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This procedure sets the SMTP configuration required by the sendMail procedure. 

Please note that omitting parameters or specifying a null value/empty string for them will not change the value in the SMTP configuration. All parameters may be omitted or set to null.


CALL "UTILS.importSmtpConfiguration"(
    "hostname" => 'string_hostname',
    "port" => integer_port,
    "ssl" => boolean_ssl,
	"starttls" => boolean_tls,
    "username" => 'string_username',
    "password" => 'string_password',
	"fromAddr" => 'string_fromAddr'


hostnameNew SMTP server hostname
portNew SMTP server port
sslNew SSL setting
starttlsNew TLS setting
usernameNew SMTP server username
passwordNew SMTP server encrypted password. To set an unencrypted password, setSmtpConfiguration may be used
fromAddrNew email address to be used as a "from" address; mandatory

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