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Modular Connectors Management

This page describes how to deploy and undeploy a modular connector.

Modular connectors are deployed automatically when a modular connector data source is created. Some modular connectors depend on others. Base connectors are automatically deployed together with dependent modular connectors.

The following command can be used to check if a connector is already deployed:

SELECT "deployed" FROM "SYSADMIN.ModularConnectors" WHERE "name" = '<modular connector name>';;


This procedure deploys a modular connector to the Server. It supports the $NOFAIL option, which prevents throwing error messages in case of failure. For more details, please see OPTION Clause.

SYSADMIN.deployModularConnector(IN name string NULL, IN deploy boolean NOT NULL, IN translator string NULL, IN version integer)
nameName of the modular connector to be deployed. it's mandatory to set either name or translator parameter
deployA modular connector will be deployed if set to TRUE and otherwise undeployed 
translatorTranslator name of the modular connector to be deployed. it's mandatory to set either name or translator parameter
versionModular connector version

translator and version parameters of SYSADMIN.deployModularConnector are available since v4.5

To deploy a modular connector, set deploy to TRUE and provide either name or translator:

CALL "SYSADMIN.deployModularConnector"(
    "name" => '<modular connector name>',
    "deploy" => TRUE

To undeploy a modular connector, just set deploy to FALSE:

CALL "SYSADMIN.deployModularConnector"(
    "name" => '<modular connector name>',
    "deploy" => FALSE
Some modular connectors depend on others and require base connectors to be deployed first. If a base connector is not deployed, the Server will fail to deploy the dependent connector.
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