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Copy Over

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The CopyOver method retrieves the current data from a given source and puts it into the local table. If a table with the same name already exists, it will be handled according to the selected cleanup method.




Analytical storage table the data will be put into



Source object the data will come from



Specifies the cleanup method. Valid values:

  • DROP (table will be dropped and recreated); default
  • DELETE (table will be emptied via deletion of all rows)
  • PIPES_PREFER_DROP not set and cleanup_method not set => DROP
  • PIPES_PREFER_DROP set and cleanup_method not set => PIPES_PREFER_DROP
  • PIPES_PREFER_DROP not set and cleanup_method set => cleanup_method
  • PIPES_PREFER_DROP set and cleanup_method set => cleanup_method

CopyOver Jobs

In addition to the CopyOver() method, the Data Virtuality Server also allows using the CopyOver technique on data sources via two procedures: 

  • createCopyOverSourceTableJob()

  • createCopyOverSQLJob()

For changing existing CopyOver jobs, two more procedures are available:

  • changeCopyOverSourceTableJob()

  • changeCopyOverSQLJob()

See Also

Replication Jobs for more information on this type of jobs

Replication Jobs Procedures for detailed information on the related system procedures

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