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Cleanup Jobs

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The Data Virtuality Server is equipped with default jobs and schedules for cleaning up the system regularly. The cleanup jobs call all needed cleanup methods internally, without using SQL scripts.

Cleanup for Stale Replicator Tables

This job removes stale tables from the Analytical Storage. By the default schedule, tables older than one day will be removed daily. 

The job can be recreated if absent:

SYSADMIN.createCleanupTaskIfAbsent(OUT id biginteger NOT NULL RESULT)

Cleanup for Finished Job Logs

This job removes all entries older than 14 days from the finished job logs. The 14 days are set by default and can be changed via the Data Virtuality Studio (valid value: between 1 and 100 days).

Cleanup for Finished Query Logs

This job removes all entries older than 14 days from the finished query logs. The 14 days are set by default and can be changed via the Data Virtuality Studio (valid value: between 1 and 100 days).

Cleanup for Old and Never Materialized Optimizations

This job removes all entries for old and never materialized optimizations that are older than 14 days and used less than 15 times. The 14 days and the frequency of 15 are set by default and can be changed via the Data Virtuality Studio (valid values: between 1 and 100 for both days and frequency).

Cleanup for History

This job removes all entries older than 60 days from history. The 60 days is set by default and can be changed via the Data Virtuality Studio (valid value: between 1 and 100 days).

Cleanup for Invalid Indexes

This job removes invalid and orphaned indexes. 

In v2.4.4, cleanup jobs were removed from secondary virtual databases. Their functionality was transferred to cleanup jobs of the master virtual database

The job for cleaning finished job and query logs has been replaced with separate jobs for cleaning finished query logs and cleaning finished job logs since v2.4.14

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