Schedules and Jobs
This table supplies information on all additional properties of jobs.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | Job ID |
name | string | Property name |
val | string | Property value |
This table supplies information on jobs.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | Job ID |
jobName | string | Unique name |
jobType | string | Job type (e.g. recommended optimization, cleanup, etc.) |
description | string | Description of the current job |
script | clob | Script data (specific for SQL jobs) |
disabled | boolean | Flag to signal whether the job is enabled or disabled |
deletable | boolean | Flag to signal whether jobs of a particular type may be deleted |
incremental | boolean | Flag to signal whether jobs should be executed for an incremental update (specific for optimization jobs) |
newRowCheckExpression | string | New row check expression (specific for incremental optimization jobs) |
identityExpression | string | Identity expression (specific for incremental optimization jobs) |
deleteOldData | boolean | Flag to signal if an incremental job should delete old data or not (specific for incremental optimization jobs) |
allowIndexCreation | string | Types of indexes allowed for this optimization job (specific for optimization jobs) |
gatherNativeStats | boolean | Flag to signal if native statistics should be gathered or not when a replication job is completed (specific for optimization jobs) |
indexCreationByStatus | string | String representing the status that the indexes must have to be created after completing the replication |
groupId | biginteger | Optimization ID (specific for optimization jobs) |
parallelRunsAllowed | integer | Number of parallel runs allowed for the job |
retryCounter | integer | Number of job retry attempts in case the job is failing |
retryDelay | integer | Delay in seconds between the retry attempts |
runTimeout | integer | Timeout configured individually for this job if any (in minutes) |
running | boolean | Indicates if scheduleJob is currently running or not |
inQueue | boolean | Indicates if scheduleJob is currently in a queue |
lastExecutionStatus | string | Status of last execution of scheduleJob |
lastExecutionFailureReason | string | Reason why the execution of scheduleJob failed |
creationDate | timestamp | Timestamp when scheduleJob was created |
lastModifiedDate | timestamp | Timestamp when scheduleJob was last modified |
creator | string | Account that was used to create scheduleJob |
modifier | string | Account that was used to last modify scheduleJob |
lastWarnings | string | Warnings risen during the last job run if any |
owner | string | Name of the job owner |
runAs | string | Runner of the job (CALLER or OWNER) |
uuid | string | Job UUID |
This table supplies information on schedules.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | Schedule ID |
jobID | biginteger | Job ID |
type | string | Schedule type |
interval | biginteger | Interval in minutes |
startDelay | biginteger | Start delay in minutes |
cronExpression | string | Cron expression |
enabled | boolean | Flag to signal if the schedule is enabled or not |
chainString | string | *** |
nextFireTime | timestamp | Timestamp of the next expected execution |
creationDate | timestamp | Timestamp of schedule creation |
lastModifiedDate | timestamp | Timestamp of schedule modification |
creator | string | User who created the schedule |
modifier | string | User who modified the schedule |
scheduleName | string | Unique name for the schedule |
queueHandler | string | Name of a queue handler |
owner | string | Name of the schedule owner |
uuid | string | Schedule UUID |
This table supplies information on jobs in queues.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| string | Job queue item ID |
position | long | Position in the queue |
priority | integer | Item priority |
vdbID | biginteger | Virtual database ID |
jobID | biginteger | Job ID |
scheduleID | biginteger | Schedule ID |
queueHandler | string | Queue handler name |
This table supplies state thread pool information for each job queue handler.
Column Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Id column |
threadName | string | Name of the thread |
| string | Queue handler name |
| string | Name of the queue handler which job is supposed to use |
| biginteger | Id of the virtual database where the job should run |
| biginteger | Id of the running job |
| biginteger | Id of the schedule that triggered the job |
| biginteger | Id of the job run in the SYSLOG.JobLogs system table |
| timestamp | Start time of the job |
| string | jobName value for the running job |
| string | Job description |
| string | Service field providing debug information for our engineers |
This table supplies information on job queue handlers statistics. There is a row for every queue handler and an additional row with queueHandler
name <total>
for total statistics.
Column Name | Type | Description |
queueHandler | string | Queue handler name |
threadCount | integer | Thread count of this queue handler |
maxQueueSize | integer | Shows total max job queue size in <total> row. -1 for all other rows |
currentlyRunning | integer | Number of currently running jobs |
totalRuns | long | Number of finished job runs |
estimatedInQueue | long | Number of jobs in the queue |