invoice. - The service made available by Amazon does not currently calculate VAT details on seller to buyer orders as seller has not activated VAT Calculation Services and this must be filled in by the seller if applicable |
BUYER_VAT_NUMBER_COUNTRY | string | The country associated with the buyer's VAT number provided for this transaction. This is represented as a two character country code |
BUYER_VAT_NUMBER | string | Buyer's VAT number provided for this transaction |
VAT_CALCULATION_IMPUTATION_COUNTRY | string | The country which was used to back VAT out of the VAT inclusive price. This is represented as a two character country code |
TAXABLE_JURISDICTION | string | Indicates the jurisdictional value where a tax calculation was performed. For example, Country, Territory, etc |
TAXABLE_JURISDICTION_LEVEL | string | Indicates at which jurisdictional level a tax calculation was performed. For example, Country, Territory, etc |
VAT_INV_NUMBER | string | Indicates the sequential number assigned to the tax document, if applicable. E.g. the sequential VAT invoice number or credit note number |
VAT_INV_CONVERTED_AMT | bigdecimal | Indicates the total invoice-level VAT amount converted into the local taxed jurisdiction's currency, where that currency differs to that of the marketplace |
VAT_INV_CURRENCY_CODE | string | Indicates the currency code of the local taxed jurisdiction's currency, where that currency differs to that of the marketplace |
VAT_INV_EXCHANGE_RATE | bigdecimal | Indicates the exchange rate used to convert the total VAT amount in the marketplace currency to that of the local taxed jurisdiction's currency. The exchange rates are provided by the European Central Bank |
VAT_INV_EXCHANGE_RATE_DATE | date | Indicates the date of the exchange rate used to convert the total VAT amount in the marketplace currency to that of the local taxed jurisdiction's currency |
EXPORT_OUTSIDE_EU | boolean | Indicates whether or not an item was shipped from a EU28 member country to a country outside the EU28 member countries |
INVOICE_URL | string | This field will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this as seller has not activated VAT Calculation Services |
BUYER_NAME | string | This field will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this as seller has not activated VAT Calculation Services |
ARRIVAL_ADDRESS | string | This field will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this as seller has not activated VAT Calculation Services |
SUPPLIER_NAME | string | This field will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this as seller has not activated VAT Calculation Services |
SUPPLIER_VAT_NUMBER | string | Supplier's VAT number |
TAX_REPORTING_SCHEME | string | This field will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this as seller has not activated VAT Calculation Services |
TAX_COLLECTION_RESPONSIBILITY | string | This field will be blank. The service made available by Amazon does not currently capture this as seller has not activated VAT Calculation Services |
B2B Product Opportunities - Not yet on Amazon
B2B Product Opportunities - Not yet on Amazon
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_B2BProductOpportunitiesNotyetonAmazon |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
brand | string | The brand name of the product |
category | string | The primary product category (on Amazon) |
partNumber | string | The Manufacturer Part Number(MPN) of the product |
ean | string | The European Article Number(EAN) of the product |
upc | string | The Universal Product Code(UPC) of the product |
modelNumber | string | The Model Number of the product |
isbn | string | The International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, of each product |
itemName | string | The title of the product |
initialB2bBuyerIndustry | string | The industry of the first customer who requested the product |
initialB2bBuyerRequestedDate | string | The date we learned this product may not be on Amazon as the result of a customer request |
B2B Product Opportunities - Recommended for You Report
B2B Product Opportunities - Recommended for You Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_B2BProductOpportunitiesRecommendedforYou |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
brand | string | The brand name of the product |
lowestPriceInTheLastWeek_amount | string | The lowest price in the last week amount |
category | string | The primary product category (on Amazon) |
lowestPriceInTheLastWeek_CurrencyCode | string | Three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format |
partNumber | string | The Manufacturer Part Number(MPN) of the product |
ean | string | The European Article Number(EAN) of the product |
upc | string | The Universal Product Code(UPC) of the product |
modelNumber | string | The Model Number of the product |
isbn | string | The International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, of each product |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
link | string | A hyperlink to the Amazon product detail page |
itemName | string | The title of the product |
subCategory | string | It is the secondary product category |
hasFBAOffer | boolean | A value of 'true' means at least one Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) offer exists on the product. A 'false' means there are no Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) offers for the product |
offerCount | integer | The total number of active offers on each product (including Amazon Retail) |
reviewCount | integer | This shows the total number of customer reviews on each product |
b2bSalesRank | string | It is the sales rank of each product at the category level. The metric is based only on Amazon Business customer purchases |
b2bSalesRankGrowth | string | It measures the growth of business sales rank over the past 30 days. It can be 'High,' 'Medium,' or 'Low.' 'High' means that the product's business sales rank has grown over 33% from the previous month. 'Medium' means that it has grown from 0% to 33%. 'Low' means that the Business Sales Rank has decreased (growth less than 0%) |
pageViews | string | It measures the number of times that the specific product has been viewed in the past 30 days. It can be 'High,' 'Medium,' or 'Low.' |
isBrandYouOffer | boolean | true: It means the product shares a brand with at least one of your active offers, false: It means the product does not share a brand with any of your active offers |
isCategoryYouOffer | boolean | true: It shows that the product shares a category with at least one of your active offers, false: It shows that the product does not share a category with any of your active offers |
productPerformance | string | It measures the product sales to Amazon Business customers over the past 30 days. It can be Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 |
isProductOnAmazon | boolean | Is product on Amazon |
hasAmazonOffer | boolean | True: It means that an active Amazon offer exists on the product. False: It means there are no active Amazon offers for the product |
hasOfferWithVatInvoiceGeneration | boolean | This field will be equal to 'true' only if it has at least one offer from a seller who has adopted an automated solution for VAT invoice generation. This type of offer will guarantee that the buyer will have access to a downloadable VAT invoice |
Canceled Listings Report
Canceled Listings Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_CanceledListings |
Input Parameters
- Custom (optional): Custom report. A Boolean value that indicates whether a custom report is returned
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
item_name | string | The item name |
item_description | string | The item description |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
image_url | string | The image url |
item_is_marketplace | boolean | Item is marketplace |
product_id_type | string | The type of product id |
zshop_shipping_fee | bigdecimal | Zshop shipping fee |
item_note | string | The item note |
item_condition | string | Numeric entry that indicates the condition of the product. This field is required. Note: Not all conditions are available for all categories. For more information about what conditions you may use in your product category, see Condition Guidelines |
zshop_category1 | string | Zshop category1 |
zshop_browse_path | string | Zshop browse path |
zshop_storefront_feature | string | Zshop storefront feature |
asin1 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
asin2 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
asin3 | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item |
will_ship_internationally | string | Will ship internationally |
expedited_shipping | string | Expedited shipping |
zshop_boldface | string | Zshop boldface |
product_id | string | The product id |
add_delete | string | Add delete |
Business_Price | bigdecimal | A special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders |
Quantity_Price_Type | string | Quantity price type |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
merchant_shipping_group | string | The merchant shipping group |
Progressive_Price_Type | string | Progressive price type |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
FBA Amazon Fulfilled Inventory Report
FBA Amazon Fulfilled Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAAmazonFulfilledInventory |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
fulfillment_channel_sku | string | Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
condition_type | string | The condition of your inventory |
Warehouse_Condition_code | string | Code assigned in Amazon''s fulfillment center to listings matching the ASIN and the seller''s condition-type |
Quantity_Available | bigdecimal | Quantity available |
FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report
FBA Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAAmazonFulfilledShipments |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
amazon_order_id | string | Amazon''s unique, displayable identifier for an order |
merchant_order_id | string | A unique identifier optionally supplied for the order by the Merchant |
shipment_id | string | Encrypted Amazon shipment id |
shipment_item_id | string | Encrypted Amazon shipment item id |
amazon_order_item_id | string | Amazon''s unique, displayable identifier for an item within the order |
merchant_order_item_id | string | A unique identifier for an item within the order |
purchase_date | timestamp | The date the order was placed |
payments_date | timestamp | The date the buyer''s credit card was charged and order processing was completed |
shipment_date | timestamp | The date the shipment was completed (shipped) by the fulfillment center |
reporting_date | timestamp | The date the data for this report became available in the FBA data store |
buyer_email | string | The encrypted email address of the buyer |
buyer_name | string | The full name of the buyer |
buyer_phone_number | bigdecimal | The phone number of the buyer |
sku | string | A merchant-defined unique identifier for a product |
product_name | string | The short title for the product, displayed in bold on the detail web page and in the title bar of the browser window |
quantity_shipped | bigdecimal | The number of this item that were shipped |
currency | string | The currency used for the purchase. Supported currencies include USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, and JPY |
item_price | bigdecimal | The amount that the buyer paid for the item. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
item_tax | bigdecimal | The amount that the buyer paid for item tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
shipping_price | bigdecimal | The amount that the buyer paid for shipping. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
shipping_tax | bigdecimal | The amount that the buyer paid for shipping tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_price | string | The amount that the buyer paid for gift wrap. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_tax | string | The amount that the buyer paid for gift wrap tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
ship_service_level | string | An enumerated value that determines the type of fulfillment service that the buyer expects the merchant to use (e.g., Standard v. Expedited) |
recipient_name | string | Name field of a standard address |
ship_address_1 | string | The first line of a standard address |
ship_address_2 | string | The second line of a standard address |
ship_address_3 | string | The third line of a standard address |
ship_city | string | The city of a standard address |
ship_state | string | The state or region of a standard address |
ship_postal_code | string | The postal (ZIP) code of a standard address |
ship_country | string | ISO 3166 standard two-letter country code |
ship_phone_number | string | The phone number associated with the ship-to address |
bill_address_1 | string | The first line of a standard address |
bill_address_2 | string | The second line of a standard address |
bill_address_3 | string | The third line of a standard address |
bill_city | string | The city of a standard address |
bill_state | string | The state or region of a standard address |
bill_postal_code | string | The postal (zip) code of a standard address |
bill_country | string | ISO 3166 standard two-letter country code |
item_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Promotion discount applied to the order item |
ship_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Promotion discount applied to shipping |
carrier | string | The name of the carrier the package was shipped with |
tracking_number | string | The carrier''s tracking number for the package |
estimated_arrival_date | date | The estimated date of delivery to the customer |
fulfillment_center_id | string | The unique identifier from which fulfillment center the order was shipped |
fulfillment_channel | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
sales_channel | string | The source of the order |
FBA Customer Shipment Sales Report
FBA Customer Shipment Sales Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBACustomerShipmentSales |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
shipment_date | timestamp | The date the shipment was completed (shipped) by the fulfillment center |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller''s products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
fnsku | string | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
fulfillment_center_id | string | The fulfillment center where the problem is identified |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
amazon_order_id | string | The unique identifier assigned to the customer order. This field is empty if the reimbursement is not associated with an order |
currency | string | The currency of the removal fee |
item_price_per_unit | string | Item price per unit |
shipping_price | bigdecimal | The amount that the buyer paid for shipping. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_price | string | The amount that the buyer paid for gift wrap. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
ship_city | string | The city of a standard address |
ship_state | string | The state or region of a standard address |
ship_postal_code | string | The postal (ZIP) code of a standard address |
FBA Daily Inventory History Report
FBA Daily Inventory History Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBADailyInventoryHistory |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
snapshot_date | timestamp | Report data are current as of the date in this field |
fnsku | string | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller''s products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
fulfillment_center_id | string | The fulfillment center where the problem is identified |
detailed_disposition | string | Status of the product (examples: sellable, damaged) |
country | string | Country in which your products are stored |
FBA Fee Preview Report
FBA Fee Preview Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAFeePreview |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
fnsku | string | Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify products. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
product_group | string | The Amazon department or category |
brand | string | The brand of your product |
fulfilled_by | string | The entity that fulfilled the item |
your_price | bigdecimal | Your current selling price |
sales_price | bigdecimal | Your current promotional price |
longest_side | bigdecimal | Measurement of the longest side of your product including its packaging |
median_side | bigdecimal | Measurement of the side that is neither the longest nor the shortest side of your product including its packaging |
shortest_side | bigdecimal | Measurement of the shortest side of your product including its packaging |
length_and_girth | bigdecimal | The longest side of your product, including its packaging, plus the girth, a unit measure, equivalent to 2 x (median side + shortest side) |
unit_of_dimension | string | The unit of dimension |
item_package_weight | bigdecimal | The item package weight |
unit_of_weight | string | The unit of weight used in weight measurement |
product_size_tier | string | The size tier assigned to your product by FBA based on its dimensions and weight |
currency | string | The currency in which the fee is calculated |
estimated_fee_total | bigdecimal | The estimated fulfillment and Selling on Amazon fee |
estimated_referral_fee_per_unit | bigdecimal | The estimated Selling on Amazon Referral Fee |
estimated_variable_closing_fee | bigdecimal | The estimated Variable Closing Fee for your product |
estimated_order_handling_fee_per_order | bigdecimal | The estimated Order Handling Fee per order |
estimated_pick_pack_fee_per_unit | bigdecimal | Estimated pick pack fee per unit |
estimated_weight_handling_fee_per_unit | bigdecimal | The estimated Weight Handling Fee for your product based on the Outbound Shipping Weight |
expected_fulfillment_fee_per_unit | bigdecimal | Expected fulfillment fee per unit |
FBA Inventory Adjustments Report
FBA Inventory Adjustments Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAInventoryAdjustments |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
adjusted_date | timestamp | Adjusted date |
transaction_item_id | string | Unique ID assigned to the item within the order |
fnsku | string | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller''s products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
fulfillment_center_id | string | The fulfillment center where the problem is identified |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
reason | string | The reason for the reimbursement (for example, Damaged: Warehouse) |
disposition | string | The status of the unit |
reconciled | bigdecimal | Number of units reconciled with other adjustment events |
unreconciled | bigdecimal | Number of units not reconciled with other adjustment events |
FBA Inventory Age Report
FBA Inventory Age Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAInventoryAge |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
snapshot_date | timestamp | Report data is current as of the date in this field |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
fnsku | string | Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to items stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
condition | string | The condition of your item |
avaliable_quantity_sellable_ | bigdecimal | Avaliable quantity (sellable) |
qty_with_removals_in_progress | bigdecimal | The number of Units in inventory that you have requested be removed |
inv_age_0_to_90_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 0-90 days |
inv_age_91_to_180_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 91 - 180 days |
inv_age_181_to_270_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 181 - 270 days |
inv_age_271_to_365_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 271 - 365 days |
inv_age_365_plus_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 365+ days |
currency | string | The currency of the removal fee |
qty_to_be_charged_ltsf_6_mo | bigdecimal | The number of sellable units that will have been in the fulfillment center for 180 to 365 days and are eligible for the LTSF charge. As of February 2019, standard FBA units will not be charged 180-day LTSF. For example, FBA Small and Light fees are not affected by the February 2019 fee change. For more details, see the Program Fees section of FBA Small and Light |
projected_ltsf_6_mo_cur | string | Currency of the projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for eligible units that have been in fulfillment centers for 180 to 365 days on the next charge date |
projected_ltsf_6_mo | bigdecimal | The projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for eligible units that have been in fulfillment centers for 180 to 365 days on the next charge date. As of February 2019, standard FBA units will not be charged 180-day LTSF. For example, FBA Small and Light fees are not affected by the February 2019 fee change. For more details, see the Program Fees section of FBA Small and Light |
qty_to_be_charged_ltsf_12_mo | bigdecimal | The number of sellable units that will have been in the fulfillment center for more than 365 days as of the next LTSF charge date (monthly on the 15th in the US; February 15th and August 15th in Canada) |
projected_ltsf_12_mo_cur | string | Currency of the projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for units that have been in fulfillment centers for more than 365 days |
projected_ltsf_12_mo | bigdecimal | The projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for units that have been in fulfillment centers for more than 365 days on the next LTSF charge date (monthly on the 15th in the US; February 15th and August 15th in Canada) |
units_shipped_last_7_days | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 7 days |
units_shipped_last_30_days | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 30 days |
units_shipped_last_60_days | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 60 days |
units_shipped_last_90_days | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 90 days |
alert | string | The alert |
your_price_cur | string | Currency of your current selling price |
your_price | bigdecimal | Your current selling price |
sales_price_cur | string | Currency of sales price |
sales_price | bigdecimal | Sales price |
lowest_price_new_cur | string | Currency of lowest price new |
lowest_price_new | bigdecimal | Lowest price new |
lowest_price_used_cur | string | Currency of lowest price used |
lowest_price_used | bigdecimal | Lowest price used |
Recommended_action | string | Recommended action |
Healthy_Inventory_Level | string | Healthy Inventory Level |
Recommended_sales_price | bigdecimal | Recommended sales price |
Recommended_sale_duration_days_ | bigdecimal | Recommended sale duration (days) |
Recommended_Removal_Quantity | bigdecimal | Recommended removal quantity |
estimated_cost_savings_of_recommended_actions | string | Estimated cost savings of recommended actions |
sell_through | string | Sell through |
item_volume | string | Item volume |
volume_units | string | Volume units |
storage_type | string | Storage type |
FBA Inventory Event Detail Report
FBA Inventory Event Detail Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAInventoryEventDetail |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
snapshot_date | timestamp | Date of request |
transaction_type | string | Shipment, Refund, Retrocharge, Order Fee, etc |
fnsku | string | Unique item ID assigned by Amazon and used by the fulfillment center |
sku | string | Unique item ID assigned by the seller |
product_name | string | Name of the product as listed on Amazon |
fulfillment_center_id | string | Fulfillment center where the adjustment is being made |
quantity | bigdecimal | Number of units adjusted |
disposition | string | Whether the item is in sellable or unsellable/unfulfillable condition |
FBA Inventory Health Report
FBA Inventory Health Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAInventoryHealth |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
snapshot_date | timestamp | Report data is current as of the date in this field |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
fnsku | string | Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to items stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
condition | string | The condition of your item |
sales_rank | bigdecimal | The Sales Rank calculation is based on Amazon sales and is updated daily to reflect recent and historical sales of the item sold on Amazon. The Sales Rank displayed here is for the Product Group within which the item is featured. Note: if there is no Sales Ranking for the ASIN on Amazon, there will be no ranking in the report |
product_group | string | The Amazon department or category for which the Sales Rank in the previous field is applicable |
total_quantity | bigdecimal | The number of Units you have for a SKU in sellable condition in our fulfillment network |
sellable_quantity | integer | The number of Units you have for a SKU in sellable condition in our fulfillment network |
unsellable_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in unsellable condition in our fulfillment network |
inv_age_0_to_90_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 0-90 days |
inv_age_91_to_180_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 91 - 180 days |
inv_age_181_to_270_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 181 - 270 days |
inv_age_271_to_365_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 271 - 365 days |
inv_age_365_plus_days | bigdecimal | The number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 365+ days |
units_shipped_last_24_hrs | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 24 hours |
units_shipped_last_7_days | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 7 days |
units_shipped_last_30_days | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 30 days |
units_shipped_last_90_days | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 90 days |
units_shipped_last_180_days | bigdecimal | Sales of this item in last 180 days |
units_shipped_last_365_days | bigdecimal | Sales for this item in last 365 days |
weeks_of_cover_t7 | bigdecimal | Based on your sales in the last 7 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment centers. For example, if you sold 10 units in the last 7 days and had 20 Sellable units in Amazon fulfillment centers, you would have 2 weeks of cover |
weeks_of_cover_t30 | bigdecimal | Based on your sales in the last 30 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment center |
weeks_of_cover_t90 | bigdecimal | Based on your sales in the last 90 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment center |
weeks_of_cover_t180 | bigdecimal | Based on your sales in the last 180 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment center |
weeks_of_cover_t365 | bigdecimal | Based on your sales in the last 365 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment center |
num_afn_new_sellers | bigdecimal | The number of sellers with FBA offers that are in New condition |
num_afn_used_sellers | bigdecimal | The number of sellers with FBA offers that are in Used condition |
currency | string | The currency of the removal fee |
your_price | bigdecimal | Your current selling price |
sales_price | bigdecimal | Your current promotional price |
lowest_afn_new_price | bigdecimal | The lowest fulfilled by Amazon price for items in New condition, including any offers from Amazon |
lowest_afn_used_price | bigdecimal | The lowest FBA price for items in Used condition |
lowest_mfn_new_price | bigdecimal | The lowest price for items in New condition that are fulfilled by a seller. This includes the seller's shipping cost |
lowest_mfn_used_price | bigdecimal | The lowest price for items in Used condition that are fulfilled by a seller. This includes the seller's shipping cost |
qty_to_be_charged_ltsf_12_mo | bigdecimal | The number of sellable units that will have been in the fulfillment center for more than 365 days as of the next LTSF charge date (monthly on the 15th in the US; February 15th and August 15th in Canada) |
qty_in_long_term_storage_program | bigdecimal | The number of sellable units that have previously been charged the Long-Term Storage Fee |
qty_with_removals_in_progress | bigdecimal | The number of Units in inventory that you have requested be removed |
projected_ltsf_12_mo | bigdecimal | The projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for units that have been in fulfillment centers for more than 365 days on the next LTSF charge date (monthly on the 15th in the US; February 15th and August 15th in Canada) |
per_unit_volume | bigdecimal | The volume in cubic footage of each inventory unit |
is_hazmat | boolean | If your ASIN is considered Hazmat. Please see Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) to see if your products qualify |
in_bound_quantity | bigdecimal | In bound quantity |
asin_limit | bigdecimal | Your inventory limit for ASINs where we apply an inventory capacity limit. Please see ASIN Quantity Limits for more information |
inbound_recommend_quantity | bigdecimal | Inbound recommend quantity |
qty_to_be_charged_ltsf_6_mo | bigdecimal | The number of sellable units that will have been in the fulfillment center for 180 to 365 days and are eligible for the LTSF charge. As of February 2019, standard FBA units will not be charged 180-day LTSF. For example, FBA Small and Light fees are not affected by the February 2019 fee change. For more details, see the Program Fees section of FBA Small and Light |
projected_ltsf_6_mo | bigdecimal | The projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for eligible units that have been in fulfillment centers for 180 to 365 days on the next charge date. As of February 2019, standard FBA units will not be charged 180-day LTSF. For example, FBA Small and Light fees are not affected by the February 2019 fee change. For more details, see the Program Fees section of FBA Small and Light |
FBA Manage Inventory
FBA Manage Inventory
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAManageInventory |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products |
fnsku | string | Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Units (FNSKUs) are unique identifiers assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from Amazon fulfillment centers |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
condition | string | The condition of your product |
your_price | bigdecimal | Your current selling price |
mfn_listing_exists | boolean | "Yes" indicates that the product is listed for fulfillment by you as the seller |
mfn_fulfillable_quantity | bigdecimal | The quantity in your fulfillment network that can be picked, packed, and shipped |
afn_listing_exists | boolean | "Yes" indicates that the item is listed for Fulfillment by Amazon |
afn_warehouse_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for an SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that have been processed: (afn-warehouse-quantity) = (afn-fulfillable-quantity) + (afn-unsellable-quantity) + (afn-reserved-quantity) |
afn_fulfillable_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that can be picked, packed, and shipped |
afn_unsellable_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers in unsellable condition |
afn_reserved_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped or are sidelined for measurement, sampling, or other internal processes |
afn_total_quantity | integer | The total number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment or in Amazon fulfillment centers: (afn-total-quantity) = (afn-warehouse-quantity) + (afn-inbound-working-quantity) + (afn-inbound-shipped-quantity) + (afn-inbound-receiving-quantity) |
per_unit_volume | bigdecimal | The volume in cubic feet of one unit (to the nearest 1/100 of an inch) |
afn_inbound_working_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about |
afn_inbound_shipped_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about and provided a tracking number |
afn_inbound_receiving_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU that have not yet been received at an Amazon fulfillment center for processing, but are part of an inbound shipment with some units that have already been received and processed |
afn_researching_quantity | string | Afn researching quantity |
afn_reserved_future_supply | bigdecimal | The number of units that customers have purchased while inventory is on its way to an Amazon fulfillment center through In-Stock Head Start |
afn_future_supply_buyable | bigdecimal | The number of units available for customers to find and buy while inventory is on its way to an Amazon fulfillment center through In-Stock Head Start |
FBA Manage Inventory - Archived
FBA Manage Inventory - Archived
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAManageInventoryArchived |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products |
fnsku | string | Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Units (FNSKUs) are unique identifiers assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from Amazon fulfillment centers |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
condition | string | The condition of your product |
your_price | bigdecimal | Your current selling price |
mfn_listing_exists | boolean | "Yes" indicates that the product is listed for fulfillment by you as the seller |
mfn_fulfillable_quantity | bigdecimal | The quantity in your fulfillment network that can be picked, packed, and shipped |
afn_listing_exists | boolean | "Yes" indicates that the item is listed for Fulfillment by Amazon |
afn_warehouse_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for an SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that have been processed: (afn-warehouse-quantity) = (afn-fulfillable-quantity) + (afn-unsellable-quantity) + (afn-reserved-quantity) |
afn_fulfillable_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that can be picked, packed, and shipped |
afn_unsellable_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers in unsellable condition |
afn_reserved_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped or are sidelined for measurement, sampling, or other internal processes |
afn_total_quantity | integer | The total number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment or in Amazon fulfillment centers: (afn-total-quantity) = (afn-warehouse-quantity) + (afn-inbound-working-quantity) + (afn-inbound-shipped-quantity) + (afn-inbound-receiving-quantity) |
per_unit_volume | bigdecimal | The volume in cubic feet of one unit (to the nearest 1/100 of an inch) |
afn_inbound_working_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about |
afn_inbound_shipped_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about and provided a tracking number |
afn_inbound_receiving_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU that have not yet been received at an Amazon fulfillment center for processing, but are part of an inbound shipment with some units that have already been received and processed |
afn_researching_quantity | string | Afn researching quantity |
afn_reserved_future_supply | bigdecimal | The number of units that customers have purchased while inventory is on its way to an Amazon fulfillment center through In-Stock Head Start |
afn_future_supply_buyable | bigdecimal | The number of units available for customers to find and buy while inventory is on its way to an Amazon fulfillment center through In-Stock Head Start |
FBA Multi-Country Inventory Report
FBA Multi-Country Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAMultiCountryInventory |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
fulfillment_channel_sku | string | Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
condition_type | string | The condition of your inventory |
country | string | Country in which your products are stored |
quantity_for_local_fulfillment | bigdecimal | Quantity for local fulfillment |
FBA Promotions Report
FBA Promotions Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAPromotions |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
shipment_date | timestamp | Date the item shipped to the customer |
currency | string | Local currency for the transaction |
item_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Promotion value applied to this shipment item |
item_promotion_id | string | Unique identifier for this promotion |
description | string | Description of the promotion |
promotion_rule_value | string | Maximum net value of the promotion |
amazon_order_id | string | Order id of shipment to which the promotion was applied |
shipment_id | string | Unique identifier for this item in this shipment |
shipment_item_id | string | Unique identifier--pertains only to this item in this shipment |
FBA Received Inventory Report
FBA Received Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAReceivedInventory |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
received_date | timestamp | Date the receive process was completed for the shipment, DD-MON-YYYY |
fnsku | string | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller''s products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
fba_shipment_id | string | Shipment ID in which the problem was identified |
fulfillment_center_id | string | The fulfillment center where the problem is identified |
FBA Recommended Removal Report
FBA Recommended Removal Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBARecommendedRemoval |
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
snapshot_date | timestamp | Report data are current as of the date in this field |
sku | string | Stock keeping units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
fnsku | string | Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify products. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
condition | string | The condition of your product |
sellable_quantity | integer | The number of units you have for a SKU in sellable condition in our fulfillment network |
sellable_271_365_days | integer | The number of sellable units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 271 to 365 days |
sellable_365__days | string | he number of sellable units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for 365 days |
sellable_removal_quantity | integer | The number of sellable units you have for a SKU that will have been in the fulfillment center for 181 to 365 days or 365 days or more on the next Inventory Cleanup date and need to be removed (assuming no further sales) to avoid the long-term storage fee |
unsellable_quantity | integer | The number of unsellable units you have for a SKU in our fulfillment network |
unsellable_0_7_days | integer | The number of units that have been unsellable for zero to seven days |
unsellable_8_60_days | integer | The number of units that have been unsellable for eight to 60 days |
unsellable_61_90_days | integer | The number of units that have been unsellable for 61 to 90 days |
sellable_121_180_days | integer | The number of sellable units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the past 121 to 180 days |
sellable_181_270_days | integer | The number of sellable units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the past 181 to 270 days |
FBA Reimbursements Report
FBA Reimbursements Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAReimbursements |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
approval_date | timestamp | The date the reimbursement was approved |
reimbursement_id | string | The unique identifier for this reimbursement. Each reimbursement may include multiple line items |
case_id | string | The unique identifier assigned to the case when you request a reimbursement |
amazon_order_id | string | The unique identifier assigned to the customer order. This field is empty if the reimbursement is not associated with an order |
reason | string | The reason for the reimbursement (for example, Damaged: Warehouse) |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller''s products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
fnsku | string | fnsku |
asin | string | An ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) is a unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products in the Amazon product catalog. The ASIN can be found on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
condition | string | The condition of your item (for example, New) |
currency_unit | string | The currency for the applicable marketplace |
amount_per_unit | bigdecimal | The per-unit reimbursement amount for this line item |
amount_total | bigdecimal | The total amount of the cash reimbursement for this line item |
quantity_reimbursed_cash | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed with cash |
quantity_reimbursed_inventory | bigdecimal | The number of units reimbursed with inventory |
quantity_reimbursed_total | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed with either cash or inventory (Quantity Reimbursed Cash + Quantity Reimbursed Inventory) |
original_reimbursement_id | string | The number of units reimbursed with id |
original_reimbursement_type | string | The number of units reimbursed with type |
Report FBA Removal Order Detail
FBA Removal Order Detail Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBARemovalOrderDetail |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
request_date | timestamp | Date the removal order was submitted |
last_updated_date | timestamp | Date of the most recent order update |
order_id | string | Amazon's unique, displayable identifier for an order. This is an alphanumeric value. Go to Manage Orders to search for an order ID that includes letters, as they are not searchable in all tools |
currency | string | Currency code for the marketplace, which is also the currency code for all prices listed in the records |
sku | string | The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product |
cancelled_quantity | integer | The total number of units of this FNSKU cancelled from the removal order |
disposed_quantity | integer | The total number of units for this FNSKU that were disposed of |
disposition | string | The status of the unit |
fnsku | string | Amazon's Fulfillment network SKU identifier |
in_process_quantity | integer | The total number of units for this FNSKU that are in process |
order_status | string | Removal order status |
order_type | string | Removal order type (Return, Disposal) |
removal_fee | bigdecimal | The total removal fee for all the units of this FNSKU Note: If this cell is blank, no fee was found or the order is incomplete |
requested_quantity | integer | The number of units of this FNSKU requested in the removal order |
shipped_quantity | integer | The total number of units for this FNSKU that were shipped for this return |
Report FBA Removal Shipment Detail
FBA Removal Shipment Detail Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report FBA Removal Shipment Detail |
Input Parameters
startDate (optional): Start date|The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
request_date | timestamp | Date the removal order was submitted |
shipment_date | timestamp | Date of the shipment confirmation |
order_id | string | Amazon's unique, displayable identifier for an order. This is an alphanumeric value. Go to Manage Orders to search for an order ID that includes letters, as they are not searchable in all tools |
sku | string | The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product |
carrier | string | The name of the carrier the package was shipped with. Multiple carriers may be used for a single removal order |
disposition | string | The status of the unit |
fnsku | string | Amazon's Fulfillment network SKU identifier |
removal_order_type | string | Removal order type |
shipped_quantity | integer | The total number of units for this FNSKU that were shipped for this return |
tracking_number | string | The carrier's tracking number for the package, if available. Multiple tracking IDs may exist for a single removal order |
FBA Reserved Inventory Report
FBA Reserved Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAReservedInventory |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
fnsku | string | Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to items stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
asin | string | Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
reserved_qty | bigdecimal | The total number of units in reserved status |
reserved_customerorders | bigdecimal | The number of units reserved for customer orders |
reserved_fc_transfers | integer | The number of units being transferred from one fulfillment center to another |
reserved_fc_processing | integer | The number of units that have been sidelined at the fulfillment center for additional processing |
FBA Returns Report
FBA Returns Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAReturns |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- startDate (optional): Start date
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
return_date | timestamp | Return date |
order_id | string | Amazon''s unique identifying number for the order. Used for shipping confirmation and post-order processing |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller''s products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
fnsku | string | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
fulfillment_center_id | string | The fulfillment center where the problem is identified |
detailed_disposition | string | Status of the product (examples: sellable, damaged) |
reason | string | The reason for the reimbursement (for example, Damaged: Warehouse) |
status | string | Current status of this item within the order |
license_plate_number | string | License plate number |
customer_comments | string | Customer comments |
FBA Stranded Inventory Report
FBA Stranded Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FBAStrandedInventory |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
primary_action | string | Action needed to bring your inventory out of stranded status. The possible actions are: Relist: For products that have been listed previously but do not have an active offer, click Add a Product in the Inventory drop-down menu to create an offer. If you see a message indicating that your product is already listed but needs to be edited, click the provided link to update your listing. Create removal order: For products you no longer want to sell, go to the Manage FBA Inventory page, select the product, and choose Create Removal Order from the drop-down menu on top. Change to Fulfilled by Amazon: If you have an offer, but it is for a product that you fulfill yourself, none of your FBA inventory for that product will be available for sale. On your Manage Inventory page, select the product and click Change to Fulfilled by Amazon in the Action drop-down menu to enable FBA to pick, pack, and ship those products. Create a new listing: If you have FBA inventory of a product that has never been listed, create a listing for your SKU by clicking Add a Product in the Inventory drop-down menu. Note: When relisting a product or creating a listing, the following information must match the units in your FBA inventory: ASIN Condition Merchant SKU If these fields don't match, the stranded inventory in the fulfillment center won't be associated with the new listing |
date_stranded | date | This date shows how long your inventory has been stranded and without an active offer |
Date_to_take_auto_removal | string | Date to take auto removal |
status_primary | string | Identifies whether the offer is active, inactive, or incomplete. Incomplete offers are those missing price or condition |
status_secondary | string | For inactive offers, this field identifies the reasons - for example, blocked or out of stock |
error_message | string | For select inactive offers, additional information is displayed here - for example, quality alerts |
stranded_reason | string | Stranded reason |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller's products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
fnsku | string | fnsku |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
condition | string | The condition of your product |
fulfilled_by | string | The entity that fulfilled the item |
fulfillable_qty | bigdecimal | The number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that are in unsellable condition |
your_price | bigdecimal | Your current selling price |
unfulfillable_qty | bigdecimal | The number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that are in unsellable condition |
reserved_quantity | bigdecimal | The number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped or that are sidelined for measurement, sampling, or other internal processes |
inbound_shipped_qty | bigdecimal | The number of units of a SKU that you have shipped to Amazon and that are in transit |
Orders Archived Report By Order Date
Orders Archived Report By Order Date
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FlatFileArchivedOrdersByOrderDate |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
amazon_order_id | string | Amazon''s unique, displayable identifier for an order |
merchant_order_id | string | A unique identifier optionally supplied for the order by the Merchant |
purchase_date | timestamp | The date the order was placed |
last_updated_date | timestamp | The date of the most recent order update |
order_status | string | Current status of the customer order |
fulfillment_channel | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
sales_channel | string | Channel through which the order was purchased |
order_channel | string | The sub channel through which a sale was made for CBA/WBA orders |
ship_service_level | string | An enumerated value that determines the type of fulfillment service that the buyer expects the merchant to use (e.g., standard versus expedited) |
product_name | string | The short title for the product, displayed in bold on the detail web page and in the title bar of the browser window |
sku | string | A merchant-defined unique identifier for a product |
asin | string | Amazon inventory ID |
item_status | string | Current status of this item within the order |
quantity | bigdecimal | The number of this item that were purchased |
currency | string | The currency used for the purchase. Supported currencies include USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, and JPY |
item_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for the item. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
item_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for item tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
shipping_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for shipping. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
shipping_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for shipping tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
item_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Total of all promotion discounts applied to the order item |
ship_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Promotion discount applied to shipping |
ship_city | string | The city of a standard address |
ship_state | string | The state or region of a standard address |
ship_postal_code | string | The postal (zip) code of a standard address |
ship_country | string | ISO 3166 standard two-letter country code |
promotion_ids | string | List of all item promotions applied to this order item |
is_business_order | string | Is business order |
purchase_order_number | string | purchase order number |
price_designation | string | price designation |
Orders Report By Last Update Report
Orders Report By Last Update Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FlatFileOrdersByLastUpdate |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
amazon_order_id | string | Amazon''s unique, displayable identifier for an order |
merchant_order_id | string | A unique identifier optionally supplied for the order by the Merchant |
purchase_date | timestamp | The date the order was placed |
last_updated_date | timestamp | The date of the most recent order update |
order_status | string | Current status of the customer order |
fulfillment_channel | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
sales_channel | string | Channel through which the order was purchased |
order_channel | string | The sub channel through which a sale was made for CBA/WBA orders |
ship_service_level | string | An enumerated value that determines the type of fulfillment service that the buyer expects the merchant to use (e.g., standard versus expedited) |
product_name | string | The short title for the product, displayed in bold on the detail web page and in the title bar of the browser window |
sku | string | A merchant-defined unique identifier for a product |
asin | string | Amazon inventory ID |
item_status | string | Current status of this item within the order |
quantity | bigdecimal | The number of this item that were purchased |
currency | string | The currency used for the purchase. Supported currencies include USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, and JPY |
item_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for the item. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
item_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for item tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
shipping_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for shipping. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
shipping_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for shipping tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
item_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Total of all promotion discounts applied to the order item |
ship_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Promotion discount applied to shipping |
ship_city | string | The city of a standard address |
ship_state | string | The state or region of a standard address |
ship_postal_code | string | The postal (zip) code of a standard address |
ship_country | string | ISO 3166 standard two-letter country code |
promotion_ids | string | List of all item promotions applied to this order item |
is_business_order | string | Is business order |
purchase_order_number | string | Purchase order number |
price_designation | string | Price designation |
Orders Report By Order Date Report
Orders Report By Order Date Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FlatFileOrdersByOrderDate |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
amazon_order_id | string | Amazon''s unique, displayable identifier for an order |
merchant_order_id | string | A unique identifier optionally supplied for the order by the Merchant |
purchase_date | timestamp | The date the order was placed |
last_updated_date | timestamp | The date of the most recent order update |
order_status | string | Current status of the customer order |
fulfillment_channel | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
sales_channel | string | Channel through which the order was purchased |
order_channel | string | The sub channel through which a sale was made for CBA/WBA orders |
ship_service_level | string | An enumerated value that determines the type of fulfillment service that the buyer expects the merchant to use (e.g., standard versus expedited) |
product_name | string | The short title for the product, displayed in bold on the detail web page and in the title bar of the browser window |
sku | string | A merchant-defined unique identifier for a product |
asin | string | Amazon inventory ID |
item_status | string | Current status of this item within the order |
quantity | bigdecimal | The number of this item that were purchased |
currency | string | The currency used for the purchase. Supported currencies include USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, and JPY |
item_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for the item. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
item_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for item tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
shipping_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for shipping. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
shipping_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for shipping tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_price | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
gift_wrap_tax | bigdecimal | The amount the buyer paid for gift wrap tax. Amount is aggregate of the quantity, not unit price |
item_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Total of all promotion discounts applied to the order item |
ship_promotion_discount | bigdecimal | Promotion discount applied to shipping |
ship_city | string | The city of a standard address |
ship_state | string | The state or region of a standard address |
ship_postal_code | string | The postal (zip) code of a standard address |
ship_country | string | ISO 3166 standard two-letter country code |
promotion_ids | string | List of all item promotions applied to this order item |
is_business_order | string | Is business order |
purchase_order_number | string | Purchase order number |
price_designation | string | Price designation |
Return Attributes Report by Return Date
Return Attributes Report by Return Date
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FlatFileReturnAttributesbyReturnDate |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
SKU | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller''s products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
Provide_prepaid_label | string | Provide prepaid label |
Provide_returnless_refund | string | Provide returnless refund |
Settlement Report (Flat File)
Settlement Report (Flat File)
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FlatFileSettlement |
Input Parameters
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
reportId | long | The identifier for the report. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID |
reportCreatedTime | timestamp | The date and time when the report was created |
order_id | string | Amazon's unique, displayable identifier for an order. This is an alphanumeric value. Go to Manage Orders to search for an order ID that includes letters, as they are not searchable in all tools |
posted_date | timestamp | The date that the item (order, adjustment, misc or other) was debited or credited to the seller's account. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25 |
settlement_id | string | Amazon's unique identifier for the settlement being reported. This is a numeric value. The minimum number of digits is 1 and the maximum number is 20 |
settlement_start_date | timestamp | The start date of the settlement period. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
settlement_end_date | timestamp | The end date of the settlement period. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
deposit_date | timestamp | The date that the fund transfer for the settlement period will be sent to the seller's bank account. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
total_amount | bigdecimal | The sales amount to be deposited into the seller's bank account |
currency | string | Currency code for the marketplace, which is also the currency code for all prices listed in the records |
sku | string | The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product |
adjustment_id | string | Transaction ID for Adjustments |
direct_payment_amount | bigdecimal | Direct payment amount |
direct_payment_type | string | Direct payment type |
fulfillment_id | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
item_related_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of a particular fee charged in relation to this item |
item_related_fee_type | string | The type of fee charged in the item-related-fee-amount column |
marketplace_name | string | The name of the marketplace where the order was placed. This value is a string with a maximum length of 50 characters |
merchant_adjustment_item_id | string | Merchant adjustment item id |
merchant_order_id | string | ID assigned by Amazon or sellers |
merchant_order_item_id | string | Merchant order item id |
misc_fee_amount | bigdecimal | No longer used |
order_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of a particular fee charged for this order. This is a numeric value, with a maximum of 18 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point |
order_fee_type | string | The type of fee charged in the order-fee-amount column |
order_item_code | long | Amazon's unique, displayable identifier for an item within the order. This is a numeric value. The total number of digits is 14 |
other_amount | bigdecimal | Additional charges or credits that do not fall under the Order or Adjustment transaction types. The transaction type for this amount will be specified in the transaction-type column |
other_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of miscellaneous fees charged to your seller account |
other_fee_reason_description | string | Miscellaneous fees that are not related to the monthly selling plan |
price_amount | bigdecimal | The amount that the buyer paid for the type of price specified in the price-type column. This is a numeric value with a maximum of 18 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point |
price_type | string | The type of price specified in the price-amount column |
promotion_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of promotional discount applied to the item due to the promotion specified in the promotion-id column. This is a numeric value with a maximum of 18 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point |
promotion_id | string | Seller-specified promotion ID. This is an alphanumeric value. The maximum number of characters is 50 |
promotion_type | string | The type of promotion referred to by the values in the promotion-id and promotion-amount columns |
quantity_purchased | bigdecimal | The number of these items that were purchased. This is a numeric value. The maximum number of digits is 12 |
shipment_fee_amount | bigdecimal | The amount of the shipping fee |
shipment_fee_type | string | The type of shipping Fee as Order, Adjustment, or MiscEvent |
shipment_id | string | Order transaction type ID |
transaction_type | string | Text description of transaction type |
Settlement Report (Flat File V2)
Settlement Report (Flat File V2)
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_FlatFileV2Settlement |
Input Parameters
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
reportId | long | The identifier for the report. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID |
reportCreatedTime | timestamp | The date and time when the report was created |
order_id | string | Amazon's unique, displayable identifier for an order. This is an alphanumeric value. Go to Manage Orders to search for an order ID that includes letters, as they are not searchable in all tools |
posted_date | date | The date that the item (order, adjustment, misc or other) was debited or credited to the seller's account |
settlement_id | string | Amazon's unique identifier for the settlement being reported. This is a numeric value. The minimum number of digits is 1 and the maximum number is 20 |
settlement_start_date | timestamp | The start date of the settlement period. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
settlement_end_date | timestamp | The end date of the settlement period. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
deposit_date | timestamp | The date that the fund transfer for the settlement period will be sent to the seller's bank account. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
total_amount | bigdecimal | The sales amount to be deposited into the seller's bank account |
currency | string | Currency code for the marketplace, which is also the currency code for all prices listed in the records |
sku | string | The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product |
adjustment_id | string | Transaction ID for Adjustments |
amount | bigdecimal | Tax amount paid by customer |
amount_description | string | Amount description |
amount_type | string | Amount type |
fulfillment_id | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
marketplace_name | string | The name of the marketplace where the order was placed. This value is a string with a maximum length of 50 characters |
merchant_adjustment_item_id | string | Merchant adjustment item id |
merchant_order_id | string | ID assigned by Amazon or sellers |
merchant_order_item_id | string | Merchant order item id |
order_item_code | long | Amazon's unique, displayable identifier for an item within the order. This is a numeric value. The total number of digits is 14 |
posted_date_time | timestamp | The date that the item (order, adjustment, misc or other) was debited or credited to the seller's account |
promotion_id | string | Seller-specified promotion ID. This is an alphanumeric value. The maximum number of characters is 50 |
quantity_purchased | bigdecimal | The number of these items that were purchased. This is a numeric value. The maximum number of digits is 12 |
shipment_id | string | Order transaction type ID |
transaction_type | string | Text description of transaction type |
Inactive Listings Report
Inactive Listings Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_InactiveListings |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
item_name | string | The item name |
item_description | string | The item description |
listing_id | string | The listing id |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
open_date | string | Open date |
image_url | string | The image url |
item_is_marketplace | boolean | Item is marketplace |
product_id_type | string | The product id type |
zshop_shipping_fee | bigdecimal | Zshop shipping fee |
item_note | string | The item note |
item_condition | string | Numeric entry that indicates the condition of the product. This field is required. Note: Not all conditions are available for all categories. For more information about what conditions you may use in your product category, see Condition Guidelines |
zshop_category1 | string | Zshop category1 |
zshop_browse_path | string | Zshop browse path |
zshop_storefront_feature | string | Zshop storefront feature |
asin1 | string | asin1 |
asin2 | string | asin2 |
asin3 | string | asin3 |
will_ship_internationally | string | Will ship internationally |
expedited_shipping | string | Expedited shipping |
zshop_boldface | string | Zshop boldface |
product_id | string | Product id |
bid_for_featured_placement | string | Bid for featured placement |
add_delete | string | Add delete |
pending_quantity | bigdecimal | Pending quantity |
fulfillment_channel | string | Indicates how the order was fulfilled, via Amazon (AFN) or Merchant (MFN) |
merchant_shipping_group | string | Merchant shipping group |
Inventory Report
Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_Inventory |
Input Parameters
- Custom (optional): Custom report. A Boolean value that indicates whether a custom report is returned
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller's products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
Business_Price | bigdecimal | A special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders |
Quantity_Price_Type | string | Quantity price type |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Progressive_Price_Type | string | Progressive price type |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report
Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_ListingQualityandSuppressedListing |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller's products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
field_name | string | Field name |
alert_type | string | Alert type |
current_value | string | Current value |
last_updated | string | Last updated |
alert_name | string | Alert name |
status | string | Current status of this item within the order |
explanation | string | Explanation |
Open Listings Report
Open Listings Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_OpenListings |
Input Parameters
- Custom (optional): Custom report. A Boolean value that indicates whether a custom report is returned
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
item_name | string | The item name |
item_description | string | The item description |
listing_id | string | The listing id |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
open_date | string | Open date |
image_url | string | The image url |
item_is_marketplace | boolean | Item is marketplace |
product_id_type | string | The type of product id |
zshop_shipping_fee | bigdecimal | Zshop shipping fee |
item_note | string | The item note |
item_condition | string | Numeric entry that indicates the condition of the product. This field is required. Note: Not all conditions are available for all categories. For more information about what conditions you may use in your product category, see Condition Guidelines |
zshop_category1 | string | Zshop category1 |
zshop_browse_path | string | Zshop browse path |
zshop_storefront_feature | string | Zshop storefront feature |
asin1 | string | Asin1 |
asin2 | string | Asin2 |
asin3 | string | Asin3 |
will_ship_internationally | string | Will ship internationally |
expedited_shipping | string | Expedited shipping |
zshop_boldface | string | Zshop boldface |
product_id | string | Product id |
bid_for_featured_placement | string | Bid for featured placement |
add_delete | string | Add delete |
pending_quantity | bigdecimal | Pending quantity |
fulfillment_channel | string | Fulfillment channel |
Business_Price | bigdecimal | A special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders |
Quantity_Price_Type | string | Quantity price type |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
merchant_shipping_group | string | Merchant shipping group |
Progressive_Price_Type | string | Progressive price type |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Minimum_order_quantity | bigdecimal | Minimum order quantity |
Sell_remainder | boolean | Sell remainder |
Open Listings Report Lite
Open Listings Report Lite
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_OpenListingsLite |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
product_id | string | The product id |
Business_Price | bigdecimal | A special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders |
Quantity_Price_Type | string | Quantity price type |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_4 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Quantity_Lower_Bound_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity lower bound |
Quantity_Price_5 | bigdecimal | Quantity price |
Progressive_Price_Type | string | Progressive price type |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_1 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_2 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Progressive_Lower_Bound_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive lower bound |
Progressive_Price_3 | bigdecimal | Progressive price |
Open Listings Report Liter
Open Listings Report Liter
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_OpenListingsLiter |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
quantity | bigdecimal | The total number of units reimbursed for this line item |
Orders By Last Update Report
Orders By Last Update Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_OrdersByLastUpdate |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
AmazonOrderID | string | Amazon Order ID |
MerchantOrderID | string | Merchant Order ID |
PurchaseDate | timestamp | Purchase Date |
LastUpdatedDate | timestamp | Last Updated Date |
OrderStatus | string | Order Status |
SalesChannel | string | Sales Channel |
FulfillmentData_FulfillmentChannel | string | Fulfillment Channe lD |
FulfillmentData_ShipServiceLevel | string | Fulfillment Data: Address City |
FulfillmentData_Address_Country | string | Fulfillment Data: Address Country |
FulfillmentData_Address_State | string | Fulfillment Data: Address State |
FulfillmentData_Address_PostalCode | string | FulfillmentData Address PostalCode |
FulfillmentData_Address_City | string | Fulfillment Data: Address City |
IsBusinessOrder | boolean | Is Business Order |
Orders By Order Date Report
Orders By Order Date Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_OrdersByOrderDate |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Days to redownload. Redownload orders for number of days to load updates happened during them
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
AmazonOrderID | string | Amazon Order ID |
MerchantOrderID | string | Merchant Order ID |
PurchaseDate | timestamp | Purchase Date |
LastUpdatedDate | timestamp | Last Updated Date |
OrderStatus | string | Order Status |
SalesChannel | string | Sales Channel |
FulfillmentData_FulfillmentChannel | string | Fulfillment Channe lD |
FulfillmentData_ShipServiceLevel | string | Fulfillment Data: Address City |
FulfillmentData_Address_Country | string | Fulfillment Data: Address Country |
FulfillmentData_Address_State | string | Fulfillment Data: Address State |
FulfillmentData_Address_PostalCode | string | FulfillmentData Address PostalCode |
FulfillmentData_Address_City | string | Fulfillment Data: Address City |
IsBusinessOrder | boolean | Is Business Order |
Referral Fee Preview Report
Referral Fee Preview Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_ReferralFeePreview |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
seller_sku | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
item_name | string | The item name |
price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
estimated_referral_fee_per_item | bigdecimal | Estimated referral fee per item |
Restock Inventory Report
Restock Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_RestockInventory |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
Country | string | Country in which your products are stored |
Product_Name | string | Product Name |
FNSKU | string | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
Merchant_SKU | string | Merchant SKU |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
Condition | string | The condition of your product |
Supplier | string | Supplier |
Supplier_part_no_ | string | Supplier part no |
Currency_code | string | Currency code |
Price | bigdecimal | Price per item in the currency of the marketplace where you are listing the product. Do not include the currency symbol. This field is required. You must provide a price to make the product available for purchase on Amazon |
Sales_last_30_days | bigdecimal | Sales last 30 days |
Units_Sold_Last_30_Days | integer | Units Sold Last 30 Days |
Total_Units | integer | Total Units |
Inbound | integer | Inbound |
Available | integer | Available |
FC_transfer | integer | FC transfer |
FC_Processing | integer | FC Processing |
Customer_Order | integer | Customer Order |
Unfulfillable | integer | Unfulfillable |
Fulfilled_by | string | Fulfilled by |
Days_of_Supply | integer | Days of Supply |
Alert | string | Alert |
Recommended_replenishment_qty | integer | Recommended replenishment qty |
Recommended_ship_date | date | Recommended ship date |
Inventory_level_thresholds_published_Current_Month | boolean | Inventory level threshold's published: Current Month |
Current_month_Very_low_inventory_threshol | bigdecimal | Current month - Very low inventory threshold |
Current_month_Minimum_inventory_threshold | bigdecimal | Current month - Minimum inventory threshold |
Current_month_Maximum_inventory_threshold | bigdecimal | Current month - Maximum inventory threshold |
Current_month_Very_high_inventory_threshold | bigdecimal | Current month - Very high inventory threshold |
Inventor_level_thresholds_published_Next_Month | boolean | Next month - Very low inventory threshold |
Next_month_Very_low_inventory_threshold | bigdecimal | Inventory level threshold's published: Next Month |
Next_month_Minimum_inventory_threshold | bigdecimal | Next month - Minimum inventory threshold |
Next_month_Maximum_inventory_threshold | bigdecimal | Next month - Maximum inventory threshold |
Next_month_Very_high_inventory_threshold | bigdecimal | Next month - Very high inventory threshold |
Utilization | bigdecimal | Utilization |
Maximum_shipment_quantity | bigdecimal | Maximum shipment quantity |
Return Attributes Report by Return Date
Return Attributes Report by Return Date
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_ReturnAttributesbyReturnDate |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
Header_DocumentVersion | string | Header DocumentVersion |
MessageType | string | Message Type |
Message | string | For select inactive offers, additional information is displayed here - for example, quality alerts |
Report Seller Performance
Seller Performance Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_SellerPerformance |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1|Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2|Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3|Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplaceId | string | Specifies the marketplace |
accountStatus | string | Account status |
performanceMetric | string | Performance metric |
fulfillmentType | string | Fulfillment type |
reportingDateFrom | timestamp | Reporting date from |
reportingDateTo | timestamp | Reporting date to |
status | string | Status for performance metric |
targetCondition | string | Target condition |
targetValue | bigdecimal | Target value |
rate | bigdecimal | Rate |
defectsCount | bigdecimal | Defects count |
cancellationCount | bigdecimal | Cancellation count |
chargebacksCount | bigdecimal | Chargebacks count |
chargebacksStatus | string | Chargebacks status |
claimsCount | bigdecimal | Claims count |
claimsStatus | string | Claims status |
invoiceDefectCount | bigdecimal | Invoice defect count |
invoiceDefectStatus | string | Invoice defect status |
lateInvoiceCount | bigdecimal | Late invoice count |
lateInvoiceStatus | string | Late invoice status |
lateShipmentCount | bigdecimal | Late shipment count |
missingInvoiceCount | bigdecimal | Missing invoice count |
missingInvoiceStatus | string | Missing invoice status |
negativeFeedbackCount | bigdecimal | Negative feedback count |
negativeFeedbackStatus | string | Negative feedback status |
onTimeDeliveryCount | bigdecimal | On time delivery count |
orderCount | bigdecimal | Order count |
orderWithDefectsCount | bigdecimal | Order with defects count |
orderWithDefectsStatus | string | Order with defects status |
shipmentCount | bigdecimal | Shipment count |
shipmentCountWithValidTracking | bigdecimal | shipment count with valid tracking |
validTrackingCount | bigdecimal | Valid tracking count |
XML Settlement Report
XML Settlement Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_Settlement |
Input Parameters
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
reportId | long | The identifier for the report. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID |
reportCreatedTime | timestamp | The date and time when the report was created |
PostedDate | timestamp | The date and time that the item (order, adjustment, misc or other) was debited or credited to the seller's account |
RecordType | string | Record Type |
ItemType | string | Item Type |
AdjustmentID | string | Adjustment ID |
AmazonOrderID | string | Amazon Order ID |
AmazonOrderItemCode | long | OrderItem Amazon Order Item Code |
Amount | bigdecimal | Tax amount paid by customer |
Amount_Currency | string | Currency of Fee Amount |
Amount_Type | string | Amount type |
Count | integer | The total number of active offers on each product (including Amazon Retail) |
CouponFee_Amount | bigdecimal | CouponFee Amount |
CouponFee_Type | string | CouponFee Type |
CouponID | string | Coupon ID |
InvoiceId | string | Invoice Id |
MarketplaceName | string | Marketplace Name |
MerchantAdjustmentItemID | string | Merchant Adjustment Item ID |
MerchantFulfillmentID | string | Merchant Fulfillment ID |
MerchantOrderID | string | Merchant Order ID |
MerchantPromotionID | string | Merchant Promotion ID |
PaymentReason | string | Payment Reason |
Quantity | integer | The number of these items that were purchased |
SKU | string | The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product |
ShipmentID | string | Shipment ID |
SellerCouponPayment_PaymentReason | string | Seller Coupon Payment, Payment Reason |
SellerCouponPayment_Count | string | Seller Coupon, Payment Count |
BaseAmount | bigdecimal | Base Amount |
BaseAmount_Currency | string | Base Amount Currency |
TaxAmount | bigdecimal | Tax Amount |
TaxAmount_Currency | string | Tax Amount Currency |
TransactionAmount | bigdecimal | Transaction Amount |
TransactionAmount_Currency | string | Transaction Amount Currency |
TransactionID | string | Transaction ID |
TransactionType | string | Transaction Type |
OtherTransactionItem_Amount | string | Other Transaction Item Amount |
OtherTransactionItem_Amount_Currency | string | Other Transaction Item Amount Currency |
OtherTransactionItem_Quantity | string | Other Transaction Item Quantity |
OtherTransactionItem_SKU | string | Other Transaction Item SKU |
SettlementData_AmazonSettlementID | string | Amazon's unique identifier for the settlement being reported. This is a numeric value. The minimum number of digits is 1 and the maximum number is 20 |
SettlementData_StartDate | timestamp | The start date of the settlement period. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
SettlementData_EndDate | timestamp | The end date of the settlement period. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
SettlementData_DepositDate | timestamp | The date that the fund transfer for the settlement period will be sent to the seller's bank account. This is an alphanumeric value. The total number of characters is 25. (Greenwich Mean Time) |
SettlementData_TotalAmount | bigdecimal | The sales amount to be deposited into the seller's bank account |
SettlementData_TotalAmount_Currency | string | The currency for the transaction. All order, adjustment, fee and event data will have the same currency |
Small & Light Inventory Report
Small & Light Inventory Report
Amazon Report Type | Amazon Endpoint Reference |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_SmallLightInventory |
Input Parameters
- startDate (optional): Start date. The start of a date range used for selecting the data to report
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- days_step (optional): Days step. Number of days to query in a single batch
- days_redownload (optional): Number of days to redownload
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
SKU | string | Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify each seller''s products. SKUs are assigned by the seller |
FNSKU | string | A unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center |
ASIN | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
Product_Name | string | Product Name |
Enrolled_in_SnL_ | boolean | Enrolled in SnL |
Marketplace | string | The marketplace in which the order was placed |
Your_SnL_Price | bigdecimal | Your SnL Price |
Inventory_in_SnL_FC_units_ | bigdecimal | Inventory in SnL FC (units) |
Inventory_in_Non_SnL_FC_units_ | string | Inventory in Non-SnL FC (units) |
Subscribe and Save Forecast Report
Subscribe and Save Forecast Report
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_SnsForecast |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
sku | string | The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product |
snapshot_date | timestamp | Report data are current as of the date in this field |
week_1_start_date | timestamp | Week 1 start date |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
active_subscriptions | integer | Total number of active subscriptions for this SKU |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
country | string | Country in which your products are stored |
estimated_avg_sns_discount_next_8_weeks | bigdecimal | Estimated average discount expected to be applied to your Subscribe & Save orders over the next 8 weeks |
fnsku | string | Amazon's Fulfillment network SKU identifier |
offer_state | string | Offer state |
scheduled_sns_units_week_1 | integer | Number of Subscribe & Save items scheduled for week 1 |
scheduled_sns_units_week_2 | integer | Number of Subscribe & Save items scheduled for week 2 |
scheduled_sns_units_week_3 | integer | Number of Subscribe & Save items scheduled for week 3 |
scheduled_sns_units_week_4 | integer | Number of Subscribe & Save items scheduled for week 4 |
scheduled_sns_units_week_5 | integer | Number of Subscribe & Save items scheduled for week 5 |
scheduled_sns_units_week_6 | integer | Number of Subscribe & Save items scheduled for week 6 |
scheduled_sns_units_week_7 | integer | Number of Subscribe & Save items scheduled for week 7 |
scheduled_sns_units_week_8 | integer | Number of Subscribe & Save items scheduled for week 8 |
Subscribe and Save Performance Report
Subscribe and Save Performance Report
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Report_SnsPreformance |
Input Parameters
- marketplaceId1 (optional): Marketplace 1. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId2 (optional): Marketplace 2. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- marketplaceId3 (optional): Marketplace 3. Marketplace you are registered to sell in. The resulting report will include information for all marketplaces you specify
- maintain_history (optional): Do not delete earlier data
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
marketplace_id | string | The encrypted marketplace value |
sku | string | The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product |
snapshot_date | timestamp | Report data are current as of the date in this field |
week_1_start_date | timestamp | Week 1 start date |
product_name | string | The title of your product |
asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the item |
country | string | Country in which your products are stored |
fnsku | string | Amazon's Fulfillment network SKU identifier |
offer_state | string | Offer state |
oos_rate_week_1 | bigdecimal | Out-of-stock rate for week 1 |
oos_rate_week_2 | bigdecimal | Out-of-stock rate for week 2 |
oos_rate_week_3 | bigdecimal | Out-of-stock rate for week 3 |
oos_rate_week_4 | bigdecimal | Out-of-stock rate for week 4 |
sns_discount_week_1 | bigdecimal | Average discount applied to your orders for week 1 |
sns_discount_week_2 | bigdecimal | Average discount applied to your orders for week 2 |
sns_discount_week_3 | bigdecimal | Average discount applied to your orders for week 3 |
sns_discount_week_4 | bigdecimal | Average discount applied to your orders for week 4 |
sns_sale_price_week_1 | bigdecimal | Average sale price for items shipped for week 1 |
sns_sale_price_week_2 | bigdecimal | Average sale price for items shipped for week 2 |
sns_sale_price_week_3 | bigdecimal | Average sale price for items shipped for week 3 |
sns_sale_price_week_4 | bigdecimal | Average sale price for items shipped for week 4 |
sns_units_shipped_week_1 | integer | Number of items shipped for week 1 |
sns_units_shipped_week_2 | integer | Number of items shipped for week 2 |
sns_units_shipped_week_3 | integer | Number of items shipped for week 3 |
sns_units_shipped_week_4 | integer | Number of items shipped for week 4 |
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Reports |
Input Parameters
- createdSince (optional): Created since. The earliest report creation date and time for reports to include in the response, in ISO 8601 date time format. The default is 90 days ago. Reports are retained for a maximum of 90 days
- marketplaceIds (optional): Market place. A list of marketplace identifiers used to filter reports. The reports returned will match at least one of the marketplaces that you specify. Min count: 1 Max count: 10
- processingStatus1 (required): Processing statuses 1. A list of processing statuses used to filter reports. Min count: 1
- processingStatus2 (optional): Processing statuses 2. A list of processing statuses used to filter reports. Min count: 1
- processingStatus3 (optional): Processing statuses 3. A list of processing statuses used to filter reports. Min count: 1
- processingStatus4 (optional): Processing statuses 4. A list of processing statuses used to filter reports. Min count: 1
- processingStatus5 (optional): Processing statuses 5. A list of processing statuses used to filter reports. Min count: 1
- reportType1 (required): Report types 1. A list of report types used to filter reports. When reportTypes is provided, the other filter parameters (processingStatuses, marketplaceIds, createdSince, createdUntil) and pageSize may also be provided. Either reportTypes or nextToken is required. Min count: 1 Max count: 10
- reportType2 (optional): Report types 2. A list of report types used to filter reports. When reportTypes is provided, the other filter parameters (processingStatuses, marketplaceIds, createdSince, createdUntil) and pageSize may also be provided. Either reportTypes or nextToken is required. Min count: 1 Max count: 10
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
reportId | long | The identifier for the report. This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID |
reportDocumentId | string | The identifier for the report document. Pass this into the getReportDocument operation to get the information you will need to retrieve and decrypt the report document's contents |
reportType | string | The report type |
reportScheduleId | string | The identifier of the report schedule that created this report (if any). This identifier is unique only in combination with a seller ID |
createdTime | timestamp | The date and time when the report was created |
dataStartTime | timestamp | The start of a date and time range used for selecting the data to report |
dataEndTime | timestamp | The end of a date and time range used for selecting the data to report |
marketplaceIds | string | A list of marketplace identifiers used to filter reports. The reports returned will match at least one of the marketplaces that you specify. Min count : 1 Max count : 10 |
processingStartTime | timestamp | The date and time when the report processing started, in ISO 8601 date time format |
processingEndTime | timestamp | The date and time when the report processing completed, in ISO 8601 date time format |
processingStatus | string | The processing status of the report |
Service jobs
Service jobs
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | ServiceJobs |
Input Parameters
- lastUpdatedAfter (optional): Last updated after. A date used for selecting jobs updated after (or at) a specified time must be in ISO 8601 format. Required if createdAfter is not specified.Specifying both CreatedAfter and LastUpdatedAfter returns an error
- marketplaceIds (optional): Market place. Used to select jobs that were placed in the specified marketplaces. Max count: 1
- serviceJobStatus (optional): Service job status. A list of one or more job status by which to filter the list of jobs
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The marketplace identifier |
serviceJobId | string | The service job identifier |
serviceOrderId | string | The Amazon-defined identifier for an order placed by the buyer, in 3-7-7 format |
buyer_buyerId | string | The identifier of the buyer. Pattern : "^ A-Z0-9<li>$" |
buyer_isPrimeMember | boolean | When true, the service is for an Amazon Prime buyer |
buyer_name | string | The name of the buyer |
buyer_phone | string | The phone number of the buyer |
createTime | timestamp | The date and time of the creation of the job, in ISO 8601 format |
preferredAppointmentTimes | string | A list of appointment windows preferred by the buyer. Included only if the buyer selected appointment windows when creating the order |
scopeOfWork_asin | string | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the service job |
scopeOfWork_quantity | integer | The number of service jobs |
scopeOfWork_requiredSkills | string | A list of skills required to perform the job |
scopeOfWork_title | string | The title of the service job |
seller_sellerId | string | The identifier of the seller of the service job. Pattern : "^ A-Z0-9<li>$" |
serviceJobProvider_serviceJobProviderId | string | The identifier of the service job provider. Pattern : "^ A-Z0-9<li>$" |
serviceJobStatus | string | The status of the service job |
serviceLocation_address_addressLine1 | string | The first line of the address |
serviceLocation_address_addressLine2 | string | Additional address information, if required |
serviceLocation_address_addressLine3 | string | Additional address information, if required |
serviceLocation_address_city | string | The city |
serviceLocation_address_CountryCode | string | The two digit country code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format |
serviceLocation_address_county | string | The county |
serviceLocation_address_district | string | The district |
serviceLocation_address_name | string | The name of the person, business, or institution |
serviceLocation_address_phone | string | The phone number |
serviceLocation_address_postalCode | string | The postal code. This can contain letters, digits, spaces, and/or punctuation |
serviceLocation_address_stateOrRegion | string | The state or region |
serviceLocation_serviceLocationType | string | The location of the service job |
Shipment items
Shipment items
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | ShipmentItems |
Input Parameters
- LastUpdatedAfter (optional): Last updated after. A date used for selecting inbound shipment items that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. The selection includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller
- MarketplaceId (optional): Market place. A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace where the product would be stored
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
ShipmentId | string | A shipment identifier originally returned by the createInboundShipmentPlan operation |
FulfillmentNetworkSKU | string | Amazon's fulfillment network SKU of the item |
QuantityInCase | integer | The item quantity in each case, for case-packed items. Note that QuantityInCase multiplied by the number of boxes in the inbound shipment equals QuantityShipped. Also note that all of the boxes of an inbound shipment must either be case packed or individually packed. For that reason, when you submit the createInboundShipment or the updateInboundShipment operation, the value of QuantityInCase must be provided for every item in the shipment or for none of the items in the shipment |
QuantityReceived | integer | The item quantity that has been received at an Amazon fulfillment center |
QuantityShipped | integer | The item quantity that you are shipping |
ReleaseDate | date | The date that a pre-order item will be available for sale |
SellerSKU | string | The seller SKU of the item |
Inbound shipments
Inbound shipments
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Shipments |
Input Parameters
- MarketplaceId (optional): Market place. A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace where the product would be stored
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
MarketplaceId | string | The identifier of the marketplace |
ShipmentId | string | The shipment identifier submitted in the request |
ShipmentName | string | The name for the inbound shipment |
ShipmentStatus | string | Indicates the status of the inbound shipment. When used with the createInboundShipment operation, WORKING is the only valid value. When used with the updateInboundShipment operation, possible values are WORKING, SHIPPED or CANCELLED |
AreCasesRequired | boolean | Indicates whether or not an inbound shipment contains case-packed boxes. When AreCasesRequired = true for an inbound shipment, all items in the inbound shipment must be case packed |
BoxContentsSource | string | Where the seller provided box contents information for a shipment |
ConfirmedNeedByDate | date | Date by which the shipment must arrive at the Amazon fulfillment center to avoid delivery promise breaks for pre-ordered items |
DestinationFulfillmentCenterId | string | An Amazon fulfillment center identifier created by Amazon |
EstimatedBoxContentsFee_FeePerUnit_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code |
EstimatedBoxContentsFee_FeePerUnit_Value | bigdecimal | The amount |
EstimatedBoxContentsFee_TotalFee_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code |
EstimatedBoxContentsFee_TotalFee_Value | bigdecimal | The amount |
EstimatedBoxContentsFee_TotalUnits | integer | The number of units to ship |
LabelPrepType | string | The type of label preparation that is required for the inbound shipment |
ShipFromAddress_AddressLine1 | string | The street address information |
ShipFromAddress_AddressLine2 | string | Additional street address information, if required |
ShipFromAddress_City | string | The city |
ShipFromAddress_CountryCode | string | The country code in two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format |
ShipFromAddress_DistrictOrCounty | string | The district or county |
ShipFromAddress_Name | string | Name of the individual or business |
ShipFromAddress_PostalCode | string | The postal code. If postal codes are used in your marketplace, we recommended that you include one with your request. This helps Amazon select the most appropriate Amazon fulfillment center for the inbound shipment plan |
ShipFromAddress_StateOrProvinceCode | string | The state or province code. If state or province codes are used in your marketplace, it is recommended that you include one with your request. This helps Amazon to select the most appropriate Amazon fulfillment center for your inbound shipment plan |
Subscriptions of notification type
Subscriptions of notification type
Amazon Endpoint Reference | |
Internal name to be used for automation | Subscription |
Input Parameters
- notificationType (required): Type of notification. The type of notification to which you want to subscribe. For more information about notification types, see the Notifications API Use Case Guide
Output Result
Parameter | Data type | Description |
destinationId | string | The identifier for the destination where notifications will be delivered |
payloadVersion | string | The version of the payload object to be used in the notification |
subscriptionId | string | The subscription identifier generated when the subscription is created |