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Permission Management

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SYSADMIN.setPermissions(<IN string role_name>, <IN string resourceName>, <IN string permissions>, <IN string condition>, <IN string mask>, <IN integer maskOrder>)

Mandatory Parameters



Any resource path, e.g. "model", "model.table", or "model.table.column"


Consists of the first letters of all available types of permissions (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE, EXECUTE, ALTER, LANGUAGE).
To delete a particular permission setting created earlier, pass NULL to the permissions parameter.

Optional Parameters

The three optional strings allow you to use row-based security settings and column masking.



Defines row-based security condition


Defines column mask value


Defines mask order if there are several masks for one column

Here is an example in which "*" assigns all resources to the given permission:

CALL SYSADMIN.setPermissions('example_role', '*', 'CRUDEAL')

All permissions are stored in the SYSADMIN.Permissions table accessible to the admin user, and every user with permission for this table.

Permissions are only applied to new sessions (new tabs in the Data Virtuality Studio, SquirreL, etc.) and are not applied to already created sessions (already open tabs).
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