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Importing SSL Certificate

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Getting Certificate from Remote Host

The certificate needs to be downloaded from the host. There are different ways to obtain such a certificate:

  • Via browser:
    • For web services: use the browser built-in mechanism to download a certificate;
    • FTPS: use Firefox browser with the fireFTP addon (does not work in Google Chrome).
  • Via the command line using openssl:

    openssl s_client -connect <host>:<port> -starttls ftp > <cert>.pem
    The -starttls ftp option is only needed for FTPS certificates.

Importing Certificate into Data Virtuality Server

The certificate obtained from the remote host needs to be imported into the keystore of the JDK used by the Data Virtuality Server. 

The default password for the java keystore is changeit, and the keytool to modify the keystore is shipped with Java and can be found in the JDK/bin folder. 

Importing Certificate into Data Virtuality Server Using Embedded JDK

Data Virtuality Servers uses an embedded JDK, so the certificate needs to be imported into the keystore of this JDK as follows:

keytool -keystore /opt/datavirtuality/dvserver/JDK/lib/security/cacerts -import -alias <alias> -file /path/to/cert -storepass changeit

Getting Certificate from Remote Host

The certificate needs to be downloaded from the host. There are different ways to obtain such a certificate:

  • Via browser:
    • For web services: use the browser built-in mechanism to download a certificate;
    • FTPS: use Firefox browser with the fireFTP addon (does not work in Google Chrome).
  • Via the command line using openssl:

    openssl s_client -connect <host>:<port> -starttls ftp > <cert>.pem
    The -starttls ftp option is only needed for FTPS certificates.

Importing Certificate into Data Virtuality Server

The certificate obtained from the remote host needs to be imported into the keystore of the JDK used by the Data Virtuality Server. 

The default password for the java keystore is changeit, and the keytool to modify the keystore is shipped with Java and can be found in the JDK/bin folder. 

Importing Certificate into Data Virtuality Server Using Embedded JDK

Data Virtuality Servers uses an embedded JDK, so the certificate needs to be imported into the keystore of this JDK as follows:

keytool -keystore /opt/datavirtuality/dvserver/JDK/lib/security/cacerts -import -alias <alias> -file /path/to/cert -storepass changeit
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