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Google Ads Predicates

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The following keywords can be used as predicates in Google Ads reports:

EQUALSChecks if the field is equal to the given value.

This operator is used with integers, dates, booleans, strings, enums, and sets.

NOT_EQUALSChecks if the field does not equal the given value.

This operator is used with integers, booleans, strings, enums, and sets.

INChecks if the field is equal to one of the given values.

This operator accepts multiple operands and is used with integers, booleans, strings, and enums.

NOT_INChecks if the field does not equal any of the given values.

This operator accepts multiple operands and is used with integers, booleans, strings, and enums.

GREATER_THANChecks if the field is greater than the given value.

This operator is used with numbers and dates.

GREATER_THAN_EQUALSChecks if the field is greater or equal to the given value.

This operator is used with numbers and dates.

LESS_THANChecks if the field is less than the given value.

This operator is used with numbers and dates.

LESS_THAN_EQUALSChecks if the field is less or equal to than the given value.

This operator is used with numbers and dates.

STARTS_WITHChecks if the field starts with the given value.

This operator is used with strings.

STARTS_WITH_IGNORE_CASEChecks if the field starts with the given value, ignoring case.

This operator is used with strings.

CONTAINSChecks if the field contains the given value as a substring.

This operator is used with strings.

CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASEChecks if the field contains the given value as a substring, ignoring case.

This operator is used with strings.

DOES_NOT_CONTAINChecks if the field does not contain the given value as a substring.

This operator is used with strings.

DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASEChecks if the field does not contain the given value as a substring, ignoring case.

This operator is used with strings.

CONTAINS_ANYChecks if the field contains any of the given values.

This operator accepts multiple values and is used on sets of numbers or strings.

CONTAINS_ALLChecks if the field contains all of the given values.

This operator accepts multiple values and is used on sets of numbers or strings.

CONTAINS_NONEChecks if the field contains none of the given values.

This operator accepts multiple values and is used on sets of numbers or strings.

Keywords CONTAINS_ANY, CONTAINS_ALL, CONTAINS_NONE, UNKNOWN can only be used with labels.

 Fields whose data type is double can be used only with the following operators in predicates: LESS_THAN or GREATER_THAN.

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