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File-based Connectors

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The file-based connectors bridge between Data Virtuality Server and local and remote file storage systems. 

Type nameDescriptionSpecific features
ufileAccessing and managing files at local filesystem
ftpAccessing and managing files via FTP
sftpAccessing and managing files via SFTP

scpAccessing and managing files via SCP
s3Accessing and managing files stored at Amazon AWS S3 storage
blobAccessing and managing files stored at Azure Blob Storage


Before issuing queries to the file data source, we need to configure the data source using the appropriate Data Virtuality Server procedures:

CALL SYSADMIN.createConnection( name => <alias>, jbossCLITemplateName => <type name>, 'connectionOrResourceAdapterProperties => '<connector specific setting depending on type>');
CALL SYSADMIN.createDatasource( name => <alias>, translator => 'ufile', modelProperties => '', translatorProperties => '');

(info) The translator has to be ufile for all file-based data sources.

(info) Data Virtuality Studio provides a comfortable way to connect to data sources using graphical wizards. To do so, use the corresponding data source type under the File section in the Add data source wizard.


File data sources are utilizing stored procedures shared by all file-based connectors to gather data from their sources. These data may be further processed by the Data Virtuality Server. This is commonly done with table functions (like TABLE, TEXTTABLE, and XMLTABLE) in combination with parsing functions depending on a data structure.

(info) Data Virtuality Studio provides a variety of Query Builders for that purpose. They allow an easy specification for file encoding and structure of data. These Query Builders are accessible via SQL editor -> Tools.

Stored Procedures Shared by All File-based Connectors

To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner

Procedure nameInput parameter (data type / nulls allowed)Example call & purpose

pathAndPattern (string / not null)

Retrieves all files as blobs with an optional extension at the given path.

If the extension path is specified, then it will filter all of the file in the directory referenced by the base path.

If the extension pattern is not specified and the path is a directory, then all files in the directory will be returned. Otherwise, the single file referenced will be returned.


CALL <alias>.getFiles('pathAndPattern')


CALL s3.getFiles('marketing/*.csv')

pathAndPattern (string / not null)

Retrieves all files as clobs with an optional extension at the given path.

All the same files as with getFiles will be retrieved, the only difference is that the results will be clob values.


CALL <alias>.getTextFiles('pathAndPattern')


CALL s3.getTextFiles('marketing/*.csv')

pathAndPattern (string / not null)

value (clob, blob, xml / not null)

Saves the clob, blob or xml value to given path. The path should reference a new file location or an existing file to overwrite completely. Both absolute and relative paths are valid as input.


CALL <alias>.saveFile('pathAndPattern', value)

(info) PathAndPattern has slightly different meaning here than for the other file based connector procedures. Actually its specifiing path and filename, not a pattern.


CALL <alias>.saveFile('marketing/july_2016.csv', (SELECT cast(data as xml) FROM report_server.marketing_data_july_2016));


pathAndPattern (string / not null)

Lists all files from specified directory.


CALL <alias>.listFile('pathAndPattern')


CALL s3.getTextFiles('marketing/*.csv'))


pathAndPattern (string / not null)

Deletes all files matching the pattern.


CALL <alias>.deleteFile('pathAndPattern')

CALL <alias>.deleteFile('') will delete all files in the directory without further confirmation.
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