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Information Schema

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The information_schema is an ANSI-standard set of read-only views which provide information about all of the tables, views and columns in the data sources configured in the Data Virtuality Server.


The Columns view contains information about all table and view columns in the data sources configured in the Data Virtuality Server. Visibility is determined by the user's access permissions. 

To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner

Column nameColumn data typeColumn description
character_maximum_lengthintegerThe declared maximum length for data types where applicable; null for all other data types or if no maximum length was declared
character_octet_lengthstringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
character_set_catalogstringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
character_set_namestringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
character_set_schemastringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
collation_catalogstringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
column_defaultstringDefault expression of the column
column_namestringName of the column
datetime_precisionintegerIf the data type identifies a date, time, timestamp, or interval type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) fractional seconds precision of the type for this column, that is, the number of decimal digits maintained following the decimal point in the seconds value. For all other data types, this column is null
is_nullablestringYES if the column is possibly nullable, NO if it is known not nullable
is_updatablestringYES if the column is updatable, NO if not
numeric_precisionintegerIf the data type identifies a numeric type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) precision of the type for this column
numeric_precision_radixintegerIf the data type identifies a numeric type, this column indicates in which base the values in the columns numeric_precision and numeric_scale are expressed
numeric_scaleintegerIf the data type identifies an exact numeric type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) scale of the type for this column. The scale indicates the number of significant digits to the right of the decimal point
ordinal_positionintegerOrdinal position of the column within the table (count starts at 1)
table_catalogstringName of the virtual database containing the table/view
table_namestringName of the table/view
table_schemastringName of the schema containing the table/view
udt_namestringName of the column data type


The Tables view contains all tables and views configured in the Data Virtuality Server. Visibility is determined by the user's access permissions. 

Column nameColumn data typeColumn description
table_catalogstringName of the virtual database containing the table/view
table_namestringName of the table/view
table_schemastringName of the schema containing the table/view
table_typestringType of the table: SYSTEM BASE TABLE, BASE TABLE, SYSTEM VIEW, VIEW


The Views view contains all the views configured in the Data Virtuality Server. Visibility is determined by the user's access permissions. 

Column nameColumn data typeColumn description
check_optionstringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_insertable_intostringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_trigger_deletablestringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_trigger_insertable_intostringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_trigger_updatablestringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_updatablestring YES if the view is updatable (allows UPDATE and DELETE), NO otherwise
table_catalogstringName of the virtual database containing the view
table_namestringName of the view
table_schemastringName of the schema containing the view
view_definitionstringQuery expression defining the view 

The information_schema is an ANSI-standard set of read-only views which provide information about all of the tables, views and columns in the data sources configured in the Data Virtuality Server.


The Columns view contains information about all table and view columns in the data sources configured in the Data Virtuality Server. Visibility is determined by the user's access permissions. 

Column nameColumn data typeColumn description
character_maximum_lengthintegerThe declared maximum length for data types where applicable; null for all other data types or if no maximum length was declared
character_octet_lengthstringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
character_set_catalogstringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
character_set_namestringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
character_set_schemastringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
collation_catalogstringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
column_defaultstringDefault expression of the column
column_namestringName of the column
datetime_precisionintegerIf the data type identifies a date, time, timestamp, or interval type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) fractional seconds precision of the type for this column, that is, the number of decimal digits maintained following the decimal point in the seconds value. For all other data types, this column is null
is_nullablestringYES if the column is possibly nullable, NO if it is known not nullable
is_updatablestringYES if the column is updatable, NO if not
numeric_precisionintegerIf the data type identifies a numeric type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) precision of the type for this column
numeric_precision_radixintegerIf the data type identifies a numeric type, this column indicates in which base the values in the columns numeric_precision and numeric_scale are expressed
numeric_scaleintegerIf the data type identifies an exact numeric type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) scale of the type for this column. The scale indicates the number of significant digits to the right of the decimal point
ordinal_positionintegerOrdinal position of the column within the table (count starts at 1)
table_catalogstringName of the virtual database containing the table/view
table_namestringName of the table/view
table_schemastringName of the schema containing the table/view
udt_namestringName of the column data type


The Tables view contains all tables and views configured in the Data Virtuality Server. Visibility is determined by the user's access permissions. 

Column nameColumn data typeColumn description
table_catalogstringName of the virtual database containing the table/view
table_namestringName of the table/view
table_schemastringName of the schema containing the table/view
table_typestringType of the table: SYSTEM BASE TABLE, BASE TABLE, SYSTEM VIEW, VIEW


The Views view contains all the views configured in the Data Virtuality Server. Visibility is determined by the user's access permissions. 

Column nameColumn data typeColumn description
check_optionstringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_insertable_intostringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_trigger_deletablestringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_trigger_insertable_intostringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_trigger_updatablestringApplies to feature not available in Data Virtuality
is_updatablestring YES if the view is updatable (allows UPDATE and DELETE), NO otherwise
table_catalogstringName of the virtual database containing the view
table_namestringName of the view
table_schemastringName of the schema containing the view
view_definitionstringQuery expression defining the view 
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