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Memory Configuration

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Memory Settings

Running the Data Virtuality Server requires a considerable amount of memory. Providing and configuring the memory is crucial for a fast and stable server installation, especially when the Data Virtuality Server has to perform many operations or handle vast amounts of data. 

Memory for the Data Virtuality Server is configured via JVM-based memory settings and BufferManager settings.

The Data Virtuality Server has an auto-adjust mechanism to configure memory usage according to your local resources.


The Data Virtuality Server startup script configures memory settings as indicated in section "Memory Settings Recommendations" automatically on bootstrap. 

You can configure the script using the analytic_storage_on_different_host_dv parameter in %pathToDVserver%/bin/standalone.conf (Linux)/ %pathToDVserver%\bin\standalone.conf.bat (Windows) files:

  • 0 (default) if the analytical storage and the Data Virtuality Server are on the same host
  • 1 if the analytical storage and the Data Virtuality Server use different hosts

Configuration Files

You can find memory settings in the following files:

Operating SystemFileComment

contains JVM based memory settings

Windows%pathToDVserver%\bin\standalone.conf.batcontains JVM based memory settings
Linux/Windows%pathToDVserver%/standalone/configuration/dvserver-standalone.xmlcontains memory settings of the application server

On Windows platforms, it is possible to configure JVM memory settings in different files.

We do not recommend doing this! If memory settings are found in different locations, the server will use the ones read last.

If you find duplicate startup options in the boot.log file, remove memory settings from all locations other then standalone.conf.bat. They may reside in the following places:

  • %pathToDVserver%\bin\standalone.bat
  • %pathToDVserver%\bin\service.bat

JVM Settings

You can configure the memory settings of the Data Virtuality Server process via the JVM settings. It is important to properly configure the amount of heap memory and allocated total memory.

JVM optionExampleComment
-Xms-Xms8912MMinimum amount of heap memory -Xms and -Xmx may be set to equal values
-Xmx-Xmx8912MMaximum amount of heap memory -Xms and -Xmx may be set to equal values
-XX:MaxPermSize-XX:MaxPermSize=2048MAmount of startup heap memorySetting MaxPermSize will allow determining the startup memory of the JVM and should be set to run the server. It is possible to use a lower setting, but this will only increase used memory shortly after startup. You can find more information on JVM settings and their handling in the Oracle Java documentation.

Maximum total size for new Java I/O package direct buffer allocations

-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize (JVM setting) may not be less than the sum of memory-buffer-space and max-storage-object-size
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128mSize of cache used to store code which Java's compiler will access

BufferManager Settings

BufferManager is responsible for tracking memory and disk usage by the Data Virtuality Server. Configuring the BufferManager properly is one of the most important parts of ensuring high performance.

Settings for the BufferManager are stored in the %pathToDVserver%\standalone\configuration\dvserver-standalone.xml file in the Data Virtuality Server folder, section buffer-service.

Sample settings in dvserver-standalone.xml

<buffer-service memory-buffer-off-heap="true" max-storage-object-size="134217728"/>
Application Server SettingDefault Value Description Remarks

Total size of batches that the BufferManager can hold in memory.

The default value  -1 will auto-calculate a typical max based upon the max heap available to the VM

Specified in KB without a measurement unit

Total size of batches that can be used by active plans regardless of the memory held based on max-reserve-kb.

The default value of -1 will auto-calculate a typical max based upon the max heap available to the VM and max active plan

Specified in KB without a measurement unit
max-file-size2048 (in MB)
Specified in MB without a measurement unit
max-buffer-space51200 (in MB, i.e., 50GB)
Specified in MB without a measurement unit
max-storage-object-size134217728 (in bytes)

Sizing for max-storage-object-size is in terms of serialized size, which will be much closer to the raw data size than the Java memory footprint estimation used for max-reserve-kb.
max-storage-object-size should not be set too large relatively to memory-buffer-space since it will reduce the performance of the memory buffer. The memory buffer supports only one concurrent writer for each max-storage-object-size of memory-buffer-space

Specified in bytes without a measurement unit

Setting memory-buffer-off-heap to TRUE will allocate the DataVirtuality Server memory buffer off-heap.

Depending on whether your system runs only the Data Virtuality Server and the amount of system memory available, this may be preferable to on-heap allocation. The primary benefit is additional memory usage without additional garbage collection tuning. This becomes especially important in situations where more than 32GB of memory is desired for the VM. Note that when using off-heap allocation, the memory must still be available to the java process and that setting the value of memoryBufferSpace too high may cause the VM to swap rather than reside in memory.


Determines how much memory exactly the server can use for buffers/memory-buffer-space setting controls the amount of on or off-heap memory allocated as byte buffers for use by the buffer manager.

The default value  -1 automatically determines a setting based upon whether it is on or off-heap, and the value for max-reserve-kb. You can use the buffer manager memory buffer to access system memory without allocating it to the heap.

buffer-service element of dvserver-standalone.xml

Specified in MB without a measurement unit

In systems where extensive intermediate results are normal (scrolling cursors or sorting over millions of rows), you can consider increasing max-processing-kb and decreasing max-reserve-kb so that each request has access to an effectively smaller buffer space. Each intermediate result buffer, temporary LOB, and the temporary table are stored in their own set of buffer files, where an individual file is limited to max-file-size megabytes. Consider increasing the storage space available to all such files if your installation uses internal materialization, makes heavy use of SQL/XML, or processes large row counts. 


General Recommendations

Analytical Storage on

host as DataVirtuality Server


6575% of available RAM

8085% of available RAM

-Xms, -Xmx

60% of MaxDirectMemorySize


10% of Xms

14% of Xms


yes, if Xms >= 12GB RAM


50% of MaxDirectMemorySize

-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize256MB RAM

Example: Recommendations for a System with 32 GB of RAM

Analytical Storage on




host as Data Virtuality Server




-Xms, -Xmx


16 GB










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