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User-defined System Properties Management

User-defined system properties are managed via special procedures described on this page. The two most important things about them are that they are stored per VDB and not available from other VDBs, and that they are readable by all users within a VDB and editable and deletable only by its creator or the administrator.


This procedure adds a new system property:

CREATE FOREIGN PROCEDURE addSystemProperty(IN propType string NOT NULL, IN propKey string NOT NULL, IN properties string NOT NULL, OUT id biginteger NOT NULL RESULT)

It takes the following mandatory parameters:

propTypeType of system property, can be an empty string
propKeySystem property key, unique within a VDB
propertiesSystem property string, can be an empty string or hold a string with spaces and/or special characters

It returns the newly created property's ID, which can be used in other procedures described on this page.


CALL "SYSADMIN.addSystemProperty"(
    "propType" => 'string_propType',
    "propKey" => 'string_propKey',
    "properties" => 'string_properties'


This procedure edits an existing system property by ID:

CREATE FOREIGN PROCEDURE editSystemProperty(IN id biginteger NOT NULL, IN propType string NOT NULL, IN propKey string NOT NULL, IN properties string NOT NULL)

It takes the following mandatory parameters:

idUnique property id
propTypeType of system property, can be an empty string
propKeySystem property key, unique within a VDB
propertiesSystem property string, can be an empty string or hold a string with spaces and/or special characters


CALL "SYSADMIN.editSystemProperty"(
    "id" => biginteger_id,
    "propType" => 'string_propType',
    "propKey" => 'string_propKey',
    "properties" => 'string_properties'


This procedure deletes an existing system property by ID:

CREATE FOREIGN PROCEDURE deleteSystemProperty(IN id biginteger NOT NULL)

It takes a single mandatory parameter: id, the unique property id.


 CALL "SYSADMIN.deleteSystemProperty"("id" => biginteger_id);;
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