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Installing Data Virtuality ODBC (macOS)

You are looking at an older version of the documentation. The latest version is found here.

Installing iODBC

Before installing the Data Virtuality ODBC, please Install the latest stable version of iODBC from iODBC Downloads.

Installing Data Virtuality ODBC Driver

  1. Download the file from the Data Virtuality web interface.
  2. Unzip the archive.
  3. Copy the 'DataVirtualityODBC' folder to /Library/ODBC/ODBCDataSources.
  4. Install the driver in /Library/ODBC/odbcinst.ini by adding the following:
[ODBC Drivers]
DataVirtuality Unicode(x64) = Installed

[DataVirtuality Unicode(x64)]
Driver = /Library/ODBC/ODBCDataSources/DataVirtualityODBC/


Creating DSN via the odbc.ini file

Create a DSN by editing /Library/ODBC/odbc.ini. Add the following snippet and adapt values as needed:

[ODBC Data Sources]
dvodbc = Data Virtuality ODBC Driver

Driver = /Library/ODBC/ODBCDataSources/DataVirtualityODBC/
database = datavirtuality
servername = <ip or hostname>
port = 35432
username = <your username>
password = <your password>

For SSL, the default port is 35433, and the sslMode parameter needs to be added and set to something different from 'disabled' (allow, prefer, required, ...).

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