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Creating New Schedules

Creating a Schedule

You can create a new schedule using this procedure:

SYSADMIN.CreateSchedule(<IN biginteger jobId>, <IN string type>, <IN biginteger intervl>, <IN biginteger startDelay>, <IN string cronExpression>, <IN boolean enabled>, <IN biginteger chainedToScheduleId>, <IN string chainCondition>, <IN string chainString>, <IN string owner>, <IN string scheduleName>, <IN string queueHandler>, <IN string jobUuid>, <IN string uuid>)

It takes the following parameters:

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jobIdId of the job the schedule belongs to (id of a ScheduleJob).

Can take one of four possible values; depending on the value, some other parameters are required or disregarded:

  • once: only startDelay and the enabled parameters are used
  • intervl: interval and startDelay parameters are used, cronExpressionchainedToScheduleId, and chainCondition are disregarded
  • cron: cronExpression and startDelay parameters are used, intervl, chainedToScheduleId, and chainCondition are disregarded
  • chained:  only chainedToScheduleId and chainCondition parameters are used
intervlHow often to repeat the job in minutes. If this parameter is used, the cronExpression parameter is disregarded
startDelayInitial delay before running the job (only before the 1st iteration, all subsequent iterations are fired in accordance with interval/cron schedule settings)
cronExpressionProvides the Quartz Cron Expression to specify the schedule. If this parameter is used, the intervl parameter is disregarded, but the startDelay parameter is used. This means that depending on the actual configuration, the event may or may not fire at this specific time; however, the trigger will not fire before this time. If we start a schedule at 17:59 with cron string having '18:00' and set the start delay to 2 minutes, then the event will fire at 18:00 of the following day
enabledEnables the execution of the schedule according to interval or cronExpression parameters
chainedToScheduleIdID of the parent schedule, i.e. this schedule will be executed after the parent schedule if chainCondition is fulfilled

Can take the following possible values:

  • UNCONDITIONAL: this schedule is always executed after the parent schedule)
  • SUCCESS: this schedule is only executed if parent schedule succeeds
  • FAILURE: this Schedule is only executed if parent Schedule fails

If NULL is provided, UNCONDITIONAL is set as default

chainStringExpression string when complex dependencies are used; see the section further down for a detailed explanation. If the created schedule depends only on one other schedule, either chainedToScheduleId is not NULL and chainString is NULL, or chainedToScheduleId is NULL, chainCondition is NULL, and chainString is not NULL
ownerThe name of a schedule owner. Default: the user who runs the SYSADMIN.createSchedule procedure. Owner can be set to the value that is not equal to the current user only by members of admin-role
scheduleNameMeant to support synchronization processes between the Data Virtuality Server instances. It is not meant to be freely editable or selectable and should not be modified without very good reason. When scheduleName is absent from the procedure call, it is created by the system automatically. The system will also create scheduleName on the Data Virtuality Server start when it encounters any schedule without scheduleName set
queueHandlerName of queue handler. If not set, system will be used for system jobs, and default will be used for other jobs
jobUuidUUID of the job the schedule belongs to (UUID of a ScheduleJob)
uuidCustom UUID of the schedule to be created


1. Creating a simple schedule that is executed only once:

CALL SYSADMIN.CreateSchedule(135, 'once', 0, 0, NULL, true, null, null, null)

2. Creating and immediately running a simple schedule with a given interval and startDelay:

CALL SYSADMIN.CreateSchedule(1, 'interval', 1, 0, null, true, null, null, null)

3. Creating a schedule with a cron expression. For example, the first one will start every Monday and Tuesday at 3:00 am; the second one starts every day at 5:00 am:

CALL SYSADMIN.CreateSchedule(321, 'cron', 1, 1, '0 0 3 ? * MON,TUE *', true, null, null, null)
CALL SYSADMIN.CreateSchedule(159, 'cron', 1, 1, '0 0 5 1/1 * ? *', true, null, null, null)

4. Creating a chained schedule for the job with ID 3 that is executed after the schedule with ID 15 has finished successfully:

CALL SYSADMIN.CreateSchedule(3, 'chained', null, 0, null, true, 15, 'SUCCESS', null)

Cron Expressions

Cron expressions use the Quartz Scheduler's syntax. To easily build an expression for a specific schedule, please check the CronMaker site.

The following sections originate from the CronTrigger tutorial and org.quartz.CronExpression documentation and are copyrighted under Apache License 2.0.


These expressions are used to configure instances of CronTrigger. They are strings that are actually made up of seven sub-expressions describing individual details of the schedule. These sub-expressions are separated with whitespaces and represent the following elements:

  1. Seconds
  2. Minutes
  3. Hours
  4. Day of month
  5. Month
  6. Day of week
  7. Year (optional field)

An example of a complete cron-expression is the string 0 0 12 ? * WED  which means "every Wednesday at 12:00:00 pm".

Individual sub-expressions can contain ranges and/or lists. For example, the day of week field in the previous example (which reads WED) could be replaced with MON-FRI, MON,WED,FRI, or even MON-WED,SAT.

All fields have a set of valid values that can be specified. These values should be fairly obvious - such as the numbers from 0 to 59 for seconds and minutes, and the values from 0 to 23 for hours. Day of the month can be any value from 1 to 31, but you must be careful about how many days are in a given month! Months can be specified as values between 0 and 11, or by using the strings JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, and DEC. Days of the week can be specified as values between 1 and 7 (1 = Sunday) or by using the strings SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, and SAT.

Field nameAllowed valuesAllowed special characters
Seconds0-59, - * /
Minutes0-59, - * /
Hours0-23, - * /
Day of month1-31, - * ? / L W
Month1-12 or JAN-DEC, - * /
Day of Week1-7 or SUN-SAT, - * ? / L #
Year (optional)empty, 1970-2199, - * /

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CharacterPossible field(s)Meaning
-AllRanges: 1-4 or SUN-WED
,AllAdditional values: MON,WED,FRI
*AllEvery possible value of this field. Thus, the * in the Month field of the previous example simply means "every month"

Increments to values. For example, 0/15 in the Minutes field means 'every 15th minute of the hour, starting at minute zero'. If you use 3/20 in the Minutes field, it would mean 'every 20th minute of the hour, starting at minute three' - or in other words, it is the same as specifying 3,23,43 in the Minutes field.

Please note that /35 does not mean "every 35 minutes" - it means "every 35th minute of the hour, starting at minute zero" - or, in other words, the same as specifying 0,35.


Day of month

Day of week

No specific value. This is useful when you need to specify something in one of the two fields, but not the other. See the examples below (and CronTrigger JavaDoc) for clarification

Day of month

Day of week

Short-hand for "last", but has a different meaning in each of the two fields:

  • Day of month: "the last day of the month" - day 31 for January, day 28 for February on non-leap years
  • Day of week: if used by itself, simply means 7 or SAT. But if used in the day of week field after another value, it means "the last xxx day of the month" - for example, 6L or FRIL both mean "the last Friday of the month". You can also specify an offset from the last day of the month, such as L-3, which would mean the third-to-last day of the calendar month.

Please note that when using the L option, it is important not to specify lists, or ranges of values, as you may get confusing/unexpected results


Day of month

Day of week

Weekday (Monday to Friday) closest to the given day. For example, 15W means "the nearest weekday to the 15th of the month"
#Day of weekThe Nth XXX weekday of the month. For example, 6#3 or FRI#3 means "the third Friday of the month"

Here are a few more examples of expressions and their meanings - you can find even more in the JavaDoc for org.quartz.CronExpression.


1. Creating a trigger that fires every 5 minutes:

0 0/5 * * * ?

2. Creating a trigger that fires every 5 minutes, at 10 seconds after the minute (i.e. 10:00:10 am, 10:05:10 am, etc.):

10 0/5 * * * ?

3. Creating a trigger that fires at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, and 13:30, every Wednesday and Friday:

0 30 10-13 ? * WED,FRI

4. Creating a trigger that fires every half hour between 8 am and 10 am on the 5th and 20th of every month. Note that the trigger will NOT fire at 10:00 am, just at 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 and 9:30:

0 0/30 8-9 5,20 * ?

Please note that some scheduling requirements are too complicated to express with a single trigger - such as "every 5 minutes between 9:00 am and 10:00 am, and every 20 minutes between 1:00 pm and 10:00 pm". The solution in this scenario is to simply create two triggers, and register both to run the same job.

Schedules Table

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idUnique id of the schedule itself

Id of the job the schedule belongs to (id of a ScheduleJob)


Can take one of four possible values; depending on the value, some other parameters are required or disregarded:

  • once: only startDelay and the enabled parameters are used
  • interval: intervl and startDelay parameters are used, cronExpression has NULL value
  • cron: cronExpression and startDelay parameters are used, intervl has no meaningful value
  • chained: chainedTo and chainCondition parameters are used


How often to repeat the job in minutes
startDelayInitial delay before running the job (only before the 1st iteration, all subsequent fire in accordance with interval/cron schedule settings)
cronExpressionQuartz Cron Expression which specifies the schedule
enabledWhether the schedule is active or not
chainStringLogical expression for the dependencies on other jobs
nextFireTimeDate and time of the subsequent planned job fire (if the schedule is active, i.e. the enabled field contains TRUE)
ownerName of the schedule owner
uuidUnique UUID of the schedule itself
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