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JDBC Driver Installation and Connection

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If your business intelligence tools use the JDBC protocol, you need to install a special JDBC driver included with the Data Virtuality Suite or downloadable from our web server. This manual describes how to install it and gives an example.

Driver Installation

The driver is basically a file called datavirtuality-jdbc.jar. If you have the Data Virtuality Suite installed, it is found in ..\Data Virtuality Suite\Drivers, and if not, you can download the file from the server. 

To install the driver, you must add it in your tool settings and indicate the file path to it. If you have downloaded the driver file separately, you can put it in any convenient folder (such as the tool's folder).

For setting up the connection, you need to know the driver class and the JDBC URL. The driver class for our driver is com.datavirtuality.dv.jdbc.Driver, and the JDBC URL should be in the following form: jdbc:datavirtuality:<vdb-name>@mm[s]://<host>:<port> [;prop-name=prop-value].

Our JDBC URLs are as follows:

  • Simple connection string: jdbc:datavirtuality:datavirtuality@mm://localhost:31000
  • SSL connection string (recommended): jdbc:datavirtuality:datavirtuality@mms://localhost:31001

URL components:

<vdb-name>Name of the VDB you are connecting to. Primary VDB is called datavirtuality
mm/mmsJDBC protocol, mm for simple channel and mms for secure channel
hostServer where the Data Virtuality Server is installed
portPort on which the Data Virtuality Server is listening for incoming JDBC connections. Default: 31000 for simple connection/31001 for secure connection
[;prop-name=prop-value] Optional component where you can supply any number of name-value pairs separated by semi-colon [;]. For a list of all compatible URL properties, see URL Connection Properties below. Property values should be URL encoded if they contain reserved characters, e.g. (’?’, '=', ';', etc.)

host and port may be a comma-separated list to specify multiple hosts.

URL Connection Properties

The following table shows all the connection properties you can use with the Data Virtuality JDBC Driver URL connection string, or on the Data Virtuality JDBC Data Source class.




Name of the client application; allows the administrator to identify the connections



Size of the resultset. Default: 500. ⇐0 indicates that the default should be used



Enable/disable partial results mode. Default: FALSE



Only applies when autoCommit is set to TRUE. This determines how an executed command must be transactionally wrapped inside the Data Virtuality engine to maintain the data integrity.

Possible values:

  • ON: always wrap the command in a distributed transaction

  • OFF: never wrap the command in a distributed transaction

  • DETECT (default): if the executed command spans more than one source, it automatically uses distributed transaction



If TRUE, the autoCommit setting, commit, and rollback will be ignored for local transactions. Default: FALSE



User name



User password



Sets the parsing behaviour for double-quoted entries in SQL. If set to TRUE, parses doubled quoted entries as identifiers. If set to FALSE, then double-quoted values that are valid string literals will be parsed as string literals. Default: TRUE



Version number of the VDB



ResultSet caching is turned on/off. Default: FALSE



If TRUE, will automatically select a new server instance after a communication exception. Default: FALSE. This is typically not needed when connections are managed, as the connection can be purged from the pool. If TRUE in embedded mode, connections will reconnect to a newer VDB of the same name/version



(typically not set as a connection property)

Possible values:

  • ON: returns the query plan along with the results

  • DEBUG: additionally prints the query planner debug information in the log and returns it with the results. Both the plan and the log are available through JDBC API extensions

  • OFF (default)



(typically not set as a connection property)

Possible values:

  • ON: prevents query execution, but parsing and planning will still occur

  • OFF (default)



Default query timeout in seconds. Must be >= 0. 0 indicates no timeout. Can be overridden by Statement.setQueryTimeout. Default: 0



A change was made in JDBC4 to return unaliased column names as the ResultSetMetadata column name. Before this, if a column alias was used, it was returned as the column name. Setting this property to FALSE will enable backwards compatibility with JDBC3 and earlier. Default: TRUE



Only applies to non-SSL socket connections. When set to TRUE, the request message and any associate payload will be encrypted using the connection encryptor. Default: FALSE



In some situations, tooling may choose undesirable fetch sizes for processing results. To disable honoring ResultSet.setFetchSize, set to TRUE. Default: FALSE



Login timeout in seconds. Must be >= 0. 0 indicates no specific timeout, but other timeouts may apply. An exception will be thrown if a connection cannot be created in approximately the timeout value. A default of 0 does not mean that the login will wait indefinitely. Typically if an active VDB cannot be found, the login will fail at that time. Local connections that specify a vdb version however can wait by default for up to the time specified in the  org.teiid.clientVdbLoadTimeoutMillis[org.teiid.clientVdbLoadTimeoutMillis property



If TRUE, the Data Virtuality Server will report views as a VIEW table type. If FALSE, views will be reported as a TABLE. Default: TRUE

Example Using the SQuirrel SQL Client

In this example, we show how to add the driver if the file has been downloaded separately and put into the tool's folder. If you have the Data Virtuality Suite installed, you can indicate the file path to the file in the Suite's Drivers folder.

  1. Open Squirrel and press the '+' sign on drivers, or use Drivers → New Driver in the menu.
  2. Set a name for the driver (e.g. 'dv').
  3. Enter example URL: jdbc:datavirtuality:datavirtuality@mm://localhost:31000.

  4. Switch to the Extra Class Path tab, click Add, and find the datavirtuality-jdbc.jar file in your filesystem (in this example, it has been put into the tool's folder):

  5. Click  List Drivers. The Class Name field should have com.datavirtuality.dv.jdbc.Driver in it.
  6. Click OK to save the driver configuration.
  7. Click on the Alias tab and press the + sign to add an alias.
  8. Choose your alias name set up at Step 2 (in our example, dv) in the URL selection field.
    This is how it looks like at this step:

  9. Enter your credentials and connect.
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