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In order to use the SAP ADS data source, please install the SAP ADS JDBC driver as follows:
- Stop the Data Virtuality Server.
- Place the SAP ADS JDBC driver in the %dvserver%/modules/system/layers/base/com/sap/ads/main/ folder.
Check the module.xml file and change the driver JAR file name if applicable.
Open the %dvserver%/standalone/configuration/dvserver-standalone.xml file, find the <drivers> section, and enter the following code:
CODE<driver name="sapads" module=""> <driver-class>com.extendedsystems.jdbc.advantage.ADSDriver</driver-class> </driver>
Open the %dvserver%/modules/system/layers/base/com/datavirtuality/dv/translator/sap/ads/main/module.xml file, find the <dependencies> section, and enter the following code:
CODE<module name="" />
Start the Data Virtuality Server.