Third-party Open Source Components
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Third-party Open Source Components
Data Virtuality Suite comprises the following components:
- Data Virtuality Server
- Data Virtuality Studio
- Data Virtuality JDBC Driver (part of Data Virtuality Server)
- Data Virtuality ODBC Drivers (Windows/Debian/RedHat x32 and x64)
- Documentation
The following chapter describes which open source packages are used by each component of the Data Virtuality Suite.
Data Virtuality Server
Data Virtuality Server has been created using the the following third-party open source software::
- WildFly Application Server 19.1.0.Final (LGPL 2.1)
- wildfly-server (LGPL 2.1)
- wildfly-cli (LGPL 2.1)
- wildfly-controller (LGPL 2.1)
- wildfly-controller-client (LGPL 2.1),
- wildfly-jpa (LGPL 2.1)
- wildfly-elytron (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- wildfly-logging (LGPL 2.1)
- wildfly-naming (LGPL 2.1)
- wildfly-naming-client (LGPL 2.1)
- wildfly-connector (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- wildfly-security (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- undertow-server (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- jboss-logging (LGPL 2.1)
- ironjacamar (LGPL 2.1)
- xom (LGPL 2.1)
- jboss-vfs (LGPL 2.1)
- jboss teiid v.8.1.0.Final (LGPL 2.1)
- hibernate-core (LGPL 2.1)
- jakarta-oro (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- jakarta.activation-api (Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0)
- ddlutils (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- Apache Commons (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- mongo-java-driver (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- google-api-client (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- google-api-services-analytics (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- google-http-client (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- google-oauth-client (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- json-simple (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- quartz (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- saxonhe (Mozilla Public License 2.0)
- nux (proprietary,
- ftp4j (LGPL 2.1)
- excel-streaming-reader (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- reflections (WTFPL, v.2)
- open-replicator (Apache Software License 2.0)
- log4j (Apache Software License, v.2.0)
- slf4j (MIT)
Data Virtuality Studio
Data Virtuality Studio has been created using following third-party open source software and resources:
- Eclipse RCP Platform (EPL)
- OPAL library (EPL)
- c3p0 (LGPL 2.1 or EPL)
- Google Guava (Apache License 2.0)
- Apache Logging Services (Apache License 2.0)
- Quartz Scheduler (Apache License 2.0)
- Simple Logging Facade for Java (MIT)
- JSON Object (The JSON License)
- Apache Commons (Apache License 2.0)
- OpenCSV (Apache License 2.0)
- Cron Parser (MIT)
- Joda Time (Apache License 2.0)
- Entypo icons 3.6.3 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Data Virtuality ODBC Driver (x32/x64)
Data Virtuality ODBC Driver (x32/x64) is licensed under GPL v.2 and based on the PostgreSQL ODBC Driver.
Original Driver is licensed under GNU GPL v.2.
This documentation is licensed under LGPL 2.1 and extends on the Teiid 8.1 Document Space licensed under the following license:
Copyright © 2011 by Red Hat, Inc. This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Red Hat and the Red Hat "Shadow Man" logo are registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.