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This procedure creates a virtual database:

SYSADMIN_VDB.createVdb("name" => 'string_name');;


CALL "SYSADMIN_VDB.createVdb"("name" => 'newVDB');;


This procedure removes a virtual database by ID:

SYSADMIN_VDB.dropVdb("id" => biginteger_id);;

To view the ID of the virtual database you need to delete, you can use the SYSADMIN_VDB.VirtualDatabases table.

Please be aware that this operation cannot be undone, and a dropped virtual database is gone for good.


CALL "SYSADMIN_VDB.dropVdb"("id" => 10);;


This procedure gets the translator-related client secret:

SYSADMIN_VDB.getJavaProp(IN key1 string NOT NULL, OUT value1 string RESULT)


CALL "SYSADMIN_VDB.getJavaProp"("key1" => 'user.language');;


This procedure sets the translator-related client secret:

SYSADMIN_VDB.setJavaProp(IN key1 string NOT NULL, IN value1 string)


CALL "SYSADMIN_VDB.setJavaProp"("key1" => 'user.language', "value1" => 'en');;


This procedure creates an SSH tunnel. It takes the following parameters:

To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner

Parameter nameParameter typeMandatoryDescription
namestringNOT NULLUnique name of an SSH tunnel
localHoststringNULLHost of a client's machine (default: localhost)
localPortintegerNOT NULLPort of a client's machine
remoteHoststringNOT NULLHost of a remote machine
remotePortintegerNOT NULLPort of a remote machine
hoststringNOT NULLUsername and host used for connecting to a remote machine via SSH protocol (format: username@host)
sshKeyPairIdintegerNULLID of a key-pair in the SYSADMIN_VDB.SSHCredentials table
sshPortintegerNULLPort used by SSH server on a remote machine (default: 22)
sshPropertiesstringNULLSSH comma-separated properties in CSV-like form: property1=<value1>,property2=<value2>. Used to provide a timeout, cypher parameters, key parameters like used algorithms, a possibility to provide classes for custom algorithms, and so on
passwordstringNULLPassword used for simple authentication on the SSH server
passPhrasestringNULLPassword phrase used in case of a secured private key and key authentication on the SSH server
privateKeyPathstringNULLPrivate key path or the private key itself as a string in case of key authentication on the SSH server


string NULL Possible values: NONE, HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties will be considered)
proxyHost string NULL Host address of the proxy (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties  will be considered)
proxyPortinteger NULL Port used by the proxy (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties  will be considered)
proxyUserstring NULL User at the proxy (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties  will be considered)
proxyPasswordstring NULL Password for the proxy server (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties  will be considered)

sshKeyPairId parameter is available since v2.4.2.3


This procedure removes an SSH tunnel. It takes the following parameter:

Parameter nameParameter typeMandatoryDescription
namestringNOT NULLUnique name of the SSH tunnel intended for removal


This procedure imports or refreshes an SSH tunnel. It takes the following parameters:

To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner

Parameter nameParameter typeMandatoryDescription
namestringNOT NULLUnique name of an SSH tunnel
localHoststringNULLHost of a client's machine (default: localhost)
localPortintegerNOT NULLPort of a client's machine
remoteHoststringNOT NULLHost of a remote machine
remotePortintegerNOT NULLPort of a remote machine
hoststringNOT NULLUsername and host used for connecting to a remote machine via SSH protocol (format: username@host)
portForwardingType stringNULLType of SSH port forwarding (L by default). As the Data Virtuality Server supports only local port forwarding at the moment, the field can have only the L value
sshKeyPairIdintegerNULLID of a key-pair in the SYSADMIN_VDB.SSHCredentials table
sshPortintegerNULLPort used by SSH Server on a remote machine (default: 22)
encryptedSshPropertiesstringNULLSSH comma-separated properties in CSV-like form: property1=<value1>,property2=<value2>. Used to provide a timeout, cypher parameters, key parameters like used algorithms, a possibility to provide classes for custom algorithms, and so on. It can consist of sensitive data, and this is why the value should be encrypted
encryptedPasswordstringNULLEncrypted password used for simple authentication on the SSH server
encryptedPassPhrasestringNULLEncrypted password phrase used in case of secured private key and key authentication on the SSH server
encryptedPrivateKeystringNULLEncrypted private key in case of key authentication on the SSH server


string NULL Possible values: NONE, HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties will be considered)
proxyHost string NULL Address of the proxy (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties will be considered)
proxyPort string NULL Port used by proxy (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties  will be considered)
proxyUserstring NULL User at the proxy (if this setting is not set via importSSHTunnel, proxy configuration set via System Properties  will be considered)


string NULL Encrypted password for the proxy server
sshPropertiesstringNULLSSH comma-separated properties in CSV-like form: property1=<value1>,property2=<value2>. Used to provide a timeout, cypher parameters, key parameters like used algorithms, a possibility to provide classes for custom algorithms, and so on
passwordstringNULLPassword used for a simple authentication on the SSH server
passPhrasestringNULLPassword phrase used in case of a secured private key and key authentication on the SSH server
privateKeystringNULLPrivate key in case of key authentication on the SSH server


stringNULLPassword for the proxy server

sshKeyPairId parameter is available since v2.4.2.3


This procedure creates a key pair. It takes the following parameters:

Parameter nameParameter typeMandatoryDescription
namestringNULLUnique name of a key pair
publicKeystringNOT NULLPublic key
idintegerNOT NULLID of the key pair


This procedure renames a key pair. It takes the following parameters:

Parameter nameParameter typeMandatoryDescription
namestringNOT NULLUnique name of a key pair
publicKeystringNOT NULLPublic key
idintegerNOT NULLID of the key pair


This procedure removes a key pair. It takes the following parameters:

Parameter nameParameter typeMandatoryDescription
idintegerNOT NULLID of the key pair


This procedure creates a key pair. It takes the following parameters:

Parameter nameParameter typeMandatoryDescription
namestringNULLUnique name of a key pair
publicKeystringNULLPublic key
privateKeystringNULLPrivate key
encryptedPrivateKeystringNULLEncrypted private key
idintegerNOT NULLID of the key pair

SSHKeyPair functionality is available since v2.4.2.3

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