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Schedule Types

Pipes supports several schedule types: once, interval (daily, weekly, monthly, hourly), advanced, and after another job.

Once Schedules

Such a schedule starts the job precisely one time: immediately after defining it or after a given interval: for example, you can create a job and start it manually immediately hereafter.

Interval Schedules

If this kind of schedule is defined, the job will start at intervals, for example, every day, week, month, or hour.

Advanced Schedules

This is a Pipes Pro feature

This type of schedule is defined via a cron expression - in the Pipes interface, it corresponds to setting the job to fire every day/week/month at a given time: for example, a job can be fired every Tuesday and Thursday.

After Another Job Schedules

This is a Pipes Pro feature

In this case, the execution of a job is linked to the execution (successful or failed) of another job or several jobs: for example, if you have a job you want to fire only if another job has run and finished with a SUCCESS state.

See Also

Schedule Management for the relevant system procedures

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