Identifiers, literals, and functions can be combined into expressions. Expressions can be used almost anywhere in a query: SELECT
(if specifying join criteria), WHERE
The Data Virtuality Server supports the following types of expressions:
- Column Identifiers
- Literals
- Scalar Functions
- Arrays
- Aggregate Functions
- Window Functions
- Case and Searched Case
- Scalar Subqueries
- Parameter References
Column Identifiers
Column identifiers are used to specify the output columns in SELECT
statements, the columns and their values for INSERT
statements, and criteria used in WHERE
and FROM
clauses. They are also used in GROUP BY
, and ORDER BY
clauses. The syntax for column identifiers has been defined in the Identifiers section above.
Literal values represent fixed values. These can be any of the 'standard' data types.
Syntax Rules:
- Integer values will be assigned an integral data type big enough to hold the value (integer, long, or biginteger).
- Floating point values will always be parsed as a double.
- The keyword 'null' represents an absent or unknown value and is inherently untyped. In many cases, a null literal value will be assigned an implied type based on context. For example, in the function '5 + null', the null value will be assigned the type 'integer' to match the type of the value '5'. A null literal used in the
clause of a query with no implied context will be assigned to type 'string'.
Some examples of simple literal values
- Escaped single quote:
t true'
- Scientific notation:
- Exact numeric type
- Unicode character:
- Binary:
Date/Time Literals can use JDBC Escaped Literal Syntax or the ANSI keyword syntax:
JDBC Escaped Literal Syntax | ANSI keyword syntax | |
Date Literal | {d '...' } | DATE '...' |
Time Literal | {t '...' } | TIME '...' |
Timestamp Literal | {ts '...' } | TIMESTAMP '...' |
Using Unicode characters
Specifying any Unicode characters (with codes 0-65535) in SQL strings is possible. Generally, if you try to include special characters in the usual way using a backslash, it will be taken literally by DV. To use special characters, you should use an 'E' letter before the first apostrophe character bounding a string constant.
The syntax supports the following codes: \b, \t, \n, \f, \r and the standard way to specify a Unicode character: \uXXXX, where X is a hexadecimal digit.
SQL code | Output |
| some\ntext |
| some text |
| danke schön |
An array is an ordered list of elements of a single data type. Each element has its own index value by which it can be accessed.
Defining Arrays
General Array Syntax
(expr, expr ... [,])
ARRAY(expr, ...)
Empty Arrays
Single Element Arrays
Using Arrays
Here are some things to keep in mind when working with arrays:
- In an SQL statement, arrays use 1-based indexes, i.e. the first element of an array must be referenced as
; - For the parser to recognize a single element expression as an array with parentheses, a trailing comma is necessary;
- If all of the elements of the array have the same type, the array will have a matching base type. If the element types are different, the base type of the array will be
And here's how to define and use an array:
// Defining an array
DECLARE OBJECT favourite_birds = ARRAY('seagull', 'eagle', 'nightingale', 'sparrow');
// Using the array
SELECT favourite_birds[2]
// Output
Case and Searched Case
The Data Virtuality Server supports two forms of the CASE
expression, which allows conditional logic in a scalar expression. The supported forms are the following:
CASE <expr> ( WHEN <expr> THEN <expr>)+ [ELSE expr] END
CASE ( WHEN <criteria> THEN <expr>)+ [ELSE expr] END
Each form allows for an output based on conditional logic. The first form starts with an initial expression, evaluates WHEN
expressions until the values match, and outputs the THEN
expression. If no WHEN
is matched, the ELSE
expression is output. If no WHEN
is matched and no ELSE
is specified, a null literal value is output. The second form (the searched case expression) searches the WHEN
clauses, which specify arbitrary criteria to evaluate. If any criteria evaluate to TRUE
, the THEN
expression is evaluated and output. If no WHEN
is true, the ELSE
is evaluated or NULL
is output if none exists.
Scalar Subqueries
Subqueries can be used to produce a single scalar value in the SELECT
clauses only. A scalar subquery must have a single column in the SELECT
clause and should return either 0 or 1 row. If no rows are returned, null will be returned as the scalar subquery value.
Parameter References
Parameters are specified using the '?' symbol. Parameters may only be used with PreparedStatement
or CallableStatements
in JDBC. Each parameter is linked to a value specified by a 1-based index in the JDBC API.