VDB, Schema, and Properties
This table provides the current VDB contents.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| string | Path to the contents |
| blob | Contents as a blob |
This table supplies information about the currently connected virtual database, of which there is always precisely one (in the context of a connection).
Column Name | Type | Description |
| string | Name of the VDB |
| string | Version of the VDB |
This table supplies information about all the schemas in the virtual database, including the system schema itself (System).
Column Name | Type | Description |
| string | VDB name |
| string | Schema name |
| boolean |
| string | Unique ID |
| string | Description |
| string | URI for the primary meta-model describing the model used for this schema |
OID | integer | Unique ID |
This table supplies user-defined properties of all objects based on meta-model extensions. Usually, this table is empty if no meta-model extensions are being used.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| string | Extension property name |
| string | Extension property value |
| string | Key unique ID |
| integer | Unique ID |
ClobValue | clob | Clob representation of value, if not NULL |
This table supplies user-defined properties. Stored per VDB, not available from other VDBs.
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | System property unique ID |
| string | System property type |
| string | System property unique key |
| string | Property string |
creationDate | timestamp | System property creation time |
lastModifiedDate | timestamp | System property edit date, if applicable |
creator | string | Creator's username |
modifier | string | Modifier's username, if applicable |
table holds and controls all existing SSH tunnels.
Field name | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
id | biginteger | NOT NULL | Unique identifier |
name | string(255) | NOT NULL | Unique name of an SSH tunnel |
localHost | string(255) | NOT NULL | Host of a client's machine (default: localhost ) |
localPort | integer | NOT NULL | Port of a client's machine |
remoteHost | string(255) | NOT NULL | Host of a remote machine |
remotePort | integer | NOT NULL | Port of a remote machine |
host | string(255) | NOT NULL | Username and host used for connecting to a remote machine via SSH protocol (format: username@host ) |
portForwardingType | string(1) | NOT NULL | Type of SSH port forwarding (default: L ). As the Data Virtuality Server supports only local port forwarding at the moment, the field can have only L value |
sshPort | integer | NOT NULL | Port used by the SSH server on a remote machine (default: 22) |
sshProperties | string | NULL | SSH comma-separated properties in CSV-like form: property1=<value1>,property2=<value2> . Used to provide a timeout, cypher parameters, key parameters like used algorithms, a possibility to provide classes for custom algorithms, and so on |
password | string(255) | NULL | Password used for simple authentication on the SSH server (encrypted) |
passPhrase | string(255) | NULL | Password phrase used in case of a secured private key and key authentication on the SSH server (encrypted) |
privateKey | string(4096) | NULL | Private key used for key authentication on the SSH server |
proxy | string(255) | NULL | Proxy type |
proxyHost | string(255) | Null | Proxy host |
proxyPort | integer | NULL | Proxy port |
proxyUser | string(255) | NULL | Proxy user name. |
proxyPassword | string(255) | NULL | Proxy user password (encrypted). |
state | string(128) | NOT NULL | State of a particular SSH tunnel (possible values: SUCCESS or FAILED ). A special refresh daemon controls all SSH tunnels by a timeout (60 secs) to re-create an SSH tunnel in case it failed |
failureReason | string(4096) | NULL | Failure reason in case a particular SSH tunnel failed |
creationDate | timestamp | NOT NULL | Date of creation of the SSH tunnel |
lastModifiedDate | timestamp | NOT NULL | Date of latest modification of an SSH tunnel |
creator | string(255) | NOT NULL | Username of the person who created the SSH tunnel |
modifier | string(255) | NOT NULL | Username of the person who modified the SSH tunnel |
keyPairId | integer | NULL | ID of a key pair in the SYSADMIN_VDB.SSHCredentials table |
This table holds and controls all key pairs generated by the Data Virtuality Server and used by SSH tunnels:
Field name | Field type | Mandatory | Description |
id | biginteger | NOT NULL | Unique identifier |
name | string | NULL | Name of the key pair. Must be unique |
privateKey | string | NOT NULL | Private key |
publicKey | string | NOT NULL | Public key |
createionDate | timestamp | NOT NULL | Date of creation of the key pair |
creator | string | NOT NULL | Username of the person who created the key pair |
lastModifiedDate | timestamp | NOT NULL | Date of the latest modification of the key pair |
modifier | string | NOT NULL | Username of the person who modified the key pair |