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Logs and History


This table supplies the history of CliTemplates modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringCliTemplate name
createScriptstringCliTemplate create script
dropScriptstringCliTemplate drop script
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.CliTemplates table
oldnamestringOld name of CliTemplate if changed
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of connection modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

jndiNamestringConnection name
templatestringConnection template
propertiesstringConnection properties
encryptedPropertiesstringConnection encrypted properties
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.Connections table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of data attributes applied to views and tables.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringObject name
attributesstringAttributes applied to the object
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.DataCatalogAttributes table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of data source modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringData source name
translatorstringTranslator used by the data source
modelPropertiesstringProperties of the data source model
translatorPropertiesstringProperties of the translator used by the data source
encryptedModelPropertiesstringEncrypted properties of the data source model
encryptedTranslatorPropertiesstringEncrypted properties of the translator used by the data source
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.DataSources table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of the operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of email notification job modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

jobStatusesstringStatuses that initiate email notification job
subjectstringCustom email notification subject if applicable
messagestringCustom email notification message if applicable
reciepientsstringRecipients of email notification
isglobalbooleanWhether or not the email notification is global
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.JobEmailNotifications table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of the running or executed jobs.

Column Name




stringJob type (e.g. recommended optimization, cleanup, etc.)
detailsstringSQL command for SQL jobs
Job title for other jobs
targetSchemaNameOriginalstringOriginal analytical storage name in the DBMS
targetSchemaNameInTeiidstringAnalytical storage name visible in the Data Virtuality Server
datasourcestringData source (specific for Statistics jobs)
gatherTableCardinalitiesbooleanFlag to signal if gathering statistics for tables or not (specific for Statistics jobs)
gatherColumnCardinalitiesbooleanFlag to signal if gathering statistics for columns or not (specific for Statistics jobs)
gatherNetworkStatsbooleanFlag to signal if gathering network statistics or not (specific for Statistics jobs)
excludeTablesstringTables to exclude (specific for Statistics jobs)
incrementalbooleanFlag to signal whether jobs should be executed for an incremental update (specific for optimization jobs)
newRowCheckExpressionstringNew row check expression (specific for incremental optimization jobs)
identityExpressionstringIdentity expression (specific for incremental optimization jobs)
deleteOldDatabooleanFlag to signal if an incremental job should delete old data or not (specific for incremental optimization jobs)
allowIndexCreationstringTypes of indexes allowed for this optimization job (specific for optimization jobs)
gatherNativeStatsbooleanFlag to signal if native statistics should be gathered or not when a replication job is completed (specific for optimization jobs)
indexCreationByStatusstringString representing the status that the indexes must have to be created after completing the job run
groupIdbigintegerOptimization ID (specific for optimization jobs)
jobIdbigintegerJob ID
scheduleidbigintegerSchedule ID
runnerstringName of a user who run the job
startTimetimestampStart time of the job run
endTimetimestampEnd time of the job run
outTimetimestampEnd time of the job run if caused by a timeout
statusstringStatus of the job run (e.g. running, finished, failed)
failureReasonstringReason why the job failed (if the status is failed)
warningsstringWarnings risen during the job run if any
jobdescrstringJob description
interruptedBystringUser name interrupted a job
queueHandlerstringName of a queue handler
jobUuidstringJob UUID
scheduleUuidstringSchedule UUID


This table supplies the history of options modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringOption name
valuestringOption value
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.OptionValues table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of permissions modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

rolestringRole to which permissions were applied to or removed from
resourcestringRresource to which the permission applies to
permissionstringPermission granted or removed
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.Permissions table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of procedure modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringName of procedure
definitionstringProcedure definition
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.ProcDefinitions table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of the running or executed queries

Column Name




bigintegerQuery ID
vdbidbigintegerID of the virtual database where the query was started
vdbnamestringName of the virtual database where the query was started
sessionIdstringSession ID
requestIdbigintegerRequest ID
querystringActual query
startTimetimestampStart time of the query
startRunningTimetimestampStart time of status RUNNING
startFetchingTimetimestampStart time of status FETCHING
endTimetimestampEnd time of the query
statestringState of the query (e.g running, finished, failed, etc.)
failureReasonstringReason why the query failed
issuerstringUser who executed the query
warningsstringWarnings risen during the query execution if any


This table supplies performance metrics of the running or executed queries.

Field nameTypeDescription
idbigintegerQuery ID
typestring(128)Request type
sessionIdstring(32)Session ID used for query
requestIdlongQuery request index (index number within one session ID)
userNamestringName of the user who issued the query or "system" by default
querystring(4096)Query text
statestring(128)Query state
startTimetimestampQuery start time
updateTimetimestampQuery update time
totalBufferslongTotal buffers used by the query in the Data Virtuality Server
bufferDiskUsagelongTotal buffers disk space used by the query (in bytes) in the Data Virtuality Server
bufferMemoryUsagelongTotal buffers memory space used by the query (in bytes) in the Data Virtuality Server
queryHeapAllocatedlongTotal heap memory allocated by a thread for queries (in bytes)

Total CPU time used by all queries' threads (in microseconds). A Java virtual machine implementation may support measuring the CPU time for the current thread.

The Data Virtuality Server queries work within separate threads. So we can measure the CPU time between starting and finishing a query (note that an erroneous or cancelled query will also have some finishing point) that is between two points of a working thread

cpuUsageInPercentfloatTotal CPU time used by all queries' threads (in per cent)


This table shows the history of changes to the remarks of data source objects.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringName of the object
remarkstringRemark text
resTypestringType of an object with this remark (i.e. table, procedure, table_column, etc.)
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of role modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringName of the role
permanentbooleanFlag indicating if the role is static
allowCreateTempTablesbooleanFlag indicating if the role is allowed to create templates
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.Roles table
oldnamestringOld name of the role if changed
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies SSH Credentials history.

Column NameTypeDescription



Log record ID

namestringName of the SSH credentials key-value pair
oldnamestringOld name of the SSH credentials key-value pair, if changed
publicKeystringPublic key
privateKeystringPrivate key
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN_VDB.SSHCredentials table
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies an SSH Tunnels history.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringName of the SSH Tunnel
localHoststringHost of the client's machine
localPortintegerPort of the client's machine
remoteHoststringHost of the remote machine
remotePortintegerPort of the remote machine
hoststringUsername and host used for connecting to a remote machine via SSH protocol
portForwardingTypestringType of SSH port forwarding
sshPortintegerPort used by SSH Server on the remote machine
sshPropertiesstringSSH comma-separated properties in CSV-like form
passwordstringPassword used for simple authentication on the SSH server
passPhrasestringPassword phrase used in case of a secured private key and key authentication on the SSH server
privateKeystringPrivate key used for key authentication on the SSH server
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN_VDB.SSHTunnel table
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of schedule modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

typestringSchedule type
intervlbigintegerHow often to repeat the job in minutes
startDelaybigintegerInitial delay before running the job
cronExpressionstringQuartz Cron Expression which specifies the schedule
enabledbooleanFlag indicating whether the schedule is active
chainStringstringLogical expression for dependencies on other jobs
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.Schedules table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation
uuidstringSchedule UUID


This table supplies the history of scheduled job modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

jobTypestringJob type
descriptionstringJob description
scriptstringJob creation script
deletablebooleanFlag indicating whether the job is deletable
incrementalbooleanFlag indicating whether the job is incremental
newRowCheckExpressionstringString representing the check expression for the incremental-optimization-schedule-job
identityExpressionstringString representing the identity expression for the incremental-optimization-schedule-job expressed in SQL language
deleteOldDatabooleanFlag indicating how the data in the materialized table is treated
allowIndexCreationstringString representing the types of indexes that the system must create after completing the replication
gatherNativeStatsbooleanFlag indicating whether native statics on the materialized table should be gathered or not when the replication has been completed
indexCreationByStatusstringString representing the status that the indexes must have to be created after completing the replication
parallelRunsAllowedintegerNumber indicating how many parallel runs of this job will be started
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.ScheduleJobs table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation
uuidstringJob UUID


Total info about used heap memory, GC parameters, teiid system parameters and so on internally from Data Virtuality Server and JVM:

Field nameTypeDescription
idbigintegerLog record ID
updateTimetimestampTime when the data was requested
committedVirtualMemorySizelongAmount of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process, or -1 if this operation is not supported
freePhysicalMemorySizelongAmount of free physical memory
freeSwapSpaceSizelongAmount of free swap memory space
physicalMemoryUsageInPercentfloatAmount of physical memory that is used by the JVM, per cent
processCpuLoadInPercentfloatAmount of CPU load, as a value between 0.0 and 100.0, used by the JVM. When this value is 0.0, the JVM does not use the CPU. If the recent CPU load is not available, the value will be negative
processCpuTimelongCPU time used by the process on which the JVM is running in nanoseconds. The returned value is of nanoseconds precision but not necessarily nanoseconds accuracy. This method returns -1 if the platform does not support this operation
systemCpuLoadInPercentfloatCPU load of the machine running the JVM in per cent of maximal usage. The machine is running on full load when it reaches 100. If the recent CPU load is not available, the value will be negative
systemLoadAverageInPercentfloatSystem load average for the last minute (or a negative value if not available)
threadCountintegerCurrent number of live threads, including both daemon and non-daemon threads
daemonThreadCountintegerCurrent number of live daemon threads
totalPhysicalMemorySizelongTotal amount of physical memory
totalJVMMemorySizelongTotal amount of memory available to the Java virtual machine
usedJVMMemorySizelongAmount of memory that the Java virtual machine is using
totalSwapSpaceSizelongTotal amount of swap space memory
usedPhysicalMemorySizelongAmount of memory the system is using
usedSwapSpaceSizelongAmount of memory the system is swapping
committedHeapMemorylongAmount of memory committed to the Java heap
usedHeapMemorylongAmount of used memory on the Java heap
freeHeapMemorylongAmount of free memory on the Java heap
heapMemoryUsageInPercentfloatAmount of used Java heap, per cent
committedNonHeapMemorylongAmount of memory committed to the Java non-heap
usedNonHeapMemorylongAmount of used memory on the Java non-heap
freeNonHeapMemorylongAmount of free memory on the Java non-heap
nonHeapMemoryUsageInPercentfloatAmount of used Java non-heap, per cent
committedHeapEdenSpacelongAmount of memory committed to the Java heap Eden Space
usedHeapEdenSpacelongAmount of used memory on the Java heap Eden Space
freeHeapEdenSpacelongAmount of free memory on the Java heap Eden Space
heapEdenSpaceUsageInPercentfloatAmount of used Java heap Eden Space, per cent
committedHeapOldGenlongAmount of memory committed to the Java heap Old (Tenured) Generation
usedHeapOldGenlongAmount of used memory on the Java heap Old (Tenured) Generation
freeHeapOldGenlongAmount of free memory on the Java heap Old (Tenured) Generation
heapOldGenUsageInPercentfloatAmount of used Java heap Old (Tenured) Generation, per cent
committedHeapSurvivorSpacelongAmount of memory committed to the Java heap Survivor Space
usedHeapSurvivorSpacelongAmount of used memory on the Java heap Survivor Space
freeHeapSurvivorSpacelongAmount of free memory on the Java heap Survivor Space
heapSurvivorSpaceUsageInPercentfloatAmount of used Java heap Survivor Space, per cent
committedNonHeapPermGenlongAmount of memory committed to the Java non-heap Permanent Generation
usedNonHeapPermGenlongAmount of used memory on the Java non-heap Permanent Generation
freeNonHeapPermGenlongAmount of free memory on the Java non-heap Permanent Generation
nonHeapPermGenUsageInPercentfloatAmount of used Java non-heap Permanent Generation, per cent
committedNonHeapCodeCachelongAmount of memory committed to the Java non-heap Code Cache
usedNonHeapCodeCachelongAmount of used memory on the Java non-heap Code Cache
freeNonHeapCodeCachelongAmount of free memory on the Java non-heap Code Cache
nonHeapCodeCacheUsageInPercentfloatAmount of used Java non-heap Code Cache, per cent
collectionTimePSMarkSweepGClongAccumulated collection time spent by PS Mark Sweep Garbage Collector
collectionCountPSMarkSweepGClongTotal number of collections performed by PS Mark Sweep Garbage Collector
collectionTimePSScavengeGClongAccumulated collection time performed by PS Scavenge Garbage Collector
collectionCountPSScavengeGClongTotal number of collections performed by PS Scavenge Garbage Collector
collectionTimeG1OldGenGClongAccumulated collection time spent by G1 Old Generation Garbage Collector
collectionCountG1OldGenGClongTotal number of collections performed by G1 Old Generation Garbage Collector
collectionTimeG1YoungGenGClongAccumulated collection time spent by G1 Young Generation Garbage Collector
collectionCountG1YoungGenGClongTotal number of collections performed by G1 Young Generation Garbage Collector
sessionCountintegerNumber of user connections currently active
queryCountintegerNumber of queries currently active
activeQueryPlanCountintegerNumber of query plans currently being processed
waitingQueryPlanCountintegerNumber of query plans currently waiting
maxWaitingQueryPlanWatermarkintegerMaximum number of query plans that have been waiting at one time since the last time the server started
longRunningQueriesintegerCurrently executing queries that have surpassed the query threshold (query-threshold-in-seconds)
bufferDiskWriteCountlongDisk write count for the buffer manager
bufferDiskReadCountlongDisk read count for the buffer manager
bufferCacheWriteCountlongCache write count for the buffer manager
bufferCacheReadCountlongCache read count for the buffer manager
bufferDiskSpaceUsedInMblongAmount of storage space currently used by buffer files
totalBufferMemoryUsageInKblongEstimate of the current memory usage in kilobytes by the buffer manager
totalBufferMemoryUsageByActivePlansInKblongEstimate of current memory usage by active plans by buffer manager in kilobytes
preparedPlanCacheTotalEntriesintegerCurrent number of entries in the Prepared Plan cache
preparedPlanCacheRequestCountintegerTotal number of requests made against Prepared Plan cache
preparedPlanCacheHitRatioInPercentfloatPositive Prepared Plan cache hits, per cent
resultSetCacheTotalEntriesintegerCurrent number of entries in the ResultSet cache
resultSetCacheRequestCountintegerTotal number of requests made against the ResultSet cache
resultSetCacheHitRatioInPercentfloatPositive ResultSet cache hits, per cent


This table supplies the history of system properties modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

propTypestringProperty type
propKeystringProperty key
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.SystemProperties table
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of user records modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringUser name
pwdstringPassword, encrypted
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.Users table
oldnamestringOld name of the user if changed
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of user roles modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

userNamestringUser name
roleNamestringRole name
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.UserRoles table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of views modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringView name
definitionstringView definition
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.ViewDefinitions table
oldnamestringNot used
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of virtual schemas modifications.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringName of the view
deletablebooleanFlag indicating whether the virtual schema is deletable
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.VirtualSchemas table
oldnamestringOld name of the virtual schema, if changed
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation


This table supplies the history of publishing an object to the Web Business Data Shop.

Column Name





Log record ID

namestringObject name
schemanamestringName of the schema the object belongs to
parentIdbigintegerID of the respective record in the SYSADMIN.WebBusinessDataShopPublished table
oldnamestringOld name of the virtual schema, if changed
operationTypestringType of operation performed
operationTimetimestampTimestamp of operation
operationUsernamestringName of the user who performed the operation
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