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Query Plan and Data Lineage

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This procedure returns a data lineage plan for the specified SQL query in XML format.

SYSADMIN.getDataLineage(IN "sql" string NOT NULL) RETURNS (dataLineage xml NOT NULL)

It has the following parameters:

sqlString representing the SQL query to build the plan for
dataLineageData lineage plan in XML format


This procedure returns the data lineage for a given query.

SYSADMIN.getDataLineageWithRelationsOnly(IN "sql" string NOT NULL, IN "level" integer, OUT targetSchema string NOT NULL, OUT targetTableName string NOT NULL, OUT targetColumnName string NOT NULL, OUT sourceSchema string, OUT sourceTableName string, OUT sourceColumnName string)

It has the following parameters:

sqlString representing the SQL query to find relations

Maximum depth until which the lineage is returned. If set to NULL, the whole lineage is returned.

Example of usage:

SELECT * FROM SYSADMIN.getDataLineageWithRelationsOnly('SELECT id FROM views.view_test_datalineage') a;


This procedure returns a query plan for the specified entry in the SYSLOG.QueryLogs system table in XML format.

SYSLOG.getQueryLogPlan(IN logId biginteger NOT NULL, OUT queryPlan string RESULT)

It takes the following parameters:

logIdID of the entry in the SYSLOG.QueryLogs system table
queryPlanQuery plan in XML format


This procedure returns a data lineage plan for the specified entry in the SYSLOG.QueryLogs system table in XML format.

SYSLOG.getQueryLogDataLineage(IN logId biginteger NOT NULL, OUT dataLineage string RESULT)

It takes the following parameters:

logIdID of the entry in the SYSLOG.QueryLogs system table
dataLineageData lineage plan in XML format
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